HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Armory/Community Center Pay Request #6 Y � _ - CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:June 15, 1993 AGENDA ITENl: Armory / Community Center AGENDA SECTION: Pay Request #6 New Business PREPARED BY:Stephan Jilk AGENDA NO. �� � • ATTACFIlKENTS: Pay Request RO BY: This is a request for approval of pay request #6, City share only, for the construction of the Armory and Community Center. This pay request has been reviewed and approved by the architect, the State and city staff and has been found to be in order. This is the second billing based on percentage of work completed as will be the procedure from now on until completion. I RECObIl�ENDED ACTION:Motion to approve payment of $29, 137.9$ to PCL Construction Services Inc. for construction services to be paid aut of accounts: 424-48000-01-521 ($12,452 . 89) , 426-48000-01-521 ($16, 545 .12� 427-48000-01-521 ($139 .97) COUNCIL ACTION: � � c ���n"',�'E°.""�,�, STATE OF MINNESOTA,DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS ,�y to���Pun 9?',�,, MINNESOTA ARMY NATIONAL GUARD ����:�' �"�° O�_ FACIl1TIES MANAGEMENT OFPICE 7�,� P.O.Box 348,Camp Ripley MrB. Eri elhardt C@ � � �•"" little Falls,Minnesota 56345-0348 g / � �� _ :�� (612) 632-7303 ,� �'''��.�!�i'+1�+�a,..a°° ,7une 14 ���`1'11lit11111R1U��' � / 1993� . . SUBJECT: Payment Certification No. 6 for Construction of a National Guard Armory Facility, Rosemount, Minnesota (Project No. 89Q9) Mr. Stephan Jilk City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Roaemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Jilk: Subject Payment Certification No. 6 {PARTIAL) for subject project is forwarded for payment action. Payment is recommended based on our understanding of the progress of the work and estimated values of the materials and labor. Request payment, in the amount of $29,137.98, be made to PCL Construction Services, Inc., 9330 James Avenue South, Bloomington, MN 55431. In accordance with State contracting procedures, payment must be received by the vendor no later than 1 July 1993. Copies of Payment Certification Nos. 6 (PARTIAL) ($284,392.16, MSABC Share of Payment; and $558,001.68, Federal Share of Payment), are furnished for your information and records; no action is required. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Carol Engelhardt of this office (612) 632-7303. ' Sincerely, �� .t.� �'�. � Way�Johnson 2�GL;�� fI Colonel,- IN, MN ARNG Facilities Management Officer 4 Enclosures 1. Pymt Cert (Local Share) ' 2. Pymt Cert (MSABC Share) 3. Pymt Cert (Fed Share) ' 4. Appl for Pymt Copy Furnished: ' MSABC, ATTN: Mr. Palmer 8909 170 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY MPLOYER , , * � STATE OF MINNES TA DEPARTMENT OF MILITAR AFfAIRS FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OFfIC , CAMP RIPIET P.O. BOX 348, LITTLE FALLS, MIN ESOTA 56345-0348 T0: City of Rosemount SUBJECt: CONTRACT PAYMENT CERTIfICATION N0. 6 (PARTIAL) LOCAILY BONDEO SHARE OF PAYMEN7 =-==--=- STATE OF NINNE U DEPARTMENT OF MILITAR AFFAIRS FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OFFIC , CAMP RIPLET P.O. BOX 348, LITTLE fALLS, MIN ESOTA 56345-0348 T0: MSABC, ATTN: Mr. Palmer SUBJECT: CONTRACT PAYMENT CERTIFICATION N0. 6 (PARTIAI) MSABC BONDED SHARE OF PAYMENT =o_==______o__a__v__=_==_=a_ecm__sar------x=___=____oaoa ea___==_e__a_=�ss=_s =__ana_sm=a_a___s=s=a_ � . CONTRACT N0: NG821-92-C-0044 PROJ CT N0: 8909 CONTRACT AMWNT: 52,242,831.96 PROJ CT TITLE: Constructio of a Nationat Guar Armory Facility, Ros t, Mimesota CONTRACTING OFFICER: MG Eugene Mdreotti The Adjutant Generat, State of Minnesota CONT CTOR: PCL Constructi Services, inc. 9330 dames Avenue South PATMENT PERIOD ENDING: 31 May 1993 Blo ington, Mimesota 554 1 DATE THIS CERTIFICATION: 1 J�e 1993 DATE DUE CONTRACTOR: 1 Juty 1993 ==--==--==-=--=—-==---=----=--==-===-===--===-=-==-==--= -=---==--=-=--=-=====a =____==______===____=_ PATMENT DATA: STAT MENT OF ACCOUNT: . � Federat Share (FC 01) 66.24X 54,400,568.04 Orig nat Contract Amount 52,242,831.% MSABC eonded Share (PC 14> 33.76X 52,242,831.96 State (46.91X) 51,052,061.98 Net hanges By Modification s) SO.DO Local (53.09X) 51,190,769.98 Localty Bonded Share (FC 16) 33,746,000.00 Cont act Priee To Date 52,242,831.46 Total Contract Amount E10,389,400.00 Tota Payable To Date 51,029,075.18 Alte nate Form of Retainage 50.00 PERCENTAGE OF 6lORK COMPIETE * See Remark 2 Below) AS OF THIS PAYMENT: 45.88X Amo t Payabte Less Retaina e 51,029,075.18 less Previously Approved Pa nts 5744,683.02 PAYMENT RECORD: No. Oate Amount Net unt Due 7his Certifi tion 5284,392.16 �• 6 Jan 93 5174,145.93 (S ate Share 5133,408. 6) Z• 11 feb 93 584,456.00 (L al Share 5150,983. 0) 3• 10 Mar 93 586,754.40 4• 19 Apr 43 5179,348.26 APPR VED FOR PATMENT - fACILITIES MANAGEMENT OfFICE: 5• 6 May 93 5214,928.43 . 5744,683.02 5 f- "'�:=� WA11NE A. JOHNSON, COL, Infa ry, MN ARN6 REMARKS: facilities Management Office � . . aea=__x__=oac=ac=sa_cx=e_=c�ov_=x=___x_ae_a_=aa__a==o _===ms=__e_o=eea=oam= e=a�a=a=au�xs__sos � . 1. This payment wilt be made by the Minnesota State Armo Building Commission (M ABC), Oepartment of Military Affairs, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. in accordance with Supptementary General Co�ditions of he Contract and Mi mes ta Statutes 15.73, the contractor has securities held by Norwest Bank Minn sota, N.A., 6th and Ma quette, Mimeapotis, Minnesota. 3. Copy Furnished: PCL Construction Services, Inc. Arthur Dickey Architects, Inc. 8909CMPYMT City of Rosemount - STATE OP MINNE TA DEPARTMENT OF MILI7AR AFfAIRS FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OPFIC , CAMP RIPLEY P.O. BOX 348, LITTLE FALLS, MIN ESOTA 56345-0348 THRU MNAG-PfO-CB ATTN: Ms. Madsen TO MNAG-PFO-CA ATTN: Ms. Nornberg SUBJECT: CONTRACT PAYNENT CERTIFICI►TION N0. 6 (PARTIAL) Tl 93-603 FEDERAL SNARE OF PAYMENT axarscoasae=s=o=s_sa��ex=s�_es�a=a�=caa_eacaxa_ea=s� asea=xa__:s__aoassor:=se==ss=�e�ss=�r..xa � CONTRACT N0: NGB21-92-C-0044 PROJ CT N0: 8909 CONTRACT AMOUNT: 54,400,568.04 PROJ CT TITLE: Construction of a National Guar Arnary facility, Rosemount, Minnesota CONTRACTING OfFICER: MG Eugene Andreotti The Adjutant Gene�at, State of Minnesota CONT ACTOR: PCL Con.struction Services, Inc. 9330 James Avenue South . PAYMENT PER10D ENOING: 31 May 1993 Blo ington, Minnesota 55431 DATE THIS CERTIFICATION: 1 June 1993 FEDE AL TAX ID N0: 84-095-7552 DATE DUE CON7RACTOR: 1 July 1993 . . va=s==o==_acae=aa__===eeooa=a==_c====ss_aa:a�e==�s==== ---------a------¢----x:ax�----y=asaam:o=�x . ��������� ����� ���� ����� PAYMENT DATA: STAT MENT OF ACCWNT: Federal Share (FC 01) 66.24X 54,400,568.04 Originat Contract Maunt 54,400,5b8.04 MSABC Bonded Share (FC 14) 33.76X 52,242,831.96 Localty Bonded Share (FC 16) 53,746,000.00 Net hanges By Nodifscation(s) 50.00 Total Contract Amount 510,389,400.00 Contr ct Price To Date 54,400,568.04 Total Payabte To Date 52,019,133.30 PERCENTAGE OF 410RK COMPLETE AS OF THIS PAYMENT: 45.88X Alter te Form of Retainage * 50.00 * < ee Remark 2 Below) Amoun Payable Less Retainage 52,019,133.30 PAYMENT RECORD: No. Date Amax�t Less reviously Approved Payments 51,461,131.62 �• 6 Jan 93 5351,597.71 2• 11 Feb 93 f165,709.88 Net t Due This Certification 5558,001.68 3• 10 Mar 93 5170,219.51 4• 19 Apr 93 5351,896.61 5- 6 May 93 5421,70T.91 APPRO D FOR PAYMENT - FACIU TIES MANAGEMENT OFFICE: 51,461,131.62 �: �:;'�;4:� WAYNE A. JOHNSON, COL, Infantry, MN ARNG REMARKS: Facil ties Management Officer xoa==�.r.__aoaens==a=a_=o==a=aeaa=as=a=:s==me=a==��xa--____ s_s �__-—asamr.��=a_sx�erx�___x__�_ —�-- - _ --��_ _ ��__ �__�a�a . . 1. This payment witl be made by the USPFO-Minnesota. Chec wilt be issued from fort McCoy, Yisconsin. 2. In eccordance with S�plementary Generat Conditions of he Contract and Mimesota Statutes 15.73, the c�ntractor has securities held by Norwest Bank Mi sota, N.A., 6th and Marquette, Mimeapolis, M i mesote. 3. Copy furnished: PCL Construction Services, Inc. Arthur Dickey Architects, Inc. MSABC 8909CFPTMT City of Rosemount APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT nin r�ocv�rrNr c�oz (I�istruclions on rev�rrsc side) ���:E ONE U( ���,�5 � TU (OWN[R): Stdt� Of M11111eSOtd PROJECT: Ndt1011d� Guard Armory/ ; nri�ucnnoN No: 6 [)islributic>n to: ' P.O.Box 348, Camp Ri'pley Community Center ❑ owN[�t . Little Falls, MN 56345 Rosemount, MN �'�tt�U�� 70: May 31,1993 OnitciitiECT LI CONTIZACTOR PIZOM (CON'flt/�,��Uljj� VI/1 (ARCI-IITECT): ARCIiIT[CT'S O r �,onstruction Services, Inc. Arthur Dickey Architects,Inc. i�tto�ccrNo: 89�9 D 9330 James Avenue South 4930 France Avenue South coNrKncT ro�l oomi ngton, MN 55431 Mi nneapol i s, MN 55410 r.oN�rRnc�r hnr�: 7/16/92 Applia�tion is made for Paymcnl, as shown bclow, i�i connection willi thc C:onlracl. C4NTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT c����������a���,�, sn��i, nin r����U�„�„� c�os, �5 ,u,�i����. CIiANG[ ORDI:R SUMMnRY 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM ....................... �-1�Lr38�-4.pD-.-DO-- Chant,e Orders a��proved in ADDITIONS D[I�UCf1C7NS 2• Nel changc by Changc Ordc�s ..................... 5_ �,.QQ— �revious monlhs by Owncr 3. CUNTRACT SUM TO nATE (I.inc 1�-2).............. E 1�.389,4��.00 TOTAL �!. TOTAI COMPLETED &STORED TO DATE............ � 3.486.872.74 nnproved tl�is Month (Colurnn G on G7U3) Nwnbcr Date Approved S. RETAOINAGE: a. — "/� of Gompletcd We>ik $ (Column D+E on G703) b. _ 'Y� ot Stored Material $ (Cc�l�nnn F on G703) To1a) Relainagc (Line 5a•I•5b or Nct chan�e l� Chan e Orders 6. TOTAL EARNED IESS RETAINAGE ................... � 3.486.$�2.�4 _ Tl�e undersigned Concractor cerlifies that io the best of Ihe Contraclor's knowledE;e, (�111e n less Line 5 Total) i��(c�rmalion and belie(the Work covere�l by this Applicalion for I'aymenl has becn �• ��SS PR[VIOUS CERTIPICATES fOR ccmihtetec!in accorclance with the Contract Documents,that all amounts have t�een PAYM[NT (Linc G from ��rior Certificale)......... � 2�615,340.92 paid by Ihe Conlractor for Work (or which previous Cerd(icates (or Paymer�t wcrc a, CURRENT PAYMENT I)U[ .......................... � 8�1,531.$z issucd aiid payments received trom the Owner, and thal current ��ayment shnwn g, pq�pNCE TO fINISII, PLUS R[TAINAGE............. s 6.9�2.52�.26 hcrein is now due. (Linc 3 Iess Line G) CONTR11C1'OR: Stale ot: ���:1��4 l�7�;�, tnrpt��vt�, '�^Q (�`n . SuUscribc� and sw�n kt�,..�ic���7� m�'�f�l�srino�.�t�rr'ie+kny f `��. ,19 `�1 3 . o t�*r�d r:. N IA�Y p y . � . r � Notary I'ublict C - ��►N. S � � ��J�lfs M ���n �)y; �� � + natc�: y Comil�ission ex��i es�_t`��r�''"'���-�c'�o �4 AMOUNT CERTIfI[D..............................�.S�� �f �3 . ��2 ARCHI7ECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT r,,,,��n eX,��ana(ion i(an�ourtt cer(i(i d��,rr��s r,���» ����.,,�����,►�< <,,�,>>;«�r�,�, In accordance wilh the Contract Documents,based on on-sile observations and Ihe nRCI IITECT: clala ccro��xisin�;Ihe abovc applicalion,the Archilect cerli(Ies lo the Owner th��t Io the �' , � , '_ � best o(thc Architect's knowledge,information and l�clief Ihe Work has pro�;ressed as [iy: � -"�✓ Datc: � inclicated,lhe qualilyof thc Work is i�accordancewith the Contract Uocuments,anc! This Cerli(ica c is nol riegotiable. lhe /1MOUNT CERfll�l[l� is payal�le oi�ly �u �I�� the Contractor is entilled to payment of tl�c AMOUNT CE(t�CIFI[U. Contractor named hereiii.Issuance,��ayrnent and acceplarice ot��ayment arc without ��rejuclic-e to any rit;l�ts c�f Ihe Owner or Cc�ntraclur under Il�is Ce�ntracl. n�n nocuntr�n r.rm•na�ri i� .�unN nr�n c:rkrua�n�t ic�a in��nu�ai•n+nv 19fl1 I I11I1ON•nin� •�� i��a� il1l ANIIEI�'n" '•�':Illlllf ��� ntt('11111CIS, 17t5 Nlt�� YORK I�VINUI. P114�, \Vh':IIIN�:It�t1, 1�('. 711lN�b �.��z•��)1R:R AIA Docunent G702 Application No. 6 � PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC Page t of 4 �pp. oate 5/31/93 ' ROSEMOUNT NATIONaL GUARD Period From 5/t/93 TRAINING&COMMUNITY CENTER Period To 5/31/93 ' Architects Project No. , A B C D E F G N 1 J uork C leted Total Cort�lete ealance ltem Scheduled Previous This A tication and Stored To Retainage _ No. Description of Work Value Applications York Stored Materiat To Date X Finish . !n Place (not in D or E) (D+E+F) (C-G) Div !!1 GENERALREQUIREMENTS 1000 Site Staff , .f��.,.��� Sup tendent/Foreman/Engr 166,000.00 66,400.00 11,620.00 0.00 78,020.00 47X 8T,980.00 0.00 ;:>:w;;:. � 1100 Construction Equipment . %":�r::*:;:>�::s`::s:::' Forklift/Noisting 8,800.00 3,520.00 616.00 0.00 4,136.00 47X 4,664.00 0.00 �r>'�^'"�<�<�:::>::'> Consunabtes/Expendables 13,756.00 5,502.40 962.92 0.00 6,465.32 47X T,290.68 0.00 :ti:•:;:;:}S;:i�:i:;::itii:;i:: � . . '"'"'�*'?:�:^:�:>�>: Misc Equip/Smalt Toots 27,581.00 11,032.40 1,930.67 0.00 12,963.07 47X 14,617.93 0.00 ���.:'�:::>:�:'•:::•:z<::w:.>.::: 1300 Project Overhead ;�.:`.}�:.'�•.'•:.':�•:: Mobi t i ze/Setup S,500.00 5,500.00 0.00 0.00 5,500.00 100X 0.00 0.00 � ` * ' Demobitize/Move-out 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 OX 800.00 0.00 !{..::: ,.;:;;s.*;?;;<;#�;•`:= Close-out/Finat Req'�mnts 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 600.00 0.00 1350 Site Conditions "•'•`���"`'*:�z::'••#:;;«:' Field Office/Temp Bldgs 7,950.00 3,180.00 556.50 0.00 3,736.50 47X 4,213.50 0.00 `���''i�`?�'���������f���� field office-PurnishBEquip 2,400.00 960.00 168.00 0.00 1,128.00 477G 1,272.00 0.00 �i::::<,:;:;:.: �;;�''�"`>%:':{: T Ut l' es - sta '�"`�''�'�'�����������"���' Site Services (telephone 92 :�:;;w,;:;"";`;:;j;;:; , ,568.00 37,027.20 6,479.76 0.00 43,506.96 47X 49,061.04 0.00 housekeeping, trucking, temp ac/ � heax/elec/Water, messenger, ect.) ����•'•:%�?�`:�";�>:>�:;:! Surveying 5,625.00 4,218.75 562.50 0.00 4,781.25 85X 843.T5 0.00 1400 Borxis/Permits/Insurance ��"'>�*>r����?���? Permits 288,575.00 288,575.00 0.00 0.00 288,575.00 t00X 0.00 0.00 `<�:��;*?:;:?:;>;�:< Performance Bond-PCL 186,898.00 186,898.00 0.00 0.00 186,898.00 100X 0.00 0.00 •:`•>,«.:;;#'�:;;;;:'r's:::> Performance eond-Subs 76,115.00 67,742.35 3,044.60 0.00 70,786.95 93X 5,328.05 0.00 ::{�;:•:tii:'•::':::ivi`:5}:� � . >::>:v�<••::`�:<>::::;::::: Insurance - PL/PD 124,673.00 124,673.00 0.00 0.00 124,673.00 100X 0.00 0.00 ':::;::'!!<��?:?;:::`:� lnsurence - Bui lders Risk 9,350.00 9,350.00 0.00 0.00 9,350.00 100X 0.00 0.00 1800 ueather Expense "'���������� SnoW Removal 8 200.00 7 380.00 0.00 O.QO 7,380.00 90Y 820.00 0.00 ::.£.:;<,,+r;;:<<;;,..>;` { * , Frost Protection 6,800.00 6�120.00 0.00 0.00 6,120.00 90% 680.00 0.00 :?.n�.,:;•;:.::::,... :�:`%?>:�:�>�:�<:�:<�::>�:�< Remove Frozen Ground(Prem) 7 500.00 6 750.00 0.00 0.00 6 7 :.:;:;..:;;..<:�,;;�;; , . , 50.00 90X 750.00 0.00 �>�w;:'#:;w::::�::�`� T Ntg/AC - Btdg 26,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 26,50Q.00 0.00 •s:t..::.a<•:.:::.c::; �P Div !12 SlTENORK/DEMOLITION ���`������'����"`��"� Ashphalt Peving 123,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 123,000.00 0.00 *•s;:•>s: : �*rf?<y;;:.i. . I >� � Curb & Gutter 37,516.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 37,516.00 0.00 :":°<{>s'�::;�j:>':::� Site Conc•4lalks/Pads/Struct 29 162.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 29 z::�::z:.?.«:,:••r.•:>:;�:,:, , ,16L00 0.00 ;::t;;i:`::'':;ii'::.>.,..,<;�, Site fencing 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 4,Q00.00 0.00 ,. ; Irrigation System 19,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 19,000.00 O.UO ::�#^:�:::!��<°::;:s<�> Landscaping 66,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 66,000.00 0.00 AIA Docunent G702 Application No. 6 ' PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES� INC Page 2 of 4 App. uate 5/31/93 ROSEMOUNT NATIONAL GUARD Period Fr«n 5/1/93 TRAINING &COMMUNITY CENTER Period to 5/31/93 ' Architects Projcct No. A B C D E F G H 1 J uork C leted Total Ca�plete Balance item Scheduted Previous This A lication and Stored To Retainage - No. Descriptiot� of Work Yalue Applications Work Stored Materiol To Date X Finish in Ptace (not in p or E) (D+E+F) (C-G) Retaining Natl 18,244.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 18,244.00 0.00 �r�#<:*:::�'s's::��#�� EarthWork/Ctearing/Fnd Drain 272,468.00 169,709.32 54,8T0.00 0.00 224,5T9.32 82X 47�888.68 0.00 Div #3 CONCRETE Concrete - etdg 384,018.00 157,447.38 53,762.52 0.00 211�209.90 55X 172,808.10 0.00 Rebar - Suppty 38,000.00 37,620.00 0.00 0.00 37,620.00 99X 380.00 0.00 Rebar - Ptace W/ Metat Place 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 • 0.00 100Y 0.00 0.00 Precast Concrete 110,980.00 89,4T7.00 0.00 0.00 89,477.00 81X 21,503.00 0.00 ,,. Div �t4 MASONRY : Masonry 2,085,195.00 556,941.00 300,T00.00 0.00 857,641.00 41X 1,227,554.00 0.00 Dlv �IS METALS � Metals - Fabricate 377,66T.00 1T7,083.00 70,859.00 0.00 247,942.00 bbX 129,725.00 0.00 Metals - Place 122,980.00 41,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 91,000.00 74X 31,980.00 0.00 Div Kb CARPENTRY Rough Carpentry 86,400.00 6,083.00 9,559.00 0.00 15,642.00 18y 71,258.00 0.00 Finsh Carpentry-MillWk/Wd Tr 91,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 91,200.00 0.00 Div #7 THERMAL & MOiSTURE Damproofing - Foundation 14,910.00 3,236.50 4,500.U0 0.00 T,736.50 52X 7,1T3.50 0.00 Roofing/Ftashing/Sheet Metal 405,000.00 47,000.00 0.00 0.00 47,000.00 12X 358,000.00 0.00 Skylights - framed 38,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 38,000.00 0.00 Caulking/Jotnt Seatants 39,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 39,000.00 0.00 D i v #8 DOORS & N1 NDOLIS � HM Doors/Prame/Finish HrdWre 119,335.00 11,933.00 13,12T.35 0.00 25,060.35 21X 94�2T4.65 0.00 Glass/Gtazing/Alum Ent�ances 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 12,000.00 0.00 {�ood doors t7,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 17�000.00 0.00 Overhead Doors-Sectional 11,405.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 11,405.00 0.00 Coiting Doors•O.head&Counter 18,688.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 18,688.00 0.00 No� Clad Windous 58,930.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 58,430.00 0.00 Trans Nall/Skylight System 46,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 46,000.00 0.00 Oiv �t9 FINISHES Dryr+all 113,200.�00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 113,200.00 0.00 Acoustic Ceilings , 85,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 85,000.00 0.00 Acoustic Deck Pnnels 31,362.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 31,362.00 0.00 Ceramic/Porcetain Tile 68,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 68,000.00 0.00 Nood/Atfiletic ftooring 108,690.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 108,640.00 0.00 Carpet/Resilient/Skate Tite 146,310.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 146,310.00 0.00 Painti�g/Decorating 119,806.00 2,396.12 0.00 0.00 2,396.12 2X 117,409.88 0.00 Div �110 SPECIALTIES AIA Oocunent G702 Apptication No. 6 - - P�:L CONSTRUCTION SERVICES� INC Paye 3 of 4 App. �ate 5/31/93 " ROSEMOUNT NATIONAI.GUARD Period Fram 5/1/93 " TRAINING &COMMUNITY CENTER Period to 5/31/93 ' Architects Project No. � A 8 C D E F G N 1 J Nork C (eted Totat Caiplete Balance _ [tem Scbeduled Previous This A tication end Stored To Retainage , No. Description of Liork Value Applications Liork Sto�ed Mate�ial To Date X Finish In Ptace (not in D or E) (D+E+F) (C-G) Chatk & Tack Boards 2,891.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 2,891.00 0.00 Toilet Partitions 16,142.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 16,142.00 0.00 flag Potes 10,022.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OY. 10,022.00 0.00 Signage 8 Graphics 8,451.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ox 8,451.00 0.00 Mesh Partitions 8,163.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX $,163.00 0.00 Folding Partitions 15,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 15,500.00 0.00 Storage Shelving - Steet 24,900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 • 0.00 OX 24,900.00 0.00 Toilet Accessories 14,648.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OY. 14,648.00 0.00 Fire Extinguiahers/Cabinets 1,344.00 0.00 675.00 0.00 675.00 50X 674.00 0.00 Expansion Joint Covers 5,242.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 5,242.00 0.00 Div #11 EQUIPMENT Vault Doors/frames 12,581.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 12,581.00 0.00 Safe 4,509.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 4,509.00 0.00 food Service Equipment 112,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OY. 112,000.00 0.00 Athletic Equipment 2T,T00.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OY. 2T,700.00 0.00 Audio Visuat Equipment 19,234.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OY. 19,239.00 0;00 Rifte Range EquipmeM 29,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 29,800.00 0.00 Curtain - Stage 3,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OK 3,600.00 0.00 Arena Seating-Benches 1�800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OY. 1,800.00 0.00 Auditoriun Seating-Upotsterd 43,700.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 43,700.00 0.00 Div N13 SPECiAI CON.STRUCT[ON !ce Rink 303,000.00 0.00 29,209.00 0.00 29,209.00 tOY. 273,T91.00 0.00 Div #14 CONVEYING S7STEMS Elevators 53,097.00 6,3T1.00 0.00 0.00 6,371.00 12X 46�726.00 0.00 Div #15 MECNANICAI NVAC/T&C/Plumb - Mechanical 1,824,077.00 184,000.00 174,500.00 0.00 358,500.00 20X 1,465,577.00 0.00 Fire P�otection - Sprinkters 119.060.00 41,175.00 16,765.00 0.00 57,940.00 49X 61,060.00 0.00 :;�°�"'`:�`••"�'•.'•:'� Utilities - Outside 102 500.00 92,250.00 0.00 0.00 92,25U.00 90X 10,250.00 0.00 • *_:?r<.;:�`�: � ::?:>:>•'s�:;:<:�:::r.?::.s:<z. < . Div �t16 ELECTRICAL Elect�icat 961�632.00 116,603.00 67,064.00 0.00 183,667.00 19X 777,965.00 0.00 Div #19 CHANGE OROERS C. 0. #1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 0.00 0.00 C. 0. �f2 0.00 0.00 0.80 0,00 0.00 OX 0.00 0.00 C. 0. 1!3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 0.00 0.00 Div #0 FEE %�`%>:�w:zs�%>;•.`••.:`; D i s t. Of f i ce Overhead & f ee 275,000.00 36,486.50 0.00 0.00 36,486.50 13X 238,513.50 0.00 AlA Docunent G702 Application No, 6 • - PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES� INC Page 4 of 4 �pp. Date 5/31/93 ' ROSEMOUNT NATfONAL GUARD Period Fran 5/1/93 f TRAINING &COMMUNITY CENTER Period To 5/31/93 ' Architects Project No. A 8 C D E f G H 1 J � uork Ca leted Total Complete Bolence Item Scheduted Previous _ This A lication and Stored To Rctainage , No. Description of Hork Value Applicatio� 41ork Stored Materiat To Date % Fi�ish In Ptace (not in D or E) (D+E+F) (C-G) Div #9 � . . ... ... :.::::.:::.;•,•„•.:•:>:::�s::;>::s::<a:�r�:::ezt;:�:::::t:<:;::;:<;:>:z;;:<:::».�>:»»:>s»>:�. ::z<::;:.:::�>:;>::::.��z•::::::�:::::;.;:::»:<:s::;::::.>:<:: :� ::::; ;:<:>::;::>:::>:::::>:::;::::>:::r, � .::::::::::: 9 RO5Ef�IpUNT::p.I.O 11EM5 OS S�s»>::::::>:::: :::::»»:<:::<:::::�::::�:�::<:>:<:>:<:::.:>:z:<s:>:::�::::�:::;:<:r.:�:;:::>:; ... . 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