HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. County Road 42 - Principal Arterial Designation � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTI�'E SUNIl�lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JUNE 15, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: COUNTY ROAD 42 - PRINCIPAL AGENDA SECTION: ARTERIAL DESIGNATION NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA N�'S�'CM � � � IIL ATTACffi�lENTS: RESOLUTION, MEMO APPR D Attached please find a resolution indicating the position of the City of Rosemount in regard to the change in designation of County Road 42 and a memo from City Engineer Bud Osmundson with backgroun.d information. RECOIKMENDED ACTION: � ' MOTION to approve A RESOLUTION INDICATING A POSITION AGAINST DESIGNATION OF COUNTY ROAD 42 AS A PRZNCIPAL ARTERIAL. COUNCIL ACTION: . . 4: . . . . . .. � CITY OF ROSEMOLTNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLIITION 1993- A RESOLUTION INDICATING A POSITION AGAINST DESIGNATION OF COIINTY ROAD 42 AS A PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL WSEREAS, Dakota County has requested, through the Transportation Advisory Board, the designation of certain highways in Dakota County as Principal Arterials; and �TBEREAS, this designation will be placed on roads in the City of Rosemount including CSAH 42 from Diamond Path to TH 55 and TH 55 from CR 42 to Hastings; and WHEREAS, the guidelines for access to these roadways designated as principal arterials are more restrictive than other county roads; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has been working with Dakota County for several years in planning CR 42 (160th Street) as the major °cross county" roadway to reduce traffic on CR 42 with existing and planned development; and oPBEREAS, the City of Rosemount has been developing its Comprehensive Guide Plan Update for over two years and has provided copies to "Dakota County for comments which plan includes a "Transportation Element -Streets and Highway Plan�� ; and �THEREAS, Dakota County has not provided comments on the plan which designated CR 42 as a minor arterial and based many other development assumptions on the "minor" designation; and WSEREAS, the City of Rosemount submitted two preliminary plats to the Coun.ty' s Plat Review Committee in March of 1993 which provided aceess to CR 42 under existing access guidelines; and tnTfiEREAS, the County' s Plat Commission indica�ed that access would be allowed under current spacing guidelines; and WHEREAS, two months later the County indicated that the "Principal Arterial° spacing guidelines would apply restrict'ting access to these developments; and ', WHEREAS, the process to designate CR 42 as a "Principal Arterial° did not provide for the County and cities to work tog'ether on this decision; and , WHEREAS, cities throughout Dakota County, not jus't Rosemount may be severely effected by this designation and the planning that. these cities have done assuming a minor arterial status; and � RESOLUTION 1993 - ' WHEREAS, Dakota County has a policy on having cities pay 45% of improvements to county roads and should have opportunity to have an effect on deciding matters of this nature; ' NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount does hereby request that Dakota County reverse its position on this designation of CR 42 as a princi.pal arterial; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Dakota County allow a complete fully controlled interseetion on CR 42 between Biscayne Avenue and Highway 3 and the existing spacing guidelines for the two proposed developments in Rosemount. ADOPTED this 15th day of June, 1993 . . E. B_ McMenomy, Ma.yor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded byr Voted in favor: Voted against• 2 MEMO TO: MAYOR McMENOMY COUNCIL MEMBERS: KLASSEN STAATS WILLCOX WIPPERMANN CITY ADM1NtSTRATOR JILK FROM: BUD OSMUNDSON, CITY ENGINEER DATE: JUNE 11, 1993 RE: DAKOTA COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 42 (CSAH 42) AND THE PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL tP.A.) STATUS ' The purpose of this memo is to attempt to explain what the implications of the I ' P.A. status has on CSAH 42. Specifically; CSAH 42 is designated as a principal � arterial-expressway. 1 will attempt to explain a brief history ofi CSAH 42, the ' traffic at the present and the future on CSAH 42 and the long term and short term ' implications of this principaf arterial designation for CSAH 42 ' HISTORY ' CSAH 42 has functioned as a "regional" facility for a number of years. Dakota County recognized this fact and gave CSAM 42 the functional classification as a principal arterial in 'I987. In 1990 this functional classification as a P.A. was noted in the Dakota County Transportation Plan. For numerous reasons this plan was never formally adopted by the Dakota County Commissioners or Met CounciL ' However, Met Council has adopted a plan that designates CSAH 42 as a regional , roadway and has a functional classification as a principal arterial. In April of 1993, MNDOT adopted a plan which designates CSAH 42 as a principal arterial and, in fact, puts it on the National Highway System. ' As a side note, the Met Councit guidefines state that all principal arterials are to be owned and maintained by the State of Minnesota, therefore CSAH 42 could become a State highway in the #uture. , i , _ _ _. _ _ _ � County Road 42 Principal Arterial Status DAKOTA COUNTY INTERSECTION STANDARDS(per DCHD personnel) A. Existing County Road Standards (1) Full intersections at one-fourth ('14) mile spacing as a maximum. (2) Right in/Right out at ane-eighth (�/a} mile spacing as a maximum. B. Principal Arterial - Expressway Standards * (1) Fu11 intersections at one-half {'h) mile spacing as a maximum. #� t2} Left inlRight aut at one-fourth {'/4) mile spacing as a maximum. a ** t3) Right in/Right out at one-eighth (�/s) mile spacing as a maximum. a-, *' Draft "Transportation Development Guide/Policy Plan" by Met Council (April 28, 1993) ** Drafted by Met Council "Land Transportation" Subcommittee 4 � -