HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Community Center Change Orders CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SIIb�lAItY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:June 15, 1993 AGENDA ITEM:Coamnunity Center Change Orders AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk AG�ND���.11lf � � � Ci 'hy Administrator ATTACE�+IENTS: Change order information APP VE Y• � This is a request to consider the approval of three change orders on the Community Center. These change orders would be; C.O.R. #2C.99 Tha�s is the change order allowing the payment for importing backfill material to the site for use on the Arena/Community Center. This fi11 was expected to be available from the Highway #3 business site but was not available in time to keep the project from being held up. The reason the site was not available on time was because the investigation of potential contamination and hazardous material on the business site held up the demolition of the site and making it available for taking out fill. The amount of the change order reflects the credit given the City on the storm water project bid. The amount of the change order is $11,025. I am recommending that this be approved. � C.O.R. #2C.97 This is a change order to add certain features to the sound system in the Citys portion of the building. This change will allow the city to direct sound from and to all three components of the Citys portion. The system was designed and spec'd out with capabilities to all;ow less than this. This change will enhance the utilizatian of the entire City portion of the building at a minimul cost. The cost of the change order is $374 .00 C.O.R. #2C.98 This is a change order to delete a small portion of rockface block in the arena. The rockface block was specified to assist in providing bet�er acoustics in the arena. Upon further review by the Architect it is felt that the advan�age of use of this is extremely minimul and so the cost savings should be taken advantage of. The cost savings is $$28 ,00 RECOMMENDED ACTION:Motioa to approve change orders #97, #98 and #99 as submitted on the Community Center Project COtJNCIL ACTION: i , , � c��,�,�,v�,;e,�s:��„,aoe � June 3, 1993 � Mr. Steve�elmont � Arthuc Dickey Axcl�itects, Inc. 4930�ranee Avenue South , � �dina, M�nnesota 55410 �te: Rc�stxnount Nakional C'xua�rd `�'�►'a�ning ' and Community Center - C.Q.A. 2C.97 i Dzar Mr. Belmont: We have received and reviewed Collins Electric proposal from MTS-�TorthWest Sound, 7nc. ner youz� r�quest on the ahc�ve referenced pzoject. A�t this time, we identify added costs in the am�unt of$�74.(� � associated with aiternate #1 c�f this wark. Atta�l�ed pl�ase fincl sup�c>rting cost detail. � Our contract rtquires ttzat x�o work is to proceed on any changes untz� v��xitten a�tthorizati��n to proceeti is received. Sh�uid you want PCL to pzaceed �vith tfiis work, �Iease noti�y this o£�ic� in writing � immediatel�sa material purchases, subcontractors and vur work can commencc. If PGL daes nat receive a wrirten notice to proceed with this contraet ehdnge rec�uest within fourteen (I�) calendar days from the � date of this quotation, we will consider this offer void and proceecl with wvrk p�,�r th��ontraet dc�cuments. � Assuming recei�t of written notice to pro�eed within stat� acceptance tim�, we finci the c�nstructivn I sche�iule is not effected by the woric as�ociated �vith this quotation. [3y copy of this correspondence we notify the State of�innesota and th�City c�f Rasemount of the same. If, for any reas�n, ycru reyui�e additional information k�r have az�y questions regarding thc � aforementioned, please cuntact the undersigned. Yc�urs truly, � PCY. Constructiun $ervic:es, �nc, �� t J ar��+.�.1`' •F. �• P David P. Bye �rujeCt Mandgec � I7PB/lag � Enclasure: � . Ixc: Steve Jilk, Craig 'Weber, Fite_ S13Q428 - 2C.97 WPFile; IaP�L0603.2G pCG C4NSx'1�iUCT'i41r!SEXYICrS,INC. 933A Jsrutes Ar�ue St►nth,Bkn�mingtiw�MiomesoG3 55431-2381 -- - - Telephone: f612)88R-9204 • Fax:fbI2)8RR-7733 PCL CUNSTRUGTION SERVICES, 1NC. ' Dislrict Office Proj # a13f}428 . ,_- -- � -- -- --- -- _ �raject: National Guard Arroory Bloomington, Nttn�es�ta`-� . --_. ._ . __._ .. .. ' Loaatton: Rosemount, lt�tinnesota EStimat� Tir�e: 3:44 PM GRX#: 2C.9T Estimatar: D.P,Bye Da�e: 6J2IJ3 ,��t Labor Mat�hours Labor Cost Materiat Cast Subtrade Gast Total Code Descripfion Quae�tity � Prod Total Rate Total Unit Totai Unit Total Direct Cost :�P��������3f"'r`��E�?`<.�;*Kk.` 33£k:L4SP"'N�Y-..'Rw S.�za �Wooda:k.�i2a�'',l�o.' . �. . SiTE C�NDITIONS PC}STAGE 1 LS O.OQU 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.Op a.00 2.OQ PQ5TfUPDATE DOC'�'IT 0.5 MH. i.00Q fl.50 35.95 �7.98 O.t3Q OA0 0.04 17.98 C�OSE-OUT 0.5 N1H i.t}00 D.5fl 35.95 17.98 OAO 0.08 0.00 17.98 �: x : ;� � ;k� �g��t L 1.OQ 35.95 2. OAfl 37.95 �•dai Y'l kd-t-XP���C�,},Y-f..4-a F x,,..,,r,'<s,�_,�2„��?,�u�^�_ . . . . �r¢Z_f .v ?-�:3 'hb�'�r��r�Z i�37Y4 fi�I:.'3�.•S+� .C.�?E��•f� . . .• • ' - a 3.8� , • a• az : 41.75 �. �.�t- >.r.:._... � x �=A� e..: :�.��h'�` ' � . . � ��.,My;'..Y.-' J.. •7.p I ..._ . .,_ ... �.r . :..� ..:. :��: <i.:.k� '! ..♦,.> �f.. �4�-,2-r :l�S � •'••:..}]A:.h" 'iC% .. $S�Y ti�ixo� ::.£¢,� 'bi,-x:�a`S.d...s . ?'Ys�a..._,_<� •?S='�,.. �.�r:.at.. .1 ax �.- .:�:�r..�..�.��5 ...� K- {°tyri: 4:�<>....Y ..,_:-.-� >3 � :t.5`...... .:r::k:?n. ..�t.. ..� . . �..v.{.:Zn •v ..1... -...... �x.iY..... . ......,.i_.. .t� .f......�.. .. ..r�-.... .... ....... . v..n". �....... ......R F }.. Y�:-......... F_..��_Si.a... � � su�ca�rR�►c�rs ' MEGHANiCAL 1 LS 0.0a' 4.4� 0.0[} FtRE 3�RQTE�TIt}N 1 LS tl.tlfl U.t10 �.00 , ELECTRICAL 1 LS 294A0 2g4.00 294.d0 � . ,-< ;�} <,�> 294 �294 . . ' ::.:.�>,� .:..:.'s... ...:. y.>�':�;���`'�>.:.�:: 29 0 � : . ``f �}� �� >`. $323 � s...x:< � �r;<%...,r����:.o_•-� 2" ......'�*: � SU�CONT B{)ND� �1,�°Yo S►5 { ; �� ..2 .� : �., ?tl,,.��x;: $32$ Q o u z Page 1 PCL CONST�iUCT10N SERVIfiES,' 1NC. � District C?ffice _�._._.. Pro�.#_.,_ 513�?428_ .... __ � � Praject: tJationat Guard Armory-�-- " ""�_ Bioomington, Minnesota � Lacation: Rpsemount, MinResota ES�1ril�t8 Time: 3:44 �M CRX#: 2+C.97 Estimator: D.P.Bye date: 8j2/93 Cost Labor Manhaurs Labor CosE Material Cost Su#atrade Cost 7otai Code Descrip#io� Quantity � Prod Totat Rate Total Unit To#at Unit T�tal Direct Cnst :. . :>: ; : ;x��_£�.�;;-�x="s.�:�:.�'' . . „w•, -::-�x:-.;:�x 37C1 -rr,.•:,i«.rR>xp:t;;•. _-;:��s:�::;�.� . � >- -.�R' �.z �a>ro >ro Y• � � �. � . y;� . d�... ... �.r-. ,�.?o. ��-,.:..- .c �_,�j�k-r�F,�`�, � . . . $374 � a i P81,�@ 2 , � ������� 1 N S 7 A t L A T 1 O Ai • tndust�ial • Re�deetiol . ��oirrmercial ♦ � � � 27H STATE STREET • ST. PAUL. Mlf�P�ESQTA�5147 AHONE{672)224-2833 • FAX(6�21 292-0359 A�N E�UAL pPPORTUNlTY EMPLOYER .�. ' ::� , . �erial Letter 057 �-.> ='"''``:--a .. . .... � :,. s: ..., :�i.-,� :.. � , . . ' .�_ r r .4 .. . 1`�ay 2�, 1993 � � '�-��.���°::i � , ;�:: � . . .,-. ,� . .r�-- I�avid $ye P'CL Cor�struction Services, Inc. �330 James Avenue Sauth �Sloom,zn�on, MN 5543� F.e: Proposed Sau�d Changes ' d�osemount ,A,zmory and Community Cer�ter G'rentlemen: �?ex yaur request, the Proposal £a'om MT5 - Northwest Sound, Inc, is attached detailing t�e various cost impacts for the chang�s ta t�ae sound system. A sum:mary is as follows: i f�LTERNAT'E NL3MBER 1 Provide speaker back boxes and grills in the exposed cor�cxete ceiling areas equal to � a Soundoiier 5�175-4 back box and Soundolie�r �.bX-F3 grill. i�e speaker in corridor B1-10 would be deleted. Cast $267.00 ; Margin 27.Qp � � '�'ot�l $29�.00 ! ! , y��„s•••�• ,��,� Cc�ntinued on Page Twa �'� ` � ; � ...�,.,.. � �� A . . � . . . . . r . �r . . . � . � ♦ . �I �' . � . . . . . . • � � � . . . � . . . � - i v . i � .�'roposed Sound Changes �Zosemount Armory i k�age ?'i wo f'4LL'TERhtAT� NLJIV�BER 2 �� . � The three (3) speaker zanes in t�a� �ssembly hall roQm 8-120 wi11 be thzee (3) : speakers towards t�e e�st wall Zone-],, sax (6� speakers in th� middle of the room Zone-2, and t}�ree (3) sp�a.kers t�ward t�e west wall Zor�e-3. The microphon�e : receptacle plates at the north and south wall vrrill be made to in�lude one ('ll au�Iiary input (for cassette ta.pe, CI? player, etc. . These two 2 aw�ili� in ut . � . . � ) rY P �acks 1n parallel will be tern�znat�d �.t the mixer �Qca�ivn (Room $-�2Z) with one (�.) 7`QA U-01S input modu�� in the mixer. Cost $�t1�.00 j + �ar�in 44.0� _ 7'otal $4$S.OQ �LT��dN'A'� NU3VI�ER 3 1a.etocate two (2) of the thxee {3} speakers in the Armory labl�y sa as not to '� ��terfere with the locabon af the five (5) auditorium lvbby s�eakers. talsa, a � microphone moclule must be added to the amglifier. ' Cost $45.0{? ' ! l�Zargin �TQp ' 'Y otal $50.0�? ', , AS.TERNAT'E �l'CJMBER 4 , Add an au�ili�ry input jack to the microp�aora� input recepta�le panel in the ice az°e;n� and locate an addi�i�onal rrucrophone �anti auxiliary input panel in the az�en�. i press box, Th� one (1) additxonai microphone input wiil be t�;zxnznated at the mixer � �n room I�203 with a TQ.A Nf-p1S ingut madu�e and the t-wo (2j additional au�zliary �, �` , i inguts wil� be in p�ralleI and te�minated at the arena mixer with oz�e 'TOA U-q1S �nput m�dule. Aiso, add a Tt�A T-01S output madule to the arena zni,xer and route its signaZ to a 'I'OA B-O�S i�aput module in the bazzquet raom mx.xer/amp. This wilt � ; a11ow pro�ratns generated i;� th,e ice arena to b� played aver t,he banquet room 'I spea�ers. �I �ost $779.40 � i Margin 7�9A0 '� �'otai $85�,�4 � Continueci on Page Three ' � I � � , " � � �'ropvsed Sound Changes : I�osemount .t�rmory �age Three � _ �f we have not received a natice to prQ�eed with these ck�anges �vithin (14) calendar days, ��e wi�l consider this offer void az�d proceed with the e.lectrical instaliatior� -per our �antr��t documents. � �f you have an�.c�uestions, please caa�. � . �' � ,�' . � , .��..�-------�- a�° . ens � . �'r �e Man gex , 1}z � : '� . � : , . E�flC. I ; f i . � , � � . ' 1 � I , � i , � � � Consuueuon Smce 1908 � � � � � June 3, 1993 Mr. Steve Belmont Arthur Dickey Architects, Inc. 4930 France Avenue South � Edina, Minnesota SS410 Re: Rosemount National Guard Training and Community Center - C.O.R. 2C.98 Dear Mr. Belmont: In response to Arthur Dickey Architects, Inc. request to change light weight rockface b3ock to normal weight on the above referenced project, we identify deductive costs in the amount of$828.00 associated with this work. Attached please find supporting cost detaii. Our contract requires that no work is to proceed on any changes until written authorization to proceed is received. Should you want PCL to proceed with this work, please notify this o�ce in writing immediately so material purchases, subcontractors and our work can commence. If PCL daes not receive a written notice to proceed with this contract change request within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of this quotation, we will consider this�ffer void and proceed with work per the contract clocuments. Assuming receipt of written notice to proceed within stated acceptance time, we find the construction schedule is not effected by the work associated with this quvtation. By copy of this correspondence we notify the State of Minnesota and the City�f Rosemount of the same. If, for any reason, you require additional information or have any questions regarding the aforementionec(, please contact the unclersigned. Yours truly, PCL Construction Services, Inc. i� �.-.=�� ��-- : David P. Bye Project Manager DPB/lag Enclosures: xc: ` Steve Jilk, Craig Weber, File: 5130428 - 2C. 98 WPFile: DPBL0603.2C PCL C�NSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. 9330 Jsm►es Ac�r.iue South,Bloomingtou,Mianesota 55431-2381 TelepLane: (612)8R8-9200 • Fiu�c:(612}888-1733 PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, [NC. District Office Proj # 5130428 Project: National Guard Armory Bloomington, Minnesata Location: Rosemount, Minnesota EStItTlBte Time: 2:18 P(VI CRX#: 2C.98 Estimator: D.P.Bye Date: 6/2/93 Cost Labor Manhours Laboc Cost Materia! Cost Subtrad+8 Cost Totai Code Description Quantity O Prod Total Rate Totai Unit Tatal Unit TotaF Direct Cost .�`�i.��. ����$� <:;:�`>>«:±»:>::::; SITE CONDITIONS POS7AGE 1 LS 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.Q0 2.00 0.00 2.00 POST/UPDATE DOC'MT 0.25 MH 1.000 0.25 35.95 8.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.99 _ ;<:;::<>:>:.:::<;:::: � 0.25 8.99 2.00 Q.00 10.99 ................ > �.>:.;:<:,..::.;:.;;;: . _ : 0. , 9 , , 0.9 �� ' _ :::. _ ,;: »: ;::< ;;:;::_._ _ o___ 1.10 ::.:; . ..... ' 12.09 SU BCONTRACTS MASONRY 1 LS -811.00 -811.00 -811.00 ....... ............. -811 �$811) :. > .: ,,;:. :....... . . .: 16 0 . : _ :, ($827) 8UBCONT BONO @. 1.59'0 . �$12� ($840) 8.99 2.00 0.00 12 : ;:. , ; ,:. ($$28} Page 1 JLN�!-d1-1993 15��? FROf•1 STEENBE�G-WAT�UD CONST. TO 888 1733 P.01 �.'� li i:I�l l��.i�l� "' 1lft�1��� � �� �����rAu+��rlan ��c. 10255 INVER G�OV� TRR[L ii����iZ GROVE hE(GI�iTS. I'�!`i 55076 �5?-2291 �AX �-57-8535 FAX COVEP� SH1� � T �A�E: �c� �l �-- I ��i � c,� `� ��: _ ���� � � ����. __ ��: �� 1 �; � � . _ 9 �•�a�: �; �c����. t'� �� �i�.���`�� � � ����� �� ��: �t � � .-. . . � � � TOTAL NUMEER OF PAG�.� iNCLUDING THIS GOVEfi SHEET: � `�� ��..e.�-� ��..-�- �J �- .�.--� ���t���c� � ��� t-�r , � _._._. `� � , �� � � � � �� �� � �� � � TI�THL P.!�1 �RTHUR D I CKEY ARi�H. 61% 9�%0 .Syy,� �e—�v�—y.: �vy��%=+w�� �1 . . .. ;.,. �..�:..��A._=._..�.,.�,�....o,�.:�9�:�:.�,�.,,..,.,;;�..;:...r..x.��.:�.,..->-- ��'� A.IZTHUR DiC.hE1' ARCHITECTS, INC. � � I nKc�i�r�c.�ruRF � � �� PLAhdti1NC; � !/ �"_Jr 1NTL•RIOFS � June 8, 1993 _ Mr. David Bye PCL Construction Services, Inc. �9330 James Avenue South Blcx�mington, MN 55431 Rz: Rc��mount Armory and Community Ccntcr Dear David: . The City �f Rosemount and aur office have revieweci your C.O.X. ZC.�3. and will aulhorize you to proceed as necessary ta avoid detay providc;c! that y�u comply with the following Conditions: 1) Sul�:ni� a wricten statement chat $11,025. is the amount thar would have t�een saved by getting the matcrial from the storinwatc:r pond area, a.nd that U�is amount is rztlecteci, as a crcdit, in yaur qu�taiior� fur the Stormwatcr Pond Pro}ect. 2) Your line itern indicacing $8, per cubic yard for in�portc,cl fil{ appears higlter th�n ex�c;ctui. If fitl material is founci at a Iower priee Ihan that whici� $$. per cubie yard is based un, you will�cljust your change order amount aceorciingly. Indieate material and l�bor cost assumptious eu suppc�rt your price of�8, per cubic yard. Provide an invoice for material actually haulc:c3. � 3) V�rify that thz$11,025. quc�te includes cost far hauling away excess till at the completion af tlie St�rmwater Project. 4) Confitm that the impc�rting of fili will cease when the business site is available and that only that fill necessary w kcx;p thc prUjc�t moving an scheciuIe wi11 bc brought in. If f 1I fr��n tt�e t�usiness site is available prior to imporcatian of 1200 cubic yards of ft1l, the price will be adjustc.�d on a pro-rata basis. 5) Idcntify the loc;ation of usc of the backfili on sitc atong with the quantiues to be used. 6) Submit a scatement as to wliy �iiat�;ria� alr�ady on site cannot be useii: Tiie cast associated witfr using on-sitz matcriai now and replacing it with material from tE�e �y3U FR�NCL:�vr�t�r.�c���Tii •hfII�NEAYt)t.Iti, ��1c�h�.�t�Ta�5�t0•�ci12)9Zi�-3�.�+I-AX tbi?)y?t�3y5U �RTHUR L I�KE`t AFt�H. d 1"% y'%� �yy� �dG—lda—y:j �y���r,r i ++- ___. .... , _ _. _ _ . ,._ . . ...__. . ,.. __..,. .. ._ . _ . ....,.. ._._ < . .___ ...�w_. ,.- �. Y . _ . _ _,...., . ._ .�.:.. . r_ .. Arthur pickey Ar�hitects, Iuc. - R�empunt A�znory a�id Co,tunw►ity Ccsilrr June 8, 1993 page 2 stormwater pond area when that is available may Ue less than purchasing and hauling fill from off site. � ;'. Wi', llIl(IEZJLdI1CL I.fl'rit, i f the c.�ty �ives approval by June l l th, there will be no delay '� experienced. The Ciry of Rosemount can authorize that you proce�:d once chey receive a sapsfactory response to the above. If y�u have any questions rcgarding chc ai�ovc-mentioned matter, or require additional information, plcase calt me. Yours truly, � �, _� -�� ��r--- Steven H. Belmonc, A.1.A. SBlsds cc: S teve Ji l!c Craig Webcr , II. i. � . � Co�strucnon Since T906 . � � � � � �. � � � June 8, 1993 Mr. Steve Belmont Arthur Dickey Architects, Inc. 4930 France Avenue South Edina, Minnesota 5541fl Re: Rosemount National Guard Armory & Community Center Dear Mr. Belmont: � We are in receipt of your June 8, 1993 correspondence regarding PCL C.C1.R. 2C.99 regarding imported fiil for the ice arena on the above-referenced project. In response to this correspondence, we clarify the following: Items #1 through #6 are responded in detail by Steininger Construction Company letter dated June $, 1993. We hope this information is complete and satisfactary to you. PCL takes exception to 2 references within the letter: 1) Effective June 2, 1993, PCL has been delayed and work is not progressing on the ice arena due to a lack of available on-site fi11 for the ice arena. All involved parties were notified in writing of this delay an 7une 4, 1993. Acceptance of C.O.R: 2C.99 will stop continued delay on the ice arena based on PCL notification date of June 2, 1993. 2) Our quotation C.O.R. 2C.99 referenced "no delay° in the schedule would be anticipated subject to approval within 7 days of the quotation. We clarify "no delay"' referenced work by Steininger Constructian Company's ability to locate fill and import same inlieu of fill being availahle from on-site sources. Steininger has confirmed to PCL in their June $, 1993 :correspondence, commencement of work and importing fill could begin within 24 hours of the natice to proceed from the City of Rosemount. We are sorry this clarification was not better defined and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Again, we wish to advise Arthur Dickey Architects and the City of Rosemount we are not proceeding with work of C.O.R. 2C.99 until formal notice to proceed is received. Upon receipt of a natice to proceed, or available on-site fill materials, PCL will begin commencement of work on the ice arena. Until at such time we are able to continue and progress work, the schedule for the ice arena will continue to be delayed effective June 2, 1993. PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,INC. 9330 James Avenue Sonth, Bloomington,ivlinnesuta 35431-2381 Telepl�one: i612)888-9200 • Fax:(612)888-1733 0 Rosemount National Guard June 8, 1993 Page 2 i If you have any questions regarding the above-referenced, or require additional information, please contact the undersigned. Yours truly, PCL Construction Services, Inc. �a��� �%3 �� David P. Bye I Project Manager DPB/lag Enclosure �,,.,�,-.� ��.--.�-:; .:.. . xc: t,Steye Jilke, City of Rosemount� ��� `� Craig Weber, State of Minnesota ' File: 5130428-2C.99 �i I WPFile: DPBL0608.03 ;' , � JUN- 8-93 TUE 11 :39 STEYNlNVtR VunSiKu� fiun OLLYJYI�J6 � - �� . I . .. �� . .,. ._„ :..:�._: .._..._ -.._r_..:....t .....aa>_ ._...-.....-..._..�. ,s..a.::ar.�......w t:'.. .....,_..a.. ..._... . ......�«, .,. ... ...:..... . , . . �. , . ... ..,... ..... ... . a .. .. MT ..�. . �._ �... . .-.� ..._:_. .. :.... . . n ���� � ste�t�inger CON�fRUCTiON COMPJWY �A7o Sou1k La�(noF��A.•��• SI.�od.(EW�)Mln�rN�SS121 ' IS4•11/0 June 8� 1993 ��. David Bye PCL Construction Services, Inc . 9330 James Ave. S. Bloomington, MN 55431 Re : Rosemount Armory Dear David: In response to the points raised in Arthur Dickeq Architects' letter to you dated June 8 , 1993 , we offer the follow3�ngs 1 . �9 �600 .00 ( 1 , 200 cubic yards C $8.04/cubic yard) is th� amount that would have been saved by being able to use the material from the stormwater pond area and is reflected by a eredit (not specifically broken out) �n our quote for the stormwat�er pond extra. 2. Our price includ�d $ 4 .75/cubic yard to impart the fill and 33 .25/cubic to dispose o� the matera.al �rom the pond. The import price is slightly higher than what might bc considered nox•uial duc to i.he tact that it is priced from our pit in arder to have it imiacdiatcly available. If i,he mAterial i� available fram anoth�r source more economically� we are willing to adjust our price. 3 . Our a9 �600 .00 priee includes provisions for hauling away the excess in the pond as indicated in point 2. i' 4 . We will ad3ust our price to the smount acL•ua11y hauled in ta � the aite. � 5. The materiai will be used along the bleacher and upper concourse area of the ice arena. JUN— 8-93 TUE II :Jy SIt1N1NVCK VLItiJ1KUVllvlti O1LYJ�aJJO r. �J . ... .v._..,: Im�If''�r{I�'�. � . .. . . _ � . . . - . r� z-tiaw.x x,.. �... ��. �uW"� _:.__ _.. ..,:�.�....�_ ,��..._ ._.:.�..,.._ .... . .u..�,F..�. . .... . ..... . ....e.�r.. � � -�n-+-.wrcv«r_...,. I " . ` I� ...... ,._ ,.._.. ., .,.�_.._..... ..__., ..___...,...� .,.� _.... . � . . . .. . , '.., steininger �o���� �s7o s.y�w L•a1n�l.e Awe�. f�.Iw4 ttoym)IAi�wwal�33121 131.19�0 6. Mi�ing on site material to use would be an altexnati,ve but for � the following: _ -- a. The site is at or below subgrade in a.lmost all areas . A barrow pit would entail recompactien and regrading. b. The best mining site is bclow th� topsoil �tockpiie area • whic;h would have to be moved if mining were tv accur. c. Other possible arEas are being uaed fcr storage and ataging. d. Tf the soil in the pond i� contamin�•ted, i.t would 'not be available for use in fil�ing the borrow pit. Import would sti 11 be requi.red and the material wauld have to be placed and excavated twice, elirninating the savings of not • fmperting till. Per our conversat,a.on on the phone, we would be ready to bega.n the work within 24 notice, parovided the weather was acceptable. Pleas� call me if you have any �'urther queations. Sincerely� Greg Steininger i , � PCL CflNSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. , Qistrict +affice Proj # 513U42$ x � Pro�e��: National Cuard Ar�nary Bloomingtoc�, nnesota Lacation: Rosernoun�, Minnesofa EStliil�t8 Tlme. 5:15 PM CRK#: 2C.99-1mport Fill @ !ce Afena Estimator: D.P.Bye Da#e: 6/4/93 •Cast Labor Manhours i..abor Cost Material Cast Subtrade Cost Takal Ca�de Description Qua�tity O Rrod Totai Rate T�al Unit Total Unit Total Direct Cost � ,t; S�,i"�^<`o- �.Cr�r�:' . � � . . . . ;����:��������� �t��������_; � SITE CONDITiONS SURVEY 2 MN 1.D�0 2.00 35.95 T1.g0 OA0 i}.a4 t}.00 7�.90 QUANITY SURVEY 3 MH 1.Ci04 3.�0 35.95 10T.85 Q.UO Q.00 Q.00 107.85 :: � i- r �, g� S.OQ 18 0 184 �' - y o :Fa.x .¢�F-Y?:f3�'�. . . . . ,:4 •� �� ` , ��< - � 0 0 " #�su�Y���'z'iij f�a`xY£a_fi +..h. €_.a.'�.v...t&_. � � � .. . � .� . .'�s . . � ::wr: ��a 6�,Y� � ... r � y� . . �J8 . {:,.-': .t' a.:;:`�•+fiF._. n..!TCl ��.^:4k . s�',�c'�� �� � � � . . � .w . ..t� }.. -.h.. y. .9 ' ! : C �•.•i,:•trY-l:....- Y.�r.� ..i.{ .." t� 1<.1 �L R:d_'�C�.)' 12"��:.:='^'� ':Y.C':•: `i:;;:'s�T`�.c_cti.'E4�tFY ,,ytifr,,`>7J<j.; .:'fiFLvt.s".'.�{Y.>`,r. .h..i?T:s-: ..Sf?:`.'`.:.'ZY...>....?'C.1Sf...Y.S:G.�Rnh.t. #-.'c.:x::r...:<_.a.�`.q .-3-,4,�Y:�..f.. ... .�3..r,Yt•�.��5.:.`�5., ._1vS,.�.;Yr, .x3.�2._,t`b_:!�.�F.}.=3�..'�$�#`-..�Y'..4y .}:kt!;.�x....._YK:.4.r..�':��"v�Ar.S3,. s.�x.rwr3.:�:,.._.-x#. i . _..... .. •. . � SUBCONTRA�TS � EAATHWD�iK 120Q CY S.flO 9600.00 96[}OAO ! '���. ' �',�s . .�«����a}����� 9SdU $9,600 , 0 9fi4 : ., ,-�. ::����¢� M1 $10�5fi0 9C�� :tF '4� '.;Fyk .J�_�H .. SUBC41�lT BONa @ 1.596 $158 I, . .. Y k "� � . >`Y�"�g�`S'fa' � .. .�1 V /1� yx.i:a x� -.xa_..+ �+C� .a.;R% x K z-�:%�j1.�xe^.^kx: . � . 1 . ; i 79.75 U,04 O.QO 198 { <ar� � s_a ����$ti $10 S1 fi � . .-:p �.%i�,!- v3t �����i��k�..Z X.... . . . . . . . � . . � Q . . . . � � � . .:. . 'i� . " ,+,' _� _ � ' � �{y.. � � . �. i.lY 4 sts.3...:'�r.. �- :�'� .s... .��t-�4.....�•�..�S. -x.m�_:�'�<:c3§i.. � . ���sO'Z5 . Page 1 . ,. . G;��e., _ �y� ti� o osevvcouvi.� � . . _ MAYOR 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount.Minnesota Edward B.►�+��en�y PHOhE (612)423�411 � Me1��9 q�ress: COUNCILMEMBERS FAX (672)4235203 P.O.gpx 510.RosemouM,Minnesota 56068��510 S�ila Klassen James tR�s�eu , Harry Wtlleox 19 9 3 bennis wippem+ann June 7 , , ao�n�NisrFUTOR S1ePhan JNk Steve Belmont Arthur Dickey Arehitects, Inc. 4930 France Avenue South . Minneapolis, Minnesota 55410 RE: Rosemount National Guard and Community Center Additional Fill Material C.O.R• 2C•g9 , Dear Mr. Belmont: ' ve reviewed the price quotation from PCL Construction and I ha fill material for backfill on site. Steininger for importing because the Highway 3 This importing of fill being necessaryfor Steininger on the business/demolition site is not ready June 1 date. he cit ' s position that fill material�isroeed�y.aG this� It is t y l� certain areas of th p P time for back filling • t is willing to author.ize a change order to bring fill The ci y a�ed price per yard, with certain material in at the � roval . ' qualifications on this app These qualifications are: 1} A statement is submitted, in writing, from PCL/Steininger that the $11, �25 is the amount that�a�e�d ond�areanand thisy getting the material from the �to�� St�ininger' s c�uotation amount is reflected, as a credit, for the Stormwater Pond Project. That, as stated in David Byes letter of June 4 , 1993 that 2� uote includes cost for hauling away excess fill the $11, 825 q at the coinpletion of the Stormwater Project. 3) That the importing of fill will cease ecessary to keepsthe is available and that only that fil n project moving on schedule will be brbeforelthe business . entire 1200 cubic yards is necessary site is available that is appropriate. 4) The location of use of the backfill on site is id�ntified along with quantities to be used. , ._.� �. t � � ' �� �ospvnoun��r , v��hing s oming �, : Azmory/Community Center � Change Order - Fill P age 2 5) A statement as to wh Y material on site already couldn' t be used or the cost associated with using it now a it with material from the stormwater nd replacing available, I believe that o tion � pond area when it is paying for the purchase and hauling ofbfillcf cheaper than ro B m o a ff se d si o te n David Bye �s 7.etter, if the cit • June llth, there will be no delajr e y lives approval by information provided the Cit xPerienced. With the above y could authorize proceeding. Please advise Mr. Bye of these requests. Sinc rely, � Ste_ an Jil City Admini trator cc: Bud Osmundson, City Engineer Jim Topitzhofer, Ma.nager - Rosemount Community Cent er . � ` � � ,�„ � � �T{��`a -S,r`. ''� . . � �.���,; - �,,��,��.��, ..� ,. . > . ��Z�. O C1�"�L�':71ti12 PHONE (612)423-441 t 2875-145th Street West,Rasemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward 8.McNlenomy P.O.Box 510,Ro�mount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCII.MEMBERS T0: Utilities Commission Mernbers shB��aK���, James(Red)Staats Harry Wilkwx FROM: Stephan Jilk� C1ty AC�IT11111StratOr Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR DATE: Jux1e 7, 19 9 3 steanan�i�k RE: Armory/Community Center � Stormwater Project - Additional Costs When the contractor bid the work for completion of the stormwater pond and extension of the pipe to the east, under Highway 3 , he credited the bid by an amount of $11, 025 . The final bid which was accepted by the City Council on June 1, reflected that credit. This credit reflected the ability of the contractor to utilize fill material, excavated from the stormwater pond site, as baekfill material on the Armory/Community Center, eliminating the need to haul material in. The business site was to be made available to the Contractor by June l, 1993 . The need for the fill material is already existing. It is to be placed generally, as backfill by the arena, community center and as base under the arena floor area. Late on the week of May 24th the demolition contractor found several � barrels of unknown material on the site. Testing of this matezial, along with soil borings to determine if the barrels leaked or other material was deposited on site has to be completed. Determi.nation of what the material is and how much contamination has occurred has� to be done before the demolition is considered complete and the site becomes available to the contractor. This may be another two weeks. Without the fill material being available to use on the construction site, new material will have to be brought in so that the backfill can be done and work can continue. ', Doing this will mean using up the credit of up to $11, 025 and increasing the cost of the stormwater work, , I have discussed this with the City Council and their cansensus is to proceed with bringing in as much fill as is necessary to move ahead with the project. I am asking your consensus also and to recommend app�oval for adding up to $11, 025 to the cost of the storm water work because of this. We have asked the contractar to provide a guarantee that only the amount of fill needed, before the business site is available will be used; when the material is placed and the quantities used. C�ver���ing's �oming �UL�i �J�,osemounr�� � . ., ...,o��>�a. y � , We are working to locate cheaper sources of fill material to lower the ' cost and asked the contractor to look at using material on site, at the project, now then replacing it with material from the demolition and stormwater site when it becomes available. ' Bu t, because of the time restraints on making a decision, I am requesting the Councils and your approval to move ahead, if necessary, , with the e�enditure ot up to the additional $11, 025. ',' I