HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.q. Airport Redevelopment Act: Opposition to Land Control Measures � ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SUNIl+lARY FQR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 15, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Airport Redevelopment Act AGENDA SECTION: Opposition to Land Control Measures Consent PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk, AGENDA ��R „ � � � City Administrator {�� � ATTAC�NTS: Resolution APP VED Y: � At the direction of Council at the May 4th Council rneeting staff has prepared a resolution for your consideration stating the City' s position in opposition to the establishment of ��land control measures" under the Airport Redevelopment Act until a decision is made whether or not to move the current airport or not. This resolution is similar to that adopted by the County which the Council felt was appropriate for your consideration. RECObmlENDED ACTION: Motipn to adopt A RESOLIITION OPPOSING THIs IMPLEMENTATION OF LAND CONTROL MEASURES UNDER THE AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT ACT. COUNCIL ACTION: 4.,n. � y . . � � ' . . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COIINTY, MTNNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993- A RESOLUTION OPPOSING TF€E IMPLIIKENTATION OF LAND CONTRQL MEASIIRES IN THE AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT ACT WHEREAS, the Airport Development Act, passed in the earl�r 1970 ' s as MinnesoCa Statues 473 .636 - 473 . 641, Directs that within 120 days after the Metropolitan Council approves a new ma.jor airpor� site selected by the Metropolitan Airports Commission, the Council must adopt criteria and guidelines for the regulation of use and development of the "airport development area" ; and WHEREAS, the °airport development area" is defined as all or a portion of property in the metropolitan area extending out three miles from the proposed boundaries of the site or out five miles from the boundaries of the site to protect the natural resources of the metropolitan area; and D�HEREAS, the "airport development area° criteria and guidelines ma.y relate ta various land use and development control measures, incTuding zoning ordinances, building codes, subdivision regulations, and official ma.ps; and WHEREAS, following Metropolitan Council approval of land use and development control measures, no public or private use contrary to its provisions may be made of the property to which it applies or no special use permit or variance may be granted that authorizes a use of development contrary to the Council ' s "airport development area" criteria and guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Airport Developrnent Act requires the Metropolitan Council to establish aircraft noise zones and those atfected 1oca1 governments to adopt the necessary control measures to prevent the use, eonstruction, or improvement of property and buildings subject to a level of noise in excess of the acceptable level established by the Council for that land use; and �+IHEREAS, the Dual Track Airport Planning Process was ma.ndated by the 1989 Minnesota Legislature to examine options for (l� either rebuilding Minneapolis-St.Paul International Airport (MSP) as the major metropolitan airport, or (2) relocating to a new major replacement airport in the metropolitan region; and WHEREAS, the following year, the 1990 Minnesota Legislature enacted 1990 Minnesota Laws, .Chapter 440, now codified as Minnesota Statute 473 .1551, which allowed for search area protection by restricting development inconsistent with developing a new major airport within that area; and � , ' -� . RESOLUTION 1993 - ! WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature will not select one of the Dual ' Track Airport Planning alternatives until 1996 . ' NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount maintains that the Airport Development Act does not and should not take affect until a�ter the Minnesota Legislature decides as part of the Dual Track Airport Planning Process whether to rebuild MSP or relocate to a new major replacement airport; and ', BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount directs city staff to prepare a letter to be forwarded to both the Metropolitan Council and the Metropolitan Airports Commission stating its position and assertions with regard to any potential implementa�ion of the Airport Development Act; and BE IT FIIRTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount ��I authorizes its Mayor, E.B. McMenomy, to review and sign the , aforementioned letters. , ADOPTED this 15th day of June, 19�3 . E. B. McMenomy, Ma.yor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against- 2 � ' � � ' CTTY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA � ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT � For the Year Ended December 31, 1992 ' � � � � ' � � � ' ' ' � � CITY OF ROSEMOLTNT, MINNESOTA ' TABLE OF CONTENTS December 31, 1992 ' ' PAGE S INTRODUCTORY SECTION Title Page ' Table of Contents i-iii City Officials 1 � FINANCIAL SECTI�N Independent Auditors' Report 3-4 ' General Pu ose Financial Statements rP ! Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups 6-9 Combined Statement of Revenue, Expenditures ' and Changes in Fund Balances - All Govemmental Fund Types 10-11 Combined Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and � Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual - General Fund 12 � Combined Sta.tement of Revenue, F�cpenses and Changes in Retained Earnings - All Proprietary Fund Types 13 1 Combined Statement of Cash Flows - All Proprietary Fund Types 14-15 Notes to the Financial Statements 17-36 � Combinin and individual Fund Financial Statements and Schedules g � General Fund Comparative Balance Sheets �7 Comparative Statements of Revenue, Expenditures ' and Changes in Fund Balanee 3$ Schedule of Revenue - Budget and Actual 39 Schedule of E,xpenditures and Encumbrances - ' Budget and Actual 40-41 , i ' ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA , TABLE OF CONTENTS ''�I December 31, 1992 ' I� PAGE S ' Special Revenue Funds ' Combining Balance Sheet 44-45 Combining Statement of Revenue, F..xpenditures 'I and Changes in Fund Balances 46-47 , ! ; Debt Service Funds � �' Combining Balance Sheet 50-52 Combining Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances 54-57 ' Capifal Project Funds Combining Balance Sheet 60-d5 ' Combini�g Statement of Reven�e, F.,�cpendit�res and Changes in Fund Balances 66-71 Enterprise Funds , Comparative Balance Sheets 74-75 � Comparative Statements of Revenue, Expenses ' and Changes in Retained Eamings 76 Comparative Statements of Cash Flows 77-7$ � Agency Funds Combining Balance Sheet 79 Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities 80 ,, STATISTICAL SECTION General Covemment Revenue by Function 82-83 General Government E�enditures by Function 84-85 Property Tax Levies and Collections 86-g7 Property Tax Rate - Direct and 4verlapping Debt 88 Computation of Legal Debt Margin 89 Properiy Value and Construction 90 �' ii � ��' ' ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ' TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------------------- December 31, 1992 ' , PAGE S Miscellaneous Statistics 91 � Schedule of Bonded Indebtedness 94-95 � Auditors' Report on Compliance 96-97 ' ' , � ' ' ' � ' ' � ' iii ' ' � , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY OFFICIALS ' -------------------------- December 31, 1992 ' � ELECTED , E.B. McMenomy Mayor Sheila Klassen Council Member ' James "Red" Staats Council Member ' Harry Willcox Council Member Dennis yVippermann Council Member , APPOINTED � Ste han 7ilk Ci Administrator P t3' � Jeffrey May Finance Director Scott Aker Fire Cl�ief ' v ec told Park and Recreation Director Da e B h , Lisa Freese Planning Director Elliel Knutsen Police Chief � John Miller Economic Development Coordinator � Henry "Bud" Osmundson City Engineer � Susan Walsh Administrative Assistant Ronald Wasmund Public Works Director � ' -1- , � � 7HIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ' '', ' ' ' I ', '� ' ' � ' � � BOECK� N HEIIV�N� 1��tYER C E R T 1 F 1 E D P U B L 1 C A C C O U N T A N T S � INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT � To the Mayor and City Council � City of Rosemount, Minnesota ' We have audited the accompanying general purpose financial statements of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as af and for the year ended December 31, 1992, as listed in the , table of contents. The financial statements are the responsibility of the City's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. ' We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perfarm the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about � whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant ' estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. , The City does not maintain adequate records of the general fixed asset group of accounts, stated at $11,889,220 in the accompanying combined financial statements. Because the City's reeords do not permit the application of adequate audit procedures, we are unable , to and do not express an opinion on the general fixed asset account group. In our opinion, other than the general fixed asset group of accounts as described in the , preceding paragraph, the general purpose financial statements referred to in the first paragraph present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as of December 31, 1992, and the results of its operations and the , cash flows of its proprietary fund types for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accaunting principles. i 1 ! 1 � To the Mayor and City Council '� City of Rosemount, Minnesota Page Two ' Our audit was made for the u ose of formin an o inion on the general purpose financial � P rP g P statements taken as a whole. The combining and individual fund financial statements and schedules as listed in the table of contents are presented for purpases of additional analysis and are not a required part of the general purpose financial statements of the City of ' 'I Rosemount, Minnesota. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures ; applied in the audit of the general purpose financial statements and, in our opinion,is fairly stated in all materiaT respects in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken ' �, as a whole. s ted for u oses of additional ' The statistical section listed m the table of contents is pre en p rp , analysis and is not a required part of the general purpase financial statements of the City ' of Rosemount, Minnesota:. Such information has not been subjected to the auditing rocedures a lied in the audit af the eneral u ose financial statements of the City of ' II P P P g P r P Rosemount, Minnesota, and, accordingly, we express no opinion on it. . ' ��t.a�r,n, �.�'�',t,e�t �-'����',i�'� BOECKERMANN, HEINEN & MAYER ' ' Certified Public Accountants Miuneapolis, Minnesota � March 23, 1993 ' ' � ' r � � � ��� � �� � �� � � i 1 1 I 1 � THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK � , � � � � , � � � ' ' t CITY OF ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA � COMBINED BALANCE SHEEf �, ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS DECEMBER 31, 1992 � GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES S IA DEBT CAPITAL � ' PEC L GENERAL REVENUE SERVICE PROJECTS ASSETS AND OTHER dEBffS ' I ASSETS: Cash 5126,164 534,000 5704,705 �118,152 ' '�, Certificates of deposit 1,105,814 1,611,431 7,040,000 6,460,000 Accourrts receivable 15,188 I Notes receivable 1.430,482 ' ,I, Specia!assessments receivabie 'I DelinqueM 64,974 i 5,417 Deferred 20,225 213 872,835 Delinquent ta�ces receivable 66,013 � , Due irom other funds ; Due from other governments 158,996 15,668 186,9Q4 I Pripaid expenses 123,797 991 � ,'' Fxed assets OTHER DEBITS: i Amount available in debt service funds ' Amount to be provided for debt retirement TOTAL 51.681.171 53.092.780 58219.861 56.578.482 � See notes to generai purpose financial statements � � ' � , � � I i ' � �� _ -6- ' I ' ' , PROPRIETARY FIDUCIARY FUND TYPE FUND TYPE ACCOUN7 GROUPS TOTALS ' GENERAL FIXED GENERAL ASSETS LOMG-TERM (MEMORANDUM ONLY} ENTERPRISE AGENCY (UNAUDI7ED) DEBT 1992 1991 , � $73.761 52.900 5459.712 5509,1Q4 3,148.000 479.030 19,844.275 12.402.799 350.029 345.217 219,854 ' 1.430,482 1,483,548 10.423 90.$14 211,198 41.357 934.630 1.665.838 , 66.Of3 63�538 269,�92 961.563 239.1?3 , 47.667 172,455 16Q.583 8.195.641 11,889.220 15,082.861 14,669.Q95 ' 7.331.608 7,331.608 6.847,795 7,483,467 7,483,467 5,892,587 � 56:844.878 S4S1.930 511.889.220 514.815.075 553.603.Q98 544.584.$�48 ' ' , ' ' , ' -7- ' 'I CfTY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA ' COMBINED BALANCE SHEET I'' ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS ' DECEMBER 31. 1992 ' GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES ' SPEGIAL DEBT CAPITAL GENERAL REVENUE SERVICE PROJECTS � UABILITIES EQUI'fY AND OTHER CREDITS LIABILITIES: � Due to other funds Accourrts payable 233,200 76,499 56,376 Compe�ated abenses payable ' Accrued expenses 67,568 Accrued interest Contracts payable 6,307 5f 4,059 Deferred revenue 186,994 1,503,473 888,253 ' Bonds payabie TOTAL LIABILITIES 5487,762 $1,586,279 y888,253 5570,�433 FUNQ E�UITY: I lnvestment in general�ixed assets Co�tributed capital ' Retained earnings Fund balsnce Resen►ed 165,625 1,506,501 7,331,608 B4O07,749 Unreserved ' Designated for working capital 1,027,7'85 TOTAL FUND EQUI7Y AND OTHER CREDITS $1.193,410 51,506,501 �7,331,608 56,007,749 TOTAL 51.681.171 SS.Q92.�80 58.219.861 56.578Lt82 ' See notes to general purpose financial statements ' ' , � —8— , , , ' � PROPRIETARY FIDUCIARY FUND TYPE FUND TYPE ACCOUNT GROUPS TOTALS GENERAL FtXED GENERAL ASSETS LOMG—TERM (MEMORANDUAA ONLI� ENTERPRISE AGENCY (UNAUDITED) DEBT 1992 199i ' S269.792 2,342 481.930 850.347 522,216 , 28,978 y200.075 229,05H 199.991 8,601 76,169 51,077 64,036 64,036 39,575 520,866 70.428 ' 49,782 2.628.502 3.439.758 2,810,000 14,615,OOU 17,425,000 13,910,OQd 52,963,739 $481,930 SO $14,815,075 521.793,473 a18,502,777 ' 511,889,220 511.889,220 511.343,070 , 1.846.995 1.846,995 1.670.197 2.OS4,144 2,034,144 2,841,305 15.011.485 9,285,074 , 1.027,785 942.415 53,881.139 a0 $11,889,220 $0 $31.809.627 a26,082,d62 6 844 878 5481.930 511.889.220 3f 4.815.075 553.608.100 544.584.889 t ' ' ' , ' ' -9- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT.MINNESOTA �i COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES �' ALL GOVERNMENTAL Fl1ND TYPES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, i992 ' GOVEANMENTA�FUND TYPES SPEGtAL DEBT � GENERAL REVENUE SERVIGE REVENUES: Genersi property taxes a1.342.415 5744.421 5429.725 ' Licenses and permits 842,742 Special assessments 69,249 1.386,585 ' IMergovemmentat 956,055 49,594 Charges for services 277,856 Fi�es and forfeitures 44,927 ' Interest earnings 30,614 166,678 289,317 Miscellaneous 182,491 88,475 316 TOTAL �3,246,349 51,049,t68 52,085,943 � DCPENDITURES: Current: ' General govemment a1,057,642 $255,287 Pubiic safety �885.966 Pubtic works �743,056 � Parks and recreation $523,296 Other 574.159 �t 0 125 Debt service: ' Redemptian of bonds 1,395,000 IMerest on bonds 773.117 Fsca)agent fees 4,211 ' TOTAL $3,209,960 �829,446 $2,182,453 IXCESS (DEFICIENCIfj OF REVENUE ' OVER EXPENDITURES 536,389 5219.722 (596,510) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USESj ' Proceeds from sale of bonds a94,876 Trsnsfers from other fu�ds �140,250 524,540 Transfers to other funds (39,389) (530,039) (38,532) , TOTAL 5140,841 (5530,039) �580,383 DCCESS (DEFICIENC`�OF REVENUE AND ' OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER DCPENDITURES AND OHTER FINANGING USES �137,230 (5310,317) 5483,878 ' BEGINNING FUND BALANGE 1,056,180 1,816,818 6,847,735 ENDING FUND BALANCE a1.193,410 y1,506,501 �7,531,608 ' See notes to general purpose financial statements —10— , , ' �-- TOTALS . CAPRAL (MEMORANDUM ONLI� PROJECTS 1992 1991 r52.516.561 52.255.565 342,742 193,178 , 1.435,884 884,874 1,005,649 1,256,235 277.856 125,887 , 44.927 47.377 51.492 488,101 683,981 41,387 812,669 189,047 � �42,879 $6.424,339 55.686.144 ' 51,312,929 51.127.799 885.966 834.191 � 52.548.6Q9 3.291,665 1,055.611 523,296 503,804 209,19$ 793,482 629,069 ' 1.395.000 1.560.000 773,117 773.229 4,211 5,063 �' $2,757.807 58,979.666 56.488.766 � (52.714,928) (52.555,32� (a852,622) , 56,515,819 56,610.194 51,642,348 1,904.017 2,568.787 1,768.539 (203.915� (811.875) (1.495.805) 58.215,921 S8,S67,106 a1,915,082 ' � 55.500.993 �5.811,779 a1,062.460 506.756 10.227.489 9.165.U29 56.007.749 $16.039.268 Si0.227.489 ' -11- ' � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA ' COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDIURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES ' ' BUDGET(GAAP BASIS) AND ACTUAL— GENERAL FUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 ' BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE ' REVENUES: Taxes 51.371.702 51,842.4t5 (529.28� ' Licenses and permits 215,800 342,742 126,942 Intergovemmental 913.614 956.055 42,441 ' Charges for services 194,950 277,856 82,906 Fines and forfeitures 50,d00 44,927 (5,073) Misceilaneous 257,828 282,354 24,526 ' TOTAL $3,003,894 53,24fi,849 5242,455 DCPENDITURES: ' General governmeM a1,015,748 51,074,792 ($59,044) Pub(ic safety 881.498 888.017 (6.519) Public works 761.173 749,568 11,805 ' Park and�ecreation 58i,067 530,198 50.871 TOTAL �3.239,486 $3.242,373 (52.887} ' IXCESS (DEFICIENCI�OF REYENUE OVER DCPENDITIJRES (a235.592) $3.976 5239,568 ' OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfers from other funds 5235,592 5140,230 (�95,362j ' Transfers to other funds (39,389) (39,389) TOTAL �235,592 at00,841 (�134,751) ' DCCESS (DEFICI'I)OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) y0 �104,817 5104,817 ' Reconcialition to GAAP basis , elimination of encumbrances,net 52,413 BEC,INNMG BALANCE 1.056,180 ' ENDINC�BALANCE 51.193,410 1 ' —1.2— , ' ' CtTY OF ROSEMOUNT. MIP{NESOTA COMBINEO STATEMENT OF RENENUE, DCPENSES AND CHANGES IN REfAtNED EARNINGS ' AU.PROPRIETARY FUND T'PES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 � TOTALS 1992 t991 IOPERATING REVENUE: Water sales 5358,066 5306,532 � Storm Water Charges 203,701 Sewer charges 475,652 428,728 Water surcharges 47,548 42,591 ' Water meter maintenance 11,550 8,787 Water meters 25,890 f6,939 Miscellaneous 58,704 45,035 , TOTAL 51.181.106 5846.612 OPERATlNG EXPENSES: , Salaries and wages $214,380 S7 81.297 Supp(ies 75.51 S 103.443 Qther services 126,929 68,858 , Other charges 597 4.074 Metro sewer charge 297,564 264,108 Depreciatian 138.034 131.446 , TOTAL $852.817 5748,226 OPERATiNG INCQME 5828.289 598,386 , NON—OPERATING REVENUE(EXPENSES): tnterest revenue 534,591 �37,833 interest expense (�181,369) (96,323) , Other expenses (a1.073) (1.830) TOTAL (�98,451) (560,820) INCOME BEFORE OPERATiNG TRANSFERS 5229,838 538.066 ' OPERATING TRANFERS: Operating Uansfers in 5452,000 580,000 ' Operating transfers out (51.489,000) TOTAL ($1,037,000) $30,000 NEC INCOME(LOSS) (5807,162) 568,46& ' BEGINNING RETAINED EARNINGS 52,841,306 �,773,240 ' ENDING RETAtNED EARNINGS 52,034.144 �2,841.306 , See notes to generaF purpose financial statements ' -13- CI71(OF ROSEMOUNT.MINNESOTA I COMBINED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS ' ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,1992 ' ENTERPRISE FUNDS ' 1992 1991 CASM FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITtES: Cash received from customers $1,068,728 $696,251 Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services (5506,776) (512,878j ' Cash payments to employees for services {5207,13� (194,616) Net cash providedby operating activities a354,815 (�11,343) CASH FLOWS FROM NONCAPITAL ACTIVITIES: ' Operating transfers from other fu�ds 5452,OOQ S30,OQ0 Operating transfers to other funds {i,489,OQ0) ' Net cash provided by noncapital financing activitites (51,037,000) S3Q.OQ0 CASH FLOWS FROM CAPtTAL AND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES: ' Acquisition of property,plant,and equipmeM (a5,650) ($24,012) Principal payments on bonds (60,000) (60,000) Issuance of bonds 1,525,d00 ' Interest and fiscai charges on bonds (108.58t) (99.233) Contributed capitai (core charges) Received 1,2f 6,850 613,802 ' Paid Out (1,040,052) (336.932) Net cash used by capitaland related financing activities a1,527,567 593.625 CASH FLOWS FROM iNVES7lNG ACTIYITIES ' Net increase(decresse)in investments ($918,000) ($Z95,OQ0) Interest received on investments 34,gg� 37,g33 ' Net cash used in investing activities (5883,409) (5257,167) NET INCREASE(DECREASEj 1N CASH AND GASH EG�UIYALENTS (a38,02� (5144,88� ' BEGINNINCa BAIANCE 11 t,788 25&.673 ENDING BALANCE a73.76i $111.788 , See notes to general purpose financial statemeMs ' ' ' ' -14- , � ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT', MINNESOTA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS � -------------------------------------------------------------- December 31, 1992 , ' NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The City of Rosemount provides a broad range of services to citizens, , including general gavernment,public safety,streets,and park facilities. Tt also operates water and sewer utilities. � The financial statements of the City of Rosemount are in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as applied to government units. The Governmental Accounting Standards Baard (GASB) is the ' accepted standard-setting body for establishing gavemmental accounting and financial reporting principles. The significant accounting policies follow�d are described below to enhance the usefulness of the financial statements to the � reader. A. Financial Reporting Entity of the City , For the ear ended December 31, 1992, the Ci has unplemented Y ty' National Council on Govemmental Accounting Statement Na 3, , Definin� the Governmental Re�orting._Entitv. In accordance with Statement No. 3 the financial statements include all funds, account groups, departments, agencies, boards, commissions and other ' organizations over which City officials exercise oversight responsibility. Qversight responsibility includes such aspeets as appointment of � governing body members, budget review, approval of property taY levies, outstanding debt secured by City full faith and credit or revenue, responsibility for funding deficits and others. ' As a result of applying the criteria of Statement No. 3, the Rosemount Fire Relief Assaciatian has been excluded from the City's financial � statements. This association is organized as a non-profit organization by its members in accordance with Minnesota statutes, whereby state ' aid flows to the association, and the association pays benefits directly to its members. The Board of Directors is appointed by the membership of the organization. , , -17- ' � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ' NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ' December 31, 1992 ' NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOITNTING POLICIES (Continuedj ' , B. Fund Accounting � The accounts of the City are organized on a basis of funds and aceount ' groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self- ' balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenue, and expenditures or expenses, as appropriate. Government ' resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based ' upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are cantrolled. The various funds are grouped in the financial statements in this report as follows: � GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS General Fund-The General Fund is the eneral o eratin fund af the ' g P g City. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required tc� be accounted for in another fund. , Special Revenue Funds - Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources {other than special ' assessments, expendable trusts, or majar capital projects} that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. � Debt Service Funds - Debt Service Funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal, interest and related costs. , Capital Projeet Funds- Capital Project Funds are used to account for ' financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (Other than those financed by Proprietary Funds). , ' -18- ' , ' ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ' ------------------------------------- ------------------------ December 31, 1992 � , NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued} B. Fund Accounting (Continued) , PROPRIETARY FUNDS ' Enterprise Funds- Enterprise Funds are used to account for activities similar to those found in the private sector, where the determination of net incame is necessary or useful to sound financial administration. ' Goods or services fram such activities are provided to the general public. ' FIDUCIARY FUNDS Fiduciary Funds are clearing type funds for the collection of taxes or ' deposits held in trust, on behalf of individuals, private organizations and other governments. The funds are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do not involve measurement of results of ' operations. C. Basis of Accounting , Basis of accounting refers to when revenue and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial , statements, regardless of the measurement focus applied. All governmental funds are accounted for using the modified accrual ' basis of accounting. Their revenue is recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. Taxpayer-assessed � income and gross receipts are considered "Measurable" when in the hands of intermediary collecting governments and are recognized as revenue at that time. Anticipated refunds of such t�es are recorded � as liabilities and reductions of revenue when they are measurable and their validity seems certain. ' �enditures are generallyrecognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related fund Iiability is incurred. Exceptions to this general rule include principal and interest on general long-term ' debt which is recognized when due. -19- ' � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ' NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - --------------------- -----•-----•----------------------- ' December 31, 1992 � NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF STGNIFICANT ACCOUNI'ING P4LICIES (Continued) ' C. Basis of Accounting (Continued) All ra rieta funds are accounted for usin the accrual basis of ' P P rY g accounting. Their revenue is recognized when it is earned, and their expenses are recognized when they are incuned. Unbilled Water and , Sewer fund utility service receivables are recorded at year-end. D. Encumbrances ' Encumbrance accounting is empioyed by the governmental funds. Under this method,purchase orders, contracts and other cammitments , far future expenditure of funds are recarded as a reservation of fund balance based on the encumbered appropriation authority carried over and do nat constitute expenditures or liabilities. ' E. Accumulated Unpaid Vacation, Sick and Holiday Pay Accumulated un aid vacatio sick and hoIida a are accrued when � p n, , Y P Y earned in proprietary funds. Such amounts for govemmental funds are ' accrued anly to the extent that they are to be Tiquidated with expendable available resources. The balance is reported as a liability in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. ' F. Tota.l Columns on Combined Statements - Overview Total columns an the Combined Statements- Overview are eaptioned ' "Memorandum Only" to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present ' financial position, results of operations or cash flows in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data camparable to a consolidation. Interfund eiiminations have not been ' made in the aggregation of this data. ' -20- ' , r ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ' -------------------------------------------------------------- December 31, 1992 ' NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING P�LICIES (Continued) ' G. Fixed Assets and Long-Term Liabilities ' The accountin and re ortin of fixed assets and long-term liabilities g P g associated with a fund are determined by its measurement fc�cus. All ' go�emmental funds are accounted for on a spending or"financial flaw" measurement, which means that only current assets and current liabilities are generally included on Yheir balance sheets. Their , reported fund balance is considered a measure of"available spendable resources". Governmental fund operating statements present increases and decreases in net current assets. Accordingly, they are said to � present a summary of sources and uses of "available spendable resources" during a period. ' Fixed assets used in govemmental fund type operations are accounted for in the General Fu�ed Assets Account Group, rather than in the governmental funds. Public domain general fixed assets cansisting of rcertain unprovements ather than buildings, including roads, curbs and gutters, streets drainage systems, and lighting systems are capitalized alang with ather general fixed assets. No depreciation has been ' provided on general f�ed assets. All fuced assets are valued at historical cost or estimated historical cost , if historical cost is unavailable. Donated fixed assets are valued at their estunated fair value on the date donated. Generally, assets with an individual cost of less than $500 are not capitalized. ' The fixed assets of the Utilities Commission Fund are depreciated ' using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives af the assets. The estimated useful lives are as follows: 1 TYPE OF ASSET LIFE Buildings and Structures 4p-50 years ' Furniture and Equipment 14 years Machinery 1Q years Other Equipment 4-10 years ' -21- , �' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ' NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS --------------------------------------- -------------------- ' December 31, 1992 ' NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued} ' G. Fixed Assets and Long-Term Liabilities (Continued) ', Lon -term liabilities e ected to be financed fram overnmental funds ' g xP � are accounted for in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group, not in the governmental funds. The exception to this rule is the ' revenue bonds which are accounted for in the Utility Commission Fund. The two account rou s differ from "funds" in that the are not ' g P Y involved with measurement of results of operations. They are concerned only with the measurement of financial position. ' Because of their spending measurement focus,expenditurerecognition for governmental fund types is limited to exclude amounts represented , by non-cunent liabilities. Since they do not affect net cunent assets, such 1ong-term accounts are not recognized as governmental type e�rpenditures or fund liabilities. They are, instead, reported as � liabilities in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. All proprietary funds are accounted for on a cost of services or°capital ' maintenance" measurement focus. This means that aIl assets and all liabilities (whether current or non-current) associated with their activity are included on their balance sheets. Their reported fund ' equity (net total assets) is segregated into contnbuted capital and retained earnings components. Proprietary fund type operating statements present increases(revenue)and decreases(expenses)in net ' total assets. Depreciation of all e�chaustible fixed assets used by groprietary funds ' is charged as an expense against their aperations. Aceumulated depreciation is reparted on proprietary fund balance sheets. ' ' -22- ' � ' ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESC3TA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ' -------------------------------------------------------------- December 31, 1992 � � NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) H. Property Taxes � The Ci Cauncil annuall adopts a tax levy and certifies it to the tY Y County for billing and collection. The County is responsible for biIling � and collecting all property taxes for itself, the City, the local School District and other taxing authorities. These taxes are payable (by property owners) by May 15 and October 15 of each calendar year. � These taxes are collected by the Caunty and remitted to the City by approximately each subsequent July 15, and December I5. Additionally, delinquent collections are remitted to the City with each � settlement. Ta�ces payable on homestead property (as defined by State Statutes) � are partially reduced by a homestead credit. This credit is paid to the City by the State in lieu of taxes levied against homestead praperty. � The City recognizes property tax revenue when it becomes both measurable and available to finance expenditures of the cunent period. Delinquent taxes receivable are not recognized as revenue � until collected. Delinquent taxes are offset by deferred revenue. L Special Assessments , Special assessments are levied against the benefitted groperties for the assessable costs of special assessment nnprovement projects in � accordance with State Statutes. The City adopts the assessment rolls when the individual projects are complete or substantially complete. The assessments are collectible aver a term of years generally � consistent with the term of years of the related bond issue, Collection of annual instaliments(including interest) is handled by the �ounty in � the same manner as property taxes. Property owners are allowed to prepay total future instaliments without interest or pre-payment penalties. ' � -23- ' � ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ' ' NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ---------------- --------------------------------------------- � December 31, 1992 ' NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING P�LICIES (Continued) � I. Special Assessments (Continued) Once a s ecial assessment roll is ado ted the amount attributed to � P P � each parcel is a lien upon that property until full payment is made or the amount is determined to be excessive by City Council or court ' action. If special assessments are delinquent for a State statute- determined number of years, the property is subject to ta��-forfeit sale and the first proceeds of that sale (after cost, penalties, and expenses ' of sale) are remitted to the City in payment of delinquent special assessments. Generally, the City will collect the full amaunt of its special assessments if not adjusted by City Council or Court Action. � Accordingly,no allowance forpotentiallyuncoliectible assessments has been provided. J. Bud ets � g Financial control of spending for various govern�nental activities is t exercised through the use of budgetary procedures. F.�cclusive authority over ali budget matters remains with the Council. Depart- mental budgets may not exceed amounts set by the Cauncil. Formal ( annual budgets are not adopted for Speciai Revenue (except for Economic Development Authority and 5-Year CIP Program), Capital Project or Debt Service funds. Effective budgetary control is ' alternatively achieved in these funds by Council approval of individual projects and e�enditures. ' K. Restricted Assets Funds set aside for payment of enterprise fund revenue bands and � capital improvements are classified as restricted assets since their use is limited by bond indentures and council action. � , -24- � ' , ' CITY OF Rt3SEMOUNT, MINNESOTA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ' --------------- ---------------------------------------------- December 31, 1992 ' NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNfiING POLICIES (Continued) , L. Comparative Data , Comparative totals for the prior year have been presented in the accompanying financial statements in order to provide an ' understanding o€ changes in the City's financial position and operations. However, comparative (i.e., presentation of prior year totals by individual funds) data have not been presented in each of the ' statements except the Enterprise Funds, since their inclusion would make the statements unduly complex and difficult to read. , M. Reclassifications Certain accounts relating to the prior year have been restated to ' conform to current year's presentation. These reclassifications have no effect on previously reported excess (deficiency). , N. Statement of Cash Flows For the purpose of the Statement of Cash Flows, the Enterprise Funds , consider all highly liquid inveshnents (excluding Certificates of Deposit) with a maturity of one year or less when purchased to be cash equivalents. , NC)TE 2 CASH AND CERTIFICATES QF DEPOSIT ' DEPOSITS In accordance with Minnesota statutes, the City maintains deposits at those ' depository banks authorized by the City Council, aIl of which are members of the Federal Reserve System. ' Minnesota statutes require that all City deposits be protected by insurance, surety bond, or collateral. 'Ifie market value of collaterai pledged must equal ' 110% of the depQsits not covered by insurance or bonds (140% in the c�se of mortgage notes pledged}. ' -25- ' ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ' NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -------------------------------------------------------------- ' December 31, 1992 ' � NOTE 2 CASH AND CERTIFICATES QF DEPOSIT (Continued) ' DEPOSITS {Continued) Authorized collateral includes the le al investrnents described below, as well as ' ' g certain first mortgage notes, and certain c�ther state or local government obligations. Minnesota Statutes require that securities pledged as collateral be held in ' safekeeping by the City treasnrer or in a financial institution other than that furnishing the collateral. � Balances at December 31, 1992 were: ' Bank Carrying Balances Amount ' 1) Insured or collateralized by se- curities held by the City or its agent in the City's name. $20,329,537 $24,018,252 ' 2) Uncollateralized or collateralized with securities held by the pledging institution, but not in the City's ' name. 228.943 288.943 TOTALS 20 558 480 ,�20.30�7,�.195 ' NOTE 3 NOTES RECEIVABLE Total notes receivable at December 31, 1992 and 1991 were $1,430,4$2 and ' $1,433,548, respectively. They are due in monthly instaliments over various periods , and at varying interest rates. ' , ' ' � ' -26- ' , ' ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS , ------------•------------------------------------------------- December 31, 1992 ' NOTE 4 FIXED ASSETS A summary of changes in General Fixed Assets for 1992 is as ' follows: Balance Balance January 1, Additions December 31, , 1992 (Deletions) 1992 Land $ 1, 019,463 $ $ 1, 019,463 Buildings and ' Structures 2,280,225 2Q4,466 Z,484, 691 Impravements Other than Buildings 5,362,871 39, 014 5,401,885 Machinery and ' Equipment 2 .680. 511 302 ,670 2 .983 . 181 Totals $11, 343 ,Q70 s� 546, 150 $11,889 ,220 ' A summary of proprietary fund type fixed assets at December 31, 1992 is as follows: Land $ 23,720 , Buildings 176,056 Water Towers and Mains 3,904,440 Machinery and Equipment 282 •'71� Total $ 4,386,933 ' Less Accumulated Depreciation L1� 193 ,292) 3 193 .6� NOTE S LONG-TERM DEBT ' The followin is a summa of chan es in lon -term debt of the City for the year ended g rY b g December 31, 1992: , General Special Tax Obligation Assessment Increment Revenue Compensated ' Bonds Bonds Bonds Bonds Absences BALANCE, January 1, , 1992 $ 1, 345,000 $10,275,000 $ 945,000 $ 1,345,000 $ 175,322 New Bonds Issued 1,080,000 2, 365, 000 - 4,950,000 - Increase in ' Long-Term Compensated Absence , Liability - - - - 24_753 Bonds Retired ,�125, 000) ' (1. 185,000) (85,000) f60, 000) BALANCE, December 31, , 1992 2 , 300. 000 $11,455,000 $ 860,000 $ 6,235, 000 S 20Q 075 . � ��ea.� -27- ' '''',, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ' NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -------------------------------------------------------------- ' December 31, 1992 ' '. NOTE 5 LONG-TERM DEBT Continued ' I'' � ) General Obligatian Bonds ' , General Obligation Bonds are recorded in the General Long-Term Debt group of accaunts and are backed by the full faith and credit of the City. , Special Assessment Bonds These bonds are recorded in the General Lon -Term Debt Grou and are a able rimaril ' ' g P PY F Y from special assessments levied and collected for Iocal impravements. The city has a contingent liability relating to a pledge of full faith and credit of the City and is obligated � only to the extent that liens foreclosed against properties involved in the special assessment districts are insufficient to retire outstanding bonds. Revenue Bonds ' I' These bonds are recorded as a liability of the Enterprise Fund. The major covenant relating ' I, to t hese issues inc lu de es ta b lis hmen t o f a reserve accoun t for t he paymen t o f bon d principa l and interest. These bonds are not general obligations of the �ity, but are paid primarily fram the revenue of the enterprise fund of the City. ' ' ' � ' ' ' ' -28- ' , II ' ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ' ------------------------------------------ ------------------- December 31, 1992 , ' NOTE 5 LONG-TERM DEBT (Continued) The annual requirements to amortize all debt outsta.nding as of December 3i, 1992, � including interest payments of$9,249,896 are as follows ' Year Ending General Special December 31 Obli�ation Assessments Revenue Total ' 1993 $ 560,401 $ 1,794,801 $ 225,429 $ 2,580,631 1994 705,662 2,012,121 261,635 2,979,419 1995 7b4,675 1,964,485 289,932 3,419,093 , 1996 769,975 1,849,Q94 301,882 2,920,951 1997 732,470 1,709,445 307,780 2,749,295 1998 763,470 1,565,864 307,757 2,637,244 , 1999 761,147 1,405,205 306,9Q9 2,473,261 2000 472,340 702,717 300,352 1,475,414 2001 477,852 622,912 302,965 1,403,73Q ' 2002 476,916 385,882 304,531 1,167,330 2003 344,285 253,879 3QS,Q07 9Q3,171 2004 345,195 211,042 304,324 860,561 ' 2005 350,171 - 297,677 647,849 2006 349,217 - 155,385 504,603 2007 347,515 - 152,615 500,130 � 2008 349,922 - 154,312 504,235 2009 346,429 - - 346,4�9 2010 342,182 - - 342,1$3 � 20ll 346,907 - - 3��,�$ 2012 345,435 - - 345,435 2013 347,"772 - - 347,772 ' 2014 208,504 - - 208,SQ4 2015 208,024 - - 208,024 , 2016 211,680 _ = 211,680 2017 209,470 209,470 2018 206.5$0 - - 206,580 ' . Tatal 11344 352 4 477 048 4 278 495 30 Q99 895 $ , . � �i� �i._ , -29- ' ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ' NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1992 NOTE 6 DEFINED BENEFIT PENSI4N PLANS - STATEWIDE PLAN DESCRIPTI(3N All fuIl-time and certain part-time employees of the City of Rosemaunt are covered by defined benefit pension plans administered by the Publie Employees Retirement Assaciation of Minnesota(PERA). PERA administers � the Public Employees Retirement Fund (PERF) and the Public Employees Police and Fire Fund {PEPFF) which are cost-sharing multiple-employer retirement plans. ' � PERF members belong to either the Coordinated Plan or the Basic Plan. Caordinated members are cavered by Social Security and Basic members are not. All new rnembers must participate in the Coordinated Plan. All police officers,fire fighters and peaee officers who qualify for membership by statute are covered by the PEPFF. The payroll for employees covered by PERF and i PEPFF for the year ended December 31, 1992 was $1,287,SO1 and $466,041, respectively; the City's total payroll was $1,938,056. PERA provides retirement benefits as well as disability benefits to members, and benefits to survivors upon death of eligible mernbers. Benefits are established by State Statute, and vest after three years of credited service. The defined retirement benefits are based on a member's average salary for any five successive years af allowable service, age, and years of credit at I termination of service. Two methods are used to compute benefits for Coordinated and Basic members. The retiring member receives the higher of step-rate benefit accrual formula (Method 1) or a level accrual fQrmula �'� {Method 2). Under Method 1, the annuity aecrual rate for a Basic member is 2 percent of average salary for each of the first 10 years of service and 2.5 percent for each remaining year. For a Coordinated member, the annuity accrual rate is 1 percent of average salary for each of the first 10 years and 1.5 percent for each remaining year. Using Method 2, the annuity accrual rate is 2.5 percent of average saIary for Basic members and 1.5 percent for J Coordinated members. For PEPFF members, the annuity accrual rate is 2.5 percent for each year of service. Far PERF members whose annuity is calculated using Method l, and for ail PEPFF members, a full annuity is available when age plus years of service equal 90. -34- ; � � eITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA NOTES TO THE FINANC STATEMENTS � -------------------------------------- ----------------------- December 31, 992 � NOTE 6 DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION P ANS - STATEWIDE (Continued} � PLAN DESCRIPTION (Continued � There are different es of annuitie available to members upon retirement tYP A normal annuity is a lifetime ann ity that ceases upon the death of the � retiree. No survivor annuity is paya le. There are also various types of joint and survivor annuity options availab e which will reduce the monthly normal annuity amount. Members may als leave their contributions in the fund � upon termination of public service, i order to qualify for a deferred annuity at retirement age. Refunds of con 'butions are available at any time to members who leave public serviee, ut before retirement benefits begin. � IBUTIONS RE UIRED D CONTRIBUTIONS MADE CONTR Q � Minnesota Statutes Chapter 353 se the rates for employer and emplayee contributions. The City makes an ual contributions to the pension plans equal to the amount required by s ate statutes. According to Minnesota � Statutes chapter 356.215, Subd. 4(g), the date of fuil funding required for the PERF and the PEFFF is the year 2 20. rAs part of the annual actuarial val ation, PERA's actuary determines the sufficiency of the statutory contribu ion rates towards meeting the required full funding deadline. The actuary ompares the actual contribution rate to ra "required" contribution rate. Curr ntec�mbined statutory contribution rates and actuarially required contributio rates for the plans are as follows: � Statutory Rates: Required E lo ees Em Ip over Rates � PERF Basic and Coordinated t Plans) 4.41% 4.74% 9.95% � FEPFF 8% 12% 18.6% � � -31- � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA � NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -------------------------------------------------------------- I December 31, 1992 ��� NOTE 6 DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLANS - STATEWIDE (Continued) PLAN DESCRIPTI�N (Continued) ' � Total contributions made by the City during fiscal year 1992 were: Amounts Covered Pavroll Em�lo,�ees Empl�er Em,.plo,��ees Emplo,� � PERF $ 54,461 $ 57,680 4.2% 4.5% PEPFF 37,283 55�925 8.0% 12.0% Totals 91744 $ 113.605 ;� i The City's contribution for the year ended June 30, 1992 to the PERF �I represented 0.05 percent of total cantributions required of all participating entities. Far the PEPEF, contributions for #he year ended June 30, 1992, represented 0.19 percent of total contributions required of all participating entities. FUNDING STATUS AND PROGRESS - PENSI4N BENEFIT OBLIGATION � The "pension benefit obligation" is a standardized disclosure measure of the � present value of pension benefits, adjusted for the effects of projected salary increases and step-rate benefits, estimated to be payable in the future as a result of employee service to date. � i'� �' .32- �� , , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ' -------------------------------------------------------------- December 31, 1992 ' NOTE 6 DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLANS - STATEWIDE (Continued) ' FUNDING STATUS AND PROGRESS (Continued) ' The measure, which is the actuarial present value of credited projected benefits, is intended to help users assess PERA's funding status on a going- ' concern basis, assess progress made in accumulating sufficient assets to pay benefits when due, and make comparisons among Public Employee Retirement Systems and among employers. PERA does not make separate 1 measurements of assets and pension benefit obligations for individual employers. , The pension benefit obligation as of June 30, 1991, is shown below (in thousands): ' PERF PEPFF Total Pension Benefit ObIigation $4,868,124 $ 821,604 ' Net Assets Available for Benefits, At Cost (Market Values , for PERF=$4,068,082; PEPFF=$1,012,812) 3.933,124 9b3.565 , Unfunded (Assets in Excess o� Pension Benefit Obligation 935 000 1419,61) , The measurement of the pension benefit obligation is based on an actuarial ' valuation as of June 3Q, 1992. Net assets available to pay pension benefits were valued as of June 30, 1992. � Changes in Benefit Provisions Effective for the June 30, 1992 valuation, legislative activity since the last ' actuarial valuation resulted in some minor changes in benefit provision for the two funds. These changes did not have a significant impact on the PERF or the PEPFF. ' -33- � 'i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA '�I NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS � ' ---------•---------------------------------------------------- � December 31, 1992 '', NOTE 6 DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLANS - STATEWIDE (Continued) i FUNDING STATUS AND PROGRESS Cantinued ' ' � ) TEN-YEAR HISTORICAL TREND INFORMATION ' �'�� Ten-year historical trend information is presented in PERA's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 1992. This information ' !� is useful in assessing the pension plan's accumulation of sufficient assets to I pay pension benefits as they become due. RELATED PARTY INVESTMENTS � I'� As of June 30 1992 and the fiscal ear then ended PERA held no securities I� � , Y � ' ,'I issued by the City or other related parties. NOTE 7 CONTRIBL7TED CAPITAL ' , Changes in contributed capital (core funds)for the year ended December 31, 1991 are as follows: ',, Balance, December 31, 1991 $ 1,670,197 Connectian/Reconnection Fees and Other 1,216,850 ' Transfers Out and Other (1. 040, 052) �� Balance, December 31, 1992 $ 1,846,995 NOTE 8 FUND EQUITY RESERVE ' '. The City records reserves to indicate that a portion of the fund equity is ' legally segregated for a specific future use or cannot be appropriated for expenditures. Following is a list of all reserves used by the City and a deseription of each. I � � Reserved for Debt Service - The portion of fund equity segregated for debt service resources legally restricted to the payment of long-term debt principal , and interest amaunts maturing in future years. 'I Reserved for Project Completion - The portion of fund equity segregated for ' completion of capital projects financed by general obligation bonds. -34- ' '' ' ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS � --------------------- ---------------------------------------- December 31, 1992 � NOTE 8 FUND EQUITY RESERVE (Continued) ' Reserve for Encumbrances-The portion of fund equity segregated for future expenditures encumbered at year-end by Council action. ' Reserved for Pre aids-The ortion of fund equity segregated to indicate that P P prepaid insurance does not represent available spendable resources even ' though it is a component of current assets. NOTE 9 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT ' The Ci of Rosemount Economic Development Authority is the � administering authority for three tax increment districts. A redevelopment � district established May 1, 1979 {Downtown) and an economic development district established March 1, 1990 (Knutson). Both districts are also part of Develapment District No. 1-1 established March l, 1990. Tax capacities and , bonding information are as follows: 1979 1990 ' Original Gross Tax Capacity $ 18b,687 $ 586 Current Gross Tax , Capacity 432,848 19,602 Captured Gross Tax Capacity Retained by Authority 246 161 19 416 � Total Bonds Issued: Tax Increment Bonds $ 1,225,000 $ - ' Amounts Redeemed 365.Q00 - Outstanding Bonds at ' December 31, 1992 8b0 000 � ' � � -35- ' � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ' NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ' December 31, 1992 NOTE 10 DEFICIT FUND BALANCES The following funds had deficit fund balances at December 31, 1992 which were expected to be recovered through various sources as follows: Fund Descri tion , Fund T,y�e Deficit Intended Dis�osition Diamond Path (#230) Special Revenue $ (1,125) Transfers Hawkins Pond (#402} Capital Projects $ {2,50$) Core Funds 145th St. Re- �l construction ' {#411} Capital Projects $ (1�,764) Bond Proceeds � Reconstruction 145th St. (#416) Capital Projects $(139,112) MSA Funds �� Armory Highway 3 Impr, (#417) Capital Projects $ (8,697) MSA Eunds O'Leary's Hills ' (#423} Capital Projects $ (25,869) Transfers � White Lake Acres St. Reconstruc- tion (#428) Capital Pro1ects $ {1,604) Transfers ' NOTE 11 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN The Ci of Rosemount offers its em lo ees a deferred com ensation lan � tY P Y P P which is in accordance with Internal Revenue Cade Section 457. The plan permits employees to defer a portion of their salary until future � years. Participation is optional. The deferred compensation is not available to employees until termination, retirement, death, or unforeseeable � emergency. All amounts of compensation deferred under the plan, all property and rights � purchased with those amounts, and all income attributable to those amounts, property, or rights are (until paid or made available to the employee or other � beneficiary) solely the property and rights of the City, subject only to the ��' clauns of the City's general creditors. Participants' rights under the plan are ' equal to those of general creditors af the City in an amount equal to the fair market value of the deferred accaunt for each participan� -36- ' C1TY OF ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA ' C�MPARATNE BAtANGE SWEET GENERAL FUND ' E3ECEMBER 31. 1992 ' 1992 1991 ASSETS ' Cash 5126,164 5121,961 Cettificates of deposit 1,105,814 704,227 Due ftom other funds 125.502 , Accaunts receiva#ale 15,188 1,524 Speciai assessmeMs receivabie: Delinquent 64,974 13,786 , Deferred 20,225 45,059 De{inquent ta�ces recievable 66,013 63,538 Due from other governments 158,996 127,829 ' Prepaid expenses 123.797 113,765 TOTAL ASSETS 51,681,171 51,317,191 ' � LIABILITIES AND FUND E�UIIY LIABILI7IES: ' Accounts payabie 5233,200 �82,715 Accrued wages and deductions 6?,567 45,350 Deferred rev�nue 186,994 132,946 ' rorA� aas7.�s, a2s,.o,� FUND BALANCE: ' Reserved: $125,797 5113,765 Prepaid expe�ses 4t,828 9,415 Encumbrances ' U�reserved: Designated for working capital 1,027,785 938,000 TQTAL 51,193,410 $1,05&,180 ' Tt'�TAL LIABILITIES AND FUND E(]UITY 51.68l.171 $1,317,191 ' ' , ' —37— CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA � i COMPARATNE STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES ' ' GENERAL FUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 ' 1992 1991 ' REVENUE: Taxes St,542,415 51,026,792 ' Licenses and permits 342,742 i93,178 IMergovemmental 956,055 19,830 Charges for services 277,856 842,806 ' Fines and farfeftures 44,927 125,887 Special assessments 69,249 47,377 Interest earnings 30,614 35,297 ' Miscellaneous 182,491 139,717 TOTAL 53,246,349 �2,480,884 DCPENDITURES: I Current: Genera!gover�ment 51,057,642 $998,618 ' Pubfic safety 885,9&6 854,191 Pubiic works 743,U56 565,071 Park and recreation 523,296 508,804 ' TOTAL y$.2U9.960 52.901,&84 DCCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES $36;389 ($470,800) ' OTHER FINANCING SOURGES (USES): Transfers from ather funds 5140,230 a562,116 ' Transfers to other funds (39,389) TOTAL 5100,841 5562,t16 ' DCCESS OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND ' OTHER FINANGiPIG USES a137,230 591,316 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,056,180 964,864 , ENDING FUND BALANGE 51.198,410 St,U56,180 ' ' ' -38- , �CITY OF ROSEMOUNT.MINNESOTA � SCHEDULE OF REVENUE COMPARED TO BUDGET(GAAP BASIS) GENERAL FUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 , 1992 1991 BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE ACTUAL �TAXES: General property taxes 51,037,368 51,007,089 (530,279) =757,526 � Fiscal disparities 310,034 310,034 O 246,442 Othet 24,300 25,292 992 22,824 TOTAL 51,371,702 57,342,415 (529,287) ;1,026,792 �LICENSES AND PERMffS: Business E500 57,360 E6,860 =7,585 Non-6usiness 215,300 335,382 �20,082 185,593 � TOTAL 5215,800 �342,742 =126,942 ;193,178 INTERGOVERN MElVTA{.: Locai government aid 5287,859 5312,363 524,504 SS00,761 � Homestead sr�d ag credit 448,063 448,083 0 372,365 Equalizatian sid 82,652 89,719 7,027 82,973 Police state sid 59,000 55,711 (3,289) 50,983 ' Mobile home 20,000 20,676 676 19,899 Ofher 16,000 29,523 13,523 15,825 TOTAL $913,814 5956,055 542,441 =842,8QB �CHARGES FOR SERVICES: General government 5180,250 5261,285 581,035 ;1t6,080 � Pubiic safety 12,600 7.B01 {4.998) 7,091 Highways and streets 1,100 6,111 5,011 1,567 SAC f,000 2,859 1,859 1,149 � TOTAL $194,950 �277,856 582,90B f125,887 FINES AND FORFEITURES: � Gounty E50,000 5�4,827 (55,079) 547,377 MtSCELlANEOUSt � Interest $38,000 530,614 (57,38B) SS5,297 Other 27,250 36,144 8,894 62,507 Special assessmer�ts 18,000 69,249 51,249 19,830 ' Donations 22,878 22,878 0 10,553 Recreationalfees 96,700 68,189 (28,511) 63,877 Bond proceeds 52,500 52,500 0 0 � Rents 2,500 2,780 2S0 2,780 TOTAL 5257,828 5282,354 524,526 5194,844 TOTAL REVENUE 53,003,894 53,246,349 =242,455 =2,430,884 �OTHER FINANCIN6 SOURCES: Transferstrom otherfunds 235,592 140,230 (95,362) 562,116 �TOTAL REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 53,239,488 53,386,579 t147,093 S2t993,000 ' -39- CtTY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 1 . SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES COMPARED TO BUDGET(GAAP BASIS) � ', GENERAL FUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 81, t992 ' 1992 1991 BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE ACTUAL � GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and counciL• Personal services 26,722 23.550 3,172 $23,878 � Professional fees 48,070 54,883 (6,818) 44,858 Other charges 6,650 4,267 2,383 3,804 Council designated 20,616 , 18,926 1,69Q 21,464 � Executive: Pe�sona)services 180.819 167.689 13.130 126.264 �e� 6.400 6.999 (599) 2.954 ' Miseellaneous: Personal services 46,296 52,511 (6,21� 49,620 Supplies 550 101 �49 244 ' Other charges 7,150 2,535 4.645 4,243 Election: ' Personai services 8,864 8.178 686 1,'716 Supplies 1,225 1,060 165 2,759 Other charges 5.930 4.6Q7 (67� 262 ' Fnance• Personal services 105,245 100,698 4,547 104 157 Supplies 9,500 8,336 1,i64 1.805 ' Other charges 15,900 18.629 (2,729) 7.767 Community devetopment: Perso�al services 151.079 130,$70 209 2Q1,195 � Qther charges 30,725 30,763 (38) 52,908 Genersl gavermm�ent: Insurance 150.000 160.947 (10.947) 145,20Q � Suppiies 71,900 71,181 719 61.576 Other charges 144,i Q7 208,062 (63,955) i 35,349 TOTAL S1.Oi5.748 51,074.792 (559.044) Sg91.618 � PUBUC SAFEIY Police protection: , Personai services $598,142 5594,885 58.257 5553,592 Supplies 22,998 21,t35 1,863 27,861 Other charges 1U6,325 118,072 (11,747j 97.817 � Fre protection: P�rsonal services 118,103 113.499 4.604 100,384 Supplies 10.900 21,631 (10,731) t7,357 , Other services 18,350 18,120 230 24,115 Capital outlay 6,680 675 6,005 15,915 ' TOTAL . a881.498 a888.017 (�6.519) j834,541 -40- ' ' ' ' 1992 1991 , BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE ACTUAL PUBLIC WORKS General maintenance: � Personal services 5508,093 5482,041 521,052 5323,362 Supplies 59,050 80,030 (20,98Q) 70,688 Other services 61,750 50,293 11,457 2t,386 'Streets and roads: Othercharges 70,700 62.188 8.512 88.382 Snow removaL• , Other charges 13,380 11,072 2,308 15,136 Street lighting: ' Othercharges 53,200 68,744 (10,544) 51,117 TOTAL $761,173 5749,368 511,805 5565,071 'PARK AND RECREATION Personal services $400,587 5332,763 7,824 5362,672 Supplies 78.180 75.159 3.021 86,501 ' Other services 102,300 62,274 4Q,026 6d,331 TOTAL 5581,067 5530,196 550,871 5509,504 �OTAL EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMSRANCES 58,289,486 58,242,875 (52,887) 52,900,734 OTHER FINRNCING USES ' Transters to other funds 539,389 {$39,389) TOTAL EXPENDITURES, ENCUMBRANCES ANfl � AND 07HER FINANCING USES 58,289,486 53,281,762 (542,276) 52,9�0,734 BEGINNING OF YFJ4R BUDGEf ' BASIS ENCUMBRANCES 9,416 10,866 END OF YEAR BUDGEf , BASIS ENCUMBRANCES (41,828) (9,416) 'GAAP BASIS EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FtNANCING USES 53,249,350 �2,901,684 , ' ' -41- , '' ' ' ' THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK I ' ' ' ' , ' � , , , ' '' ' ' � : � � � ' ' THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK � ' � � , , ' � ' � � � � � II CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET � , SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 1992 r ECON�MIC 5—YEAR CAPITAL SEYERANCE ' DEVELOPMENT CfP PROJECTS AND AUTHORITY PROGRAM MSA RETIREM'ENT ' (#20i) (#202) (#203) (#204) ASSETS Cash a22.984 (�41.960) 512.536 =7.818, Certi�cates of deposit 361,481 770,OOfl 100,000 40,000 Notes receivabie i,430,482 ' Due from other governmental units 15,663 Prepaid expenses 991 Special assessments: ' Deferred TOTAL �1,831.551 a728.040 St12.5�36 547.818 � UABILITIES APtD FUND BALANCES LIABIUTIES: � Accounts payable $10,31 S $30,683 Contracts payable 6,3D7 ' Deferred revenue 1,437,466 TOTAL $1,447,782 $36,990 FUND BALANCES: 383.769 691,050 5112,536 �47.818' Reserved TOTRL UABIUTIES AND FUND BALANCES 51,831,55i a728,040 5112,536 547,818' � ' � ' � -44- � ' ' ' PARK IMPROVE— ARMORY DIAMOND TOTALS LMENT CONSTRUCTION PATH ��205� (�220� �#2so� 1992 1991 , 521,418 56,535 �4,669 a34,000 5182.955 180,000 100,U00 60,000 1,611,431 1,705,618 , t.430.482 1,433.548 15,663 916 991 904 , 213 218 4.$t8 $201,418 $106,535 $64,882 �3,092,780 53,328,259 � ' SS5.500 576,499 518,496 6.307 '_� �66,007 1,503,473 1,492,945 535,500 $66,Q07 a1,586,279 51.511,441 ' 5165,918 5106,535 (51,125) 1,506,501 1,816,818 , 5201,418 5106,535 564,882 a3.092.780 53,328,259 � � � ' ' ' —4 5— '''' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA , COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, IXPENDITURES AND CHANGES tN FUND BALANCES ' SPECIAL REYENUE fUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 ' ' ECONOMIC 5-YEAR GAPITAL SEVERANCE ' '�, DEVELOPMENT CIP PROJECTS AND AUTHORITY PROGRAM MSA RETIREMEM' ' '', ��20�� t�2o2� (#2oa� t�2o4� REVENUE: Municipal state sid 514,594 Generai property taxes $297,000 �46.O1}O ' Tax increments �277.190 Interest earnings 112,819 43,867 626 3fi3 , Donations and other TOTAL 5390,Q09 $340,867 575,220 �46,863 DCPENDITURES: ' '' Professionai fees 59,765 $2,5�0 51,125 $1,i25 Salaries and wages 36.346 3,949 Engineering 497 ' I Other 28.974 Capital outlay 14,203 859.825 ' ', TOTAL $89,7$5 �562,325 51,125 y5,074 DCCESS (DEFICIENCI� OF REVENUE ' ', OVER EXPENDITURES a300,224 (�221,458) 574,095 �41,289 OTHER FtNANCING SOURCES (USES) ' , Proceeds from sale of bonds i, Transfers from other funds ' '' Transfers to other funds ($221,000) (5200,Q00) ($57,842) TOTAL (5221,000) (y200,000) ($57,$42) - IXCESS (DEFlCIENCI�OF REVENUE AND ' II OTMER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OfiHER FINANGING USES 579,224 (a421.458) (a48,24� $41,289 � 'll BEGINNING FUND SALANCES 804,545 1,112,508 155.783 6,529 ENDING FUND BALANGES 5383 769 S69i 050 5112 586 47 8t8 , I S ' II ' I —46— ' I � ' � ' , PARK SHANNON IMPROVE- ARMORY PARKWAY DIAMOND TOTALS ' MENT CONSTRUCTION SCHOOL PATH (#205) (#220) (#221) (#230) 1992 1991 , 535,000 549,594 5413,429 3124,231 467,231 688,314 277,190 235.513 , 5.877 2.924 $202 166.678 181,292 78,975 9,500 88,475 12,860 5119.852 5127.155 59.702 - 51,049.i68 51.531,408 , 576,834 591,348 b22,635 , 40,295 46,852 51.551 6.558 8.606 25.084 79,313 5,625 51,125 115,037 85,110 , 131 574.159 579.029 580.995 589,017 - $1,125 $829,446 5708,210 ' $38,857 538.138 59.702 ($1,125} 5219.722 3823.198 , 5208,604 � 3.023 (585,000) ($16,69� {a530,039) (491,800) - ��ss,000� �ais,ss� - (Ssao.oss� {52so.��s) i , �38.857 $3,138 (56.995) (51,125) (5310,317) �548,025 127.061 108.997 6,595 1.816.818 1.273.798 , 5165.9i8 5106.555 - 51,125 51,506,501 51.816,818 ( } , ' ' -47- �'''; ' ' III ' ' ' THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' II�� ' II� ' '' r � �� � � � � � ' � � ' � � � � � THIS PAGE tNTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK � ' � � � � � � � � � � � �I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA , DEBT SERVICE R1NDS ' COMBININCa BAIANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1992 � GA EQUIPMENT � G.O. G.O. CERTIFI— S.A. PARK CITY HALL CATES BONDS 1976 1986 1991C 1997A ' (#301) (#303) (#304) (#321) ASSETS Cash 54.331 53.768 51.730 51.772 1 Certificates of deposit 120,�00 Special assessments: � I DelinqueM Deferred I Due from other governme�ts ' TOTAL ASSETS �4.331 a123.768 51.730 $1.772 ' LIABIUTtES AND FUND EQUITY ' UABIUTIES: Deferred revenue ' FUND BALANCES: Reserved for debt service �4,331 a123,768 $1,730 51,772 t TOTAL LIABIUTIES � AND FUND BALANCES 54,831 $123.768 St,730 �1,772 � I � II III, , II , I -50- , ' , , S.A. , WHITE LAKES S.A. S.A. S.A. S.A. S.A. ACRES IMPROVEMENT YALLEY QAK IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT � 1985 1987A 1988 1989B 1991A 1991B ��s2a� ��s2s� (�s2s� �#s2�) (#s2s� ��a2s�` , 547.404 58.171 (542,07$) 565.503 52.241 59.809 100,000 3,Ot0,000 1,820,000 1,850,000 320,000 190,000 r8.529 1.014 388 3.281 1.133 86,635 146,149 516,686 58,283 284,722 80,360 � 6.105 8.849 46 141 1 i 9.177 7.704 a198.673 a3,174.188 52,095.001 51.525,208 �727,273 5237.875 � , ' $45.164 5147,164 5318.146 $61.565 5285.854 $30,860 � 153,509 3,027,019 1,776,855 1,461,843 441,419 207,513 �198.673 $3.174.t88 52.095.001 51.523.208 5727.273 5237.878 ' (CoMirtued) � ' ' � -51— ' il CITY OF ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA , �'i DEBT SERVICE FUNDS ' ' COMBINING BALANCE SHEEf DECEMBER 31. 1992 ' S.A. TAX I IMPROVEMENT INCREMENT 1992D 1988 TOTALS ' (#330) (#382) 1992 1991 ASSETS Cash �997 51.112 �104.705 561.625 ' Certificates of deposlt 150,000 7,040,000 6,677,000 Specisl assessments: ' Delinquent 14,345 190,164 Oeferred 872,835 1,579,260 I Due from other governments 187,976 109,110 ' TOTALASSEfS 5130,937 a1,112 58.219,861 58,617,159 ' LIABIUTIES AND FUND ECfU1TY ' LIABIUTIES: Deferred revenue $888,253 51,769,424 ' FUND BALANCES: , Resenred for debt service 5130,937 $1.112 7,331,608 6,847,735 TOTAL LIABlLITtES ' AND FUND BAIANCES �130,937 $1.112 58,219,861 �8,617,159 (Concluded) , � �� il 1 ,� 1 -52- ' ' , ' ' , ' THlS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK r � � � � � � � � � � : � � CfTY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 'I�! COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANCES IN FUND BALANCES " ', DEBT SERVICE FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 ' G.O G.O. WARNING G.O. ' PARK SYSTEM CITY HALI 1976 1981 1986 (#301) (#302) (#303) , REVENUE: Ge�erai property taxes S'I 49,9i 9 Special assessments ' Interest esrnings $353 5761 1,514 Other TOTAL y353 5761 5151,453 DCPENDITURES: � Bond principal $15,000 �70,dU0 Interest on bonds 645 69,845 ' Fisca)agent fees 200 456 Other 1,125 TOTA� — a15.845 �141,426 D(CESS (DEFICIENCIO OF REVENUES , OVER DCPENDITURES y353 (�15,084) �t0,007 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) ' Proceeds from sale of bonds y3,978 Transfers irom other funds ' T�ansfers to other funds (5796) TOTAL a3,978 ($796) — DCCESS (DEFICIENG�OF REVENUE AND ' OTHER FINANCING SOURGES OVER DCPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES y4,331 (515,880) 540,007 BEGlNNING FUND BALANCES 15,880 113,761 ' ENDING FUND BALANCES S4.S31 — �123.768 , � I � ' '', ' ', -54- ' '� ' , ' G.O. EQUIPMENT S.A. , CERTFI- GA S.A. S.A WHITE LAKES S.A. CATES BONDS VALLEY OAK CHIPPENDALE ACRES IMPRQVEMENT 1991C 1992A 1980 1980 1985 1987A ' (#304� (#321) (#322) (#323) (#324) (�325) 551.776 559,937 �26,788 t23;970 ' 51.772 53.373 51.771 5.884 108.570 s�s �52,a92 51.772 53,373 51.771 532.622 5232.477 , $40,000 581,256 338,744 520,000 5475,000 , 9.485 2,684 1.279 8,640 225;512 176 100 341 646 474 1,125 1.i 25 1.125 E50,786 - 584,040 540,364 �30,411 570�,911 ' a1.306 a1.772 (580.66n ($38,593) 52.211 (�4Q9.434} r , (535.878) (51.85$) - - (535.878) (51.858) - - � 51.306 $1.772 (5116,545) ($40.451) 52.211 (5409.434) r424 116.545 40.451 151.298 3.496,453 51.730 �1.772 5153.509 53.027,019 ' - - (Continued) � ' , ' ' —55— CITY OF ROSEMOUNT MINN SO ''' E TA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUE, DCPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES ' DEBT SERVICE FUNOS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER S1, 1992 ' S.A. S.A. S.A. I IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT 1988 19898 1991A - (#32S) (#327) (#32$) ' REVENUE: Generai Property Taxes y78,294 $89.799 Specia!Assessments 246,636 447.383 �376.764 ' Interest Earnings 81,705 65,439 17,537 Other TOTAL $406.635 $600,621 $334,301 DCPENDITURES: ' Bond Principal a300,Qp0 $270,000 , interest on Bonds 150,550 152.505 $78.995 ' 'il Fiscsl AgeM Fees 427 429 886 Other t,125 1,125 t.125 TOTAL y432.102 5424.059 580,5U6 EXCESS (DEFICIENCI�G?F REVENUE ' OVER DCPENDfTURES ($25,467) 5176,562 �253,795 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USESj ' Proceeds from Sale of Bonds Transfers irom Other Funds 5150,000 $t30,495 ;23,768 ' T�ansfers to Other Funds TOTAL $150,000 ai 30,495 528,763 IXCESS (DEFICIENCI�OF REVENUE AND ' OTHER FINANCENG SOURCES OVER DCPENDITURES AND OTHER FfNANCING USES $124,533 5307,057 �277,558 BEGINNING FUND BALANCES 1,652,322 1,154,586 163,861 ' ENDING FUND BALANCES 51.776.855 51.461.643 5441.4i9 ' , ' I'I ' , ' II�I -56- , � , ' ' S.A. S.A. TAX IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT INCREMENT 1991B 1992D 1988 70TALS ' (�829) (#330) (#S82) 1992 1991 $429,725 �304,946 5205,044 1,366,585 865,044 , 2.069 �440 5179 289.817 467,193 316 86,470 5207,118 5440 $179 52,085,943 51,673,653 � 585.000 51,395.000 51.560.000 , 59.194 83,9$S 773,117 773.229 175 401 4,211 5,063 1,125 1,125 10,i 25 1,200 510,494 SO $170,509 �2,182,453 52,339,492 ' $196,619 $440 (a170,330) (�96,510) (�fi65,839} ' 590.397 a94,375 $57.103 � $9.182 40.100 a171,000 524.540 1.010.208 (38,532) (405,515) a9,182 a130,497 S7 71.000 �580,383 5661,796 ' 52Q5,801 �130,957 $670 �483,873 ($4,043) � 1.712 442 6,847,735 6,851,778 ' 5207.513 5130.937 51.112 �7.331.608 56.847.735 (Concluded) 1 � , : ' ' -5?- ' � j THtS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK � � � � � � � � � ' , � ' ' � THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ' , ' ' ' ' r i � � � � � � ' I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA i COMBINING BALANCE SHEET ' I CAPITAL PROJEC7S FUNDS DECEMBER 31,1992 � ' COUNTY ROAD HAWKINS WESTRIDGE SHANNON �42 EAST POND PROJECT HILI.S ' (�401) {#402) (#403) {#404) ASSETS I Cash 562,033 ($2,483} $8,999 53,789 Certificates of deposit 50,000 55,000 ' Due from other tunds TOTAI ASSETS 562,033 ($2,483) �58,989 y58,789 � UABIUTIES AND FUND BALANCES � LIABIUTIES: Due to othe�funds � Accounts payabte y25 Contracts payable =24,49�0 =15,089 TOTAI $25 524,490 t15,089 ' FUND BAIANCES: Reserved 62,033 (2,508) 34,509 43,700 ' TOTAL LIABIUTIES AND FUND BALANCES a62,033 (52,483) 558,999 i58,789 ' , , � � , i , i � II -60- I ' , ' ' � SHANNON O'LEARY'S PARKWAY SECTION 31 145TH ST. VALLEY HILLS TRAIL CHIPPENDAtE TRUNK RECON— OAK ' PROJECT IMPROVEMENT AVENUE SEWER STRUGTION POND ��aos� ��ao�� (�aos� ��a�o� ��ai�� {#a�2� , (;95,770) =2,3SB 58.111 521.992 (510,764) 512.867 ' 536,000 64,U00 250,000 378,000 500,000 , =440,230 566,356 5258,111 5399,992 (510,764) 5512,867 ' ' 57.736 E2,500 �4,105 B2,180 8,189 ' SB9,916 510,689 54,105 � 370,314 55,667 5258,111 395,887 (10,764) 512,867 =440,230 Sg6,358 =258,111 E399,992 (510,764j �512,867 � Continued) � r � � � � � _��- ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET , CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 1992 � ARMORY REGON— ' ' ARMORY ARMORY STORM STRUCTIQN SEWER WATER WATER 145TH IMPROVEMENT {MPROYENiIENT IMPROVEMENT STREET , (#413) (#414) (#415) (�416) ASSETS ' ' Cash =13,565 (E7,552) a30,003 {5114,924) Certificates of deposit 370,000 95,000 50,000 ' Due irom other tunds TOTAL ASSETS ' =383,565 $87,448 580,003 (5114,924) � �, I.fABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES ' LIABILITIES: Due to other funds � Accounts payable 5238 �1,133 Contracts payabie i,902 4,397 =24,1$8 TOTAL =2.140 55,530 s24,188 , FUND BALANGES: Reserved 381,425 81,918 ;80,003 (i39,112) � 'I TOTAL LIABIUTIES AND FUND BALANCES E383,565 s87,448 S80,Q03 (St14,924� ' M 1 1; 1 '�� 1 ���� -62- ' I�� ' , r ' COUNTRY ARMORY HILLS COMMUNITY HIGHWAY 3 DIAMOND SHANNON 4TH 0'LEARY'S CENTER ' tMPHOVEMENT PATH PARKWAY ADDITION HILLS PROJECT (�417) (#419) (#42D) (#422) (#E423) (#424) 1 (i8,697) �21,4B7 y7.70B 58,599 (a5.756) 546,195 ' 65,000 20,000 1,000,000 , (:8,69'� =86,467 57,706 52$.599 (#5,756) $1.046,195 ' � 5180 315,929 579,433 19,953 117,063 � SO =79,433 520,113 Si32,892 ' (8,697) 7,034 =7,706 528,599 (25,869) 913,203 ' (=8,657) =86,a67 57,706 528,599 (55.756) 51.046,195 {Continued) � ' ' , ' ' -63- ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET ''' CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 1992 � ARMORY ICE OTHER WHITE LAKE ' RELOCATION ARENA ARMORY ACRES ST. PROJECT PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS RECONSTRUCTION ' (�425) (#42&) (#427) (#428) ASSETS � Cash 511,587 596,089 $10,374 (S1.BQ4) Certificates of deposit 560,000 2,067,000 400,000 ' Due irom other funds TOTAL ASSETS s571.587 E2,163,089 E410,374 (a1,604) ' UAB(LITIES AND FUND BALANCES ' LIABIl1T1ES: Due io other funds � Accounts payabie 53,865 $17,226 y3,459 Gontracts payabie 155,857 1,378 TOTAL 5�,865 a173,083 . 54,777 ' FUND BALANCES: Reserved 5B7,722 1,990,Q06 405,597 (51,604) ' TdTAL LIABILtT1ES AND FUND BALANCES �571,587 52,163,089 E410,374 (51,604) ' � ' ' 'I� 'II' -64- ' . � � � � ' TOTALS 1992 1991 , =118,182 524,084 ' s,aso,000 ssa,aoo �aa,�s2 ' �6,578,182 5853,87B , , 5269,792 558,376 B,800 5i 4,059 70,428 , 5570,435 =347,120 ' 6,d07,747 506,756 =6,578,182 �853,876 , (Conciudedj � ' � , , ' —65— ' ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUE S AND C ANG N BALANCES '' , EXPENDITURE , H ES IN FU D CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS I YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. i992 ' I, ' ' COUNTY ROAD HAWKtNS WESTRIDGE SHANNON #42 EAST POND PROJECT HILLS ' (#401) (#402) (#403) (#404} REVENUE: IMerest earnings � Donations and othet TOTAL — — — — DCPENDITURES: ' Construction costs: Improvements 3716 5212,437 5189,347 ' I' Engineering fees a4.107 56.969 33.607 Professional fees 4,385 5,554 8182 Other iS,206 ' TOTAL $716 �21.698 �274.96Q $231.136 EXCESS (DEFICIENCI� OF REVENUE ' OVER EXPEND1711RES ($716) (�21.698) {�274.960) (S2S1.436) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES(USES): ' Bond proceeds $259,469 �274,836 Transfers from other funds 5150,�00 50,000 Transfe�s to other funds ' TOTAL — $150,000 5889,469 $274,836 EXCESS (DEFICIENCI� OF REVENUE AND OTHER ' FINANCING SOURCES OVER DCPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES (5716) $128,302 534,509 $43,700 � II� BEGINNING FUND BALANCES 62,749 (130,810) ENDING FUND BAIANGES S62.OS3 (52.50&� 534.509 543.700 ' � ' i ' -66- ' ' � ' SHANNON ' HIGHWAY 3 O'LEARY'S PARKWAY SHANNON SECTION 31 REAUGNMENT NILLS TRAIL CHIPPENDALE PARKWAY TRUNK PROJECT PROJECT IMPROVEMENT AVENUE PROJECT#194 SEWER � (#405j (�406) (#40� (#408) (#409) #(4i0) ' �28,103 — — — $28.103 — — ' ' 557.842 5239,651 5138.590 57,286 22,333 �27,289 11.604 5,536 6.711 ' a,o 557,342 , S3Q8,541 at6fi,459 $10 �0 534,000 , (557.342) (a30�.541) (�166.459) $28.099 �0 (534.000) ' S&71.855 5222.126 5379.887 557,342 7,000 50,000 ' (130,496) $57.342 $678,855 5222,126 — ($130,496) 5429.887 r ' $0 $370,814 555,667 a28,093 (5730,496) a395,887 280.Ot8 130,496 ' — 5870.314 $55.667 5258.111 SO a395,887 � (Continued) � ' ' —67— ' ` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUE EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES ' CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1992 ' I 145TH ST. VALLEY ARMORY ARMORY ' , RECON- OAK SEWER WATER STRUCTION POND IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT ' (#411) (#412} (#413) (�414j REVENUE: Ir�terest earnings $585 ' Donations and oth�r � TOTAL - - a585 - DCPENDITURES: ' i� Constructian costs: Improvements 538.029 �87,955 ' i Engineering fees a8.686 510.056 89.478 17.008 Professional fees 2.068 1,f 88 653 1,802 an� 'TOTAL $t0.764 511,244 $78.160 �106,765 IXCESS (DEFICIENCI� QF REVENUE � oWER EXPEND1711REs (�1D,7s4) (511.24a) (577.5'75j (S1as.7ss'") OTHER FINANCENGSOURCES (USES): ' Bond proceeds �95,588 Transfers irom other funds $270,000 5459,000 93,095 Transfers to other funds � � ' I TOTAL - �270,Q0o $459,000 �188,683 DfCESS (DEFlCIENCI� OF REVENUE AND OTHER ' FtNANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES ANO OTHER FINANCING UBES (510,764) 5258,756 5381,425 581,918 � ' BEGINNING FUND BALANCES 254,111 ENDING FUND BALANCES (a10,764) �512.867 $881,425 581,918 ' t ' ' � -68- ' '� � ' ' ARMORY RECON— � STORM STRUCTION ARMORY WATER 145fH HIGHWAY 3 WATERMAIN DIAMOND SHANNON IMPROVEMENT STREET IMPROVEMENT EXTENSION PATH PARKWAY � (�41� (#416) (#417j (#418) (#419) (#420) � 5248 S46 5179 434 5246 $46 — — 5179 5434 � ' $504.489 $425.i 24 �3,387 51.745 50,318 58,697 19,872 8.445 883 � 321.750 51.745" 5563,252 58,697 521.750 $445,879 33,387 , 1 49 563 206 8 697 21 750 5445.700 52.953 �S . � �S . ) �� . ) �S . ) � ) � ) , a35S.983 a81,500 133,000 a3,080 550,000 � (50,000) $81,500 5486,983 a0 $3,080 �500,000 $0 � � Sso.00s (S�s.a2s) (as.ss�� (��s.s�o� S�a,soo (S2.ss�� �s2.sss� �s,s�o (a7.2�s) �o.ss� � 580,003 (Si 39,1 t� (�8,697} a0 $7,034 57,708 � (Gontinued) ' � ' —69— ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUE,EXPENDITURES,AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES '' CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 ' SHANNON COUNTRY HlLIS HILLS COMMUNITY ' 2ND 4TH O'LEARY'S CENTER ADDITIQN ADDITION HILLS PROJECT (#42i) (#422) (�423) (#424) � REVENUE: interest eamings Donations and other y13,284 � il TOTAL — E13,284 — — II EXPEN�ITURES: � Construction costs: improvements (y9,s7oj a�s,953 :117,063 ��� Engineering fees y2,217 5,756 416 , ��� Professional fees 9,635 180 34,3t8 Other TOTAL SO E2,282 ;25,869 ;151,757 ' II EXCESS(QEF{CIENGY)OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES y0 511,002 (525,8B8) (5151,797j ' OTHER FINANCIN6 SOURGES (USES): Bond proceeds 51,065,U00 '' Transfers from other funds 7ransfers to other funds (�23,419j �, TdTAL (y23,419) SO =0 51,065,000 � EXCESS(DEFICIENCYj OF REVENUE AND OTHER FINAMCING SOURCES QVER EXPENDITURES AND r�'y OTHER FINANCING USES (523,419) 311,002 (525,869) 5913,203 BEGINNIN6 FUND BALANCES 23,419 17,597 ENDING FUND BAlANGES =0 #28,599 (�25,889) =913,203 � � —7�— � ' ' � ARMORY ICE OTHER WHITE U1KE RELOCATION ARENA ARMORY ACRES ST. PROJECT PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS RECON. TOTALS ' (�425) (#42B) (;1�427) (#428) 1892 1991 �1,492 5199 ' 41,387 - - - - 542,878 5199 t s155,858 �1,318 52.181,689 5362.728 ' 847 223 366,920 127,8t 2 =5.754 53,318 12.432 I S1,B04 174,232 15,671 34,956 33,189 , 55,754 5210,023 513,973 51,604 52,348,787 5539,38U � ' (=5,754) (�21Q.023) (E13,973j II (E1.604) (52.71A,928) (5539.T84} ' =573,476 =2,200,029 5419,570 56,515,819 51,376,641 1,904,017 183,192 (203,915) (5g8,49II) r ;573,478 52,200,029 5419,570 I SO $8,215,921 5971,343 , 5567,722 :1,990,006 5405,597 (51,604) 55,540,993 5432,162 ' I�' 506,75B 74,594 ;5B7,722 =1.990,048 5405,597 I (31,604) b6,007,749 a5QS,756 � .-I'I �I (Goocluded) ' III ' II ' II , -?1 I�'� 1� � � � � � 1 � 1! i 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIQNALLY LEFT BLANK ' ' ' ' li ' ' ' ' �� ' � � ' ' � 'I u � i ' II, r ' � ��� � TNIS PAGE INTENTIONALLI`I( LEFT BLANK , �, � ' � I'i . � III � � I � II � � ,I � I ' II � I � I � I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA �'i,, COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET , ENTERPRISE FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 1992 1992 1991 ASSETS: CURRENT ASSETS: Cash (�81,333) 599.704 Certificates of deposit 2,838,000 2,130,Ofl0 Accounts receivable 815,840 205,895 Special assessments receivabie 51,7$0 44,444 Due from otfier governments 1,3i8 Prepaid expenses 47,667 45,914 TOTAL $3.171.454 52.527.275 RESTRICTED ASSETS: Cash St55.094 S12.U84 Certificates of deposit 810,000 t00,OW Accounts receivable 14,689 12,435 TOTAL �479,783 �i 24,519 Property and equipment Land 528.720 528.720 Buitdings 176,056 176,d56 Water towers and mains 8,9U4,440 3,904,44Q Machinery and equipment 282,717 284,135 Less accumulated depreciation (1,198,292) (1,0&2,326) Net property and equipment �3,193,641 $3,326,025 TOTAL ASSETS $6,844.878 �5.977.819 � � � —74— d ' �� ' � � � I � ' I�I LIABILITIES AND FUND EOUtTY: �'I 1992 1991 'LIABiLIT1ES: I Payable from current assets: I ' Aacouirts payable I, 52,342 56.962 Accrued expenses �i 8,601 5,667 Compensated absenses payabie I 28,978 24.669 Totai I� �39.921 537.298 , �I Payab{e from restricted assets: II ' Bonds payable ' 565,000 $60.000 Accrued interest on bonds 64,036 39,575 To#ai �i $129.036 �99,575 �Lon —term liabi(ities: 9 Bonds payable; noncurrent portion �II 52.745,000 $1,285,000 ' Deferred revenue 49,782 44.448 Total I� 52,794.782 51.8�9.443 OTAL LIABIIITtES II; 52.953.739 S1,4S6.316 � � FUND E�UITY: II ' Contributed capitai � 51,846,995 51,670,197 Retained earnings: ' Reserved for enpitai improvements �I 200,309 114,086 Unreserved '�I 1,83S,8S5 2,727,22Q TOTAL FllND E�UITY � $3,881,139 54,511.508 'TOTAL 11ABILiTtES AND FUND E�UITY I� 36,844,878 �5,977,8i9 1 �� � �� � I�, � ',� � ' -75 ,, � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA ' C�MPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUES, IXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS I ENTERPR{SE FUNDS YEAR ENDED OECEMBER 31, 1992 1992 1991 OPERATING REVENUES: Wa4er sales 5358.066 S3Q6.592 Storm water charges 203.701 �� Sewer charges 475,652 426,728 Water surcharges 47,543 42,591 Water meter maintenance 11,550 $,787 Water meters 25,$90 16,939 Misceilaneous 58,704 45,Q35 TOTAL $1.181.106 5848,612 OPERATING EXPENSES: Generai and adminisUative: Personai services $214.380 5181,297 Water utility: Supplies 68.876 96.980 Other services 96.981 49,743 Capitai outlay 597 4,074 Sewer utility: Suppfies 6,437 6.463 Other services 29.948 14.t 15 Metro sewer charge 297,564 264,108 Depreciation expense 138,034 131.446 TOTAL $852.8t 7 5748.226 OPERATING INCOME 5328.289 598,386 NONOPERATING REVENUE(EXPENSES): ' ���,I Interest earnings y84,591 537.833 Interest expense (131,969) (96,325) i�i Fiscal agent fees (1.073) :(1.830} ,' TOTAL (�98,451) _ (560.320) NET INCOME BEFORE OPERATtNG TRANSFERS 5229,898 538,066 OTHER FINANCtNG SOURCES (USES): Operating transfers in 452,000 30,000 : Operating Vansfers out (1.489.000) NET INC6ME (5807,162) �68.066 BEGINNING RETAINED EARNINGS 2,841,306 2,773t240 ENDING RE?AINED EARNINGS S2A34.144 52.84L306 � -76- I � I� 1 i ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA II I GOMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS I, , ENTERPRISE FUNDS I YEAR ENDED QECEMBER 81, 1992 �� � III I 1992 1991 , ASH OWS FI�DM OP RA C FL E TING ACTIVITIES: I Cash Received From Customers �i 51,068,728 5696,251 � Cash Payments to Suppliers Fo�Goods and Services I� (506,Tl6) (512,978) Cash Payments to Employees for Services (207,15'n (194,6t6) Net Cash Provided(Used) 6y Operating Activities lii 5354,815 (Si t.843) : ' CASH FLOWS FROM NQNCAPITAL FINANCING i ACTIV(71ES: � ' Operating Transfers to Other Funds (1,489,040) Operating Transfers From Other Funds i 452,000 30,000 Net Cash Provided (Used) by Noncap'da! I � Financing Activitles I (51.037,000) S30,Q00 CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL AND RELATED I , FINACING ACTIVITIES: �� Ac�uisition of Ca�ital Assets (55,650) (524,012) PrirrcipaF Paid on Bonds �II (60,040) (6b.004) ' Issuance of bonds I 1,525,000 interest and Fscal Charges on Bonds lil (108,581) (98,233) 1 Contributed Capitat(Core Ct►argesj II Received 1,216,850 613,802 Paid Out I (1,040,052) (836,932) rNet Cash Provided(Used)by Capital and Related Financing Activities 51,527,567 593,625 � CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTiVITIES: II Net increase(Decrease)in Cash irnestments I (918,000) (5295,OOQ) (nterest Received on Investments 34,591 37,853 , Net Cash Provided(Used) By investing Activities (5883.409) (�257,16� NET INCREASE(DECREASE� IN CASH AND ' CASH EClUIVALENTS II (588.027j (5144.885) BEGINNtNG BRIANCE II 111,788 256,675 ' ENDING BALANCE III $73.761 St11,788 � I�' —7 7—I�� ' I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA ' COMPARATNE STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS ENTERPRISE FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1992 1992 1991 RECONCIUATIDN OF OPERATlNG INCOME TO NET CASH PROVIDED (USEDj BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Operating income $328,289 �98.386 Adjustments to Reconcile Operating tncome(l.oss)to Net Cash Pravided Used b O ecatin Activities � ) Y P 9 Ili Depreciation 138.034 181,446 Change in assets: ; AccouMs receivabie (117.71� (148.446) Prepaid expenses (1.753} (i2.95U) Change in lisbilities Accounts paYabie (4.620) (8,815) Contracts PaYsble (56;329) Accrued exPenses 7.243 (13,319) Deferred revenue 5,839 (1,915j �I NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) BY OPERATING ACTIVITFES a854.815 (Si t,343) -78- � F ROSEMO NT MINNESOT CITY• U A � STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ASSETS AND UABIIITiES II AGENCY FUNDS � YEAR ENDED DECEMBER Si, 1992 , , MEALS ON TOWN TOTAL WHEELS DEFERRED GREEN (MEMORANQUM ONL`� (#801) COMPENSATION (#$03) 1992 1951 � BEGINNING BAIANCE �1,028 5405,954 5161 5407,143 �285,635 Additions 1,705 111,948 6 17 3,659 132,033 � Total 52,733 5517.902 5167 S52�D.802 5417,672 � oe�etions �as.s72) (ss.s�2) (�o.s2sj ENDING BALANCE a2,733 5479,030 5167 $481,930 5407,143 � ' i 1 � 1 1 1 i 1 ' 79- � ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA � STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ASSETS AND LIABIUTIES �' AGENCYFUNDS ' YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 81.1992 � ;jl ' �' MERLS ON TOWN 'TOTAL � i WHEELS DEFERRED GREEN (MEMORANDUM OMLYj (#801) COMPENSATION (#803) 1992 i991 BEGINNING BALANCE 51.028 5405 954 5161 5407 143 i285 SS9 � ' Additions 1,705 111,948 6 113,659 132,Q33 Totai 2 733 517 902 167 520 80 417 7 � 'i a , s , s s . � s ,s2 Deletions (38,872) (58,872) (10.529)' {II ENDING BALANCE �2,733 5479,080 5167 5481,930 ;407,t43 ' ' II�'I i �'� t : � 1 1 � 1 1 1 _80_ 1�. ' ' , ' , � THIS PAGE IN'T'ENTIONALLY I.EFT BLANK , ' ' ' ' ' ' r � � � � � . �'!' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA � GENERAL GOVEFtNMENTAL REVENUES BY SOURCE(1) LAST SIX YEARS DECEMBER Si, 1892 UCENSES INTER— GHAAGES I� FlSCAL AND GOVERN— FOR FINES AND YEAR TAXES PERMITS MENTAL SERVICES FORFElTURES 19$7 51.201.800 $152.817 51.061.127 5100.699 $81.031 1988 $1.507,60� �288.952 51.623.060 594.327 582.424 1989 51.726,540 �253,308 $1,135,708 578.953 548,181 1990 51.828,d30 $210.840 a1.570,215 588.592 551.841 � 1991 �2,255,565 at93,178 51,256,235 �i25,887 a47,377 1992 52.346,830 5342,742 a2,322,640 $277.856 a44,927 I (1) Includes General, Special Revenue and Debt Service funds �' � � -82- ' ' , � SPECIAL ' ASSESSMENTS INTEREST OTHER TOTAL 51.192,200 $403,942 $52,319 54,195,435 , �908,998 5589,020 5314,523 �5,358,911 5872.390 5958,889 5148.817 S5,2t7.781 ' 51.041.023 5806.472 5517.516 56.114.529 S$84,874 �683,782 5189,047 55,635,945 ' 51.401.265 �473,895 5224.194 �7.433,849 ' ' t , ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' -83- � C(TY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA � GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL DCPENDITURES BY SOURCE(1) LAST SIX YEARS DEGEMBER 31, 1992 FISCAL GENERAL PUBLIC PUBUC PARK AND YEAR GOVERNMENT SAFETY WORKS RECREATION OTHER 1987 �864,912 5476,834 5441,559 596,308 $93,629 1988 �989,Q64 5539,259 5540,469 at18,661 ST,662,071 1989 $1,079,181 5680,479 5567,535 5342,491 5770,709 1990 57,246.877 $746.892 a589,361 S4'16,088 5773,545 1991 St.127.799 �854,191 a565.071 $503.804 $580.229 1992 y1,Q96,328 5888,017 $749,36$ �530,f96 5550,18fi 1 Includes Generab S ecial Revenue and eb e ' . D t S rvice�unds � } P , � -84- , ' ' , DEBT � SERVICE TOTAL ' 5691.879 �2,665.i 21 5884,095 $4,733,619 sS,416.222 $6.856.617 ' $2.044.910 55.817,638 52,838.292 55.949,386 ' 52.172.328 55.986.423 ' , r � r � � t � � ' -85- �'''' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA ' PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLI.EGTIONS LAST SIX YEARS PERCENT OF PERCENT OF DELtNQUENT GURRENT OUTSTANDING TNCES TO FISCAL TOTAI TAX CURRENT 7AX TAXES DEUNQUENT TOTAL TAX YEAR LEVY(1) COLLECTIONS COLLECTED TAXES LEVY 1983 a637.766 a627.171 98.34% 510.595 1.66% 1984 $651.273 5621.201 95.38% 53.072 Q.47% 1985 $805,151 �783.605 97.32% 521,546 2.6896 i986 �1.019.593 5999.678 98.05% 519.915 1.95% ' 19$7 �1,230,360 a1.194,411 97.08% �35,949 2.92% 1988 $1.428,170 '�1.416.205 99.16% St1.965 Q.84% ' 1989 51.745.243 �t.692,870 97.00% 552.367 3.00% 1990 $2.063.786 52,032,4f6 98.48% $31.849 1.5296 '' 1991 $2.498,285 $2,453.638 98.21% 544.648 1.T9% 1992 52.748,f13 $2,714.623 98.67% 536,490 1.3�% ' 'i (1) Includes Generai and Specisl Levies ' I, '� � , ' ' -86- , ; � i � PERCENT OF � CUMULATIVE TOTAL TAX CUMULATIVE COLLECTIONS , CUMULATIVE DELINGIUENT TO TOTAL TOTAL TAX TAX TAX lEi/Y , COLLECTfONS COLLECTIONS TO bATE 5637,766 �10,595 100.00% � 5651.064 �29.863 99.97% 5804,603 y20,998 99.9396 � 51.019.198 $19.5t5 99.96% 51,229,668 535,257 99.94% ' 51.425,670 $9.4fi5 99.82% 51,799,228 �46,352 99.66% � 52.055,747 a23.831 99.61% 52.485,487 581,849 99.49% � 52.711,623 - 98.67% � � � � � � ' ' -87- CI7Y OF ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA � PHOPERTY TAX RATE DIRECT AND OYERLAPPING GOVERNMENTS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS SCHOOL FiSCAL C!'IY OF DISTRICT DAKOTA SPECIAL YEAR ROSEMOUNT #F196 COUNTY DtSTFiICTS(1) TOTA� 1983 16.186 56.725 19.594 4.124 56.629 1984 9 7.328 80.204 20.656 9.854 102.042 1985 19.182 60.228 21.045 3.299 103.752 1986 23.817 57.839 21.936 3.73T 1 Q7.829 i 987 27.912 60.361 23.793 3.874 115.940 1588 28.889 60.542 28.890 3.694 116.615 1989(2) 26.879 52.249 2Q.721 ' 4J55 104.604 1990(2) 22.001 40J93 21.06i 4.844 88.699 1991 (2) 27.705 48.559 22.542 4.560 103_466 I 1992(2) 29.224 54.6fl2 25.536 6.139 115.501 (1) Prior to 1989,includes Metropotitan Council, Metropolitan Transit District,and Metropolitan Mosquito Control. The Vo-Tach (SISD 91�mitl rate is included in the ISD 196 rate. 1989 includes Metropotiffin Council, Regionai Transit District,Metropolitan Mosquita Controt,and Dakota Cou�ty Technical College. Beginning with 1990,includes Metropolitan Council,`Regional Transit District,Metropo{itan Masquito CoMrol,Dakots County �' TechnicaF Coilege and Dakota County UgM Rail Transit. (2) Beginning with prope�ty taxes payable in 1989,taxes ere determined by multip{ying the Gross Tax Capacity by the Tax Capacity Rate, Expressed as a percenffige. This replaces the use of Assessed Value multiplied by Mili Rates. Prior to 1989,tl�e rrdll rates in this table were computed on the bssis of totallevies and do not reflect reductions fw property tax credits. Beginning with taxes payable in 1590, net tax capacity has repfaced gross tax capacity as tha basis on which fiaxes are levied. -$8- ' , CITYDF RQSEMOUNT MINNESOTA COMPUTATION OF LEGAL DEBT MARGIN ' DECEMBER 31, 1992 ' , Estimated Market Value iST8,045,200 Debt limR-2.00%of , Estimated Market Valu� ;7,560,9p4 Amount of Debt Applicsble ' to Dsbt Limit: Total Bonded Debt— Principal as of 12/S1/92 i20,850,000 ' Deductions(4): Qebt Service Fund Cash and Investmsnt(All Types) s7,474,810 ' Less Amount Applieable to Increment Bonds 7,473,698 =1,112 ' Specisl Aa�esament Bonds(Principal) 11,455,000 Tax Increreent Bonds(Principal) 860,000 , Revenue 8onds Princi al 6 235 000 18 5S1 112 1 P ) ' Total Amount of Debt Applicabie to Debt Limit 52,298,888 2,288,888 Legal D�bt Margin =5,262,Ot8 ' ' ' � ' , ' -89- CI7Y OF ROSEMOUNT.I�MIESOTA � PROPERTY VALUE AND CONSTRUCTION lASF FIVE FISCAL YE/1RS PROPERTY GQMI�RqAL RESIDEN71At VALUE(1) CONSTRUG710N(2) COMSTRUCTION C2) FISCAL NUMBER NI�ABER E7�MP7 YEAFt TOTAL OF UNRS VALUE OF tAJITS YALUE YALUE 1 Q86 =213.558.700 31 y{.T97.589 473 :25,590,7t3 5596.2�0 7� �'261.472.500 39 i3.762.079 441 i10.288.304 SF►.806,900 19�0 i306.437.800 2D �3.791.88� 460 i17.�57.638 *172,5�5 �� 1�D1 i�.880.800 28 5753.400 479 S1Q 106,838 i7$.T68 il 1'992 5382.786,400 27 i74.35ti,850 574 526,500,584 =2,4Q1,T90 (7) �tiort P►ovided bY Dakofa Courdy Assessor's OF�ice(Based on Estimated Market Values oF Real Esh�#e Oniy) RI ��P���bY City af Racemo�x�t Bui�n9��artme�d {II � -90- ' ' CtTY OF ROSEMOGN7'.MINNESOTA I�AISCELLANEOUS STATiS11CS ' DECEAABER 31,1992 � Date d inaorpartation 1858 Form afi Governmerd(Siaiutory) CouncUCity Administrata , Numbar of Employaes ReguLv Fuq—Time 49 Tempcxary or P�t—Tune 145 , Area m S�e Mil� 36 Square Miles Population(1990 Census) 8622 Cdy of RasemouM Facd�ies and Servie�s: ' Mles d Streets 114 F're Pirotection: Niaebar af Sffifions 1 , Nwnbar d Fie Parsonnei and Officers 36 Nwr►bar of Calis Msw�ed 355 Number of Vehicles 12 Po6ce Protectioa: ' N�anber af Stations 1 Nanbx d Fie Personnel and Otficers 9wom Officers 11 � Othet Poi'�ce Pe►sonnei 2 Numbar oF Patrol Unda Marked 5 ' Urenarked 2 Parks and Reaeation: Parks 16 Park Acreage 213 Acres ' TQnnis Cauts 2 � Sewerage System: Miles of Sarn7ery Sew�s 34.12 miles � M�ee of SEam Sawers t9.60 miles Mumber of Setvice Connections 2531 Wa�S�rstem: ' M�er of Water f�Aains: I�nicipa� 43.6 R� 7.1 N�unb�t d Service Connections 2531 ' Numbar d We9s Municipal 4 Rural 2 � Number d Water Tawets 2 Nunber d Fie HydraMs 3B8 D�ly Averaag�e Consumtion 1n GaNans 941,207 Gailons Per Day ' F��and Sarvica�rat included io tlie Reporting Entity: N�nnber af Elementary Schoots 2 Ntanber of Secondary Schoots 2 ' Ntmabar of Special Education Schoois 1 ' -91- �' � THtS PAGE INTENTlONALLY LEFT BLANK �Po � � � Y � m � � � a z 0 � z '� z W � Q a � z � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � r � � � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT.MINNESOTA � SCHEDUIE OF BONDEDINDEBTEDNESS DECEMIBER 81, 1992 FINAL 1NTEREST ISSUE MARURITY OUTSTANDING RATE DATE DATE 1-1-92 BONDEDINDEBTEDNESS � GENERAL QBLtGATtON BONDS ; Community Cen#er 6.4 11-92 2-13 Warning System 7.25-8.60 2-81 2-91 575,000 City Hal) 5.40-B.70 A-86 8-02 1,t20,000 Equipment Certificates,1991 4.t0-4.80 12-91 12-96 210,000 TOTAL 6ENERAI OBLIGATION BONDS 57,345,000 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT B4NDS Improvement, 1992A 4.9 9-92 2-04 improvement, 1992D 5.5 71-92 2-U4 improveme�t, 1991A 5.00-6.00 6-91 2-02 $1,180,000 Improvement, 19916 4.40-5.70 12-91 2-03 265,000 (mprovement, 7989B 6.10-6.60 7-89 2-01 2,490,000 I {mprovement, i9886 5.90-6.90 t0-88 2-99 2,150,000 Improvement, 1987A 4.75-6J0 2-87 2-89 3,550,000 Valley Oak 5.25-5.80 7-80 2-92 81,256 Chippendale 7.50 10-80 2-92 38,744 White lake Acres - 1985 6.00-8.20 6-85 2-96 120,Q00 TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS �10,275,000 REVENUE BONDS Municipai Building, t992E 6.4 11-92 2-18 Storm Water- 1992B 5.4 9-92 2-08 Water- 1988A 7.00-7_25 4-89 2-05 a1,905,000 Water lmprovement 4.50-5.40 11-71 5-92 20,000 Water-Well #7 4.75-6.10 5-76 5-76 20,000 TOTAL REVENUE BONOS ;7,545,000 TAX INCREMENT BONDS Ta�c Inarement, f988A 8.20-9.B0 6-88 2-99 S94S,000 TOTAL TAX INCREMENT BONDS TOTAL CIIY INDEBTEDNESS 513,910,UQ0 -94- I ' ' , � PRINCIPAL INTEREST ISSUED RETIRED OUTSTANDING DUE IN DUE IN 1992 1992 12-31-92 1993 1993 ' =i,080,000 �1,080,000 548,698 , 515,000 70,000 1,050,000 S7S,000 65,530 40,000 770,000 40,000 7,670 ' E7,080,000 =128,000 52,300,000 5175,000 $121,898 ' =895,000 5895,000 5�5,542 1,470,000 1,470,000 i3,790 1,180,000 5120,000 64,710 ' 265,000 18,790 =270,000 2,220,000 250,000 13B,2B0 ' 300,000 1,850,000 300,000 112,025 475,Ofl0 3,475,000 475,000 199,6B3 81,256 38,744 ' 20,000 100,000 100,000 4,690 =2,365,000 $1,185,000 s11,455,000 51,245,000 3580,470 , =3,425,000 53,425,Od0 $152,498 ' t,S25,000 1,525,000 70,771 =20,000 1,285,000 a65,000 89,658 20,000 � 20,000 54,950,000 E60,000 �B,235,OQ0 �65,000 $312,922 ' 85,OOQ 860,000 95,000 76,010 ' � � �8,395, 00 =1,455,000 �20,$50,000 51,520,000 31,091,30 ' ' ' �95- �` � BOECKE NHEIN�N& 1VIAYER C E R 7' 1 F 1 E D P U B L I C A C C O U N T A N T S INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND � REGULATIONS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF THE GENERAL PURP4SE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH � GOVERNMENT AUDIT STANDARDS ISSUED BY THE GAO City Council City of Rosemount, Minnesota We have audited the general purpose financial statements of the City of Rosemount, � Minnesota, for the year ended December 31, 1992, and have issued our report thereon dated March 23, 1993. We canducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and Government Auditing Standards,issued by the Comptroiler General ofthe UnitedStates, and the provisions of the Leg,a1 Compliance Audit Guide gromulgated by the Legal Compliance Task Force pursuant to Minnesota. Statutes Sec, 6.55. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of materiai misstatement. � Compliance with laws, regulations, contracts, and grants applicable to the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, is the responsibility of the City of Rosemount's management. As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests af the City of Rosemount's compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grants. Hawever, it shauld be noted that our obJective was notto prnvide an opinion on overall compliance with such provisions. Tbe results af our tests indicate that, with respect to the items tested, the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, complied, in all material respects, with those provisians refened to in the receding paragraph except as described in the Comments to Auditors' Report on Compliance. With respect to items not tested, nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that the City of Rosemount, Minnesata, had not complied, in all material respects, with those provisions. The Le�al Compliance Audit Guide covers five main categories of compliance to be tested: contracting and bidding,deposits and investments,eonflicts af interest,pubIic indebtedness, and claims and disbursements. Our study included all of the listed categaries. This re ort is intended for the information of mana ement and the Minnesota Co nizant � P g g Agency. This restriction is not intended to limit the distribution of this report, which is a matter of public record. , � ��������G� � , , BOECI�RMAI�tN, HEIlVEN & MAYER � Certi€ied Public Accountants , Minneapolis, Minnesota March 23, 1993 � ' ' CITY OF ROSEMQUNT, MINNESOTA CflMMENTS TO AUDITORS' REPORT ON COMPLIANCE ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' ' PLEDGE OF SECURITIES Minnesota Statute 118.01 requires that public funds must be covered by pledged securities � to the e�ent that the amount of the FDIC coverage and the securities pledged to protect these public funds is equal to or greater than 100% of the public funds held. Based on the statutes, at December 31, 1992 the City needed an additional$228,943 in pledged collateral ' to meet the requirements. ' ' _ ' ' ' ' � � � ' -97- ' �