HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.p. Effective Manager Program � y CITY DF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SLI1+�Il�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEET3NG DATE: June 15, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Effective Manager Program AGENDA SPCTION: Authorize Attendance Consent PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk, AGENflA �E�r�� � � City Administrator � C � � ATTACffiKENTS: Program Information Y: � A program has been offered, here in the Metropolitan area, for a few years which provides evaluation and training of experienced city ma.n�.gers/administrators. This program was developed by Don Silverda, a former Rarnsey County Commissioner. Many of the metropolitan area managers have taken part in it and found it to be extremely vaivable. As indicated in the attached information this training opportunity provides for seven individual times for inte�action, evaluation and skill development over a twelve month period. I believe that the program will provide me with an excellent opportunity for improving my skills and ef fecti.veness. Funds are available in my training budget for this program. RECOI�Il�tENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the attendance of the City Administrator to the "Effective Management Program° with the cost to be paid out of Administrative training budget. r COT7NCIL ACTION: . , � Donaid Saiverda & Associates Rosevilie Professional Center • Suite 5J1 • 2233 N. Hamtine Avenue • Rosevilie, MN 55113 (612)484-i335 June 2, 1993 Mr Stephen Jilk A�ministrator City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Steve, Thank you for your interest in cantinuing professionai development. The purpose of this letter is to invite you to participate in the 1993-94 offering of the 'Effective Management Program' for metropalitan area city and county managers and administrators. The program is designed for experienced managers and administrators who want to increase their averall effectiveness in the ever-changing world of professional management. The proc�ram er.tends over several months and includes man�gement behavior assessments, a comprehensive 'Effective Management Program Manual, and a series of participant group workshop discussion sessions. Most of the managers and administrators who have participa#ed in previous offerings of the program like the program's format, benefit from and enjoy the assessment feedback and group interaction, and recommend the program to others. The first session of the '93-'94 offering wi!! be held Wednesday, June 30 from 8:30 - 11 :30 AWI in the Game Room in the Crystal Community Center located at 4800 Douglas Drive, Grystal. The group will be limited to a � maximum of fifteen participants.` Enclased is infarmation on the pro�ram and a registration form to be completed by June 25. Thank you for your interest. Should you desire additionat information, 1 will be pleased to visit with you on the �hone or in person (schedules permitting) . Sincerely, DONAL SALVERDA � ASSOCIATES Donatd E Salverda �l�-- -��.{��c,.s � �o��L ���T � sU 41'0�,— o� o��.. P�6w� ;—,_ � � f � i � RE6�STR�TION INFOR�ITIOP6 "THE EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM" ' B�GISTR�TIOP@ FEE � �oo per participant , �H�T DOES THE BSEG I STR�T I0� C01/ER? 1) Comprehensive computerized management assessment, compited from data obtained through individually sefected 'describers' {representing superiors, peers, subordinates, and self) 2) Comprehensive 224-page "Effective Management Manuat" 3) Participation in seven workshop/group discussion sessions extending over a twelve month period RE6ISTR1�TI06� PROC�URE Checks/Purchase Orders shouid be made payabie to: DONALD SALVERDA � ASSOCIATES Mail to: Donald Salverda S Associates _ Roseville Professional Center - Suite 51l ' 2233 N Hamline Avenue Rosevitle, MN 55113 If the organization is to be billed, please enclose the purchase order (or purchase order number) with the registra#ion form and the organization will be billed for $70U. For additional information or questions, call : I Don Salverda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6T2) 484-1335 �IB�I�G W�6D LOC�TIO� Crystal Community Center - 4800 Douglas Drive - Crystal Department Heads City/CountY Administrators Session One - Wednesday, June 30 Session One - Wednesday, June 30 1 :30 - 4:30 PM 8:30 - 11 :30 AM 'Crystal B Room' 'Game Ro�m' REG I STR�TIO� �ORP� �AME TITLE �RGANIZATION PHONE aDDRESS ZIP 'URCHASE ORDER NUMBER (If organization is to be billed � . , u Donald Salyerda & Associates � Rosevilie Professiona!Center • Suite 511 • 2233 N. Hamline Avenue • Roseville, MN 55113 (612)484-i335 _ THE EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (City and County Manager S Administrator Group) Meeting Schedule SES_ DATE E TIME SITE Session 1 June 30 Came Room - City of Crystal (8:30 - 11 :30 AM) Community Center - 4800 Douglas Dr. Session 2 August 25-* To be determined ** (8:30 - 11 :30 AM) Session 3 September 29 * To be determined ** (8:30 - 11 :30 AM) Session 4 November 24 * To be determined ** (8:30 - 11 :30 AM) Session 5 January 26 * To be determined ** (8:30 - 11 :30 AM) Session 6 March 30 * To be determined ** (8;30 - 11 :30 AM) . Session 7 May 25 * 7o be determined ** (8:30 - 11 :30 A�,A) * These dates are subject,to change based on participant avaitabiiity ** Meeting sites witi be determined - group wifl probably meet at '' different sites in the metropolitan area. ,. . , { Donaid Saiverda & Associates ' Rosevi!!e Professional Center • Suite 511 • 2233 N. Hamline Avenue • RosevilJe, MN 55113 (612) 484-f335 ' THE EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM I� (Personalized Systems Approach) I BENEFiTS OF PARTICIPATION o Provides personalized management behavior feedback o Pinpoints specific management development needs o Provides focus on behavioral change 'I o Specific prescriptions for improved management effectiveness I o Provides an excellent means to enhance communication o Improved management skifls, leading to: ' - Greater harmony and job satisfaction ' - Improved productivity i THE FORMAT ' o Comprehensive "Pre" and "Post° management assessments ' o Group sessions o Individual activities MATERIALS o Comprehensive computerized management assessment printouts i compiled from individuatly-selected "describer" feedback � o Comprehensive 224-page "Effective Management Program° manual THE SKtLLS STUDIED � i o Leadership o Cammunication o Initiative o Time Organization o Planning o Motivation o Controtfing o Personal Growth o Decision Mak'rng o Development of Subordinates THE GROUP LEADER - DON SALVERDA o President of Donald Salverda � Associates o Over twenty years experience in professional deve{opment field o Skilled seminar, workshap, and retreat leader o Leadership experience in private, public, and volunteer sectors AVAILABILITY o In-House Participation . . . . . A means for organizations to , � develop their management team I o Open Enrollment Participation . . . . . For managers who want ', to fine tune their own skills and network with participants from other organizatians • . . . , Donaid Salverda & Associates RoseviJle Protessional Center • Suite 511 • 2233 N. Hamline Avenue • Rosevilie, MN 55113 (6t2) 484-1335 COMMENTS FROM LETTERS ON FILE "I thoroughiy enjoyed our sessions and the interaction with professionals and experts in discussing the many facets of management. it is certainty true that education is a life-Iong venture." - City Administrator "The Effective Management Program has been an extreme(y usefui tooi ;cr us in our management/leadership development efforts. it has helped us fic� sharpPn our focus on criticai areas of manaymentfleadership and prov�d�d �as with a process that insures that time and personal effort is s�ent on realistic professional development goals.° - School Administrator "Thank you for introducing me to the new Deuelopment Needs lnventory/ Effer.tive Ma��agement Program that we are using as part of our ongaing management development program. I am most pleased with the complete- ness of the program, your assistance in getting us started on the system, your follow-up . . , and, most important, with the impact the system is having on our managers." - Corpora#e Executive "1 just wanted to thank you for al! of your hard work in coordinating "The Effective Management Program." I yot a lot out of the program and I am sure that was due to the #ac# that you spent a lot of time put- ting togzther good monthly sessions for us. The course is a training and development bargain when compared to other management development tools.° - City Manager . . . Donald Saiverda & Associates Roseville Pro(essional Center • Suite 511 • 2233 N. Hamline Avenue • Rosevilfe, MN 551 i3 (672) 484-1335 ��'��a'�'��a;��lYf��� . . � "` '°� � � DON SALVERDA ��=�. � � �� � �� � � y '�`y� �� Don Saiverda is President of DONALD SALVERDA �.�� �� ��.�� r �,� � ASSOCIATES, a consulting firm that provides i �� services and materials to business and industry, �prv." � �;�� government , professionai organizations, and to ' '��� F� "= education in the areas af team building, strategic ' planning, leadership, and management development. ' ��' Y •.,` � He has designed and led team building, s#rategic . planning, leadership, and management retreats and worksMops far over ten years for a variety ' of organizations in both the public and private ' sectors. I, As a retreat and workshop leader his positive and enthusiastic appraach convey his own sense of purpose and belief. He further believes that: 1 1) People are very busy with limited time; therefore, the process should be practical and highly productive I 2) People learn from each other; therefore, the process should be II highly participative ' 3) The process should be educational, en}oyable, and non-threatening ', Don is highFy respected for his leadership ability, his results-oriented style, and Mis commitment of service to peopte. Combining an academic background in engineering with over thirty years of pract- ical experience in the private, public, and volunteer sectors in a variety of roles and settings, Don has gained a unique and broad perspective of the chaltenges facing organizations and individuals. � In addition to serving on a number of boards and commissions, he has served as President of the Sates and Marketing Executives of Minneapolis, the Roseville- Falcon Heights Chamber of Commerce, the Association of Minnesota Counties, the Ramsey County League of Local Governments, the North Suburban Community Foundation and the North Suburban Gavel Association. He has also served as President of the Rosevilie Jaycees and as District Chair of the Indianhad Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He has been elected to pubtic office and recently completed eighteen years of service on the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. Don is an active member of the Rotary Club of Roseville and is an avid downhill I skier and biker. I�