HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Pay Estimate #4 & Final, Shannon Hills 4th Addition, City Project #234 . . CITY OF ROSTNIOUNT EXECIITIVE SIIN�iARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 15, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #4 and Final, Shannon AGENDA SPCTION: Hills 4th Add Utl & Str Impr. , City Prj #234 Consent PREFARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA� City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director '�� # �,�, � ATTACHIKENTS: Payment Voucher #4 and Final AP 0 B : , This item requests the fourth and final payment to Erickson Canstruction, Inc. in the amount of $21,997.84 for Ci�y Project #234, Shannon Hills 4th Ads3ition. Work completed and represented in this amount as of June 1, 1993 is 100% of contracted work. The final payment includes Change Order No. 1 for extra clean up necessary prior to final lift paving in the amount of $388 . 75 . The total final construction cost is $152, 397.98 compared to the bid price of $162,411.40 . The check will be issued upon receipt of the appropriate IC-134 farms and lien waivers. : The work has been inspected and is in compliance with contract documents. Attached is a copy of the pay voucher for your information. Staff recommends approval of this fourth and final payment request. With the approval of �he final payment, the City accepts the street and utilities for perpetuity. In addition, the Contraetor has a two (2) year warranty on the improvements which will end on June 16, 1995 . REC�DIl�tENDED ACTION: MOTIQN TO APPROVE PAYMENT #4 AND FINAL TO ERICKSON C�NSTRUCTI�N, INC. IN THE AMOUNT �F $21, 997. 84 FOR SHANNQN HSLLS 4TH ADDITION UTILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #234 AND ACCEPT THE STREETS AND UTILIT3ES FOR PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE. COUNCIL ACTION: 3 _ ( orr Schelen 1vlayeron& Associates,Inc. 300 Fark Piace Center 5775 Wayzata Boulevard Minnedpolis,MN 55416-1228 612-595-5775 1-800-753-5775 FAX 595-5774 Ju�1e 4 1993 Engineers + Architects Planners Surveyars Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West �osemount, NIN 55068 Re: Shannon Hills 4th Addition City Project No. 234 OSM Project No. 4942.00 Dear Mayor and City Council: Enclosed are four (4) copies of Construction Payment Voucher No. 4 and Final and Change Order No. 1 for the referenced project in the amount of $21,997.84. Please make payment in the amount of $21,997.84 to Erickson Construction, Inc., 13616 Pieasant Lane, Burnsvilte, MN 55337 at yaur earliest convenience. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. ��Zr�'.GC�`" !� �� Brian J. Bouras , P.E. �Project Engineer Enclosures /� c: Erickson Construction, Inc. Bud Osmundson, City of Rosemount F�„���,.,�,»;;.,;.,.�,�.,�.,..e. CONSTRUCTION PAY VOUCHER Estimate Voucher Number: 4 Date: June 4, 1993 OSM Project Number: �4942.04 Period Ending. June 4, 1993 Project: SHANNON HILLS FOURTH ADDITION ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 234 Contractor: ERICKSON CONSTRUCTION, INC. 13616 PLEASANT LANE BiJRNSVILLE MN 5533? Contract Dates September 1, 1992 Work Started: September 15, 1992 Completion Date: October 31, 1992 Work Completed: Original Contract Amount 162,411.40 Total Additi�ns 388.75 Total Deductians 0.00 Total Funds Encumbered 162,80A.15 Total Work Certified to Date 152,397.98 Less Retained Percentage 0.00� 0.80 Less Previous Payments 130,400.14 Totai Payments Inc1 This Voucher 152, 397.98 Balance Carried Forward 10,402.17 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT, THIS VOIICHER 21�99?.84 APPROVALS ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Pursuant to our fieid observation, as performed in aceordance with our contract, and based an our prafessional opinion, materials are satisfactory and the work properly performed in aceordanee with the plans and specifications and that the total work is: sao� compietea as of June a, 1993. We herby recammend payment of this voucher. � Signed: Signed• ' Construction Observer •Project Mana r/Engineer ERICKSON CONSTRUCTZON, INC. This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the quantities, and vaiues of work certified herein -is a fair approximate estimate for the period covered by this voucher. Contractor: t�.,�,,t,,(�d.e.,,�,�e,�j,�,,�'. � • Signed By ��m,s1�Y � �h-�.t�. Date: _���_�93 Title �ilv.� , CZTY OF ROSEMOTJNT Checked By: APP ov d ar payment: �'f�iv�„� '" Authorized Representative Date: Date• �P���� . PAGE 1 V 0 U C H E R D E T A I L L 1 S T Estimate Voucher Number: 4 Projecte SHANNON NILLS FOURTH ADDITION Qate: JUNE 4, 1993 _ t1SM ProJect Number: 4942.00 CITY OF ROSEMWNT PROJ. NO.a 234 for ROSEMOUNT, M[NNESOTA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �,HANGF QRDER NO 1 • Contract Contrect Compteted This Mortth Total To Date Item Spec No Description Guantity Units llnit Price Total Price Quentity Total Guantity Totet Price 1 . ADD�L STREET CIEANING REQ'D T0 1 IUMP SUM 388.75 388.75 1 388.75 1 388.75 REI�VE EXCESS DIRT FROM ROAD{tAY PRIOR 70 SNEEPING FOR BIT.`4IEAR COURSE INSTAILATIQN TOTAL CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 S 388.75 S 388.75 S 388.75 SANITARY SEWER Contrsct Contract Completed This Month Total To Date Item Spec No Description Cuantity Units Unit Price Total Price 4uantity Totat Quantity Total Price ---- -------- -------------------•-- 1 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RIMG CAStING 11 EACH 150.00 1,650.00 12 1,800.00 12 1,800.00 2 2621.500 CONNECT TO EXIST. SAN SEW STUB 1 EACH 75.00 75.00 0 0.40 1 75.00 3 2621.500 S" PVC PIPE SAN SWR SOR 35 882 LIN FT 15.d0 13,759.20 0 0.00 859 13,400.40 4 2621.500 8" PVC PtPE SAN 5WR SOR 26 440 lIN fT 22.20 4,T68:00 0 0.00 445 9,8T4.OQ S 2621.500 �" X 4° PVC SEHER �tYES 27 EACH 23.50 634.50 0 0.00 2T 634.50 6 2b21.500 4° PVC SDR 26 SERVICE PIPE 1215 L1N PT 4.65 5,649.75 0 0.00 t308 6,082.20 (INCLWING RISERS) T 2621,500 8" OUTSiDE PROP (0-10) 1 EACN 912.OQ 912.00 0 0.00 1 912.00 8 2b21.5Q0 STD. SAN 5�1R MANHOLE 4� DIA 91 EACH 861.00 9,4T1.00 0 0.00 10 8,b10.00 9 2621.5afl EXGESS MANHOLE DEPTN OVER $� 83 LIN fT 57.70 4,789.10 0 0.00 80.9 4,667.93 t0 2611.500 GRANUCAR POUMDATtOH 50 TON 0.01 0.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 TOTAL SANITARY SENER S 46,709.05 S 1,800.00 S 46,061.03 2 OF 5 V O U C H E R D E T A I L L i S T Estimete Yaucher Nunber: 4 Project: SHANNON HIILS FOURTN ADOiTION Date: JUNE 4, 1993 OSM Project Number: 4942.00 CITY OF ROSEMWNT PROJ. NO.: 234 ' for ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ' CITY Of ROSEMOUNT ' WATERMAIN ' Contract Contract Canpteted This Month Totat To Date Item Spec No Description Quantity Units Unit Prfice Totel Price Quantity Totat Qusntity Totel Price t1 0504.G02 ADJUST YALVE BOX 6 EACN 100.00 600.00 7 700.00 7 700.00 12 26i1.500 CONNECT TO EXIST. WN STUB 2 EACH 50.00 100.Q0 0 0.00 2 100.00 13 2611.500 6" DIP Cl 52 NATERMAIN 1460 LIN F7 11.00 16,060.00 0 0.00 1430 15,730.Q0 14 2611.500 6" GATE VAWE AND BOX 6 EACH 2T6.00 1,656.Q0 0 0.00 6 1,656.00 15 2611.500 HYDRANTS 3 EACH 1,113.00 3,339.00 0 -0.00 3 3,339.00 ' 16 2611.500 HYORANT EXTENSIQNS 3 LIN FT 252.00 756.00 1 252.00 1 252.00 1T 2611.500 FITTINGS 1500 LB 0.80 1,200.00 0 0.00 1280 1,024.00 18 2611.500 1° CORP(NtATION COCKS 27 EACH 55.00 1,485.00 0 0.00 27 1,4$5.00 19 2611.500 1p CRUB STOP AND BOX 27 EAGH 77.25 2,085.75 0 0.00 27 2,085.75 20 2611.500 1" L'�PER SERViCE PIPE 1300 L1N Ft 5.75 7,475.00 0 0.00 1259 7,239.25 TOTAI YATERMAIN S 34,756.75 S 952.00 S 33,611.00 �STORM DRAIN: Contract Gontract Compteted This Manth Tota1 To Date ' Item Spec No Oesc�iption Quentity Units UniC Price Total Price Ouantity Totet Ouahtity Totet Price 21 2104.523 SALVAGE GASTING 1 EACH 25.00 25.00 0 0.00 1 25,Ofl 22 2503.541 12'� R.C.P. CL V 93 LIN FT 14.75 t,371.75 0 0.00 96 t,416.00 23 2503.541 15" RC PtPE SENER DESIGN 3006 CL N 33 lIN FT 15.85 523.05 0 0.00 34 5'58.90 2b 2503.541 18" RC PIPE SEL�R DESIGN 3006 Cl III 295 LiN FT 1T.50 S,t62.S0 0 0.00 292 5,110.00 Z5 2506.508 STANDARD 4' DIA. STN. NH t0-8�) 2 EACH 878.00 1,756.00 0 O.OQ 2 1,756.00 26 2506.5t18 EXGESS 4' DIA. MH DEPTM > 8� 1.6 U N FT 55.00 92.80 0 0.00 1.6 92.80 27 2506.508 4' DIA. CATCN BAS1N MN (0-8�� 4 EACN 751.00 3,004.00 0 0.00 3 2�253.00 28 25d6.504 CATCH BAS1N TYPE A (3,5' DEEP) 3 EACH 565.00 1,695.00 0 0.00 3 1.695.00 29 2506.521 iNSTAtI CASTING 1 EACN 75.00 75.00 0 0.00 � 1 T3.00 3d 2b1t.500 C�iN�CT TO EXIST. STORM SEN. STUB 1 EACN 75.00 75.00 0 0.00 1 75.00 31 2611.500 GRANULAR FOUNDATlON 50 TON 0.01 Q.50 0 0.00 U 0.00 TOTAL ST�tM DRAIN S 13,780.60 f 0,00 S 13,03G.T0 3 0f 5 V 0 U C N E R O E T A I L L I S T . Estimete Youcher Number: 4 Project: SHANNON NIILS FOURTN ADDITION Date: JUNE 4, 1993 - 05M Project Number: 4442.00 C1TY OF ROSEMOUNT PROJ. NO.: 234 for ROSEMWNT, MiNNESOTA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SS,,.TREETS • Contract Contract Completed This Mcnth Totat To Date Item Spec No Description Quantity Units Unit Price Total Price Cuantity Totet Ouentity Total Price ---- -------- ---------------------------- 32 0564.602 F b I STREET SIGNS (COMP.ASSEMBLT) 3 EACH 219.OQ 65T.00 0 0.00 3 657.00 33 0564.602 F & I TRAFFIC S1GN 1 EACH 164.00 164.00 0 0.00 . 1 164.00 34 0564.6112 REMOVE & RELOCATE BARRICADES 1 EACH 50.00 50.00 0 0.00 1 50.00 35 2t04.501 REMOV£ GURB AND GUTTER 50 LIN FT 3.50 175.00 � 0.00 68 238.00 36 21W,.505 REMbVE eiTUM1N0US PAVEMENT 100 SG YD 3.50 350.00 0 0.00 80 280.OQ 3T 210+�►.52d TOPSOIL BORROu (LV} 200 CU YD 0.01 2.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 38 2105.501 COFIlION EXGAVAI'ION 2000 CU YD 0.01 20.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 34 2105.521 GRANW.AR BORR011 (LV) 2000 Cl1 YD O.d1 20.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 40 2112.SOT SUBGRADE PREPARATION 15.6 ROAD STA 125.00 1,950.00 0 0.00 15.6 1,950.00 41 2211.501 XGGREGATE BASE CCASS 5 E100% CRUSH 2O00 TON 7.00 14,000.00 0 0.00 16T2 11,704.00 ROCK) 42 2331.508 TYPE 41 IrEARING COURSE MIXTURE 470 TON 23.00 10,810.00 461.T 10,619.10 491 11,243.Q0 43 2331.514 TYAE 31 BASE COURSE MIXTURE 4T0 TON 20.00 9,400.00 0 0.00 438.5 8,770.00 44 23ST.502 BITUMINOUS MATERtAL FOR TACK COAT 270 GAILON 1.50 405.00 2$0 420.00 330 445.00 45 2531.502 CONCRETE GURB & GUTTER S 418 2880 lIN FT 4.40 12,672.00 0 0.00 2880 12,672.00 46 0085.603 F & I 4" NMG 100 LIN FT 4.85 485.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4T 25T3.502 EROSIOM CWtTROI 250 ttN FT 2.00 500.00 235 4T0.00 275 550.00 48 2575.501 SEEOIHG t ACRE 980.00 480.04 .5 490.00 .S 440.00 49 2575.SOS SOODING TYPE 'A', LA61N & BOULEVARD 4800 SQ YD 1.25 6,000.00 260 325.00 91Q0 1,375.00 50 2575.523 FIBER BIANKET TYPE HtGH VELOCITY 300 SQ YD 1.75 525.00 0 0.00 350 612.50 TOTAL STREETS S 59,165:Q0 S 12,324.10 t 51,300.50 SUB-TOTAI S 154,800.15 S 15,464.85 S 144,397.9$ MOBILt2ATI0N � CLEANUP � Contract Contract Completed This Month Total To Date item Spec No Desc�iption Ouantity Units Unit Price totet Price Duantity Total Guentity Totat Price ---- -------- ---------------•- S1 DIV II MOBiLIZATI0�1 1 l.S. 3,000.00 3,000.00 0 0.00 1 3,000.00 52 DIV II CIEAN-UP 1 1.S. 5�000.00 ' S,000.00 .5 2,500,00 1 S,D00.00 TOTAL t�BILI2ATI0N � CLEANUP S 8,000.00 S 2,500.00 S �,000.00 4 OP 5 V O U C N E R D E T A I L L I S T , Estimete Vaicher Nunber: 4 Project: SNANNON H1lLS FOURtN ADDtTtOPI Date: JUNE 4, 1993 OSM ProJect Numbrr: 4942.00 CITT OF ROSEMOUNT PROJ. NO.: 234 for ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOU CFTY OF ROSEMOUNT .. � =e==__=a=ssa=_snx=== . xxa_as_=sas==_.zva¢a x=es_=�assssa=ssaa=a . . GRAND TOTAL f 162,800.15 S 17,964.85 S 152,39T.98 � 5 0F 5 �5 Change Order No. 1 City Prnject No.234 Prnject: Shannon Hilis 4th Addition OSM Project No. 4942.00 Owners: City of Rosemount Date of Issuance: June 4, 1993 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN SS068 Contractor: Erickson Construction, Inc. Engineer; Orr-Sehelen-Mayernn 13616 Pleasant Lane & Associates, Inc. Burnsville, MN 55337 Yon are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents: Description: See Attachment No. 1 Purpose of Change Order. See Attachment No. 1 Attachments (list documents supporting change): See Attachment No. 1 CHA,NGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Price $162,411.40 Original Contract Time N/A Pxevions Change Orders No. = to No. _ Net Change from Previous Change Orders $0.00 N/A Contract Price Prior to this Change Order Contract Time Prior to this Change Order $162,411.40 N/A Net Increase of this Change Order Net Increase (decrease) of Change Order $388.75 , N jA Contract Price with all Approved Change Orders Contract lime with Approved Change Orders $162,800.15 N f A Recommended Apprnved . By: �t��a.� - By: ��-,�..�1? �J �..�..t.-�.. -��r - E 'neer Contractor Apprnv �} � • Approved Date of Gouncil Action By, �� �.� By, City Engineer City Manager Date: June 4, 1993 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 SF[ANNON HILLS 4TH ADDITION CITY OF R4SEMOUNT CITY PROJECT NO. 234 OSM PROJECT NO. 4942.00 The purpose of this change Order is to allow for the payment for the additional street cleaning required to remove an excessive amount of dirt from the roadway (relating to new home construction) prior to sweeping for the bituminous wear course installation. Total Cost = $388.75