HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Hampton Development Condemnation Request � r s CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUD�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JANUARY 5, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: HAMPTON DEVELOPMENT - AGENDA `SECTION: CONDEMNATION REQUEST OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY; LISA FREESE, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AGENDA N���A � � � �V� ATTACHI�SENTS: LETTER FROM HAMPTON, STAFF MEMO, AP O_, B : � RESOLUTION, EXHIBITS ,(� As requested by the City Council on December 15, 1992, City Staff and the City Attorney prepared findings of fact to support the condemnation of the two parcels necessary for the Shannon Pond Development. Those findings are enumerated in an attached staff inemo and a resolution prepared for the City Council ' s consideration. City Staff, the City Attorney and Hampton Development representatives met on several occasions to discuss the condemnation and timing of their development. Hampton indicated to City Staff that it is essential for them to begin development in 1993 . Given the uncertainty as to how long the condemnation proceeding could take, Hampton would like to redraw the plat. Hampton Development has shown a concept plan for a redesign preliminary plat . Public Works and Planning Staff' s initial reaction to the concept is that it appears workable. The major benefit of this concept is that it provides Hampton with the ability to phase the development in a manner so that their development is not as dependent on thase two tracts of land. While eventually those tracts will be necessar� to complete the development, the redesign makes these tracts less critical for the initial phases. Therefore, at this time Hampton is asking the City Council to table any action regarding the condemnation of either tract of land. They would like to proceed with the review of a redesigned preliminary plat because they believe it presents their best opportunity to ensure construction of the first phase of their development in 1993 . RECOMMENDED ACTION: A motion to table action on the condemnation proceedings to enable Hampton to proceed with review of a redesigned preliminary plat. COUNCIL ACTION: t = 63/01/89 00:19 111111111 AAAAAAAA PAGE �2 � Deceneber 30, 199� Rosemount Ci�y Councxl : This is to confix�a that H�aznp�an Deve�.vpment Co�po=ation has desiyr�ed a new layou� for the proposed shanz�on P�rtd Sub Division. aur currer,t grelim3.na�y pla� has to many issues that need to be solved. Our new design wi11 c�ive u� the fl�xibility to addre�� c�anitary sewer and strea� layouts that are already in place �and all.ow u� ta get aur pra]ec� started early 3n 1993. We have no a,nt$r�st, at �his time in requestir�g any condemnati,an action. Sin��+�ly, r� :..����'��.__._�- J es E. Allen resident 13ampton Developmont Co�poratian � 1 MEMO TO: MAYOR McMENOMY COUNCIL MEMBERS: KLASSEN STAATS WILLCOX � WIPPERMANN FROM: RON WASMUND, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTORiBU1LDING OFFICIAL�� RICHARD PEARSON, ASSISTANT PLANNER���","�, DATE: DECEMBER 30, 1992 RE: CONDEMNATION OF PARCELS A AND 'B FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES NECESSARY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SHANNON POND P.U.D. The following is a discussion of planning and public works issues relative to street alignments, utilities and lot design that are dependent upon parcels that the Council is considering condemning ultimately for the development of Shannon Pond P.U.D. PARCEL A: Parcel A was created by the West Ridge P.U.D. ariginally. It was created by designing lot sizes and layouts according to street alignments. Parcel A consists of the west half of Danbury Avenue north of 156th Street and 156th Street from its intersection with Danville Avenue to its intersection with Danbury. Street Alignments Streets in the Wensmann Addition north of West Ridge were designed and installed according to connection points with the West Ridge P.U.D. The West Ridge P.U.D. was approved prior to the Wensmann P.U.D., therefore strongly influencing adjacent P.U.D. Danbury is existing and aligned with Parcel A in the Wensmann Addition. Parcel A provides the westerly Right-of-Way for Danbury Avenue to be extended south-from the existing "stub" in the Wensmann Addition. Parcel A will also provide for an eastern extension of 156th Street west from West Ridge 4th Addition and ' anticipated 5th Addition. Finally, Parcel A will also provide Right-of-Way for Danville Avenue. That will be contiguous with existing Right-of-Way that was dedicated as part of West Ridge 3rd Addition. These street alignments will provide a north-south connection between Shannon Pond, West Ridge and Wensmann Additions necessary for the dispersal of local traffic flows g�-.nerated and absorbed by each of these developments. Only one other north-south connection exists west of Shannon Parkway, east of Diamond Path. Condemnation of Parcels A & B Page 2 Furthermore, the West Ridge P.U.D. as originally approved in 1987 contained these exact street alignments. Any deviation would require extensive redesign of the remaining phase of West Ridge. Watermain Watermain has been installed in a 60 foot easement coinciding with the 156th Street alignment from Shannon Parkway west to Danville Avenue. It then turns south and follows the Danville alignment. Sanitarv Sewer Sanitary sewer service is planned for installation in Danbury from the line between West Ridge and Wensmann P.U.D. south to 156th Street, then west on 156th Street to Danville Avenue, then south on Danville Avenue to a point stubbed out as part of West Ridge 3rd Addition. This alignment has been influenced and locked in by the previous development and construction phasing done by the Brobacks and their West Ridge development. Lot DesiQn The location of Parcel A will result in a single row of ordinance consistent lots that will back up to the western boundary of Jaycee Park. It will also provide access for lots in the anticipated final phase of West Ridge P.U.D. PARCEL B: Parcel g is necessary as a result of previously approved plats and overall concept P.U.D. The street afignments which have been reviewed as part of the previous actions provide for through streets. fihrough streets are preferred because they significantly reduce the number of cul-de-sacs. Street alignments and connection points have been influenced and in some cases determined by development which has already occurred in the West Ridge Additions. Parcel B provides for an easterly extension of Upper 156th Street West. The proposed alignment results in a perpendicular four way intersection. It also provides for an east-west connectic�n between Danville Avenue and ultimately Shannon Parkway. As one of two such connections planned between 153rd Street West and 160th Street West, the result would be efficient traffic flow. The proposed i a Condemnation of Parcels A & B Page 3 intersection also avoids a disjointed east-west connection that would result from an off-set intersection in this location. Utilities Utilities have been planned for and installed according to the planned street alignments. Parcel B has been planned as a utility corridor. Storm sewer has been installed in a 20' easement which runs east from the West Ridge 3rd Addition through Parcel B to the ponding easement owned by the City of Rosemount. Sanitary sewer has been stubbed into Parcel B following the proposed street alignment. Watermain has also been stubbed into the easement following the proposed street alignment. An alternate to this utiJity corridor would be rear yard easements. The rear yard approach is not favorable because it is difficult to access and maintain utilities under sodded lawns. Lot Desian Parcel B is located with enough space to develop lots that front the proposed Upper 156th Street West alignment and back up to existing lots in West Ridge 2nd Addition. It is very unlikely that the remanent parcel between Parcel B and West Ridge 2nd Addition could be developed for single-family use consistent with R-1 standards independently of Parcel B. Parcel B by itself could not be developed independently of either parcels north and south and be consistent with R-1 standards. Parcel B would result in a sixty foot Right-of-Way and four undevelopable parcels if it is not combined with either property to the north or south as illustrated on Exhibit C. � FLUEGEL P10Yf�IHRId TEL No . 1612438a7�7 Dec �0 ,02 15 �30 No .007 P .04 CI'IY Ok' li�S��MOUNT 1714It:Q'I'A COZ7NTY� MZN�T�:St]TA �t�:SOLUT.LQN 3.393 - A ��T?SOLUTIpN OF THE CITY C.UUNCIL Uk Z'HI�: C:1`,I'�Y' OF RpSEMOUNT AU'1'HUxt,l %.t.l4G 't'rix: 'U'S� OF l?,MIN�NT DOMAIN �'U AGQUIRF ]�1NI7 �"�71t '.Cii�; C�ObISTRUC7']ON Q� 11. CT'1'Y S'1'TtE��T, SIL7EWALZ: ,A.NT) UT71,]TI.KS wHN:1tr:.t�S, the property describc�d c�n ai,t:ar.t��cd N:xhibit IL �nd hereafter ref'Pr.r.ed to as "Parc:el A" is iri t.}�ic: C�.t-y of �tc�semount and under �l"1VatG OWi]G'7';�}];i.�� F�YiC� wH�tt13�S, I�arcel A is nc:c:cic:Ci for ttie C:C>r1St_.r.ur.tion of. a public street and the installatic�iz vf ��uk�lit� ut.ilit_ics; ancl wHEK�AS, a poxLion c�f. Par_cel. 1� .�s a] r.Pady encumk�e�-ed �y a utility easement in favor c�f ttie City of KUsert'ic'�ur�t.; and WH�;R�:I�,.S, a p�rma��Pni: Pasement over Parcel A is ne�ded to compl�te th� r.anstr�.ict,ion a:r exi st_a nc� Gr_rPer_s, uti liti.es and sidewalk� wtiicti were designed and c:�nstructcd with Lhe� �ssumpt:i r�n that P�xcel A wou].c] l:se C7P_CI1 C'r3'CP.CI T.O the �ublic fc�r stiEei: drld ut.il.i_L�j ���.r.��c�sPs . tvUw, •1�11L1tL�'GRE, F3E IT 12ESOLVED, k�y Lhc� C.i_t_y G�unc.i.l of the City of kosPmount as follows : .1 . '1't�� C:i.ty �:ouncil determines that thEy abt�vc-dc�sc.r.•i bc;d im�.rUve�n��nt_s f.nr- Ya7-c.e] � �r-e far. a public purpc���: �nci t}iat L�� c:orrt�let� the �>ub1..i.c: .i.nt��i`c,vc:it�Fnts, S.t i.s necessary f�r the City Lc� acguire permaizent �t.rc:�::t, ut.ilit.y �r�c� s i.��Ptir��I k easemertts through �mi.neTlt: dcsmr�in . 2 . 7'}1E� C:.i.l.� At_t_csrnc��' � c�f f.ice far the city of RUS�rnUunt is authorized aric�. c�ir�:ctcd i:o prc�c:F�ed w�.�h t_n� ��,cquisi.tion of the necess�ry permanent easements t.hrr�ut�ti erninent� domain, whar.h �rocess s}iall int:lude Lhe use o� i;h� ��qt�a.r.k-take" provision prc�vidcd }ay Minn. St�t . �117 . 042 . .ADUPTED this 5�h day ot �lanua.r.y, .1y93 . F. B. McMenom�, Mdy��r .l�TTEST s Susan M. Walsh, C;ity C�lcrk , FLUFGEL �10'YNIHAN TEL No . 1b1243�9777 Dec 30 ,Oz 15 :30 No .007 P .05 Mc�ti.on by: _._.�_� Seconc�ct:t by: ...�_...._ Vc>t�d i n f a�vor: Voted acJainst�: .. , ,111rnv TEL No . 16124389777 Dec 30 ,02 16 � 14 No .008 P .O� l CITX OF ROSEMUUNT U��C�TA L:UUNTY, M_CNNF.SOT1a, i i 1�FS()LU�'rQN 1993 - A RFSC7LU2"T4Pt OF '1'11E CT'.C� Cni3NCST, .� I�U`t'iiC1RIZING CON'l� Di THE C;.1.'1`Y Or KOSLki4ItNT �MNA:rTON 4N I�ANJ� NELU�:D FOT2 THL C:t)NS'�t`RIJC'1`I(JN O�' A C.L'1']T ;yTRFF.T, CTT'Y UT�'LI'1'XF:S ANU TO I'I2F,VEN'1' 7'HE C:itF..ATIO,hi ()�' t1�+T�3i1iL'D,7�BT,L E'11.RC,L1�5 (?F PR4PER7'Y �i�F��' �hP Fr���rty c�esc�ri.hed on attdclled .�xhibit A an t - ref er.r.eci i.c� a s '•Parc�_1. B�� .i s a J.2p tont s#:r.i. a f d �area:F���er �riv�t_� owne,r.ship �3nd whase awners do riot_ owri p n �r�p�rt�r r�nder immec�i��t�ly ,�dj�tc:�nt tC, Parct�l B; �nd Y �f thc: pr.opGxty WHF:RF.AS, the t�wners c�f ��r���ert. B have abta�.ned pr_�lirnin��r Y � ntm�c�l`�tely r_a t?ic- nortli r�f P�.rcel ca.11.eci Shanrion Yonr.� YrID• Y ���t a��Prc�val .f-ar a plat �r. opc�sc�t3 to p�c , �a n ci WHEX�?A.S, thG pr�liminary� �lat. f.�r. Shann�rl Y�nci Pt)1) s} st�reet and ut.i.lity �lignrn�nt wha ch l�w�' a ��7-()PUSC!cj g��s thrc�ugh Parc�;l B; �nd WIIE:RE.AS. ParceJ. B is alrE�ady en�:�im.l3er_ec] Y�y a tw , .� sew�r ea�e]11Pnt to the C� t ET �-y' fr.�c��. constructed v,r�.thin Lhat ca�m nt�mount and a storm sewer h�sst�en . and WHLl� .F.A$, sanit�ry sew�;r. was stubb�d from Danv.f.l le Ave,iue �nLo wPst s:i.de t�f Parc�]. B in cont�m�l.ati.on th�.t F'drCPl 13 w�u1Ci � a ��tilit: th8 y car.ridar hased on �ari�r rc�nst.x•t�r.tit�rt altd t_ha� Cthe sanii:�ry SewEr ser.vicG v,rauld �ventu��] 1 � Y r'��rl t.tizot�gh P��rc�:l R; �ric3 WHF.RI�AS. watC�.r serv:i ce t}i� we� . , �-� alsc� stuhk�c}d frcy1n Danvi ] le Avenu� i nto ui siei� of Pa.r.c.el �3 in t_t�nternF:�.l atiUn that Paic:c:.) � would bec:c�mP a ut:i.lity corr�c�c,r ba�ed on r.i�r con.s �r�3ter serv5_r..e wc>uJci ev�r�tualJ.y ruri �_hrouyh F�-�rCc�l ]3p and �hat t:he WtrIE:RFA,.S. the px'ppos�d str�c�t alignn�erit. for t.h� r�. Shannc�n Yond I�Up servos to m�i.ntain r.ont�_riuity wpth1E�mi ria� alignn��nts in t�l� Y I�ldt_ af r�dja��ex�t W�si: Ridyc: Third Iidr�il..ion asSw�l{1 �srthe stxePts pr.aPos�d iri Slxr�nnon Fond FUU; aricl WHF.R�P,S, .i mpt�si.ng d s�xt FarcPl B wauld l�avC maJ .°t sl:r.e�t and ui..i..l i.ty eas�in�.itt: thi_c�ugh unu;��hle and which would ev�rii�ual.ty }�ecom�• a burclen ta th�: >t�blic- pdre�c�l.s w}7.i.ch are unhuilc�able ,�nd a nc3 � . W1�k:x2Fnc� the acc�uisit�..i�n domair� i� �� the fc>F ��t:l� -�� ParcE�.l r� �;y emin:c�ni; riece5s��ry to �arry out. t_he pu��l.ic sur ��k}ov� , X �oses oUt:lined LVLUCL IVIUYNIHAN TEL No . 161.2q3gg��7 � Dec 30 ,02 16 : 14 No .008 p ,p3 NOW, 'rHEREr0Y2F., B� ]:�' RESUI.V'�:n, by t_he City Counci.l. of thc: City af Rc�semaun� as fc�l.lowg : 1 • T�le CS.i:;y Counr_ii dLt_Fi�min�:s that �rt�: improv�ment5 d�scr3.t>;�:d abovc� r�gardi ng �'arcel �3 �.re f�r � public: purpo�e and t:hat it. i s necc:ss�r�r fc�r the C.i.i;y ta ar.quir� fee tit_.1� to Yc�rcel � i.hrotic�h emin�nti domairl ta carr.y out t,hase pubJ. ic purposes . 2 • The City At_tarney� s otfic^� for #:11G City vt Rr,s�:rnoun� �.s aut:horizGd and dir_Fcted 1.c� proc:�:4d with t_he acqu� �itiori of th�: fee tiLle to parcel ]3 by eminc;nt� domain, which �h�.11 inr.lude i:hP use of the "quick-�take" pr�v_i sian pz�ovi.ded by Minn. Stat. �J X 7 .U4`l . An�PT.t:D �.his 5tt�� d�y c�f .1��nuary, a 99:i . r:. B. N,c:M "��M�'-----__, .. ATTES'.I': - --------._ .. .__ Susan M. Wals�,;��Cl�x.k'---- Mot_ian by:��-�---�rry._._ Secc>nded by- '�-----------__-------- V��t.cci in f��vor: ..•�--------__..,..-_____-______....______----- ------.__.._.-----._� VuLecl �c3�lirist: "_--------�-----�..._.,--------__....,. y----�------...,�-----�,,..._ EXHIBIT A Parcel A: That part of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/a) of Section 31, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginn�ing at the northea.st corner of the plat of WEST RIDGE THIItD ADDTTION, Dakota. County, Minnesota; thence on an assumed bearing of North along the northerly extension of the east line of said pla.t a distance of 119.90 feet; thence South $9 degrees 48 minutes 49 seconds Fast a distance of 119.90 feet; thence North 69 degrees 36 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 112.64 feet; thence northerly along a nontangential curve concave to the west having a radius of 308.81 feet a central angle of 22 degrees 59 minutes 58 seconds a chord bearing of North 11 degrees 41 minutes 10 seconds East an arc length of 123.96 feet; thence North 00 degrees 11 minutes 11 seconds Ea.st a distance of 369.75 feet to the north line of said Southwest Quarter (SWI/a); thence wester2y along said north line a distance of 30.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 11 seconds West a distance of 369.75 feet; thence along a tangential curve concave to the west having a radius of 278.81 feet a central angle 23 degrees 26 minutes 19 seconds an arc length of 114.06 feet; thence along a nontangential curve concave to the south having a radius of 282.77 feet a central angle of 15 degrees 47 minutes 47 seconds a chord bearing of North 81 degrees S4 minutes 55 seconds West a chord length of 77.71 feet; thence North 89 degrees 48 minutes 49 seconds West tangent to said last described curve a distance of 180.10 feet; thence on a bearing of South a distance of 180.10 feet to the north line of said plat of WEs'r RwGE THIIZD ADDITION; thence East along said north line a distance of 60.00 feet to the point of beginning. - and - Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter (SW i/) of Section 31, Township I 15, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: A strip of land 120.00 feet in width lying 60.00 feet to the left and 60.00 feet to the right of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 3, WEST RIDGE SECOND ADDITION; thence North 29 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds East assumed bearing along the northeasterly extension of the westerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 200.00 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 60 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 130.00 feet; thence southeasterly along a tangential curve to the left which is concave to the northeast having a radius of 446.94 feet a central angle of 22 degrees 46 minutes 14 seconds an arc length of 177.62 feet; thence South 83 degrees 13 minutes 14 seconds East tangent to said curve a distance of 29.05 feet; thence southeasterly along a tangential curve to the right having a radius of 469.85 feet a central angle of 21 degrees 41 minutes 14 secands an azc length of 177.84 feet a central angle of 21 degrees 41 minutes 14 seconds an arc length of 177.84 feet; thence South 61 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds East tangent to said last described curve a distance of 60.00 feet to "Poirrr A" and there terminating. , . . . .......J vuI Y�.� .E• 166T0 FRANKL/N t,' . PRlOR LAKE, hNV. �` '� � w '� l6/2144T-2570 %� v � cr�.u..w.�.dw.swV�aY.��s-i� • � � � . . \1�1'W'!J�[ . ur.rsern wn � . . � . , ----�-�� _------._..� .l�0.4D. - � � _ . . . . � � . . . . . � � ��" . ...►N.«..�- . ( _ . � . . . . � � . . � �.e[w..r� �►. � .. PARCEL A- _ - W ' 'y':" �ii d " � 8 '• � :•.d : � � � - � �. tt�Yi s�:t __ . ^r'� . . . '�• j+�ae '��'• �� . . '�'� � . . ... . . '�4�L'i)•o'tib,* . �•��.ri .. � �/ . . 1 s . -•,�. ,---�..u....�..n..c,n,u..�.''b': ••• .:� � L�.. � . - ' fM�MY1'[ � �M�+�. � � � \� r `. --s��tr._ +r } i i � -- -_ 1, + ` '• \ \� o ••,; � ----____---- - : \ ` _�R srw+��•r / — r--- � � �'�_,_ �.__ -,�a w.. � �•o.•.wi. »r�..+sw . . 4 . . . . . .,�`r a+�"t``` ��`.'.�___- _� —_ -_._.._._, y � ��, ��. .r� � � � � � ;t:�' '��,,} �'• .0� � -� t • �.•� _� �: � ,�, SHANNON POND P U D .'�`•' .,` a� � G-'-.� ��.?y • � � .•` ,�..,. �.• 8_� r;t � ' / �T• :`� co7F'�, �y��' /��1 . , � rq,�<\ � ���(~� ;r'``' r��� �\ � � '��; T � I .�;;''' - '��\ ",�,.� �aa ^,��',� .. 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