HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.q. Armory/Community Center - Construction Engineering Testing Services, Pay Request #1 f. t .y . . .. � . � . . � . .. . �� . , . .. � � . . CITY OF ROSEHfOUNT EXECIITIVE SIIl�iARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEET3NG DATE: JANUAR.Y 5, 1993' AGENDA ITEM: ARMORY/COMMUNITY CENTER AGENDA SECTION: CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES, PAY REQUEST CONSENT PREPARED BYs STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA ���� � � � ATTACffi�iENTS: GONTRACT AND PAY REQUESTS APP 4VED BY: The City, through the State Contract, hired a Engineering Testing Service for canstruction testing services on the Armory and Community Center Proj ect. The City' s share for the Armory portion will be paid through tT�e State' s payment and the City' s share for the Community Center will be paid directly by the City. These costs are split to all three sections of the Community Center Project. For thi.s first payment, I am including a copy of the contract ax�d rates along with the request for payment. ' In the future I will only provide a copy of the payment request. RECON�ENDED ACTIONs Motion to approve Payment No. l in the amount of $1, 486 . 73 to Construction Engineering Laboratory Inc, for observation and- testing services for the National Guard Armory and Community Center. COUNCIL ACTION: PURCHASE ORDER P�• # 2 O 2 7 6 Minn.Tax Exempt Statu� No.9757275 Fed.Tax No.41-6005501 �t�t� o��.J l.osemoun� VertdOr ID: 2875 145tt� Street We�f • PO Box 510 Pk�one (fi12) 423-4411 invoice #: Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Date: Acct. #: �Co,,�s;R.��r� o,� KNgI�►e.2ran�� t�c�ra,�Y� I"NG Amount $ �(o�J T�,—, �R.MA�t�r�-i._ Pp�2KcvA�y TO ACCt #: P�I►�,���.p 0 L�S � (VItJ � SS `t 2� � Amount $ F/C: DATE , DATE REQUIRED TERMS SHIP VIA F.O.B. REQUISfT10N NO. �z-2q--qZ:, � r� ��.�. �� .:x 'k.��,:�rxr. x i-r,. _ �'s'r'^, =` .:.- -e � - _ �� .N►1NIH�R„ �' .� ,-.o ��; ��.r'4PSt� �� �'AnAk)kN�f'f�r,= I �`an)s;2.v�;Eo�J �EST,ntg `.S�V'v�.LES� '' 4zb- 4g000 --o�- 3n'� 8`t7, `�'S i Z y�2�-�g'vap -c��- 3�3 �4 6• � �ZZ -yg04d _� � ..30 3 ZZ3. o0 ._------ ro�-g� �48�• 73 ! _ I � � . - • . B Y � White:Vendor GoQy � Yellow:Accounting � Pink:File � Gold:Departme t > ' T � n�i��nur,,, STATE OF MINNESOTA,DEPARTMENT OF MIUTARY AffAIRS �`C��ES'�9 MINNESO?A ARMY NATIONAL GUARD . v`qOILEI�t'ry�p�.� . . � ;,o y;� �. FACIUTIES MANAGEMENT OFFICE '� P.O.Box 348,Camp Ripley '�= Mrs.Engelhardt/ce/ � � ^'.{ � Litile Falls,Minnewta 56345-03d8 `� _ �, (612)632-7303 ---.��..::..:...����` "�"��;Ig„�k:s;"' December 16, 1992 SUB3ECT: Observation and Testinq Services for the National Guard Arsaory and Cammunity Center, Rosemount, Minnesota (Project No. 8909) Mr. Stephan Jilk City of Rosemount , 28'75 245th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Jilk: A copy of subject M-Contract 5365 for Construction Eng�neering Laboratory, . Inc. , is forwarded for your information and records. The "Locally Not Bonded" Contract funding share is estimated to be $17,555.00, based on the hourly rate delineated in the fee schedule of the M-Contract, This is a State contract, subject to State law. Therefore, the requirements of Minnesota Statutes 16A.124 applies (copy attached) , which requires payment within 30 days of receipt by the State agency, Subject Payment Certification No. 1 (PARTIAL) is forwarded for payment action. Payment is recommended based on our understanding of the proqress of the work. Request payment, in the amount of $1,486.73, be made to Construction Engineering Laboratory, Inc, , 5661 International Parkway, Minneapolis, MN 55428. In accordance with State contracting procedures, payment must be received by the vendor NLT 8 January 1993. ' Copy of Payment Certification Hos. 1 (PARTIALj ($686.94 MSABG Share of Payment, and $2,060.83 Federal Share of Payment) , are furnished for your information and records; no action is required. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Carol EngeZhardt of this office (612) 632-7303. Sincerely, - ��`�'`�' ���� �(Wayne A. Johnson �J Lieutenant Colonel, IN, MN ARNG Enclosures Facilities Management Officer 1. M-Contract 2. MN Statute 16A.124 3. Local Pymt Cert 4. MSABC Pymt Cert 5. Fed Pymt Cert Capy Furnished: MSABC, ATTN: Mr. Palmer . 8909 159 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER s�ait uf muvrutsu�n � ��� ' j ��,.Mr�, C RACTUAL (non-state empfoyee) SE �ES �'11�S��o,� Trn.No. FV �ccount LD. O�pc/Olv. SequenceNo. Svf(Ix Ob��ct � V�ndot Typa Amouet � � � � 93 Purchasa Terms Asfat No. C.CO. i C.CD. 2 C.CD. 3 � � Cost Cod�/ Coft COd�6 � D�u NumWr � �EanrM By . . � . . Trw o1 Twosaccian a A 40 O A 41 D�t�� � NumWr � � �� � EntnW By � A04 Q A#6 a A16 � . .. � . . � . NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR:You are required by Minnesota Statutes,1986,Section 270.66 to�uavide your social security number or Minnesota tax identitication number it you do businesswith the State ot Min�esota.This intormation may be used in ihe enforcemenlof iederel and state tax laws.Supplying Ihese�umbers coufd result in aetion to require you to file state iax returns and pay delinquen!state tax Iiabilities.This coMract wilt not be approved uniess Ihese numbers are provided.These numbers wiii be availabie to federal and state tax auFhotities and siate personnet involved in the payme�t o(state obligations: TNIS CONTRACT, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the iaws of the State of Minnesota, between the 5tate of Minnesota,acting cn�ouyn iu Co�iSstoner of Administ,r•atfon (he�ei�a►ter STATEI and GUPISTRUCT[Uf� E176It1ECR1NG UiQ�iRATCRY ItiC aaa�e:: 5G6,t Inie�•nattanal Parkwiv tdi nnsapoi 1 s J�W 5542fs Soc.Sec.or MN Fax I.D.No. [S�G�d� Federal Employer I.D.No.(if applicablei '41-IG16221 (hereinafter CONTRACTORI,witnesseth that: � WHEREAS,the STATE,purzuaot to Minneaota Statutes 15.�bi isempoweredto contract for ervfessional services in cannectton wlth the aneratton of an anencv ,and li WHEREAS, thc execution of this contract ts necessar,r fer the carol tian of Stete ' Oiiildi��n Pr�lecis ,and WHEREAS,CONTRACTOR represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set forth herein, NOW,THEFtEFORE,it is agreed: I. CONTRACTOR'S DUTIES IAttach additional page if necessary which is incorporated by reterence and made a part o#this agreement.) CONTRACTOR,who is not a state employee,shalL• Pruvi�e� in tqn�unction alth Staie �uilding Pro,�ects admtnfstsred by Lhe Oepa�t,aent uf :+clinir�is�raiiur� or ar�y othe�• ayen�y or polltical subdivlsion af the State� the fulto�.inq seswice(s): SL'tLJ F. F;;titKlnLS TESTif16 �:nntructor shall r�r�t procaed a�ith any �ork prior to the receipt of written duthorizatton i.a do So. After ct�e first year uP thls contr�ci, contractor may annustly revise its fee and reim►�urserne��� sci�e�ule pertaining ta work covered by this c:ontr�ct. Such revision once suhmit.tc�i co [!ae i�partmeni of �idmfristraf.ion sha71 t,ccuwN Lhe ca�iractor's fee sc.l�c�i�.le as ident9fiied heloYr and will t�e incorporattld inlo this rontract. II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. A. Consideration tor all services performed and goods or materials supplied by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this contract shall be �aid by the STATE as followr. t. Compensation �4 arcorda�ice ��;�th contrac�or fee anA ret�nbunement scheduie on ftle �rith cnc UrparinK�nc of I'i�i�aintstration +vhirh is iacorooreted'•tntn this contract ?.. Reimbursement for travel and wt�sistence expenses actually and necessarily incurred by CONTRACTOR performance of this contract in an amount not to exceed �y'fd dollan « 1;provided, that CONTRACTOR shall be reimbursed for travel and 3ubsistence expenses in the same manner and in no greater amount than provided in the current "Commissioner's Plan" promulgated by the Commissioner of Employee Relations. CONTRACTpR shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses incurred outside the State of Minnewta unless it has received prior written approval for such oui of state travel from the STATE. The total ohligation o(the STATE for all compensation and reimburseme�ts to CONTRACTOR shalt not exceed fli/i1 dollars($ 1. B. Terms of Payment 7. Payments shall be macfe by the STATE n�omptly after CONTRACTOR'S presentation of invoices for services performed and acceptance of such services by the STATE'S authorized age�t pursuant to Clause VI.Invoices shall be submitted in a form prescribed by the STATE a�d according to the following schedule: Upa� cocap)eci�u af eaLt, sper.if)c ti�rk as5ignax3nL. 2.' (When applicable► Payments are to be made from federal funds obtained by the STATE through Title of the u+�'� Aet of (Public law and amendments theretol.If at any time zuch funds become unavailable, this contract shall tie terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the STATE to CONTRACTOR. In the event of such terminatio�, CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis,(or services satisfactorily performed. C O 0003Z-05(8 901 - � � � . � fnffMlN.1051) . . . , . ,� ,� i, �d., vi i i��Nu Iv i, r�u se�v�ces �nuvule�l I�y I:UN I FtAC 1 Uk pwsuant to this conuact shall be performed to the sat• ; .:isfaction o( the STATE,as deter �ed in�he sole discretion o1 its authorizeJ ac and in accord with al�applica6le federal,state • and�local laws,ordinances, rules ..��d n �tions. CQNTRACTOR shalt not rece�ve,pa� nt for work founci by the$TATE to be unsatisfactory,nr performecl in viofation of federal,state or loeal law,orciinance,rule or regulation. . IV TERM OF CONTRACT.This c�ntract shali bn e/tective on JU�Y I , 19 92,or upon such . �)ate�x it is executed as to encumbrance Uy the Commissioner ol Finance,whichever oceurs later,and shall remain in sffect until --- ��C. 31 , lg—�,or until all obligations set forth i�this contract have been satistactorilyfulfilled, whichever occurs firsL V. CANCELLATION. This contract may be cancelled by the STATE or CONTRACTOR at any time,with or without cause,upon thirry (301 days' written notice to the other party. In the event of such a cancellation CONTRACTOfl shall be entitled to payment,determined on a pro rata basis,for work or services satis(actorily performed. VI, STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE'S authorized agent tor the purposes of administration of this eontract is rec or! v s on of State BulldinA Construction Such agent shall have final authoriry for acceptance of CONTRACTOR'S services and if such services are accepted as satistactory, . shall so certity on each invoice su�mittec{pursuant to Clause I1,paragraph B. VI1. ASSIGNMENT. CONTRACTOR shall neithar assign nor transfer any rights or obtigations under this contract without the prior written consent of the STATE. VIII. AMENDMENTS. Any amendments to this comract shall be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties who executed the original contract,or their successors in otfice. iX. LIABIUTY. CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and save and hold the STATE,its agents and employeez harm#ess from aoy and all claims or causes of action arising from the performance of this contract by CONTRAGTOR or CONTRACTOR'S agents or employees. This clause sfiall not be construed to bar aoy legal remedies CONTRACTOR may have for ths STATE'S (aiture to f�lfill its obligations pursuant to this contract. X. STATE AU017S. The books, records, documents, ar�d accounting procedures and practices oi the CONTRACTOR relevant to this wntroct shall be subjeet to examination by the contracting depariment and the legistative auditor. XI, pWNERSHIP OF COPYRIGHT. All right,titfe,and interest in all copyrightable material which Contractor shall conceive or orpinate, either individually or jointly with others,and which arises out of the prri�rmaace ot this Contract,will be the property of the State anei are by rhis Contract assigned to the State along with ownership ot any and all copyrights in the copyrightable materiaL Contrac• tor also agrees, upon the request ot the State to execute all papers ancl perform all other acts necessary to assist the State to obtain and register copyrights on wch materials.Where applicable,works of authorship created by Contractor for the State in performance �f this Contract shall be considered"works made for hire"as defined in the U.S.Copyright AcL • Xtl, OWNERSHtP OF DOCUMENTS. Any reports, stuciies, photographs, negatives, ar other documents prepared by CONTRACTOR in the performance of its obligations under this contract shall be the exclusive property of the STATE and all such materials shall ne remitted to the STATE by CONTRACTOR upon completion,termination or cancellation of this contract.CONTRACTOR shalf not use,willingly allow or cause to have such materiak used for any purpose other than performance of CONTRACTOR'S obli• gations under this contract withaut the prior written cpnse�t of the STATE. X 11�. AFFIRMATIVE ACTlON.(When appNcable)CUNTRACTOR cehifies thatit has received a certificate Of campliance from the Commissioner ot Human Rights pursuant lo Minnesota Statutes, 1986,Section 363.073. XIV. WORKERS'COMPENSATION.In accordance with the provisions ot Minnesota Statutes,1986,SecGan 176.182,the STATE a�rms thai CONTRACTOR has provided acceplable evidence ot complia�ce with the workers'compensation insurance covarage requiremeM of Minnesota Stalutes,1986,Section 176.181,Subdivision 2. XV.. ANTlTRUST. CONTRACTOR hereby assigns to the State of Minnesota any a�d all claims tor overcharges as to goods and/or services provided in connection with this contract resulting irom antitrust violations which arise under ihe antitrust laws of the United States and tfie antitrust laws of the State of Minnesota. XVI. OTHER PROVISIONS. (Attach additional page if neceuary►: IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have caused this contract to be duly execnter!intending to be bound Mereby. • � APPROVED: NOTE: Remrne carbonsbefore obtaining signatures. ' � � ' ' ' As to for apd p�Cegyjiort by the � � CONTRACTOR: Q A-�gi�yt;'g�����. (if a wrporation,two corporate otficers must execute.) PATtilG4�1 S`�v�7 ev sv�o9� .� ereYs O(Etce , � AtlomaY �" • � TIt4e � � � • � � � � . � � o,t. 2 6 19?t � � DaN � � . . � � . ^. 4Q COMMlSSIONER OF ADMIN,�STRATION: B� BY(authoiizW slqnatun ��r��,`,� �$y ,.,a �;�,. ., .. Tltt� ..� l./� Y �/'�..i�,� � . Oste . . . . Oatt � C—'/ � � � . . . , . . , . . � . �� . Q2 STATE AGENCY OR QEPARTMENT: ' Q5 COMMISSIONER OF �INANCE: By(awhorized signamra) . � � �By(Encumbrane�Gntar authorizad sfqn�tur�) . � . ^• r5• ;d .. . . �.. TI}le . ..� , � . � .. ' � . . . � . . � . . OCI�`r�+' � ��'.��.c: . . Oeta .. . an '� � . . . . 11:1:��" . . . O�t� .\i. �i� ' . . . . . . . . . � � . . � � . WAi[e —Finance Oepartment . 8lue —Ageocy Accounting Unit � � Canary—Contractor $a/mon—/Wministration Qepartment � � Pink —AgencY Suspense CopV . . Green� —qgencyr yyork CoPY � � . . . , y + 1992 �' EE SCHEDULE , � , . y 1992 FEE SCHEDULE �'' 100. ENGINEERING SERVICES � A) 101. Pri.ncipal En�neer $ 85.00/hour 102. Fro�ect Engineer 65.Q0/hour 103. Engineer �8.00/hour 104. Senior Staff Technician 45,00/hour 105. Technician 35.00/hour 106. Draftsman 38.OQ/hour 107. Secretary 3�.00/hour NOTE: Chazges for the above personnel arill be made for the time spent in the field, in consultaaon,ia preparation of reports,and in travel to and from the job site. 150. EXPENSES B) 150. Transporta.tion CAR $ 0.30/mile TRUC`I� $ 0.70 jmile 151. Long Distance Calls Cost + 15% 152. Sample Storage Beyond 60 Days 0.25/sample/month 153. Shi in Cos��/15%(�, PP� g 160. REPORTS C) A maximum of 3 copies will be fiu�nished to two addresses at the time af initial repart submittal. 160. Additional copies, if requested . $ OSO/per sheet 161. Reproduction of previous report 30.40/copy � Y •..1 � . . � . 1992 FEE SCFIEDULE 200. PLASTIC CONCRETE A) PLASTIC CONCRETE Iv�DESIGN-Theoretical ACI 211 201. Regular Weight Concrete $ 40.00/each 2Q2. Light R�eight Concrete 50.00/each 203. Heavy Weight Concrete 70.0(�/each 1�2IAL MIX 20�. Laboratory Batch 85.00/each 205. Casting, C�ring, &Testing 20.04/each 6x12" cyiinder ASTMC192,AC39 206. Casting, Curing, &Testing 50.00/each 6x6x30" Beam 210. Inspection of Conc.Production/ hourly Placement,including checl�ng (minimum 3 hrs) slunp, air,temperature,unit . weight & Gasting ryiinder(mold cost extra) (field facility,water, shelter, light, heat to be su�plied) ' 211. Cost of Plast�c Mold 125/each 212. Cost of Case of 20 Molds 20.(}0/each 213. Compressive St=ength of Cylinders 10.00/each 214. C�iring&Handli.ng C�+Ii.ndez Hold 4.00/each 215. C�rii.nder Pick Up 3Q.00/per stop � Holidays &Weekends 40.40/ er stop 21fi. �Accelerated C�ring&Testing 30.00�ach 217. G�ring, Testing Concrete Beam 20.00/each 218. Split Tensile Test 3Q.Q0/ea.ch 219. Modules of Elasticiry (set of 2) 550.00 jset • . ,. 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 30U. AGGREGATE 301. Coarse Gradation ASTMC136 - $ 30:Q0/each 302. Coarse Gradation including #200 ASTM C136 & CI17 40.00/each 303. Fine Gradatian ASTM CL36 ?5.00/cach 344. Fine Gradarion including 200 ASTM Ca36 & C117 35.00/each 305. Fine Agg�regate ASTM C33 ar NLN�ot 3126 48.04Jeach 306. Coarse Ago egate ASTM C33 55.00 f each 307. Coars�Aggzegate IvIl�IDat 3126 120.00/each 308. Quarry Pit Aggregate�STM t�3 100.00/each 309. Quarry Pit Aagregate MNDot 3126 120.00/each 310. Deleterious Matenals only-Fine �egate A.STM C117, C123, & C40 or C142 33.04/each 311. De eterioux Materials only- Coarse Aggregate A.STM C117, C123 &C40 or C142 40.00/each � 312. Deleteriaus Ma.terial MNDot 3126 Fine A�regate 33.00/each 3L3. Deleterious Material MNDot 3137- Coarse Aggregate fi5.00/ea�h 314. Shale Content C123 35.04/each 3 Z5. Specific gravity& absorption- -� F'ine�ggregate ASTM C228 or AASF3�I'O T84 40.00/each 316. Specif'ic Gravity&Absorption-Caarse . 3 � �jgate C127 or AASHTO'Y'85 35.00/each 1 . Unit . eight ASTM C29 or AAHSTO T19- � Fine Ag�regate 26.Q0/each 318. Unit weight ASTM C29 or A,AFiSTO T19- Coarse Aggregate 30.40/each � � t 1992 FEE SCHEDULE aoo. Ma.so?vRY 401. a �egate for Masonry Mortar $ 48.00Jeach p�i�CM C144 402. A�egate for Masonry Plaster 48.00/each AS'IZVi C35 403. Mortar Design ASTM C270, 7 and 28 day 110.00/each comp. strength 404. C�snng & T'esting 3" x 6" Cylinder 15.00/per cyl. 7 and 28 day 4Q5. Curing &Testing Mortar 2" cube 14.00/each 7 and 28 day 406. Masonry Unit- Complete Test � � 100.00/each set Inc2udi.ng dimensional, comp. strength, absorption, moisture content, density,unit weight and voids. (Set of 3 blacks) 407. Masonry Urut-Comp. Strength 28.D0/each 4 0 8. Masonry Unit-Moisture (Set o f 3 b lo c k s) 2 5.�0/ea c h set 409. Masonry Unit-Comp. Stre 38.00/each set & Mo�sture (Set of 3 bloc� 410. Biock Prism two high laboratory 7�.00/each fa.brication and testzng 7 and 28,u� to 12° 41L Fieid Fabnratcd 40.00/each TEST OF BRICK-TEN SPEC�v1E.N 450. Test for Di.mension, Compression � 180.00/each set �a.bsorption, saturation&ellflores 451. Compression Only � SO.QO/each set 452. Effiorescence 60.00 f�ach set 453. Absorption& Saturation Coff 60.Q0/each set 454. Dimensional Measurement 1$4.00/each set . &�Varpage ASTM C67 . r ' � 1992 FEE SCHEDULE �Qo. woon SOL Species Identifica.tion $ 48.00/each �02. Moisture using moisture meter a Equipment per job 35.00/day b� Personnel hourly (miaimum 2 hoius)+ mileage 503. Determination of Fibre Stress in bendi.ng modulus of elasticity 400.00/set of3 , 600. STEEL 601. Visual observation of steel fa.brication to dedtermine confarrnane with approved � $ . 40.00/hour plans & specifications . t��a s�� + m�:eage 602. Visual observation of welds 40.40 f hour and bo�ted strnctures t�e�e��+ � � 603. Ultrasonic Testing . . 45.00/hour (minimnm 2 boyaz)+ �C2�C 644. Paint/Coating Thicl�.ess . 45.00 jhour Measurements ��ne'°°'�>+ � , . • , , 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 740. SOIL 701. a) Water Content (ASTM D2216) $ 8.00 b) Density &Water Content-Direct 20.00 c) Density& Water Gantent-In tube 30.00 d) Density & Water Content-Mercuiy 17.0� 702. a) Atterberg Limits �Q.00 b) Liquid or Plastic 25.40 c) Shrinkage Limit 30.00 703. Specific Gravity $ 45 -b5 744. a Orga.nic Content 58.00 b� PH by Meter 10.00 c) Sulfate 24.00 d) Chtoride 24.00 705. a) Mechanical Analysis through #200 sieve only-Sand 28.OQ b) Meehanical Analysis through #200 sieve only-Clays 33:Ofl c) Set of Sieves through #200 40.00 d) Sieve includi.ng Hydrometer 60.00 706. a) Relative Density of Sandy Soil 68.00 b) Proctor Density 4" Mold 50.00 c) Proctor Density 6" Moid � 50.00 d Modified Proctor 4"Mold 6�.00 e� Modi,fied Proctor 6" Mold 8p.pp fl Field Density-Sand Replacement Technician Haurly � Nuclear Density� {��3 na�� g Laboratory GB�2 250.00 h�} PermeabilitY 200.00 707. FIELD OBSERVATTONS a) Earthwork observation Engineer jTechnician includi.ng hand penetrometer tests bj Compaction Control Tests _ includi.ng field density tests Hourly c) Pile driving monitoruig, includi.ng maintaining pil� driving Iog. d) Caisson Installation � Observation and Documentation e) Field CBR/Plate Load Test Per Quote � i a 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 804.BITLJMINOUS ��T �� 801. Mechanical Analysis a) Bitumi.nous ag�egate 3/4"-No.200 Ea.ch $ 49.00 ASTM CI36 and C117 i b) Bitumi.nous plant bin samples bl) Minus #4 fraction, C136 and ClI7 Ea.ch $ 36.00 b2) Plus�4 fraction, ASTM CL36 Each $ 28.00 c) Specific Gravity cl) Minus #4 Fraction Each $ 42.04 c2} Plus m4 Fraction � Each $ 37.00 802. Mechanical Analysis of Mineral Filler through #240 sieve, ASTM D546 Each $ 45.00 8Q3. La.boratory Mix Desi�(does not include $1,�00.00 aggregate gradation or specific gravities) a) Marshall Method, Corps of Engineers Method or ASTM D1559 . 1a) Complete curve at tbree asphalt contents including stab�ity, flow,unit wei t and voids. � Determination of optimum asphalt content Ea.ch $ 395.00 2a) Tests per individual asphalt content � First test Each � 21Q.00 � Second & each add'1 test Ea.ch $ 95.00 2b} Recommended asphalt content by visual abservations of trial . - . miaes and experienco Each S 75.00 . p . . . . . . i�i�' • �� � � I� 804. Tests of Iaboratory Compact�e� d Marshall ' Sa.mples of Field Plant i�ti�mLre a) Marshall density by displacement method Ea.ch $ 4�4.OD b) Marshall density,Stability @ 140F and flow @ 140F Per Set $ 65.00 805. Field Density by Displacement Method on Submitted Samples Each $ 22.00 806. Bituminous F.x�action and Mechanical Analysis of aggregate-AST'M D2172, C136 and C117 Each $ 58.40 a) Extraction Qnly,ASTM D2172 Each $ 50.00 b) Moisture Content,ASTM D95 {on recycled mnces) Each $ 55.40 807. Securing Specimens from BitUnzinous Pavement by Coring with a 6 in. • - diamond bit � a) Truck mount�d coring equipment, technician, portal to portai Per Hour $ 60.40 b) Truck mileage -portai to portal Per Mile � 35 c) Bit wear per incb depth(4"diam) Per Inch $ 350 _ d) Bit wear per inch depth (6" diam) Per Inch $ 4.00 e) Electricity generator- when necessary Per Day $ 40.04 ' , '� 9 f . . . � . . � � � � . . 808. Observation of bituminous production Special Quotation or placement, includi.ng observations at plant to check materials and batch weights or calibration; observations at project site as directed, and ta�n� � necessary hot mix samples. Technician, mileage and ec�upment 3ob site labaratory (shelt�r) including light,heat and water if necessary, to be provided by c3ient or others. ' �. � Job site vehicle and mileage (when necessary with cost dependent on conditions of use) Per Day Special Quota.tion Provide job site field Iaboratory (when necessaryj additional fee to be determined upon job needs. Special Quotation k 392 393 DEPARTMEIVT OF FINANCE 16A.124 s and the {4) service employees; � or state- (Sj preservice trainees in an agirmative action program approved by the commis- agencies, sioner of employee relations; �sed new - (6) CETA employees; iedirated � �f federal (7) rePair or construction project employees, �m them. (8} employees in the department of military affairs paid entirely by federal money; ', dget esti- �� and �bonded (9) employees who have an active workers'compensation claim as defined by the least the - commissioner of labor and industry. � scal year The commissioner mus:conclude there is a need and available money before an on of the - - agency hires an employee of a kind listed in this subdivision. ts on the �� Subd. 4.To exceed complemen�An agency may exceed its approved complemeat °d by the ,� because of public necessity or emergency.The agency must first get the written approvat � z agency of tihe govemor.Before approval,the govemor shall seek an advisory recommendatioa udget for - _ from the legislative advisory commission.If no prompt recommendation is made,the -t,a sum- recommendation is negative. roved by Subd. 5.Departinent of natnral resonrces complemen�(a}Beginning with the bien- f �` .thorized nium ending June 30, 1991,the legislature shall establish complements for the depart- 1 it of the � ment of natural resources based on the number of full-time equivalent positions aad t ^' loyees of dollars appropriated for salary-related expenditures. � clud g The commissioner of natural resources shall provide a biennial report indicating s - the distribution of the full-time equivalents for the previous biennium as a supplement � e enea � to the agency's biennial budget request€or succeeding bienniums.The biennial budget � � �'' � document submitted to the legislature by the governor beginning with the 1992-1993 � divisian biennium shall indicate, by activity, the number of full-time equivalent positions � � included as base level and recommended changes. The govemor's salary requests for ' -oved by � the agency shall include all full-time, part-time, and seasonal dollars requested. Any i vemor s = _ change level request submitted to the legislature for consideration by the govemor as i cions are part of the govemor's biennial budget cantaining funding for salaries shall indicate the f st items. number of additional full-time equivalent positions and salary dollars requested. � the gov- � Within the full-time equivalent number aad amount of salary dollars appropriated ' ;et hear- for the department,the commissioner shall have the authority to establish as many full- ; ,'; time,part-time,or seasonal positions as required to accompiish the assigned responsi- �t� 74 c 355 bilities for the department.The commissioner sha13 have the authority to reallocate sal- , ''_ -90 c S94 ary dollars for other operating expenses,but the commissioner shall not have authority ,, t to reallocate other operating funds to increase the total amount appmpriated for salary- � .� � related expenses,including salary supplement,without receiving prior approval accord- ;��� ing to the process defined in this subdivision. ` ;.�� In the event that the commissioner finds it necessary to exceed the full-time equiva- ; i� lent number or the amount of appropriated dollars and the legislature is not in session, mits the the commissioner shall seek approval of the legislative advisory commission under sub- -dless of division 4. Legislative advisory commission approved full-time equivalent positions include - and dollars shall not become a part of the agency budget base unless authorized by the legislature. . -e for an (b) This subdivision does not apply to emergency firefighting crews.Subdivisions sdes the 1, 2, and 3 do not apply to the department of natural resources. ' ` a bien- History: 1977 c 453 s 76; 1979 c 332 art 1 s 10; 1980 c 617 s 47; 1981 c 3S6 s 255; . "_� - 1984 c b28 art 2 s 1; ISp1985 c 13 s 96; ISp1985 c 17s S; 1989 c 335 art 1 s 60 �` �d in an . `:� 16A.1?A PROMPT PAYMENT OF STATE AGENCY BILIS REQUIRED. �;'� � Subdivision 1. Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following terms ''a �ner of have the meanings here given them. ���� (a) "Commissioner"means the commissioner of finance. �'�� ' (b) "State agency"has the meaning assigned to it in section 16B.OL f: ,��; - �: � ;� � � 395 ' I 16A.124 DEPAR'TMENT OF FIIVANGE 394 � . � 16A.1245 Subd. 2, Commissioner sapervision. The commissioner shali exercise constant Each s supervision over state agencies to insure the pmmpt payment of veador obiigations. ��or witl ; Subd. 3.Payment reqaired.State agencies must pay each valid vendor obligatian ��pu�, � so that the vendor receives payment within the vendor's early payment discount penod. p�e�ni If there is no early payment discount period, the state agency must pay the vendor the subcon within 30 days following the receipt of the invoice for the completed deIivery of the �� �n - product or service. . more is$1 � Subd. 4.Invoiee errors.If an invoice is incorrect,defective,or otherwise improper, the actual the agency must notify the vendor within ten days of discovering the error. Upon action to c ; ; receiving a corrected invoice,the agency must pay the bill withia the time limitation and disbur �� contained in subdi�*ision 3. Histoi � �` Subd. 5.Payment of interest on Iate payments required.(a)A state agency shall pay ' r interest to a vendor for undisputed billings when the agency has not paid the billing 16A.125 : ;i within 30 days following receipt of the invoice, merchandise, or service whichever is Subdi �; ;! later.A negotiated contract or agreement between a vendor and a state agency which su�� : .I�� requires an audit by the state agency prior to acceptance and payment of the vendor's ' ' invoice shall not be considered past due unti130 days after the completion of the audit Subd. ` by the state agency.Before any interest payment is made,the vendor must invoice the Subd. � � Subd, :� state agency for such interest. (b) The rate of interest paid by the agency on undisputed bills not paid within 30 subdivisic days shall be 1-1/2 percent per month or any part thereof. �d�;�� � � QO1 subd. � (c) All interest penalties and collection costs must be paid from the agency's cur- � ° '` ' rent o eratin bud et.No a en ma seek to increase its appropriation for the purpose - The � � p g g g �' y farest tru: 6 of obtaining funds to pay interest penalties or collection costs. �; (d) Any vendor who prevails in a civil action to collect interest penalties from a trust fund ' state agency shall be awarded its costs and disbursements, including attorney's fees, �G� ��� incurred in bringing the actions. for forest�. �� administr ,;:., (e) No interest penalties may accrue against an agency that delays payment of a _ Sp�ify th �€; bill due to a disagreement with the vendor,provided,that the dispute must be settled S�sup� _�' within 30 days after the bill became overdue. Upon the resolution of the dispute, the eate. �i�� agency must pay the vendor accrued interest on all proper invoices for which payment After � €.�i• was not received within the applicable time limit contained in subdivision 3. ��,��a{ � �_ (fl The minimum monthly interest penalty payment ihat a state agency shall pay -�-:_ � a vendor for the unpaid balance for any one overdue bill equal to or in excess of$100 (a) T � !� is$10.For unpaid balances af less than$100,the state agency shall pay the actual pen- � during th ' s alty due to the vendor. �- �� � i =3 i ' �� iII pmpar } ;� Subd. Sa.University of Minnesota;payment of interest on late payments authorized. :f: The University of Minnesota may comply with the requirements of subdivision 5. Subc � � Subd. 6. Authority to reduce agency atlotment. The commissioner shall have the ; '�� ment acc � authority to reduce the allotment of any state agency by the amount of any vendor obli- i � r�O��' ` gations that are paid later than 30 days following the receipt of the invoice for com- : � ��d lanc � pleted delivery of the products or services. � � � ural resoi ' - Subd. �. Report to legislatare. The commissioner shall report to the legislature � �e �� each year summarizing the state's payment record for the preceding year.The report �' spent.Tt 'E sha11 include the number and dollar amount of late payments made by each agency,the �', law are a _ ` amount of interest penalties and collection costs paid,and the specific steps being taken �_ noti be � to reduce the incidence of late payments in the future. app��n :� ; ��� Subc Subd. 8. Applicability. Subdivisions 1 to 7 apply to ail ageacy purchases, leases, # ��i rentals, and contracts for services, inclnding construction and remodeling contracts, �,; �p� except for purchases from or contracts for service with a public utility as defined in sec- .�; B� tion 216B.02 or a telephone company as defined in section 2 3 7.0 1 t hat has on fi le wi t h " keep a se the public utilities commission an approved practice regarding late fees. .� o�.��y� History: 1984 c 502 art 14 s 1; 1985 e 136 s 1-4; 7985 c 248 s 68 suspense iherefro� � , � , ; � t � � - r SiATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMEN7 OP MILITARY AFBAIRS , FACI�.ITIES MANAGEMEMI OffICE, CHMP RIAIEY i P.O. BOX 348, lI7TLE FALIS, MINNESOTA 56345-0348 SUSJECT: CONTRACT PAYMENT CERT1fYCATION N0. 1 (PARTIAU LOCALIY BOHOED SHARE OF PAYMENT PROJECT N0; 8909 PROJECT TItLE: Observation and 7esting Services for the National Guard Armory and CONTRACT N0: NG621-92-G-0051 / M-5365 Cormiunity Center, Rosatnount, Mi mesota CONTRACT AMWNT: 51T,555.00 CONTRACTING OFFICER: MG Eugene Andreotti CONSUtTANT: The Adjutant General, State of Minnesota ;Construction Engineering Laboratory, Inc. 5661 International Parkway PATMENT PERIOD ENDING: 25 Nove�rtiber 1992 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 DATE TNIS CERTIFfCATION: 11 December 1942 -===-==---=- ,� , SUTE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF MIIITART AfFAIRS FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OfFICE, CAMP RIPLEY P.O. BOX 348, IITTLE FALLS, MINNESOTA 56345-0348 SUBJECT: C�tTRACT PAYMENT CERT1fICATION N0. 1 (PARTiAL) MSASC BONDEQ SHARE OF PAYMENT PROJEC7 N0: $909 PROJECT TiTIE: Observati� and Testing Services fo� the National Guard Armory and ' CONTRACT N0: NG621-92-C-0051 / M-5365 Camunity Center, Bosertaunt, Mimesota CONTRACT AMOUNT: t8,111.25 CONTRACTING OffICER: MG Eugene Andreotti CONSUITANT: The Adjutant Generat, State of Mirnesota Construction En9ineerin9 laboratory, Inc. 5bb1 Internationat Parkuay PATMENT PERIOD ENDING: 25 Novertiber 1442 Mi meapolis, Mirrxsota 55428 DATE THIS CERTIPICATION: 11 Decertiber 1992 �eaca=a_ease___v==ae==emo_n=os_socs=e_cc__=aeaeea�_=e=s_ex_e.az=sam==�rocsorsc=eo=execxesao�aaxoxa= �. PAYMENT DATA: STATEMENT OF AGCOUHT: Federal Share (FC 01) 524,333.75 Original Contract Amount 58,711.25 MSABC Bonded Share (PC 14) 58,111.25 locally Bonded Share (FC 16) 517,555.00 Net Changes By Modification(s) 50.00 550,000.00 Contract Price To Date f8,111.25 7otal Payable To Date 5686.44 PERCENTAGE Of {JORK COMPLETE tess OX Retainage f0.00 AS OF THIS PAYMENT: 8.47X Amount Payable less &etainage S6tib.94 Less Previously Approved Payments EO.OQ Net Amount Due This Certification 5686.94 PAYMENT RECORDc No. Date Amount APPRUVED fOR PAYMENT - fACILITIES MANAGEMENT OfFICE: C.�ti'�i�r� WATNE A. 30HNSON, LTC, Infantry, MNARNG Facilities Management Officer REMARKS: ===-========----==-=-=====-=-=---=-=-==-====--=-=-°=___==_===__===_=___=_—==_==___=__=_=_==_=�=_____ 1. This payrtnent witl be made by the Minnesota State Arrtary Buitding Commission (MSABC), St. Paut, Minnesota. 2. Copy Furnished: Construction Engineering Laboratory, Inc. Arthur Dickey Architects MNAG-PFO-P City of Rosemount 8909MCEl ` STATE Of MINNESOTA TL 92-681 OEPARTMEN7 df MILITART AfFAIRS FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OFFICf, CAMP RIPLE7 P.O. BOX 348, LITTiE fALIS, MINNESOTA 56345-0348 SUBJECT: CONTRACT PAYMEN7 CERTIFICATION N0. 1 (PAR7[Al) FEDERAL SHARE OF PAYl4ENT PRQJECT N0: $909 PROJECT 7ITlE: �bservatian end Testinp Services for the National Guard Armory and CONTRACT N0: NG821-92-C•005i / N-5365 Camxmity Center, Rosertaunt, Mimesota CONTRACT AMOUNT: 524,333.75 CONTRACTING OFPICER: MG Eugene Mdreotti CONSULTANT: The Adjutant General, State of Minnesota Constructiort Engineering Laboratory, Inc. 5661 International Parkway PAYMENT PERIOD ENDING: 25 November t992 Mimeapotis, Mimesota 55428 DATE 7RIS CERTIFICATION: 11 December 1992 FE�ERAL TAX YD N0: 41-1616221 . . x�cexax�=���szaa�ax3maa=m�m��ac����r�=oc�sce�=cc�as==�aa��aex=xaaa�am�e�sa�ma��s�saa=a�a=saxRs�--��•e-� .. PAYMENT DATA: STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT: Federal Share tFC 01) S24,333.75 Originat Contract Amount 524,333.75 MSABC eonded Share (fG 14) 28,111.25 tocally Bonded Share (FC 16) S7T,555.00 Net Changes By Modification(s) 50.00 550,000.00 Contract Price To Date 524,333.75 Total Payable To Date S2,OG0.ffi PERCENTAGE Of IdORK COMPLETE Less OX Retainage 50.00 A& Of iHIS PATMENL• 8.47X Amount Payable Less Retainage 52,060.8'i Less P�eviousty Approved Payments t0.00 Net Amount Due This Certification 52,060.83 PA1(MENT RECORD: Na Date Amount APPROVED FOR PATMENT - fACILITIES MANAGEMENT OFfICE: ��"'r � WAYNE A. JOHNSON, LTC, Infantry, MNARNG facilities Management Officer REMARKS: �____________________�=�__�_�_======5=====__=�====axm==s==arsxs==�=zxama=a=- ��--� . . 1. This payment Wilt be mede by the USPFO-Mimesota, Check witl be issued fraru Fort McCoy, Wisconsirt. 2. Copy Furnished: Construction Engineering Laboratory, Inc. Arthur Dickey Architects MSABC City of Rosenq�nt 8909FCEl ' ' � ;., - ��� CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC. TESTING F�R 62UALIN AND STRENGTH I I�,'�'O I CE �i 11 ing Periori: iJo� 92 Date: 12r'OZ/92 �ilIing To: Faciiity Manageinent Offica P.0.3o�c 34S Camp RiplEy L i t t le Fa 1 1 s , iV?�,' S6345-0348 Project : Army National Guard Armory Rosemont, Iv�i Ir���icen: 92155. 1 Attention: Craig J .`Neber Billing services from 10/26j92 to 11/25/92 Earth work observation, field compaction control test, sample collection and reports Principal Engi7eer: 2 nrs C� $ 85. 00.`: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 176. 00 Engineer P.S.Pandian 11/1I/J2, 11/ 12/92,11 /13/92, I1 /16/92 2a hrs C� $ 65. 0�.� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� 13GC. 00 Technician Jeff:ey Dssm�yer 11/16/92, 11/i7/92, 11/1&/92, I1/19/92, 11i2C/92 11/23/92, 11/24192 4'7- 1/2 hrs � $ 45. 00.�!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 2137. 50 Techniciar, Gary Peterson 11/20/92 3hrs � $ 45. 00,�!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 135. 00 Mi 1 eage .30 3�.06 15 �trips C� 76 mi les C� � :3'�':. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ �8- Extra copies of the report sent : 14 reports sent from 11/13/92 to 12/2192 40 sheets x 4 x $ . 50v: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 80. 00 Secretarial Time: 2 Hrs C $ 35.00. ,�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 70. 00 TC3TAL iJF THIS INVQICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ �z-�� �,a3�,SD 5661 Intemotional Paricwov• Minn�rx�lis Minnocr,tn �F,ct�R . f�G471 FZZ_O�Z� . cAv ��ca�� ���_�co�c