HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.m. Shannon Hills 3rd Addition Pay Request #5, City Project #225 � �� i� � � � � . . . � '. .. . . . � � . . � � � � . . � . . . � . CITY OF ROSEMO"QNT , EXECIITIVE StTI�IlSAItY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 5, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #5, Shannon Hills 3rd AGENDA SECTION: Add Utl & Str Imgr. , City Project #225 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA N'�'��lg � r City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director l0 �V� � � ATTAC�NTS: Payment Voucher #5 RO D This item requests the fifth payment to Erickson Construction, Inc. in the amount of $9, 698 .98 for City Project #225, Shannon Hills 3rd Addition. Work completed and represented in this amount as of December 10, 1992 is 880 of contracted work. This payment includes Change Order No. 1. The wear course of bituminous will be installed next spring with the final payment following shortly thereafter. The work has been inspected and is in compliance with contract documents . Attached is a copy of the pay voucher for your in€ormation. Staff recommends approval of this fifth payment request. RECOIyIlMIENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #5 TO ERICKSON CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $9, 698 .98 FOR SHANNON HZLLS 3RD ADDITZON UTILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #225 . COt7NCIL ACTION: 1 , , S�c.�helen Mayeron& Assc�ciates,Inc. 300 Park Place Center 5775 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis.MN 55416-1228 612-595-5775 1-800-753-5775 FAX 595-5773 En�ineers I3ecember 16, 1992 Ar�n�te�cs Planners Surveyors Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount , 2875 145th Street West Rosemaunt, Minnesota 5506$ Re: Shannon Hills 3rd Addition City Praject No. 225 OSM Project No. 4869.00 Dear Mayor and City CounciL• Enclosed are four (4) copies of Constructian Payment Voucher Na 5 for the referenced project in the amount of $9,698.9$. Please make payment in the amount of $9,698.98 to Erickson Construction, Inc., 13616 Pleasant L.ane, Burnsvilie, Minnesota 55337 at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, iNC. � d�� ` �G��-. Brian J. Bourassa, P.E. Project Engineer Jme cc: Erickson Construction, Inc. Bud Qsmundson, City of Rosemount Eq�ai Opportunity Emplo��er i P � CONSTRUCTION PAY VQUCHER Estimate Voucher Number: 5 Date: December 3, 1992 OSM Project Number: 4869.00 Period Ending: November 10, 1992 Project: SHANNON HZLLS 3RD ADDITION ROSEMOUNT CITY OF ROSEMQUNT 225 Contractor: ERICKSON CONSTRUCTION, INC. 13616 PLEASANT LANE BURNSVILLE MN 55337 Contract Date: May 5, 1992 Work Started: May 28, 1992 Completion bate: June 30, 1992 Work Completed: Original Contract Amount 199,859.20 Tatal Additions 5,407.29 TotaT Deductions 0•00 Total Funds Encumbered 205,2b6.49 Tota1 Work Certified to Date 179, 648.09 Less Retained Percentage 3 .00� 5,389.44 Less Previoiis Payments -164,559.�67- -- Total Payments Incl This Voucher 174,258.65 Balance Carried Forward 31,007.84 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT, THIS VOIICHER , 9�69�•98 ' APPROVALS ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Pursuant to our field observation, as performed in accordance with our contract, and based on our professionai opinion, materials are satisfactory and the work properly performed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the total work is: 87% completed as of November 10, 1992. We herby recommend payment of this voucher. � S igned: S igned• • d`���d�- Construction Observer .Project na er/Engineer ERICKSON CONSTRUCTION, INC. This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the quantities and values of work certified herein is a fair approximate estimate for the period covered by this vaucher. Contractor: Signed By Date: Title CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Checked B : Approved for payment: / Authorized Representative j . Date: ( Z Z � � � � Date: PAGE 1 ' Y O U C H E R D E T p l l L I S T , - Estimate Voucher Nunbere 5 Project: SHANNON HILIS 3RD ADDITION Date: DECEMBER 3, 1992 OSM Project Nunber: 4869.00 CfTT OP ROSEMOUNT PROJ. NO.: 225 for ROSEMOUNT CITY OF ROSEMOUN7 CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 Contract Contract Compteted This Month Totat To Cate item Spec No Desc�iption 4uantity Units Unit P�ice Total Price Quantity Tatat Quantity Total Price . .1 Cateh Basin and Strom Sewr 1 lunp Sun 3,80T.29 3,80T.29 1 3,80T.29 1 3,80�.29 2 Conduits for Utility Crossings 4 Each 400.00 T,600.00 4 1,900.00 4 1,900.00 T07A1 CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 S 5,44T.29 S 5,707.29 S 5,T07.29 ! SANiTARY SEWER Contrect Contract Completed This Month Total To Date ttem Spec No Desc�iption Guantity Units Unix price Total Price ouantity Totet Quantity Total Price . •1 2621.500 8" PWC PTPE SEWER 1586 lIN fT 9.50 15,067.00 0 O.QO 1678 15,941.00 2 2621.500 8°X4" RVC W7E 2b EACN 23.75 61T.50 0 0.00 30 712.50 3 2b21.500 4" PVC PIPE SENER SDR 26 t425 LIN FT 2.90 4,132.50 0 0.00 1407 4,080.30 4 262].500 STD SAN SWR MH 4' DIA (0-8�) 8 EACN 805.00 6,440.00 0 0.00 8 6,440.00 5 262t.500 EXCESS MANHOLE DEPTH 4' DIA. (0-8�) 25 LP 60.00 1,500.00 A 0.00 19.4 1,164.00 6 Zb21.500 8" PVC CIEAN-OUT 1 EACN 30.00 30.00 0 0.00 2 b0.00 T 2611.500 GRANU4AR FOUNDATION 50 TON 0.01 0.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 TOTAL SANITARI' SEWER f 2T,78T.50 S 0.00 S 28,397.80 2oF6 V O U G H E R D E T A I L L I S T ' Estimete Voucher Number: 5 Project: SHANNOk HILLS 3RD ADDtTtON Date: DEGEMBER 3, 1992 OSM Project Number: 4869.00 CIT7 Of ROSEMOUNT PROJ. NO.: 225 for ROSEMOUNT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WATERMAIN Contract Contract Completed Jhis Month Totat To Date Item Spec No Desc�iption Auantity Units Unit Price Totat Price Quantity Totat �uantity iotet P�ice 8 2611.500 8" DIP CL 52 WATERMAIN 350 LF 12.20 4,2T0.00 0 O.QO , 354 4,318.80 9 2611.500 6° DIP CL 52 WA7ERMAIN 1450 LF 9.80 14,210.00 0 0.00 ' 1478 14,4$4.40 10 2611.500 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX 1 EACN 380.00 380.00 Q 0.00 2 7b0.00 11 2611.500 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX 9 EACH 277.00 2�493.00 0 0.00 9 2,493.00 12 2611.500 HYDRANTS 4 EACH 99T.00 3,988.�0 0 0.00 4 3,988.00 13 Z611.500 HTDRANT EXTENSION 5 Lf 225.00 1,125.00 0 0.00 2 450.00 14 2611.500 FITTINGS 200Q LB 0,78 1,560.00 0 0.00 3365 2,624.70 t5 2611.500 1" GOPORATION COCKS 27 EACH 15.75 425.25 0 0.00 29 456.75 16 2611.500 1'� CURB STOP AND BOX 27 fACH 65.15 1,759.05 0 Q,00 29 1,889.35 17 2611.500 1" COPPER SERVIGE PIPE 1500 LF 4.80 7,200.00 0 0.00 1650 7,920.00 18 26T1.SOO RELOCATE NYDRANT 1 EACN 300.00 300.00 0 -0.00 1 300.00 TOTAL WATERMAIN S '37,710.30 f 0.00 i 39,b85.00 a 3 Of b V O U C N E R O E T A I L L I S T Estimete Voucher Number: 5 Project: SHANNON H1LLS 3RD ADOITLON Date: DECEMBER 3, 1492 OSM Project Nwnber: 4869.00 CITY Of ROSEMOUNT PROJ. ND.z 225 for ROSEMOUNT CITY Of ROSfMOUNT STORM ORAIN Contract Contract Completed This Month 7otal 7o Date Item Spec No Description ouantity Units Unit Price Totel Price Quantity 7otai quantity Total PPice 14 2503.541 12" RCP CB LEADS Cl IV 192 LF 13.95 2,678.40 0 0.00 , 189 ,2,636.55 20 2503.541 15" &CP CB LEADS CL IV 96 LF 15.15 1,454.40 0 0.00 40 ,1,363.50 21 2503.541 15° RCP CL IV 412 Lf 15.15 6,241.80 0 0.00 144 2,181.60 22 2503.541 18" RCP CL III 341 lf 16.85 5,745.85 0' 0.00 641 10,800.85 23 2503.541 21" RCP CL III 201 LF 18.90 3,798.90 0 0.00 19T 3,723.30 24 2503.541 27" RCP CL IFI 107 LF 26.45 2,830'.15 0 0.00 109 2,883.05 25 2503.541 27" RCP CL IV 340 LF 31.80 10,812.OU 4 0.00 344 10,939,20 26 2503.57� 27" RGP FES W/TR GUARD 1 EACH 408.00 408.00 0 0.00 � 1 408.00 27 250b.508 STANDARD 4� OIA. STM MB (0-8") 6 EACR 9T8.00 5,868.00 0 0.00 5 4,$90.00 2$ 2506.508 EXCESS 4" D1A MH DEPTH > 8� 5 LF 60.00 300.OQ 0 0.00 1b.6 996.00 24 2506.504 4� DIA. CATCH BASIN MH (0-8�) 5 EACN 842.00 4,460.00 0 0.00 b 5,352.00 30 2506.509 CATCH BASIN TTPE A 7 EACH 533.00 3,731.00 0 0.00 T 3,T31.00 31 2506.509 CATCN BASIN TYPE B 3 EAGH 593.OU 1,779.00 0 0.00 2 1,186.00 32 251t.507 CL I11 GROUTED RiP RAP 22 CY 75.00 1,650.00 0 0.00 22 1,650.00 33 2511.513 GRANULAR fILTER 16 TON 15.65 250.40 0 0.00 0 0.00 34 2611.500 GRANUTAR FOUNDATION 100 TON O.Oi 1.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 TOTAL STORM DRA1N S 52,008.90 S 0.00 S 52,T41.05 k• 40F6 V 0 U C H E R D E T A I L L ! S T • Estimate Voucher Nunber. 5 Project: SHANNON NiLLS 3RD ADDITION Date: DEGEMBER 3. 1992 OSM Project Number: 4869.00 CI7Y OP ROSEMOUNT PROJ. NO.: 225 ; for ROSEMOUNT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STREETS Contract Gontratt Campteted This Month Totat To Date Item Spec No Description Guantity Units Unit Price Total;'Price quantity Totat Quantity Totat PM ce � ---- -------- -------------------------� ) 35 0564.602 F & I STREET S1GNS (COMP. ASSEMBLY 4 EACH 219.00 876.00 0 0.00 4 $76.00 36 0564.602 F & i TRAFFIC SIGN 1 EACH 164.00 - 164.00 0 0.00 2 328,00 3T 0564.602 REMOVE & RELOCATE BARRICADES 2 EACH 50.00 100.00 0 0.00 2 , 100.00 38 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER 80 LF 2.00 1b0.00 0 0.00 90 t80.00 39 2104.526 SELECT TOPSOII B�tRON (Llt) 1200 CY 0.01 12.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 40 2192.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 17.6 RS 100.00 1,760.00 0 0.00 1T.6 1,T60.00 41 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE - CL V (100X CRUSH 2500 TON 6.50 16,250.00 0 0.00 2546.7 16,553.55 ROCK) 42 2331.508 TYPE 41 WEARING COURSE MtXTURE 540 TON 14.00 10,260.D0 37.9 720.10 3T.4 720.10 43 2331.514 TYPE 31 BASE COURSE MIXTURE 540 TON 18.00 9,720.00 0 0.00 552.5 9,945.00 44 2357.502 BITUMINaUS MATERIAL pOR TACK COST 300 GAL 1.50 450.00 0 0.00 TS ti7,00 45 252t.502 4" CONCRETE WALK 7350 SF 1.45 10,657.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 46 2531.502 CONCRETE GRUB 8 GU7TTER S 418 3420 LF 4.65 15,903.00 0 0.00 ' 3422 15,912.30 47 2573.502 EROSION CONTROI 400 lF 4.50 600.00 0 0.00 ; 50 75.00 48 2575.501 SEEDiNG .5 ACRE 980.00 490.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 49 2575.505 SODDING, TYPE A, LAtlN & BWLEVARD 5000 SY 1.25 6,250.00 0 0.00 840 1,050.00 50 2575.523 fIeER BLANKETS, TYPE NIGH VELOCITY 700 SY 1.00 700.00 0 0.00 ' 0 0.00 707AL STREETS S 74,352.50 S 720.10 S 4T,616.95 SUe-TOTAL f 197,266.49 S 6,42T.39 ' S fT4,148.09 ; MOBILiZAT10N AND GLEAN-UP Contraci Contract Canpteted This Month Total To Date Item Spec No Description tluantity Units Unit Price Total Price Quantity Totet Quantity Total Price ---- -------- ---------•-----------•-------------- ----• 51 2021.501 MOBILIZATION 1 lS 3,000.00 3,000.00 0 0.00 1 '3,000.00 52 2021.501 CLEAH•UP 1 LS 5�000.00 S;A00.00 0 O.QO .5 2,500.00 ------------ -i=----- -------------------- ------------------ 70TAL MOBIIIZATION AND CLEAN-UP E B4OOO.QO S 0.00 S 5,500.00 5OF6 V 0 U C H E R D E T A I L L ! S T - Estimate Youcher Nurtiber: 5 Project: SHANNON H1LLS 3RO ADDTTION Date: DECEMBER 3, 1992 OSM Project Nuinber: 4869.00 CI7Y Of ROSEMOUHT PROJ. NO.: 225 for ROSEMOUNT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � . . � . . -========--======--= � ==xzasa=s==an=m=s==m � '=saaax:sss.ss===s==a GRAND T07AL S 205,266.49 S 6,427.39 S 179,648.09 6 Of b ' Change Qrder No. 1 City Project No. 225 Project: Shannon Hills 3rd Addition OSM Projeet No. 4869.00 Owners: City of Rosemount Date flf Issuance: December 3, 1992 2$75 145th Street West Rasemount, MN 55068 . Contractor: Erickson Construction, Inc. Engineer. Orr-Schelen-Mayeron 13616 Pleasant Lane & Associates, Inc. Burnsville, MN 55337 You are directed to make the folIawing changes in the Contract Documents: Description:See Attachment No. 1 Purpose of Change Order:See Attachment No. 1 Attachments (list documen�s supporting change):See Attachment No. 1 CH.ANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Price $199,859.20 Original Contract Time N/A - Previous Change Orders No. �' to No. — Net Change from Previous Change Orders $N/A N/A Contract Price Prior to this Change Order Contract Time Priar to this Change Order $199,85'9.20 N/A Net Increase of this Change Order Net Increase (decrease) of Change Order $5,407.29 : N/A Contract Price with aIl Approved Change Orders Contract Time with Approved Change Orders $205,266.49 N�A Recomm ded Approved . : Dy. r � Byi . • ��i Engi eer Contractor Appro ea� Appraved Date of Council Action By: �,CJ��,�-�--- By: ' .�''�✓KA�Y s';, /4'�'3 Cjty Engineer City Manager CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 SHArTNON HILLS 3RD ADDITION CITY OF ROSEMOUN'r CiTY PROJECT NO. 225 OSM PROJECT NO. 4869.00 1. Add a catch basin and storm sewer on Cobbler Avenue at the request of Steve Fiterman (developer). Total Cost = $3,807.29 . 2. Add conduits for utility crossings along 143rd Street. (4 @ $400.00) Total Cost = $1,6Q0.00 Total Cost Change Order No. 2 = $5,407.29 .