HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Minutes of December 15, 1992 Regular Council Meeting � 5 ��� �. 7 ���"�C os evv�ou�� � b . ��� O MAYOR Minnesota Edward B.McMenomy 2875•145th Street West,Rosemount,� COUNCILMEMBERS PHONE i612)42344y1 Mailing Address Sheila Klassen Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 JBmes(Red)Staats F� (612)423•5203 P.O.Box 510, WiUcox Harry pennis Wippem�ann ADMINISTRATOR � � . � . . .StePhan Jilk � . T0: Mayor McMenomy Klassen, Staats, Willcox, Wippe�ann Council Members: � ;7;, Stephan Jilk, City A�ninistraLo ��x� FROM: ` � January 5 , 1g�3 S � DATE: , ' RE: Change to Dec. 15, 1992 Minutes re uested clarification on paJe tWO and Councilmernber Wippe� nn q 1992 . This was regarding three of the minutes of December 15, Shannon Parkway and resident petitions . a e t�o, clarification arag�'aPh� third sentence on P g The first p h e hrase, "at the in o frthatlsentenceannan was made by adding t p at the end Parkway and Connemara Trail" , a change aragraph� the last sentence, e three, the seventh p was made% and the following On pag �� • �� recommended, of "would be" tO lthat staff will look ietand 137th St�eett�p phrase added: and at Current Circ1 signs on Shannon Parkway lj � I r� � � -vn/ � � -��, �� - ��� � N� .�xe������-- - . � �� � ' �i.��� �� � , �� �osemoun��� �ver���ing s �oti'+'�ting �I�eCvctedDane' � . ' � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING DECF�MBER 15, 1992 Pursuant to due call and no�ice thereof a Regular Meeting of the City Councii of the City of Rosemount was duly h�ld on Tuesday, December 15, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. at the Rosemount City Hall in the Council Chambers. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Willcox, Wippermann, and Staats present. Klassen was absent. Staff present were: Aker, Freese, Jilk, Knutsen, May, Osmundson, Walsh and Wasmund. Also in attendance was City Attorney Shawn Moynihan. Mayor McMenomy led the group in the Pledge of All.egiance. Additions to the agenda included 3 .c Parking Signs for High School - Ron Jacobson; 3 .d Introduction of John Thoma.s from Americinn; Consent - 4 ,m Set Special Council Meeting on Comprehensive Guide Plan; and 8 .b Commission Selection Process. Mayor McMenomy introduced resident Ron Jacobson, 3b47 143rd Street West, who requested that the no parking signs in tront of his house be removed and indicated that in talking with his neighbars they also felt the signs were not needed this distance from the high school . Discussion fallowed on enforcement of the no parking signs and cost and liability issues. MOTION by McMenomy to remove the no parking signs west of Chili Avenue on 143rd Street, Upper 143rd Street and 144th Street, other than at the entrance of each street. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Willcox. Nays: 0. Mayor McMenomy introduced Mr. John Thomas, a representative of the Americinn motel chain. Thomas met with the City Economic Development Coordinator Jahn Miller whom he felt was a good advocate for Rosemount, regarding locating a motel in Rosemount. Thomas plans to attend some city meetings to get a feel for the people and comrnunity. Councilmember Wippermann said he has had occasion to stay at Americinn, and they were very nice facilities . City Engineer Bud Osmundson reviewed the Wetland Conservation Act discussing the impact it will have on the City. Protection and replacernent of all wetlands will be required. There wi11 be a public hearing on January 17 at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Minnesota State 0�fice Building. Sta�f and City Council are encouraged to attend as it will be infarmational . Greg Larson from BWSR and Barb Ohman from Dakota County Conservation are the contacts for wetTand "information. Public Works Director Ron Wasmund explained the teleconference on the Safe Drinking Water Act scheduled for Januar� 15 . This video teleconference is specifically about the lead/copper rules and how they affect cities and public water suppliers. Rosemount has passed al1 testing. Please register with Mr. Wasmund prior to January 5, 1993 if you would like to attend. MOTION by McMenomy to approve the Consent Agenda with the addition of setting a special meeting for January 7, at 7:00 p.m. Second by Staats. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, WillCox, Wippermann. Nays: 0 . See Clerk! s File 1992-54 . Councilmember Willcox thanked staff and asked the record to show that the Hawkins Pond Assessment refund checks approved in the Consent Agenda were 45 days beyond the due date. 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGIILAR MEETING DECEMBFR 15, 1992 Chuck Rickart, Traffic Engineer for OSM, reviewed the Connemara Trail - Dallas Avenue traffic investigation. A petition was presented to Council on November 3, 1992 fram residents to install a stop sign for safety. Councilmember Wippermann noted that because of the dip an dcurve it is difficult to see approaching cars at the intersection of Shannon Parkway and Connemary Trail . Howev�er, the City' s policy has been to follow the guidelines from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices which is used by Federal and State Traffic Agencies. This code directs staff that a stop sign is not warranted but that a "B1ind Intersection'� sign east of Delta Avenue would warn motorists of the Dallas intersection. A further traffic study of Connemara Trail with a traffic count and sight lines considered is in process . MOTION by W:_llcox to dzrect staff to place a °Blind Intersection�� sign on Connemara Trail east of Del.ta Avenue warning motorists of the Da11as Intersection. Secoad by Staats. Ayes: Staats, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: 0 . Administrative Assistant Susan Walsh introduced Cy Smythe from Labor Relations Associates, Inc. Staff has requested Consultant Smythe to help develop an employees � salary and benefit package. Mr. Smythe noted that because of the American Disability Act job descriptions must be identified so employment opportunities can be determined. Mr. Smythe reviewed his proposal for the development of a new employee compensation program. Mr. Smythe explained how standards of performance are used to measure activity. A single pay system is now used in several cities of which Golden Valley is one. MOTION by Willcox to approve the proposal received from Labor Relations Associates, Inc. for the development of a compensation system at a cost of $6, 100 and for the development of Performance Standards and Evaluation System at a cost of $5,100 with the funding to be expended trom the accounts recommended by the Administrative Assistant. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: 0. See Clerk' s File 1992-54 . Mayor McMenomy requested that consideration of a newspaper/newsletter be tabled to a worksession meeting when more information is available. Staff agreed but requested direction from Council . MOTIdN by Wippermann to direct staff to review, in more detail the option of re-establishing the production of a City Newsletter and designation of an official newspaper for 1993 , bringing cost estimates to Council an January 5, 1993 . Second by Willcox, Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Willcox. Nays: 0 . Planning Director Lisa Freese recommen.ded Rowekamp Associates for consultant on the Geographical Information System (GIS) being purchased for 1993 . MOTION by MeMenomy to approve the GIS consultant, equipment and training package for a total amount of $23 , 555 to be funded as recommended by staff, Second by Staats . Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0 . See C3erk' s File 1992-54 . � I 2 ', i - � � �tOSEMOIINT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGIILAR MEETING DECEMBER 15, 1992 MOTION by Willcax to approve A RESOLU'I'ION ESTABLISHING THE SCHEDULE OF RA.TES AND FEES FOR 1993 with the exception of the connection fees and the Septic Maintenanee Inspection Fee of $40 which will not be initiated until the City adopts Dakota County Rule 113, Resolution. Second by Wippermann. MOTION by Willcox ta amend the above motion as follows: To approve A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE SCHEDULE OF RATES AND FEE5 FQR 1993 with the exception of the connection fees thereby retaining the 1992 Connection Fees and the Septic Maintenance Inspection Fee of $40 will not be initiated until the City adopts Dakota County Rule 113 Resolution. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Staats, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: 0 . Poll of Council for original motion: Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nay� : 0 . Administrator Jilk received notice that the City will receive a larger than expected payment of Local Gover nment Aid fLGA1 from the State. The League of Minnesota Cities has advised cities to hold this amount until the 1993/1994 LGA is determined in case of a shortfall . MOTION by Wippermann to apply the additional State Aid payments to be received in 1992 to the General Fund Reserve. Second by Staats. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Willcox. Nays: 0 . MOTION by McMenomy to thank Diana Korpela and other City staff for their efforts in managing the City' s insurance and loss control program which provided for the $21,733 return in premium. Second by Staats. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays : 0 . MOTION by Willcox to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING ALL GITY CONII+�IISSION AND COMMITTEE PER DIEM PAY effective January 1, 1993 . Second by McMenomy. Ayes : Staats, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: 0 . Discussion followed giving consideration for City Council to receive payment for special meetings . City Attorney Moynihan noted that this could not become effective until after the next city election if approved. Council did not have a aonsensus on this, so no action was taken. MOTION by Wippermann to request Councilmember Klassen to contact the ilab ilit to persons recommended by Sam Garofalo to determine their ava y serve on the Dakota Alliance far Prevention and to appoint a candidate at the January 5, 1993 Council Meeting. Second by Willcox. MOTION by Wippermann to amend the above motion as follows: To request Couneilmember Klassen to contact the persons recommended by Sam Garofalo, and Judy Lyndsey, to determine their availability to serve on the Dakota Alliance for Prevention and to appoint a candidate at the January 5, 1993 Council Meeting. Second by Willcox. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats . Nays : fl . Poll of Council for original motion: Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Willcox. Nays: 0 . 4 � , , ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS � REGIILAR MEETING DECEi�ER 15, 19 9 2 MOTION by Staats to approve the rate of $1600 per year of service for the Fire Relief P_ssociation benefits for 1993 . Second by Willcox. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays : 0. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the employment of Ms. Wendy Foreman as an Assistant Program Director in the Recreation Department at the rate of $8 . 16 per hour starting December 16, 1992 until the end of March, 1993 . Second by Willcox. Ayes : Staats, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays : 0 . MOTION by McMenomy to approve the c�ntinued employment of Rich Lonnquist as the Engineering Intern for up to 60 days in 1993 . Second by Willcax. Ayes : Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats . Nays : 0 . Administrator Jilk received nine applications for positions on City commissians and committees . These people will be contacted far interviews by Council on Saturday, January 23 , 1993 beginning at 8 : 00 a.m. � Adr.i�nistrator Jilk was notified by the Bureau of Mediation Servi,ces that a vote had been completed and the majority of city employees not now represented by a union and who are non-supervisory employees and eligible to vote in regards to the formation af a union, had voted in favor of having ASFCME represent them. This is the third union representing a segment of city employees . MOTION by McMenomy to adjourn the meeting. Second by Willcox. All were in agreement, the rneeting was adjourned at 10 :30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary ATTEST: � Stephan Jilk, City Administrator The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk' s File 1992-54 . i 5 __ i gOS���..' �GII�� .� 1992 DECF�ER 15. of the C1tY Mee 15 � y � ; f a Regular �eSd Y, Deh�e s• riotice thereauly hela �the CounCil C ant to due �t 1of gosemOuount City Hall 1� ers Willcox► purs�il of the �l at the Rosem with COun�ilme� res were= Coun � ;30 'P•m' to order ent• St asmund• eAlso in 1992 at meetingKlassen abs and calle �as Wals w d the h ts presen�Y� psmundson, �.yor McMeno and Staa Moynihan• ermann� Jil.k, Knutsen, o f All �e� _ Ron van Ake� Frceswas City AttorneY Sha the Pledge egian xlgh School _ 4.,m attendan roup in led the g parkinJ Signs fornn; Consent MaY°r McMen�mY c from Americi and a .b e agenda ln�l o fe John Th�'�s Guide Plan; to th oduction �omprehensive Additions Intr Street west� Ja�obson� 3 'Council Meeting °n 364� 143rd b� removed get gpecial Selection Process• house the signs on Jacobson� of his o felt Co�ission resident R ns in fr o S theY als followed °n introd e�rio parking sig sion NicMenomy with hhe h1g�cho�l• Dil Y ' ues- Mayor that iss who re�'ested talking fro� t liab cated that indistanCe and cost and of Chi7-i Avenue on and indi ed thls ns were not need the no parking sig ns we5t at the oVe the no parking Slg other than enforcement of Street� Wippermann, and 144th ann. Ayes= r+icMeU per 143 d Street wipperm NiOTION bY secorr�d bY tiVe o f �he Street, p reet. 0 • t 143rd of eaC�, st Nays� a rePreSenta Willcox• � �eveloPTne entranCe Staats, Thomas, �itY Econom'- Rose1'nOme�itY MCMenomy� Mr, John the aavocate for end s intr�duced as met with a good to att MCMenomy Thom Mayor chain• he f elt was Thomas ,Plans councilme�e were mOtel Niiller w�Om °un and commun1tY; p,mericinn John a motel in Rosemle �erlcinn� and th C eo adinat�locati ag feel for the p 1on to staY at r q rding occas meetings to �e� has had ation AC rep cement ermann sald he nd Conser'`r on and la WipP facilities • yTetla ProteCti very nlCe reViVe ori ty�,e CitY' ub7-i� hcerinJ dinq - OsmundsOn will be a p 0 f f i B�u.il City Eng ri e the impaCt�e requ.ired at there e e�a a tate D k.ota Niinn it will �ountY diScussi J will and 7 p,m. an from ed t° att o f all wetland i en�ourag garb 0�. m' d tlon• JanuarY 17 Cz.ty CounCil ar on from BWSR and informa the Saf e f and Lars f�r wetlan co�feren�e on Staf Greg tele ence is ati.onal• the conta�ts the teleconfer and inf orm ation are eXplained Thig vid af f ect citleS registe7 Conse� Wasfo dJanua� and hoW they Please Wor�s e 1 Act scheduled rules ed all tes a g.ke to attend- Publi� copper ha19 3sif you Woul Drinking wiY about the le R semount S e c i f i c a su p p l y e rs• o J a n u a r y 5 � wi t h t h e aa a b Y g t a ats� p � wawasmund Prior t ent genda m, e�osi � Fil ubli Cons A S Clerk S � with Mr• the t '1 :00 p• 0 . See N bY McMenOmY to aPPrOVe January 7 , a NaYs: willcox� wlppe�ann. M,OTI� Special meeting fOr Show that thE Staats, A enda wer� SettingMcMen�mY� the record t ent J Ayes: and asked the Cons 1992-54• ed staff roved in er Willcox thank Checks aPp essment refund CouncilmPo d a�he due date. 45 d YS beY� Chuck Rickart, ROS�p�,.I, C Dalla,s Ave Traffi.� _�' pROCEED . -� °n Novemberue traffl� invglneer for D �GUi"� MEETNGS il df f Cilme�er�wl 992 from res 13ation, �A' r�viewed the $c�ER l5• 1992 lcul,t to Ppe�nn ldents t Petitlon Connema follow the See aPProac noted that ° install a sto s Presented a Trail - taf h is used�elines fromn3 cars. Howause of the P sign for tO eouncil Si f that a S y Federal the Manua1 ever, the d1p and C safet�,. 5n east top Si and Stat °n Unifo City�S Polic�e lt is A further �f Delta A vn ls n�t war e Traffic A � Traffl� Y has be lines Con traffi� S�u enue would ranted but 9'encies. Th , Control Dev' en to sidered dY of Cor� warn moto that a ►►,gl , is c°de dir lces C�o TI�N by y�.ill ls lh PrOcess ne�ra Trail lwith of the Da�as tersect on S Mcterse�tion ai1 �east of D Ct Staff to a traffic count and Si h n• Menom Se�on ejta Ave Place a „ 9' t A�inist NaYs: p• d bY Staats, A yes ar s n5 mo tor ststerse c tion►► ta s1 Relatlons ativ� Assist ats, Willcoxf �he Da12as gn °n ' to help devssoCiates� ant Susan Walsh Wipperinann, rnc, troduce i ent ified Se l�p the eAm�°yees � S al f has re�es a Cy SmYthe reViewec� his� emPloyment1can Disab i and benefi a Consultant Sm Labor prOgr�. Mr. prOPosal for°PPortunitietY Act job Package, mYthe hasure activitmYthe exPlaihe developmentn be de�e��nPtions muStYbhe noted MO Ch G�lden Va l�e A Sioneened h ysteand �f o fnew em yeeMC' sm e Y is paY s ards Plo Ythe Ass IOIJ bY Willco . m is now use erfor�nce a�mPensatlon S6, 100a nd�fon�� for the�ov� the pro d 1n several r ities o f aec t e m at �ost h e dev d e v e lo o�a 1 re�e . d a e�opment pment a lve fro Wippe�an re�ommend d$5' l�� with�f P�r�orman°mpensation s Labor Relatio Clerk�s Fn' Ayes; wbl the Administfunding toStandards and em at a cost 11e 1992_54 lcox. Wi PPermann1Ve istan�en ded f omlua tion °f Ass ' Kayor McMenom . Mci�genom Secogd �y the =abled Y re y� staats. `Jreed buta w�rksessio ed that consi Nays� �• See request n meet ' derat ' OT�pN bY Wippe� ed directi°n, from Couneo n°rmatioSPaper/news1 1 off establishin ann tO direct Ci�, n is ava2lableter be nuary 5a1 newsAaperefor�ductionao f t� review staff 11cox. • 1993 , se 1993 a Cit � ln mor �aYs: �. cond bY Wi11COXn5ing �steestetter and�del. the oPtion ult n�1rector Lisa AYes: WipPerm nn to Caun�i to°n of 3 � on the Gepgr ph cal In°mmended Row . McMenomY. Staats, [O,tV' bY McMeno f��t1On SYstemP Associates for :age for a totY to approv (GIS) being �d bY Staats. al amOunt e the GIS Purchased fo Clerk�s File 1992 54 McMenom, 555 to belfunt� equipment r Y, Staats, Wil aCOXa�reco�ndearaining ' lPPermann, bY staff, Na�'s• 0 2 ,, , ROSEMOI]NT CITY PROCEEDINGS RSGIILAR blEETING DECIIKBER ].5. 19 9 2 Planning Director Freese reviewed the progress on the Hampton Development Corporation condemnation. City Attorney Moynihan recommended that the City Council proceed to clearly set the need of public purpose for the condemnation to development city streets and utilities in this development. This would require Council to rescind the motions from the November 3, 1992 City Council meeting. MOTION by Willcox to rescind the motions of November 3, 1992 whereby it authorized condemnation proceedings on the land in question that was to be utilized in developing residential lots by Hampton Development Corporation. Second by McMenomy. Ayes: Staats, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: 0 . Gary Berquist of the Hampton Development Corporation, noted that to qualify for a 429 Project the City had set a February 1, 1993 deadline. Staff and City Council assured Mr. Berquist this deadline would be changed to allow Hampton Development to qualify. MOTION by Willcox to have staff and legal counsel to return to the January 5, 1993 City Council meeting with all necessary information and docuinents to proceed expediently with the Hampton Development Condemnation. Second by McMenomy. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: 0. MOTION by Willcox directing the Planning Staff and Public Works Director Wasmund to extend the February 1, 1993, deadline for a 429 Project with Hampton Development Corporation impacting this land use development. Second by McMenomy. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Willcox. Nays: 0. Mayor McMenomy called for a ten minute recess at 9 :20 p.m. City Engineer Osmundson received a petition from concerned residents regarding the safety for children living on Shannon Parkway north of Connemara Trail . Staff noted a speed study was done in 1989 which set the speed at 40 mph, but that a new speed study would be recommended. MOTION by Willcox to adopt A RESOLUTION REQIIESTING THE COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION TO CONDUCT A SPEED STUDY FOR SHANNON PARKWAY FROM CONNEMAR.A TRAIL TO MC ANDREYIS ROAD (COUNTY ROAD 38) . Second by McMenomy. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0 . Administrative Assistant Susan Walsh presented the 1993 Fees and Rates Resolution- for consideration. Public Works Director Wasmund referred to a study by TKDA Engineering Consultants in 1989 showing Rosemount' s charges in the top third of surrounding cities. Discussion followed. Director Wasmund was requested to complete a comparative study for connection charges of surrounding cities . MOTION by Willcox to approve A RESOLUTIt?N ESTABLISHING THE SCHEDULE OF R.ATES AND FEES FOR 1993 with the exception of the connection fees and the Septic Main�enance Inspection Fee of $40 which will not be initiated until the City adopts Dakota County Rule 113 Resolution. Second by Wippermann. 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS � REGULAR MEETING I DECEMBER 15, 1992 MOTION by Willcox to amend the above motion as follows: To approve A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE SCHEDiTLE OF R.ATES AND FEES FOR 1993 with the exception of the connection fees thereby retaining the 1992 Connection Fees and the Septic Maintenance Inspection Fee of $40 will not be initiated until the City adopts� Dakota County Rule 113 Resolution. Secoad by Wippermann. Ayes: Staats, Wil].cox, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: 0. Poll of Council for original motion: Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: 0 . Administrator Jilk received notice that the City will receive a larger than expected payment of Local Government Aid (LGA) from the State. The League of Minnesota Cities has advised cities to hold this amount until the 1993/1994 LGA is determined in case of a shortfall . MOTION by Wippermann to apply the additional State Aid payments to be received in 1992 to the General Fund Reserve. Secoad by Staats. Ayes: i Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Willcox. Nays: 0. MOTION by McMenomy to thank Diana Korpela and other City staff for their � efforts in ma.naging the City� s insurance and loss control program which provided for the $21, 733 return in premium. Secoad by Staats. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0. MOTION by Willcox to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING ALL CITY CONIl�IISSION AND CONIlySITTEE PER DIEM PAY effective January 1, 1993 . Second by McMenomy. Ayes: Staats, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: 0. Discussion followed giving consideration for City Council to receive payment for special meetings. City Attorney Moynihan noted that this could not become effective until after the next city election if approved. Council did not have a consensus on this, so no action was taken. MOTION by Wippermann to request Councilmember Klassen to contact the persons recommended by Sam Garofalo to determine their availability to serve on the Dakota Alliance for Prevention and to appoint a candidate at the January 5, 1993 Council Meeting. Second by Willcox. MOTION by Wippermann to amend the above motion as follows : To request Councilmember Klassen to contact the persons recommended by Sam Garofalo, and Judy Lyndsey, to determine their availability to serve on the Dakota Alliance for Prevention and to appoint a candidate at the January 5, 1993 � Council Meeting. Second by Willcox. Ayesr Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, ,� Staats._ Nays: 0 . '� f Poll of Council for original motion: Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, � Willcox. Nays: 0 . � MOTION by Staats to approve the rate of $1600 per year of service for the Fire Relief Association benefits for 1993 . Second by Willcox. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Willcox, Wip��rmann. Nays • 0 . MOTION by Wippermann to approve the employment of Ms. Wendy Foreman as an � Assistant Program Director in the Recreation Department at the rate of i 4 ._ - • � � �� �ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCE.EDINGS REGtTLAR MEFTING DECII�SBER 15, 19 9 2 $8 .16 per hour starting December 16, 1992 until the end of March, 1993 . Second by Willcox. Ayess Staats, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: 0. MOTION by McMenomy to approve the continued employment of Rich Lonnquist as the Engineering Intern for up to 60 days in 1993 . Secoad by Willcox. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. 'Nays: 0. Administrator Jilk received nine applications for positions on City commissions and committees. These people will be contacted for interviews by Council on Saturday, January 23, 1993 beginning at 8 :00 a.m. Administrator Jilk was notified by the Bureau of Mediation Services that a vote had been completed and the majority of city employees not now represented by a union and who are non-supervisory employees and eligible to vote in regards to the formation of a union, had voted in favor of having ASFCME represent them. This is the third union representing a segment of city employees . MOTION by McMenomy to adjourn the meeting. Secoad by Willcox. All were in agreement, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk' s File 1992-54. 5