HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Minutes of December 7, 1992 & December 10, 1992 Special Meetings . . , i�� o osemoun� PHONE (612)423-44t 7 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)423-5203 Mailing Address: Edwerd 8.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCIIMEMBERS Sheila Klassen ' James(Re�Staats Harry Wiilcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR • Stephan Jiik T0: Mayor McMenomy Council Members: Klassen, Staats, Willcox, Wippermann FROM: Lisa Freese, Director of Planning ��'��- � DATE: December 31, 1992 , RE: Special City Council Meeting � Compreh�nsive Guide Plan Workshop At the December 14, 1992 workshop on the Comprehensive Guide Plan, we were unable to complete the agenda.� A continuation of that workshop is scheduled for Thursday, January 7, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. The remaining discussion item is the Implementation Plan. At the City Council meeting we will be distributing a revised plan document including the changes made at the December 14th meeting. Please call me on Monday if you have any issues that y�u would like to add to the, agenda. cc: Planning Commission Port Authority Parks & Recreation Utilities Commission City Administrator Department Heads Planning Department �ver�l�ings �omtng `UG�i CcJLosemoun��� \ � ROSEbiOUNT CITY PROCEFDINGS : • SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 7, 1992 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Monday, December 7, 1992, at 7: 00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall . Acting Mayor Wippermann called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Willcox, Klassen, and Staats present. Also City Administrator Stephan Jilk was present. The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss active litigation regarding the purchase of the Sunrise Builders property. MOTION by Wippermann to go into Executive Session to discuss the McDonoughjSunrise Builders case. Secoad by Klassen. Ayes: Willcox, Klassen, Staats, Wippermann. Nays; 0 . The Council then went into Executive Session. They reconvened the Special meeting at 8 : 06 p.m. Motion by Wippermann to adjourn. Second by Willcox. All in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8 :10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Stephan Jilk, City Administrator I ATTEST: Dennis Wippermann, Acting Mayor 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 10, 1992 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Thursday, December 10, 1992, at 8 : 00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Willcox, Klassen, Staats and Wippermann present. City staff present included Fire Chief Scott Aker, Public Works Director Ron Wasmund, Administrative Assistant Sue Walsh, Finance Director Jeff May, Parks & Recreation Director Dave Bechtold, Police Chief Lyle Knutsen, City Administrator Steve Jilk and Planning Director Lisa Freese. Mayor McMenomy led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. , The Public Hearing for the 1993 City of Rosemount Budget was opened by Mayor McMenomy. City Administrator Stephan Jilk presented the 1993 Budgets. The Preliminary 1993 Budget was approved by City Council on September 9, 1992 . Figures from this proposed budget was what Dakota County used to calculate tax amounts to residents. These figures were lowered by City Council action after further review lowering these estima.ted residential tax figures by about one third for the city share of the taxes. See Clerk� s File 1992-52 . : Mayor McMenomy requested comments from the audience. Several residents responded with questions or viewpoints. Marlin Rechtzigel had questions on the Operating Budget' s recycling costs which were explained by Mr. Jilk. Deanna Simpson, 3534 Upper 143rd Street, a Parks & Recreation Committee member and is head of the Community Flower Garden, noted that recent budget cuts drastically affected the Parks Master Plan and the enthusiasm of the volunteers involved. Mayor McMenomy responded that Council is not abandoning the Parks Master Plan. Cuts were major, but for the long range plan the Parks Master Plan will be supported. Willcox justified the shift of funding to the Fire Department from the Parks and Recreation budget as they have needs that affect public service for fire safety. Marie Jensen, 14325 Cameo Avenue West, asked for clarification on some of the charges for services such as user fees, plan reviews, specifically on fees from U.S.P.C. I. Jilk advised that one third of the U.S.P.C. I. income goes into the General Operating Fund. Don Sinnwell, 3691 147th Street West, a member of Taxpayers for a Responsible Budget, expressed appreciation to the Council for the work and cooperation extended to this community group. Sinnwell felt the educational expenses should not be included in the Council Budget. J....',. .• ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCETDINGS SPECIAL MBLTING DECEfi�SB$R lU, 1992 Sinnwell noted the need for City Council to ma.ke it a priority to get a arena manager for the Community Center as soon as possible. Mayor McMenomy explained that funding for the arena manager position is in existing Armory Funds. Jilk noted that until an "opening date" can be considered firm, bookings should not begin. Jilk estimated hiring of an arena manager would be six months prior to completion or about June, 1993 . Kevin Carroll, 3325 127th Street West, was concerned about the negative comments at prior meetings and about a employee wage freeze and proposals. Carroll has worked with city staff on the airport relocation issue and said from his experience with staff he has been impressed by the competence and dedication shown. Carroll would not like to see staff demoralized by the underlying thought of a wage freeze or think of having to retrain and update new staff on subjects which have been ongoing for years. Cost cuts have to be made, but not in personnel. The human element has to be handled differently than trucks or supplies. The community must continue a cooperative approach, and city staff needs more recognition for jobs well done. In the future, more creativity will be needed in the budget for common interests and self-interest groups; or items will have to be put on the side so what is best for Rosemount can be accomplished. Administrator Jilk thanked city staff for the time and effort all have put into the budget process since it started in April . Finance Director Jeff May did an excellent job on the newly created format and graphs. Thank you Jeff for all good work and additional hours it required. Jilk thanked the Taxpayers for a Responsible Budget group for their input and concern. Also, Jilk thanked the City Council for the many additional meetings and work required. Marge Ryan, a member of the Taxpayers for a Responsible Budget, noted her concern was for the older people and the young poor people since they are the hope for the past and the future of Rosemount. Lucy Holzer, 15614 Cornell Trail, noted she was pleased with the progress of the budget and felt that the business owners and city staff were cooperating. Holzer thanked Administrator Jilk and the City Council and said, °We are on the right track. ° Lee Knutson, 3310 144th Street West, said the CIP Budget cannot be cut any further without shortfalls happening soon in the future. Mr. Knutson expressed concern that tough cut backs like this year� s cannot continue without harm to long range programs. MOTION by Mayor McMenomy to close the public hearing for the 1993 Budgets. Sec;�nd by Wippermann. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0 . Each Councilmember was asked to comment. Councilmember Willcox noted he was opposed to the hiring of a Engineering Aide. Willcox would rather contract a person and receive approval from the Utilities Commission. Willcox suggested holding all departments next year to a 5o increase, review the CIP Budget, and invite a true partnership with the business community and City Council . Willcox predicted the next ten 2 � � ROSEMOIINT CITY :PROCEBDINGS SPECIAL MEETING DECEbiBER 10, 19 9 2 years will be tough, but with cooperation and the old teaching the young, the best can be done for Rosemount. Ma.yor McMenomy noted that a good foundation has been set for the Budget; it is more readable and informational. McMenomy appreciated the good comments from the audience. It shows the community is working well together and concerns can be raised respectfully, honestly and then dealt with. Cauncilmember Klassen agreed with the Mayor, but had concerns about holding departments to a 5o increase in 1994. This would be premature, and she , could not support it. Councilmember Wippermann felt comfortable with the 1993 Budget as presented and thanked the residents for their valuable input. Staats felt the 1993 Operating Budget was very workable. MOTION by Willcox to approve A RESOLIITION APPROVING THE 1993 GENERAL FIIND OPERATING BUDGET, THE 1993 C.I.P. BIIDGET AND THE 1993 LEVY REQIIIRED BY T8E CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. Second by Staats. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: 0 . MOTION by Klassen to approve A RESOLIITION LEVYING A TAX FOR CONSTRIICTION OF A STATE ARMORY BUILDING. Secoad by McMenomy. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: 0. MOTION by Willcox to approve A RESOLIITION APPROVING A SPECIAL TAX LEVY FOR FUNDING OF AN ARMORY. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: 0 . Motion by Willcox to adjourn. Second by McMenomy. All in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9 :37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary ATTEST: : Stephan Jilk, City Administrator 3