HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.d. Recycling Joint Powers Agreement with Farmington CITY OF ROSEMOUNT I EXECUTIVE SIIbIlylARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 5, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Recycling Joint Power� Agreement AGENDA SECTION: with City of Farmingtf�n New Business PREPARED BYs Ron Wasmund AGENDA N��� � � Public Works Director/Building Official ATTACffi�NTS: Agreement AP OVE BY:, f -- The City of Rosemount is responsible for the administration and reporting to the County of the recycling operation in the City. In turn, the City receives money from the County to help defer the direct costs. Eligible direct costs include promotional niaterial, containers, supply materials (office) and labor directly related to recycling activities. In previous action taken by Council in October, we have applied for 1993 funding in the amount of $5, 888 .00 . The tracking, report generation and application preparation takes approximately 200 hours per year to do. This is not enough time to justify hiring a person, however it is more time than we have available with current staffing. I have had discussions with the Farmington City Administrator, Larry Thompson, and their solid waste staff regarding a shared position. They need someone to carry out the same tasks as we do plus additional solid waste management. Farmington' s Council has approved a full-time position on their Staff to perform the functions needed. They have further agreed to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement (J.P.A. ) with the City of Rosemount to provide us the time we need for our applications, monitoring and reporting to Dakota County. Farmington would hire, house and pay this clerical position. We would reimburse them for our direct costs from proceeds we receive from Dakota County. The costs for the administration of our program could not exceed the funds we receive from the County. We have established a ma.ximum of l0a of the annual salary as Rosemount' s share. Based upon the contract with Knutson Services for recycling, the way they report and the preparation work I have personally done this year, I am confident that this arrangement will work fine. The Agreement has a 30 day termination clause by either party in the event it doesn' t work as designed. I recommend approval of the Agreement. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ENTER INTO A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF FARMINGTON FOR SOLID WASTE/RECYCLING SPECIALIST POSITION. COUNCIL ACTION: 8 MIITUAL AID ARREEMENZ' FOR � SOLID KA3TL"/RECYCLING SPECIALZST POSITI�N � �� � THIS AG�EMENTr made ariti eitte�ec� iiito this dax of _ __ _ , 199x, by and between the.City of Fannington and the City af Rasemount, �ach b�ing a municipal corporation. That in consideration af the mutual cavenants, agreements and undertakings hereinafter set forth, each of the parties agree to share a Solid Waste/Recycling S�7�C:1C1I.'15� jJU51t1t711 with the other p�rty as scheduled by the City administrators or their designe�s, subject to t,he following: I. Defini�k�an: C>ity :Ac�i2Zist;.a�cy - �The chi�f ecc3suir�i5txativ� c��ficer.:of_ �, c�.ty as appointed by the City Council. =S. Cczid3.tiflns: l. This agr�emen� is applicable ta a perraanent ful.1-tine position that shall rec;eiv� c2iti�ty percent (90�0} of its funding fron the City af Farmington and ten percent (10's) from th� City of Rosemount. 2 . The City �f Farmingtc�n sha11. pay the actual wages far said pos�.tion and shall be rea.mbursed within a reasonable time by the city vf Rvsem�uc�L £Ux: it� designated portion af the costs. � . '1'he positio2� sha11 t�e shaxed to proviae riiri�Gy Nerc�nt (90%� of the tota�. time per quarter to the City of Farmingtan and ten perc�.nt (10�) Qf said tiMe to the cit�r of xosem�unt. 4. This agreem�nt shall be in effect upon apprcval and eXecutio2l flr this agreement by �oth parties. ` The �� agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by either party aft� 'r��gi�virig th�.rty (30) days written natice to the other party. r CITY �F FARMINGT�N C1'iY OF Rt78EM0UN`.� Mayar Mayar . City Adm�.nistrator Ci.ty Administratar