HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Minutes of September 21, 1993 Work Session . t ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS WORK SESSION SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on September 21, 1993 at 5:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Rosemount City Hall, 2$75 - 145th Street West. Chair Dunn called the meeting to order with Commissioners Anderson, Canoll, Edwards, McMenomy, Sinnwell, and Wippermann present. Staff present included Executive Director Jilk, Economic Development Coordinator Miller, and Port Authority Attorney Miles. Additions to the agenda inciuded 4. D) SEH Letter, 4. E) Letter to the Editor, S. E) Zoning Status , of Business Park. ' MOTION by Edwasds to approve the consent agenda. SECOND by Sinnwell. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Commissioner Wippermann took his chair at 5:20 p.m. Economic Development Coordinator Miller reviewed the personai relocation claim for Al Monk and advised that the claims totaled $18,679.00 with the possibility that Monk wouid be eligible for additional claims. Miller further advised that the claims were not recommended for approva.l by Conworth and he was not able to verify parts of the claim. After working with Attomey Allgeyer, John Connors of Conworth, and Jim Dorsey, Monk's attorney, it was agreed that the easiest way to . resolve the claim, and include all three items, would be to settle for an amount equal to the low bid �Conworth received from Peipho Storage and Moving Inc. of $23,421.60. Commissianers concurred to wait until the Monk e��.�taation hearing is cornplete before making a decision on the claim. MOTION by Edwards to table this item. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION by Sinnwell to approve Resolution 1993-6 authorizing advertisement of a bond sale for- purchase of land for the Rosemount Business Park. SECOND by Wippermann. Discussion followed and David Drown from Springsted, Inc. reviewed the details of the bond sa1e. Drown advised there were three steps the Port Authority must go through to get bond money to pay Roy and Laura Abbott. The first of which was to approve a resolution authorizing advertisement of the bond sale. Drown further explained that there would be a fifteen year payment period to retire the debt with the first payment due in 1996. Also explained was the need to sell three acres per year to make the necessary payments. Discussian continued regarding using extra. money in the budget to reduce the bonding amount and where money will come from if the Port Authority does not sell land. Executive Director Jilk explained some needed changes to the resolution and the attached "exhibit A" which included changing the date of adaption to September 21, 1993, changing the name of the executive director to 7ilk's name and changing the start tune of the meeting from 7:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Chair Dunn called for roll of the motion. Ayes: Carroll, Anderson, Wippermann, Dunn, Edwards, Sinnwell. Nays: 0. Abstain: McMenomy. I , , , ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS WORK SESSION SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 Economic Development Coordinator Miller requested the Port Authority's consideration to solicit bids for the extension of a six-inch watermain from the west side of T.H. 3 to the Repairs, Inc. site across the street. It is being requested at this time so completion can be accomplished before T.H. 3 is resurfaced. This extension would provide service to the Repairs, Inc. site and allow far future looping in the northeast quadrant of T.H. 3 and 145th Street . Miller advised that the city engineer estimates the cost to be approximately $b,000. MOTION by Sinnwell to direct the port authority's executive director to solicit bids for extension of a six-inch watermain to the Repa.irs, Inc. property and to enter into contract to complete, provided the dollax arnount is not more than $7,000 and that Miller will be soliciting quotes, not bids. SECOND by Edwards. Ayes: Anderson, Wippermann, Dunn, McMenomy, Edwards, Sinnwell, Carroll. Nays: 0. Commissioner Sinnwell questioned legal counsel regarding legal ramifications on the SEH agreement signed by the city administrator on September 1 and not presented to the port authority until September 9. Port authority attorney Miles advised. Discussion continued into item 4. E), , letter to the editor, regarding the same subject that appeared in the local papers. John Arkell of Cottages, Inc. was introduced to the port authority. Mr. Arkell explained details of their proposed senior housing units. He explained that there would be approximately 12 units per acre and they would need about five to six acres iocated in the TTF district. All the units would be one story, one or two �bedrooms, with about 1/3 of the uni�s having attached garages and the rest ' detached garages. Arkell further advised that they would request pay-as-you-go TIF money as assistance to help lower rents, but would provide their own fmancing for the cost of the buildings, land, and assessments. Discussion continued regarding the proposed HRA senior housing project and the impact it may have on this project. Commissioner Carroll suggested a field trip to tour one of Cottage, Inc.'s completed projects and was advised that that could be arranged. Economic Development Coordinator Miller requested that the port authority provide discussion and direction for business park promotional activities. Miller offered two suggestions for beginning the discussions; 1) individuai board members meet with him and he would bring back recommendations to the board, or 2) the port authority appoint a sub-committee to work with him. Discussion continued and at the consensus of the board, Chair Dunn appointed an ad-hoc committee to include members Anderson, Carrall, and Dunn. -Commissioner Edwards suggested that January 1, 1994 be set as a deadline for completion of the committee's work arid report. Economic Development Coordinator Miller began discussion of the 1994 Work Program and Operating Budget. Miller suggested that two areas the port authonty may want to concentrate their efforts would be the redevelopment of the downtown and promotion of the business park. Besides these recomrnendations Miller advised that he is looking for general direction as to what to emphasize in the 1994 Work Pmgram. After considerable discussion on areas the commissioners felt should be included in the new work program, they concurred that a work session should be 2 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS WORK SESSION SEPTF�VIBER 21, 1993 scheduled to discuss it further. Because the budget is due to city council the second week in November, it was decided to hold the meeting on October 2, 1993, at 8:00 a.m., to ensure that the port authority meets this deadline. Miller advised the board that no motel proposals were submitted by the RFP deadline. Ray Anderson and Comfort Inn, however, are still interested in pursuing a project in Rosemount as explained in Anderson's letter to the Port Authority. Miller requested that the Board allow him ta negotiate an exclusive development agreement with Ray Anderson Associates for the construction of a motel. Commissioners discussed the use of the word "exclusive" and decided that Miller should negotiate a "development agreement," leaving it open for the possibility of other developers to submit proposals at a later date. MOTION by Edwards to direct 7ohn Miller to negotiate a development agreement with Ra.y Anderson Associa.tes for the construction of a Comfort Inn Motel in Rosemount. SEC4ND by Sinnwell. Ayes: Wippermann, Dunn, McMenomy, Edwards, Sinnwell, Carroll, Anderson. Nays: 0. Commissioner Carroll requested clarification of the process being undertaken by the planning commission and staff to rezone the business park property. Executive Director Jilk explained the process and the progress being made. Commissioners directed staff to advise the planning staff what the Port Authority definition of the business park should be and also of their concerns. lYtOTION by Edwards to adjourn. SECOND by Sinnwell. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Meeting adjoumed at '7:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom . .. . Recording Secretary 3