HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. City Newsletter , . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION C�TY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 21, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: CITY NEWSLETTER AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: SUSAN WALSH AGENDA NO. � � ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ATTACHMENTS: 1993 "THISWEEK NEWSPAPERS" APP VED Y: CONTRACT The City's contract for the publishing of the monthly newsletter and minutes expires December 31, 1993 . It is rny recommendation that the city continue publishing its monthly newsletter and minutes in the "Rosemount ThisWeek" . Representatives of the newspaper have advised there will be no increase in costs for 1994 . Therefore, a breakdown of costs are as follows: (1) Monthly newsletter at $6.78 per column inch or $516. 98 per month or $6203 .78 per year; (2) Minutes published in the "Rosemount ThisWeek" at a cost of $5.63 per column inch or approximately $8000 per year; (3) Agenda for council and commissions published at no cost; and (4) Legal notices in the "Dakota County Tribune" published at a cost of $6. 67 per column inch or approximately $7200 a year. Designating the city's official newspaper is done at the first eouncil meeting in January so council action regarding legal notices would not be necessary at this meeting, but I feel it's important to mention since it ties into using the "Rosemount ThisWeek" for the newsletter and minutes. The staff at Dakota ThisWeek Newspapers are professional, cooperative and a pleasure to work with and meet city staff needs when it comes to the newsletter, legal notices, deadlines, etc. If it is the intention of the City Council to continue a monthly newsletter, it is my recommendation the City continue using the ThisWeek Newspaper. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ENTER A CONTRACT WITH DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE, INC. FOR THE PUBLICATION OF A MONTHLY NEWSLETTER, MINUTES AND AGENDA AT THE SAME COSTS AS 1993 FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 1994 -- DECEMBER 31, 1994 . COIINCIL ACTION: Y (612) 894-1111 FAX (612) $94-1859 THIS WEEK NE WSPAPEKS DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE, INC. P.O. Box 1439 1525 E. Highway 13 Burnsville, MN 55337 Date 3/8/93 � DISPLAY ADVERTISING AGREEMENT with ❑ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGREEMENT with Company City of Rosemount B Thisweek Address C�Dakota County Tribune � Combination �grees to insert �` weeks of advertising at * per column inch, during a one year's period beginning APril 1993 thru Dec�nber 1993 . This agreement shall thereafter be considered as renewed for a like period of time unless otherwise n�tified.This newspaper reserves the right to change rates at any time after first year on 30 days notice. This agreement shall include the terms and conditions listed on the attached addendum . CONTRACTS MUST BE SIGNED AND SECOND COPY RETURNED TO NEWSPAPER TO EARN LESS THAN OPEN RATE. � ' - 'Y' �� c.-i THI NEWSPAPERS N e Dakota County Tribune, Inc. �, �L�t�l� ' Title *Monthly full page display advertising in Thisweek N�ws " pers at a rate of $6.78 per col�nn inch. Any rninutes that are not cxinsidered Iegals will run in Thisweek Newspapers as display advertising at a rate af $5.93 per coltm�n inch. A11 legals will be run in The Dakota County Tribune at $6.77 per col�nn inch and will also run in Thisweek Newspapers at no charge. , ► ADDENDUM Either the City of Rosemount or Thisweek Newspapers may cancel this agreement at any time with�or without cause upon the giving of one week's written notice to the other party. In the event of cancellation, Thisweek Newspapers shall be entitled to payment for all publication of City of Rosemount materials through the date of cancellation. Thisweek Newspapers shall publish alI materials submitted for publication by the City of Rosemount exactly as submitted, with the exception that Thisweek may edit all materials which may be considered libelous. In the event of such libelous materials, Thisweek shall contact the City of Rosemount so changes can be made. In the event that Thisweek Newspapers makes an error in publication of the materials submitted, the City of Rosemount shall receive a credit for the portion of the copy in which the error occurs. If agreeable to both parties, a corrected copy may be published a second time in lieu of the City receiving credit.