HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.w. Approve Joint Powers Agreement for 1994 Traffic Marking, Street Sweeping, and Seal Coating e � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 21, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Approve Joint Powers Agreement for 1994 AGENDA SECTIUN: Traffic Markings, Street Sweeping & Seal Coating Consent �F�EPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA N�TEf� � � City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Directar ATTACHMENTS: Copy of Joint Powers Agreement APP VED BY: � This item consists of adopting the attached Joint Powers Agreement for Traffic Markings, Street Sweeping and Seal Coating. Over the past several years we have been entering into this agreement with surrounding communities and it has worked out very well for the City. By entering into the agreement, quantities of material for each City are combined together creating enough volume to qualify for substantial discounts. We are currently finalizing which streets will be seal coated. The striping and traffic markings will be on those streets previously striped and others as required. Staff recommends approval of the motion. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE THE 1994 JOtNT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC MARKINGS, STREET SWEEPING AND SEAL COATING AND AUTHORIZE THE NECESSARY SIGNATURES TO EXECUTE. COUNCIL ACTION: 2 ' ,' JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT I994 TRAFFIC MARKINGS, STREET SWEEPING & SEALCOATING BURNSVILLE, APPLE VALLEY, EAGAN, LAKEVILLE ROSEMOUNT AND SAVAGE AGREEMENT made this day of , 19 by and between the cities of Burnsville, Apple Valley, Eagan, Lakevi7le, Rosemount and Savage. RECITALS This agreement is made pursuant to the authority conferred upon the parties pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 471.59. The purpose of this agreement is to provide street maintenance materials and service for the cities of Burnsville, Apple Valley, Eagan; Lakeville, Rosemount and Savage, utilizing one common contractor for each service. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Subject ta the other provisions of this agreement, Burnsville shall prepare any plans, specifications, bid proposals and advertise for bids for the placer�ent of street traffic markings, street sweeping and sealcoating services. 2. Apple Valley, Eagan, Lakeville, Rosemount and Savage shall provide to Burnsville the estimated quantities for these services in each respective eommunity, and shall also approve the bid documents. 3. Burnsville shall tabulate the bids upon their receipt and make a recommendation of award to Apple Valley, Eagan, Lakeville, Rosemount and Savage and upon their approvai , award the contract pursuant to State Law, . 4. Each city shall be responsible for: _ . _ . _: . • • Preparing maps� showing} the proposed locations for these services including estimating the quantities. _ _ _ . _ • Preparing the� streets for markings in accordance with the _ specifications and coordinating with the contractor as to the, - timing of the actual work. • Inspecting the contractor's work, measuring the quantities of work performed, approving and certifying the progress or final payments to the contractor. Page 2 Joint Power Agreement 1994 Traffic Markings, Street Sweeping & Sealcoating 5. In accordance with the specifications, the contractor will submit an itemized invoice to each city separately for the work performed in each city. Upon approval of the invoice by the respective city, that city wi11 remit the approved invoice amount directly to the contractar. 6. It is agreed that the cities of Apple Valley, Eagan, Lakeville, Rosemount and Savage, each of them, indemnify, save, and hold harmless the City of Burnsville and all of its agents and employees from any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action, for whatever nature arising out of the contracting procedure by reason of the execution or performance of the work purchased for each respective city under this agreement, and that the cities of Apple Valley, Eagan, Lakevi7le, Rosemount and Savage further agree to defend, at their sole cost and expense, any actions or proceedings commenced against their respective cities for the purposes of asserting any claim of whatsowever character arising hereunder. � 7. This agreemeRt can be terminated on the part of any individual city by giving sixty (60) days notice to the other five cities, otherwise the agreement will automatically terminate on October 31, 1994. � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the date indicated below. CITY OF BURNSVILLE . CITY AF APPLE VALLEY BY: BY: Mayor Mayor � BY: 8Y: Manager Mayor Date Date Page 3 Joint Powers Agreement 1994 Traffic Markings, Street Sweeping and Sealcoating CITY OF EAGAN � . CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: gY• Mayor Mayor BY: BY: Manager Manager Date Date CITY OF LAKEVILLE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BY: BY: Mayor Mayor BY• BY• Manager Manager Date Date CITY OF SAVAGE � BY: � Mayor BY: Manager Date c:\upfiles\mc\cleve�94stmain.jpa