HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.v. Receive Petition/Order Feasibility Report Shannon Hills 6th Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #251 E , 4 CITY OF RfJSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 21 , 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Petition/Order Feasibility Report AGENDA SECTION: Shannon Hilis 6th Addition Street & Utility improvements, Consent City Project #2b1 PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA �� � � � City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director � ATTACHMENTS: Petition, Resolution APP VED Y: The City has received a petition for public improvements in the proposed Shannon Hills 6th Additian from the owner of the property, Mr. Steve Fiterman of Ground Development Corporation. This Preliminary Plat has been submitted and is making its way through the platting process. At this time Staff is asking Council to order the Feasibitity Report for this last addition in this subdivision. Staff has determined that OSM will be the eonsulting engineer used on this project. This project has been designated City Project No. 251. RECOMMENDED ACT{ON: MOTIDN TO ADdPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING PETITION AN� ORDERING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR SHANNON HILLS 6TH ADDlTION STREET AND UTlLITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #251 . COUNCIL ACT10N: 6 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING PETITION AND ORDER FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR SHANNON HILLS 6TH ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT # 251 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has received a petition from the developer and property owners of the proposed Shanno� Hills 6th Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #251 . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount as foliows: (1) the aforesaid petition represents 100% of the owners of the affected property; (2) the property owner requests in the petition that the improvements be eonstructed and that the entire cost for rtheir share less the City's share of the cost of the improvement be assessed against the property; (3) the aforesaid petition is approved and placed on file. (4) the City's Consulting Engineer is directed to prepare the necessary Feasibility Report for the Shannon Hills fith Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #251 . ADOPTED this 21 st day of December, 1993. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City C(erk Motion by: Seeonded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: � ` � 13EG 10 '93 14�41 CITY OF ROSEMOUN�� � P.2 I i Pro� �_ Z's� GXTY OF R06EMOU�tT � pE'I'I'I'I�1� FOR LQC'AL• I2lPROVEMEI�TS �` t�.00'ti PQ�itior) "Co the Gity Counci.l of Roseraount, Kinnesota: � He, the undersigned, bei.ng the ornere of all the real propertY legally described as ,follows: j� ,� �\ ��� ( . OJ�/��t�.. � ` V�.S ,C7 G �cn.�., ; here�y pet3tion the city council ta underteke vithau� a publ3c h e a r i n g u�d�r 2 l i r s�e s c ta Statutes• Section 429.031� the follorin9 imgrovemQnts to snch property snd o9r'�� to pey far al.l cos ts �or � the px�eraraticn ot the �easibility repart tor theee impra�eia�nta ' in the ev�nt the improve�en,�,ts are not ordered 3n= � Sanitary Sever �, Weikvays � Watern�ai.n ,.,� Streets � Stcr�a Ser�r : � Curh b Gutter ,� StreetlightB � Other ! and to pay the entire asseasabie aasts therect agsinst our : property �ncox�psssing or sbutting sgid improvements based on bene�it� received �ithout reggrd to cash valuati.fln. � � , . s Address � ` �t� • Siar�ature of QMner<s?._ — • � �� � � � \ �.�...��, �s�u�-:�g����, ��S � � 3; �. ��z. � � 2. � � .,�, r '�S w.�... ��y�� . 3. 4. Mle a].so $gree to g�.ar2�rity paymQnt Snr the preparatioz� of €�1an� a�d �pecificetiot►s for tbe ebove petit�ioned improveme�ts it� crrder that thQ plaas end sgec3.fiaatiana maY be Prepsxvd simultaneousiy witb the ges�ihility report. Far G3.ty U�e Oaly l 3 . Z— � y• 6V'�iJ To Couaail• Z'��I-� Date aac'd: / �—� 8 • ' : � e Property orned in �oint tenaney �houl.d be slgned by e�ah ovner• 10/88 i t I � ' i