HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.s. Budget Amendments t . CITY QF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 21 , 1993 AGENDA lTEM: AGENDA SECTION: Budget Amendments Consent PREPARED BY: AGENDA �� Jeff May, Finance Direc#or � � � ATTACHMENTS: APP VED Y: f Council Memo, Reso{ution, Donation Worksheets L�G�Cdt This item is on the agenda for Gouncil to formally amend the 1993 General Fund budget by resolution for donation items that Council has previously authorized or are authorizing this evening. Rather than bringing a resolution before the Council each time there is a need to spend money from donations previously received, we have developed procedures that allow us to have you authorize the expenditure and amend the budgets at the time the expenditure is made and then periodically bring to you a resolution that formally amends the budgets for a number of these donation expenditures. The attached memo and donation worksheefis suppart the figures given in the resolution. RECOMMENDED ACTION: - Motion to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN 1993 BUDGET ITEMS for the General Fund as outlined in the attached memo. COUNC{L ACTION: � . i�� o osemoun� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOA FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward 8.McMenomy P.O. Box 510,Aosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Red)Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann � ADMINISTAATOR Stephan Jilk DATE: December 14 , 1993 TO: Mayor McMenomy Council Members Klassen, Staats, Willcox & Wippermann FROM: Jeff May, Finance Di�ector SUBJECT: Budget Amendments This is a request to amend both the revenue and expenditure budgets for the General Fund and to formally approve the expenditures of donations previously received. This memo is to show the line by line detail of the actual changes to be made to the budget, of which the totals are summarized in the Resolution before you. GENERAL FUND DETAIL Detail for Revenues : 101-36230-00-000 (Donations) $24 , 664 . 90 $24 , 664 . 90 Detail for Expenditures : 101-41110-01-439 (Other Miscellaneous Charges} $ 4, 000 . 00 101-42110-01-208 (Miscellaneous Supplies? 2, 752 . 12 101-42210-01-580 (Other Equipment Purchases) 1, 000 . 00 101-43100-01-313 (Temporary Service Fees) 490 . 00 101-45100-01-223 (Building Repair Supplies) 1, 750 . 00 101-45100-01-221 (Equipment Parts) 420 . 00 101-45100-Q1-315 (Special Programs) 4, 892 .78 101-45100-01-530 (Improvements Other than Bldgs) 8, 860 . 00 101-45100-90-219 (Other Operating Supplies) 500_ 00 $24, 664 . 90 �ver���zngs �omtng �UC� �JLosemounl�� � . .,�..�a� ,�a. � . CiTY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKQTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN 1993 BUDGET ITEMS WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the need to amend certain items from the 1993 General Fund Operating Budget, the totals which are as follows: (1) General operating revenues, the total which reflects an increase of $24,664.90; (2) General operating expenditures, the total which reflects an increase of S 24,664.90; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the amendment of the abave listed budget items for the 1993 General Fund Operating Budget. ADOPTED this 21 st day of December, 1993. E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted Against: DONATION REVENII$ WORRSHEET RECEIPfi OF DONATION Donation Received on: 12-15-93 Amount Received: $ 4,000.00 Receipt � for ponation: 35785 - Purpose of Donation: Lockers for Ice Arena Account ; for ponation: 101-22226 (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual Department) E%PEIdDITURE OF DONATION � Amount to be Spent: $ 4,000.00 To be Spent from Acct fi: 101-41110-01-439 (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: Lockers for Ice Arena AMENDMENT OF BIIDGETS _ Amend Donation Revenue A�ct ;101-36230-00-000: $ 4,OOQ.00 Ainend Expenditure Acct n 10i-41110-01-439 $ 4,000.00 (The twa dollar amounts should be the same) GENERAL JOIIRI�IAL ENTRY TO ADJIIST DONATION I�IABILITY � Debit: 101-22226 (Donation Liability �) $ 4,000.00 Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ 4,000.00 Credit: 101-29300 $ 4,000.00 Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on 12-21-93 . � DONATION REVENUE WORlCSHEET R£CEIPT �F DONATION Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ Receipt � for ponation: Purpose of Donation: Account � for ponation: (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual Department) ERPENDITIIRE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ ,�%, �(7 To be Spent from Acct � : j Q/ - L/�l� � l O l - ���� (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: .�� /-�- �. F. � �,��,,.� C��1'vC{ �� � AHENDHENT OF HIIDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct �101-3b230-QO-000: $ ,�/, �� Amend Expenditure Acct # J(�I - N� 11 0-- (; 1 -��' : $ s/ . �l�� (The two dollar amounts should be the same) GENERAL JOIIRNAL ENTRY TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY � Debit: _/n / _ � � _�� � (Donation Liability �) $i,�/• yQ Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ S�_ � Credit: 101-29300 $ S /- ya Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on y—.,2-c�- �.3 DONATION REPENII$ WOR�SHEET � RECEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ � Receipt � for ponation: purpose of Donation: Account � for ponation: (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual Department) EXPENDITIIRE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ 123.00 To be Spent from Acct #: 101-42110-01-208 (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: _ D.A.R.E. ProQram Su�Dlies AHENDKENT OF BIIDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct �101-36230-00-000: $ 123.00 Amend Expenditure Acct �_1�1-42110-(�1-2pg , : $ 123.00 (The two dollar amounts should be the same} GENERAL JOIIRNAL ENTRY TO ADJIIST DONATION LIABILZTY � �5� � � Debit: 101-22221 (Donation Liability �j $ 123.00 Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ 123.00 Credit: 101-29300 $ 123,00 Journai entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per cauncil action on 06-01-93 '� ��'�' �' ; � 4 . ....._ .,.,, , . \nj� ,...�.�...�.. , �� b /� DONATION REVENV$ WOR�SHEET RECSIPT OF DONATIi7N Donation Received ont Amount Received: S - Receipt # for ponation: _ Purpose of Donation: _____ Account � for ponation: (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual Department) EXPENDITORE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ � d� y.� �O To be Spent from Acct � : f Q(- y'�- l 1 0 - O /- ."� ��' (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: � SS� T�-4�r�c �R DA+Q, _ A2iEND?iENT OF BIIDGETS . Amend Donation Revenue Acct #102-36230-00-000: $ /a y$� D O Amend Expenditure Acct � fOl - �{oZ110- 0/- ��8 : S ��-`'�S-• DO (The two dollar amounts should be the same) GENERAL JOORNAL ENTRY TO ADJOST DONATION LIABILITY # Debit: /OI - �� �.a 1 (Donation Liability �) $ !,2 '�/r'. OD Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ t 2�5- Oa Credit: 101-29300 $ l�N�� o� � Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on //- !G - 9 3 DONATI02i RBVLNt?g 1rORR8HEET , RECSIFT 0! DONATION Donation Received on: Ataount Received: $ Receipt � for ponation: Purpose cf Donation: � Account # for ponation: (Must be Liability # assiqned for each ind vidual Department) E]CPENDITQRB OF DON!►TION � Amount to ba Spent: $ 420.52 To be Spent trom Acct # s 101-42110-01-208 (Must be Expenditure # corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of�Expenditure: D,A.R.E. Progra�n Su�plies 7r►I�fENDKENT OF BIIDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct �I01-36230-00-000: $ 420.52 Amend Expenditure Acct � 101-42110-0Z-208 ; $ 420.52 (The two dollar amounts should be the same) GENERAL JOIIRNAL ENTRY TO l�D.7UST DONATION LIABILITY # Debit: 101-22221 (Donation Liability �) $ 420.52 � C]Cedit: 101-36230-00-Ofl0 $ 420.52 Credit: ,l01-29300 $ 420.52 Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and irrcrease donation revenue to actual ger council action on12--07-93 � . .�-- DON71TIt�N RE9E2tOs 110RlCS8�ET 3tECEIFT Op DON7ITION Donation Received on: �mvunt Received: S Receipt � for ponation: Purpose of Donation: Account # for ponation: (Must be Liability # assigned for each nd v dual Department) E7Cp�NDITVRE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent; $ � �� o�. � To be Spent f rom Acct � : - o� 1/ - O I � c�0 8 (Must be Ex penditure � cflrrespond ng to nd v dt»1 Uep�rtment). Purpose of�Expenditure: � A- �� � I � G-/�-�^^ S�nn���-1 AHENDHENT OF BIIDaETB �• Amend Donativn Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: $ 3 /a. a o Amend Expenditure Acct # /0/-�/o�1 l D-0 !-o2O� ; $ 3 l a • v°�-� (The two dollar amounts should be the same) GENERAL JOIIRNTL ENTRY TO ADJt78T DQNATION LIABZLITY � Debit: /�/- d�- 02�0`� � (Donation Liability #) S 3102 • ol-a Credit: 101-36230-00-000 s 3�a. �o creait: ioi-2�3o0 $ 3� '�p Journal entry to rec3uce deferred dvnation revenue and increase dvnation revenue to actual pe= council action on /o� 'a �- 93 _. ° , � ._�_ DON�TION REVENt18 11'ORICSHEET AECEIp'i' OF DONJITION Dvnation Received on: Amaunt Received: $ Receipt # for ponation: Purpose of Donation: Account # for ponation: (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual bepartment) ExPENDITORg OF DONATI02i l�mount to be Spent: $ 600.00 To be Spent from Acct # : 101-42110-01-208 (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Dep�rtment) Furpose of+Expenditure: Ballistic vest for 0 fi Win rs . AHEND2iENT OF BQDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct �101-36230-00-000: $ 600.00 Amend Expenditure Acct # 101-42110-01-208 ; $ 600.00 (The two dollar amounts should be the samej . GENERAL JOURNAL ENTAY TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY # _. . • � Debits 101-22222 (Donation Liability #) S 60�•00 Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ 6�•� Credit: 101-2930Q . $ 6�.� Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on 12-07-93 . i � !" DONATION REVENUE WORKSHEET . Rl3CEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ 1 ,000.00 Receipt ; for ponation: � Purpose of Donation: Automatic External Defibrillator Account � for ponation: 101-22220 (Must be Liability fi assigr�ed for each individual Department) EZPEZIDITIIRE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ 1 ,000.00 To be Spent from Acct �;: 101 -�221 �-01-SR� (Must be Expenditure n corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: Automatic External Defibrillator A2�.ENDMENT OF BIIDGETS . Amend Donation Revenue Acct ;101-36230-00-000: $ 1 .000.00 Amend Expenditure Acct r1Q1-42210-01-580 $_1_,000-.40 � (The two do2lar amounts should be the same) �-3 6� . GENERAL JOIIRIIAL E21'TRY TO ADJIIST DONATION LIABILZTY � Debit: 101-22220 (Donation Liability �) $ 1 ,000.00 Credit: 141-36230-00-000 $_1 �000.00 Credit: 101-29300 $ 1 ,000.00 Journal entry to reduce deferred donation =evenue and increase donation revenue to actuai per council actian on 07-06-93 `�5 ����1/ � � � _______ __ . �-,_.� � DONATIOIJ REVENUB WORRSHEET RECEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ Receipt � for ponation: � Purpose of Donation: � Account � for ponation: (Must be Liability A assigned for each individual Department) E%PENDITIIRE OF DONATION Amount t� be Spent: $ �qo.oa To be Spent from ACct fi: 101-43100-01-3I3 (Temproary Services) (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Expenditure: Sweeping of Parking Lot - City Hall (Leprehchaun Days) AMENDMENT OF BUDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct �101-36230-00-000: $ 490.00 Amend Expenditure Acct � 101-43I00-01-313 $ 490.00 (The two dollar amounts should be the same) GENERAL JOIIRNAI� EIriTRY TO ADJIIST DONATION LIABILITY # Debit: 101-22223 � 49a.00 � (Donation Liability ,�) $ Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ 490.00 Credit: 101-29300 $ 490.00 Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on ' �/� DONATI�H FEVENIIS WORl�SBEET ' RECEI�''I' OF D�NATIDbi . � . Donation Recaived on: � "' a � :� 3 Amount Received: $ 2,250.00 • . . i Receipt � for ponation: � 3 3�a, . � Pt2=pos8 of Donation: Japcee Park: Cleat�in� supolies SS00; $1,350 - 3 tables • and 30 chairs; $500 - citizeas/projects — Accaunt $ for ponation: � 101-22223 (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual Department) EZPENDITDRE OF DO�TION ' Amount to be Spent: $ 1 ,750.QO - � To be Spent grom Acct a: �10i-45100-01-223.3 � (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Depa��t) Pu_T'�ose ef E�e.*�diture: $1,350.00 - 3 tables and 30 chairs $ 400.00 - cleaning �upplies and equipment AI�'...rNDM�IT OF BUDGETS .. Amend Donation Revenue Acct a101-36230-o0-000: ' $ 1 ,750.00 Amend Exgenditure Acct � 101-45100-a1-223.3 $ 1 ,750.00 - ' (The 'two dollar amounts should be the same) Ra.���,� ha��c�. �5��.o� GENERA,L JOIIRNAL ENTRY TO ADJUST DONATI�N LIABII�S y � �t.�� Debit: �n�_,�o�� (Dcnation Liability �) $ Z ��a�� � . r Credit: 101-36230-00-000 . $ 1,750.00 Credit: 101-29300 $ 1,750.00 , Journal entry to reduce deferred donation.revenue and i,ncrease donation revenue to actual per council action on �'"� �'j � .� n ���,.s, � ��/;: v o��,���; ,,� v� D02zATION REPENII$ WORRSHEET � RECEIPT OF DOKAT202t Donation Received on: Amount� Received: $ �a o °° Receipt Q for ponatian: - Pu_.T-pose of Donation: Account z for ponation: /U�- �a aa 3. � (Must be Liability a assigned for each individuzl Depar`�.ment) EXPE2�'DITURF OF D02tATION ' .� �O • Amount to be Spent: $ �p -- To be Spent froa Acct �: � p l- �S"�00 -0�- a a I (Must be Ex�enditure � cor_-esponding to individual De�zri�.men�) , � Purt�ase o� �xpendi�tLe: �� A 'D2�2�T OF BIIDGETS ,.. . —- -- 4 0 _ A.mend Dona�ion Revenue Acc� y101-36230-00-000: $y� Q � Amend Ex�enditure Acct z �o f - �{�"roo -ol—�a 1 : $ ��a °° ' (The two dollar amaunts should be the sa.me) GENERAL JOIIR�IAL E2�'rRY TO ADSIIST DONATI02i L=ABII,ITY # � $ Q 00 Debit: _�(� ( -- �a �a3,� (Donation Liabl.lity a) � Credit: 101-36230-00-000 . $�o Od Credit: 101-293fl0 $ �aQ o0 , Journal entry to reduce deferred donation .=evenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on /a 1 3 • ,� ----`r .----.. _... _.-- _ - --- . .... . . � . .�„�- P 1 � !-- D02�IATION ��E4ENU8 WORXS$EET .--- . r'� : . . • REL'ESPT'OF DOI4ATSQN • Donation Received vn: (�2e_,2•�.,�,- �. , ��Q� Amount Re��ived: $ � Receipt � for ponation: �-� � � ���' Purpose of Dvnation: � � � �� _Q� _{�'� T�-�N� Accaunt � for ponation; � v (Must be Liabilit ��l �'�`��3 `'`��``�'���� Y � assigned for each individual Department) E�PENDI�URE OF DONATSON ' . � • Amount to be Spent: $ o`��;(a ,�j • � To be Spent from Acct �: �al-Cj�p¢.�1 _ 3l�'."� (Must be Expenditure � carresponding to individual Department) Purpose of Exx�enditure: ��1� �S,z-*,��,,� k�.�,.�,2r� ���n�c�� � .. . � �ND�ZIT OF SIIDGETS , _ Amend Donation Revenue Acrt a101-36230-40-000: $ a� �ta, �lp Amend Expenditure Acct 4�1-�{Sl CO-01 - 3}s'.� $_ �'�a,� ' (The t-,�o dollar amounts should be the same) � GENERAL JOIIRNAL E2+TTRY Tt? ADJUST DONATIDN I+IA82IaI�Y # ��`/'J� Debit: _ �b�- aa.�'3 y (Donation Liability �) $_o�r�1=$'ta . Credit: 10i-36230-00-000 $ ar � �_ Creditr � 201-293�0 $ 2 a. Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donatian revenue to actual per council action on_ �'j-��-�� . '--,-�� , . ���' „ � c J� � ��? � ��. �� �_� _ � _---� DONATION REVENII$ WOZK&HEET RECEIPT OF D02zATION Donation Received on: �(�' . � �q�� Amount Received: � � `Z 7�q.�`�- Receipt � for ponation: � Purpose of Donatian: 1�9� �o�moUnf� ����c�l Lv��,�ds Pr7�ra.�-� Account � for ponation: ��� - ��2�� (Must be Liability Q assigned for each individual Department) EZPEHDITUR? OF DONA�ION � Amount to be Spent: $ Z,���,�Z- To be spent from Acct �: (01- ��16U� �!- 3�5.3 (Must be Exnendi�tzre � corresponding to individual Depar`-�en�) Pu�ose of Ex�enditure: /�i3 Rv�o�n-� N��e�l �vo�5 A.�2r'D2�NT OF BUDGETS _ � _ 7 .,. - . Amend Donation Revenue Acct ,�101-36230-00-000: $ 2� 7 /- -1�' � ` �end Expenaiture Acct � /D�-�SIOv -l�l - t315. 3 : S 2���9. 92 � (The two doll�r amaun�s should be the same) GENERAL JOIIRNAL EHTRY TO ADJUST DONATION LIABILITY # - ti Debit: jD/.-aa�3•�-I (Donation Liability v) $ 2j���• 9Z Credit: 101-36230-00-000 . $ 2 � �J. 2- cr�ait: zoz-29300 $ 21�7�•92 . Journal entry to reduce deferred donation.revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on 1�• 7 )�. , ��. . DONATION REYENUE WORKSi�ET RECEIPT OF D02TATI021 Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ Receipt � for ponation: • Purpose of Donation: � ' Account � for ponation: 101-22223 (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual Department) EZPENDITIIRE OF DONATION � Amount to be Spent: $ 8,860.00 To be Spent from Acct 4': I01-45100-01-530 (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Depaz-�-�.ment) ��-pose of Exnenditure: Leprechaun Days Activities �rr��rrr oF B�ETs . Amend Donatian Revenue Acct ;101-36230-00-000: $ 8,860.00 Amend Expenditure Acct � I01-45100-01-53� $ 8,860.00 (The two dollar amounts should be the same) �,j�`! GENER.AI, .JpURNAL ENTRY TO, �,DJIIST DOHATION LIABILITY # Debit: 101-22223 (Donation Liability �) $ $�860,00 Credit: 103-36230-00-000 � $,860.00 Credit: ZO1-293.00 $ 8,860.00 Journal entry to reduce deferred danatian revenue and increase donation revenue to actuaZ per council action on 7-20-93 05� � �� ��`��a3 � • ,,�.,,�.a D02�ATIOH REYENU$ WORKSHEET � RECEIPT OF DONA�ION �onation Received on: 4'2Z'93 Amount� Received: $ 500 . 00 Receipt p for ponation: �33321 • Pu_'�"pose of Donation: ..1C T=shirts for 'the Rnn fvr the Gold / Fun Run Accaunt p fo= Donation: �101-22223 (Must be Liability A assigned for each individual Departme.*�t) EXPENDITURE OF DON�+.TION ' Amount to be Spent: $ 500 . 00 To be Spent from Acct =: l J L :-d�,$/Co - q�,� - a tq (2�ust be Expenditure A cor_-esponding to individual Depa�-�..ment) Jau c�. Pu�ose vf Expendit�e: Purchase of Fun Run shirts A.'r.'Iti'D2�2I�' OF BIIDGETS •-- - .. Amend Donation Revenue Acct 710I-36230-00-000: $ 5Q0 . 00 - A�nend Expenditure Acct A 101 -45100-90 . 1-2i9 $ 500 . 00 ' (The twa doZlar amot:nts should be the same) GENERAL JOII�L EHTRY TO AaTIIST DOHATIOH L2ABII.IT # '�3�f ; Debit: �d�- a 3�a'� (Donation Liability g) $ 500 . 00 Credit: 101-36230-00-000 , $ 500 .00 Credit: I01-29300 $ 500 . 00 , Journal entry to reduce deferred donation.revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on 5-18-93 � , .�� ,a�, �� � � �� ��'•.�`�`�c