HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.m. Community Center Concession Agreements CITY OF ROSEMOUNT , EXECUTIVE SLTi�+iNlARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 21, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Community Center Concession AGENDA SECTION: Agreements Consent PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Community AGENDA NO. Center Manager ATTACHI�iENTS: Concession Agreements AP OVED Y: The Rosemount Community Center is entering a cooperative agreement with two local booster organizations, Rosemount Youth Hockey Boostezs and the Blue Line Club. These organizations serve RAHA and Rosemount High School . They are invited to participate in the concession operations of the Community Center as volunteers, thus lowering the City' s staffing costs . These organization would be compensated a percentage of the net profits in return for supplying volunteers . The Cammunity Center will supply one staff each time the organizations participate, insuring proper cash handling and care of equipment . The difference in net profit (as expressed in terrns of percentage of net profit) of the Center operating concessions on its own as opposed to inviting participation from the boosters ranges from 7o to 16o for high school hockey games and 15o to 34a for R.A,H.A. tournaments . This information suggests that the there should be a different percentage assigned to the Blue Line Club than that of the R.A.H.A. Boosters . It is the recommendation of the Community Center Commission to give the booster clubs as high of a percentage of the net profits as possible without �x��._{.�.-�.ng the cost to operate concessions on our own. The Commission r�c�mmends to give R.AF3A boosters 35o and Blue Line Club 150 . Th� City Attorney has reviewed the attached agreements as with both booster c�ubs . RECO2�Il�iENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the attached Concession Agree- ments outlining concession operations for the Blue Line Club and Rose- mount Youth Hockey Boosters . COUNCIL ACTION: ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY CENTER CONCESSIONS CONTRACT AGREF.N�l\TT made this 21 st day of December, 1993, by and between the City of Rosemount ("City") and Blue Line Club ("Participant"). WITI\TESSETH: The following terms and conditions constitute an agreement between the City and the Participant to participate in concession operations at the Rosemount Community Center located at 13885 South Robert Traii, Rosemount Minnesota, for the period commencing December 27, 1993 and ending March 18, 1994, to wit: 1. The Participant agrees to supply a predetermined number of volunteers to assist with the preparation and selling of concession items during events determined by the City. The Participant agrees not to utilize volunteers under the age of sixteen. - 2. The City will compensate the Participant 15% of the net profits for volunteer assistance, payable by April 6, 1994. 3. The City will invite the Participant to exclusively participate in concession operations during events onlv which are directly related to the Participant. 4. The City will provide direct staff supervision of the concession facility, order & inventory food, open the facility, and direct proper cleaning and closina. 5. The Participant will abide by all Rosemount Community Center operating procedures including proper handling of cash, opening and closing procedures, and safe handling of food as directed by the local health agency. 6. The City will provide training for approximately ten key Participant volunteers who then be assigned by the Participant as lead volunteers. 7. The Participant will schedule at least one Lead Volunteer to each scheduled event who in turn will be responsible to coordinate other attending volunteers. The Lead Volunteer will report to the concession facility no later than one half hour before the time the concessions facility is scheduled to serve cus�omers, and remain until one half hour past closing. -- 8. The Participant agrees not to solicit the sale of any other items not usually sold at the concession facility. 9. The Participant will provide liability insurance in the amount of $500,000.00 naming the City as additional insured. 10. The Participant shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, all its officers, agents, and employees, of and from any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of actions of whatsoever nature of character arising out of or by any reason of the services and obligations provided for herein and further agrees to defend at its sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any clain�s of whatsoever character arise hereunder. Il\T WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and Participant have hereunto affixed their signatures this _ day of , 19 Community Center Manager Organization By: City Administrator � - ROSEMOUNT COMMUIVITY CENTER CONCESSIONS CONTRACT AGREF�NT made this 21 st day of December, 1993, by and between the City of Rosemount ("City") and Rosemount Youth Hockey Boosters, affiliated with R�semount Area Hockey Association ("Participant"). WITNESSETfi: The following terms and conditions constitute an agreement between the City and the Participant to participate in concession operations at the Rosemount Community Center located at 13885 South Robert Trail, Rosemount Minnesota, for the period commencing December 27, 1993 and ending March 18, 1994, to wit: l. The Participant agrees to supply a predetermined number of volunteers to assist with the preparation and selling of concession items during events determined by the City. The Participant agrees not to utilize volunteers under the age of sixteen. 2. The City will compensate the Participant 35% af the net profits for volunteer assistance, payable within thirty days after each tournament. 3. The City will invite the Participant to exclusively participate in concession operations during events onlv which are directly related to the Participant. 4. The City will provide direct staff supervision of the concession facility, order & inventory food, �;pen the facility, and direct proper cleaning and closing. 5. The Participant will abide by all Rosemount Community Center operating procedures including proper handling of cash, apening and closing procedures, and safe handling of food as directed by the local health agency. - 6. The City will provide training for approximately ten key Participant volunteers who then be assigned by the Participant as Iead volunteers. 7. The Participant will schedule at least one Lead Volunteer to each scheduled event who in turn will be responsible to coordinate other attending volunteers. The Lead Volunteer will report to the concession facility no later than one half hour before the time the concessions facility is scheduled to serve customers, and remain until one half hour past closing. 8. The Participant agrees not to solicit the sale of any other items not usually sold at the concession facility. 9. Tlle Participant will provide liability insurance in the amount of $500,000.00 naming the City as additional insured. 10. The Participant shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, all its officers, agents, and employees, of and from any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of actions of whatsoever nature of character arising out of or by any reason of the services and obligations provided for herein and further agrees to defend at its sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claims of whatsoever character arise hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and Participant have hereunto affixed their signatures this _ day of , 19 Community Center Manager Organization By; City Administrator