HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.l. Community Center Agreement with Coca-Cola c� E � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECU7CIVE SUI�tARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 21, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Community Center Agreement AGENDA SECTION: with Coca-Cola Consent PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Community AGENDA NO. Center Manager ,�� ATTACHI�.ENTS: Agreement with Coca-Cola, AP ' VFD BY: � Agreement with Pepsi �',�.Gl� After numerous meetings with vendors, Coca-Cola has presented the most lucrative proposal for beverage vending in the Community Center. In exchange for exclusively offering Coca-Cola beverages in vending machines and concessions at the Center, Midwest Coca-Cola Bottling Company will : 1) Pay $6 .20 commission per case of beverages sold in vending machines, fully vended by Coca-Cola (for $ . 65 vend price) . Pepsi offers only $3 . 60 per case at the same vend price. 2) Furnish all dispensing equipment free of charge (two concession dispensers and six can dispensers) . 3) Furnish menu boards, and two stadium clocks, free of charge . 4) Furnish two portable wet bars (for banquet room) , free of charge. 5} Pay $2 , 000 per year for five years to help defray Community Center costs . Pepsi offers only $1, 500 per year. 6j Provide $500 of Coca-Cola product and custom banner for the Grand opening, free of charge. _ The City Attorney has reviewed Coca-Cola' s proposal . I recommend Midwest Coca-Cola Bottling Company for vending services based upon their exceptional proposal . RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the Midwest Coca-Cola Bottling Company' s proposal for beverage vending in the Community Center. CODNCIL ACTION: , , � Proposal For CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �Ol�l��IUNI7:�Y CENTER December 10, �.993 , , �Agreement for the exclusive beverage business at: ROSEMOUNT COMM�CJNI7:'Y' CENTER The terms of this agreement would be for five {5} years from acceptance date of this agreement. Agreement for I�osemount Community Center Page 2 13ecember 10, 1993 EQUIPMENT: Midwest Coca-Cola Bottling will furnish all dispensing equipment needed on a loan basis. Equipment to include can vending, pre-mix and post-rnix dispensers. All maintenance seivice and installation of Coea-Cola equipment will be provided at no cost to the Rosemount Community Center. PRODUCTS: Tlus agreement includes Coca-Cola soft drinks, ��endota Springs Mineral Waters, Minute Maid Juices, Nestea Ice Tea, post-mix, pre-mix, trademark cups, CO2 and trademark eaposure. We guarantee our products to be competitively priced��ithin our industiy. See attached for current product pricing. FULL SERVICE PROGRAM: Midwest Coca-Cola �;�ill furnish and maintain all beverage vending machines. The vending machines «�ill be regularly sen�ieed by a uniformed Coea-Cola full s�n�iee employee. .All product sales are computer tracked ��ith Midwest Coca- Cola responsible for all refunds. There «�ould be a com�nission paid on each ease sold through the vending maclunes on a montlily basis. The commission paid per case would depend on the vend priee per ean Commission rates are as follows: Per Can Vend Priee Commission Per Case $ .50 $2.90 � .55 4.00 .60 5.10 .6� 6.20 .70 7.30 .75 8.40 (paid on soft drinks and mineral water) Agreement foi• Rosemount Coinmunity Center Page 3 December 10, 1993 Per Can ��end Price Commission Per Case � .65 $3.60 .70 4.80 .75 6.00 .80 720 .8j 8.40 (commissions paid on juices) PROMOTIONAL SUPPORT: lvlidwest Coca-Cola will provide point-of-sale support materials such as menu boards and consumer communication pieees, plus assist v��th future development of other promotional ideas to increase future vending and concession revenues. MARKET SUPPORT: Midwest Coca-Cola Bottling_will issue the City of Rosemount Community Center a check for �2,000.00 per year for the length of the agreement (five years from acceptance of contract) for the commitment to seive Coca-Cola products exelusively. Midwest Coea-Cola Bottling looks forward to our association t��ith the City of Rosemount Community Center. , � i Darryl Robert keith Oldre Sales Representative District Manager Cold Drink Division Cold Drink Division Date of Acceptance Edward B. McMenomy�, Mayor Ron`��asmund City of Rosemount City of Rosemount Administrator Pat Corcoran, Sales �-lanager i��id���est Coca-Cola Bottling Co. ' " ` DEC E 'S3 1���4 FROM PEPSI-�U�NSUILLE MU TO 94235203 PRGE.�b9i��y PEPS!-COLq CpMPANY � � 1300£AST C�1F�RO.o.Q, BURNSVILLE.MINN£SOTA 5533;•�512}$gp.ggrtp d�cembe� 3, 1993 Rosemount National Guard Armory 8�, Community Center Rosemount, MN This letter sets forth the 5-year agreement (agreement} for the period December '1993 through December 1998 (the term} between Pepsi-Coi� Company ("Pepsi- Cola"} and Rosemounf National Guard and Armory and Gornmunity Center (the "Customer") relating to the purchase by the Customer from Pepsi-Co(a of pepSi_ Cola of Pepsi-Co(� Premix Products (th� Premix Products") to be sold in the customers outlet, and the �urchased of can products to be consumed c�n premise. Year 1 �4r�vance Promptly after the execu#ion of the agreement, Pepsi-Cflla w;!! advance to the Cusiorr�er Support �"unds ("the Supparf Funds") in t�e totai amounf of$'1,5Q0.00_ Prornptly foltowing the end of the first year the Support Funds will be $'E,500.00 per year. Full S�rvi�e Vending Pepsi-Cofa wilt provide Fufl Service Vending fo the Customer, for the 5-year#erm of the Contract, this inclUdes a!! equiprnent maintenance at no charge. Th� Customer shalf be paid commission at a rate of$.Z 5 per can or $3.60 per case every 4 weeks. Custome�agrees to Pepsi-Cola Fu(1 Service Vending far the full term of contract, Vending machine rate wi11 be set at $.65. Customer agrees to fet Pepsi-Coia futly merchandise the facility in an effc�rt to develop a profitab(e partnership_ Customer agrees Pepsi-Col� wil! be exclusive nan-alcQholic beverage provider. Pepsi-Cola Representative Manager �� TJTAL PF�G=.E��'=' �:�