HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.g. Donation Account Expenditure - Baseball Program P . CITY pF ROSEMOONT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 21, 1993 AGENDA ITF�+i: pONATIOtJ ACCOUNT EXPEfJDITUFE AGENDA SECTION: CO��ISENT PREPARED BY: AGENDA N0. D�VID J . EECHTOLD / DIR . P & •R ATTACffi�iENTS: DGNATION REVENUE WORf:SHEETS �� � Y' � According to the �aonation policy , Council must approve expenditures from the dc�nation account . Please consider the transfer of � 420 .00 towaY-ds the purcl��as� of a baseline ballfield drag . It will be used to drag ball-r"ielus ��itt�� arass infields fior games . A donation of � 420 .G0 was received from tl-�e RAAA 8aseball program to a_ssist with ball field upgrades . Tl-�eir representative has agreed that this would be a great use ot those tunds . The total cost of the drag is � 105E� .48 . It is the h�pe of the ycuth baseball program to w�rk towards reimbu.rsing the Parks Department tor - the remaining � 636 .48 in the coming season . 1"he b�iance �r tf-�� pu�Cf'ia5� i, � 63r� .�+8 ) will come from account h iG� - 4�1 ��r; - �;i - �>1 . This �ruject is c�ne ��>� t;-,: A�OrI, -Y- PUrk prc�j2cts . . RECOI�Il�SENDED ACTI�N: Motion to approve the expenditure of � 420 .00 to assist in the purchase of a baseline draa and to approve the amendments to th budgets as gi�en on the attached donation revenue worksheet . COIINCIL ACTION: DOHATION REVENUS WORRSHEET � RECEIPT OF D02ZATION Donation Received on: O� Amount� Received: $ �� Q �+ Receipt ; for ponation: ' __ Pvrpose of Donation: Account i for ponation: ���-- � aaa 3. � (Must be Liability i assigned for each indzvidual Department) EXPE2�DITIIRE OF D02�TION C)� Amount to be Spent: $ ��0 �" To be Spent from Acct T: � 0/` �5��40 -Of" a a 1 (Must be E�cpenditure � corresponding to individual Depar`�.ment) Purpose of Expenditure: � � �,�'��� � A..'� ?:E2dT OF BUDGETS ... . ' . /! 00 ' . Amend Donation Revenue Acc� F101-36230-00-000: $� ,�� � yxp /0 ( - �{.S'/00 -Ol—�2I : $ �f�D °o Amend enditure Acct T ' (The two dollar amounts should be the same) -GEZIERAL JOURNAL E21'�RY .TO AI�7IIST DOHATI02i I�=ABILITY # 00 Debit: /(� f -- ��a�3, ( (Donation Liability �) $ ' cx3 Credit: 101-36230-00-000 . $�_ Credit: 101-29300 $-�'��� `� , Journa3 entry to reduce deferred donation.revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on �a ! �