HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Tom Thumb Center Rezoning Petition o ► CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTIt)N CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: TOM THUMB CENTER REZONYNG A�ENDA SECTZON: PETITION (14537 DODD BLVD) PUBLIC HEARING PREPARED BY: RICHARD PEA�RSON, t, AGENDA I��rp A � � ASSISTANT PLAIVNER O`� ���Z.� ! CIVI ATTACFIlKENTS: P.C. REVIEWS, MINUTES, MAILING APP VED BY: LIST, APPLICATION, PtTBLIC HEARING NOTICE, MAP � � � � ✓ - On March 23 , 1993 the Planning Commission reviewed Mr. Markos� Chouliaris ' pe�ition to rezone the strip center praperty at 1453'T Dodd Boulevard from Convenience Commercial (C-l} to Community Commercial (C-2) . The �etitioner requested the rezoning to give himself maximum flexibility for future expansion. At this time however, no immediate plans for expansion exist, and it may be four or five years before Mr. Chotaliaris int�nds to expand or remodel . Rezoning the property would give the owner the right to expand the buildin.g tc� any property line and eliminate any currentZy non-conforming status of uses in the Center. Ordinance standards far narmal setbacks, parking and lot coverage would no longer apply, The Community Commercial District (C-2) is the classification of the Central Business District (CDB) or Traditional "downtawn" . The CBD was built before any zoning controls were implemented. The Convenience Commercia� district as it relates to the "Strip Center" has a different character because there are setbacks . After considerable discussion, the Planning Commissi.on recommended der�ial oz the rezoning petition because Convenience Commercial is the most appropriate zoning classiiication for the property. RECOMMENDED ACTIUN: A motion to deny the petition to rezone the "Tom Thumb Center° from C-1, Convenience Commercial to C-2 , Community Commercial . COUNCIL ACTION• j� 7 . . . . � . � .. D a � _ �� ; Planning Commission REGU�,�x NiEE�tG ��s - M�xCx 23, 1993 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, March 23, 1993 at 5:00 p.m. Chairperson Busho called the meeting to order with members McDermott, Baago, and Ingram present. Also present was Director of Plannina Lisa Freese and Assistant Planner Rick Pearson. MOTION by Baago to approve the Mazch 9, 1993 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. Second by McDermott. Ayes: McDerrnott, Busho, Baa�o, Ingram. Nays: 0. Director of Planning Freese provided a brief summary of recent Ciry Council actions and considerations regarding the following: 1) zoning issues surroundina paint ball permiu; 2) defeat of the 145th Street VJest Reconstruction Project due to lack of a 4/5 ��ote required for approval; 3) Downtown Scoping Committee�update; 4) Council consideration of permittin� the stockpiling of materials and topsoil on the Otto Ped properry and directed that Planning staff develop appropriate Nlining Pennit Condirions reaulating stockpilin�; 5) a special electiori has been scheduled for May 4, 1993 to consider a referendum as to whether the Ciry should construct a new fire station and purchase a new aerial platform truck. . Ke��in Canoll, Vice President of SOAR (Stop Our Airport Relocation), gave a presentation an the various airport :elocation activities and SOAR.'s commitment to the manitorin� of the airport relocation planning process. Nir. Carroll provided a brief history of ori?inal le�islation that established the airport relocation study. He also discussed current bilis introduced into leQislation and the present status of those bills. The Plannin� Commissioners shared r1r. Casroll's concern for lack of Rosemount citizen participation and attendance at the various airport relocation meetinQs and concurred that the Commission should ta�:e on a more active role to encoura;e and promote a hi�her level of Rosemount resident participation at the public meetinas. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that the Ciry has received a petition to rezone the Tom Thcunb Center, a commercial center situated between Dodd Boulevard and 145th Street, immediately west of the SuperAmerica Station. Mr. Markos Chouliaris, property ov�mer and proprietor of TOPS Pizza, is requesting a rezoning of the "center" from G1 Convenience Commercial to C-2 Community Commercial: The C-2 zoning would render the restaurant a permitted use and, thus, ' "would permit expansiori of the restaurant use v��ithin the existinb building and r��ould etiminate the �. agproxirnate fifteen foot side yard setback structure encroachment which currently exists. The restaurant, beauty shop, and laundromat are not listed as permitted uses in the C-1 district and are considered nonconforming uses, Also the C-2 district would exempt lot covera�e, setbacks, and parking requirements which are significant issues surrounding the present building: Plannin� staff advised that the "Tom Thumb Center" has several nonconforming issues relative to parking, setbacks, lot coverage, and uses. A rezoning to C-2 would not resolve any of the existing or potential conflicts. A rezoning could result in an legitimized intensification of the site that could result in severe parking deficiencies, increased storm water run-off, and increased traffic gener�tion. � Planning staff discussed the followin; alternatives: 1) a zoning ordinance text amendrnent that would permit additional uses on a limited basis in the G1 District; 2) a variance request to permit 1 .+.s f s expansion of the structure within the setback area that.could be conditioned on site improvements resulting in a higher level of conformance with established standards; or 3) consideration of a planned unit development (PUD) which would set up criteria unique to this site, These performance `• . 'standards would be based upon Planning Commission's determination as to whether this site could accommodate expansion. Specific conditions of the PUD could address site enhancement, improved , `sform water management, improved on-site traffic circulation, and other regulations that wauld benefit the property owner as well as the comrnunity. The Commissioners generally aareed that they would prefer the owner pursue a planned unit deveiopment rather than the rezoning. 11'IOTION by Busho to recommend to Ciry Council denial of the petition to rezone the propeny located at 14537 Dodd Boulevard from Convenience Commercial (G1) to Community Commercial (G2). Second by Baago. Ayes: Busho, Baago, Ingram, McDermott. Nays: Q. A-10TION by Busho to recommend that Ciry Council scherlule a public hearin� for Tuesda}�, Aprii 20, 1993 to hear public testimony on the rezoning petition to rezone property located at 14537 Dodd - Boulevard from Convenience Commercial {C-1) to Communiry Commercial (C-2} as requested by ow�ner Mr. Markos Chouliaris. Second by Ingram. Ayes: Baaao, Inaram, McDermott, Busho. r'ays: 0. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson reminded the Plannin� Commission that they had approval of the Shannon Pond Preliminary Plat and Planne� Unit Development (PUD) at their March 9th re�ular meetin�. The Commission further recommended that a public hearin' be scheduled by the Ciry - Council to hear testimony on the Shannon Pond preliminary plat and PUD. Since a rezoning of the subject property from Agriculture (AG) to Single Family Residential (R-1) is a condition of app:oval for both the preliminary plat and PUD, plannin' staff would like�to include the rezoning pecition as part of this public hearin�. The request is in conformance with the Comprehensive Guide Pt�n and therefore supporu the rezonin� as petitioned by Hampton Development Corporation. r�OTION by Busho to recommend to Ciry Council approval of the rezoning of the Shannon Pond - PUD from Agriculture (AG) to Single Famity Residential (R-1) and to recommend further that Council schedule a public hearing on April 20, 1993 for consideration of the rezqnin� alon�with the PUD and preliminary p1at; and, further, that the draft PUD Agreement be reviewed by the developer, Ciry staff, and other appropriate Ciry committees for their input and brin� this document back before the Planning Commission for comment and formal recommendation prior to eaecution of the document. Second by McDermott. Ayes: In�ram, McDermott, Busho, Baajo. Nays: 0. Director of Planning Freese advised tttat Council has anthorized staff to retain Barr Engineerin� to ' -- - pro�+ide-technical review of the-petition from USPCI to amend the Zonina Ordinance text to allow _. -. the acceptance of coal ash at the Miru�esota Industrial Containment Faciliry (MIC�. USPCI would li�:e to accept non-hazardous ash from the combustion of coal, while retaining the prohibition of municipal solid waste incinerator ash. Ms. Freese provided a summary of the tas}s anticipated by Barr Engineering for evaluation of the USPCI request and reviewed a proposed schedule for review of the text amendment petition. A4r. Don Chapdelaine was present in the audience and re-issued his invitation for the Commissioners to tour USPCPs facility. The Commission expressed an interest in scheduling a tour and agreed to check their schedules and discuss a convenient date and time for a USPCI tour. No further action was taken at this time. 2 C r � . D . �� � � Pianning �onnmission REGUi,AR MEET'Il�'G MIIw'UTES - MARCx 23, 1993 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular A�eetina of the PtanninJ Commission was dul}� held on Tuesday, March 23, 1993 at 5:�0 p.m. Chairperson Busho called the meetin' ta order �•i members McDermott, Baago, and Inaram present. Also present w�as Director of Plannin� Lisa � Freese and Assistant Planner Rick Pearson. � � h20TI0?�' by Baa�o to approve the Mareh 9, 1993 Regular Meetin� Minutes as presented. Secor by r�cDermott. A}�es: r2cDe:mott, Busho, Baaao, Ingram. Nati�s: Q. Director of Planning Freese provided a brief summary of recent Ciry Council actions and considerations reaardin; the following: 1) zonin� issues surroundin� paint ball permits; 2) de;ez; of the 14�th Street Vt'est Reconstruction Project due to lac}: of a 4/� ��ote required for approi•al, : Downtov�m Scopin� Cammittee update; 4} Council consideration of permittin� the stoci��pilinQ oi materials and topsoil on the Otto Ped property and directed that Plannin� staff de��elop appropriat: Mining Pennit Condirions re�ulatin� stock�pilin�; �) a specia] election has been scheduled for I��iz: 4, i99� to consider a referendum as to whether the Cit}� should construct a ne«� fire statian znd i purchase a neu� aerial platiorm truek. � i � � � � � i J Kevin Carroll, Vice President of SOAR (Stop Our Airport Relocation), �ave a presentation on th: ; various airport ,-elocation activities and SOAR's commitment to the manitorin' of the airpan relocation plannina process. Ivir. Carroll provided a brief histor�r of oriQinal le�islation that established the airpor relocation study. He also diseussed current bills introduced into le�isla�ior and the present starus of those bills. The Plannin� Commissioners sha�ed ?�1�. Czrroll's conce;n lack of Rosemount citizen participauon and attendance at the various airpott relocation mEe;in�s �: ; concurred that the Commission shauld ta}:e on a more active role to encouraJe and promoi� a�hi� " level of Rosemount resident paRicipatian at the public meetin�s. ; Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that the Ciry has receivet3 a petition to rezone the T��ti Thumb Ce�irer, a commercial center situated between Dodd Boulevard and 145th Street; immedi2; west of the SuperAmerica �tation. Mr. rZarkos �houliaris, property o«mer 2nd proprietor cf TC Pizza, is requesting a rezonin� of the "center" from Gl Convenience Commercial co C-2 . Communit�� Commercial: The C-2 zoning would render the restaurant a permitted use and, thus. would-permit eapansion of the restaurant use ���ithin the existing buildin�'and ���ouid elirninate tfie approximate fifteen foot side yard setback structure encroachment v��hich currently exists. The restaurant, beaury shop, and laundromat are nat listed as permitted uses in the C-1 district and ar� considered nonconforminJ uses. Also the G2 district would exempt lot covera�e, setbacks, and parkin; requirements which are significant issues surroundina the present buildin�. PianninJ staff advised that the "Tom Thumb Center" has several nonconformina issues relative tc parking, setbacks, ]ot coveraae, and uses. A rezoning to C-2 u�ould not resolti�e any of the existi or potential conflicts. A rezoning could result in an legitimized intensification of the site that col result in severe parking deficiencies, increased storm water run-off, and increased traffic nener�t Plannin� staff discussed the following alternatives: 1) a zoning ordinance text amendment that would permit a�ditional uses on a limited basis in the Gl Distric�; 2) a ��ariance request to per: I "TOM THUMB CENTER" - 14537 DOnn BoU�,Ev�tn: REZONING MAII,ING LIST 1. John T. & Martha R. Joyner 34-15209-020-04 1�618 Chrome Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 2. Ronald E. & Mavis A. Reini 34-15209-030-04 14600 Chrome Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 3. Craig S. & Dianna L. Chapman 34-15209-040-04 14574 Chrome Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 4. Byron Zeeveld 34-15209-050-0� Nailah H. Azzam-Zeeveld 14566 Chrome Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 5. Michael 7. Edwards 34-15209-010-OS 14629 Chrome Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 6. Timothy C. Sauber 34-152Q9-020-OS 14617 Chrame Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 7. Richard & Christine Pierson 34-15209-030-0� 14603 Chrome Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 8. Dakota County HRA 34-15209-040-05 2496 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 9. Kevin L. Miller 34-15209-010-06 _ 3685 146th Street West _ Rosemount, MN 55068 10. Robert A. & Brenda J. Spencer 34-1b40Q-170-01 3672 144th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 l 1. Donna M. Gerardy 34-16400-180-01 3654 144th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 12. Bruce W. Anderson 34-16400-190-01 3634 144th Street West Rosemount, NiN 55068 13. Gary L. & Betty J. Deming 34-16400-200-01 3614 144th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 14. John L. & Margaret Gohman 34-1640Q-210-Q1 359b 144th Street West Rosemount, MN 55Q68 I5. James D. & Barbara. Courtright 34-16400-160-03 3635 144th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 16. Robert J. & Elaine Bossart 34-16400-170-03 3b15 144th Street West Rosernount, MN 55068 17. Michael D. & Cheryl A. Haeg 34-16400-180-03 3599 144th Street «�est Rosemount, MN 55068 1$. Dorothy E. En;lert 34-16400-190-03 358i 144th Street West Rosemaunt, MN 55068 19. James D. & Ardell I�✓I. Bengston 34-16440-200-03 3565 144th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 24. John & Bonnie Hlavka 34-16400-210-03 3531 144th Street V�est - Rosemount, NIN 55068 21. Patrick F. & Mary R. Finnegan 34-03010-010-20 P.O. Box 116 Rosemount, MN 55068 22. Rob�rt F. �: Joyce A. Si�imota 34-03010-011-91 HC 84, Box 740 V�'all:er, MN 56484 _ _ __ _ 23. Tom Thumb Food Mkts. Inc. 34-03010-010-90 110 17th Street East Hastings, MN 55033 24. Markos Chouliaris 34-03010-010-90 TOPS Pizza 14537 Dodd Boulevard (Petitioner) Rosemount, MN 55068 25. Cimanon Villa�e Townhouses Ptnshp 34-17350-010-01 431 South 7th Street #2540 Minneapolis, MN 55415-1$55 26. Vernon R. Kelley 34-03010-010-85 7930 Pleasant Avenue Sauth Minneapolis, MN 55420-1138 27. City of Rasemount 34-03010-012-41 " (Kidder Park) 28. Fred Uitdenbogerd 34-�3010-030-95 14540 Dodd Boulevard Rasemount, MN 55068 29. Glen & Tone Uitdenbogerd a34-03010-010-95 14625 Chippendale Avenue Rasemount, MN 55068 30. Donal 7. RR Mary M. Carroll 34-16400-010-00 2440 Southview Court Hastings, MN 55033 31. Donal J. & Mary M. Canoll 34-1640Q-020-00 350� 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 - No: Date: � City oi Rasemount _ . REZONtNG PETITlON ApPticant:,���I G„�,���i�, �'i�h.�,� 1�� J�s Q"' �'��,�..si�., �/'r�N r� Phone: �Z3�7 3 3 / Address: ��S �7 t.��>�,/c�! �1 �l� �S rvt-L /Y!✓'v S S�'UG �t STATUS OF A?PUCANT: ,� Owner Buyer Lssse� OTH��: I.QGATtON: Lot Block , Addri�n Tl"��f��� Street ;,ddrsss: �t-!�3—7 �d c�!C� ����� K S r✓1� i'�-�/ � tJ,e�es & Bounc+s Descriptio� �,.zchF�: Survey or Plot �lan At'�cne�: � A�ecte� Sec�ion(s): r'resen: Zaning: _�� .�.- �roacsed Zcnin�: �- � n=-,�vi� r=G=t ncu:�'c�.-. t .�_� a' .7 i.r�! � �/..Ci"'L/ /� <+ � '�!S l �'' �� - -- / � 2. �7`'F'�t'�c''' ��.i(2'r''?'�'Z'� �`J�iJ� 3. G�,. �lkt. 2o zw Sign�ture of AFplic2nt: r ri rrl t U � L �plic�tion receivc--� by: D="i�: r"ee: 5 Now?zr'd: DGr�: Planning Commission:,ction: n�- . z� o osev�couvL� � _ PNONE(612)423�ab11 28?5-145th Straet West.Rosemount.Minnesota MAYOR Edward B.McMsnany FAX (612)4235203 Maiiinp Addroas: P.O.8ox 510,RosemouM,Minnesota 95068�0510 COUNCILMEMBEFIS Shsila Kiasse� ' James(Rec�Siaats Public Notice M�W��� Dsnnis M4ppertnann 7�,. ADMINISTRA?OR M[ARKOS CHOULIARIS � i��NIIhG �TTTION SteDhanJilk ("Tom T'humb Center" - I4537 Dodd Boulevard) TO �'VHO;Vi IT MAY CONCERN: IV'o'rtCE TS Hgt:.-BY G�v�r, the City Council of the City of Rosemount wzll hold a Public Hearing to consider the itern listed below on Tuesday, April 20, 1993, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, begirming at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. The public hearing listed below pertains to property loczteri at I4537 Dodd B�ulevard and legally described as fallows: A tract of Iand in the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE'� of the SE'/4)of Section 30, Township 115N, Range 19W, Dakota Counry, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Nartheast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE'!� of the SE'�); thence wesr along the north line thereof a distance of 328 feet to the point of beginning of she uact to be described: thence continuin� west along said narth line � distance of 189 feet; thence south para11e1 with the east line of said Nartheast Quarter of the Sc�utheast Quarter (NE'/< of the SE�/) a distance of 312.38 feet to the northerty right-of-w�ay line of Dal:ota County Road No. 42, as now established; thence nartheasterly alona said ri�ht-of-«xa}� line a distance of 214.27 feet to a point 214.28 feet south of the point of beQinnina; thence north parallel v��ith the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE1/ nf the SE'�) a distance of 214.28 feet to the point of beginnina. Property Identification Number: 34-03010-010-9Q. The puipose of this hearinb is to consider a rezaning petitian initiated by Mr. Couliaris far rezoning the above described property from Convenience Commercial (Gl} to Community Commercial (C-2j to eliminate encroachments in required setbacks and to eliminate nonconforming status for e�cistin� uses to allow for potential expansions, Persons wishing to speak ori thi� issue are invited to attend and be heard at this meeting on - Tuesdav. April 20, i993 at $:00 p.m. Formal written comments will also be accepted prior ta the meeting date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the Planning Department. Dated this 6th day of April, 1993. � . . . . , / . y . .. . Su an M. W sh, City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota , �ve�rc�things �oming l(�'(,�i C�osemount�� � l�l'=---- '�..t��r��� - - .J w t_1.r .� �t_l._�l/ - - --�- -- ����.�:�I��:t: - - _ _ __� -- s'��t�_ -- _. n --�-�- -- i � i' � � r..{ _ _ �"- - -i��[�l ��'I :���,1(t=,��_�� �C _ �� � ___._ � j � �� ��'\,_ - _�► _„ �, � � � � - � - (T �`��11 / ------L�_�1-�� '?�� - ��' � - _ - — ti .t. � N y . � (��� T1 �I . --7 �1l : � \ — _ _ r � ��, � r . . ...,..7� � � '`�'� : - �` :a � z � � � � .� � U� ? ji) G/ ��-�L..�iLL�� ��1J » � . , � �;, ; � : � � � -_��� - � � � ��� � --___ _ t1��1���,,,, 111 ,),,- J -o � , �- � y r, r� r� � _ 1 � , �1� � �- S .i_1�1. -�-c.� ���t-- - i f i � � �, �, � � � '��-- �--___ -T�� r��1� � `;�J �11�.��� _J _ ----- �., c , � LU �� I a . > r � _ s- �, - �� - r � � � �-.c i � _ � ` , � � D J�� ���.� I]1111:1 _ t�_D_ ���`� -f} IIIj; r� ',1", * -, _< � z_ � � � � .r� _ � ,- �, _� _� � � S„�������� t'I1hK4'�AY � [I_�Il � �I I1]1D(�1 - �o»� � - - � -,� — ;�1 �i :t �t �^ ; r ,'-,�'[ _—I, � ��___. _L"11.1_IL����_tl.11llII1111._U • '-' 1� : tC � - cn r� ci . � J �.��4. _ Z' — ---- —o - - � :i x X ,. � (J o ����1s3i� - : ��� — — � -`(� , � _ _ _ r� J U .-. . �1���V :` .�� cn/ �ll��� ill� �. .. - - - ( j , � � l > > ` \ � ! r � ' _ l_; D � � - ( [I_1I1:�lIII� �, � ,� l_ �-. � tiS`� - � :�_ _ _ �' �"'° t_I� �1.���C I,, Ctfll11Il1:Il�_l� _ . ._ �s�I� z 0 1 _—_ . 11 lilf I I •j�i j� � m � _ � � n �-, _o_—_� : � �` �f�}�y - __ __ - � \���trfi_ .ii1: - -- 1�_��.� ;; ---�---- p °� � .t�11 - - U . � � c� n cv .I. w r:� -- z �1-1 � i ' � = c� �y c,-� � � � N � - ° r - � � : , p � i:i !1' ui r °' �� �v' . � u '�� �� .��'.�' _ . � --► . �n :., r ',i � � � m � � 7. 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' T� e ;r��, �� i��,��c '^•,� \ ,,`.��, ' , 1 �"� . . �D ��E� i�� //�� / . . . � �. � � yF � ;� � �. . /�.�/1� . . i ��/O r {�1{ / � ,s� �` �.�J .� �R1f Ep V�l�i . 1�R�F��r1Z _ . � "Ia^ '1�Q4 `�.S 6r C zt�"'y��• v • _ � 9 Z' a 3 � x,_ � �� �,� . ._` � �° t'i f // ��''1 r f�� � �/ / ��� , 4�� ��! pS. . � � . . . ao / 1t' c�5 `J�f �R� j� ✓,�,� \.� y�, y�� . �� �i�r . L��C �/'�,, � � /� ��'j�//�� � �✓ D \ � � REQU€STED REZONING �; '. C�NVENIENCE CQMMERCIAL (C 1) TO COMMUNiTY COMMERCIAL (C 2) ,\ , � , . ... . - �_ � �.l� 1 ) \L./ � . 2�Z� O OseYYt01�L�t� PHONE (612)423-4411 2675-145th Street West,Rosamount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)423-5203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy PA,Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 5506&0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Red)Staats Af�davit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice oe n sr W p'permann ADMINlSTRATOR "TOM THUMB CENTER" - 14537 DonD Bot7�.Ev� Stepha����k STATE OF MIQVNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) SS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Susan M. Walsh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says; I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified �lerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On April 8, 1993, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the atta.ched notice of a Public.Hearing for consideration of a rezoning of property from C-1 Convenience Commercial to C-2 Community Commercial, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and tlie places so addressed. — � . � /..� \j .. . . . �. i I / / / / //( /1 (n'.'�.•d•�t!� �/: /�/_�.--l�Yr� � . . Su n M. Walsh City Clerk . City of Rosemount _ _ Dakota County, Minnesota _ Subscribed and sworn to before me this � day of , 199�. . -�. ClNDY DORNIDEN � � PJOTARY PUBLiC-fWiNNES07A �,��...i DAKOTA CO;INTY ` �+com�,.�s�,a.�,�S�t ry Public . C�ver���ings �oming �U�� !��osemoun}ll ,,. z�� o , osemoun� PHONE (612)423a417 2g75•145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesola MAYOR FAX (612)423-5203 Mailinp Address: Etlward B.McManpny P.O.Box 510.Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0St0 COUNCILMEMBERS . Sneik Kiasaen '[��j.� . �T . James(Retn Staau ,C L1U�C l�lQ�lCe Harry WiliCox Dennis Wippermann I1�IARKOS CHOULIAFtIS - REZO:`'II�'G PETTTIO?�' RDMINISr�,70A Stephan Jilk . ("Tom T'humb Center" - 14537 Dodd Boutevard) To �'VHo?�z IT h'tA�� CO�cER.�: No'TICE IS HE�Y G�vEh', the City Council of the City of Rosemount svill hold a Public riedring to consider the iiem usteci below on Tuesda5�, Aprii 20, lyy3, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street VJest, b�Qinnulg at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. The public hearin� listed below pertains to property located at 14537 Dodd Boulevard and le�ally described as follows: A tract of land in the Northeast Quarter of the Southe�t Quarter (NE'/.• of the SE'/.•) of Section 30, Toa�nship 115N, Ran�e 19R', Dal:ota Councy, 2�4innesota, described as follou�r. Commencing at the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (I�E'ti of the SE'/<); thence west along the north line thereaf a distance of 3�8 feet to the point of beQinning of the tract to be describeti: thence continuing a�est along said north line a distance of l89 feet; thence south parallel w•ith the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Souiheast Quarter (NE'/ of the SE�) a distance of 312.38 feet to the northerly right-of-wa}� Iine o` Dakota County Road No. 42, as nom� established; thence northeasterly along said rioht-of-u�a�� line a distance of 214.2? feet to a point 214.�8 feet south of the point of beQinnin�; rhence - - --- north parallel with the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (IvTE'/ of the SE�,G) a distance of 21�.28 feet to the point of beginning. Property Identification Number: 34-03010-010-90. The purpose of this hearins is to consider a rezoning petition initiated by I�Zr. Gouliaris for rezonin� the above described property from Convenience Commercial (C-1) to Community Commercial (C-2j to eliminate encroachments in required setbacks and to eliminate nonconiormin� status ior existing uses to ailou� for potential expansions. _ , _ _ _ Persons wishing to speal: on this issue are invited to attend and be heard at this meeting on Tuesdav, April 20 1993 at 8•00 p m Formal written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting date. Please forward all comments and inquiries te the Planning Department. Dated this 6th day of April, 1993. � - �'� ; / ' . � i � ,� /� � � 1 % % , , Su an M. ��a�sh, City C1erI: City af Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota �'t�E'1"�i{1YYlC�S �01'11211(� `(�%l� �OSPi110U11C'I ' "TOl4'I THURIB CEl`'7`ER" - 14537 DODD BOLILEVARD: REZOI�'II�G nZATLIT�G LIST 1. Jolin T. & Martha R. Joyner 34-15209-020-04 14618 Chrome Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 2. Ronald E. & Mavis A. Reini 34-15209-030-04 14600 Chrome Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 3. Crai; S. & Dianna L. Chapman 34-15209-0�0-04 14�74 Chrome Avenue Rosemount, MN 5�068 4. Byron Zeeveld 34-15209-050-0� I�Tailah H. Azzam-Zeeveld 14�66 Chrome Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 �. Michael J. Edu-ards 34-15209-010-0� 1�629 Chrome Avenue Rosemount. I�ZN ��068 6. Timothjj C. Sauber 3-�-15209-020-0� 146I7 Chrome A��enue Rosemount. �i�' S�068 7. Richard �; Christine Pierson 34-I5209-0�0-0� 14603 Chrome Avenue Rosemount, MN ��068 8. Dal:ota County HR.A 34-15209-040-0� 2496 14�th Street West Rosemout�t. �2N ��068 9. Ke�-in L. I�2iller 34-1�209-010-06 _ 368� 146th Street West Rosemount, MN 5�068 10. Robert A. �: Brenda J. Spencer 34-16400-170-01 3672 144th Street Vdest Rosemount. A7I�T 55068 lI. Donna M. Gerardy 34-16�00-1$0-OT 3654 144th Street West Rosemount. AZN ��068 12. Bruce «�. Anderson 3�-16400-190-01 363� l��th Street ��'est Rosemount. I��Ti�T J�068 ' 13. Gary L. & Betty J. Deming 34-164U0-200-01 3614 144th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 14. John L. & Margaret Gohman 34-16400-210-01 3596 144th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 15. James D. 8; Barbara Courtri�ht 34-16400-160-03 3635 144th Street ��est Rosemount, MN 55068 16. Robert J. & Elaine Bossart 34-15400-170-03 361� 144th Street «'est Rosemount. hi?�' ��068 17. Michael D. � Cheryl A. Hae� 34-16�00-1$0-03 3�99 144th Street «�est Rosernount. MI�T 5�068 18. Dorothy E. Englert 34-16400-190-03 3581 l�th Street West Rosemount. I��LN ��068 19. 7ames D. �: Ardell A-i. Ben�ston 34-164Q0-200-03 3�6� 144th Street ���est Rosemount. I�ZN 5�068 �Q. Joi�n d: Bonnie Hla�rka 3�-16-�00-210-03 3�31 1�4th Street ��'est Rasemount, i�•SN »068 _ . 21. Patrick F. c�. h7ary R. Finneaan 3�-03010-010-20 P.O. Box 116 Rosemount. MN »068 ?2. Robert F. & Jovice A. Shimota 34-03010-U11-91 HC 84. Box 740 _ Vt'all:er, MN �5�84 _ _ _ _ 23. Tom Thumb Food Mkts. Inc. 34-0301Q-010-90 110 17th Street East Hastin�s, MN 55033 24. Markos Chouliaris 3=�-03010-010-90 TOPS Pizza 1�537 Dodd Boulevard (Petitioner) Rosemount, MN 55068 2�. Cimarron Villa�e To«�iZhouses Ptnsl�p 34-17350-010-01 �31 South 7th Street r2J40 �iinneapolis. �iN 5�415-18�� ' 26. Vernon R. Kelley 34-03010-010-85 ?930 Pleasant Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55420-1138 27. City of Rosemount 34-03D10-012-01 (Kidder Park) 28. Fred Uitdenbogerd 34-03010-030-95 14540 Dodd Boulevard Rosemount, MN 55068 29. Glen & Ione Uitdenbogerd a34-03010-010-9� 14625 Chippendale Avenue Rosemount, AZN 5�068 �0. Donal 7. 8: I�iary I�1. Carroll 34-16�00-010-00 2440 Southview Court Hastin�s, MN 55033 31. Donal J. &: Mary M. Canoll 34-16400-020-00 350� 14�th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 , AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS County of Dakota ) PUBLIG NOTICE_�:� MARKOS CMODUAqS-REZOMl3 RRT1pN ("'Tew TArw6 C«M�'.IIS37 Dodd Ied�ve�Q TO WHOM P.�'MAY CONCERN:° - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, t6e City p�H��'�'°f��t��8 NANCY 1. GUSTAFSON, being duly sworn,on oath says thot she is on outho�ized agent ond below�1�ea�da p�'da the item listed ���������+1°��' employee of the pubiisher of the newspaper known as Dakota Counry Tribune,ond has fuli knowledge tp Hell.�875195th Stt+eet a'est;beginniogat8:oop.cu:,arassomthee,o- of the facts which are stoted below: afte�'as po�sibk.The pubec ��to P�roperty loca�� tollows:.'.. �BallY described as A tract of land in the IVonheast Quarter o� (A)T6e newspaper bos complied with all of the requireme�h conatituting quolification os a legot the Southeast Qusrter(NE�/i of the SEYa) °f Secti°n 30,Towns4ip 1i5N,Range 19W, newspoper,as provided by Minnesota Statute 331 A.02,331 A.07 und other applicable laws,cs amended. �kota Camtp. Mimcgota;described as follows:Commencing at t6e northeast rnr- 1 ner�saId Northeast Ruarta'of tl�e SoutL- L L- eas�Quarter(NEys M the SE�/i)•t6eaoe (B)The prirMed �-- west along the north line t6ereof a distance of 326 feet to the pant of � traM to be described; t6ence��� ; fe�;th�sauth lice a distance of 189 of said Northesst�wiW the east]me Quarter of the Southeast Quarter(NE�/i of t6e SE'k)a distance of Si2.38 feet to the northerly rigi�tt�of-way line otDakota Gamty Road No.92,as nocv estab- v�nea•_ccn� oorcn�r��y �«� �;a right-of-waylineadistanceo#219,27teetto which is attoched was cut from the columns of said newspoper,and was pri�rted and published once a point 21428 feet south of ttie point of be- 8innin8;thence north pazallel with the�st liae M said Noctheast Quartei'of t6e SouNr eest Quarter(NE�/i of t6e SE�/i)a distance �For suee�re�+eelts;it was Of 214.28 feet to t6e poipt of P�Y Ideotification Numbet�.�39•Osp� 010-90.: : � a�p�e°f�������+' first published on Thursday,the J �_day of �1 ��8 Petition ioitiated by Mr.Chouliaris fa rezoning t6e above d�cribed property fr�Convenie�e Commercial(Gi)to Com- m�������� (F2) �O���� 1g � , ond was thereaher rinted ond croachmenta in requi�ed setbacks � � p published oo every Thursday to ond including ���n��onniog staWs for existing Potential expa�ioa4. �mi�at�nd ����� Thursday,the day of ,19 _ F°rmal wn'tten9�comments wiri�a�o be a ond printed below is a copy of the lower wse clphabet hom A to Z,both inclusive,which is hereby �P�Pri�to t6e meeting date.Please far• • wardallcommentaand. . . _ __ ����t �oqwnes to the Plaa= nck�owledged as being the size aed kind of type used in the composition ond publication of the notice: I�tCd ffiIS 6fh dey Of Apl'i1,188:i. • �ibod��lklniklnuio�apwinr�c�cz Susan M.Walsh,G51tY Clerk , ��Y�Rosemaunt Dakota Couaty,Minnesota` �. ;> !12 BY: � � TITLE:Secretory to P lisher Subscribed and sworn to before me this_��i'�day of__�r�,19 r""' , _..-- Notary Public �,.».ti ��.�.��R�N� :,� NCTMY PUBIJC-I�GTA DAKOTA Ct�UNTY 1`yr can�bn E�Ms o.a,s.+9�5