HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. Shannon Pond PUD, Preliminary Plat, and Rezoning ,. /� , . Citv of Rosemount E�:ecutive �umsnary for P_ction City CoL�.cil Meeting. Date: April 20� 19g3 Agenda Item: Shannon Pand PUD, Prelimi.nary Agenda Section: Plat, & Rezaning Petitions PUBLIC HEARING Prepared By: Richard Pearson Agenda -Na: Assistant Planner � '��-�—' ���� # � - A�tachmentss Resa1; PtT� AgreemPnt, Ord Appro ed B�: Iviemoe P_ppl.ications; Hearing Notice; Nlg � `�� i� �=!' List, L�c. Map, Prel . Plat �.%� � /, .��`� �� � - / � �?1 i�G�Cr: � �Z7C1 23 , 1Go1 i.71e Pl�r_n�ng Comm�ssior_ Y'?V3.?4J�.^.. c� ?"EV1S�C1 �re?im; r�rv '.���u� G`1C1 �i�n:��Cl iwr?1� t�AVE�^v?J::1�7'_�. =C� t}72 c�.�^^.^.:'i ?O?:.^.�. single �amily residen.tial development proposed by Mr. James A112n and Ga��' B�rgauiS� OL Hampton Development Corporation. The �raposal l5 �u- "recira��" of the residenti�l PL'17 previously presented to thp City Ca°a�cil on September l, 1992 . The new proposal excludes iand n�t ow�ed by H�mpton Development Corporatian and also exciud�s a �arc�l �hat is isolated by the parcel previously considered ro_ co:�deTnna��cr. T:�e de s�?o�er has demonstrated th�t if �he twa re:n��ant pG�ce�� �:rp com��.n�d and an existing storm sewer line relacat�d, the arc� �xc:!aaeci �rom this PUD could be developed for s�ngle family use co�s�ster.� w��?: orciinance standards . '�'nc '�Dl �r:ri ng Commiss�on passea a motion r'ECGITi1TtGT1G.1:1G ����D�u� G� �I1a C:i�;-+r•�� D�;nQ pral i�i rjci�y T,?��tf����.ned LtT11i, developmer.t� ar.�� aT��.'_"CVa.� C= V�� r�za^ir.c �rom Agriculture (��} to Single Fam.�lu :.esia�:^�����. (x-1) �or S:�nnon Pona ices ia�ntial PLTD. After �-2eom*nenaations by the Commission regarding the P�7I� a:�c Preiim,inary Plat, P?anning sta*�f prepared a PUD and Master Subdivis�i.an Ag�eement for th� Shannon Pond development . On April 13 , 1993 the Piarning Commission recommende� that the agreem�nt b� forwarced to the City Council with the exgectatior_ �.hat minor changes wEre forthcamir_a �rar;� City At4orney Mike Miles . Mr. Miles has reviewed the agreempr�t �nd 'nis suggested comments h�ve b�An incorpoxated irl the agr�em�r_t ircludFd in the packet. Re�ommended Action: A MOTION to adc�t A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SFiANNON POND CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEI�TT AND PRELIMINARY P�,AT AND SETTING OU'T THE CONDITIONS FOR FINAL PLAT APPRC3VAL, - and - � MOTION to author�ze executio� of the �ianned Unit Development a:�d Naster Subdivision Agreement . - an�i - A MOTION to adopt Ordinarce N�. B-27, AN OR�ZNANCE P.NF1�iDSNG ORDIIv��I�TCr� B - CIT�' OF R�SEMOUTTT ZONING OR��NP1tiTCE. City Council Action: o;�<.0�9�.00� , . CITY OF ROS�fiiOUNT DAKOTA COT3NTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993- A RESQLUTION APPROVING THE SHANNON POND CONCEPT PLANNED IINIT DEVELOPMENT AND PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SETTING OUT THE CO2dDiTZONS FOR FINAL PLAT APPROVAL wHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has received a concept Planned Unit Development (PUD) and preliminary plat for the following legally described property: FP.QPEP,TY DESCRIPTTON PHASE l: Tnat part of the Southwest Quarter c� Sectior. 31, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Lat 1, Block 3, WEST RID�;E SECOND ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota; thence North 29 degrees 33 minutes DO seconds East (assumed bearing) along the northerly extension of the westerly line of said Lot 1, (the sarne being the easterly right-of-way line of Danville Avenue as pl'atted) a dist�nce o� 260.00 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing northerly along said easterly right-of-way line to the northeast corner of the plat of WEST RIDGE THIP.D ADDTTIQN: thence on a bearing of North along Che northerly extension of the east line of said plat a distance of 119 .90 feet; tnence South 89 degrees 48 minutes 49 seconds East a distance of 119.9-0 zeet; thenee North 69 degrees 36 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 112.64 feet; thence northerly along a nontangential curve concave to the west having a radius of 308.81 feet a central angle af 22 degrees 59 minutes 58 seconds a chord bearing af North 11 degrees 41 minutes l0 seconds East a distance of 123 .96 feet; thence North 00 degrees 11 minutes ll seconds East a distance of 369 .75 feet more or less to the north line of said Southwes� Quarter; thence easterly along said north line to the northeast corner o� saw� So�.�thwest Quarter; �hence souL'nerly along the east line o� said Scuthwest Quarter a distance of 358.80 feet; thence southwesterlv alc:�g a tangential curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 452 .59 fee� 3 central angle of 20 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds an arc length of 163 .58 feet; thence southwesterly tangent to said curve a distance of 36.22 feet; tnence southerly along a tangential curve concave to the east having a radius of 587.32 feet a central angle of 20 degrees 42 minutes 3O secands an arc length of 212 .27 feet; thence South 00 degrees 28 minutes 30 seconds west tangent to said curve and parallel with said east line a distanee of 58.00 feet; thence North 83 degrees 37 minutes 14 seconds West a distanee of' 53 .86 feet; thence North 89 degrees 48 minutes 53 seconds �4est a distance of 341.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 45 minutes 4S seconds West a distazce of 60.22 feet; thence No�th 82 aegrees 40 minutes 58 seconds West a dis�ance of 115.00 feet; thence NoYth 72 degrees 14 minutes 15 seconds .West a _ distance of 5.55 feet; thence South 19 degrees 03 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 261.00 teet; thence South 33 degrees 41 minutes 49 seconds west a distance of 303 .94 feet; thence South 31 degrees 47 minutes 15 seconds East a distance o€ 107 .00 feeti; thence South 71 degrees 44 minutes 48 seconds East a distance of 71.47 feet; thence South 42 degrees 47 minutes 21 seconds East a distance of 96.18 feet; thence South 21 degrees 48 minutes OS secands West a distance of 46.75 feet; thence North 61 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 167.75 feet; thence South 28 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 1�.00 feet; thence North 61 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds Wes� a distance of 50.00 feet; thence along a tangential curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 529 .85 feet a centrai angle of 21 degrees 41 minutes 14 seconds an arc length of 200.56 feet; thence North 83 degrees 13 minutes 14 seconds West tangent to said curve a distance o� 29 .06 feet; thence along a tangential curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 386.94 feet a central angle of 22 degrees 46 minutes 14 seconds an arc length of 153 .78 feet to the intersection with a line draw-n S�uth 60 s a degrees 27 minutes OO seconds East from the point of beginning; thence North ` 60 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 130.00 feet to the point of beginninq. EXCEPTING THER.EFROM THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT: Beginning at the northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of said Sectian 31; thence southerly along the east line of said 5outhwest Quarter a distance of 368.80 feet; thence southwesLerly along a tangential curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 452.59 feet a central angle of 16 degrees 33 minutes 43 seconds an are length of 130.83 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as point A; thence continuing southwesterly along said curve with a central angle of 4 degrees 08. minutes 47 seconds an arc length of 32.75 feet; thence sauthwesterly tangent to said curve a distance of 36.22 feet; thence southerly along a tangentzal curve concave to the east having a rzdius of 487.32 £eet a central angle of 6 degrees 4Z minutes 42 seconds an arc length of 68.63 feet; thence westerly parallel with the north line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 166.66 feet; thence northerly at right angles to the irtersec�ion with a line draw•n westerl� �arallel with said north line from the above reierencE3 point �; tnencE wes�erly parallel uith said north line a distance of 517.22 feet; thence northerly to a point on said north line distance 750.00 feet west of the northeast corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence easterly along said north line a distance of 750.00 feet to the point of beginning. _ pND - PROPERTY DESCP.IPTION PHASE 2 : Tnat nart of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing a� the northeast corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence southerly alang the east line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 368.80 feet; thence southwesterly along a tangential curve concave to the northwest having a radius o� 452.59 feet a central angle of 20 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds an arc length of 163 .58 feet; thence southwesterly tangent to said curve a distance of 36.22 feet; thence southerly along a tangential curve concave to the east having a radius of 587 .32 feet a central angle of ?0 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds an arc length of 212 .27 feet; thence South 00 dee,rees 28 minutes 30 seconds West tangent to said curve ana parallel vwitn said east line a distance of 58.00 feet to the point of beginning of th� land to be described;' thence North 83 degrees 37 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of 93 .86 feet; thence North 89 dsgrees 48 minutes 53 seconds West a distance af 341.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 45 minutes 45 seconds West a flistance of 60.22 feet; thence North $2 degrees 40 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of 115.04 feet; thence North ?2 degrees 14 minutes 15 seconds West a distance of 5.55 feet; thence South 19 degrees 03 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 261.00 feet; thence South 33 degrees 41 minutes 49 seconds West a distance o� 303 .94 feet; thence South 31 degrees 47 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 107.00 feet; thence South 71 degrees 44 mir_utes 48 seconds East a distance of 71.47 feet; thence South 42 degrees 47 minutes 21 seconds �ast a dis�ance of 96.18 fee�; thEnce North 83 degrees 40 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 84 .23 feet; thence S�uth A0 degrees 36 minutes 05 seconds �ast a distance of 553 :17 feet; thence South 76 degrees 50 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 264 .45 feet; thence northerly along a nontangentiaZ curve concave to the west having a radius of 3779 .72 feet a central angle of 00 degrees 00 minutes 15 seconds a chord bearing of North 03 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds West a chord length of 0.28 feet; thence North 03 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconas West a chord length of 0.28 feet; thence North 03 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds West a distance of 388.27 feet; thence along a tangential curve concave to the east having a radius of 3859 .72 feet a central angle of 03 degrees 38 minutes 09 seconds an arc ].ength of 244 .93 feet; thence N�rth 00 degrees 28 minutes 30 seconds East tangent to said curve a distance of 493 .53 feet to the point of beginning. 2 a . WHEREAS, on March 9 , 1�93 , the Planning Commission of the Gity of - Rosemount recommended approval of the 5hannon Hil1s �lanned Unit Development and Preliminary Plat. WHEREAS, the rezoning from Agrieulture to Single Family Residential is in conformance with the Comprehensive Guide Plan. WHEREAS, the proposed planned unit development is in compliance with the City Zoning and Subdivision Oxdinance. WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing in accordance with the City Subdivision Ordinance and State Statutes . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, thA City Council of the City o� Rosemount hereby approves the Shannon Hilis PUD and Preliminary Plat, subject to: 1) execution of a PUD Development and Mastex Subdivisian Agreement wzth separate subdivision development agreements for e�ch phase� o� develogment; 2) approval of engineering, grading, and utility plans and specifications by the City Engineer; 3} rezoning from Agriculture (AG) to Single Family Residential (R-1) ; and 4) a written determination from the Environmental Quality Control Board indicating whether an Envirorimental Assessment Worksheet must be completed by the developer and submit�ed to the Ci�y. AD(?PTED this 20th day of Aprii , 1993 . E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Sec�nded by: Voted in �avor• Votea agair_st : 3 � . . . SHL-11\i\V�T �r V1r.V � �. Planned Unit Development and Master Subdivision Agreement AGREEMENT dated , 19 , between the CITY �F ROSEMOUNT, a Minnesota corpoxation (the "City") , and HAMPTON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Minnesota corporation (the ��Developer" ? . 1. Request for Planned Unit Development Approval. The Developer has asked the City to approve a Planned Unit Development to known as SHANNON POND (the "Development" ) on the land legal.ly deseribed an the attached Exhibit A. 2 . Planned Unit Development Approval. The City hereby grants Final Development P1an approval subject to the approval of final plats and compliance with this Agreement . The City agreAs to approve final plats which are substantially similar to the preliminary plat and. phases shown on the Final Development Plan, referenced herein as E�chibit C, provided such plats are consistent with the conditions herein and all other City requirements whic'�: are in effect. Development Contracts must be entered into for each final plat . If future modifications to the development are proposed, the maximum density for the development may not exceed 3 . 0 units per acre. _ _ : The Developer will maintain architectural diversity with the aid of an architectural review committee that will review all building plans . The Developer will create restrictive covenants that prohibit the duplication of housing designs adjacent to or across �ram each other. 3 . Phased Develagment. The City may refuse to approve final p�ats the Developer has breached this Agreement and the breach has not been remedied. � F � Phase One consists of forty-two (42) lots generally in the center of the PUD. Subsequent phasing must allow for acces� and efficient traffic circulation and dispersal . In arder ta provide - for safe and efficient traffic movement, Phase Two therefore must either: A. Consist of Outlots C and D as indicated an Exhibit B, with public improvements installed by the City, subsequent to the receipt of a petition for public improuements by the property owner, adjacent and to the west of Phase I, unless an agreement for cost sharing public improvements with the adjacent own.er ean be reaehed or; B. Include the construction of the southerly street connection to Shannon Parkway across 0utlot A as indicated on Exhzbit B. 4 . Effect of Approval. For two (2) years from the date of this Agreement, no amer_dments to the City' s Comprehens�ve Guide Plan, or ofticial controls sha11 apply to or affect the use, development density, lat size, lot layout, or dedication requirements of the development unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by sta�e law, the City may require compli�nce with any amendments to the City' s Comprehensive Guide Plan, official controls, plattirg or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Agreement . 5 . Compliance with Laws and Regulations. The Developer represents to the City that the pxoposed development complies with all city, county, Metropolitan, State, and Federal Zaws and regulations, including but not limited to; Subdivision Ordinances, Zaning Ordinances and Environmental Regulations . The Developer agrees to comply with sueh laws and regulations . 6 . Park Dedication. The City has determined that the required park dedication will be in the form of a cash cantribution. The Developer shal7. make the cash contribution to the City upon final plat approval of each phase of Shannon Pond Planned Unit Development based upqn the park dedication formula established in the City of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance. The amount of cash contributic�n per acre shall conform to the rate established by the City for the year in which fiz�al pZat approval for each phase �akas place . Any amendments to the Final Development Plan, causing an 2 [ � increase or decrease in the number of housing units, will result in a corresponding increase or decrease in the amount af cash contribution to the City. 7 . Sidewalks and Trail Development. Sidewalks and trails, dedicated by the Developer, shall be constructed by the Developer in aecordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the City, the location of which are shown on E�ibit C. Trails with�n the development shall be completed at the same time street improvements are constructed in each particular phase. 8 . Landscaging and Trees. A. Dev�J.oper shail not damage or remeve any trees except as indicated on the grading plans to be approved by Lhe City and su�mitted with each plat . Trees shall be protected from destruction by snow fences, flaaging, staking or other similar means during grading and car_stxuctian. B. The �eveloper shall plant one deciduous tree per lot and two de�iduous trees per corner lot in accordance wi�h the applicable Federal Housing Administration specificatians except as modified herein. tl) Trees shall be d minimum of two (2} inch caliper shade trees as measured six (6) inches above ground with roots balled and burlapped, or bare roots in season, and shall be planted in the �ront yard in accordance with plans ta be approved by t�_� City. {2) Two 2-inch caizper shade trees with roots balled �rl� burlapped, or bare roots in season, shall be planted on each double frontage lot abutting Shannon Parkway. One treA shall be located in the front yard and one shall be located in the back. Trees shall be spaced consistent with the average lat width and be loca�ed within thirty (30} feet of the boulevard in accordance with plans to be approved by the City. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ (3) The Developer shall install extensive plantings of evergreen trees along the site' s frontage on Shannon Parkway. Type, quantity, size and location of these plantings shal� be established in accordance with the Shannon Pond Preliminary PiatJPUD P1an. The evergreen trees to be planted shall be a minimum of four {4) feet in height, fifteen t15) teet on center at the time of the construction of Phase 1 . (4) Warrantv. The �eveloper warrants all work required ta be performed by it against pooar material and faulty workmanship for a period of tv:o (2} years after its completion and acceptance by the City. �11 trees, grass, and sod shall be warranted to b� alive, af good quality, and diseasA free for 3 r • twelve (12) months after planting. The Developer shall post maintenance bonds or other security acceptable to the City to secure the warranties. -- 9 . License. The Developer hereby gr�.r.ts the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors license to enter the development to perform all work and/or inspections deemed appropriate by the City during development. 10. Utility, Pond and Drainage Easements. The Developer shall dedicate to the City �t the time of final plat approval utility, drainage and ponding easements located within or outside the �lat, including access, as required to serve the development . Outlot B shall be dedicated to the City for public use as indicated on Exhibit B. 11. Installation of Public Improvements. Development Cantracts providing for installation of the following public improvements, approval of construction plans and specifications, and providing for the payment of the cost of the improvements shall be entet-ed into by the City and the Developer prior to final plat approvals: A. Sanitary Sewer Systems B. Water Systems C. Storm Sewer D. Streets with ccncrete curb and gutter E. Street Si�rns F. Sidewalks and Trails G. Street Lights - The Developer is responsible �or alI costs of installation of City approved street lignt fixtures in coordination with the Dakota Electric Association. H. Landscaping Tne City may, at the City' s option, allow the Developer to design and/or construct any of the public improvements . The design and _ construction shall be in accordance with the City' s standards, ordinances and procedures. Temporary cul-de-sacs shall be installed at all locations where streets are temporarily dead ended, whether due to phasing within the development or where future extensions are proposed outside of the development . The City may, at the City' s option, require a cash escrow from the Developer to pay for the future costs of reeonstruction. The City will require the Developer to post a letter of credit or surety bond equal to 1000 of the cost of all public improvements if 4 r c privately designed and installed or equal to 600 of the assessment resulting from the public improvements . 12 . Ownership of Improvements. Upon the successful completion of the work and construction according to City standards required by this Agreement, and based upon the City Engineer' s recammendation, impravements lying within public easements shall become Ciry property upon acceptance by City Council resolution. 13 . Erosion Control'. As the deve2opment progresses, the Developer shall adhere to the erosion control requireznents set forth by the City, utilizing Best Management Practices as speeified by the Minnesota Pollution Cantrol Ager.cy and any other City adaptea policies in effect at the tirne of final plat approval . Additianally, the Developer shall take such other stsps as the City Engineer may reasonably determine are necessary to control erosion. All topsoil. must remain on site in order to re-establish turf . No excavated material may be removed frorn the site unless a Mineral Extraction Permit has been obtained in accordance with Zoning Ordinance Sectian 14 .8 and as amended. 14. Grading P1an. The Developer shall submit to the City a sit� grading and drainage plan showing the grades and drai.n�ge for streets and Each lot designed by lot and block on final plats �rior *o the preparation of plans and specifications of public improvements for the development . The Developer shall submit a certified survey of the development to the City after site grading, illustrating street and lot grades prior to the installation of public impravements .� 15 . Clean up. The Developer shall promptly clear any soil , earth or debris from streets or other prope�'ty outside of the deve�:opment_ _ and from improved streets and occup�ed lats within the development resulting from construction or ather disturbance by the Developer or other builders within their subdivision. 16 . Responsibility. A. Except as otherwise specifically provided, the Developer shall pay actual costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the approval and construction of the develapment, including but not lirnited to legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses in accordance v�ith fees adapted or accepted by the City. 5 B. The Developer shall hold the City, i�s afficers, agents and �mployees harmless from claims by itself and third parties, including but not limited to lot purchases, other property owners, -- cantractors, subcontractors and materialmen, for damages sustained, cost incurred or injuries resulting from approval of the Agreement, the aeveloprnent, final plats, plans and specifications and from the resulting construction arid development; except, 'for construction work performed by the City or for damages caused by breach of tr.is agreement by the City. The Developer shall indemnify the City, its afficers, agents and employees from all costs, damages or expenses, including engineering and attorney' s fe�s which the City may pay or ineur in consequence of such claims . C. The Deveio�er sha11 reiIYtbllrS� th2 C1t�' �OY Cd��S 1nCU�YAG in the enforcement� of this Agreement, including engineering and attorney' s fees . D. In the event of Developer installed public improvements, �pfore final plats are signAd by the City, the Developer shall deposit with the City cash or a letter of credit sarisfactory to tre City, s�curing the full perforrnance of tne work reauired oz it in that plat . The amount of the security shall be 1000 of th� es�imated cost of public improvements . The Developer shall also post a letter of eredit satisfactory to the City guaranteeing the payment of the entire principal ar_d interest on any costs assessed or to be assessed against the plat by the City for public 1mDZCVeM�ri�S . Tn? �1tV W11! GU��O�1Z� pEY=O�?C rEdUCt10riS 1ri letters oi credit upcn partial p�rformance and paymen4 for reauired work or payment of special assessments, as the case may be . The City will also permit the substitution of one letter of credit with another letter oi credit from a different Developer so long as the City' s security is not impaired. E. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by tne City within thirty (30) �ays . If the bills are not paid on tim�, trip City may halt all plat development work until the bills _ are paid in full . 17 . Developer' s Default. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse t3�e City for any expenses incurred by the City, provided the Developer is given not less than thirty t30) days notice prior to the City' s commencement of the work. The Ci�y and Develop�r recognize the weather conditions may affect the ability of the Developer to perform the work reauired to be performed hereunder, and agree that such thirty t30) day period shal�. not 6 inelude those days on which weather eonditions preclude performance by the Developer. Notice to the Developer shall constitute without further aetion, notice to any contractor or subcontractor. This ` Agreement is a license for the Ci�y to act. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. If deemed impractical by the City, the above notice requirements shall not be required for the City to control erosion problems, clean-up of dir� and loase debris, or in responding to other situations which may jeopard'ize public health, safety and welfare. 18. Execution of Documents. Upon compliance by the Develaper with the xepresentations and requirements of said documents, the City will execute documents necessary to obtain Federal Housing Administration and Veteran' s Administration Subdivision Approval letter and an Engineer's Subdivision Completion letter. 19 . Assessmen�s. Except to the extent modified herein, the parties mutually agree that all public improvements required and installed by the City hereunder shall be ass�ssed pursuant to Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes, and such assessments shall be for a period of not less than five (S) years, with the exception of assessment made pursuant to paragraph 17 of this Agreement, unless waived by the Developer. The Developer waives any claims that the assessmenLs that will be made pursuant to this Agreement exceed the benefit ta the property. 20. Miscellaneous. A. This Agreem�nt, which shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota, shall be binding upan the parti�s, their heirs, suecessors or assigns, as the case may be. - B, Breach af any term of this 1�greement by the De�eloper shall be grounds for denial of building permits . Tne City shall give the Developer thirty {30} days advance notice prior to exercising its right to deny permits . C. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid as a result of a challenge braught by the Developer, its agents or assigns, the City may, at its opt�.on, declare the en�ire Agreement null and void, and approval of the preliminary plat and final development plan shall thereby be revoked. D. No one may occupy a building for which a building permit in the plat is issued, on either a temporary or permanent basis, until 7 ! s public sanitary sewer and water lines have been installed, hooked up, tested an� approved by the City. Occupancy prior to street campletion may be permitted, at the City' s discretion, by separate �- agreement. The timetable for issuing building permits, prior to the campletion of public irnprovements, shall be determined by the City Engineer and Building OfficiaZ . The Developer shal� be responsible for any damages to public improvements caused by it or �ts contractors ar agents, if authorized on the site prior to t�e completion of public improvements . E. The action or inaction of either party shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall bA �n w�iting, signed by �he parties and approved by written resolution o� th� Citv Council . Either party` s failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement or the security after expira�ion of timQ in which the worx is to bA completed shall not be a waiver or release. F. This Agreemen� shall run with the subject land and m�y be recorded in the Dakota County Recorder' s Office. G. The Developer represents to the City that the develcpment is not of "me�ropblitan significance° and that a state environmental impact. statement is not required. However, if the City or another �overnmental entity or agency determines that a federa� or state impact statement or any other review, pern�i� o� ap�_oval is required, the Developer shall reimbur�e the City zoY �'1 exper_s�s, including staff time and attorney' s rees, that ���� City incurs in assisting in preparation. H. The Developer shall pay Metropolitan Sewer Availability charges, City Sewer Connection charges, City Water Connection charges and City Storm Sewer Connection charges at the time building permits are issued at the` ten curxent rate . I . Due to the pr�liminary natuxe of many of the exhibits and the timing af t�e overall �evelopmPnt, addendums to the Agreement may be required to adaress concerns not specifically _set forth _ _ herein. Sueh addendums shall be limited to those items normally included in subdivisian agreements and shall not be inconsistent with the intent of tha.s Agreement. J. The Developer may not assign this Agxeement without the written permission of the City Council . 21. Notices. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered io the Developer, its employees � or �gents, or mailed �o the Developer by registered mail at th� following address : H�.mpton Developmen� Corporation, 12433 8 � . Princeton Avenue, Savage, Minnesota 553?$ . Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall either be hand delivered to the City - Administrator/Clerk, or mailed to the City by registered mail in care of the City Administrator/CTerk at the fallowzng address: Rosemaunt City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemoun�, Minnesota 55068, IN WITNESS WfiEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BY: E.B. McMenomy, Mayor BY• •Stephan Jilk, Administrator HAMPTON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BY• +James Allen, President BY• •Gary Bergquist, Corporate Officer STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) § COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this day of , 1993 , the foregoing instruinent was acknowledged before me by E.B. McMenomy, Mayor, and by Stephan Jilk, Administrator, of the City af Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corparation and pursuant to authority granted by its C�ty Council . Notary Publs.c STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) § COUNTY OF } The foregcing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1993 , by James Al1en. President and Gary Bergauist, Corporate Officer of Hampton Development Corporation, a Minnesota corporation. Notary Publie 9 + ^ . '� .1 _ ,:�,�.;�'—� � S NA N N 0 N ,M .,. ...,,,,.; , 4 � . . . "Seyne��E \.. . � �b0 ����:� , . . � POND ,, , ' � o ., :; � � � EXHIBIT B ; ` � W�; �� � •pti wp � . � � . . � . . . =�m \� � � . � � O� [ . . � � '_ xp;_ «��' . . t" M •�";€ .d:. ,; w� •" ' 5� �o . t ,°�'' � ��sB,,,�;.. ,,.,�1„M1 �.,;E O=�• ,.s� iy�lt� ,^ � x `��qe7�be - --•'--- i•�n sz m<o� 'F � �. 2 . .M, z s , _,;�1`� �=�j� �, �: _ . � � . [,ti!96 e.v�a ' \ . . . . .0..22•39'J?�mrm � � �. ��iM ,� ( � �~'\\� .�A)� ' ' W .r�ee " , . � O•2?z� � i r �d r. 1�\ \ O „r�.�r,x n r �.���.�wnxrs.�.�s�.�rw r,we � . R,.7n�e sea.e � �e��es. .�`�'�� a����A :�,8 4 �`\� ���n)\ RfEj :• 9' �'�.�$y .=�. � . . Ci,o RSl N r I [ '' `'1�.�� Si Q, rj a;,�y o� )\. N."r� 5«.. �,� � ' '%�'r \`` L"r. ' . _•.�� . . 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' . i. � . j . �` � , "� .,ut��o.� r—-- � � � � a- 9z—,00s � •.�i�t0/93 � 2�7 EXHIBIT C �� . , GIT'Y OF ROSEMOLTI�'T -- QR��1v�TCE. No. B-27 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B �ITY OF RO5EMOUI�'T ZC?n'II�'G ORDINAl�'CE THE CI'I'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITI' OF ROSEI�40U?�IT, M1NI�ESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLO�'�'S: SEC'r�Oh I. Ordinanee No. B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled Ordtnance B - Cin� of Rosemoicnt Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended to rezone from A�riculture (AG) to SinQle Famil}= Residential (R-1) for a proposed single family development identified as the Sxan�o� PO�� subdivision located on the follo���in� described propert}� situated �;�ithin the Citv of Rosemount, ?��innesota to-ti��it: PROPERTS' DESCRiPTION PIiASE l: That part of the South�eest Quarter of Section 31, To�cnship 115, Ran�e 19, Dakota Gount��, hlinnesota described as follo«s: Commencing at the north��est corner of Lot 1, Biock 3, «'EST RIDGE SECOtill ADUITION, Dakota Count�•. 11�innesota; thence I�orth 29 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds East (assumed bearinD) a(ong the northerh• ektension of the �cesterly line of said I.,ot 1, (the same being the easterh� right-of-«•a}• line of Dam•iile A�•enue as platted) a distance of 260.00 feet to the point of beginning of the land ta be described; thence continuing northerl}•alon� - said easterh• rigtit-of-�say Iine to the northeast corner of the plat of«�Es'r RtvcF Ttc�n Annrr�o�: thence on a bearing of North along the northeri�� ealension �f the east line of said plat a distance of 119.9(i feet; thence South S9 degrees 4$ tninutes 49 seconds East a distance of 119.90 feet; thence North 69 degrees 36 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 112.64 feet; thence northerly alon� a nontangentiai curve conca��e to the �sest hati�in� a radius of 308.81 feet a centrat angle of 2"_' degrees S9 minutes 58 seconds a chord bearing of I�orth 11 degrees�1 minutes t0 secocrds East a distance of 123.46 feet; thence North 00 degrees 11 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 369.7� feet more or less to the north line of said Southu•est Quarter; thence easierly alon� said north line to the northeast corner of said South�cest Quarter; thence southerly atong the east line of said South�rest Quarter a distance of 368.SQ feet; thence southeresterly aton� a tangential cur�•e concati•e to the north�sest ha��in= a radius of 452.59 feet a central angle of?0 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds an arc lenb h of 163.�8 feet; thence sovth�cesterh• t�ingent xo said curve a distance of 3G.22 feet; thence southerl�•along a tanaentiat curti•e conca��e to the east hacin� a radius of 587.32 feet a centrat angle of 20 degrees 4? minutes 30 seconds an arc length of 212Z7 feet; thence South 00 degrees� minutes 30 seeonds ti�'est tangent to said cur��e and paraUei u-ith said east line a distance of SSAO feet; thence North 83 degrees 37 minutes 14 seconds 1�'est a distance of 93.f36 feet; thence �urth $9 degrees 43 minutes 53 seconds �i�est a distance of 341.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 45 minutes 45 seconds �'�'est a distance of 60.22 feet; thence tiorth 82 degrees 40 minutes S8 seconds West a d'utance of 115.00 feet; thence North 7� degrees 14 minutes 15 seconds «'est a distance of 5.5� feet; thence South 19 degrees 03 minutes �2 seconds t�'est a distance of 261.00 feet; thence South 33 degrees 41 minutes 49 seconds «'est a distance of 303.9�3 feet; thence South 31 degrees 47 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 107.00 feet; thence South 7I de�rees� rninutes 48 seconds East a :3istance of 71.47 feet; thence South 42 degrees 47 minutes 21 seconds East a distance _ _ of 9G.18 feet; thence South 21 degrees 48 minutes 0� secands �'�'est a distance of 46.75 feet; thence North 6i degrees 32 minUtes 00 seconds ��'est a distance of 167.7� feet; thence South 28 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds �i'est a distante of 10.00 feet; thence North 61 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds «'est a distance of b0.00 feet; thence along a tangential carve concave to the south«•est having a radius of 539.85 feet a central angle of 21 degrees 41 minutes l4 seconds an arc length of 200.56 feet; thence North 83 degrees 13 minutes 1� seconds L�'est tangent to said eun�e a distance of 29.06 feet; thence atong a tangential curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 386.94 feet a central an�le of Z2 degrees 46 minutes 14 seconds an arc len�th of 153.78 feet to the intersection�cith a line drawn South 60 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds East from the point of be�inning; thence 1\orth 60 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds t�'est a distance of 130.00 feet to the point of beginning. ExcN�Y['II�� TII�REFROrt TIIFi FOI.LO��'L�G DESCRII�ED TR�CT: Be�innin� at the northeast corner of the South�sesY Quarter of said Section 31; thence southerli� along the east line at'said South�sest Quarter a distance of 363.80 feet; thence south�sesterly along a tangential cur��e conca��e to the north«est havina a radius of 452.59 feet a centrai an�1e af 16 degrees 33 minutes 43 seconds an arc length oF 13o.83 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as point A; thence continuing southwesterh� along said curr•e �cith atentral angle of� degrees 03 minutes 47 seconds an arc length of 32.75 feet; thence south�cesterlf•tan�ent to said cur��e a distance of 36.22 feet; Ehence southeri� along a tan�e�tiat cur�•e Conca��e to the east ha��ing a radius of 4$7.3Z feet a central an�le of 6 de�rees 41 minutes 42 seco�ids an arc length of 68.63 feet; thence��esterl}• parailei ��ith the north line of said South�i�est Quarter a distance of 16b.66 . . feet; thence northerly at right angies to the intersectian �sith a tine dra«�n westerly parallel �+•ith said north line from the above referenced point A; thence K�esterly parallei with said north line a distance of 517.22 feet; thence northerly to a point on said north line distance 750.00 feet�sest of the northeast corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence easterly along said north line a distance of 750A0 feet to the point of beginning. -- _� _ PftOPEKT}' DFSCRIP'flOh PE�ASE 2: That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31,Totsnship 115, Range 19, Dakota County, 1ltinnesota described as follo.vs: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Southsrest Quarter;thence southerly along the east line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 368.80 feet;thence southwesterly along a tangential curve conca�•e to the north�sest ha��ing a radius oF 452.59 feet a central angle of 20 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds,an arc len�th of 163.58 feet; thence south�sesterly�tangent to said cur��e a distance of 3G.22 feet; thence southerh• alonb a tangential curve concave to the east ha�•ing a radius of 587.32 feet a central angle of 20 degrees 42 niinutes 30 seconds an arc length of 212.27 feet; thence South 00 degrees� minutes 34 seconds �'�'est tangent to said curti�e and parallel�sith said east line a distance of 58.00 feet to the point of be�inning of the land to be described; thence North 33 degrees 37 minutes 14 seconds «'est a distance of 93.86 feet: thence \orth 89 degrees 4S'minutes 53 seconds «'est a distance of 341.60 feet; thence?�orth 89 degrees 45 minutes 45 seconds ti'est a dis[ance of 60.2� feet; thence norkh 82 degrees 40 minutes�8 seconds «'est a distance of ll5.fl0 feet; thence \orth 7.'. degrees 14 minuies 15 seconds VVest a distance of 5.55 feet;thence South 19 deg:ees 03 minutes 52 seconds «'est a distance of 261.00 feet; thence South 33 degrees 41 minutes 49 seconds �'�'est a d'utance of 303.9� feet; thence South 31 degrees 47 minutQs 15 seconds East a distance of 107.00 feet; thence South 71 degrees 44 minutes�8 seconds East a distance of 71.47 feet; thence South 42 degrees 47 minutes 21 seconds East a distance of 46.18 feet; thence i�oi-th 83 degrees 4Q min�tes 16 seconds East a distance of 84.23 feet;thence South 40 degrees 36 minutes OS seconds East a distance of 553.17 feet; thence South 76 degrees 50 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 264.43 feet; thence nartherly alon� a nontangential curve concave to the ��est ha��ing a radius of 3779.72 feet a centrai angle of 00 degrees 40 minutes 15 seconds a chord bearing of North 03 de�rees 09 minutes 39 seconds «'est a chord length of�.� feet; thence North 03 deLrees 09 minutes 30 seconds 4�'est a chord tentth of 0.� feet; thence tiorth 03 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds V6'est a distance of 388.27 feet; thence along a tangential cur�•e conca��e to the east ha��ing a radius of 3$59J2 feet a central angte of 03 degrees 38 minutes 09 seconds an arc length of 244.93 feet; thence Itiarth 04 degrees 28 minutes 30 seconds East tangent xo said cun�e a distance of 493.53 feet to the point of beginning. ` S�CTto� II. The Zonin� Map of the City of Rosemount referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled, Zolung Map of the Cin� of Roserno�trtt shall not b� repubtished to sho��� the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zonin� map on file in the Clerk's o�fice for the purpose of indicatin� the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and ail of the notation references and other information shov�m thereon are hereby= incorporated by reference and made a part of this Ordinance. SEC'r�oti III. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passaae and publication accordin� to la«�. Enacted and ordai�led into an Ordinance this 20th day of April, 1993. CITI' OF ROSEA10ITh'T E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTESf: Susan A�, VJalsh, City Clerk Published in the Da�:ota Coinit�� Ti•iburie this day of , 1993. � i� o osemouvt� - � PMONE (612)423-4a71 2875•145th Sireet W�sl,Rosemount.Mi�nesota MAYQA Ectward B.MeMenOmy FAX (612)a2352Q3 Mailinp Address: P.O.Box StO,Rosemount.Mirnusota 55068-0510 COUNCtLMEMBERS Shsifa Ktassin James(Ae�Staais TO: Planning Connmission • "a'N w'"�X � � � DBntfiS WippBrtR2h� FRO�Z: Richard Pearson, Assistant Planner �.oN��.�s:�To� � . . . � . . � � . Ste�han Jilk . DATE: March 4, 1993 SLBJ: ��arch 9, 1993 Reguiar Meetinb Re��iews Agenda Item �o. � A'rr,�c��h^rS: Shannon Pond Revised PG�D Preliminary Plat Location��ap H,4MPTQh' DEVELOPMEh'T CORPORATIO��' PLA�I't1'ED U�l'IT DEZ�ELOP,1�fE�ti'T ri,'1D PRELIh111�AR�' P[��' Pt�tASE 1 (BE7'�b'E.E,'�' DAI�'VILLE AVE. AR'D SHAIVII'O1V PAR�WAI' Al'�'D SOUT'H OF TAYCEE'P�1RK) Proposal I�ir. James �ll�n and Mr. Gary Bergquist of Hampton Development Corporation arz r�qu�stiilq approval of a Planrled Unit Developtnent and Preliminary Plat consistin� of 89 s�ttaiz z�tt�lily lots P 0 � " ' rezone tn„ r0 ..r�v P flP.d t0 that u�ill be de��eloped on 29.75 acr�s. The Develoger has p..titio P P . from Agricultural (AG) to Single Family Residential (R-1). A Comprehensive Guide Plan �m�ndment has been adopted which redesignated the land use desi�nation from AatTCllltUtc'il t0 Urban Residential. ' Iiackground T11e proposed develapn�ent is part of the Geraen farm, on the north side of a depression that bisects tl�e land generally from the northvwest to southeast to Shannon Par�.-�•ay. The depression «-ill bzcome a storn�«�ater pondin� area xhat c�•ill be periodically flooded. The pond «�ill liowe��er; remain dry for much of the s��ason. Discussions between City Staff and the Developer have been ongoing since 7anuary, 1992. Tliis proposal is a revision of the preliminary plat that was reviewed by the Plannin� Commission on 7uly 28, 1992, and Au�ust 11, 1992. Appraximately 2.1 acres of the proposal was not owned by the Developer, yet it contains utilities to serve the plat. The City Council considered condemnation proceedings to acquire the parcel in support of the D�veloper. In the interest of savin� time, the Developer decided to "redra�v" xhe PUD excludin� the uno��ned �.1 acres as well as 4.6 acres isolated by the 2.1 acre parceL The revised proposal excludes property that the developer «�as incapable of acquiring as v��ell as a parcel that is isc�lated by that property. SiQnificant chan�zs to the proposal ?nclude reali�nment of streets, new lot confidurations and madifications to utilities t�lat ��ill ser��e ti�e subdivision. C i �� ^ 1 � ��Q,SPiliC3t!12�.: �v�-��?t,�:;�s �o:ti.t:,v � 5 . R Reguiar Planning Commission Meeting Reviews l�Zarch 9, 1993 Page T���o The Developer has demonstrated that the remaining combined 6.65 acres that are to be excluded can be developed separately in a manner consistent with ordinance standards. The reviseci propasal is an attempt to respond to several issues including: 1. Lot sizes conformin� with ordinance standards, and platting variances as required justifiecl throu�h the required findinQs for the Planned Unit Developrnent procedure specifi�d in Section 12 of the Zonin� Ordinance. 2. Stre:t ali�nments that are cohesive and efficient relative to e3:istind and future streets, as «Jell as limitin� the number of intersections with Shannon Park�lay. �. ESt2bliShiulo the appropriate sidewal�:ltrail connections within the development. Discussion The Pl�nr7ed Unit De`=elopment (PUD) contzins 89 sin�le family lots on 29.7� acres. The PUD �.�ill cansist of thre� phases: the first phase of �2 lots on approximately 14 acres and subs�uent : phases tot.allin; 47 lots on about 1� acres. Ehcluding the 6.�3 acre pondin� area, the ove�ll gross density will be 2.99 dwelling units per acre. 'T'he 1�80 Comprehen�i��e Guide Plan as amended, the current plar, in force, establishes three dwellin� units per ac.e as the median base density for Urban RPsidential lana uses. The Urban Residential classification cambines sin�le fa�niiy with all of thz hi�h�r densit}� class�cati��i. Because of this, the three dwellinQ unit per acre threshold has be�n established by poli�y a� a "ceilin�° far sin¢le family detached developments in thu R-1 district. The PL'D arill be adjacent to th: `�'est Rid�e PL7D across Danville Avenue, and back up to 3avicee Park on the u�est and southern boundaries of the park. Street AliQnment Tl�e completed PUD will coilnect Danbury .A��enue u�est of Jaycee Park to Damrille Avenue ��ia 1�6th Street `�'est. The t�vo east-west streets u•ill ehtend from Danbur51/Danviile Avenues on tl�e west side to Shannon Parkway on the east side._ Two north-south streets will connect 156tt� St. �;�ith "Shannon Pond Drive" east of Danville Avenue. In addition, tu�o cul-de-sacs are provided. Phase 1 does no� include Danbury A��enue; but a portion of Danville will be constructed so that an east-west connection to Shanr�on Parkway via "Shannon Pond Drive", "Millwood Avenue" and 156th Street ��'est. I�Zillwood and Midland Hills Avenues da not conform to the County's str�et nan�e paiicy. It is questionable as to whether Dal:ota Court, Dalcata Trail and St�annon Pond Driue conform with the county systen�. Stre,et names will ha��e to conform to the policies of Dal:ota County for consistency. Generally, the proposed street confi�uration provides for efficient traffic flov�� aiven the constraints of the existin� streets that the PTJD must provide connections to. � � Regular Planning Commission Meeting Re��iews March 9, I993 Page Three I,ot Considerations Of the 891ots in the PUD, four have minor lot width deficiencies. Lot 1 S, Block 5 (phase 1) scales approximately 75 feet wide at the front yard (buildin� setback) line (80 ft. is the standard). However, lot 15 is a muumum of 16 feet deeper than the standard {125 feet) and 49 sq. ft. lar�er in area than the standard (10,000 sq. ft.). Lots 23, 27 and 28, Block 2 (phase 2) all scale approximately 75 feet at the front yard setbac�: line, as b�fore, the lots exceed the other standards: '� Lot 23 is a minimum of 7.�2 ft. de�per and 8,742 sq. ft. lar�er than the standard; " Lot 27 is a mi.nimum of 50.93 ft. deeper and 2,696 sq. ft. lar�er than the standaru; " Lot 28 is a muumum of 62.74 ft. deeper and 3,�26 sq. ft. Iaraer than the standard. The PUD proce:iure is intended to allow variation from ordinance prot�isions provided xhat the Plannin� Commission mal:es and forwards zhe follou�in� findin�s to the City Council: 1. The plan provides sufficient useab}e open space and evidences a substantial preservation c�f natural features to warrant the �rantin� of vuriances thre�ugh Pla�ed Unit Development. 2. The plan complies with the intent of the Comprehensive Guide Plan. 3. The pro�osed development will not be detrimental to surrounding properties. 4. i he plan is more creative and will pro��ide a better livina, wor�:.irig, or shoL,�ing enviranmer,t tt�an is possible under strict ordinance requirem�nts. Plannina Staff has discussed several desi�n related issues with the Developer that appear to provide reasonable consideration for minor variation from ordinance proti�isions. l. Street alianment has been rnodified from earl}� submissions to reduce the connections to Shannorr Park«�ay and orient the remaining intersections (��here possible) with future anticipated intersections east of Shannon Parkwav. _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. Enhancing the landscaping adjacent to Shannon Parkway. Generally, the lots that abut Shannon Parl.�lay are not lar�er than the ordinance requires in order to accommodate "buffer yards" with berms and landscapinJ as has been discussed with the Plannin� Commissian recently. �. Providina sidewall:s and trails as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission for pedestrian access to 7aycee Park and other open space opportunities if feasible. 4. Outlot "B" should be dedicated for Park use as well as far utilities in case it is feasible to develop a pedestrian trail connection to the pondin� area with eventual connections to future developments on the Gergen farmstead or 160th Street. The City Engineer has revieu�ed the preliminary utilit}� schematic and has deterrnined that the storm drain should be extended to the intersections of Danbury A��enue and 156th Street; and Danville Avenue and Shannon Pond Drive. � A Regular Planning Commission Meeting Reviews A'Iarch 9, 1993 Page Four Conclusion The 89 lot concept PUD provides an efficient design salution that generally meets or exceeds ordinance lot and street standards. The four lot width platting variances may be acceptable if the Developer is willin; to revise plans and exeeute a PUD a�rreement that addresses the three design and implementation issues mentioned above. REC�:��'���ED h70TIONS: MOTION to recommend that the City Cauncil schedule a public heari.n� far formal review of the Planned Unit Develapment; �-�d h20T'ION to recommend approval af the Shannon Pond Concep: °UD and Frelimutar}� Plat subject to: 1. ekecution of a Planned Unit Development Agreement and a separate Subdivision Development Agreements for each phase of the development, 2. appr�val of en�ineerina, grading and utility plans and specifications by the Ciri� Enaineer, �. rezonina from A?riculture (AG) to R-1 (SinQle Family Residential); a. a ��r.tten determinatian rrom the Environmental Quality Coutrol Board indicati:i� lir an F_m-ironmental Assessment VJorksheet must-be--abtained by the D�velop•�r and submitted � to the City; �. provision of par�: dedication eontributions for each phasz at the rate adoptud h}� Council resolution for the year that the applicable final plat is approved, and provisian of si�e«�allcs as specified by the Parl;s and Recreation Commission. 6. Dedicatian of Outlot "B" to the City for public and uti.lity uses. C`ity o,f' Rosemount _ _ P.O. Box 510 2875 145TH STREET WFST RasEMovn�r, MN 55068-OS10 (612)423-4411 A.pplication �or Planned Unzt Development (J�'UD} �=^ � ro rc ''' r n '1 - i p}IOIIC. g'��'_1 8��i Applicant: � ���P �on Ce� ..loa.��..n�. �,�r..ora �_on 1'kxJ:i. F�� -I�'�0 . � �L=� ii - _r'..., "i� r.V� Cv�., nc ��.� c ^'�f) . . . �.J � :\\ J.i/ Address: " Project ItiTame: . " . �1-F�r,,./,..1�;,,� IG�sJ 1`�J�/� Location: �• o� 5���=nncn P=ky , S . of �2ycee �aTk , 'to uon� , �nc p,•�(lE" Cll ?hcco 1 L�.ni 9 2C COf1��uC C'f; I'£.' _� _^� . . ,�- �� . _ T �.i.^..l . St2tus �f O�;�nership. .... .. _ ..� __ . . , - ` � ProjectDescription. see ���a:ned bouna��y survey Fe�: S �`� ° Numb�r of Unitsil.ots: �`'' . Deposit: S ��� Totai Due: �7:0 . 0 0 1 fully understand that the Apptic�tion Fee and Deposit ma�� not represerit the toral fees rt�hich nia�� be hilled a�ain.rt tJte project, and am prepared to reimbr�rse the Cin� of Rosernount for legal, en,�ineering, ptmtnirz,, nrid admi�tisrrative ezpenses incurred by it in ezcess of tlie Deposit. 1 represei:t rhat I am rhe applica��r or an agent of tlie applicar.t, authori�ed to submit rhis applieczrion. _ _ Applicant:��,- -� L �� ����,� Date: 6/19192 Status of licant: Pa��ner Phone: 89�+-1888 Fees received by: , , , , Date: �'�":�� � All required infonnation m;�st be recetti�ed at leasl 20 clays prior to Planning Cornmission or City Council meetin;s to ensure adequale review and placeme�u on tlze respective agendas. � ,_, APPLICATION FOR LAND SUBDIVISION Applican�: Hampton Development Corporation Phone: 894-1888 Address: 12433 Princeton Ave Savage MN Zip: 55378 Project Name• � . - - ' . � S,F-�P-�.a�-t�� 1 c,.r:> �f�'`.J�7 Location: `�• of Shannon P�rkway S. of Jaycee Park to pond Status of Ownership: Fee on Phase 1 =20 . 9 ac contract on �emainder Project Description: See attached boundary survey � Fee: __ .�� . .., , ; �. No. Uni�s 105 To�al 105 ,�7.vo�.. 3.� ��z t-.a-r _ _ Deposi t: �750.00,�...� --�'��3�Q� Total Due: $:515. 00 `t/e I Su.F,e.y unde>c,6tia.t�.d �ha,t .�he App.2,i.ce,�'.i.on �22 and 4epo�.i,t may no� n.epne�e.r� tih2 .to�a.e �ee.a wiu.ch may be b.i,�ed agc irv�� tihe pr�o,{ec.�, and arn pnepa,ted tio ne,imbwc.de �he C.i,�y o� RoaeJnoun,t �on. .�ega.e, 2ng.t.n.eelc.i.n9, pQann,i.ng and adm.t.ru- ��c.a�',i,ve expenhe3 .t.ncwv�.ed by .i,t .in excea� oS �he Depoa.i,t. T ne�ne,b2n,t �tia,L _ _ _ I am �he app:P,i.cizr� on an agen.t -o� �he app.P�.can.t, dcc,t{io�;t:��d �o au6mi,t tih,i,6 _ aPp.P,i.ca,tt.o n. Applicant: , Date: 6I19l92 Status o Ap licant: Partner phone; Fees re d by: / ` Date: � �3 4�-- A.Q,e �.errec,uced .i.n�onmcr�i,on mu.a.t be nece,i.ved a,t .�ea�ti 20 day� pn.i.an �o P.�ann,i.►zg Commt.aa�.on on. C.i,ty Gounc.�.Z mee,�.i.ng�s tio er�u.�.e adeoucue nev.iew and p.�aeeme�� on tihe ne�pee,�,i.ve ag2nda�. � No: , . Date: 6/19/92 . Ci#y of Rosemount � REZONING / ZONING ORDtNANCE 'TEXT AMENDMENT PET(TtON Appticant: Hampton Development Cor�oration Phone: $9�-1888 Address: 12433 Princeton Ave Savage , MN 55378 STATUS-0F APPLICANT: XX pwner Buyer Lessee OTH�R: LOCATION: Lot Black . Add'rtion StreetAddress: � of Shannon Prky , S. of Jaycee Park to pond Metes & Bounds Description Ar�ached: s e e a t t a c h e d B o u n d a r y s u r v e y Survey or Plot Plzn Attached: Y e s Afifected Section(s): P a r t o f S L� 114 G P� „�� : REASON FOR R�QUEST: �. Rezone from AG to R-1 _ __ - 2. 5ee attached nGrrative and plans ---_ ___ c� � �f-�/�,�/�.1��1 ��; �c.:�7 1- (,1 t�._ 3. Signature of Applicant• ��--- 1 FOR Q�"fCE USE ONLY ( Applicaiion reeeivecf by: c-.�c� Date: ���3��z Fee: S �L Sv•�� Now Paid: 1 Date: �1�-3�1"��----� Ptanning Commission Action: D2re: - o osevv�oun� _ z��. MAYOR yg75.1t5:h Street West.Rosemount.Mmnesota Ep�.arC 6.M�►at�y PHONE (512)52��� MaiLnp AdOross: COUNCILM.EM9�R5 FlJC (612)<237a203 p,p,gox 510.Roxmoun:,M�nnesota 55056ASti� S�e�ta K�asssn Jzmes(F�es�5taas hisrry Wd��z De.^.nss v:>?e•^,er. ° �ll�J�.IC �i4�1Ce �.au.�•::s:�,i.-a� S:e�:�a:JrK S�,�O:� PO'�TD PL��^�lE.D Uh�IT DE�'ELOP:��E..�'T �R�L'L'���Y PLA'r .�.?�"D REZO'��L'�G TO �'�'xo'�s IT M�z� Co�CEx.�: 'tiOTICE IS H.EREB� Gn�E�, th� Cin� Council oi th� Cit�� of P.ose o u1Qo ji�1�°pd 2 publiv H�rin� to coasider the item lisced beloa• on Tu�sc.�y: =�P� o �t S:aO p.m. or as Council Cnambers o� the Ci.`• Hall, �g'_ 1"�th StreVt �+�est; b..�innin� soon th�rezfrer as p�ssible. 'I��e public nearin°list�d beloR' P�r�ins to th� propel"<<' r o „ uarer c�,"/) af Sec.tion �1, Ta��nsn.� �ene213}° describ� as tha� p�� ol th.. South��est Q �� 11�, Ranae 19. D2�:o�. County, ?�Zinn�sota l��in� Q�J`�QDcrio.,d�s`iollo�;•snd Danbun� - -- ._ --- . _ .yvenu�;..��:;rzs�cj �� -� af 7aycw Par�: and 1.,� , PROP�R;Z' D:5".t..-'"',ta� P::hs= 1: . . �o D:'• Courh '"i.. �so:a ;p 1!�. F.�,�e �c�. T:a: �::: c: :'.^._ 5��:., ;s; Q�..._.._, o; S�ciea �l. To�ns; _ ' des�:;o-„ �s folio��s , 1,�..�; ?,!��.. S�co�D .���.;» D ;:c ezcin� �t �ne nc::nv."-s: co:�e� o; Lo; i. Elo..� �. a o1�-- �� �t�-,� ' , Co^.v:, _ � �orh '0 ' � s ;� �unut�5 aa sP.,:ores �zs; l,:ssu -�- Coua:,•, ;�ii:in_so;�: :ncace .' _. ae�r^�.. y _ "__ . .� ' _ _ m .-'- _ , ' ' t 1, (the szme b �n� tr.. ezster�� n�^t ca-��a� - _ �� =��aiensipn o; toe west..s,�• line of sain I..o , . s»' �� •- ►: no..ne,l e _._ - . {�?,t t0_iri� OiSSI O^O'� "L'11II� Da iti1 lu'1W t0 b -- Da.a>•il'.. .4venue�2s p;au:,d) a ais",a.��e of;�O.U7 ' . p <«•av li� to tn nortn -_, o, aescrio�.�: tnen�� co�t;nuin�no^:ne;lv along sa�d ezste,l}• n_ht-o,- �� � -� o;„ r �� '��.,�� ,=,DaTT10;:: tn�nce on a b:.�rina o, '�or:n alon� ��= noriherl+� e>t nsioa t�e D12: o� `��:S i RID.�._ + c =4 5 0:105 o; che ezst line.e� siui plat ? cis� .�-'`-i�°.� t`�^': thence 5ou�n S9 d�crePs -•S minut :.zs• a distznce oj.` 1lo,a� {A , then..,, i�er.h 69 de�rees 36 rninutes 11 s conds rast a cis.2.��� o, w � �� . ��, r�•,�:�� �;us o: �os.s� • t:,.���nti2; cnr�•e c �c2� o ,.., • .,,,> r��t�4;1�• aio^� �en _ '� :, ;lyc �r.,�s 'l , ,_.0 . '� .�_ . ' a ..norc � °..::° o; cr:' _ i�e: .. ....,,.ral 4n�i� c.`=� ce_;ees �9 �a.:n�.es �S se;.cres - ends r�st " - tnenc ;�o^h 0�� e��rees 11 �inut�s l} s�:. minutes 1� s.,cor�es rzst a dist�nce o: 1'.� 90 i�:.;. a aistance o:`�b°.7� ie:.t:more or less to taidnSouthkest�Q�ne;�tn ncets�outht;ly alon� th e�s;•line oi said no;th line to tne nor�hezst torne� of s said Soutbµ'esc Quaner a distance of j6$9��e''a centnl an�le of530,d�rees 4�u�unutesl 0 s^..conds znY to tht nortau'esi hz�'�n° 2 raoius of a;c ten�th of 163.�5 fett; thenee sou:nu'�sterh� ��nh2°�o a rxdius o,`,Sb.�?ot:�-'-6a ��ntral an�leeof soutnerly along a tzn��Btial cu:�e concati e to th 20 deg;ees �2 minutes �0 se:onas � ar`2r Ilel �it�lsaid/east'1�Va dist�te o�S.pO fe-.ts th o utes�0 s�^.Qnds �'est tan�epl to said cur�'e znd P 4 onds �'�'est a dis;�ce of 9�.Sb fee,; ti�ence ?�or.h F9 a_�•�,.s =*5 T�:-tfl S3 d �r��s 37 minutes l s:�. •l,pp {wt: ther�ce '�o�n S9 desreys �� rninutes =� s ^oDds mir.ut�s 53 s�:.onds �'�'=st a ois�n o��'* Sy m� �0 mir.ute� �S s�.onds �'�`est a dist:n or 1�'es: "a C;5:2n:e o` 60.:3 I`^.c; In..1�e \orih d _T:.. . c:3:^.�e o` �..5� ��-:: t7.,n�e So:::h o` ..S 1� 5�:.07Cc �� S 2 G I1�.00 f�.t; th�nc.. !�o;th 7'� de_rees 1� minu; .aa V. ,:, :� ep�r�.s -:1 ,:.i�ut:s � �tz,^.ce o`''_61 r , t;; -,�e Sau... �� �o e� �� p* :�..^ut�s �_ s:�cnes �••es: a ci ` c s�:.onds Fzst a a.._re 4, i,,,�:,. r;;enc Souin �] ee�rees , n:nut - 1� . =� S�:O:ICc ���St 2 G15:2:' Oi aQ^. +l`c -S c�:0:tu5 '"'c� 2 C15:2i,.� 01 �: -•t i'=;. 10'.fY� f� .n_ ..... Soti:� i 1 ri�or ec -, min'.. dis',z.^.c., ot - . = C-�' r� � 'i�;� �1``�cp:,:r;! ....� / .j . '� ��,;;-; :c �_ �".'?'r�(:;:;1':C � . . thcnco SoL:h 42 deorecs =7 minutcs ?1 seconds East a distance of 46.15 feet; thence South 3l de�recs �8 minutes C� seconds �•�'_st a dist:ncc of 46.75 fect;zbencc I�orth bl de�roes .i2 minutes 00 sc:onds West a dista,nce of 16�.�:' feet; tnence South 2S deorees?S minutcs OD se:onds �'•'est a distance of 10.0�? feet: then�e Nortc ol oe�rees 3'_' minutes O��sec.onds VJest a oistaz�cc of 60.00 fe�;.t; thencc along a taa�cn:i.1 cun�e conczre to the soutbwest having a radius of 529.$5 fr„et a eeztral an�le of�1 de_re:s 41 rr.inutes i� s-..,^,onds z.a arc IenEth of 200.56 fcet; ihence Nortb S3 acpzee.s 1� �iautes 1- s�.oncs �'es: taa��nt to said cu;ti�e a dis:a.��� o;?9.05 fu.t; thea;�. �lono � :an�cntial curve con:z��e to tn- L'iC::^:.�I u2':LL'4 2 :a.^.�.lUS Oi JS5.9� iG.^. 2 G.^I'i:ic� ?�°1.^ 01 �� a�£1'C.�.S �"J� Ifil' :)lli?S �'r 5.�.:.0.7QS � 2:: lea�;'� o; 1��.78 fe... tc t�� inters�:,tica �i:.. � :i:., d;aw•n S�utn 60 ces.-..:s _7 �inut�s 00 so:onc� �:s: irom thc poi�t a;b._'�..i�_: th�n:.-, :�or:h 60 dc_r;es ?i minutes �� s�:o�as Vti'es: z dis;�xn:c. o; I�0.0� f�.; c� c'ne poinc oi b��ir.r.i��. rac�Pr�.c ;,���..�o�.:rri� �oLLOti+'T.'�G D:SCn1:�D TnAC;: 3t�iY;,i,S 22 tl1G DC::�,7.�,'-Si Lo.^.,_. OI t:,. SOL'tD�':S: QL'2'.... 0;S?Iu $C:.iioD �1; iC.�L1�.. SQL':II�:�ti' 2,.�C^r :ISC C25i 1L,� ... 5:.... 5�:...a �5: Q:_...... � C.S'.:=.G... C,`:SS.u� . iII� ..._ SOL::1'»�5:� 1�' 2J0:1� 2 �.7��;:i�.l ..d.'ti•� . . . CC[7..,. .. .. ...._ .......: .`.S: .,.. ,^c E .aG:�:. v: -._...., i:.... c .._... :c. 2.:�= - C: lv G"�'..:5 .... ."'...i:�l,:::� �.� . s�;.oncis z� a;c lcn�:b o: 130.53 I�r.. to a poi:.: ::cre'iaa�te: rei�:r:.,: :o as poi.nt A; tbea:.e con.inuin� soutDu�es:cr;�• a1oa� sx.i� cu;�•e u�it� 2 e�n:r�.l z.^.�1� o;- ries:r.s O� �:autes 47 sw.ond.s z^. z-c 1ea�tn o: �^_.'� fe.. , t�en�. sou::,•��s:tri�� t�*��a; to said cnr�•e a cis:�.�c... o`35._'' f�-:: ,�-ac soutac:l}� aloa_ � I2C:��Dl1E1'CL'^'C CO.^.^..:�'� :O ID"; C?SI IIe\'LII° 2 .�GS'�`S Oi =Si.�� 1,^.�... .. �......:c� 27°�� Ci 6 Ct£:.^..�.5 -+: .... .:t�� '.� S:�:C.^.::5 2..^. 2:� ��^�iG Oi 65.E� I^'. :IIL��.. �:'�Slt:l�' ,A�.21��� �IiII i:l_ DC il.^.^. O� Sc;C .. . oa.hw__: Q::�.e- � c.s�ce o` 165.65,i�.., tr.en�e no-:ce:i�' c_;.^' ^s ' ^ . , . . . . . S . . .. ,� _ , . a, n . z.. ics to tne ��:-se:.uc.. u.i. _ _ ,:; � _.___ _. Y _" �ID� C2'.:u u'�Si�i!\• D"c,ctl�. 1�'JL'u S23G IIQ".. �1JC iiQII 25^ 2DOt'C iC1�:GuC^..:: A01.:� ^ IC�D�.^. �%:'^SIL:7'•' ?c..c]1�l �'it� 52�� �O::u !L^.s 2 diS:2^,�.. 01 �1 i.:� i�.... t�encc pe."::.�71;�� IO 2 �OL.. e;l S2iC II�'i.. 1L:� .. _.. , .,,.� , . . . . . . , G.5.2....., �J�.�'.7 {.`..".i V.'_c: Ci IC." IID:tD"::.'S� .^.0:7L: Gi S21u rJO:lif]Y+'�5: Q�.."_.'�L.. ID���� Gc:St�:��. ^a10.^.� �1., S' DOii� �;A:. 2 C15:2:'7C� Ci lJO.�'� 1w.( IO .�� a01.^.: Oi DG�L^.:::.� - - ' - -. _ :L'�� ' . _ ' F'„o:=_r.;�' D:.sc:.T?r�o� p-�.s� �: i.._ D�.. D' �.._ JOL.., �5: �):._'.,.: C: C_ ..,,.. _ .. TC'.i'.^.5' , : _. '.2.. _ :�, l'�2:CL2 CO::. . .'��; .�SvL:: .:..,_.. `� ;t:._ _. �C ....,...._.''� ... ..._ .,v� ... . ��� �J._._.._.. i^_...... SC:;'.,..;IY 2 0.^.� t.^.� ;::5: l:.._ G. .. _ .7m.'cSI CO.^.:` C; S:'..:C JJ.. .,'.+ - , . .. . __ . :JJ..�.i )'�Gii^ c CIS'.:.,^iC� C; �50.S17.1,,.... I7�.^•.,, ..cDL`ail�+���. .�c. _.r. o •-1.. .C.C�V„�` ._ . _. __.. . - �Sc.�C: ^.i. ' � . •. . .� . _ . ..� p o .`.�.,..cIG c .�^� ...��la C�1'� __ . _ o�.. „ � � _ ,._ . ... ,... . _ . IC �h� ;�C,*I:]V,�5: hc�•1:1^_ 2 �C1115 Oi =��.�9 Jr.: 2 C�I;:�� 2S'.�1L-0I �O'�SL'w5 '=: I:11Z7L':�5 .�O_S.^.�.".C.^.WS 2'7 2f: 1� _i:l U: 1Q�.�J lc'.�.. Iq�a^. SQL'IA��S:�C1�' L2Il°�Ai t0 S2lC CL'^�':. c GSS�2.7C Ci �E7.�^ { .. 1^�:1C.. S011i.�_ ;\' 210i1r 2 �.c:l��..tl�� CL';'1'B CO:lC2�'� f0 iIle ezs: ha�•ir.: a racius"o,`�Si.�_ i%... 2 ..,.:ii�2� c..^��IB O; . :� C��fL':.S �±, �l:i]L':�5 J� S�:Of1QS 2'� 2iC 1�^�I^ O�^�1 �i ,.,.. . 17C.,�.. SOL'i:7 �. C°:�':..a.5 �S ;.uAllttiS �.7 SV:.O:7C5 ����5: L2.^.��.^.I lC 521L� CL';'ti'� 2''1.�. Y2'2�1.`� U'1I:: 521C .'.25: l::l� 2 G':S;2S1C� Oi�S.Q� i:... .O :.^.'' ,:?0:' O: C��1^ .. O� (:1� �'c.^.., t0 D: C�SC^3`,.^.^.: ::1�:1�.. �Qt... �.. C'��_�� .. �....^,L':�S �- �.',:.O:7C5 ����5: .. C:SL'a.; �Oi`_ .�u� .., . IT�....� ��0.'.I; �Q ��o,' "c :C i::...Ji_.- �. 5::0':�S �'•�.5: 2 ..:5:�. CT J't.C;�J T��:: �Il:.^::. �J:ITi �� O�ST'-��S -_ .^.ii:�l:i�5 =� 5.`.:O;ICc `��CS: 'c C:�I277�.� Ci bv.__ {?�.:' ill�:�.^.� �O:':tii �. C�S;.�_� . _ . . .. _ • . - . - =•� �.L'nLieS J.S 5�^.Oi1a5 «�Si 2 �:S'.:i].^e O; 1;�.�h) 1e�:: (i1�nCe :�0,`Ih.l� de�rees ��+ I^1nL':'S-�J S�:.C;ICS. �'�'es� a distanc,, o;�.�� feet: tnence Sou,n 19 de�r�s 0� r:.i.�utes �"? s::ones ��'est a distzsce oi 3b1.f}� tert; tnence SoutZ �3 de�:ws �,1 rsinur�s ;9 se:.onds ti��est a ais:anc� of 303.94 fee:; thence South 31 de�re:.s �7 minuces 1� sc:.onds Fzs; a dist2nce of I07.a� fe.:.t; thence Sou;n 71 oe�rP.,p.s ==� minutes RS seconds F.rs: a dis;ance o;i l.�7 fee:; thence South 4^• derr�.s 4 i minutes 21 sP...^,onas F�st a distznc� of 95.15 ir;,:• thence \orth S� de_:�ees y-0 minLtes 16 sy^oacs Fzst a cis;ar,ce of 8;.�3 r�..; tn�nce South -:0 derre..�s 36 miLutes 0� s::onds r.,�s: a cistan�e of»�.1� i�:; tne:�ce Soutn 76 de�;ees �0 ....:illl�5 14 S:.^.C:lCS �:SI 2 C1:5'.:.^.C� Ci^0�.�+� 7��C; i�Z�;]C� DO;i.^.�,♦:�' 2�O:1Q a non;zn�eilLi2� CU1'>'C cane..... to t;�e �•e5t :12�'2^� 2 T2dius o:31'9."2 ...�.� 2 cen.:al za�le o;6� d�s*..�s a� r.iiaut�s l� s�^.on�s a ceord 'o�.z;ia� c�?�o;,h 03 a��r�.s G9 tr::r,u:�s 39 sr;,oncs ti;'est a che;d len�:n o;0.'_'S i��t; tnence '�o:.h 0� d��r�es 0� minu:�s 3Q s,;:ords �ti`es: a cho;d len�.n o�0.�8 f�:.:; t�ence \orth 03 C��r:�5 �`.,� fllii'lU[�S �Q S�::C^QS «��SI c C15:2^iC„ C���5.._! i^.,., 1.^...:�,^°,1 cIQ,^.<_' 2 LP.°�DlI2� C1S7\'� C0:��2\'� [O I:'.� ^?S: �:2\'.i:S c :�...15 O{.).5:� 1 I.�.... 2 ...,.�.�2� 2^.t'�� Oi e� ���".,�5 �Fi II'.1.^.L`f�t �Q 5".::C:1.'15 2^� 2.'C �1�^£:.^. Oi _. -.�� 1w.. :�C...�O:.❑ 0'� ���i:�S .�,J T1.^,1t�5 �� 5�..:.CP.�S ^......'S� :�.*i^ ';�i iC 521:..CL'.^�'� 2� � .. C1EL?.:'IC. G;=��.�� I�,.. :C I� �Ol:u Ot D��L::il ! ) The purgose of this hearing is ta consider a Planned Unit Development, preliminar}� plat and a rezoning from Agriculture (AG) to Single Family Residential (R-1) for the abo��e described property for a prop�serl sin�le family de�'elapment u�hich would be identified as the SI�.'noN PoND subdi��ision. Persons wishin� to spea�: on this issue zxe invited to attend and be h�ard at this mwting on Tuesda�� April ''0 1993 at 8:00 p.m. Formal ��ritten comments w�ill also be accepted prior to the meetin� dat�. Pl:zse io;u•�.rd a11 comments and intiuiries to the Plz.�nin� Department. DatPd this 6th day of �pril, 1993. � �l l�� , � , ,/.u,�-�/ � ��� �� Su�an ?�1. «`�ish, Cit}� Cl�r�: Cic�� o; Ros�mount D�o;z County, ?�Zinneso'� � s J SH�NNO:� POND FLTD/PRELiAt11ARY PLAT/R�Z011�('. �ZAILL'�C� LIST 1. Rasernount Development Co. 34-0311Q-015-50 3480 Upper 149th Street West 34-03110-021-50 Rosemount, MN 55068 34-83702-010-00 2. City of Ros�mount 34-03110-Q17-50 2S'l� 1:Sih Street ��+%est 3�-0�110-020-50 Rosemount, riN 55065 3. Isadore J. Geraen 3�-0�110-019-50 2-�36� Cedar La�:e Drive ��'est 3�-03110-010-91 7ord�n. ?��i\ »3�'' �. �icholas G. �: ��arcia �'ootsi�:as �4-83700-010-02 4?2� 1�8th Stre�t ��'est Rosemount. :�-I?� >j06s �: Jud}� K. Casey - 3�-��700-0?0-02 J. Dau�las F�eatina _ �209 1�8th Strzet «`est Ros�mount, ?�ZN ��065 6. Charles P. D�rby 3�-53700-03C�-02 z 19� 1�Sth St:e�t ���est R�sPrnout�t, :�I:� �j06S 7. T�avid C. cS: .ai;n� E. �nutsoi� �—^.=��i00=0�0-0�' _ _ . 4179 1�8tt� $trz�t ���est Ros�?no�int; :�•i;� �St�6� 8. Carl J. Osterhaus 34-5�700-050-02 416� 1�8th Street ��'est Ros�n�ount. �1:� ��06� 9. I��itcl:ell T. d:. �I�rgo L. Oatman 3Y-S3700-060-��? _ _ _ 4149 1�8th Street «%est Rosetnount, I��IN ��068 10. Henry G. c�:: I�•�ary �. Broback �4-�3701-060-01 1�6�8 DarIin� Path Rosemaunt, ?��1ti ��068 11. Peter J, &> Laurie A. AZeidl 3�-53701-070-41 1�564 Darii�i� Patl� Rasemount, ��Iti 5�068 1?. Tl�omas L. � Sharon R. �ummer 3Y-S�701-0�0-01 � 1$670 Darlina Patl� Ros�i»ount, :�S'� >j05� s , . 13. Frederico S. �: Susan n2. Guzn�an 34-8370I-090-01 15674 Dartin� Path Rosemount, MN 55068 __ 14. Kurt D. cQ: An�le C. 3ohnson 3�-s3701-110-02 15561 DarlinJ Path� Rosemount, I�'�N 55068 1�. i�lark A. �:. Elizabeth D. Heuer 34-53701-120-02 1�667 Darlina Path Rosemount. 1�ZN »06S 16. A�ark A. c�. Susan E. Lind�man 3�-��701-130-0? 1�5%� Darlin� P2Tn RC�S�;170ll;;�. :�1'_\ JJ���� 17. Tonv �.: Rita ��. Simonson 3�-��701-1�0-0� �26� l�ith Caun t�'zst RoS�mount. �I:� >j068 ls. Paul '�1. ?�ScGreal _ �Y-B�"r01-150-0'? ��.�-�..i j-���r��-o��t-��'es�...�.� _- - ,.__ .. _ Rosen�ount: ��1�,� ��058 _ _ . _ lp. �elly ^�. Flanaaan � 3Y-S3701-160-0? �3? l 1�7th Couf «�est ROS�i110Ui1t. i�'I:� �J�6� ?0. Da�•id L. cC Lori H. ��rke 3�-��701-310-02 . _ _ _���fr 1�i�l� Coun �,�,'es� _ . _- _ _ -_ :-- _____ _ _ _._ ____..____---- Rosemount; :�1I� ��06� -__ _ _ _._--:. _.__.____ :-_.._. 21. J�ftrey J. «�.. Tlaeresa ��'alter 3T-�3701-010-03 1�6%6 Danville Avenue ���est Rosemount. '��IN ��06� 2� Rob�n E. �: I.;slie J. Booth ��-53701-�?0-U3 . _ T��� 1�7th Street ���est _ _ _ _ _ Rosemourit. I��i'� ��06� 23. Z,eo H. �: I�1ar�- K. Hill 3�-53701-030-03 �2?1 1�7t1� Street ���est Rosemount, :�SN ��06� 2=�. Da»a L. ���enler 34-83701-0�0-03 42?� 1�7th Street ��'�st Ros�rnount. ?�T:� ��06S ?�. Ste��en '�1. Sternisha 3�-��iQ1-0�0-03 Joan :�icElho�s-Sten�i5ha '207 1J ith Strv�t �','esc Roserl�oun;. '�1\ ��Gb� G � • 26. Steven 7. �: Patty A..Lyson 34-83701-060-03 �201 157th Street West Rosemount, MN SSOb$ 27. Timathy T. & Patricia Brobacfi 3�-83701-Q70-03 4195 i 57th Street VJest 34-83702-010-03 Rosemount, MN 55068 28. Jay J. & Jennifer L. Peloquin 34-�3701-010-fl� 4�26 1�7th Street West Rosen�ount, AZN >j068 ?9. RodQer I�'I. & I-aurel A. ?��Sul��ihill 34-E3701-020-0-� 4220 1�7th Str��t «�est Ros�mount. �i'� »G6S �0. Gre� I�Z. �: Lisa A.�Luedke ��-��701-030-04 4?14 1�7th Strert «'est Roswmount. hi� >j06s �1. Roi� R. Jc�t�ns�n_ _ ___ ._r,._ ___ 3�-8�—�01-0�0-OT _ �?OS 1�7Lh Street �'��est _ -___ _ _----- ---- ----- _ -- - -_ ___ _____: .. �---- -- -.. ___ _ -- __ . _--- _:._ Rosen�aun�, :�i'� a�06�' --- -- �2. i��Sar�: J. �:. C}'nthia 5pindler 34-�3701-050-OT 4?42 1�7th Str�Vt «%est RosQmount. ?�i:� >j06� 33. Ja�.�: R. �C. Bre��da C. :orb�s 3T-S370?-060-0= ,196 1S7t}7 Street �;�est __ _ Rose�j�ount: �L'� ��C}6S . __ . __ _ __ 3�. Rot�ert P. �: Bri�ette L. Just 3=�-83701-070-0� -- =�190 1�7th Stre�t �'��est Rosemount. AT� ��ObB 3>. Joh�l E. c� Katl�l�•��t J. Bunn ;-�-��70?-0?0-03 Cassandra I�. Bunn _ 4�36 tipper 1�6t1i Street ��'est __ 36. 7ames R. Sl:rbec 3�-�37Q2-030-0� Mary L. Heidenreich 4340 Upp�r 156th Street «'est Rosemount, I�-SN ��06� 37. I��icl�ael j. �: nancy J. I��addy �4-��70?-040-03 43�� tiPP�r 1�6t1� Street ���est Roseil�owzt. ?�iN ��068 ��. Aiiclrazl T. �.: '�Ia�;ii�e L. RucsPll �1-���0�-060-03 1�5a0 Dapple Court Ros�mount. :�I'� 5506'S �. . . � � � � � 39. Bryan L. �. Rebecca I��. Nelso;� 34-83702-100-02 15531 Dapple Circle Rosemount, MN 55068 40. Craig L. & Lisa M, Han��y 34-83702-110-02 15530 Dapple Circle Rosemount, MN 55068 41. Dennis M. Connors 3�-$3702-120-02 Tammy R. Stigsell 1��36 Dapple Circle Rasemount. MIeT �5068 �?. Da��id R. 8: Grace A. Balaobin 3�-�3702-13q-0? 1»�0 Dapple Circl� � Rosemount, r1N 3�068 :3. Briai� D. c� Camelia A. Balo�t� �Y-8�702-1Y0-0� �?3» lipp�r 1�6t}� Street «'est Ros�movnt, rZN ��OE�B �_._�_ .__.� _� .. ____��:�:�:�:�.d��ar��:,Ar�.r�:e�?e�c����.n____.._.._. .. ,_. _. _.-_._�_�.�. ..--=----�-�:�i0?-�•�(�-0?.. .:.__,_. �_.._� .......w..__..�._.:.�_.�___�. . --_ : ------ ----�351_lipp�r 155rh StT�et �T�%est - .. . _ _ _ Rosemount. '�ZN �a058 ��. Robert E. �C. I�athleen Tousianant 3�-8370?-170-02 �33� �pper 1�6th S,tr�et ��'est Rosemount. Ai�ti ��06S __._ =;5_ ���et�s�i7anzl- Realta� _ - _ -��-s3601-0�0-40 _ ' 1-���0 �'ilot �nob Road_ - 3T-��6Q2-O�.Q,-00 _ _ � �pple Valley, Ai:� ��124 =�7. Greaor}� S. Gar��in 3;-8�601-070-04 1��09 banburv :���enue R�semou��t. :�1:� ��068 _ _ __ �S. , Don G..�.: Sharpn J, Jen�:ins _ 34-53601-190-0� _ �160 1a4tta Coun �'�'est Rosemount. r�ZN �5065 49. Randall G. & A'tary :�nn Riley 34-�3602-�70-02 1�-70 Danville Ave��ue Rosemo��nt, T-iN �SOb8 �0. :�iichael R. �: Lori h4cDevitt 34-�3602-0�0-02 1�48� Dar���ille .A��ent►e Ros:.mount. :�IN ��06� �I . Rof�ert ;�i. S:. �an�v :�. �'�'au�amat� 3�-836Q2-090-0� 15-�9� Danbur-�� Avenue � Ros����o�u�t. A:1\T ��Ob8 l. � r / , . � . � . 52. Sie��en A. d: Jul'ie Y. Schmidt 34-$3b02-020-03 15500 Danbury Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 S3. Kevin R. �'�'a�ner 34-83602-030-02 15420 Danville A��enue Rasemount, A'tN 55068 S4. RZichael B. �. Amy L. Champ 34-83602-080-04 �240 15�th Street �'Jest Rosemoui�t, A'1I� �5068 ». Todd �. Fossand 3�-S3b02-090-0� ?220 1��th Street t�'est Rosemount. :�Z'� S�G6S 56. ��illiam E. 8�. Elaine J. `�'ebb 34-8�602-100-0� �200 1>jth Street ���est Rosemount. �Zn »06$ �i. St�ph�n F. &: Susan T. BeltinQ 3Y-83b0?-11Q-0-� .r_..____.__�...��._ ___�..._...F _ _,.,.._.zLp�..l��.th Szr�t_��'est _ .. Rosenrount. I��ii� ��068 _ _ _ _ __ _. �8. Daniel ��'. �.: Cheryl A. Rademacher 3rt-S1�10-?30-02 1»20 Columbia Court Rosemount. :�S�i ��05� �9. Daiii�l .a. �.: :�Iarcia '�S. :�1at�}:i����icz �=-�l�i 0-�'-�0-02 ---�--__ }—��1$ Colu��}bia C�zu.�, _ �° _ _ Rosemount. ?�Ti�7 ��068 ___ __ _ _ _ 60. Cunis L. �:: I��faroaret T13ompson ��-81310-2�0-02 15�17 Columbia Court Rosemount. :�2i�T ��ObB 61 . I�eith J. d: Don�la R. ?v�is 3-�-S1�10-2b�J-02 I5�?1 Colwnbia Court _. _ : Rosemount, n�iN �506� 62. Derek J. 8: Carrie E. Hiecnstra 34-81310-?70-02 1���3 Columhia Court Ros�mount, T�iN »068 63. Todd D. R. Aii�y m. Libert}� 3�-�1310-320-02 3937 1�6th Str�et «%est Rasemount. �1N ��068 6-�. K�nnetli D. 8:. Sl�irle�- Falk 3-�-�1�10-»0-0? 39�1 1�6t1� Street �'�'est Rose�iiount. '�i�T ��06S 1� < � i � 65. r2ichael J. Mothershead 34-51310-3�0-02 Sha��n I��. Gulden 3955 156t1� Street West Rasemount, MN 55068 66. Michael S, �. Pamela K. Settje 34-81310-350-02 3967 156th Street ��Jest Rosemount, MN �5068 67. Tim B. d: Deborah J. E�r�huis 3�+-S 1�10-010-03 3966 156th Street Z'�%est � Rosemount, I�7N S�Q68 6�. Robert J. � Frances A. Lund�ren 34-�I310-0�0-03 1�6�5 Cr�ston� path � ROS�I110UI1i. A1N��068 69. «'inds Cros�ina Co. :i=-�1310-03Q-03 15�94 Corne11 Trail P.O. Bo�; �3 Rosemount. I�iN »06� _ _ _ �.0 `��a��n� R.:�. Sandra I��i. R�hn ��-8 i�10 210-0T 1�604 Crestone Patl� Rosemount. I�1N ��06� i 1. John T. Lzib 3�-81310-??0-0� Lori �. 5evmour _ _ 1�63_^-. Creston4 Path _ __. _ ___ _.: ___ _ __ _. Rosemount. :�i�T 5�06.� _ _ __ _�_. __ __ _. _ __ _ 72. 3o}�n :��i. c4; Jaan ?�L Hargens ��-81310-?30-0� 1�669 Cornell Trail Rosemount. ri:�T ��068 7�. .�rlan E. � i�ar.n J. Os��olci �-�-�1310-2'4-0� l�667 Corn�ll Tr�il _ _ Rosemount. �iN ��06� _ 7=:. Ed«�ard A. � Patricia Buckley 3�-51310-0�0-10 156�5 Cornell Court Souti� Rosemount. I�ZN Sa068 7�. Erfraiij� cfr. Ellen R. Tsarfati 3Y-�131U-060-10 1�660 Cornell Court Soutll Rosemount. :�ZN ��065 76. Ronald C. �: Denisz Stapf 3�-81�10-070-10 ;�66? Cornell Cour South Rosen�ount. '�i'.� ��G6S � ( Y � 77. Tliori�as J. �. Joan L. 1'�'arure� 34-813I0-080-I0 15664 Cornell Trail Rosemount, MN SSa6� 78. Ricky L. c� Linda O. `'Jirtjes 34-81310-490-10 _' 15666 Cornell Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 79. ��lilliam J. 8:. Sandra K. Deane 3�-81310-110-10 15670 Crestone Court Rosemount. I��N »068 80. Bradley j. 8:. Robin L. Schmitz 3�-81310-1?0-1f� 1�672 Cr�stone Covrt Ros�IIIOUIII. �I� >jG6S 81. Steph�n T'i. �. De��-a A. I�urtovich 3Y-81310-130-10-13 1�67� Crestone Court Ros�mount. �+2� ���68 ,:�.�..�.k�:��p�i�F--�--������Se�ul� _ 3-�-81��10 _I�0-10.�:�_._ . .. 1�67� Cres�one Cour _____ _ - __. _ __- __ _ _ _ ___ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rosemount. I�ZN »068 _ 83. Kenneth T-i �: Melanie Br�nner 3�-5370�-160-0� 43^—.� lipp�r 1�6th Stre�t �'��est Rosemount. ?�1N ��06� ��. De2�1 R. f: J�nnif�r B. Po;�n�; ��-�37C�1-1�D-0? -;32� tipper 1�6t1t Street ��'�st _ Ros�s»ount. ;�SN �306� $�. Jan��s A. �: Lisa .�,. Hemfier 34-8�601-1S0-C� 4140 1�4th Street ��'est ROS�111OUilt. �Z�T JJ06�' S6. Rutl� I. Docter 3-�-��601-200-0� Sue :�. BuChardi _ _ 217 ��%ater Street rast Cani�on Falls, MN 5�009 87. Steven P. Pier�on 34-��602-010-03 Tir�a L. Lyden 1��98 Danbury Avenue Rosen�ount. MI�' S�068 S�. Robert J. B:. 7ulie R. Gustason 3�-51310-100-10 1�66� Cr�stone Cour; Rosemoui�t. ri�T ��06S �9. Patrick J. andreas 31-81�10-1-�Q-10 1�676 Crestone Ceurt Ro�e�>>ot:>>t. '�i\ ��06� i t � � F � � ► � i � � =�om { I I L_ � i —\ /� PREPARED iOR: I'_c m��o I /� � � ' """,`\'�--_J L---.—F �� � iiiia�i�a�ao%rt�r caiva�.non.x+c �N o� .'� . . . . . � � . � yAV�GC.YN]!J)0 �/�.�}( � � �. , ' �. r� . ���. . ' � .. . .. (ill)�09�-IOOE .V J.�-K� . I t � I � 1'--r--� r--r-� ��.\ 1 �,�,� �1----�-----+---J � � � � � � � .\ i SHANNQN_PARKWAY--- 0"z _ �� 1 I i I � J __ __ __ --- ---- -- p � � �' �r4 J' � 1I�OJ _ _ _____________ _-__ . . . �Z �� . �.� . . . � N�'Ow r A _'_. __'_'__ __ ��— __ r �-- - .._QU) �MiYB � �. � �. � .�. �. — . �� =� � ...-l�a ' 0_ Il. _ 24..� �.2T R , ' . . tt R . ( .iT �ao.�v �..aa v u.�� � t r :27 � . ..' i 1 . aan ••�� � �i' . � �p � . 1 , y '�ylY , 2f �i �r ' T � ���oy t. .. •a' •r.p . Q � ' . . . � � J �� Q ) . � 2 �� a. ' • .�1 ' .n:v '26 2 . J . ��� E .'� F � a i � ��.. 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F,� �g. ^ ,� � ¢�0 1----4---�=1 I ( �----I I j W a W a $a l.. ��. �OG�' ' �II J .r�\ --~I �___I__—�I r ^, _j �-----� W Z � r ��� ' � O � /� \ ' ��' � � F 1 h'-_ I ( I � � 4 oZa ` �\,�,�f� \�p� !/ . --wl (�,�p�'�_ Wj I t-_.�� J � ( J F" Z F-- � arc `. o° � � � � I -�I I t--- �--+ ( tA Z Z W �� i i � 1 �p. / i N' !T' i �n� � �---4 � � � Q = a i � —L _ L�_ = E ` ���vv��\ �--� �----�-- � ; f �j �_ � � Q y �.� � � i i r .i i �:.1�--- Y . i� �� i� \� `a'f�-�J L___1__.J �--- �------- � � 7 _ � Z Z h \��_J� �/��i_--� �--°�=-=,1 ��� ' w � z F� il I l � �� � - -" -� .,�.��.� r----� i i � d es-,003 � 0�19/93 � . . � � . � � � � � s.cn«o . REY A 2 OF ? � t � � � . ,. . � � . . � II ' . _ � . . . . � � � i . .. � � � .. � . �, . . . . . . . � .j - M . �'--���,--, �7� i�� o osevYcoun� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-i45th Straet West,Rosemouni,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 , Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 570,Rosemount.Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Red)Staats Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice oe n sr W p'permann ADMINISTRATOR S���N P�� Stephan Jilk PLANNED UNTI' DEVELOPMENT, PRELIl��IARY PLAT, AND REZONING STAT'E OF P/IINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) SS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Susan M. Walsh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On April 8, 1993, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the atta.ched notice of a Public Hearing for consideration of a planned unit development, preliminary plat, and rezoning for development of a single family housing subdivision to be identified as the Shannon Pond Addition, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listi�gs at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. ,,, ' / � % ;, � � �%� �� � _�t , � . -� � � _ _ _ Sus n M. Walsl�F City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to•before me this U/ �" day of , 199�. e r � �, �iN�Y DORfd1DEN � �� PdOTARY PI,�BL;G—.�t,pINNESOTA DAKOTA CQUNTY ��- � ►AY Comm.Exnires Aug.25, pt1bI1C �ver���ings �oming �UC�i C`Jl.osPmounl�� � ' 6 2� o osevvr.oun� � PHONE (612)4234471 2875•/45th Street West,Rosemount.Minnesota MAYOR Edward B.MdAenomy FAX (612)A23520.3 Mailing Address: p,p.Box StO,Rosemouni,Minnesota SSD6B�0510 C4UNCIlMEMBERS . Sheila Kiassen . James(fie�Staau Harry Willcox ����1C 1 t Qt1Ce Dennis WiDDertnann ADMINISTW+TOR Stepnan J�iK. Sx�fior�T Porrn PLAI�fi'ED Ul\TIT DEVELt?PI1��T'T PRELIIVIINARY pI.AT �ND REZO�'II�G TO V4'xOM IT MAY CONCERI`: I�TOTICE IS HEREBY GI�'E'�, the Cit}� Council of the Ciry of Rosemount u�ill hold a Public Hearin� to consider the item listed below on Tuesday, April 20, 1993, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street R%est, be�inning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The public hearin� listed below pertains to the propeny generally described as that part of the Southu�est Quarter (SVJ'/�) of Section 31, Tov.�nship 115, Range 19, Da�:ota County, Minnesota lying east of Danville A�lenue and Danbury ____. . - _ A��enue;.�d}�ce�and cn„ h of Jaycee Park and leaally described as follo��s: _- - -- --- — PROPERTY DfiSCRIPTIOK PHASE 1: That part of tbe Southwest Quarter of Se:.tion .i l, 7�ownship I 15, Ran�e 19, Da}:ota Coun:��. \4inn�so� described as follov.�s Commencin� at the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 3, WFST PtitDGE SECOND ADDITIO�. Da}:ota Count}�, �linnesota; thence I�orth 29 de�rees 33 minutes 00 seconds East (assumed bearin,) alona the - - - -- - -nort�e.ra-��extensipn�f_t}���escetlY line of said Lo_c 1�(che same bein�the easterl�� riaht-of-w�a}, line of Danville Avenua�as platted) a distance of 260.00 feet to the point of be�innin�of the_land to be described; thence continuins northerly along said easterly ri�ht-of-w'ay line to the northeast corner ofi. the plat of��'EST RIDGE�-tlRg ADDITIO;�: 1hepCe o� a bearina of North alon� the northerl}� extension of the_east line,o�said plat a di�tance_o�119.90 feet; thence South 89 degrees 48 rninutes 49 seconds East a distance af 119.90 feet; thence North 69 de�rees 36 musutes 11 seconds East a distance of 112.64 feet; thence northerlt� alon� a nontan�ential curve concav� to the west ha�•ina a radius of�OS.BI feet a central anale of 22 de�rees 59 minutes SS seconds a chord bearin� of North 11 de�rees :1 minutes 10 s�oqds East a distance of 1?3.96 feet; thence North 00 degrees l 1 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 369.75 feet morei or less to the north line of saio Southwest Quarter; thence easterh� alon� - said north line to the northeast corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence southerly alons the east line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 368.80 feet; thence southwesterl}' alone a tangential curve concace to the northwest ha��ins a radius of 452.59 feet a central an�le of 20 de�rees 42 minutes 30 seconds an arc lenath of 163.58 feet; thence southwesterly tangent to said cun�e a distance of 36.22 feet; thence southerl�� alon� a tangential curve concave to the east havin� a ndius of 587.32 feet a central an�le of 20 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds an arc len�th of�212.27 feet; thence South 00 de�rees 28 minutes 30 seconds West tanaent to said curve and parallel with said east line a distiance of 58.00 feet; thence North S3 deQrees 37 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of 93.86 feet; thence North 89 deorees 48 , minutes 53 seconds west a distance of 341.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 45 minutes 45 seconds West a distance of 60.22 feet; thence North 82 de�rees 40 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of 11�.00 feet; thence North 72 desrees 14 minutes 15 seconds West a distance of 5.55 feet; thence South 19 de_rees 03 minutes 53 seconds Mest a distance of 261.00 feet; thence South 33 de�rees �1 minutes 49 seconds Vt'est a distance of 303.94 feet; tbence.South 31 degrees 47 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 107.00 feet; thenc� South 7] dearees 44 minutes 48 seconds East a distance of 71.47 f�eet;� 1I � 2�� :� " �'7Je3'Lst{11Y1Cj S �O1'i1131C� � OSP)1iOl!11�.. thence Sou:h 42 degrees �7 minutes 21 seconds East a distanca of 96.18 feet; thence South 2l degrees 4S minutes US seconds \�'est a distance of 46.75 feet; thence North 61 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds �'��est a distance of 167.7� feet; thence South 28 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds V✓est a distance of 10.00 feet; thence North b 1 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds West a distance o€60.00 feet: thence alon� a t�;agential curve coneave to the southwest having a radius of 529.85 feet a central angle of 21 degrees 41 minutes 14 seconds an arc length of 200.56 feei; thence North 83 degrees 13 minutes 14 seconds VJest tangent to said curve a distance of 29.06 feet; thence along a tanoential curve conca��e to the northeast bavinq a r�dius of 386.94-feet a central angle af 23 de�rees 46 minutes l� s.,conac � arc l�r.gth oT '.�3.75 feet to the interse;tion �•ith a line drawn South 60 de�rees 27 minutes 00 seconds East irom the point oi be�innin;; thence Nor[h 60 deorees 27 minutes W seconds VJest a distance of 130.00 *�et to the point of besinning. EXCEPTiTvG 1'HEREFROAi THE FOLLOw'UvG DFSCP.IBED TRACT: Beginnin� _ _ at the northAast corner of tbe Soutbwest Quarcer of said Section 31; thence southerly along the east line __ : of said Soutbwest Quarter a distance of 365.80 feet; thence southwesterl}� alona a_tanaential cun•e conczve to :a: nortbk�est ha�•ing a radius of 452.�9 feet a central ansle of 16 desrees 33 minutes 43 se;,onds an are Ien�th of 130.53 fee: to a point hereinafter referred to � point A; thence continuing � southwesterl�• alon� szid curve witn a central an�le of 4 de�r�s 08 minutes 47 se�onds an arc lensth of 32.75 feet; thence soutbwesterly tangent to said cun�e a distance of 36.22 feet; thence southerl}� along a tancential cun•e concave to the east havins a radius of Y87.32 feet a central ansle of 6 desrees 41 minutes 42 se:onds an arc len�th of 68.63 feet; thence westerl}� parallel with the north line of said Southwest Quarter a dist�ace of 166.66 feet; thence northerly at ri�ht ansles to the inters:�.tion u�ith a line draw•n westerl�� parallel with said north line from the above referenced point A; ihence westerh� parallel with said north line a distance o:517.22 f�.t; thence northerly to a point on said norih line distance 750.00 feet ��est of the nortb�t comer of said Southwest Quarter; thence easterly alon; said north line a distance of 75�.00 feec to the point of be�in;in�. _ _ - - --- -- _ - AND - • _ _ . _ . - F'ROPERTI' DcSCRIPTION PHnSE 2: T.}a: pa� o.`th: Southw•�st Qua:ter o,`Sr:iion �i. io�;�nsiiip I:�. ��n�� 19, �a'r:o� Co�r..�•_ �1:nnesota ' C�SCI::'�� � iC;:Ou 5: - � Commen�in� at t'r.e nor:n:zst corne: o:said Southwzst Qua�e;; tnence soutberl�� alon� the eas; line of --"""�- �� szie� South�°es; Qilarc�r a dis:anc� of 36S.SO fee.: thence southw�esterl�� alon� a tan�ential cun�e can::a��e -- to the northw•est ha��in� a radius of 452.�9 feec a centnl an�le of 20 �rees 4^ minutes 30 s:�,onds an arc ien�th oi 16�.�8 feet; thence southwesterl�� can�ent to said curve�distance of 36.22 feet; thence � ' southerl�� alon� a :an�ential curve concave to the east havin� a radius'.of SS7.32 feet a ce�tral ansle of ' - _- 20 dearees 4? minutes 30 seconds an arc lenoth of 212.2 i feet; thence South 00 de�rees 28 minutes 30 . se:onds �'�'est tansent to said cun•e and parallel w•ith said east line a_distance of 53.00 feet to the point of bv�innin� of tbe land to be describ:,cl; thence ;�orth 83 de�rees 3� minutes 1: s;.conds «'est a distance of 93.8b feet; thence T�orth 89 de_rees �S minutes �3 s:,conds �'est a distance of 341.00 feet: thence ;�ortn 89 desrees �� minutes Y� se;.onds «'est a distance of 60.�2 feet; thence ?�orth 82 de�rees _ . 40 minutes�8 se,:onds «'est a distanee of 11�.00 feet; thence Itiorth 72 oedrees lY minutes 15 seconds" . R'est a distance of 5.�5 feet; the�ce South 19 de�rees 03 minutes 52 se.^,onds �'est a distance of 261.00 feet; thence South 33 deorees 4I minutes �9 seconds VJest.a distance of 303.44 feet; thence South 31 . desrees 47 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 107.00 feet; thence South '71 desrees 44 minutes �3 seconds East a distance of 71.47 feet; thence South 4'? degrees 47 minutes 21 seconds East a distance - of 96.18 feet; thence North 83 de�rees 40 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 84.23 feet; thence - South 40 degrees 36 minutes OS seconds East a distance of 5�3.17 feet; thence South 76 de�rees 50 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 264.43 feet; tbence northerly alon� a nontan�ential curvc � concave to the west havin� 3 radius of 3i79.72 feet a central an�le of 00 desrees 00 minutes 15 seconds a chord bea.ing o;.'tiorth 03 deorees 09 minutes 39 seconds Vvest a chord ]en�th of 0.28 feet; . thence North 03 de�r�,s 09 minutes 30 seconds V�'est a chord len�th of 0.28 feet; thence North 03 degrees 09 mi.nutes 39 se:,onds West a distanee of 388.27 feet; thence alon� a tan�ential eurve conca�-e to the east ba�-ins a radius of 3859.7� feet a central an�le of 03 de�rees 3� minutes 09 se.,�onds an arc length of 2=+4.93�feet; tbence North 00 deorees �8 minutes 30 se:,onds East tanaent to said cun�e a distanc; of 493.53 feet to the point of beainnin�. � The purpose of tY�is hearing is to consider a Planned Unit Development, prelimurary plat and a rezoning from Agriculture (AG) to Single Family Residential (R-1) for the above described properiy for a proposed single family development which would be ident�ed as the SHt�NNON PoND subdivision. Persons wishing to speak on this issue are invited to attend and be heard at this meeting on Tuesdav. April 20, 1993 at 8:40 p.m. Formal written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the Planning Department. Dated this 6th day of April, 1993. � � ) Y, / . . „Q�./ � -� . Sus�an M. W sh, City Clerk City of Rosemount , Dal:ota County, Minnesota _ . . _ _. . . . � � i 1 � . � i 1 1 1 t t � , 1 I L� ' � � = Y � / � � I ��—��.J L�--.-�^\V'�' I pREPAREO fOR: �—z a�''�oe I / 1 i � i�� I I �.�.�w oc.t�o�+a.r co�rw.no�..�c �'ui e e � 11.If MIM!'tw Af(. �..o� LJ/���.l���J_.��J /T�T--1 f--f—\ /. � lai)iiwuiv� (f'�#�N i 1 I I l' �� i j,.n -� - -- — �i� � � i � t �� ---'����NoN _PAR1�W4�{_-- — �� � -r ' I � -,.-r ... . _-__ - " � n �, _ ' Yw�11�� . w 111 yyyf�1 _"_.... ......_. .�._.. .... _.�� . _."_ ' ..��Cr�. 1 Y� � � � � � '� � � � � �Z �� . . ' � l� l�w�'r .iu��� • 17 �.in :�)'.—I )f�'L�. Cf'w rY .. � i . . � � . //�)1 C � i � . 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Pr ,17� . y� �"�'� ___��) � � � ( ' . � . � = Z = . .- Wn - L•`,�.`' c � �' i: " ., / �,v`f I---�f-----1 � r___1 L'----1 N � 3 �� �oC�' 'q� �/ ...� _ wl � �o I v�l � f-----I � � z a s�z • �\ .�° � �i ` • g� �---�---� r--, � �----� � $n� \�� oo`�� j// \�. _ L,� � ,.d'' � W� I----~�-� � � I I }�.• v � ��� , . . � �r / I• -tNj I �'`_-�-__�� I � F.:--J �-----� O p � �<rc / ,^ I ;I I I il � ~---i ' � 1 � � �`' � �� ���� �� (---'-',.;� �----i---� 1 1 .� �--.J.... O 7� ��`�� �y�� =1 I I =-'I � ��f� �� _ `-' Z a � ..._ �y � � �1��`����.:J� L__J_�....1 . �-- __----/�---- � � � . . . Y / // ���--...l7AN111� JI:+EM ��Ll��i /'�v�' d c__�� � '�-----�-� r---'�=� r'` AN z z � ' � ,� � �1�� � � ° .- -- - __ � r�---� i i � � � �w�,� . . . 82-1003 . � . . �. � . 0. p�t9/03 su�w. REV A 20F ) . • SI-IANNON POND PUD/PRELIIVIINARY PLAT/REZO1Vt?�G 11�IAILING LIST l. Rosemount Development Co. 34-03110-015-50 3480 Upper 149th Street West 34-03110-Q21-50 Rosemount, MN 55068 34-83702-010-00 2. City of Rosemount 34-0311D-017-50 2875 145th Street West 34-03110-020-50 Rosemount, MN 55068 3. Isadore J. Gergen 34-03110-019-50 24365 Cedar La�:e Drive West 34-03110-010-91 . .. Jordan, MN �5352 - � . 4. Nicholas G. � Marcia Kootsil:as 34-83700-010-02 . ,� � , � � ��� �4225 158th Street West Rosemount. MN 55068 5. Judy K. Casey 34-83700-020-02 J. Dou�las Keating ► 4209 158th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 6. Charles P. Derby 34-83700-030-02 4195 158th Street West Rosemount, MN �5068 . .. ! � 7. David C. & Anne E. �nutson 34-83�00-040-02 , "• �"� ` 4179 158th Street West � � � Rosemount. MN 55068 _ 8. Carl7. Osterhaus 34-83700-050-02 � 4165 158th Street West � � Rosemount, MN 55068 9. Mitchell T. & Margo L. Oatman 34-83700-060-02 4149 158th Street Wesf ` Rosemount, MN 55068 ' 10. Henry G. & Mary K. Broback 34-837Q1-060-01 156�8 Darling Path Rosemount, MN 55068 � � 11. Peter J. & Laurie A. Meidl 34-$3701-070-01 15664 Darlin� Path Rosemount, MN 55068 12. Thoinas L. & Sharon R. Kummer 34-83701-080-�1 15670 Darling Path Rosemount. MN 55068 13. Frederico S. & Susan M. Guzman - 34-83701-090-01 15674 Dar.linn Path Rosemount, ?�.:ti 55068 14. Kurt D. & Anne C. Johnson 34-83701-110-02 15661 Darling Path� Rosemount, MN 55068 15. Mark A. & Elizabeth D. Heuer 34-83701-120-02 T5667 Darlin� Path Rosemount. MN 5�068 16. Mark A. & Susan E. Lindeman 34-83701-130-02 15675 Darlin� Path Rosemount, I��N 5�068 ��••��. -17. Tony & Rita M.� Simonson 34-83701-140-02 4265 157th Court West Rosemount, MN 55068 18. Paul M. McGreal 34-83701-150-02 4287 157th Court West Rosemount, MI�T 5506$ _ 19. Kelly A. Flanagan � 34-83701-160-02 4311 157th Court West Rosemount. A'IN SSG68 20. David L. c� Lori H. lirke 34-837Q1-310-02 .'.. 426E� 157th Court «�est - _- -- -- — -� _ _ ROSZi710Ui1t, i�'TiVT �5068 - 21. J'effrey J. & Theresa Walter 34-83701-010-03 1�676 Danville Avenue R�est Ros�mount. MN 55068 ' , , 22. Robert E. & L.eslie J. Booth 34-83701-020-03 4225 157th Street Vdest _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � Rosemount, MN �506$ 23. I.eo H. & Mary K. Hill 34-83701-030-03 4221 157th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 24. Datla L. �Verner -34-83701-�4Q-03 421� 157th Street R�est Rosemount, MN 55068 25. Steven A-i. Sternisha 34-83701-050-03 Joan McEllloes-Sternisha 4207 1�7th Street West Rosemount. MN 55068 � 26. Steven J. & Patty A. Lyson 34-83701-060-03 4201 157th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 27. "Timothy T. & Patricia Broback 34-83701-070-03 4195 157th Street West 34-83702-010-03 Rosemount, MN 55068 28. Jay J. & Jennifer L. Peloquin 34-83701-010-04 4226 157th Street West � Rosemount, MN 55068 29. Rodger M. & Laurel A. Mulvihill 34-83701-020-04 422Q 157th Street West _.. Rosemount. MN 55068 ' ' _ - .. 30. Greb M. & Lisa A.�Luedke 34-83741-030-04 . _ � ' ' ' 4214 157th�freet''West ,r . . . .. • •— �� Rosemount, MN 55068 3i. ;Roy R. Johnson 34-83701-040-04 �4208 157th Street West 'Rosemount, MN 55068 32. �Mark 7. & Cynthia Spindler 34-8370I-O50-04 4202 157th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 �----- �33: -;Jack R. & Brenda C. Forbes 34-83701-060-04 ';4196 157th Street West ` � .._ �' Rosemount, MI�T 55068 - 34. Robert P. & Brigette L. Just 34-83701-070-04 " 4190 157th Street West �Rosemount, MN 55068 3�. John E. & Kathleen J. Bunn 34-83702-020-03 Cassandra K. Bunn '4336 Upper 156th Street West .. _. -, : . 36. James R. Skrbec 34-83702-030-03 - Mary L. Heidenreich -�4340 Upper 156tti Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 � 37., �Michael j. &�nancy J. Naddy 34-83702-040-03 4348 Upper 156th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 38. Michael T. & Maxine L. Russell 34-83702-060-03 15590 Dapple Court Rosemount, MN 55068 39. Bryan L. & Rebecca M. Nelson 34-83702-100-02 15531 Dapple Circle Rosemoi�nt, MN �5068 40. Craig L. & Lisa M. Harvey 34-83702-110-02 15530 Dapple Circle Rosemount, MN 55068 41. Dennis M. Connors 34-83702-120-02 Tammy R. Stigsell 15536 Dapple Circle Rosemount, MN 55068 �2. David R� & Grace A. Balgobin 34-�3702-130-02 15540 Dapple Circle � Rosemount. I�ZN 5�068 . � �.. ' .�eL'. ... i� . ... . .... - • .. � . . . .. 43. Brian D. & Carnelia A. Balow 3�-83702-1�0-0? 435� Upper 156th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 44. h2ary Ann Peloquin , 34-83702-150-02 4351 Lpper 156th Street West � Rosemount. MN �5068 ' 45. Robert E. �. Kathleen Tousignant 3�-83702-170-02 4335 Upper 1�6th Street R'est Rosemount. ?�-1N ��06b 46. Vv`ensmann Realty . . , ,' 34-83601-0�0-0� 14340 Pilat Knob Road • 34-�3602-010-00 . Apple Valley, MN 55124 - 47. GreQor}� S. Garvin � 34-83601-070-04 I5409 Danbury Avenue � - Rosemount. MI�T 55068 48. Don G. & Sharon J. Jenl:ins 34-83601-190,0� 4160 154th Court ���est _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ Rosemount, MN 55068 49. Randall G. & Mary Ann Riley 34-83602-070-02 15470 Danville Avenue RQcemount. I�-iN 55068 50. Michael R. �. Lori McDevitt 34-8360?-080-0? 15480 Danville Avenue Rosemount, : IN SS068 51. Robert M. & Nancy A. «�augaman 34-83602-090-OZ 15495 Danbury Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 ° � 52. Steven A. & Julie Y. Schmidt 34-83602-020-03 15500 Danbury Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 53. Kevin R. Wagner 34-$3602-030-02 15420 Danville Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 54. Michael B. & Amy L. Champ 34-83602-080-04 4240 155th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 55. Todd K. Fossand 34-83602-090-04 4220 155th Street West ' Rosemount. 1viI�T 55068 `' ' 56. William E. & Elaine 7. Webb 34-836(�2-100-04 .. _ . . . � _. _... ... 4200 155th Street West Rosemount, Mn 55068 � 57. Stephen F. & Susan T. Belting 34-83602-110-04 4190 1SSth Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 , 58. Daniel W. �; Cheryl A. Rademacher 34-81310-230-02 15520 Columbia Court Rosemount, MN 55068 59. Daniel A. & Marcia ?�Z. Matvkiewicz 3A�-81310-240-02 .15518 Columbia Court y Rosemount, MI�T 55068 60. Curtis L. & Margaret Thompson 34-81310-250-02 15517 Columbia Court Rosemount, MN 55068 61. Keith J. & Donna R. Neis 34-81310-260-02 15521 Columbia Court � • _ _ Ro�:mount, MN SSOfi8 _ _ _ _ _ : 62. Derek J. & Carrie E. Hiemstra 34-81310-270-02 15533 Columbta Court - Rosemount, M�T 55068 : � 63. Todd D. & Amy m. Liberty 34-81310-320-02 3937 156th'Street West ' Rosemount, MN 55068 64. Kenneth D. & Shirley Fall: 34-81310-330-02 3951 156th Stra�et West Rosemount, MN 55068 65. Michael J. Mothershead 34-81310-340-02 Shaum M. Gulden 3955 1S6th Street West Rc�semount, MN 55068 66. Michael S. & Pamela K. Settje 34-8131p-350-02 3967 156th Street West Rosemount, MN 5�068 67. Tim B. & Deborah J. Ber�huis 34-81310-010-03 3966 156th Street �Vest Rosemount, MN 55068 , 68. Robert J. & Frances A. Lundgren 34-81310-020-03 15635 Crestone path Rosemount, MN 55068 . s . . .._ . . .. - 69. Winds Crossin� Co. 34-81310-030-03 15594 Cornell Trail P.O. Box 83 Rosemount. MN SSU68 70. Wayne R. &. Sandra M. Rahn 34-81310-210-04 15604 Crestone Path . Rosemount, MN SSQ68 71. 7ohn T. Laib 3�-81310-220-04 Lori A. Seymour . 1�63� Crestone Path Rosemount, MN ��OF�3 72. ?ohn M. & Joan M. Har��ns 34-81310-230-04 � 15669 Cornell Trail Rosemount. MN 55068 7�. Arlan E. & Karen J. Osvold 34-81310-240-04 15667 Cornell Trail Rosemount. MN 55068 74. Edward A. & Patricia Bucl:ley 34-81310-OSO-10 15658 Cornell Court South Rosemount, MN 55068 75. Erfraim & Ellen R. Tsarfati 34-$1310-060-10 1�660 Cornell Court South Rosemount, MN 55068 ' 76. Ronald C. R. Denise Stapf 34-81310-070-10 15662 Cornell Court South Rosemount, MN 55068 77. Thomas J. & Joan L. Warweg 34-81310-080-10 15664 Cornell Trail Rosemount, MN SSp6$ 78. Ricky L. & Linda O. Wirtjes 34-81310-090-10 15666 Cornell Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 79. William J. & Sandra K. Deane 34-81310-110-10 15670 Crestone Caurt Rosernount, MN 55068 80. Bradley j. & Robin L. Schmitz 34-81310-120-10 1567Z Crestone Court Rosemount, MN 55068 81. Stephen M. & Debra A. Kurtavich 34-81310-130-10-13 15674 Crestone Court Rosemount, MN 55068 82. Christopher & Nancy Schulz 34-$1310-I50-10 15678 Crestone Court Rosemount, MN 5506$ 83. Kenneth M & Melanie Brenner 34-$3702-160-02 4345 Upper 156th Street West Rosemount, 1VIN 55068 84. Dean R. & Jennifer B, Portner 34-83701-180-02 4325'Upper 156th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 . _ _ 85. James A. & Lisa A. Hemker 34-83601-180-QS 4140 154th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 86. Ruth I. Docter 34-83601-200-OS Sue A. Buchardt 217 Water Street East_ __ _, Cannon Falls�, MN 55009 87. Steven F. Fierson 34-83602-010-03 Tina L. Lyden 15498 Danbury Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 88. Robert J. & 7ulie R. Gustason 34-81310-100-10 15668 Crestone Court Rosemount, MN 55068 89. Patrick J. Andreas 34-81310-140-10 15676 Crestone Court Rosemount, MN 55068 PUBLIC NOTICE SHANNON�OND . -�itANNED U1Rf DEVEIONriElIT°-;�''' M�EWAINARY rLAAT.AND REZONING- : A�fiDAVIT OF PUBUCATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEAN:..:-- �` NOTICE IS HERE$Y GIVEN, the GYty �Camcil�tl�e City of Roaemount will hold a �Publlc HeaTinB to co�ider tde item tisted below oa 4Uesdag�APri120.1993,in the Coua- �cit ibambas of tLe GYtq Ha11.2875145TL Street We�.b�inoinB st 8:00 p.m.or as soai Ukro- .���bk.��v��';� STATE O F MI N N ESOTA ) ��•��� ;.�������,`''��"� ss (SW�/a)o[Secdm 31�Township 115,Raoge i9, ��„oty,��,,,;����. County of Dakota ) ;vIUe Av�ue and Danbury Avenue;adja�t ;;8nd sout6�Jaycee Park and legally:de- �scEibed as faliuws: ; PRUP,ERTY DESCRIPTLQN PHASE 1: �'Th�tpart af the Southsvest Quarter of Sec- tian 81,.To1vas6ip i1S.RanBe 19,Dakote CamtY Minnesota described as follows: �mma�attdenorthwestca'nerofLot NANCY J. GUSTAFSON, being duly swom, on oath says that sFie is on outhorized ogent and 1,Block 3,WFST RIDGE SECOND AD- ' DITION,DakotaCountp,Minn�ota;� employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Dakota County Tribune,ond has full knowledge , tvartli 29 degrees 33 minutes ao seoonds East ' �����)����y a- of the focts which are stated below: teasiaaof the weaberly line of said Lot 1,(the same being fhe easta'1Y�-0f-way line of Dsaville Avem�e as platted)a distance of Z80.00 feet to the p�nt� of the : landtobed�cxibed;t�e��,. (A)The newspoper has complied with all of the requirements consrituting quolification as oiegci ', �'�Y a�B said east�ly right-�-way line ' co the metheaatcarner o�the ptat M WEST newspaper,as provided by Minnesota Statute 331 A.02,331 A.07 ond other applicable lows,os amended. RIDGE THIRD ADD11'ION; t6eace on a beuing�Nath along thenart6erly eateo- sion af the east lme�said plat a distance ' af 119.so fe�;tben�e South s9 degrees�8 (B)The prioted ; IDimites�Secoads East a distanCe af 119.80 ! feet;thence Nd'th 89degcees 36 minutes 11 ;-.eernnds EaBt a dist8nCE Of 1u.64 feet; : t6mtx tarthaly along:a n�taogeo6sl � ciu've�ve to the west having a tadius i of�08.81 fcet a ceniral angte�2z dege�ees i �mimttes 58 seconds a chord bearipg of ; No['th 11 degtees 41 minittes lO seouoda East a ttistance of ixt.96 feet;thence Nortli 00 degrees 11 minutes 11 seconda Eaat a which is attcched was cut from tf+e columns of said newspoper,ond was printed aod published once �: d�etance ot�.TS feet mare�leas W t6e m'th line of said Southwest f2uarter;th�e �'�Y a�B said nort6 line to the mr- theast cornet�said Southwest @uarter; �ce sout�'ly a1onB the east line of said �� syg�s;it was Southwest Quarter a distance of 968.80 fea; tha�ce aouffiwesterly along a tangentiai curve ooncave to the aart6west 6aving a redius o[952.59 feet a ceotral angte af tp first published on Thursday,the-�day of �!'_ de�'ees�minutes 3o secads an arc Ieogrh - ' of 163.58 fcet thencesatfhwesterly tangeat W said awe a distanceof�.22 feM;thenoe �aut�'IYalmBetan6�tialc�meconcave 19 �� , ond was thereofter printed and published on every Thursday to ond including W the east haviog a radius af 587.32 fcet a Cmh'al aoglC of 20 degrees�2 minutes 30 a�an arc la�gth of t12.7!fe�;theoce ������m'°��6DC0O�N'�� Thursday,the doy of ,19 tanBent to said curve and parallel wltti said -; ���$d�stance°f 56'00 feet� � and printed below is a copy of the lower case olphabet from A ta Z,both inclusive,which is hereby Naih 83 degrees 37 minutes 14 secwi�ds West a distance of 93.86 fcet•6hence North 89 de- grees 48 mimrtes 53�qr�e�� acknowledged as being the size ond kind of type used in the composition and publication of tt�e notice: of 541.00 feet;thence North 89��5 _ .� . . �.. ._ ... ...minutes453eCondSWEstBdiSt3tlCCof80.22 . .. - .. . ...._ .. ._. . . . . . .. ... ;�brd�HChi�kli�irn-��xp�.�uc�cx�v ._. . _ .. .. . ._ .... . _ ... _.. feet;t6edce Nort6 82 degrees 90 minutes 58 secwnds West a distance of 115.00 feet; thence North 72 degrees 14 minutes 15 - � seconds West a distance of.5.55 feet;t6eace sauW 19 degrees aa minutes sz secondt West BY: ' a distance M 261.0o feet;tl�ence SaiW E3 TITLE:Secretary e ublis deg�'ees 41 minutes 49 seconds West a dis- tanoe af 30ci.94 feet;tl�e�e South 31 deg�s ` 47 minutes 15 secoads East a distance� r 107.Q0 feet; Wence South 71 degtees 4q ��� � mi��es 48 seconds East a distance of 71.47 Subscribed and sworn to before o this �� day of '�� ��''���� . feet;thence south 92 aegrees 47 minutes zi � ` seoonds East a distance�96.18 feet;fheace �����minutes 06 s�onds West a distance of 96.75 fcet;thence North 61 da ` �32 minutes Uo seconds West a distance Notary Public . o[167.�5 feet;ffienee South 28 degrees 2g miautes 00 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet t6ence Nort6 61 degrees 32 minutes 00 1 secands West a distance a!'60.00 feet;thence a�on6 e ta�ential curve concave to ttie CARC3L J.��/��N� southwe,a�ev�ng 1 d dius of 529.85 feet a ��� I �a�,arc�eosu,or�zoo.s4s�rce%n�ence .!� NO�Tuttt PuBtAC•�rtA x«�m a�a��s m;,,,,r.�ia�as w�c DAKOTA COUNTY rangenr co saia curve a a;scance ot 2s.os (�,y C�bn Expirof Dee.s,t995 feet;thence along a tangential curve con- cave to the northeast 6aving a radius of - 386.94 feet a central angle of 22 degrees qg miautes 14 seconds an arc]ength of 153.78 . - oo�,r�...ti.,. ..__..,....._ .._,. .. . . . � . „ ' Wf .'��'.�.n�.,:c-.....,........._._..,.-'---- � FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT: Be- � guwing at the northeast corner of the Soutywest Qua�ter of said Section 31; thence southerly along t6e east line of said Swtthwest @uarter a distance of 368.80 feet:i t6ence saithwesterly along a tan8ential curve concave W the northwest having a, radiu4 of 452.59 feet a central angle oE 16', �33 minute3 43 seconds an arC length.. of 130.83 Eeet W a point 6ereinafte�'referred� to as point A;thence continuinLB southwest-t eriy aiong said curve wiW a central an€1e� pf q�08 minutes 49 secoads an arc lengih af 32.95 feet;thence southwesterly tangent to said curve a distance of 36.22 feet;thence southerly along a tangentiall curve concave to We east havmg a radius� of 4g1.32 feet a ceatral angle of 6 de��� sniuutes 42 seco�s an ar����� feet;tl�ence westerly P�'all a disiance of line of said Southwest Quarter lss.ss teec;���'�Y ac ngne ansles W the iatersection wiU►a line drawa west-. erly parallel witt►said north line from the. above referenced Point A;thence westerly parallel with said north line a distance of 517.22 feet;thence no�th�'13'tO a P°�t on said notth line distance 750.00 feet west of, the nort6east corner of said Southwest Quarter;thence easterly along said north _ _ . . _ _ . ]ine a distance of 750.00 feet W the point of _ �ng• AND_ PAOPERTY DESCRIPTION PHASE 2: Tpat part of the Southwest @uarter oE Sec- 6on 31,Towoslup 115,RanBe 19,Dakota. County.Mitm�a de�►bed as follows: Commencing at the nartt►east car�'af said Swthwest R�T�;thence southerly a1�B the east line oE said Satthwest Quarter a distance of 368.80 feet;ihe�e sout6wester- 1y along a tangential curve concave to the nort6west hawnB a radius 42 minutes 30 centra!angle ot 20 degcem secaods an arc 1m6th of 183.SE teet:thwce ., ' southwe�i�7 vaB��o safd cu�=d�s" faoce d J632[eet:thena sadt�ly abng' a tangeptial c�a've cooeave to the east hav- ing a ndiat at 58J.32 feN.a ca�tral anB1e ot 2p degrees 4z minutes 30 seconds an acc length of 212.27 Eeet; thence South 00 d� grees 28 minutes 30 seconds West tangent W said curve sod parallel with said east line a divance a ss.ao tect w che panc oc nN giq,oiag ai tbe laad to be desaibed:tbence Nprt6 aide(p'ee�S7 D�m�de�s 14�West a di�tanee a[93.e6 taet:tt►mce North�? dr,grees fe miades Ss secaod�Wat a dis-', hnce at 141_00 teet:theace Nacth aB de�ees� • 45 mim�ts aecoods Wat a diatance d; 60.Z2 fcet: theace North 88 degeea '10' mim,ces se s�o�wesc a�ta�ce ot�15.0o i feet;thence Nath 72 degrxs 14 minutes 15 seconds Wcgt a distance�5.55 feet;thence Sauth 19 degtees 03 minutes 52 secondg West a distance of Z61.00 feet;fhence South 33 degtee.s 41 minutes 49 Seconds West e dis- tance�3ai.94 feet;t6ence South 31 deg��ee.s 47 minutes 15 seconds F..ast a dista�e of 107.00 feet; thence South 71 degrees 44i minutes 98 seconds East a distance of T1.47' feet;thence South 42 degtees 47 minutes 21' seeond4 East a distenc�e of 96.18 feet;theace Nath 83 degi'ces 40 miautes 16 seconds East - a distance of 84.xi feet; thence South 40' clegrees 36 tninutes OS seconds Fast a dis-i tance af 553.17 feet;tl�eace South 76 degrees! 50 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of' 264.45 feet;thence northerly along a non- . tangential curve rnncave to the west hav-' ing a radius of 3779.72 feet a central angle' of 00 degrees 00 minutes 15 seconds a chord bearing of North 03�e�of O�u�t9 seconds West a chord thence Nort6 03 degree.a 09 minutes 30 � secoads West a chord lengt6 of 0.?B Eeet; thence North 03 deg�rees 09 minutes 39 seconds West a distance of 388.Z7 feet; thence along a taugential curve concave W the east having a radius of 3859.72 feet a c�- tral angle of 03 de8n�es 98 minutes U9 :, seconds an arc length of 244.93 feet;thence . Nafh 00 degces 28 minutes 30 seconds East tangent W said curve a dist�ace of 49Ci.53 . feet to t6e poiAt�beginnin$. The pttrpase of this hearin8 is to consider � a Planned Unit Development,prel�minarY . plat and a rezoning from Agriculdue(AG)W Singie FamilY R+esideatial(R-1)for the abave deactibed property for a proposed single faari- ly development wh�ch wouid be identified as{ the SHAlYNON POND subdivisioa. , � persoos wishing to speak on this issue are�,� , ;. . : .. , , - invited W attend and be heard at fhis meet-I . ing on Tne.day.Apr1I Y0.1993 at 8:00 p.m.I Formal written rnmmenfs will alsu be ar �P�Pi'�or to the meeting datc.Please for- ward all comments and inqwnes to the Plaa-� ning Department. I Dated ifis 6th day of Aprit,1993. I Susan M.Walsh,City Clerk . .� . . . . . . . . . . � . � . . . . . A SINGLE FAMILY PLANNED UNIT DEVELqPMENT SHANNON PaND PUD revised SUBMITTED BY: HAMPTON DEVELOPMENT C4RPORATION FEBRUARY 19, 1993 PREPARE BYt R. P. SMITH LAND PLANNING CONSULTANTS, INC. (612) $61 -6940 FAX 861-8084 R. P. SMITH tAND PLANN{NG CONSULTANTS, IRIC. 3009 1NEST 7Q 1i2 STREET RICHFIEID, MN 55423-2846 (6 'l2)861 -6940 FAX 861- 8084 FEBRUARY 19, 1993 City of Rosemount Mayor/City Council, Planning Commission, City Staff HAMPT�N DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 12433 Princeton Avenue Savage, MN 55378 (612} 594-1888 RE. Revision to design of PUD, Preliminary Plat, Comprehensive Guide Plan update, Rezoning far SHANNON POND PUD . Dear Mr. Mayor: It is with a great deal of pleasure that I transmit to you this PUD, Pretiminary Plat of "SHANNON POND", a $9 lot single family subclivision. . This proposaf, as previous submitted as prel�minary plat reviewed by the City Council, Planning Commission, is resubmitted for City Council approval. The devefopment is located west of Shannon Parkway and south of Jaycee Park to the pond. We loak forward to the involvemen# with the growth of Rosemount, and continuing ta maintain the high standard af development. _ With our proposal of SHANNON P4ND, PUD , we are making our commitment which will be an asset to the City now and in the future years. A special thanks to City Council, Planning Commission, C�ty staff and consuttants for there guidance in reviewing plans which have been drafted prior to this proposaL We thank you for you consideration and for your review far this praposaL Sincerely yours, �---�� __--__._.� Robert P. Smith, ASLA /� President, j R. P. Smith Land Planning Co sultants nc. � On behalf of Hampton Development Corporation. 1. HAN � S NON POND PUD i APPLICANT HAMPTC�N DEVELOPMENT C4RPORATION �4 Jim Allen/Gary Bergquist 12433 Princeton Avenue Savage, MN 55378 (612} 894-1888 PREPARED BY R. P.SMITH LAND PLANNING GONSULTANTS, INC. . 3QU9 West 7Q 1/2 Street Richfield, MN 55423-2846 (692)861-6940 : FAX 861-8084 ADC}}lTf4NAL CONSULTANTS KRASS&MONROE LAW OFFICES Philip Krass 156Q West 82 nd Street Suite 1100 Bloomington, MN 55456-1447 {612}$85-5999 VALLEY SURVEYING CO.,PA 16670 Franklin Trail Office Condominium #120 C Prior Lake, MN 55372 (612) 447-2570 WAI.LEY ENGINEERING CO., INC 14041 Burnhaven Drive Burnsvilte, MN 55337 (6i2}4H6-8730 Reauest Hampton Development Corporation is requesting approval of this Planned Unit Develqprnent PUD, rezoning fram AG-Agricultural to R-1 Singte Family Residential and preliminary plat appraval on the total site of appraximately 29.75 acres consisting of 89 single family lots. ' This request includes the petition for update to the Comprehensive Guide Plan (appiication, f�e and concept plan submitted approved in 1992). The developer also requesfs an early grading permit to be issued to allow grading to begin the early spring of 1993. Legal Descri tion The boundary survey on the ptans contains the over at! Isgal description. The legal descriptians � at the end of this narrative, prepared by Valley Sunreying Co. PA. a�e describing phase 1, phase 2, and over a{t property. . 2. PRQJECT IDENTtFlCATION � Lacation/OwnershiplDevela�er This parcel is located on the west side of Shannon Parkway, south of Jaycee Park and north of the pond. The applicantideveloper of this proposal and project is Hampton Development Carparation, Partners Jim Allen and Gary Bergquist. Hampton Development Carporation is the fee owner of the parcel identified as p',haSe 1. The remainder of the 29.75 acre parcel within the preliminary plat is under contract to Hampton with fee owner of Isadore Gergan and Clarice Gergan. , Develo�ment Method/Figcal/EcanQmic It is currently the intent of Hampton Development Corporation to grade the entire preliminary plat area at one time. The intent of the developer at this time is to instatl all improvements privately to include grading, all utilities, curb and gutter and streets etc. for SHANNON POND PUD. Funding for improvement will be obtained through private lending institutions. Upon approval of ths PUD, preliminary plat, rezoning and early grading permit by the City of Rosemount, the Final Plat far phase 1 will be prepared by Valley Surveying Co., PA.. The final canstruction plans will be prepared by Valley Engineering Co. StTE ANALYSfS Vggetatian Vegetation on the site is predominantly cultivated farm fields. The present row crop is carn. The area west of Jaycee Park is currently fallow field and not cultivated. A smal) area on the edge of Shannon Parkway (approximately 100 ft x 100 ft.) has about 5 small paor quality Box Elder Trees. The Depression or pond an the svuth end of the project is entirely grass land and daes no# hold storm run off permanentty. Topogranh /y Slopes/Surface DrainaQe The site has gentle to rotting hills ranging from nearly level to steep convex slopes. The slopes ; where#ound to range up to 20 percent in a small area. Of the total site acreage, 45 percent has a slope of zera to six percent. Slopes of six to twelve percent were found to occupy 47 percent of the total site, and slopes af twelve to'eighteen percent occupied 7 percent of the total site area. Afl of four ranges of s{opes, zero through eighteen percent are tilled. farm land. Slopes in excess of eighteen percent occupy 1 percent of the site and were found in one area, on a small areas around the pond. This site drains primarily into the one are�, the pond on the south end of the projeet. 7his site is in the Vermilion water shed district. As directed by the City planning staff approval by the � water shed district will be submitted and obtained by the City of Rosemount as part of this proposaL 3. ils The Wadena Laam is a well drained soil found on side siopes, out wash, and terraces. The top 4" is very dark grayish loam. the sub surface, about 17" ranges down ta yellowish loarny sand. Permeability af this Wadena soil is moderate to rapid. The available water capacity is moderate and runaff is rapid. The Waukegan silt loam on level areas is a well drained loam. The top 5"- 8" is very dark silt loam. The subsoil to 29", ranging down to gravelly course sand. Per�rteability of this Waukegan soi! is maderate. The water capacity is moderate, and runoff is slow+. The Kennebec silt loam is nearly level moderately well drained sails in depressions and drainage ways in washouts. This area typically has 12° of very dark brown silt loam. The underlaying material to a passible depth of 60" is mottled very dark gray and dark brown silt loam. Water capacity is high. This soil generally has low soil strength and frost action. The Salida gravetly course sandy loam and Hawick course sandy loam are generally sloping and exc�ssively drained soils on convex knoils and side slopes. These soils have very rapid permeability, and low avaitable water capacity and runoff is medium. The underlying material is typically yellowish gravelly loamy sand. Generally, these soils with the possible exception of the Kennebec silt laam have gcaod bearing capacity and stabitity, good drainage and m�derate to low shrink-swell potential. These soils are generally adequate for residential devetopment. (s�urce: USDA, Dakota County Sail Survey , compiled 1984) Surrounding Land Use/Zonina The present zoning of this site is AG: agricultural. The parcels af land to the northe8st (east of Shannon Parkway), west and southwest are zoned R-1 single family residentia): All of these parcels except the adjoining westerly parcel is currently built with single famiiy homes. This westerty area not built, is not cultivated and left as fallow field. The parcels to the southeast {east of Shannon Parkway) and south are currently zoned AG-agricultural and used for agricultural purposes. �omarehensive Guide Plan Amendment The Comprehensive Land Use Plan designates this area' as agricultural . On June 2, 1992 the Rosemount City Council heard and approved the amendment to direct the the Comprehensive Guide Plan to be tendered to the Metropalitan Council for their approval to extent MUSA service into the area. This process was completed in the late fall 1992. \ 4. �xisting and Future Transaortation Systems/Pro�rammed Trails Shannan Parkway is presently a easement to the City. Through the platting process of this project, Shannon Parkway that abuts the preliminary plat will be conveyed to the City as a pubtic right of way. A 60 foot easement exists in the location of the proposed 156th Street extending from Shannon east to Danville for utility purposes (a 12" dip Watermain}. Additional(y, a 60 foot easement exists in the tocation af the future Danville Avenue. Extending nor#h from the end af Danville to Uppe� 156th Street. The 156th St. easements will be vacated as part of the platting process and dedicated as right of way for the public use. The Danville Easement praperty is under ownership by others and should be vacated to street ROW at the time when that property is platted. - The Park plan also designates several pedestrian cannections. One through the site, south af Jaycee park on 156th street forming an east-west cannection near the park, An Additional east-west pedestrian connection has been designated extending from Danville Avenue east to Shannon Parkway, near the pond on the south side of the site. The slopes near the pond are very steep. To build a walkway on these steep slopes would not be practical. Finally the side walk on both sides of Danville Avenue is designated to be extended north ta intersect with the sidewalk on 156fh street. The existing Danbury have a sidewafk, at the future time of platting this segment of ROW the sidewalk shauld be extended. Existing and Programmed Utilities The site does has several utilities instatled. Although they are adjacent and available to the site. The120 foot strip of land extending east from Upper 156th Street to the pond has an existing 33" storm pipe that drains a significant area from the west. A deep sanitary sewer manhole is avai{able at the intersection af Upper 156th Street West and DanviUe Aue to serve this parceL In bath 156th Street West easement and in Danuille Avenue a 12" ductal iran pipe watermain is present and in use. A 12" Water main also exists on a portion of the east side of Shanonn Parkway. An 8" watermain is also stubbed at the end of Danbury Avenue and 157th Street West. These watermains shouid be looped to maintain water pressure integrity. • A Iift station is proposed and approved by City Council for spring 1993 construction. The located of the lift station will be on the northwest corner of Shannon Parkway and 160th Street. • This lift station will serve the area east of Shannon Parkway and eliminate the need for the temporary lift station in the Vatley Oak Addition Replat. The pand on the south end of the site is a easement to the City at this time. The City's consultant SEH has identified this pond as: Pond #209, and is intended ta be a dry pond, (the under laying materiat it course sand and gravel) with a minimum building elevation of 934.3, Outiet invert of 929.0, Peak outftow of 5.3 cfs, and a Dead storage volume of 112.5 ac. ft. 6ased on an 18" , outiet pipe. This pond wiN outlet to the east into a series of ponds now under study by SEH far the City. (source: Short Elliot Hnedrickson, lnc). 5. �.enerat Anaivsis/Conctusion . Th'rs parcei is approxim3'tely 29.75 acres on the west side of Shannon Parkway and south of Jaycee Park to the pond. The site is aCeessed on the entire east side by Shannon Parkway on the noeth by �anbury Avenue , and on the west side by Qanville Avenue. The present character af the site is rofling crop land with a very small clump of trees on the east side next Shannon Parkway. The elevation change on the site is not severe, a total ofi approximataly 30 feet from the high point on a hill, near the east side of the site at 962 ta the low area along the property line next to the pond at approximately 930. However, the pond has steep side slapes dropping 20 feet in about 100 feet to the bottom of the pond at 910. The slopes an this site appear to pose no problem from the drainage or road construction stand point with the exception of a !ow area in the center which wil! require cut and fill to achieve positive drainage. The soils are generally suitable for a development of this type, al#hough ce�tain areas may require spit correctians for street or house pad construction. Storm water on the site, at this time appears nat to pose a problem. Storm water can be directed into in a pipe system and routed to the pond. The comprehensive guide plan update has been approved by the Met Council allowing far MUSA line extensian. . Ci�y A� rova(s Approvals necessary for the project to proceed: 1, PUDlPreliminary plat approval of 89 Single family lots. 2. Rezoning of approximatety 29.75 ac. from Ag. to R-1 3. Comprehensive Guide Plan update. 4. Appraval of early grading permit. tentative schedule Submittal deadline February 19, 1993 City staff DRC meeting February , 1993 Park and Recreation February, 1993 ' Planning Commission March 9, 1993 City Council April 6, 1993 City Council approvat of Final P{at May 18, 1993 Phase 1 (approval of grading plan by City) Grading start May 1993 Submit Engineering Plans and Specs.May 4993 � Utilfty and street start Phase one June 1993 6. . PLAN i'ROPOSAL The rnain objective of "SHaNN�N POND PUD" is to prouide phase devetopment for a variety o# hausing types in the starter to middle brackets for awne� occupied housing. This single famity hausing subdivision will be sensitive to the communities needs for the expanding housing markets, neighborhoods, pedestrian and traffic circufation. Land use/Zoning/ComQrehensive Plan The existing Comprehensive Land Use Plan guides this area as AG-agricultural. However, the Comprehensive Land use Guide Plan has been amended by the City Council and Met Council for a change an this area to R-1 single family residential. This ehange that will be update with this pfan approvaf has brought the parcel within the MUSA service. This devetopment has a gross density af 2.99 units per acre. The under laying zoning far this parcel is AG agricultural. This proposal requests that zoning be changed from AG-Agricu(tural to R-1 Single Family Residential which is designated at 0-3 units per acre. Plan Unit Develapment PUD The PUD for this project asks far no special alteration to the zoning ar subdivision ordinance. The reason for the PUD is the phase implementation of this subdivision. It was recommended by the Planning Department staff to group the preliminary pla#> rezoning, and PUD ete., together for approval at the same hearing. Variance This plan asks for no variances ta the ordinance. All lot meet or exceed the City Standards for platting. Preliminarv PIat/Develoament Data The tatal site area of SHANNC7N POND PUD is approximately 29,75 acres. The averags size of the 89 proposed lots are 11,374 square feet. The minimum corner lot size is 12,000 square feet. The preliminary plat has a gross unit density of 2.99 units per acre including streets and apen spaee, and a net unit density of 3.82 un�ts per acre (net unit density equats total site area minus street area and open space). Street names are subject to change per Dakota County � naming sequance 7. Totat site area = 29.75 ac 100.0 %o ' Phase 1 gross = 15.24 ac phase 2 = 14.51 ac Singie family net area = 29.75 ac 100% ROW areas (totai} = 6.51 ac 4.57% Shannon Parkway = 3.8277 ac Area east af Shann�n = 38.278 ac Pond #2Q9 area = 6.53 ac Total sir�gte family tots = 89 Average S.F. lat size = 11,375 sq. ft. Gross density = 2.99 units per acre (excluding pond easement area) Net density = 3.82 units per acre Phase 1 - 43 Iots Phase 2 = 46 lots City Ordinance Minimum lot size = 1U,OQ0 sq ft Min corner lot size = 12,000 sq ft Min. lot frontage = 80 ft Front set back = 30 ft Corner lot frontage = 95 ft Side yard set back = 10 &10 Rear set back house= 30 ft Parks/4pen Space/Trails/Street Trees Sidewalks will be continued on both sides af Danvilfe Ave. and one side of Danbury Ave. when plats of that area are filed. Additionally, a sidewalk is proposed on 156th Street from Shannon Parkway to Danville Ave. This will complete the pedestrian loop to access Jaycee Park. An east/west pedestrian trail is designated to extend from Danv'rlle Ave. to Shannon Parkway, this connecfion wili be on the proposed Shannon Pond Drive. It is the intent of the developer to dedicate the pond area as a drainage and utility easernent. The size of the pond area is appraximately 6.53 acres of land. This area appears to be to steep to be used as park, and it wilt be regularly inundated with storm water run aff. 8ased on the {ocation of Jaycee Park and conversation with City staff it has been directed that park dedication witl be in the form of cash. Cash dedication will be based on tMe City formula of: 4% x the subdivision density x the land value af $12,OQ0.00 per acre. A ptanting plan has been developed, designating one tree per in#erior lot and two trees per corner fot, per City Ordinance. The trees will be ptanted within 5 feet and on the hause side of the front praperty line per the attached planting plan. Additionally, pine trees have been designated to be planted on Shannon Parkway within the lots, to provide intermediate screening � of back yards. 8. Trar��t�ortation Sy$tems/S r�ets _ Shannan Parkway is presently an 80 foot easement per poc. No. 875882. it will be necessary to dedicate this 80 foot easement and street to the Gity for the public use. The street proposed as 156�h Street is a 60 foot easements for watermain. This easement will be vacated and the street wiil be dedicate. The segment of Danville not presently dedicated ROW is owned by athers and shouid be dedicated when they final plat. During the concept plan review of this project by the C'rty staff, the City ordinance was amended to change the street spacing requirement from 125 feet on center to 200 feet on center. This pian has been changed to reflect the new c�rdinance. Ail streets with�n SHANNON POND PUD as required by City specificatian will be 7 ton 60 foot lacai streets. All streets will be dedicated fa�the public use. �rad"+ng/Utility/Improvement Financing Tfie entire project will be graded in ane phase, cammencing in the early spring of 1993. Final street and utility construction plans will be prepared by Valley Engineering Co. Grading will be on the entire site to achieve a batanced cut and fill. A large fill area will be required in the center of the site to aceommodate positive drainage and gravity sanitary sewer, Much of the cut will come from the hill on phase one near Danville Ave. Recognizing that ha►f of Danbury Ave. and a segment of Danvilte Ave. abuts the project, but lay on adjacent parcels outside th'rs project owned by others: The {ots abutting these streets wilf remain for future platting as ROW becames available. Danville Ave. can receive direct sanitary sewer from the existing manhole at the intetsection of Danville and Upper 156#h St. Danbury witt reeeive sanitary sewer service from the new156th Street. Phase 2 will be rough graded and revegitated at the same time as phase 1 (spring 1993). As market demand dictates phase 2 utit�ties and streets will be installed. Phase Qeveloament/Construction Timing Curren#ly it is the intent of the developer to open phase 1 as soon as possible. With the comptetion of phase 1, a loop road system wilt be in place fpr traffic circulation. Phase 1 will begin with the development of 156th Street, Millwood Ave. and segments Danville Ave. and Shannon Pond Drive. All Phases will be subjeet to market demand, and the time tables witl rernain #lexible ta market demand. Phase 1 1993 43 lots Phase 2 1994 46 lots Canstruction Timing (tenfative) Grading entire site 31.5 acres May 1993 Streets and utilities Phase 1 Spring 1993 � Streets and utilities Phase 2 Spring 1994 Finai (ift bituminous Phase 1 Spring 1994 9. ���Y1�� si n - This praposal requests the approvai of "SHANNON POND" a 89 lot single family residential development, PUD, preliminary plat and rezoning. This step, is a continuation of the approvat process far the project that was submitted for Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment and concept plan an Aprit 22, 1992. In brief review the application for the Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment and MUSA service extension has been approved by the City Counci{ at the June 2, 1592 meeting, and submitted to the Metropatitan Cc�uncil and subsequent{y approved in the fal1, 1992). The Ve�etation on the parcei is predominantiy agriculturat and row crop. A small woaded area exists on the east end of the property which which has about 5 Bax Elder trees. The soils are predominantly sandy loam, sand and graveL The topography of the site is rolling hills. Utilities to fihe parcel are available, with a 12" watermain loop through the site. Sanitary sewer is available at the interseetion af Upper 156th St. and Danville Ave. The Rroposal of SHANN�N POND is a total of 29.75 acres consisting of 89 single family lots at a gross density of 2.99 units per acres not including the pond easement. Park dedication will be on a cash basis. The ptacement and location of#he street system has been carefully analyzed and reanatyzed to achieve the best alignment with the existing streets in West Ridge, existing utilities. topography, the pond, Jaycee Park, and Shannon Parkway. Shannon Parkway serves the City as a coliector street and houses can not and will not front an it. Loeal streets have been located an Shannon Park�vay ta give adequate spacing and to reduce the number of doubfe fronted fots. Grading will be completed on the entire project at one time in the early spring 1993. Installation of utilities and streets will be instadled by phases starting in the spring 1993. The '"SHANNON POND" preliminary plat meets or exceeds afl city standards for Iot sizes, lot widths, and street spacing. Upon approval of the this PUD, preliminary plat and rezoning a final plat will prepared af phase one for approval by the City Council and recording with Dakota County recorders office. The finat construction plans and specs for street and utility construction will be prepared for Enginee�ing Staff appravat as soon as possible after approval of the preliminary plat. Utility and street plans wiH be prepared for installation in the Sp�ing 1993. � 10. __ Land Surveyors • Planners Valle �u�ve in �"o. .�". A. y y g � � (612) 447-2570 Suite 120C 16670 Frankiin Trail S.E. Pr[or Lake, Minnesota 55372 February 15, 1993 Description prepared for: Hampton Development Corporation 12433 Princeton Avenue Savage, Mn. 55378 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PHASE 1: That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 3, WEST RIDGE SECOND ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota; thence North 29 de�rees 33 minutes 00 seconds East (assumed bearin�) along the northerly extension of the westerZy line o€ said Lot 1, (the same being the ea�terly right-of-way Ii.ne of Danville Avenue as platted) a distance of 260.00 feet to the goint of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing North 29 degrees 33 minutes OO seconds East along sai.d right-of-way line a distance of 37•00 feet; thence continuing northerly along said right-of-way line along a tan�ential curve concave to the southeas� having a radius of 1859.01 a central angle of 6 degrees 03 minutes 38 seconds an arc length of 196.64 feet; thence North 35 degrees 36 mi.nutes 38 seeonds East along said right-of-way line and tan�ent to said curve a distance of 197.41 feet; thence continui.ng northerly along said right-of-way 1.ine along a tangential curve concave to the west havin� a radius of 341 .37 feet a central angle of 33 degrees 39 minutes 07 seconds an arc length of 200.05 feet; thence South 86 degrees 18 minutes '13 seconds East not tangent to said curve a distance of 130.8Q feet; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 57 seconds West a distance of 187.37 feet; thence westerly along a nontangential curve concave to the south having a radius of 222.77 feet a central angle 2 degrees 30 minutes 09 seconds a chord bearing of North 88 degrees 34 minutes 34 seconds West a chord leng-th of 9.73 feet; thence North 69 degrees 36 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 192.64 feet; thence North 72 degrees 33 mi.nutes 48 seconds East a distance of 38•31 feet; thence North 86 degrees 48 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of 148.68 feet; thence South 00 degrees 08 minutes 11 secands West a distance of 27.71 feet; thence South 89 degrees 48 minutes 53 seconds East para11e1 with the narth line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 51Z.22 feet; thence South a0 degrees 11 minutes 07 seconds West a distance of 130•15 feet; thence South 89 degrees 48 ma.nutes 53 seconds East parallel with said north line a distance of 166.66 feet to the west ri�ht-of-way line of Shannon Parkwa,y; thence southerly along said west right-of-way line alon� a nontan$ential curve concave to the southcast havin� a radius of 587•32 feet a central angle of 14 degrees 00 minutes 48 seconds an arc length of 143.65 feet; thence South 0� degrees 28 minutes 30 seconds West along said west right-of-wa�y line and tangent to said curve Land Surveyors _ . Pianners �alle Su�ve in Co. P. A. y � � � � (612) 447-2570 Suite 12oC February 15, �993 16670 Franklin Trail S.E. Prior Lake, Minneso#a 55372 Description prepared for: Hampton Development Corporation 12433 Princeton Avenue Savage, Mn. 55378 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PHASE 2: That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31 , Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence southerly along the sast line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 368.80 feet; thence southwesterly along a tangential curve coneave to the northwest having a radius of 452•59 feet a central an�le of 20 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds an arc length of 163.58 feet; thence southwesterly tangent to said curve a distance of 36.22 feet; thence southerly along a tangential curve concave to the east havin� a radius of 587.32 feet a central angle of 20 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds an arc length of 212.27 feet; thence South 40 degrees 28 minutes 30 seconds West tangent to said curve and parallel with said east line a distance of 57•67 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence North 83 degrees 32 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 89.74 feet; thence North 89 degrees 48 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 347•23 feet; thence North 89 de�rees 37 minutes 16 seconds West a distance of 60.18 feet; thence North 82 degrees 39 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of 112.89 feet; thence North 72 degrees 51 minutes 35 seconds West a distance of 5•55 feet; thence South 19 degrees 03 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 261 .00 feet; thence South 07 degrees 55 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 61 .63 feet; thence South 11 degrees 44 minutes 39 seconds West a distance of 122.24 feet; thence southeasterly alon� a nontangential curve concave to the southwest havin� a radius 481 .55 feet a central angle of 32 de$rees 29 minutes 03 seconds a chard bearing of South 66 degrees 43 minutes 19 seconds East a chord length of 269.38 feet; thence South ?3 degrees 20 minutes 07 seconds West not tangent to said curve a distance of 74.69 feet; thence South 32 degrees 38 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 141 .15 feet; thence South 89 de$rees 59 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 3�•29 feet; thence South 40 degrees 36 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 553.17 feet; thence South 76 degrees 50 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 264.45 feet; thence northerly along a nontangential curve concave to the west having a radius of 3779.72 feet a central angle of OO degrees 00 minutes 15 seconds a chord bearing of North 03 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds West a chord length of 0.28 feet; thence North 03 degrees 09 minutes 39 seconds West a distance of 388.27 feet; thence northerly along a tangential curve concave to the east havin$ a radius of 3859.72 feet a eentral an�le of 03 degrees 38 minutes 09 seconds an arc length of 244.93 feet; thence North 00 degrees 28 minutes 30 seconds East tangent to said curve a distance of 493.86 feet to the point of be�inning. Desc��tion pre are by: �. Containing 13.96 acres. � onald A. Swanson, Land Surveyor Mi.nnesota Registration No. 10183 , SHEET 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PHASE 1: cont. a distance of 57•67 feet; thence North 83 degrees 32 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 89.74 feet; thence Alorth 89 degrees 48 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 347.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 37 minutes 16 seconds West a distance of 60.18 feet; thence North 82 degrees 39 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of 112.89 feet; thence North 72 degrees 51 minutes 35 seconds West a distance of 5.55 feet; thence South 19 degrees 03 mi.nutes 52 seconds West a distanee of 261.00 feet; thence South 07 degrees 55 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 61.63 feet; thence Sauth 11 degrees 44 minutes 39 seconds West a distance of 122.24 feet; thence southeasterly along a nontangential curve concave to the southwest having a radius 481 .55 feet a central angle of �2 degrees 2g minutes 03 seconds a chord bearing of South 66 degrees 43 minutes 19 seconds East a chord length of 269•38 feet; thence South 73 degrees 20 minutes D7 seconds West not tangent to said curve a distance of 74.69 feet; thence South 32 de$rees 38 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 141.15 feet; thence North 89 degrees 59 minutes 51 seconds West a distance of 4'1 .71 feet; thence South 21 degrees 48 minutes 05 seconds West a distance of 56.75 feet; thence Narth 61 degrees 32 mi.nutes 00 seconds West a distance of 167.75 feet; thence Sauth 28 degrees 28 mi.nutes 00 seconds West a distance of 10.00 feet; thence North 61 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 60.00 feet; thence alon� a tangential eurve concave to the southwest having a radius of 529.85 feet a central angle of 21 degrees 41 minutes 14 seconds an arc length of 200.56 feet; thence North 83 degrees 13 minutes 14 seconds West tangent to said curve a distanee of 2q.06 feet; thence along a tangential curve concave to the northe�st having a radius of 3�6.g4 feet a eentral angle of 22 degrees 46 mi.nutes 14 seconds an arc length of '153.78 feet to the interseation with a line drawn South 60 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds East from the point of beginning; thence North 60 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 13�•04 feet to the point af beginning. Desc ' tion prepared by: Containing 15.24 acres. ; Ronald A. Swanson, Land Surveyar ' Minnesota Registration �Io. 10183 \