HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.b. Jaycee Donation Cable Cast - Equipment Costs x
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Cable �ast - Equipmen.t Costs New Business
PREPI�RED BY: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator AGENDA I�O�S�■ „ �
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ATTACHMENTS: Letter From Kathy Busho, APP Y-
Jaycee Representative �����
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The Rasemount Jaycees have agreed to donate iunds to the City ta ass�st in
funding the cost of installing equipment in City Hall for the purpose of
tapir,� and broadcasting meetings held in City Hall .
Three years ago City staff obtained quotes to complete this work. Those
quotes included the purchase and i�stallation of the equipment. At that
time the cost es�imate wa.s $26, 000 . At the Jaycees request i prQvided an
u�dated cost estimate . I provided them with an estimate af $32 , CG� . This
should be fairly accurate at tod�y' s eost. I did not go out io� �c�rma�.
price quotes at this time.
T?�� Jay�ees have indicated a donation or $15, 000 . v�ill be made far �.h�s
purpase contingent upon the City utilizi.ng these fund�, for this purpcse,
be�ore June of 1994 .
The Cauncil has diseussed this idea seLeral times and have not al.locat�a
��:n�s for this purpose for various reasons.
If �he Council wishes to consider this idea and accents the donatian I
would ��commend the following should be done.
1) �.ccept the donation contingent upon the City moving ahead with the
equipment purchase and installation.
2) Direct the City Administrator to have staff develop speeificati�ns �e�r
the purchase and installation of the necessary camera and produ�tion
equipment for the recording and braadcasting of the Council meetings .
3) A`ter obtaining approval frorn the Council reeeive guotes for �.his
purchase and installation.
4) Contact Star Cable to obtain information on access channel information
arid options far live cablecast, prerecorded and deiayed broadcasting
and "bulletin board" broadcasting.
�} Contact neighboring cities to discu�s joint use of personriel for `
recording, broadcasting and operation of system.
6} Request proper cabl� hookup fr�m Star Cable and get confirmation on
timeline for them to provide this . The City' s franchise allows th�m
up to six month.s for their installation.
7) Draft a recommendation for startup and operation af the system and
bring all af the infarmation back to the City Council on May 18th for
REC01+�2ENDED ACTION: Motion to accept the $1.5 , 000 donation from the
Rosemount Jaycees for the purchase and installation of cablecast
equipment and to direct City Administrator to work with city staff to
cost estimates and procedural infar�nation fcr Council to decid� on
whether to proceed and process necessary to follovr.
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" � Service to Humanity
April 15, 1993 I,
City of Rosemount
Rosemount, Minnesota 55068
To : htayor TteMenomy and Councilmembess Klassen , Staats , Willcox ,
and Councilmember Wipperman ,
'fhe Rosemount Jaycees, in 3n effort to pr�vide service to
the communityt would like to donate �15 , 000 to the City of
Rosernount to be used for the transmissian of community
information through the Star Cablevision cable system in the
City of Rosemount .
The Jaycees would Zike to offer these funds from their
charitable gaming money for use by the City as star[er funds
to promote the community ' s efforts and activities by using
cable television .
The Jaycees realize that currently there is no local
government channel for the City of Rosemount . We know that
the cable franchise agreement alTows the City to request this
channel . It is hoped that the �15 , 000 can be used to get started
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on the local government channel . The Jaycess would like to
see the City televise governmental meetings and to provide
a "bulletin board" service. The funds can be used to
purchase a computer , software , and to operate a basic bulletin �
board service or be included with City funds to do a complete
cable telsvision system. The basic bulietin board coul:d provide
current information about local events , activies , and City
meetings and rimes . Access to this bulletin board would be
open to all organizations in the community to promote their
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The donation of the �15 , 0�0 does have a time limit .
If the funds are not used by 3uly 1 , 2994 , the Jaycees
request the funds that are not used to be returned to the
Jaycees for other community projects . The money must be
used for equipment or other expenses caused by the Gity
getting into the local government cable channel . The money must
be used by �uly 1 , 1994 , not just encumbered so tnat it can
be added to City funds .
Catby Busho is the comr�unity liasion for this project
with the Rosemount Jaycees .
Thank You for your help with our community project .
President-Ena Cisewski IDVP-A1 c �ege�l
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`freasurer- Bradsha�w CDVP-Keith Joyce
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Members ' VP .--3-ay Slininger Secretary-Laurie Sedbrook
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State Delegate-Dan Kamann Charitable Gaming Chair-
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Commu ity Liasio -Cathy Busho
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