HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Approve Job Description/Authorize Hiring Process - Deputy Registrar -+ CITY OF ROSEMOLTNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY F�3R ACTION CIT� COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 2D, 1993 AGENDA ITIIK: Approve Job Deseription &` Hiring AGENDA SECTION. Pracess for Part-Time Deputy Registrar Clerk Old Business PREPAR.ED BY: AGENDA ��EIYI � � � Je�f May, Finance DirEctor ATTACHMENTSc Memos from City Attorne�, �.' :� 3j16 Gouncil Packet Information ,. � , ; This item is back on the agenda f4r Council cansideratian to approve the job description for the position of part-time Deputy Registrar C1erk and tc; approve the hiring process for this person. My earlier memos have addressed issues regarding needs of the Finance Depa�tment, eosts and �'evenues associated with the Deputy Registrar office, and possible options for the Couneil to consider. At Council direction, our City Attorney has researched the possibilities of another party in the City of Rosemount taking over the responsibilities of the Deputy Registrar office. His findings show that there is absolutely no guarantee that anyone else wau?d be able to offer the services of the Deputy Registrar office. Therefore, if we wish to guarantee the continuation of this service f�r the citizens of Rosemount we must maintain the office under the operations of the City. Wi�h that in mind, I would ask Council to consider proceeding wi�h the hiring process of the part-time Deput� Registrar Clerk as discussed during the 1993 budget process. We are also looking at the possibility of opening the Deputy Registrar off�.ce on Saturdays from 9 : 00 a.m. tt� 12; 00 p.m. after this new p�rson has been trained(60 days) in an effort to extend the hours of service. Also, we will put together a questionnaire at that time giving customers an opportunity to voice their opinion.s on the hours of operation and possibl� changes. The following is an employment schedule which would allow us to get a person on board and to begin the training process: April 20, 1993 - Coun�il Approves the Hiring Process April 24, 1993 through May 2, 1993 - Advertise far Employment May 4, 1993 - Applicatian Deadline May 5, 1993 through May 7, 1993 - Review Applieations _ _ May 11, 1993 - Conduct Interviews May l8', 1993 - Council Approval to Hire New Ernployee May 19, 1993 - Offer Pasition to Successful Applicant June 7, 1993 - Successful Applicant Begins Employment RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve tY�e job description for the position of Deputy Registrar Clerk, the hiring pro�ess for �his position, and the points and salary range as outlined in the attached Finance Director's memo dated February 23 , 1993 . COUNCIL ACTION: � ' M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor E. B. McMenomy and Members of the City C�uncil FRQM: Mike Miles/f'',�.ti v a� DATE: April 1 , 1993 RE: Additional Information on Deputy Registrar Position As a follow-up to the memo I sent ta you last week regarding the Deputy Registrar issue, I had an additianal eonver�ation with Mr. Larry 011ila, the principal administratar of the Department of p'1JJ�ZC S�fet�, on D�puty Registrar matters . 2✓r. �?iiiia presented me with some additional information that he had not initially brought to my attentian . Speeifically, he indicated that, although the County Auditor, with the approval of the County Board, may select any person helshe desires to fill a vacant Deputy Registrar pasition, the Department of Publie Safety would require the Caunty to first take inta consideration whether the vacancy needs ta be filled at a11 . ` In other words, the County Auditor would first have to determine whether there was another- Deputy Registrar within five miles who could meet the registrarship needs and study the anticipated number of transactions to decide if there is a sufficient volume to justify replacing the Deputy Registrar. Mr, 011ila was not clear on the number of transactions required, but he "thought" that the threshold could be as many as 20 , 000 sales transactions . , In addition to sharing with you Mr, 011ila's latest thinking on ,this subject, I also believe it is important to at least raise the prospect that, if Rosemount voluntarily gives uF its municipal management of Deputy Registrar aetivities , the position may cease to exist completely. To date, i.t has praved difficult to get a definitive answer on this subject frorn the Department of Public Sa�G�y, bu� Mr. 011ila has agreed to meet with Ci�y ofsicials to further explore this subject if desired , Please contact me if you have any questions . JMM:gmo cc: Steve Jilk Je�f May � ' « � � • . MEMO..RAN I? IIM ; ' TC): Mayor McMenomy and Members of the City Cauncil ; � FROIri; Mike Mile�� ��� � ` ! DATE: Mareh 25, 1993 ', RE: Potential Repiacement of Deputy Registrar At the last City Council meeting, I was directed to review and regort on the process of the selectian of deputy r�gistrars for vazious localities within the State of Minnesota. My understanding is that the Ci�y Council is considering the possibility of causing deputy registrar services to be provided by non-city personnel and, consequently, my summarg of the grocess focuses on that prvsgect. With that in mind, the following info=mation is pertinent to this issue: 1 . Under Minnesota Statutes, �168 . 33, subd. 1, the State Commissioner of Public Safety is deemsd to be the registrar af motor vehicles of the State of Minnesota. As such, the commissioner is empowered to appoint deputy registrars under certain conditions . 2 . Section 168 . 33 , subd. 2{a) "grandfathers in" registrars serving at the time of the passage of �16$ . 33 . This means that so long as the City of Rosemount wants to and does satisfactorily perform deputy registrar work, it may continue to serve in that capacity. 3 . Aecording to Mr. Larry' 011ila, administrator of the : Deputy Registrar Program for the Department of Public Safety, the follawing process would occur if the City chose not to perform deputy registrar services on an in- house basis in the future: a. The Commissioner of Public Safety would advise the _ Dakota County Auditor : of the vacancy. and the auditor could exercise one of three options : ( 1 ) Cause the registrar duties to be undertaken by a county employee; - ( 2) With the authorizatian of the County Board, agpoint a private party to perform the registrar services {this selection process is currently not the subject of ' any competitive bidding a= public notice procedure, and, �- . Mayor McMenomy and Members of the City Council March 25, 1993 Page 2 according to Mr. 021i1a, the county commissioners can select anyone they wish ta perform these services) ; or (3} The County may elect not to involve themselves at all in the deguty registrar vacancy. b. If the County does not wish to participate in the deputy registrar situation, the responsibility then passes to the Commissioner of Public Safety, who, in turn, may take the foliowing actions: ( 1) Conduct a survey of the continuing need far a deputy registrar gosition within the corporate limits af the City of Rosemount and, on the basis of this survey, elimi.nate or choose to fill the vacancy (the principal issues taken into consideration by the CQmmissioner in making this decision wi11 be whether another deputy registrar within reasonable proximity {i.e. , Apple Valley] is able to perform the services satisfactorily and the volu.me af business which would have been conducted by the vacant deputy registrar position); ( 2) If the Commissioner determines that the deputy regist�arship shoul.d be filled, he/she wi11 advertise the availability of this positian and make a discretionary selection among the applicants . As may be observed from the foregoing, the City of Rosemount will have no direct contral over who becomes deputy registrar or even if there will be one once it decides not to fill this function with a City employee. Clearly, Cit� ofticials could "lobby" ei.ther County officers or the Cornrnissioner of Public Safet�r, whichever is appropriate, to select someone who i� a Rosemount resident or business , but the City wiTl not be a' true decision-maker -in such circumstances . In closing, please be advised that i also explored with the Department of Public Safety the concept of the City maintaining its deputy registrar duties by contracting the� out to a private garty. The Department of Public Safety takes the position that this constitutes abandonment of the deputy registrar position and set�s in motion the processes described above. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this memo. cc: Steve Jilk ,7ef f May ` �z� ' e=�r oF Ros�ovrrr � ' - EXECIITIVE SLT�IARY FOR AC�Z�N ` ^—. �C�,ij� ,, CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 16, 1993 ��� . AGENDA TTEM. Approve Job I3escription & Hiring AGENDA SECTION: Process for Part-Time Deputy R�gistrar Clerk Old Business PREPARED BY: AGENDA NO. Jeff May, Finance Director ATTACffi�'NTS; 3/11 Merno, 2/23 Memo, Job Ad, A.PPROVED BY: Job Description, Comp Worth Point & Salarsr W/S This item is back on the agenda for Council consideration to approve the job description for the position of part-time Deput�r Registrar Clerk and ta approve the hiring process for this person. This posi�ion was budgeted for during the 1993 budget process. The attached memo, dated 2fz3/93, attempts to justify the Finance Degartment' s need for this position. The memo, dated 3/11/93, addresses the costs and revenues associated with the operation of the Deputy Registrar office and gossible options for the Council to consider. The following is an adjusted employment schedule which would allow us to get a person on board and to begin the training process. March 16, 1993 - Council Approves the Hiring Process March 20, 1993 through Ma.rch 28, 1993 - Advertise for �mployment March 26, 1993 - Application Deadline March 29 , 1993 thraugh April 2 , 1993 - Review Applications April 5, 1993 - Conduct Interviews April 20, 1993 - Council Approval to Hire New Employee April 21, 1993 - Offer Position to Suceessful Applicant May 3 , 1993 - Successful Applicant Begins Employment RECOblb2ENDED ACTION: Mot�.on to praceed with Option #3 in Fi.nance Director's memo dated 3/11/93, apprflving the job description for the gosition of Deputy Registrar Clerk, the hiring process and the points & salary range as outlined in the Finance Director' s memo dated 2/23/93 . COUNCIL ACTION: DATE: March 11, 1993 T0: Mayor McMenomy Council Members: Klassen Staats Willcox Wipperimann FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director SUBJECT: Part-Time Deputy Registrar Clerk Positian This memo is a follow-up to discussion held by Council at the 3/2/93 Council meeta�ng regarding the operations of the Deputy Registrar affice. Concern was raised over the issue af revenues versus expenditures. This merno will attempt to clarify discussian that �ook place during the 1993 budget process and to give Council some options to eonsider in regards to the operations of the Deputy Registrar office. : Directly traceable revenues and expenditures for 1992 show $24, 163 .95 in revenues for the City and $29 , 333 . 06 in salary and benefits for the per�on respansible for the operations of the office. This is a deficit of $5, 169 . 11 for the City. But, ather expenditures �hat are not as readily ,apparent must be considered in looking at the total picture. A Finance Depa�tment staff person is responsible for backing up the Deputy Registrar for breaks, vacations and sick days. I wauld estimate this cost to be between $2, 000 and $3 , 000 each year. Schooling that is required by the Sta�e costs $3�0 to $400 each year. Supply costs are paid for by the Gity, as are costs of PC's and printers. Software requirements of the State are constantly changing and an itern to l�e considered as well , My best estimate as to the deficit the Deputy Regis�rar Office operates at is between $8 ,000 and $10, 000 per year. This office has never been a "money maker" for the City, but rather, has been considered a benefit to the citizens of the City. _ The addition of the part-time Deputy Registrar Clerk is riot soleiy for the operations of the Deputy Registrar office. It is because of the growth of the xesponsibilities of the Finanee Department (as outlined in my attached memo dated 2J23/93) , as well as the problerns that we have encountered trying to operate the of f ice with only two people capable of handling the Deputy Registrar responsibilities. Backup for lunch and breaks is impossible if one af the two people is gone for the day. Therefore, the remaining person is unable to have an uninterrupted lunch. With the formatic�n of the third union, this has become an even bigger issue_ Last year we discussed the passibility of elosing the office for thirty minutes each day for lunch and Council rejected this idea because of the inconvenience to the Public. This may no longer Y�e an option for us to consider. We may have to close the office to Page 2 provide the time far an uninterrupted lunch. One other item that I would like to a:ddress before getting into the options to be considered, is the comment made by the Council regarding the possibility of a private party taking over the affice and "being able to provide extended hours and expanc�ed services" . A private party may very well be able to offer extended haurs to the public, but based on information we have received from our field rep (from the State) , would not be able tc� offer any other services (other than Game & Fish) that we are not currently offering. I am assuming that the Council was referring to Driver License renewals when that comment was made. Our field rep has �nformed us that because of the number of offices in this area that already have Driver License renewals and because of our transaction count not being high enough, we would proba.bly not even be cQnsidered as a potential candidate for this service. I see three options for the Council to' consider. I will list the three and put forth what I see as reasonable arguments cancerning each of the three. � (#1) Do nothing with the operation of the Deputy Registrar affice or the Finance Department. (Leave as is) As I strangly argued in my earlier memo to Council, I do not consider this to be a p�actical option. Granted, this would save $12 , 000 that was budgeted for 1993 and would seem like a prudent decision to make. But, my staff cannot continue to work the overtime they have on a. regular basis without a decrease in their productivity. Plus, as I have stated before, a large number cat the long-xange planning aetivities of the Department must be addressed, and until we get some additional help, those kinds of things will continue to be pu� aside so we can complete the everyday activities required of us. I �eel that my earlier mezno adequately addresses the arguments I have against this option. (#2) Close the Deputy Registrar office completely and retain the Deputy Registrar without hiring the part-time Deputy Registrar Clerk. _ _ . _ From the Finance Department' s operations standpoint, this would be the most favorable option. Rather than gaining a l/2 time person, we wauld be gaining a full-time person far our operations. This would ease a lot of the pressures felt by our Department at this time: But, the City would discontis�ue a service to the cammunity ' with no guarantee that a private party would pick up that service. There may be things we could do to help someane continue the serv�ce, but there is no absolute guarantee that the County or the State would allow that to happen. So, there is a certain risk involved in losing a service that can be seen as a benefit to the cammunity. , Page 3 (#2) Cors.tinued Also, from a monetary standpaint, this rnove would cost the City additional dollars . Looking at 1993 budgets for revenues and expenditures, the additional. cost to the City would be about $12, 816 (see outline directly below this paragraph) . The cancerns with this option are twofold: (1) De� we want to risk lasing a benef it to the community? ; and (2) Are we will ing to spend the additional dollars to help the operations of the Finance Department? , 1993 Budgeted Revenues $25, 000 1993 Budgeted Deputy Registrar Salary £� Benefits (30, 143} 1993 Budg�ted P/T Deputy Registrar Clerk (12, 173) Total Real Dollar Deficit ($17,316) Other Variables to Consider Saved Costs of Backup (Salary still paid but utilized more efficiently elsewhere) $ 2, 500 Saved Costs of Schooling, Supplies & Miscellaneous 2,000 Total. Deficit - A�1 Variables Considered ($12 , 816) (#3) Proceed with the hiring process of the part-time Deputy Registrar C1erk as diseussed during the 1993 budget process and at the 3/2j93 Council meeting. This would be my recommended course of aetion for the City to take at this time. Although it may not be what is best for the Finance Department as a whole,, it is probably the best course af action for the City to take at this time, conside�ing weaknesses in both options (#1) and (#2) . This would give the Finance Department some of the assistance that it needs immediately without causing any revisians to the 1993 budget, and at the same time, ensure the service of the Deputy Registrar continue to be provided to the citizens . *** NOTE �** As of 3/12/39 , I received additional information(attached ta this memo) from our field rep and from the League of ;Minnesota Cities Bulletin regarding the addition of �he driver Ticense service and the oppartunities for other parties to assume an existing Deputy Registrar affice. If you have any questions on these pieces of information, please contact me. This inforrnation further supports my recommendation of option (#3) if the City wishes to continue offering the services of the Deputy Registrar office to its citizens. DATE; FEBRUARY 23, 1993 .. TC1: MAYOR McMENOMY COUNCIL MEMBERS: KLASSEN STAATS W�I..LCOX WIPPERIVIA.NIv FROM; JEFF MAY, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PART-TIME DEPUT'Y REGISTRAR CLERK POSITION During the 1993 budget process, much discussion occu�red about the Finance Department's need �or additional personnel. We discussed department responsibility, past, present and future. I wvuld like ta summarize m� justificatians for the additional personnel in the next few paragraphs. Traditionally, the Finance Department has been responsible for operations including payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash receipts, fund accounting, investments, property and workme�� s comp insurance, and the Deputy Registrar office. As the City has grown and moved exclusively into the personal computer environment, we have inherited the respansibility of maintaining those persanal computers, the network they resid� on anci ma.ny software issues as well . In 1989, we added a fourth person �o our department, Prior ta that our department consisCed of a Finance Director, Accountant and Deputy Registrar Support Person. Adding that person changed the Structure of our department so it then eonsisted of a Finance Director, Assistant Finanee Director, Finance Support Person and Deputy Registrar Suppart Person. At that time, the addition af the PC network, increased insuranee responsibilities, inereased reporting requirements and overall growth of the City and its ' needs were the justifications for the new pasition. Since that time, our department has maintained the same level of employees, four, and even operated far a 6 to 9 month period with only three employees for parts of 1990 and 1991. At the .same time, our responsibilities have continued to grow. Insurance requirements have become greater as rules have changed and we have made much needed improvements to our system. The day-to- day operations like payroll, accounts payable, cash receipting and fund accounting take more time because of ever changing reporting requirements and because there is a larger volume of aGtivity in all of these areas because of our growth. The personal computer network has grown and required a corresponding attention requirement. Page 2 In addition to continuing growth, we have also assumed two other major responsibilities as well. In 1991, our department was made respansible for the majority of the Utility BiZling process. We assumed the responsibilities for the mailing of the meter cards and utility bills, as well as the collection of both items. We took aver the handling of the computer program, including the generation of all regorts applicable to Utility Billing. we became respansible for generating f.inal bills and setting up new accounts on the computer system. We also assumed full responsibility to responding to all complaints. Since 1991, we have also added a third utility, the Storzn water Utility, which increased our number of customers to service by approximately 1, 500, so our total customers today is just shy of 4� 000. By contrast, in 1991, the total number of customers was a little over 2, d00. To summarize, we assumed a responsibility with no additional personnel, that has doubled in size in two years, . still without adding any personnel. The second responsibility added to our department has been the ordering of office supplies , This is a time consuming task that has became even more time consuming as we have made attempts to improve the system and increase the efficiency of ordering and accountability. For the future, in 1993 we are looking at the implementation of a` Fixed Assets system for the City. This is a long overdue area of importance for the City fram an auditing standpoint and an efficiency standpoint, as well. We have budgeted funds to have someone set up this system for us, from the actual physical inventory to the implementation of the software program needed to make it go. But, that does not mean that we will have nothing;,to do during this process. We will be required to provide information to the contractor in order for the process to succeed. Even more importantly, we wi1]. be required to maintain that system once it is in plaee. That is when our real work will begin. To the credit of the Finance Department staff, payroll is eampleted on time,. bills. are paid on time and reports are filed on time_ To most observers, everything seems to be operating smooth3y. But, there are areas that are not getting the attention that they truly deserve. Most of these areas concern long-term issues, especially policy issues. We should update current policies and estabZish new policies in areas including, but certainly not 1 imited to, purchasing, investments, internal controls, debt management and others. We can get by without these changes and additions, but should we? We don' t think so, but at this point in time, they are things that constantly get put on "the back burner° because of time constraints in dealing with the day-to-day aperations of our department. Page 3 What we are proposing at this time is a part-time person to assi5t in the operations of the Deputy Registrar office. This would allow the current Deput�r Registrar to assist the other department personnel in the finance and accounting related functions of our department. The Deputy Registrar is a break- even or less operation that is a benefit to the citizens of Rosemount. We have reached a point where the Finance Department has to have additional help and we .felt that this would be the most cost-effective approach to take to help ease our groblems {at least as a short-term solution) . The position of Deputy Registrar Clerk wc�uld be a l/2-time position that would work four hours a day during the time of breaks and lunch. This would also alleviate a backup prablem that we have had for quite some time and will probably escalate wi�.h the farrnation of the third union. We have not been able to provide an uninterrupted lunch for a person when that person' s backup is not in the office because of illness, vacation, seminars or the like. Hiring this position would eliminate this probiem, as we would then have three people, rather Chan two, capable o€ prc�viding Deputy Registrar services. The position would assume a Comparable Worth point value of 43 and a salary range of $7. 60 an hour to $10 .26 an haur with a midpoint salary of $8 . 86 an hour. This would be accomplished by starting the person out at the bottom of the "A° range, or $7.60 an hour; moving to the bottom of the "H" range, or $8 .42 an hour, after successtul completion gf a six-month probation perio.d; and moving to the middle o€ the "B" or the midpoint, $8 . 86 an hour, after eighteen months . This is consistent with current policies that we have in place. I feel that this pc�sition is warranted far our department, and hopefully, I have addressed any areas of concern that you may have. If not, please feel free to contact me if you need further information. DEP Y REGISTRAR GLERK The City of Rosemount is ecepting applicaCions far a part-time Deputy Registrar Clerk. �uties include issuing motor vehicle licenses with heavy puhli� contact. Minimum requirements include one year clerical or .cust mer service experienee, 30 wpm typing speed and knowledge of co puter operations. 2O to 25 hours per week. $7.60 per hour sta ting salary. Compl�ted applications must be received by May 4 1993 . Application forms available at Rosemount Ci�y Hall, 2875 - 145th S�reet West, Rosemount, N.�T 55068; (612) 423-4411. H aring Impaired TDD: {612) 423-6219 . Equal Opportunity/Affirma ive Action Employer. CITY 4F ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSSBILITY W�2ITE-UP Date: April, 1993 POSITION TITLE: Deputy Registrar Clerk DEPARTMENT: Finance Department ACCOUNTABLE T0: Finance Director SITMMARY OF POS ITION The Deputy Registrar Clerk is responsible for providing motor vehicle registration and related permit and lieensing services to the pttblic. The duties �� this position include, but are not limited to, providing customer service to the public, being knowledgeable af motor vehicle laws and procedures . Assists in maintaining required records and inventory of license tabs. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Serves the public for motor vehicle registration and lic�nsing. 2 . Possesses a working knowledge of current motor vehicle laws and procedures. 3 , Enters licensing information into computer. 4 . Assists in maint�aining inventory records of motor vehicle license' tabs, DNR records, and reordering of inventory as needed. 5 . Balances cash register on a daily basis. 6 . Reeeive telephane calls concerning motor vehicle or licensing information. 6 . Performs such other duties as are assigned. OUALIFICATIONS 1. High school graduate or equivalent with specialized course work in general office practices such as typing, accounting, data processing. 2 . One year of general clerical or customer service experience. 3. Six months deputy registrar experience desirable. 4 . Ability to type accurately on a computer keyboard and/or t�rpewriter. Have a typing proficiency of 30 w.p.m. 5 . Some knowledge of personal computer operations, including word processing and a spreadsheet program similar to Quattra Pro. 6 . Some knowledge of modern office pract�ces and procedures. 7. Ability to speak and write English clearly. 8 . Ability to perform arithmetic computation5 accurately and quickly; 9 . Ability to record names and numbers accurately (e.g. , not transpose numbers and/or letters? . 10 . Ability to cammunicate effeetively verbally; ability to establish successful working relationships with employees and the public; ability to work under pressure and/or frequent interruptions. i1. Ability to remain seated or standing at the same work station for up to two hours at a time. STATUSe Non-exempt � 20 - 25 Hours a Week Reviewed bY� Approved by: Administrative Assistant Date City Administrator Date Date Approved by City Council : � . f � . � .. ��`Q . . � � . i 1941 adjust M1DPT. for ANNUAI i992 A Ran9e 6 Range C range J08 TITLE PTS RATE 1.0400 ---------- -------^-------------------- --+--- ----------------------------- CITY ADMINTSTRATOR �118 : 57,289.13 59,580.70 51,082.10 53,770.b3 56,600.66 56,601.6b 59,560.70 62,559.73 b2,560.73 65,688.77 68,913.20 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR :102 : 47,968.55 d4,88).29 42,171.t1 45,022.33 47,391.93 A7,39?.93 14,887:29 52,381.66 52,38?.66 55,001.79 5�,151.88 POLICE GHIEF .101 � 47,A93.08 49,392.80 42,3-0T.25 44,576.05 46,922.T6 46,923.16 19,392.80 51,8b2.44 St,B63.4/ 54,456.62 ST,119.15 fINANCE OIRECIOR .1Q0 : 47,017,42 48,898.12 41,923.12 4A,124.G0 46,452.21 46,453.2t 48,898.I2 51,343.02 51,3/4.02 53,411,22 56,6SM.78 AIRECTOR OF PARKS S RECREATfON . 99 : 46,485.08 48,34d.48 41,448.45 43,b24.95 �5,926.26 45,921.26 18,344.18 50,761.71 SO,Tb2.Ti 53,300.84 55,965,88 DTRECTOR � PIAh�JING : 99 s d6,485.08 46,344.48 41,448.45 43,b24.45 45,92b:26 45,921.26- 48,3i4.�8 5�,761 J1 50,762.71 53,300:84 55,9b5.88 ^ CIfiY ENfiiNEER/ASSISTAPIT P.W. DIRECtOR : 9b.: 43,2�0:00 45,000.80 38,581.66 48,612.2) 42,)49 J6 42,750.76 45,000.80 47,250.81 �7,251.8/ �4,bt/.43 52,095.15 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENf MANAGER : 96 : 43,270.00 45,000.80 38,581.66 40,bf2.27 �2,749.1b 42,750.76 45,000.84 47,250.84 17,251.8� �9,611.�3 52,095.15 � ADMFNISTRATIVE ASSISTANT : 94 : 40,630.73 42,255,96 36,228.30 38,135.05 40,142.ib 40,i43.1b 12,255.96 �4,3b8.76 14,369.76•46,588.25 �6,9f7.66 � BUILUIt� OfFICiAI : 94 : 40,b30.73 42,255.96 36,228_30 38,135.05 48,lit.i6 10,143.16 12,255.9G A4.368.76 4#,3b4,1b 46,588.25 48,911.b6 PARK 5 REG StIPERVI50R : 94 : A0,630.73 42,355.96 36,229.30 39,135.45 �O,I42.16 d0,143.16 42,255.96 �4,368.16 /4,369.76 #b,588.25 �8,917:66 ;• POIICE LIEUTENANT : 9< : 40;630.73 '42,255.96 36,228.3{? 38,t35.05 �0,142.1b 40,143.1b 42,255:46 44,3b8.Xb ��,369.76 46,588.25 �8,417.66 " PUB�IG W�2K5 SIfPERVIS�t : 94 : 40,630.73 42,255.% 36,228.30 38,135.05 /0,1�2.16 40,143.16 42,255.9b 44,368.7b �4,369.T6 Ib,588.25 48,91T.66 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR : 88 : 36,495.32 37,455.f3 32,540.88 3d,253.56 3b,056.38 36,057.38 37,955.13 39,852.89 39,853.84 d1,846.58 43,938.91 L PtANNER : 85 : 35,207.63 36,615.94 31,392.68 33,044.93 3d,)84.14 34,785.24 36,6Y5.94 38,446.73 38,447.13 48,3T0.12 12,388,62 ASSISTANT PARK 5 itEC-0IRECTOR : 80 : 32,919,86 3A,23b.65 24,352.75 30,897.63 32,523.62 32,52�.82 �4,236.65 35,4�8.44 35,949.49 37,746.96 39,6�1.31 � FtRE MARSNAL : 79 : 3l,702:43 32,970.53 28,267.20 29,754.95 31,321.00 31,322.00 32,970.53 34,619.05 34,b20.05 36,351.fM 38,168.61 ASSISTRMi PLANNER : T5 : 30,831.4b 32,064.72 2�,490.54 28,93).46 30,480./8 30,ib1.18 32,064.72 33,667.95 • 33,6G8.45 35,352.�0 37,124.02 { BUILbING INSPECTOR : 75 = 30,831.46 32,064.72 27,490.59 28,937.46 30,460.48 3d,461.48 32,06�.72 33,6bT.95 33,668.95 35,352.40 37,120.02 EC�liIG DEVEEOPMENT SPEGIALIST : 75 : 3Q,831,46 32,064.72 27,490.54 28,937.46 30,460.48 30,461.A8 32,064.7? 33,667.95 33,d68.95 35,352.90 3),120.02 ENGIt�ERING TECNNICIAN : 65: 28,393..36 29,529.09 25,316.60 26,649.06 28,051.60 28,052.6A 29,529.09 31,005.55 31,006.55 32,556.88 34,184.72 `� ACCt3UNiANi : 60 : 26;121.93 21,166.81 23,291.24 24,517 A9 25,807.17 25,808.17 27,1b6.81 28,525.15 28,526.15 29,953.45 31,450.48 qDMINISTRAtION DEPARTMENT SECRETARY : 60 : 26,122.93 27,166.9t 23,291.24 24,5t1.09 25,807,47 25,808.17 27,Ib6.81 28,525.15 28,526.15 29,452.05 31,450.88 BUILDIFIfi INSPEGTI4N5 SECRETARY z 6Q : 26,i2Y.93 27,166.81 23,291.24 24,517,09 25,8Q7.47 25,808.17 27,166.81 28,525.15 28,526.15 29,952.45 31,450.08 " E60NOt4IC DEVfLOPMENT/PERSONNEL SECRETf�tY : 60 : 26,121.93 21,166.81 23,291.29 24;511'.09 25,807.07 25,808.47 31,k66.81 28,525.15 28,526.15 24,952.15 31,454 A8 PLAt�1tNG DEPART11ENi SECRETARY : 64 : 2b,121.43 27,Y66.81 23,291.24 24,5ll.09 35,807.A7 25,9U8.p7 2T,166.81 28,515.15 28,526.15 29,452:45 31,450.08 POLICE DEPARTF�NT SECRETARY : 60: 26,121.43 27,166.81 23,29t.24 24,511.09 25,807.47 25,808.47 27,166.81 29,525.25 28,526.15 29,452.�5 31,150.08 PUBIIC WORKS SECRETARY : 60 % 26,121.43 27,166.81 23,291.24 Z4,517.09 25,@07,47 25,808.41 21,166,61 28,525.15 28,516.15 24,452.45 31,�SO.QB DEPUTY REfiISTRAR : 53 � 22,428.82 23,325.97 19,948.20 2�,050.7A 22,1S8:b7 22,159.67 23,325.97 24,492.27 24,493.2� 15,717.94 27,003.83 PR06RAH DIREGTOR : 53 : 22,426.82 23,325.97 t9,498.20 ?1,850.74 22,158.67 22,Y59.67 23.325.97 2�,492.27 21,d93.27 25,717.94 2T,003.63 RECEPTIOt#IST : 46 : 20,231.48 21,440.74 1B4O38.90 1@,989.32 19,987.J0 19,988.10 31,040.74 22,092:78 22,093.78 23,198.16 24,358.39 � ASSISTANT PRt)GRAM DIRECTOR : 44 : 19,035.86 19,197.29 16,972.8d 17,866.11 l8,�6.�3 18,847.43 19,797.29 i0,797.T6 20,788.16 21,827.51 22,918.95 SECREFARY AIDE : �4 : 19,035.86 19,397.29 16,972.80 17,866.11 18,�6.13 18,8t)7,�3 f4,797.24 20,787.16 20.788.1d 21,827.57 22,418.45 DEPUTY REGISTRAR CLERK : I3 : N/A 18,438.80 15,7�9,9.49 16,631.04 17,506.36 17,5�07,3b 18,4�.80 19,350.24 19,351.24 20.319.80 21,3�J4 �.Vt�(uwc 4,y1++�e 4•Yi.�� �a.a�+u.e