HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Connemara Water Tower 1 � � CITY OF ROSE:MOUNT EXEG'�TIVFs STJNIl�?ARY FOR ACTI4N CITY COUNCZL MEETING DATE: APRIL 20, 1993 _ AGENDA ZTEM; Connemara Water Tower AGENDA SECTION; Old Business PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund AGENDA NO Public Works Director/Bizilding Of f icial ���� � � ATTACHI�SENTS: Utility Commission Executive AP OVED BY�' SUIriltlary ^�, ,n, � �,,�� , ,-U L � This item is brought to �ou for your information and approval . Public Works Staff and City Attorney Mike Miles have met with Mr. Tim Dwyer, Attorney for the Kelly Trust, for negotiations of the purchase of the Connemara Water Tower site. The negotiations have gone well and have involved discussion of all the issues we have involving the Kelly Trust and their land holdings. As is indicated in the attached Exeeutive Summary which was presented to the Utility Commission, Mr. Dwyer accepted the terms of acquisition on March 12, 1993 . The purchase price of $25, 856_ 00 was reached by multiplying the 1.72 acres af area occupied by the tower by the offer price of $15 , 000 per acre. The offer price is supported by the original appraisal done by Metzen �ppraisa� Service in 1989 . The access easement, that had up untiZ this time been a point of consternation and not included in the appraisal, has now been granted to the City. The� Easement Agreernent contains the standard languaqe af ° for one dollar and other considerations " . The Utility Commission authorized the expenditure of $25, 856 . 00 from Wate� Core Func3s for �he payment of the acquisition. City Attorney Mike Miles is preparing the Easement Agreement and Warranty Deed for their execution. Upon execution of the documents by the Mayor and City Clerk the ch�ck wili be delivered and the documents recorded. We are very pleased by the settlement and encouraged by Mr. Dwyer's cooperative attitude in the resolution of this matter. I ask for your support and acceptance of this arrangement. Thank you! RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION T� CONCUR WITH THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS MADE BY THE LTTILITY COMMISSION IN THE ACQUISITION OF THE CONNEMARA WATER TOWER SITE IN THE �1M�UNT OF $25, 856 FROM THE WATER CORE FUNDS. COUNCIL ACTIQN: ' 4 . . ', CITY OF ROSEMOtTNT EXECUTIVE StJMMARY FOR ACTI�N UTILITY CGMMISSION MEETING DATE: APRIL 12, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Purchase of Connemara Water AGENDA 5ECTION: _- __ _ - _ Tower Site D1d Business PREPAR.ED BY: Ron Wasmund AGENDA NO. Public Works Director/Building Official 6b. I ATTACHMENTS: AP OVED Y: On March 12 , 1993 Staff inet with Mr. Tim Dwyer, Attorney for th_ Kelly Trust, �o fin�.�ize discussions eoncerning tne acauisi��or_ o: Water Tower Site Num't�er Two (Connemara W�ter Tower) . The c�scussion concentrated or_ the purchase o� an ar�a 300' x 250 ' wnich -s occu�ipd �y t�'?� tOW?1" aI7C1 t?':2 g��:1tlI1g Oi u�.: E�S�ItlaTli, i0Y' �-uGCA'�'u^S W:.�'t11:^ �il� =uture Connemara right-of-way. After som� discussior_ Nr.Dveyer a5r��a to the s�le terms for the fee parcel and agreed to grant an e�semer.� for access with no cost to the City. Tne purchase �Y'1C2 was based upon the oricinal offer wrieh calcula�,ec out to $15, 000 per acre. The original pareel for which the ofier had i�een made me�sured was 250 ' x 250' . It was later det�rminEa �na�. �n additional 50 ' to trA east was neeaed Lor access to the ��s` �ia� of th� tow�r. At the ;.im� th� original offer was maae tnPre was � question �"�u- 1S�f�. b� i.�'1� QW?1E'.� �r'�I7}C171Q �I7dt �!'12V shou�.d Q2t �a:C 2(7'_" �?1A dr'Ea Wl�t:1?1 t.i1� C0:1I72ICtaY'8: Yi�rl�-Oi-Wd� Wr�C11 SE�VV�S dS �CC�SS LO tne site. After our discussion, Nr. Dwyer agreed to b�ovi�� tne Easement fo� access to the City without cost : The fee parcel row Zt1EGSUT?S 1. . 72 �CZ'QS lI1 S1.Z�. Based on trlczi- S1ZE aT!Cl $ �?� , �0� p2Y dC?"A the tot�l purchas� price amounts to $ 25 , 856 . 00 . Previous actior_ t�.ken by the Utility Commission autharized up to $ �G, OOG . City Attcrney Mike Miles and Mr. Dwyer are preparing th� 'I'itle Documents and Easem�nt Agreements fc� executior.. Upan forma� authoriz�tion from the Utility Commission for thA expPn�iture o� �unc� �rom tr� W�ter Core account I will process payment for delivery upon execution of _the final documents . _ _ RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTIOR� TO APPROVE EXPENDITURE OF $25 , 655 FROM WATER CORE FUI`TDS �OR PURCHASE OF CONNEMARA WATER TOWER SITE. COMMISSION ACTION: � G . � , . � . � � .