HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.m. Dakota County Gun Club Range Operation Support , � CITY OF ROSEMO't7NT . EXECUTIVE STJi�lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:Apri1 20, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Dakota County Gun Club AGENDA SECTION: Range Operation Support Consent PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk AGENDA NQ�.�� � ]f � 6 1 � i:'± ATTACHI�tENTS:Letter From Gun Club President AP f7VED, Y� �� Previous Resolution of Su ort ;/ �,�, �.�(,�2--' pp L !� ` � Dakota County Club has finally received approval to establish a gun range on the University of Minnesata on lands they will rent in EmFire Township. This has been a lengthy process for them and now is drawing to a close. To get final approval from the University for the project the University has asked that Empire Township, who is issuing a special permit far the range, and the City of Rosemount both reconfirm there individual positions on the startup of the range. In the past the City did pass a resolution of support for the range. A copy of this is attached. The Gun Club is asking for similar action on the matter. In lite of past suppart I have drafted a similar resolution of support for your consideration and recommend your appraval of it. RECOMMENDED ACTION:Motion to approve Resolution 1993- A Resolution of suppart for the Dakota County Gun Club COUNCIL ACTION- DAK()T'A CDUNTY G{TN CLUB 3405 145th St, E. _ Rosemount, MN. 55t}68 (612) 438-9220 April 14, 1993 Mayor � Councilmembers City of P.osemount Rosemount, r2r1. 55pb8 Re: Resolution of Support Update Dear �layor & Council, We respectfully request an updated letter of support (resolution) from the council for our shaoting range Iocated in Empire Township. For those of you that are unaware of our club anci our ran�e, we are a local sportsmans club �•�ith 42 members who has been working with the U of PI and the Empire Tot�nboard to locate a shooting range approx. two miles south of 160th St. in Empire Tawnship on property o�•aned by the University of rlinnesota. ��hile you may wonder �•rhy �ae ���ould need council supgoxt for the range which i.s not in Rosemount and does not_fall under any rebulatory issues of the City, I believe it is an attempt by the U of T1 to be good neighbors to us and allow us the opportunity for input. I've included our last resolution of support from the council as �aell as a copy of our Conditional Use Permit from Empire for your review. If you have any questions or caould like me to attend the council meeting, I would be ha�py to do so. _ Sincerely, _ _ _ _ . . a� Vernon , a�per President Dakota County Gun Club VJN/sw , 'orm Np.�I.C7.9—(Rev.6'10'80) BUSINESS RECORDS COFlPORATION.MINNESOTA M • a ` � ` no.�3�.�..._.�....____ � � _.....�.....I� . ; � 1 3�fM'�P D� �tltitPSD�� ----.�.w!".'-�Y...._of _.._.... ... ......�......_........_....___.. � , I ' ........___ ... ... � �ffice of__....... ._..... _... ._............_ ......._.._........ County of _............... ..�.. . � �/�.� _.._.__.._. i . , ; \r���� �!1 TN CONSIDERATION OF The statements and representauons made by.....Ll�?M-..Nl��:- ..................._. ...... ..... .........•--....._...... ........._..........................._........._...._..........._..... in..._.. `... .application therefor duly filed in t ' ��oyffice, w � h plicatiRn' hereby made a part hereof, PERMISSION IS HEREBY ��� j � ~'� �� � RANTED To said.._._..._ .,��.••./.La.• ....as owner G lf .. ....'��?_,_......_........=1_.. __.__ ..._......�........__......_.._....._ ....._.._ ..._. ................. �' � to....�... :�.d�...... � . ... Q�-(,1l�L. :�-'•-'••---....-.--...--._....-..--.....y-..-•--�-.. ..---..-.-� �escribed as follows: kind of construction �... ...... ..... � ... (build,erea, 'J ,add c alce,r pa ,move,wreck�as che case ma ) • _..... ... _.............._ ..��a��'�c�..t��t�..Q: .1f�....��....��-..�..y._���;��-r�r��... _.�.-. ._.�����.- .--.-. . . ...._ ..� .... � • side or length in feec-.-.-.-..-•._•-••••••_._... _; height in feet...._.................__ #ront or width in feet�......_._........................ ' ......_..........._.. ............_..........._..; -•--.._._, number of stories......._..---_.........................._, contents.._........_........................_.._.............._....._.cubic feet. ----•---........_...... ............._..._square feet,upon that tract of land desctibed as follows: Lot...... .................._...._._.......Block. ........................................._......---> plat or addition............----.........__....................----._.._ ....._._ _......._........._. ...._.._. ................_....... ........._ which tract is of the size and area specified in said application. � This permit is granted upon the express conditions at aid owner and h�__concra Jagencs,a•orkers and em�loyees,shall compiy in all respects with-the ordinances of the..............._ ... ... :li�..�-....- ..............-..of.. ...---......... . .. ...-... ....-......-----.....--� that it does not cover the use of public properry, such as streets, sidewalks, alleys,etc,£or which speeiat per its musc be secured; and that it does not cover the following. ........_.........................................................�.._..............................................__..........._............._ ..................••••-.................................................p........._.g..... 8 P 8 (Electrical mork, lumbin ,heacin , lasterin ,etc. if such there be. for which special permics must be secure ., ��� � , ' han of the.............. ..........................of said..� ....... ....................................and its corporate al and Given under c� �:K.�:t..'•�-:�......._ ' ...._..._ attested by its_. ..this..........�..�.._ .................day of...... .... . ..._..............._..........._........._.................1 ... ............................-- - Attest: '� . _._.....__...... . ................................ .......... .........---_.........................._............ .. ................ �_. _.._.. ... .��..._...._....._... _...... ....._... _...._._....._..........................._ . . i a 4 �\ t`� . ��'�:i�.�' " _ `�\� � 'e_." �,•. . � i Q , � � �'� �v ,- .:.`�,� _ , ��- _- \ . �ZESOURCE SI"R1\I"EGiLS llAKO'I'A COUN'1'Y GUN CLU13. �OIZI'ORATIUN Condition�l Use 1'eriiiit 6600CITY WF$1 FARKWAY su,TF z�o 13�1T RI�SOLVI:1), the E;tr�E�ire 1'ownship t3c��rd approves the Condition�l L)se MINNf.A(`OUS.MPd 553•14 Pertnit for the Uakola C�unty Ci�iti Club 1��rerale a shonting range in 5ectiot� 11 fi���o,�?g�a� of C:tt�pire'I'ownslii��,subject to tl�e following cot}ditions: rnx 612/942•7464 1. A cc�py of tl�e �igt�ecl lease for il�e pro��etly with the UnivPrsity of Mi��nesota �vill be ��rovideci to the 7'o���i� F3oarct pr�or to begint�ing o��er�tioi�; 2. 'I�ie l�iid wil) be restorecj to its original cor�clit.ion,as required by the iessot, upon ter»tin�tiott af the lease; 3. 1.e�c1 wil) he collecteci aiid re�r��ved from tl�e site ot� �n flnnu�) b�sis; 4. I�ur►clr�isir�g acliviti�s spot�sored at ti�e site will be litnitecl to the llakota County CU«�� Club; 5. Usc for DNit-ap��roved gun s��ety classes wil) be perti�ilted; use by iaw etifateetrient flgeneies �vill teq��ire prior a�prc�val by tl�e"I'o�vt� F3oarcl; G. S�i}�ervisioti cliiring titr�es�f use wtil be provicled by a certiiied t�nge officet; 7. .4igns c�f cai�iio» �vii) he }�ostecl rni � single str�hcl fence ati tl�e pro{�erly (�m�cl�ry, at ii�terv�ls of fifty (SU) feet,or as otl►erwise a��proveJ by the Town 13oarcl; 8. Poti�hie restroc�ni will t�e provided on the site by the gun clut�and ti�ai�itained on a regalar b�sis; __ 4. A leciger will be t�zaitf(ai�►ed icletdifyit�g lhe natne, date�t�cl iitne of usets at the rnr�ge; 10. �-lours of operatic�n will be 9:()t)atr�to 8:(� p��i or clusk, whichever is e�rl'ter, Moticl�y,Tii�ersc��y and S�tnrday,ot as othetwise �pproved by tlae'I'own II��rd; 11. All pr�iectiles fro�i� firear�i�s sli�ll f�ll withi�i the baunclary of ti�e property; 12. Rifle sliooting shalt occur otily on tlte dcsigti�tcd rifle tange; 13.Pistoi shcx�titig sh�11 oceut oniy ot� the desigt�atecl pisto) rnnge; . i4.1't�sii teceptacles will be provided by tl�e ap�licant, arid tras}i retr�oved frotr� the�ite on a daily b�sis, 15. 'I'he aJ�plicatit �vill carry liabitity ins�ir�t�ce it� Ihe attiount of$t ti�illion per occtirrence anc� $3 i�iilliati aggteg�te,such }�olicy to be f lecl with the'1'owtis}ti� _ __ ��riotto hegint�ir�g�i�et�liot�; _ _ : l G. 'I'lie appli.cant will ittdei»t�ify and hold tlie'Iownship hflrtnless frotn persotial in,jury, badily itijury,death and j�roperty datn�ge resulting from the appiicants act ions; 17. 11�e rertnit �nd cot►d'ttions will be reviewed and re-issued by the Town�3vatd on an annual basis; 18. Any costs incutred by the Towt�shi}� resulting frotn review ancl enforcetnet�t of Ihis permii will be tl�e resperosibility of the�ppitcant; 19. Review�ttcl a(iproval of the anplic�tioti by the Mettopoli#an Council fot consistency with thc"1'o�utishi�'s Com�rehensiue I'lan, as requited by M.S. Sectioti 473.155i wili be required prior lo issuance. .. t: � a � ITY F ROSEN{OUNT , C 0 Resolution 1989-35 A RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR THE DAKOTA COUNTY GUN CLUB WHEREAS, the City Counci� of the City of Rosemount has been aware for some time of the endeavors of the Dakota County Gun Club to locate a Gun Range on the University properties, and WHEREAS, for many years the City Councils of the City of Rosemount have actively supported recreational programs for all of the constituents of their jurisdicti4n, providing several excellent facilities to date for variaus recreational programs� and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has supported iocal , regional and state wide facilities for recreational and educational purposes. NQW THEREfORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount does by the adoption of this Resolution issue its "Comment of Support" for the siting of a Gun Range facility on the University of Minnesota properties, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Administrator is directed to prepare certified copies of this resolution of support for presentation to the Dakota County Gun Club for their inclusion in the documentation in their pursuit of a Gun Range per�nit. Adopted this 4th day of April , 1989. � / . � .�� _ , _ ollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: � Sus M. Joh s , Deputy Clerk � � ..t . , . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT - DAROTA COiTNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993 - A RESOLIITION OF SUPPORT FOR THE DAROTA COUNTY GIIN CLUB WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has been aware for some time of the endeavors of the Dakota County Gun Club to locate a Gun Range on the University properties, and WHEREAS, for many years the City Councils of the City of Rosemount have actively supported recreational programs for all of the constituents of �heir city, providing several excellent facilities to date for various recreational programs, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has supported local, regional and state wide facilities for recreational and educational purposes . NOW, THEREFaRE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount do�s by the adoption of this Resolution issue its "Comrnent of Support" for the siting of a Gun Range facility on the University of Nlinnesota properties, and BE IT FURTHER RES�LVED, that the City Clerk is directed to prepare certified copies of this resolution of support for presentation to the Dakota County Gun Club for their inclusion in the documentation in •their pursuit of a Gun Range permit. ADOPTED this 20th day of April, 1993 . E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk