HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.b. International Ringette Tournament Project Update • CI�'Y OF RaSEMOUN'T EXECUTIVE SUt�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:April 24, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: International Ringette Tournament AGENDA SECTION: Project Update Department Heads Reports PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk AGENDA��� A � � � �V� ATTACHI+�ENTS: Memo From Councilmember Klassen AP OVED Y: Councilmember Klassen would like tQ take a few minutes to update the City Council on this important event. Attached find a fact sheet an the event. There is a lot of work being done by a lot of people on this event. There �s a lot of good news to share on funding, participants and those working on the Avent. Councilmember Klassen wauld like to share some of this new with you. RECOM�.ENDED ACTION:None CQUNCIL ACTION: � �94 WORl.D R � NGE�E CH�iN6P t ONSH t P �flCT S�EET* *(unofficialt subject to change, as of 4-12-94) * Date: March 19�27, 1994 * �llhere: Rvsemount Community Center and S. St. Paul Wacouta Rrena * Held euery two years: 199Q - 4ntario, �anada 1992 - He{sinki, Finiand * Organizations in�olued: Interna#ionat Ringette {sanctioned) Host Organization Committee tmade up o€ members from:) Ringette tlS� USR National Team Minnesota Staie Sparts Commissian S. S#. Paul Sports Group Rosemount Locat Rrganizat��n Members: Deb Marthaler Kerry �lo�nso�r Jim Koenic Jim Kusrtier Cathy Busho �isa �iost Daue Bechtho�d �iack Tonkin Tracie Chamberiai� SheiE� Y.tassen _ _ * Host Committee Structure: Rdministration, Jack Tonkin, Chair Duties: Funding, Marketing Operations, Deb h��^thaler, Chair Dut�es: Housing/Transportatio�, �t�[�nteer Serssices, Merchar�d�sing, tlenuE, �faspitality S�orts, Jim ��us�ier, Chair Duties. Coc��pti��a�, E���ici�tslR�����e, h�lec�ical - * Funding: $ ]5,�0� City of Rosemoun# (in-kind) $ � S,a�Q S. Sfi. Pau1 Sports Group $3�,OQE3 Sta#e of Minnesota Rpproued by Senate Committee Hwaiting House Committee approuat Fund raising actiui#ies Totai budget needed appro�. $74,0�� * �ear�s/Leuei of Competition: World Championship - one team each, 2� games total Canada East, Canada West, Fintand, Russia; Sweden, USR �merican Cup - High sehoo{ Eeuel, 44 games totaf Canada - 6 teams, fintand - S teams, France - 1 team, USfl - 8 teams U.S. Spring Classic - from Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin, 2 games each age 9 �r under - approx. 10 teams age 1 t � und�r - aPPro�, 7 teams age 14 � under - appro�. 7 teams * No. of peapie: more than fi5Q pfayers, es#imated totai of 2a�Q peOP�e * Opening Ceremonies: Fioszmou�t (Rppro�c. 1 10fl seats� * Ciosing Ceremonies and Gold Niedal Round: S. St. Pau1 (appra�. 25C<E� seats) _ _ _ * Notes: Minnesota D�ept. of Tourism aiready receiuing inquiries from abroad. Not aniy athletic euent, also Sreat apportunity for cuftural e�schang� to promote glabal awareness. Great potential for tocaf businesses. WHO CAN PLAY ICE RINGETTE SPORT EXPERtENCE — RINGETTE Ringette is a I.IFETIME sport. 1t is a sport for mother EXPERtENCE — LIFE EXPERlENCE E X P E R�E I V V� and dau ghter—both beginner and sxpert skaters. Ttiere Involvement in sport can be fun,exciting and chalieng- are various age groups that atiow Ihe participarns to com• ing. it o(fers the young athlete an opportunity to deve lop 'C E R I N G E T T E pete with other players that have relatively the same abili- both mentally,physically and emotionatly.For the adoles- ties. cent,participation in sports can encourage the skills,val- 18 and over ues and attitudes that will be needed throughout the re- mainder of their life. 17 and under ��� �i�gette is an exeelfent winter sporE Ior girls and 15 and under women, that focuses on fhe positive aspects of sport in- 13 and under volvemenC tt emphasizes skating and passing rather than the physicai size of a player. Ringette provides the 11 and under benefits that are associated with team competition to �;,. .:a 9 and under those athletes who like to skate. � : 7 and under Pasitive self-esteem, improved physicat condition and � the ability to cope with stress is needed by everyone.The 1 i Local associations or leagues may establish age divi- expenences that the player gains Irorra a physicalty active ? ■ � ,i�� sions that are campatible ta ihe ages and number ot lifestyle wilf prepare tfiem to meet the demands and re- �. � players in t M ei r a r e a s o r p r o g r a m. s p�n s i b i l i t i e s o f t h e i r l i(e. ��,�t. ��,«. � � .,.�- . .. � � a� ;.:�'�-.x .., '`�� . . � � . �. . . . � � � n�J�;r r, �'�q . . . gG . . � . . . . � � . . . . . . . � . � V . � . . . . . . � � � . � � Y . � . . FOR MORE INFORMATION �a ��4�f � tl , 1 � ' i ' .. . - , � ` � , ' �I� '� � S� '� � � --�'" � � 1 . �'�,. '�. .�. .: ' RINGETTE USA ,- _ . � �, � . -... :: a, � 1f00 Dwane Street �• : — � � �'.,� '� s ' a So. SL Paut, MN 55075 � ` �►-�: �', {6�2) 455-2468 �� WHY EXPERIENCE ICE RINGETTE HOW 70 PLAY !CE RINGETTE RINK l.AYOUT The game: Ringette is: Ringette has some very distineF di(ferences to other ice • FUN sporls. Let's look ai the game very btie(ly: • SOGIAL CONTACTS 1) ft is played on either indoor or outdoor hockey rinks. __ __ • EMOTIONRL OUTLET 2) Ringette uses the 2 blue lines but daes not eoncem itseif with the center or red line. • PHYSIGAL DEVELOPMENT 3� Ringette uses a large and circulat goatie crease(see • POSITIVE SELF-ESTEEM diagram). • SPORTSMANSHiP 4j There arc� two equal hail time periods, either running � or stoppsd tin�e. A gan�e is to uti(ize tt�e ice time hour as • GOAI-SETTING SKILLS is possible: • TEAMWORK 5) Teams consist of between 9 8 18 players witt� 6 play- ers on ihe ice at ane time. One goalie (regulac hockey • COMPETlTION goal stick);2 red sticks(defense);2 blue sticks(forwards) - and 1 white stick (center). 6) The game is kept fast-moving and wide-open as the Ringette is an EXCI?ING winter leam sport for young torwards cannot enter their own defensfve zane white women af ail ages. It is played on a standard hockey rink, �efensive players cennot skate into their oftensive zone. using a straight siick ta carry, pass and shoot a rubber The center can use the entire ice surtace. ring. The object o# the game is to score GOALS!!! THE GOAL CREASE 7) Unlike hockey, the ring must be passed from zone to Ringette was originated in North Bay, Ontario, in 1963 Zone across the blue1ines,this encourages passing and _ by Sam 3acks, Director of Parks and Recreation. Jt was ���m play enhancing the ilow oi the game. introduced io the United States approximately 10 years °O"` {ater which makes it a relatively new sport compared to 8} Deliberate or intentionaf body cantact is not permitted. 6• 5' i iee hockey or baseball. However as in any aggressive spflrt, Ihere will be some Presenily Ihere are 50,000 girls piaying ringette in Carr- incidenial contact. ada and the game has become popular in other countries 9) The piayers wea�hockey skates,a hefinet with a face- e•R�� besides the USA, such as Finland, France, West Ger- rnask, elbow pads, shin pads and in the USA, most many and Sweden. 1n March 1986, Fhe tirst Finnair Inter- teams wear sweat paMs, long pants, ar socks with national Ringette Tournament was held and has been breezers and a hockey jersey.The goalies uses the same established as a future annual toumament. eq�ipment as in ice hackey. . . . . . 60A1 6REASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . � . ----�• � . � . . � ._ . ..�.......... ,... . . . .. . ..__........ . . . . .. ._._..._. .. . � . . . . . � � __. __.. . ....._A-......��.w.n . . . . . . . . � stw�+Mvwaw�4Ai�+MM"`P"w"rw+..+-_..._ . . .