HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.j. Fund Transgers/Budget Amendments o ; CITY OF ROSEMQUNT EXECIITIVE StTMMARY FOR ACTION CITY C4UNCIL MEETING DATEc . April 20, 1993 . AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Fund Transfsrs and Budget Amendments Consent PREPAR�D BY: AGENDA �E Jeff Ma.y, Finance Directar M # �J ATTACffi�iENTS: Copies of Transfer Sheets, Ap g . Council Memo, Resolution & Donation Worksheets � � This item is on the agenda far Council approval of two different transfers and to for�nally amend the budgets by resolution for danati4n items that Council has previously authorized and to amend the agplicable budgets that are affected by the March hiring of an Engineer Technician. The first transfer is for the constructian project rela�ed to the installation of. signal lights at the intersection of County Road 42 and Shannan Parkway. This project is naw completed and the excess funds can be returned to the Capital Projects MSA Fund, trom where all of the funds for that pro�ect originated. The second is for the transfer of funds frarn the Storrn Water Utility Fund to the General Fund to help offset the costs of the Engineer Teehnician hired March 1, 1993 . Rather than bringing a resolution before the Council each time there is a need to spend money from . donations previously received, we have developed procedures that allow us to have you authorize the expenditure and am2nd ths budgets at the time the expenditure is made and then periodical�.y bring t4 you a resolution that formally amends the budgets tor a number of these donation expenditures. The attaehed memo and donation worksheets support the figures given in the resolution. The attached memo wi-11 also address the budget amendments that will need to be made to put all of the applicable accounts in order for the Engineer Tech positzon. Z RECON�lENDED ACTION: Motion to apprc�ve the attached fund transfers. i1 Motion to adap� A RESOLUTION APpROVING THE AMENDMENT OF CERTAIN 1993 � BUDGET ITEMS for the General Fund and the Stonn Water Ut�lity Fund as outlined in �.he attached memo_ COIINCTL ACTION: � T TRANSFER FORM . _ TRANSFER FROM: AM4UNTs Paid-Up Debt Serv Funds {39209) 102 - 49300 - 01 - �10 $ Port Autharity Funds j39207j 201 - 46300 - O1 - 710 $ MSA Funds (39208) 203 - 49003 - 01 - �10 $ Water Utility Funds (39202) 60� - 49400 - O1 - 710 $ Sewer Utility FundS (39202) 602 - 49450 - fll - 710 $ Storm Water Utility Funds(39202) 603 - 49500 - O1 - 720 $ Water Core Funds (39204) 605 - 49�Q1 - 01 - 720 $ Sewer Core Funds (39205) 606 - 49502 - O1 - 710 $ Storm Sewer Core Funds (39206) 60? - 49503 - O1 - 710 $ s�..,�„ P,�Wy..ez`( uan �4� s,�,,ati (39203) �/�J - �(8u�� - Ol - 710 $_�,") �S'S�l_ -- _ ��c��.Pt�� ».a (39203) - - 01 - 720 $ (34108) - - Q1 - 327 $ TRA,NSFER TO: AMOUNT: - 39201 - 00 - 000 $ - 39202 - QO- - 000 $ �`AP��. Pt.�t;� atsA� �•...,.,t� �.�.3 - 39203 - 00 - 000 $1'�8S.9S1 - 39204 - -00 - 000 $ - 39205 - 00 - 000 $ -- 39206 - 00 - 000 $ - 39207 - 00 - 000 $ -- 39208 - 00 - OOQ $ - 39209 - 00 - 000 $ - 34108 - 00 - 000 $ AUTHORI Z ED BY: . DEPARTMENT: ��,S�,�c w t,�,2 e� DATE AUTHORI ZED; �T - ��j - 5''� • REASON FOR TF2�NSFER: Cc�„uS�•�.c;�,,,._ P12J�1� Cw.•F��1�l, -- ��:.C�..�SS ��aS C;c,.�,G _�c.'C�.�.Qni� '� U�.C,n.,A-L -�u a�}��. 6- S�lu!� c c' GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY: a�3 - zaioo �7,"��'�.�Y � - 104 - - 104 a.�3 - 3�20 3 - oo - o00 �� �S'f.9� - 34108 - 00 - 000 _ ,.,� a�3_ - 29300 1.�b�S' S� �a� - 29400 �, -� �,i'. S� �{dv - �{��3J - 01 - 71 O 7 ��'S.S� - - O1 - 31? d.� - 10100 ?. ►�841SI' 104 - - 104 GJE ENTERED BY: DATE ENTERED: - JOURNAL ENTRY #: JOURNAL ENTRY TYPE: � _(USUALLY TYPE 4) TRAN3FER FORM TRANSFER FRQM: AMOUNT: Paid-Up Debt Serv Funds (�92Q9) 102 - 49300 - 01 - 710 $ Port Autharity Funds (39207j 201 - 46300 - Oi - 710 $ MSA Funds �3�208) 203 - 49003 - 01 - 710 $ Water Utility Funds {39202j 6Q� - 49400 - 01 - '710 $ Sewer Utility Funds {39202} 642 - 49450 - O1 - 710 $ Storm Water Utility Funds{39202) 643 - 49500 - 01 - 710 $ �� �a�, �� Water Core Funds (39204} 605 - 49501 - O1 - 710 $ Sewer Core Funds (39205) 606 - 49502 - O1 - �10 $ Storm Sewer Care Funds (39206) 607 - 49503 - 01 - 710 $ (392D3) - - O1 - 7I0 $ {39203) - - O1 - 720 $ (34108) - - 01 - 3I7 $ TRANSFER TO: AMOUNT: �- 39201 - 00 - 000 $ - 39202 - 00 - OOQ $ C�-�,.3 c�.et�, C�,,.► ��I - 3 9 2 03 - 0 0 - 0 0 0 $ �f 1 a.�.�� - 39204 - 00 - 000 $ - 39205 - 00 - 000 $ - 39206 - OQ - OQO $ - 39207 �- 00 - Od0 $ - 39208 - 00 - 0�0 $ - 392Q9 - t30 -- OQO $ - 34108 - 00 - 0p0 � - AUTHORI Z ED BY: ���� DEPARTMENT: �T v�f3�� c l�J�,2 k S DATE AUTHQRIZED: � - S - c1� �.�`/ u'� ��,�y cw,-+^�Is,�... y-��,-.q3� REASON FOR TRANSFER: i�k'ANsFza2 ��F G..,:�aS "'il� �P c.1�5C"S C`��"i1 G+F ��:vG-,.��if' ibZ�J zc� 3-1-53 � P�'tv��,.�.sc�� abAad.,r� !3w c,y..�ti��� A.� u� ��� cc�+,�rss,�Nl GENERAL JOLTRNAL ENTRY: 10 ( - 10100 a) 111�,�J • - 104 - 104 __��I__�„ - 39203 - 00 - 000 dl, I��.JJ _ 34108 _ QO - 000,. _ __. _ . �� i - a��oo a i, ,.�� �� (c`U3_ - 29400 11. I d.�.J..1 �_ - �SSU�J - Ol - 71 � �i ► �.c� �J - - O1 - 317 �C�3 - 10100 .�I� �dt�.JJ - 104 - 104 __-__�__ " GJE ENTERED BY. DATE ENTERED; - 30URNAL ENTRY #: JOURNAL ENTRY TYFE: (USUALLY TYPE 4) i�� o osemouvc� PHONE {612)423.4411 2875-145th Street Weyt,Rosemount,Minnesota FAX {fi12)423-5203 MAYOR Mai�g Address: Edward 8.McMenomy P.O.Box 570,Rosernuunt,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILINEM@ER5 Sheila Klasssn DATE: Apri 1 15, 19 9 3 �e�tR�n s�� Ha►ry w,11Coa Dennis Wippermann� T0: Mayor McMenomy a�a��NisraaroR Stephan dilk Council Members Klassen, Staats, Willcox & Wippermann FRdM: Jeff May, Finance Director SUSJECT: Budget Amendments This is a request to amend both the revenue and ex}aenditure budgets for the Genera]. Fund and to formally approve the expenditures of donatians previou�ly recei�ed. This is also a request to amend both the revenue and e�enditure budgets for the General Fund and the Storm Wa�er Util.ity Fund to reflect the hiring of a new Engineer Technician. This memo is to show the line by line detail of the actual changes to be made to the budgets, of which the totals are summarized in the Resolution before you. GENERAL FUNl� DETAIL De_�ail for R�ven�iPs 101-36230-00-000 (Donations) 101-39203-00-f7�0 (Transfer From) � 2, 350.46 21, 120 .00 Totai Revenues - - - - - - ` - - ' � $ 23, 4?0.46 D�tail for EacpenditurP� ---------__ 101-4211Q-01-208 (Miscellaneous Supplies) l�Z'431�0-06-101 (Fu7.1-Time Employee - Regular? $ 21, 120. 0� 1.01-451QQ-01-315 (Special Programs) 1, 700, 0� Total Expenditures - � - - - - -" ' " _ . $ .23, 470 .46 STORM WATER iTTILITY FLTND DETAIL Detail for E enditures• 603-495fl0-01-710 (Transfers} 603-49500-02-103 (Ful1-Time Employee - Regular) ($ 21, �.20 .00) Total Expenditures - - - `- -a - - - - - -0- ____=__ -__, �ver��haveg's �omin,g `(JG� �osemounl�� � � . tii'ecvc�ea�oane. � � . . . cr� oF RosErsovrtz� _ DARQTA COUNTy. MINNESOTA RESQLt7'�ION 1993 - A RES�LUTION APPROVING T8E AMEND� OF CERTAIN 1993 BUDGET ITEMS ��� the City Council recagnYzes the need to amend items from the 1993 General Fund Operating Budg�t, the totalsn which are as followsc {�) General operating revenues, the total which refl increase of $23, 47p.4�� ects an (2) General operatin e J xgenditures, the total which ref1ects an increase of $23, 470 .46; ����, the City Council recognizes the need to amend items from the 1993 Storm Water Utility Fund, which refle certain increase or decrease in the totals of that fund's budget. ct no N�W' T$����• BE I�' RESOLVED, that the City Council of the Cit of Rosemaunt hereby approves the amendment Qf the above lis y budget items for the 1993 General Fund Budget and the 19�3 ted Water Utility Fund Budget. Storm ADt7PTED this 20th day of April. 1993 . E•B. MeMenamy, luiayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by; Seeonded by: Voted in favor: Voted Againstz DONATION REVENU$ lIORlCSHEET RECEIPT OF DONATIQN 'Donation Received oh: � Amount Received: $ Receipt � for Danatfon: Purpose of Donation: Account � for ponation: (Must be Liability � assigned for each individual Department 1 ERPENDITIIRE OF DONATZON - Amount to be Spent: $ 0.S (� � To be Spent from Acct � : � _ {Must be Expenditure �� / �'Zi/n '"O/-- 7��.� � corresponding to individual �epartment} Purpose of Expenditure: �E' � �C7 2f� 'c� , ; �E, . A2iENDHENT OF BUDGETB AmencI Donation Revenue Acct �101-36230-00-000t $ . (,"�, s� , � � Amend Expenditure 1�cct c • �The two dollar amounts�s��b� t�� �Q'� • $ � �� •.5—�� he same) � - ,_ GENERAL JflURN�L ENTRY TO Ab.TUST DONATION LI71$II,ZTX � Debit: �`)i-n7 r�.r�� � _ (Donation Liability �) $ (,}, �"�(� Credit: 201-36230-00-000 S C%, 5`�.. Credit: 101-29300 $ Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue �r1c� �n crea�c� donation revenue to actual p�r council action on� �'�� ..• DONIITIQN REVENUg llt3RlC8H£ET RECEIPT QF I�NATION Uonation Received on: Amount Received: $ , Receipt � for ponation: Purpase of Donat3on: Account � tor ponation: (Must be Liability # assigned for each nd v dval Departme»t) E7CPENDITnRE OF DOHATION Amou»t to be Spent: $ 73.50 � To be Spent from Acet �; 101-42110-Oi-208 . _ (Must be Expenditure � correspondi*�g ta individual Department) Purpose af Expe�diture: DARE Program Suppl.ies � AHENDHENT OF BUDGETS Amet�d Donation Revenue Acct- �101-36230-00-Opfl; S- 73.SO �mend Expenditure Acct � i rn-t� ��O-OI-208 ' $__ 7'�.50 (The two dollar amounts should be the same) _ GENERAL JOURNRI, �NTRY TO 11DJU8T DONATION LIABILITY # , Deb i t t 101-22221 _ 73.00 (Donation Liabiiity �) $ Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ 73.50 Credit: i01-29300 $ 73.50 -- Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and 3.ncreac� danation revenue to actual per council action on Q3l02/93 .� - I10NATI�N REVENIIS WORRSHEET RECEIPT dF b4NATION Donation Received on: FEBRUARY 25, 1493 Amount Rece,ived: $ 1,700.00 • Receipt � for Danatian: 32781 Purpose of DoriatioTit I993 Jaycee Egg� Hunt, Operating Supplies or e even on pri , Accaunt � for ponation: �101-2?_223 (Must be Liabili�y � assigned for each individual Department) EXPENDITLTRE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ 1,700.00 . _ To be Snent fram Acct �: ' - 101-45100-01-315.9 {Must be Ex�en�iture j p g . _ ;r corres ondin to individual Det�artment) Purpose of £xpenditure: 1993 Jaycee Easter Egg Munt AI�SENDHENT DF BIIDGETS . Amend Donation Revenue Acct ;101-36230-00-000: $ 1,700.00 Amend Expendit�sre Acct � 101-45I00-02-315.9 $ 1,700:00 ' (The two dollar amounts shau3d he the same} GENERAL JOIIRNAL ENT'RY TO ALk7IIST DQNATION LIABILITY � Debit: 101-22223 (Donation Liability ;) $ 1,700.00 Credit: 101-36230-;00-000 $ 1,700.00 C=edit: 101-29300 $ 1,704,OQ Journal entry to reduce deferred danatian revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on 03/02/93 DONATIQI�i REVENO$ WORlCSSEET RECEIPT (?F DQN,ATIQH Dtination Received on: Amount Received: $ . Receipt � for ponation; Purpose of Donation: Account # tar ponation: (Must be Liabi,lity � assigned for each i�dividual Department) E%PENDITIIRE OF DONATION Arnount ta be Spent: $ 4q5.00 To be Spent from Acct �: 1Q1-42110-01-208 (Must be Expenditure � corresponding to individual Department} Purpose of Expenditure• BaZlistie vest for Officer Bebero . AMENDMENT OF BIIDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101.-36230-00-0Q0: $ 495,00 Amend Expenditure Acct # 101-42i10--01-208 � 495.OQ (The two dollar amounts shouTd be the samej GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY TO ADJIIST DONATION LTABILITX � Debit: 141-22222 (Donation Liability #} $ 495.00 credit: 101�3623fl-0o-000 $ 495.00 creditz 101-29300 $ 495.00 Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase danatian revenue to actual per council action on 04-06-93 , , c DdNATION REYENU$ WORlC8F�EET RECEIPT OF DQNATZON Donation Received on: � Amaunt Received: $ Receipt � for ponation; � Purpose af Donation: Aecount � for ponation: (Must be Liability � assigned for each individnal Department) E%PENDITIIRE OF DONATION Amount to be Spent: $ �/, i�� To be Spent from ACct � : /Q/ - C-/�1! � - O t � �Cd� �Must be Expenditure � correspond�.ng to individua� Depa�tment') Purpose of Expenditure: .I . f-�_ �. �; - / F�-�c�--/LF�-•-� Ct��v L� e� , AHENDHENT OF BIIDGETS :Amend Donation Revenue Acct #101-36230-00-000: $� J,_�(� Amend Expenditure Acct # l('l - �f� 1 t C�•- {; � - .�-,� . 7 (The two dol�,ar amounts shauld be the same) • $ �� � ��� GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRY TO AD�TUST DONATIt?N LIABILITY � Debit: _f n/ - ,� � � � f (Donation LiabilitY #) S�_� �i Credit: 10I-36230-00-000 $ S /_ y� Credit: 101-29300 ^ S S� 4�p Journai entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase , danation revenue to actual per couneil action on �-,2�- �3