HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda . /' ' � �o�-� --- ��� i l� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ��� � _ � A G E N D A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANiJARY 19 , 19 9 3 7 : 30 P.M. l. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2 . Additions or Corrections to Agenda - Council, Staff, Audience 3 . DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS/BUSINESS a. Co b b les�vr�� �A sei�-��rc-�s b. Cornme�nl- CA2os- �inr�w�l� c. 4 . CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of September 1 and October 20, 1992 Executive Closed Meetings b. Minutes of December 14, 1992 Special Meeting c. Minutes of January 5, 1993 Regular Council Meeting d. Minutes of January 5, 1993 Executive Closed Meeting e. Minutes of January 7, 1993 Special Meeting f . Approval of Bills Listing g. Approval of Licenses and/or Permits 1993 h. Approval of Liquor License Amendment - Kady' s i . USPCI - City of Rosemount Community Trust Fund Appointments j . Senior Center Funding k. Expenditure Approval from Donation Account 1 . Miscellaneous Fund Transfers and Yearly Administrative Fees m. Expenditure for 1993 Police Training n. Confirmation of Indemnification ��J Set Special Meeting for Newspaper/Newsletter Review for Jan. 26 , 1993 �"� Building Inspector Hiring Process � q. Payment #5 West Ridge 4th Add. Street & Utility Improvement, Proj . 223 I �? Cobblestone Lane Easement I� Payment to Dakota County for Damages to Enright Property on C.R. 38 t . Appointment of Vermillion River Watershed Management Org. Com�-nissioners ` u. Authorize Signatures for Grant Amendment (P&R) v. Surplus Equipment/Donation to Dakota County ARES/RACES w. 8 : 00 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARINGS 4 5 . PUBLIC HEARING - Knodt Rezoning Petition a. Open c. Close b. Conduct d. Action 6 . PUBLIC HEARING - Flood Plain Ordinance Amendment a. Open c. Close b. Conduct d. Action 7. OLD BUSINESS (a�3�Oba. Fire Statior} �jef�endum jf; b. �3. f ry1`=�-'f ,�'`c� _�i9,�-c,,i�'r �nv/1't -.C,�%2� �� - �``i � ��v t�R3�o9�� �(�✓� ��fr,�zm�-�.���/�� � � _. �� /� / -�.. � �i� i��-�� 8 EW f�S�INESS`���z'`� ,c=�p��T�:���7`�`/,�r:�:/�!'�-Z:<r'--.^='�� � �9°I3- �S a. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing 145th St . Impro. Proj 235 � I°�q3�d�b. Knodt Lot Split Request R c. ' 9 . MAYOR' S REPORT a. Proclamation "Salute ta Dakota County World War II Vets" b. � c . 10 . ADMINISTRATOR' S REPORT a. Armory/Community Center Project Update l�o� b. rnP25 �.��A+,�o�v m��+e2 c . 11 . CLOSED SESSION a. McDonough Litigation 12 . ANNOUNCEMENTS : 13 . ADJOURNMENT a