HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.c. Minutes of January 5, 1993 Regular Council Meeting ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS � REGTJLAR MEETING JANUARY 5, 1993 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, January 5, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. at the Rosemount City Hall in the Council Chambers. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Klassen, and � Staats present. Councilmembers Wippermann and Willcox were absent. Staffo ! present were: .Aker, Freese, Jilk, Knutsen, Osmundson, Walsh and Wasmund. i Also in attendance were City Attorneys Mike Miles and Shawn Moynihan. Mayor McMenomy led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and Pastor Hall of St. John' s Lutheran Church gave an invocation. Changes to the agenda included removing 5 . f Designation of Official Newspaper and 5 .r Goal Setting Schedule from the Consent Agenda and adding 5 .0 Fire Station Committee Member Addition. Klassen requested discussion of the newspaper be included with 6. c City Newspaper/Newsletter and the Ringette Tournament be discussed with 10 . a Armory Update. Kevin Carroll, representing S.O.A.R. , discussed the trickle down etfects of � Northwest Airline' s financial difficulties and the investment by i Metropolitan Council � s airport study. Legislative issues regarding the airport planning process are being evaluated with the help of State Representative Dennis Ozment. An attempt to introduce a bill to stop the � airport process is being considered. There will be a retreat planned to work on this January 24, 1993 in Prior Lake for S .O.A.R. members. ' � Councilmember Klassen attended a meeting November 30, 1992 given by the Minnesota Extension Services providing home, business, and farm property owners in the airport siting locations an understanding of their rights under condemnation. Ann Berkhart and Phil Parsons were speakers . Noise easements are a consideration for fly over problems which do affect the quality of life. Local governments would incur a loss of tax base due to the buffer zone Metropolitan Airport Commission (MAC) has rec�uired. However, businesses, ie. the airlines, could be taxed if located in that buffer zone. Potentially the University of Minnesota Rosemount business could be taxed also. Lt. Nevill from the U.S . Navy Base regorted that the Navy Base will be closing June 1, 1997 because of technological advancements which reduce the need for operations the base provides. The Air Force now provides � satellite control (GPS) which is very accurate. The Navy Base has been in Rosemount since 1964 . Lt. Nevill will be excused from his duty June, 1993 i and has hope of finding an interested tenant before he leaves. A phasing , down will start immediately and final dismantling will be done by June, ' 1997 . Lt. Nevill commented that the Navy Base has been a great duty ; station and Councilmember Klassen said they have been a good neighbor and will be missed by the community. I The consulting architects from Arthur Dickey & Associates, Steve Belmont i and Mary Hustad with Anne Lundberg an interior designer, presented the color and material selection recommended for the Armory/Community Center Project . The roof design has been changed to a flat roof rather than a sloping blue roof. A glazed blue brick would be a "focus point" for the exterior of the assembly hall joining the Armory to the Community Center. ' Council consensus was to see a more r�eutral color at that focus point such as the proposed dark brown brick with blue accents . The interior rooms will all be carpeted with caordinating wall color ranges in blue, grey and � i ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JANUAR.Y 5, 19 9 3 burgundy. The Banquet Hall will also have oak wood accents. Council requested this item be returned to the next City Council meeting for consideration. MOTION by McMenomy to approve the Consent Agenda as amended, including removing 5.f Designation of Official Newspa�er and 5 .r Goal Setting Schedule and adding 5 .0 Fire Station Committee Member Addition. Second by Klassen. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: 0 . Planning Director Lisa Freese reviewed the Hampton Development residential plat and the possibility of a condemnation for utilities. Freese recommended that condemnation not be used and Hampton agreed to submit a re-designed plat to the Planning Commission. Discussion followed. MOTION by Klassen to table action on the condemnation proceedings to enable Hampton Development �o proceed with review of a redesigned preliminary plat. Second by Staats . Ayes: Staats, Klassen, McMenomy. Nays: 0 . City Engineer Bud Osmundson has contacted the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDot) regarding Trunk Highway 3 near the Armory Project. MnDot has plans to improve Highway 3 from Highway 149 in Inver Grove Heights south to 147th Street with "mill and overlay" which will extend the road life an additional 5 to 10 years. Ron Bray from OSM Engineering, reviewed the recommended lane alignment from the Armory through the downtown area which would provide an opportunity to use the "streetscape" idea without a large investment. Staff will work with the Downtown Scoping Committee to explore this possibility. ' MOTION by McMenomy to adopt A RESOLUTION REQUESTING A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT PROJECT WITH THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR TMPROVEMENTS ON STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 3 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ARMORY/GONIl�2iTNITY CENTER PROJECT, CITY PROJECT 239 . Secon.d by Staats . Ayes: Klassen, McMenomy, Staats. Nays : 0 . MOTION by McMenomy to adopt A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR THE ARMORY SITE HIGHWAY 3 IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT 239 . Second by Klassen. Ayes : McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: 0 . MOTION by McMenomy to adopt A RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL OF THE ARMORY SITE HIGHWAY 3 IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT 239 . Second by Klassen. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, McMenomy. Nays: 0 . MOTION by McMenomy to adopt A RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ARMORY SITE HIGHWAY 3 IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT 239 . Second by Klassen. Ayes: Klassen, McMenomy, Staats . Nays: 0 . Mayor McMenomy called for a five minute break at 9 : 05 p.m. City Administrator Jilk explained the options available to provide better communication to the public. Councilmember Willcox contacted Administrator Jilk to advise Council that he would be uncomfortable with the Farmington Independent as the City' s legal newspaper because it is not from the Rosemount area and would rather have the Dakota County Tribune as official paper. Mayor McMenomy noted that use of cable T.V. should be considered at this time and requested this item be tabled and proceed to set a workshop 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JAN[JARY 5, 19 9 3 to consider all options. Council-member Klassen related information from a survey in Lakeville which pointed out that printed material reaches about 70% of the public, cable T.V. only 30-40%. The goal that was top priority for 1992 was communication; with the Rosemount Town Pages requiring subscriptions, only a third of the households would now be reached. Administrator Jilk advised Council that a paper must be designatedefor 1993 i by State statutes and a change would be possible if warranted after the workshop. MOTION by McMenomy to designate the "Farmington Independent" as the City of Rosemount Official Newspaper for 1993 . Second by Klassen. Ayes : McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: 0 . MOTIDN to table City Newspaper/Newsletter item until a work session can be set and direct staff to research additional information. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, McMenomy. Nays : 0 . Councilmember Klassen contacted Sharon Peterson who seemed very eager to � become a part of the Dakota Alliance for Prevention. Ms . Peterson has a , degree in secondary education, has experience with teaching children in I Washington, D.C. , and currently is employed with 3M in the Government Contracts Department. Klassen requested staff to send a certificate of `� appreciation to Sam Garofalo for serving on that committee. MOTION by Staats to approve the appointment of Sharon Peterson to the Dakota Alliance for Prevention. Second by Klassen. Ayes : Klassen, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: 0 . MOTION by McMenomy to accept the offer from the Rosemount Area Hockey Association to purchase a reconditioned Zamboni to be donated to the City for its use in the new Multi-Purpose Arena. Second by Staats . Ayes : McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: 0 . MOTION by Staats to authorize the Chief of Police to seek qualified police officer candidates from the Minnesota Police Recruitment System for the purpose of hiring one police officer to begin employment on ar about April, 1993 . Second by McMenomy. Ayes : Staats, Klassen, McMenomy. Nays: 0 . i MOTION by Staats to approve the full-time hiring of Mike Fricke as Building Inspector effective January 18, 1993 as outlined in the Public Works Director� s memo dated December 30, 1992 . Second by Klassen. Ayes : Klassen, McMenomy, Staats . Nays: 0 . ; � Public Works Director Ron Wasmund explained the reporting and � administrating responsibilities for the mandated recycling for the City of Rosemount by the county. Funding has been applied for covering these expenses and staff recommends the "sharing�� of a position with the City of Farmington for a Solid Waste/Recycling Specialist. Counci3member Klassen commended staff for the consolidation of services needed. MOTION by Klassen to enter into a Joint Agreement with the City of Farmington for a Solid Waste/Recycling Specialist position. Second by Staats . Ayess McMenamy, Staats, Klassen. Nays : 0 . 3 � I � ' ` ROuII�tOUNT CITY PROGEEDINGS . REGIILAR MEETING JANUARY 5, 1993 MOTION by Staats to approve expenditure of up to $19 , 000 to purchase and equip a four-wheel drive utility vehicle. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, McMenomy. Nays: 0 . Administrator Jilk noted the written report giving an update on the Armory/Community Center. Councilmember Klassen had concerns with the completion date of the arena in regard to the Ringette Tournament. Klassen is on a steering committee with the City of South St. Paul in conjunction with the International Ringette Tournament. Jilk indicated that this concern was recognized and staff is working with the PCL Contractors on changing priorities to make the finish date earlier. MOTION by McMenomy to proceed to the Council Lounge for a Special Closed Meeting regarding union negotiations for the Police Department. Second by Staats . All ayes. MOTION by McMenomy to adjourn the meeting. Second by Klassen. All were in agreement, the meeting was adjourned at 10 : 15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk' s File 1993-1. 4