HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.m. Expenditure for 1993 Police Training Y � Y . . . . . .. . . � � . � � .. .. . . . . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SiTMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETTNG DATE; JANUARY 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: EXPENDITURE FOR 1993 AGENDA SSCTION: POLICE TRAINING CONSENT PREPARED BY: ELLIEL KNUTSEN AGENDA N����� �? � �t.'� CHIEF OF POLICE ATTACHMENTS: 1993 TRAINING AGREEMENT A ROVED B� . � AND INVOICE , � ��,°=:, � L C%'l ,i � The Rosemount Police Department, along with all city police departments in Dakota County, has agreed for police training to be provided by the Dakota County Technical College. The actual cost per officer is dependent upon the level of participation and was calculated after all training agreements were returned. The tuition was set at a maximum of $325 . 00 per officer, set for 80% tor lower) participation, to a minimum of $271.00 per officer, for 100o particip�tion. During the fall of 1992, it was learned that all cities in Dakota County agreed to participate, whereas, the tuition was set for $271. 00 per officer. This is a $594 . 00 savings over last year. The payment of $2981. 00 will provide police training to all Rosemount officers from January 1, 1993 through December 31, 1993 . This amount has been budgeted in account #101-42110-01-437 . RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVE PAYMENT OF $2 , 981. 00 FOR THE 1993 POLICE TRAINING CONTRACT WITH THE DAKOTA COUNTY TECHNICAL COLLEGE. COUNCIL ACTION: � kQRKSNEET FOR PR03£vi OR E��LP�E[{Z' FUHDING �EASIBFLITY 11I12/91 . • �al�e'i . . � . . Project Name or Item Name• 1993 POLICE TRAIhTING DAKOTA COIrn�'�"t' TF�^TT�eT �nT,T,�F __ Pro�ect Number or Iteaa Hame � Deacription: Total Estimated Costs: S 2981.00 Department/Person Submitting Proposal: P4LICE / Elliel Knutsen, Chief of Police - t A1f0UliT) I t ACCT # IF APPLI CAB1.E) Funding From: � 1) Aseesemente: s � I 2) water Core (Fund 605): s � � 3) Sanitary Sever Core (Fund 606?: � � i 4) Storm Sever Core (Fund 607): $ � I 5) [SSA Funds (Fund 203): $ � i 6> 5-Year CIP Funds iFund 202): $ � I �) water/Sever CIP Fund (603): $ � I 8) General Levy: $ � i 9) EDA Funds tFund 201) $ � 1 10> Park Improvement Funds (Fund 205) S � 11) General Operating Budget (Fund 101) S 2981.00 � 101-42110-01-437 (Any item over 5250.00) � 12) tlater/Sever Operating Budget: $ � t F'und 601 or 602) � (Any item over 5250.00) � 13) Dther Funde: s � I I Total Funding S 2981.00 � (Should Equal Esti�ated Costs) ------------------------------------------------------------ Depart�ent Reviev and Acknorledg�ent: NA?tE TITLE DATE Finance: P.k. /Building Dept: Parks & Recreation: Planning Department: / �,.�--------�"" police: lliel Knutsen Chief of Police O1-04-93 Fire: _ / � ' tration for a roval on: f'�J �� ""�'`''� �' Submitted to Adminis pp (Date) " tSign ure) Submitted to Council for approval on: Approved by Council on: ���o Jcem�h���• Law Enforcement Training �� r �� Dakota Counry Technical College L= �'.�,' 1300145th St.E. (County Road 42) .�p Rosa,wun�•MN W�Q Rosemount•MN 55068-2999 (612j 423-8380 FAX:(612)423-7028 November 4, 1992 Chief Eiliel Knutsen ' Rosemount Police Department i 2875 145th Street West ' Rosemount, MN 55068 ' ; In Account With Dakota County Technical College i Law Enforcement Training ' � � Dakota County Training Association membership dues for: ; •11 officers at $271.00 each for a total of $2,981.00 (per contract dated 8/4/92) Partial p�yment preferred by J�nuary 31, 1993 � ; P�yment in full preFerred by June 30, 1993 Please send remittance to: Law Enforcement Training Program Customized Training Dakota County Technical College 1300 East 145th Street Rosemount, MN 55068 Attn; Caroline Harris Thank you. M�,�oca rr�ca�e�esY�s�,+ M epual apportunity educator/employer Fuly aaredkecf by the North Cemral Assoca�bn o1 Copepes and Schools ', o<�emeht ������y Tecl,����.�. Law Enforcement Tratning ,� Dakota County Technical Collogo ��� �� G��• 1300145th St.E. (County Road 42} W � Rosemount•MN 55068-2999 �U Howmoua•MN �(Q (fi12j 423-8380 FAX:(6i2)423-7028 August 27, 199 Chief Lyle Knutsen Rosemount Police Department 2875 145 Street West ` Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Chief Knutsen: Enclosed you will find a copy of the signed contract for the 1993 training year. I am pleased to report that we have 100 percent commitment from Dakota County law enforcement agencies for next year, as well as the Savage Police Department and the Scott County Sheriff s Department. That means that the per officer tuition for 1993 will be $271. Your department will be billed this fall with payment due January 31, 1993. I want to thank you for your continued support of the Law Enforcement Training Program at Dakota County Technical College. I will continue to work towards improving the quality of our training and meeting the needs of the Rosemount Police Department. Sinc rely, . �- ' _ _ . .__ J na Farlane . nforcement Training Coordinator Enclosure Mlnnesota rTaehnleatCotlegeSystem An equa�opponunNy educator/ertployet Fully axredted by the Nonh Central Assocatan of Co�eges and Schoois DAKOTA COUNTY G ASSOCIATION 1993 T1tAINING AGItEE;ll�NT GOAL: The goal of this training agreement is to ensure that the Law Enforcement Training Program of Dakota County Technical College continues to provide quality, professional, and necessary training for law enforcement personnel. Furthermore, that the training program provides an equitable, broad based, current curriculum designed to meet the specific needs of law � enforcement in the area. ' i PROPOSAL: ' Dakota County Technical College will engage in a contract with participating agencies to provide POST approved, continuing education training for law enforcement personnel. j Participating agencies will be l:nown as the Dakota County Training Association. The ' following terms are proposed: ; 1 1) The Law Enforcement Training Program of Dakota County Technical College will provide a minimum of 300 hours of POST approved training for the period 7anuary 1, ' 1993 through December 31, 1993. 2) The training provided at Dakota County Technical College will be continually evaluated by participating agencies and officers. Course evaluations will be ! comp]eted at the conclusion on each training session, and program and curriculum evaluations will be requested from participating agencies. , 3) Tn order to best meet the specific needs of law enforcement, training officers from ' member agencies of the Dakota County Training Association will be invited to scheduled meetings to review past and future curriculum and training concerns. 4) Registration for training will be conducted on a first come first serve basis with priority given to full-time licensed officers. The number of registrations from indivi�ual agencies may be limited in some cases in order to accomodate all member agencies fairly, If enrollment allows, memUer agencies may register part-time or non-licensed personnel at no cost. 5) Unless noted otherwise in the course announcement, all courses scheduleti will be conducted regardless of enrollment numbers. 6) Courses not covered by this training agreement include the Firearms Program. Any ' course which is not serviceable under this agreement will be designated as such in the training brochure. ,. Page 2/Training Agreement Dakota County Technical College will°not assume any liability for damages incuned or as a result of conducting this training. All persons shall be eligible for enrollment in any program at Dakota County Technical College regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, residency, marital status or ghysical disabilities. COST: In exchange for the services listed above, member agencies of the Dakota County Training Association agree to compensate the Law Enforcement Training Program of Dakota County Technical College a maximum amount of$325.00 per officer for the training period January , 1, 1993 through December 31, 1993. This amount is to be paid prior to January 31, 1993. Please refer to the Attach;ner.t �r a detaile� �xplar.a��on �: t!�e tui�on cal:.•iilat�ons. __________�___�_______________���____=______________________�__�� The above contract is accepted and agreed to by the following: Name: �lliel F. KnutSen Janna McFarlane Title: �hief of Police coorainator Department: ROsem unt _ Dakota County Technical College Signed:����� �,e� Signeci. Date: August 7, 1992 Date: S�/� �4� Number af Officers: 11 `�2-7) I ��� � Please attach a list of the names and POST numbers of the officers covered by this agreement and return signed contract by Tuesday, August 15, 1992. 1. Elliel F. Knutsen 4922 2. James D. 0'Leary 6989 3. Dwayne K.Kuhns 7407 4. Mark S. "Robideau 6684 5. Jewel C. Ericson 8914 . 6. John E. Sor�ners 9016 7. Bryan A. Burkhalter 9477 8: William P. 0'Donnell 9953 9. Bryan W. Weatherford 9985 , 10, Grant H. Thorstad 9915 - 11. Timothy P. Murphy 11294 - ATTACHMENT 1993 TUITION The actual cost per officer is somewhat dependent upon the level of participation and will be calculated after all Training Agreements have been returned. Regardless of the amount of ' participation, the tuition will not exceed $325 per officer per year. The minimum tuition has ' been set at $271 per officer. In addition, a $10 surcharge has been added to each year's tuition by the Law Enforcement Training Advisory Board. The purpose'of this surcharge is to establish a Reserve Fund for the i Dakota County Training Association that may be carried aver annually. This fund may be used for specialized training needs that arise for Association agencies, or for supporting future training in the event that participating agencies training budgets are significantly redu:,eti. ', As in the past year, all profit from non-contracted tuition will stay in the Law Enforcement � Training Program. These funds will be used to bring in specialized seminars (such as Reed Inteiviewing) at no cost to Association members, or may be transferred to the Reserve Fund if absolutely necessary. Be1ow is a summary of 1993 program expenses and an example of how the 1993 tuition will be ' calculated, based on the number of Dakota County Enforcement officers participating: 1993 PROGRAM ERPENSES PROJBClBD COURSS B%PSNSSS 564,000 AL7TIAL C'OORDINATTON B%PBNSES 536,250 • SO°,b Coordinator Sulary 6c Fiznge i • Travel Expenses � • General SuppJies • Dues 6c Memberships • SO°�v SuPpo�t Staff Salary& Fringe T1UT'AL PROGRAM 8%PBNSBS _ .; s96,2S0 .. 1993 TUITION CALCULATION l00'X.PARTTCIPATTON �'96,250 +368 o,�ers = f261 plus�'10 Reserve Fund = ,f271 per offrcer d79G lART7ClPATTON �'96,250 + 32l o,,(ficers = s300 plus�'IO Reserve Fund = ,�310 per ojficer d09G TARTICIPAT70N s96,250 -r 296 offuers = s325 = 5325 per officer• * Maximum luftion to be charged � Reorder Irom CURTIS� St.Paul.MN 55164 � PURCHASE ORDER p p, # 2 O�7 7 Minn.Tax Exempt Status No.9757275 Fed.Tax No.41-6005501 �t�� of�J l.vsemouvet Vendor ID: �_�..r 2875 145th Street West • PO Box 510 Phone (612) 423-4411 invoice #: �_�_. _�__ Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Date: �_ _..__ Acct. #:Io/-y_ot�►a_:e�— y3; �Law F,nforcement Training Program � � Customized Trainin� Amount $ _ _._____ Dakota County Techni�al College Acct #: To 1300 East 145th St. - �Rosemount, iII�1 55068 � Amount $ ------�-- F/C: -- -----__.___ :__ 11AtF DATEREQUIRED TERMS SHIPVIA Eftli N!'OWSIIH)NMU 01-04-93 ------- QUANTIiY .� . . . ..�,_ , r4,. - ;j�_ ' ", "." -::`DESCRIPTIONSTOCKNUNIHER . .- : :. . . PRiCE AM(?UNf 1993 Police Officer Training $2981.� . . :. .. , . � _ ,� . , e . .. ._.. _.. ��__,._._ . - � - ` . . . - • . _ ._... . � x.. . : ..: . ,..,. n . . . _. ,..,_. ._ .._ Y - __ � White:Vendor Copy U Yellow:Accounting � Pink:File � Gold:Department �