HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.v. Surplus Equipment/Donation to Dakota County ARES/RACES ,� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' EXECIITIVE SIIi�lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JANUARY 19 , 1993 AGENDA ITEM: SURPLUS E IP A ECTI , QU MENT/DONATION TQ , AGEND S ON: ', DAKOTA COUNTY ARES/RACES CONSENT S OTT AKDERY•FIRE CHIEF AGENDA I���n ./� � � ov� �/. ATTACffi��NTS: AP O� BY. NONE �� . �,.. f '/,y;,L. �j � . . . �.,.,.,. . I . . � . . This item i� a request for the City Council to designate several pieces of old radio ec�{uipment as surplus equipment, and to authorize its donation to the Dakota C�ounty ARES/RACES Ham Operators Association. The Rosemount Fire Department has accumulated four old one or two-channel crystal type mobile radios, two hand held radios for which batteries are no longer made,, eight pagers which cost more to repair than they are worth, and various ',antennas, speakers, and radio brackets. Most of these items came out of ,vehicles over the past ten to fifteen years as the communication equipment was upgraded. Because we were hesitant about putting this equipment out with other surplus equipment for purchase by the general public we have just accumulated it around the fire station. At a recent presentation by the AR.ES/RACES Ham Operators group, which operate out ' of the Rosemount Police Department, they indicated that they would be in�erested in receiving some of that type of equipment. They do have member� within their organization that have the expertise to remodel, cannibalize; adapt, and make use of some of this equipment for their repeater sy�tems and their weather observation systems. They also swap and trade this equipment with other counties that operate as they do within the state. Thi� organization exists to assist with emergency operations and communications when they arise. We feel that if they could utilize this equipment, it would better serve us than it does now on the shelf. They do realize that it would be necessary to guarantee that this equipment would only be used for the ARES/RACES organization and not for the benefit of any one of its individuals . They would also be instructed that if any equipment w�s not useable or no longer needed by""'"the organization, it should -be returned to the city and at no time should it end up out and available to the general public. RECOMME ED ND ACTION: Motion to declare the above mentioned radio equipment as surplus items and authorize the fire department to donate it to the AR.�S/RACES organization provided they agree to the above mentioned stipulations . COUNCIL ACTION: � � � � � '� �.`,%�`: .�;;,.... .-. Farnungton Ind�pendent city ofRase�unt Public Nobce AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ' �����B�City of Rosemount Zouing I Ordinance Text Amendment and the City of Diane Berge, being duly swom, on oath says that she is an authorized � RO�mount Zoning Map Amendment agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, laiown as The � ��p��o���e�f°ent �'armington Independent , and has full l�owledge of ihe facts which are � TO WHOM IT MAY C�NGERN: � • siated below: � NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,the City {A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting � Couo�of�t,e Ciry of Rosemonnc wiu ho�a qualif'icadon as a legal newspaper, as provided by Mimiesota Statues $nublic heacing on Tuesaay, January 19, 331A.02,331A.07 and other applicable laws,as amended. I 1993 in che Councii Chambers of che Cicy (B)The printed ' � �i,zs�s ias�n su�c w�4 t��g�c �lL'�d_G,� ' $:00 p.m or as soon thereafter as possibk. ' The purpose of this hearing is to'receive public iaput and coramenu on a proposed � + '- text amendment to Ordinance B -City of ' Rosemount Zoning Ordinanee'and City of: which is attached, was�eflt from the columns of said newspaper, Blid W2S Rosemount Zoning Map:At this Pubiic` printed and published once each week for- �/�� Hearing the City Councii will consider SllCCCSSIVC WP.e1GS;it was first published on Thursday,th0 –1 �' changes to the text of the Zoning Ordinance daY of� , 19�and was thereafter printed and resara;ng etie FtooaPt�;n niscr,�c. The proposed Floodplain modifications have published on every hnrsday, to and including Thnrsday, the � been requested by the Minnesota — day of -- , 19 — ; and printed Deparcmenc of Naaual Resources(DNR)co below is a co�y of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, botU it��lusive, bnng.ttie::Rosemouut.FloraSiplaia.Qrdiqance wl�ich is hereby acl�owled�ed as beina the size and l:ind of lv c used in � into compliance with the federal regulations � -p 'as set out by the Fed'era]"Emergency tl�e composition�uid publicadon of the notice; Mana$emeoc ABeocy (FEMA). ' Noncomptiance could result in the City's 1xa�j3��a�o�:�sc,��-.�xyZ i suspension from the Federal Flood I Insurance program. B ��� 'u���� The most significant area of Y� '�-- noncompliance of Rosemount's existing T1flC: Adtniilis(iatOi fOr the Publisher or¢inance regards conditional uses:'The- � DNR has required the City to have Subscribed and sworn to before me on this �� d1y Of� I conditional uses in our Zoning Otdinauce in 19 g ?� . ' order to permit certain uses within the ' Floodplain District.A complete copy of the� /�,..���^ — proposed regulations aze on file with the ( Planning Department and may be viewed by Notary Public I the general public at the City ofFces during normal business hours of'7:30 am to 4:00 , p.n�.,Monday through Friday. AFFII�AVIT Persons wishing to speak on these propased amendmenu ace invited to auend I Uus meeting on�esday,jianuarv 14 1943 ' at 8`OOb.m. . �.�,:•r, C:;v �_ � –icAREK i ;. _ �,, ~': Noiar� .• -.nta ' Dated this Sth day of Jauuary,1993. ; � JaV.ct�, �:..,;. �. _._ . ' MY Comai Exp �-i�80 _ Susan M.Walsh,Citq,Clerk . I. :•. '.City of Rasemount , i Dakota County,Minnesota i � �.n _ _ .. _��� I "':� -- �,, � � ��.... �� , .. . . . f . � . . � . . v # . r . .- . , _, . , _..,� _ ._ � City of Rasemount; i . _ ' Publlc NoUce �� Farmington In.dependent : Ear!and Gerda Knalt- Rezoning Petitiov AFFIDAVIT OF.PUBLICATION � cls�o2c�,y�onA�e,�ue� Diane Berge,being duly swom, on oath says that she]S eII 8U[Il0I7ZPd �O WHOM IT MAY GO;VCERN: agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, kIIONII 8S The NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Farmington Indepertdent, 1II(j�l1S flljj j�OWIP,dge Of the fg�[S WjuCh ai'e Council of the City;of.Rosemount wili hold St1tC(1 belOW: a Publie Hearing to consider the item listed (A)The news � g �:iow�r��a�y,,r��y �9, 1943,in the Paper has complied with all of the r uirements constitutin Couacil Chambers of the City Hall,2s�s qualif'ication as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues '145c�s�r�c wesc,beginning at 8:00 p.m., 331A.02,331A.07 and other applicable laws,1S�eA�C(j. oc as sooa thereafter as possiblz.The public (B�'j'hg i1I�� ' i hearing listed below pertains to the p - �'���° foliowing described propeny: '` � That pa�rt of thz Northwest QuacteY of � 5ection 31, Tovinship 115,Range 18, which is attached, was cut from the colucnns of said news r and was � Dakota County, Minnesota,described as printed and published once eacl�R,eek gor,._..,���\ p�' follows:Commencing at the northwest � corner of said Northwest Quarter, thence successive weeks;it was fust published on Thursday,(jie `-?-�"�' � south(assumed beariag)aloag the west line �y Of , 19�and was thereafter printeci and of said Noithwrst Quarter 338.40 feet to the pllbllShed OII every hursday, t0 1IId inCludiII ThuiS$3 the P°int of beginning;thence continuiag on a �1y Of ____ g Y' , bearing of South along said west line 454.00 , 19 — ; and printed � fec:t;[hence on a beuing of East 240.00 feet; below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, !�ence on a beuing of North 454.W feet;; which is hereby ac�owledged as being the size and kind of type used in �thence on a bearing of West 240.Op fcxt to the eomposition and publication of the notice: �the point of beginniag.Subject to nnd • i,together with an easenient for ingress and 'egress over thz south 15.40 feet thereof. �f�'������n Su�jeet to an easement for U.S. Highway No.52 and all other easements of record,if gy.�, �p��� any.Coataining 2.50 acres,more or less. � �iflC:AdII11II1S�2'd[pi fOI ttiC PIIbIlShei The purpose of this hearing is to consider a � ezoning of the above Jescribed property $Ub�cribed and swom to before me on this��y pf �{� from Agriculture Preserve (AG-P) to 19�, ' Agricu}ture(AG)due to the fact that this 2.5-acre parcel does not meet minimum •-,�-� � criteria for Agriculture Preserve i ciassification. N0�1ty P�bliC Persons wishing to speak on this issue aze invited to attend this meeting on Tuesdav �IDAYI'1' Janua�v 19.1993 at 8:00 p.m. i i Dated this 5th day of Januazy,1993. Susan M.Walsh,City Clerk .:r��::;, CONNIE E FIFAREK � Ciry of Rosemount ��� Notary PubliC•Minng�� i. Dakota County,Minnesota Dakota Counfy 1/7 MY Comm Ex0 5-15�96 � i _ _ �