HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Fire Station Referendum � , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE S�RY FOR ACTION CITY C0� CIL MEETING DATE: JANUAI2Y 19 , 1993 AGENDA SECTION: GENDA IT�M� FIRE STATION REFERENDUM OLD BUSINESS A TY ADMINISTR.A'I'OR AGENDA N���`� � .s� � PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CI ��� ( p,Z, pyE . BY: TS: REFERENDUM SCHEDULE, � ATTACI�iEN RESOLUTION Council directed thatachelsition o�atnew pn September 15, 1992 the City ring of 1993 . new fire station auntil the sp consider the constru�ed approximately six months aerial truck be delay oth completinJ the work on the delihave the City' s options on b of the referende ts that In reviewing - rocess . This schedule sugg . and potential calendar fo ethisrpthe holdinJ The School etc ro oSed calendar 4th. drafted a p P ril 27th or M�Y ard elections will be May 18th. the referendumlbBo eld either Ap llat question District/Schoo date of May le is followed the final cost estimates and a If this schedu ' rmed up by March 2 or if a referendum format would bavMar�h 16f� 1993 and 4th 1S used� y set the date for the referendum for May 4> My recommendation is tO estion for�at. on March 16 set the ballot qu ED ACTIONs NG FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO CONSIDER RECO�� t A RESOLUTION CALLI Motion to adop E� OBLIGATION BONDS FOTI G$UILDINGeTAND THE THE ISSUANCE OF GEN ,I,HE REMODELING OF EXIS MLTNICSITION OFDE4UIPMEN'I'• AC4UI COUNCIL ACTION: FIRE STATION - REFERENDUM / CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Date Action 1993 Mar. 2 City Council sets referendum date and sets ballot ' (16) question/amounts. Authorizes preparation of newsletters/brochures, etc. for °Get out the Vote° campaign. Mar.3 - Public Meetings Apr. 25 °Get Out The Vote" Campaign Apr. 27 Election Day - Referendum Day ' (May 4) City Council reviews election results and declares approval is received to proceed with final design and construction. May 4 Architect given approval to begin Phase II Process . City Council authorizes schematic design drawings to be completed. May 18 City Council authorizes purchase of Fire Station Site. Jun. 1 Design schematic drawings approved. Jun. 23 City Council authorizes design development drawings and bid ' documents prepared. , Aug 4 Construction documents approved. Aug 5-31 Project is bid. Sept. 7 Project bids received/contract awarded. Sept. 15 Construction begins. Sept . 21 City Council authorizes sale of bonds. Nov, 1 Bond sale revenue received Construction - Sept. 15, 1993 through May 15, 1994 1994 June "94 Fire Station construction complete. July ' 94 Existing fire station remodeling begins . ' Aug ' 94 Existing Fire Station remodeling complete. Optimistic Schedule: assuming bond issue passes . Note: Not considered in above schedule at this time f1/13/93) : 1) Zoning of property. 2) Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment to bring into MUSA: 3) Site Plan approval by Planning Commission. 4) Alternate land use for remaining part of site. . . , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA � RESOLIITION 1993 - A RESOLt7TION CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO CONSIDER THE ISSIIANCE OF GENER.AL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR THE CONSTRIICTION OF MUNICIPAL BIIILDINGS, THE REMODELING OF EXISTING BIIILDINGS, AND ACQIIISITION OF FIRE EQIIIPMENT iaHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has determined the need to construct a new fire station, the remodeling of the existing station for is use as a public works facility and the ' purchase of a new fire aerial truck; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount, has determined that it is in the best interest of the residents of the City of Rosemount to consider the construction of these facilities and the acquisition of the fire truck. NOW, TFiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount does hereby ordain and direct as follows : 1. The proposition of authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds for the purpose of constructing a municipal building, the remodeling of the existing fire station and the acquisition of a fire truck be submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Rosemount at the election to be held on Tuesday, May 4, 1993 . Said election shall be held between the hours of 7: 00 A.M. and 8 : 00 P.M. ' The polling places for this election shall be as follows: Precinct I will be at Shannon Park Elementary School, 13501 Shannon Parkway; and Precinct II will be at St. John' s Lutheran Church, 3285 144th Street West; and Precinct III will be at United Methodist Church, 14770 Canada Avenue; and Precinct IV will be at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior, 14980 Diamond Path West; and Precinct V will be the meeting rooms of the Rosemount Senior Citizen' s Center, 2900 145th Street West; and . . . Resolution 1993- Page 2 ; ADOPTED this 19th day of January, 1993 . '� E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk • i Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor• I Voted against• ; �