HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.b. Knodt Lot Split Request ,, I City of Rosemount � , Executive Summary for Action Ci �y Council Meeting Date: Janua 19 1993 A enda Item: Mr. & Mrs. Earl Knodt Agenda Section: Agricultural Lot Split NEW BUSINESS 15I50 Clayton Avenue East ' P epared By: Richard Pearsori �✓���_ Agend��� � � � Assistant Planner At�tachments: Resolution; Application; App ved . y: Planning Commission Reviews; Survey. �`�,�i -.�j� �Mr. & Mrs . Earl Knodt, 15150 Clayton Avenue East, have a farm of ' ap roximately 180 acres that is in. the Agricultural Preserve District. The farm has two detached single family structures. The Knodts occupy on� structure; their son, Wes Knodt, resides in the other. Th� Knodts are requesting approval of a lot split to create a lot of re�ord (and separate tax parcel) for the northern house. The southern ho�se would rema.in as part of the farm. - Th proposal offered two options for the lot split. Option #1 pr vided a southern property boundary 30 feet from the northern house wit�h an easement for the farm. Option #2 indicated the boundary '15 fe t south of the house resulting in a setback encroachment. The ea ement in Option #2 was on the farm providing access to: the new lot. Th Knodts preferred Option #2, but a variance would be necessary. Ad � itional information is provided in the Planning Commission Reviews . Th Planning Commi.�sion reviewed the proposal at the December 8, 1992 me�ting and recommended conditional approval of Option #1 proposed for th� lot split. The conditions of approval are listed on the attached re�olution. Th new agricultural lot is 2 .5 acres in size and conforms with ap licable Agricultural District Standards for lot size, width, and ya d requirements. The farm will remain in the Agricultural Preserve Di trict . The new 2 .5-acre lot will have to be rezoned from ' Ag iculture Preserve (AG-P) to Agriculture (AG) because it no longer co forms with the state statutes for the program. R� nded Action: A MOTION to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING A M�TES AND BOUNDS DIVISION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, T�WNSHIP 115, R.ANGE . 18, DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA (15102 CLAYTON A�'ENUE & 15150 CLAYTON AVENUE) ON THE EAST SIDE OF STATE TRUNR ' H$GH[nTAY 52 . C�.ty Council Action: I O1/19/93.003 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAItOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLIITION 1993- A RESOLIITION APPROVING A METES AND BOIINDS IVISION OF THE NORT�iWEST QIIARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 115, GE 18, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINN�SOTA (15102 CLAYTON AVENLTE & 15150 CLAYTON AVENUE) ON THE EAST SIDE OF STATE TRUNR HIGHWAY 52 ' EREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount has r viewed and recommended approval of a simple lot division of p operty as shown on the survey and location map attached as E ibits A and B and legally described as follows: The Northwest Quarter (NW'�,�) of Section 31, Township 115, , Range 18, Dakota County, Minnesota. , N W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED , the City Council of the City of _ R semount hereby approves the division of the above referenced p rcel resulting in the following described parcels : ' The Northwest Quarter (NW'�,�) of Section 31, Township 115, Range 18, Dakota County, Minnesota except that part described as follows : Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter (NWl,�) ; thence South (assumed bearing) along the west line of said Northwest Quarter (NW1,�) 338 .40 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing on a bearing of South along said west line 454 . 00 feet; thence on a bearing of East 240 . 00 feet; thence on a bearing of North 454 .00 feet; thence on a bearing of West 240 . 00 feet to the point of beginning. - and - That part of the Northwest Quarter (NW1,�) of Section 31, ' Township 115, Range 18, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter (NW1,�} thence South (assumed bearing) along the west line of said Northwest Quarter (NWj,�) 338 .40 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing on a bearing of South along said west line 454 . 00 feet; thence on a bearing of East 240,00 feet; thence on a bearing of North 454 . 00 feet; thence on a bearing of West 240 . 00 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to and together with an easement for ingress and egress over the south 15 . 00 feet thereof . Subject to an easement for U.S . Highway No. 52 and ail other easements of record, if any. Containing 2 .50 acres, more or less. E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the approval of this simple lot division s subject to: ) payment of $480 . 00 for Park Dedication fee; ) conformance with the City' s minimum requirements for on-site sewer systems; ) rezoning from Agriculture Preserve (Ag-P) to Agriculture (AG) ; and 4) providing an easement for access to the adjacent farm. , ADOPTED this 19th day of January, 1993a I E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk � i � Motion by: Seconded by: j Voted in favor• Voted against: • Cectificate oE Description Fors . . Nes and ancy 1Cnodt • ' 15102 Cl yton�Avenue _._.. EXHIBiT A ' . `- Ftoseeoun , NN. 55068 ' � . � � ' DELMAR H. SCHWANZ � � ' �.,�.�.K , , �..w..�w..,.,...,�.«.���.�..�. 1�T60 80UTN ROBEPT TRAIL �ROEEMOUNT.MINNE80TA 6506� liLt2S'17e� ��. . ' • • SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE � CAl�OSITS DR7IMIPG � � � . ai � , 3 ` ' �� Seale: 1 inch � 3W feet � i�Z . ,h �� . ; �= �Deaeription: ' v^ That part of the Northvest Quarter of Sec- •• 3 y tion 31, Township 115, Range 18, Dnkota ' ; �h iCounty, Hinnesota, deeerlbed aa follows: 2421.63 �Commencinq at the northvest corner of , � seid Northwest Qaurteri thence South � ` � (assvmed bearinq) alonq the vest line ot v y said Northwest Quarter 338.M10 feet to the C� �� Ipoint of beginningi thence continuinq on o � !a beazing of South alonq said west line a '454.00 teet� thence on a bearing of East Z�..e 240.00 feeij thenee on a beazing of North ' 454.00 feeti thenee on a bearing of Hest 240.00 feet to the point oE beginninq. ? Z � Subject to and together with an easement ' x Q� � for inqress and eqress over the south ' Y 15.00 feet thereof. � < W • � Subject to.an easement for U.S. Highway No. 52 and all other easements of zecozd, s.ea (� if any. \v IContaininq 2.50 acres, more or less. / � �o N . ^ � \�r . . . . h ��.. N J N � �\ . ..� , . � / 1 \3 � . 2 ^ . � .'�.. ./ ^�j Oriqinal DesezSption: �Yj the Nozthnest Quarter oE Section 31, To�mship 115, Ranqe 38, Dakota County, Minneaoia. � � Descriptions l�fter Land Split: SOption tl) . � � ' . � Tbe Northwest Quarter of Seetion 31, Tovnship 115, Renge 8, \ pakota County, Tiinnesota except that part described as foll s: � Cowneneinq at the nortMreat corner of aaid•horthwest Quarter ��. thenee South (assumed bearing) a1bn4 the.west line of said ^� Notthvest Quarter 338.40 feeC to the point of beginninqr �e ce � i� continuing on a bearing of South alonq said vest line �54.00 � feetj thence on a bearing of East 240.00 feetr thence on a arinq of Horth �SA.00 feett �nce on n bearin4 of Mest 240.00 fee to the point of begianinq. , 2456.9( --. __ - • � ' , ' . . � :::e:�rt:xn.,. � . . . . . . . � � . „���i i'� .r. . . � . . ;f`{�i2i:`:':(js�„ ' . . � � .at - � .i���:�.J �.:; N}. t . .. MnEy druy eMt�nh�unM.WH+.or r�Port . ;` DEII.,..i 'r'. A/�1 . .. . p�nd bt'm�a und�r mY d�net wvMvlsb�+Md ' = SC}I'.:A.iy� '�; :; /� � � n�t 1�m a evh pw+���na una Surreyw une+r =' ; . ; ;, o/ . _ . M Ian M�M Stm ot uim�saa. = q ._;;�,75— :4.'-` � � � � � :�'••. ONn+u H.Seh.au � . ��M 11-23-92. � '':}... ���'c u�nrnwa MWstrnwn tb.lex3 . .�i . � . t;� �G t ' f � x I ` ! � ' IEXHIBIT B 1 - _ I . . i . � . QV O . � IIG � . . � � . 5.�1 .�-f. �.4Z. . � � . .. 1 � ,f I ,. � � � = : ,, , V . - -���� r ' 1 � . f � j , AGP - � � I I . AGP � � i _ . � � i ' . L't,,� cf , , CoRTf-> > ! . ; ; � i � ' , ; � . AC� t . i ; . � -. � � ,,, � � � _ . �` � ` � � � � i 4 '�\ i-,�` � ( ' � � , ` ,\ \ ) , � � � � .. - KNODT PRO:POSED "AGRICULTURAL LOT SPLIT . �- . , ._ ' u n APPLICATION FOR LAND SUBDIVISION LoT ��'c.�—r' �� pplicant:i e7-da M ff N� � �drl f� � I��C2��� _ Phone:�����3'���1�� nI ��,'1 ddress:�.� � �� N �� m �c.l� . Zi p: -��1; ��� – � @—� roject Name: Z-o � S L i � ocation: �� e�Se .See attache � 5v-r✓e�v5 tatus of Ownership: Ge��a .� �ar� ��' �d� aYe -�he �.w'�`�a^� �� -E�i.S �7�c�e7�� � Project Description: �ti�E'S f /}rd,'Vc�� �NOc��' 1�1,f i �� o �zv '�h� �o U s�- ! N� �a c-���5. �Ve �'�� C ti�N Wh �Gh Le_�t� "h v� e , � � i ' (� F Y' d . - � l.L O ! V t h�.!�1 a N E.d s " � ��� L sz v . . . No. Units Total ' ,--��-00 Total Due: � �5� � ��' I �u.P.�.y und�`��a.i2d �ha.t tihe App.e,i.ca,i�i.on Fee and �epvb.i,t may v�v� ne�n.e�ejzt �h.e �a�a.2 �ee�s wltii.cll may be b.i.C�.ed agcu.vv�� �ltie nnv jec.t, and am nne�aaned �v ne,imbu�c�se �he C.i,ty o� Ro�semouwt �arc .2ega.�, eng-i.11eeh,i.►1g, n.Cann,i►1g a��.d adm.i.n.i.- ��.a,t,ive exnen�e,� .incwviced by .i,t �.n excv�� a� �he Depo�s.i,t. I ne�ne�e►tit �ha� . I am �he app:Q,f.caj�;t �n an age►tit o� �he anp.�.ca�,t, au,thon,i.zed �� bubm:i,� �tw�, at�p�-cc�'.i.o n. ' .� / , c� �, �'? .� � Appl icant: 1;�_ _��_� ,� ;,��_�.�_ i _ Date: �/,',2;�1 l,� � / Status of Appl i cant: �,�v N er Phone:((J��I��'�-`�/3�' Fees received by: Date: A.Q,e neqwvc.ed �.nbonma�,i.��n mu�� be r�ecuved a,t .�ea�� 20 day�s pr�i.on �o P.2anvt,i.ng C�mm.us�-i.an. on. C.c.ty Caunc.i,e mee�'.i.ngh �v ejtisuh.2 adequa,te n2v.ie.w and p.2aeemew,t on �he n.e�pee�.{.ve agen.da�. , City of Rosemount - Executive Summary for Aetion Plann.ing Commission Meeting Date: December 8. 1992 Agenda Item: Earl & Gerda Knodt: Agriculture Lot Division A.genda Section: Request (ISISO Clayton Avenue EastJ NEW BUSINF.SS Prepared By: Rick Pearson Agenda No.: Assistant Planner ITIIVI # 6 Attachments: Application; Survey - Composite Drawing; Approved By: Surveyor's Certificate: Option #1 & #2; Location Map. P�topOs�,: Mr. and Mrs. Knodt have a farm of approximately 180 acres along the east side of U.S. T.H. 52 just north of Coates. The farm site contains two residential structures that aze included in the parcel, one of which will be sold to their children, Wes and Nancy Knodt. The Subdivision Ordinance (No.XVII.50) as adopted on June 16, 1981, establishes a process for an "Agricultural Lot Division" for single family dwellings in the Agricultural district to be conveyed by metes and bounds, providerl the resultant parcels meet all zoning requirements. Agricultural lot divisions require approval of the Planning Commission. Discussiotv: The Knodt farm is in the Agricultural Preserve district with a minimum lot size of 2.5 acres and a densiry maximum of one dwelling unit per forty acres. The Surveyor has prepared two "options" for the Planning Commission's review that meet the required lot size and maximum density requirements. The driveway location is the reason for the two options. Access to U.S. T.H. 52 should be limited to one driveway and therefore, �n easement guaranteeing access rights to the adjacent pazcel will be required. Planning staff prefers Option #1 with the driveway located on the new 2.5 acre parcel and an easement providing access for the farm. Option #1 meets all setback criteria and is therefore consistent with all ordinance standards. The applicant prefers Option#2 which locates the boundary line north of the driveway with an easement providing access to the new 2.5 acre par•cel. This arrangement causes a side yard setback deficiency of fifteen feet. '' Although all other applicable ordinance standards are met, a variance would he required for the Planning � Commission to approve Option #2. The 2.5 acre parcei will automatically be removed from the Agricultural Preserve program and the County will assess the property as a residential use. Planning staff have found that it is not necessary to rezone the properiy to Agricultural because of the pazcel does meet minimum ordinance standazds for the Agriculture Preserve district, but will no longer qualify for the program since the parcel is less than forty acres in size. Because the intent of the Agricultural Preserve district is to allow land owners to comply with the requirements of the Metropolitan Area Agricultural Preserves Act, it is appropriate to rezone the 2.5 acre pazcel to Agriculture. The transportation element of the proposed 2010 Land Use Plan shows a conceptual frontage road east of Hwy 52 between Coates and C.S.A.H. 52. If this frontage road were constructed, it is possible that the farm would be significantly impacted. In that event, the buildings might even have to be removed. Currently, however, the right-of-way is 230 ft. wide and no paving exists within the existing highway easement. The highway and i service road system in Coates is conta.ined within a sirnilar right-of-way. It should be noted that this request is for the creation of a sepazate t� parcel for an existing single family '. residence. The City amended the Subdivision Ordinance specifically for these types of lot splits to occur, providing that appropriate measures be taken to facilitate the potential long term transportation improvements. � Approval of this lot split will not jeopardize any long term transportation issues. Recommended Action: A MOTION to approve the Agricultural Lot Split indicated in Option #1 subject to: 1) Payment of $480 for park dedication fee (resultinb from the new ' parcelj; 2) Conformance with the City's minunum requirements for an-site sewer and water systems; and 3) rezoning from Agriculture Preserve to Agriculture. -�, ��h_.-�i.F�--- / �w�tia� Celtiticate ot survey Eor: BR: 161/6 . � � We and�Nancy Knudt `� � • ' � " 15 02 Clayton Avenue ` Ro emount, MN 55068 r DELMAR H. SCHWANZ °�'r'''� �/ � lwMO HAVLYO�i wL. ' hNMrM UwMr lws M 1M frM M�rwwa� �� � � 11730 SOIiTH ROBERT TRAII ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA 5506� 617J12S�1TE0 . . � '� . o�` Nw ceawE'K. N u'14 ' a SURVEYOR'3 CERTIfiCATE 0 �iEG.31•Tt15r1.F,►gv1 . ,. . M �onKOTn C:�✓�'� �►lo�e�+cr'�> t a 6 • . J � � � � . �� � O � 3y.s� � ./� � w E s'r 29�.oo _ r� � W 1 \ . r � Scale: 1 inch � 50 feei � 3 p Denotes iron �onument , �`\ ,� . � ,�V1 . • � � � �' . � . Z �`( `�� Deacription: � That part of the HorthwesE Quarter of Sec- ,y� � tion 31, Township 115, Range 18, Dekota ' 3 � County, Minnesotn, deseribed as followcs � O , � Commenciriq at the northwest corner of z N said Northwest Qauzterj thence SouGh I " 3 �, (assumed bearing) along the vest line of ' -� Q seid Northwest Quacter 338.40 feet to the p � point of beginning� thence eontinuing on ?, ,_ ' a beasing of South along said west lYne I H {. 454.00 feeti thence on a bearing of Eaet � 2 240.00 feetf thence on a beering of North :� 454.00 feet; thence on a bearinq of Nest ' . `� 240.00 feet to the point of beginning. � Subject to and together with an easement � � for ingress and eqzess over the south ' . � 15.00 feet thereof. _ � � � Subject to.an easement for U.S. Highway No. 52 and all other easements of zecocd, . � � if any. : _ � Containing 2.50 ncres, moze or less. i I G � a � 0 '� . . . O . . . . . . � . � . Z � . �. �" ,-; , P�A�t� ' � , � � ' , _ ', . _ 33'i' ge�4T�iJfi . . . . . . Ne�sE �w I� — . �. � ..wEST—N�I � ?Vo.oe - � . . � . . . . . . �. �f'0 Q2i�awn� EnSEraENT iS.eo< � � � �� EAST 140.00 ' . � � . �. � . . �33k'1 � � 1 Mr by prN1y MtF tMf iunq.DI1n.or npOrt nn . . G�W . . . pn n0 Cy m�or urW�r rtry Ainet wpNvMbn�nd � . In�t t trn�Aulp 11pM�nE Und Survsyor unNr � �,/�A �;/ � . . tM�.n ol IM Btn�ot uhr»saa. � � � � �'j'�/�r%/j� ✓W r . November 12. 1992 DNm�rH.8d+..N+: . � . ON � . � MInnN01a 1M4Mntlon NO.l625 . .. . . Certifica're oi aurvey for: Hk� 161/6 . Wes end Naney Knodt 15302 Cleyton 7lvenue � Rosemount, HN 55068 DELMAR H. SCHWANZ ���p7� �Z �.�..�...�. � M�.�ur.u..M+rM.nw�r�w..r . � .� O/ ��� �uR�,1 Ei+�tJ�'a'1�760 BOIITH ROBERT TMIL pOSEMOUNT.MINNESOTA 630!! 61?/12J-176Y � � �.. ° � 5 E�.3 i'r''S�►�2�ew �NT� SURVEYOR'S CERTIFIGITE ry �j)Alte?f+ CoJ���� Mo��M . . M A J O h — ►,,/Eg% 2.�10.00 j ,,,.�.� ` Scale: 1 inch � 50 feet o Denotes iron monument i� i Description: � � .._, That parY of the Horthvest Quarter of See- �('� � Lion 31, Tovnship 115, Range 18, Dekota ' Q County, Minnesote, deseribed as follows: . Commencing at ihe nozthweat cornec of �` `� o said Northvest Quarteri thenee South , . U1 � �; (aE3umed bearing) along the veet line of �,� � Q y� said Northwest Quartez 323.40 feet to tfie ' y� J� point of beginning� tfienee continuing on �-- ) u, a bearing of South along said west line �� � 454.00 feet� thence on a benring of East � � 240.OQ feett ihence on a bearing of North � � 454.00 feeti thence on a bearinq of Nest 2 � 240.00 feet to the point of beginninq. ' �� C Together with an easement for ingress and � _.y� eqzess over that part of the Northwest ' � � Quarter of Section 31, Township 115, Range j Y 18, Dakotn County, lllnnesota, described �> R� W � as follows: '� jj ti � o Commencing at the northwest corner of said 7 �i d � Horthwest Quartert thence South (assumed ` � 4j bearing) along the vest line of said r � Northwest Quarter 777.40 feet to the point � , of beqinning of the eesement io � 3 a be desczibed� thence continuing ', � � on e beering of South alonq said � west line 15.00 feett thence on -� � a bearing of East 240.00 feet� `j � �,��,r� thence on a beazinq of North 15.00 2 feetj thence on a bearing of iiest J 240.00 feet to the point of be- . qinning. n33�* Subject to an easement for U.S. C; • 3 Highway No. 52 end all other i easemente of record, if any. . . E,c.st��+� � � . Containing 2.50 acres, more or lesa. . ' NooLE Si� � c�.f(w S Y97Lr� �uc NYro�v - � EA 3T � ��.�S aYO.00 -- R�,� . , � � � . . � . ^�' po� SEP�M1A7�.`- SYS YEh . � �� � �� / � I.�R�Jt�.IA� . . �7��>�+nENT-} . ���7• . , '^� op. _ _ . . '1ti� '- Ensr 2yo.00 -' ' . ` � i �n...ey c.nly�nn mu.u..�y.a,n.«r.po.�.0 �^ ^ //�� � DnparM Dy m�d u�rtry EirM tupwvl�bn N+d � � i�� �j j � / � tnN�1�m�6u1y RpN1�rW UM S�wveyor unMr . . �w. 9 . m•i•.�ot�M 6�n�otµrnn.aaa. r/ a�l ��G�z��I�` ,,j� . o.+�,.r rl.sen.,n: . � p„b November 12, 1992 1�1Nr�ot�Mp�pratlonNo,lE25 . 4 � Ce:rid�ca e oE Description Por. . , � Mes a Nancy bnodt . . �. � � , �' ` 15102 layton�7►venue ,�. , '� Roseeo nt, MN. 55068 ' . �� . . � � DELMAR H. SCHWANZ . �.�.�..�. ' . ' M�IwrM lhM Lw�M lM MN M YYw�rY . ,. .. � � 11760 SOl7TH ROBERT TRML qOEEMOUNT.MiNHESOTA 6SOEi NL�4]-17N . . . • ' . SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE � CONPOSITB DRl1ft2NG . . � � \; 3 � 2�1 . i�� Seale: 1 inch � 300 feet . "�n . . � �. . �� � � �� � '. . . � �� . .. . . .. . V'e . ; . 3� - Z 2421.63 / � ' � _ N e� � � �� �� , a Z,�.o , � � • � ,; h A � � e I �Y W • A, . z�e.o � .. � � . � �j' . . . . ��. � .. N \� Z . � . � ' '�.. / _ ��� � � � ��\ � 3 �� � � �j Otiginal Description: i �Qj The Northvest Quarter of Section 31. 2ownship 115, Ranqe 18, Dakota County, Minnesota. � Descriptions After La� Split: (Option tl) ' ' � The Norttwest Quacter of Section 31, To+mship 115. Ra�9e 8. ` Dakota County, Minnesota except that pezt described as foll s: I Coe�nencing at the nortM+est corner of said-Northvest Quarter thence South (assumed bearing) albng the rest line of said � Northvest Quarter 338.40 feet to the point of beginningT the ce �� `� continuing on a beacimJ of South alonq aaid �st line 454.00 - � feeti thence on a beering of East 240.00�feet� thence on a aring of North 454.00 feet; thence on n beazie9 at Mest 240.00 Eee to the point of beginning. 2456.91 Description l�fter Land Split (Option 12) The Northrest Quarter of Section 31, Trnmship 115, Ran9e 18, Dakota County. . Minnesota except that part desczibed as follovs: Goeeencing at the northwest corner oE said Nocttwest Quarteri thence South (essta�ed bearing) elong the vest line � of said Northvest Quazter 323.40 feet to the point of beqinninqt thence continuing on a bearing of South along said vest line 454.00 feet� thence on a bearinq of East 240.00 feetr the�e on a bearinq of North 454.00 feett thence on n bearinq of Weat � 240.00 feet to the point of beqinning• ' ` . � � ,c' ;�v�i�r;p., � - � . ' � � �. `,'Sl s •"f�• I MnEy artUy tnn tAb�nrr�f.W�n.a rpon wn � ;�-;r;1.. �.v t�.y 4 /� . � pnp�nd by m�a urd�r mY dir�tt wPM'��b^� � . . . : CEIt....�3 . . �f . . � .. . U�11�m 1 Auly R�9NtMd ltM S�rr�Ya��Nt � ' S.EI�'r':'!:i'r! . , . OC...CY�� � � � � . M�pr�or IM Stn�ot Mlew�sou. � � 3 �i _�fi),5— ,4 j_ . . . . . %!'• o ONnur H.Senw�ax � 11-23-92 • •i-1,�-� I,tx�a�h9NtrNwn No.lst5 . De�M. 'fj . . � �. . . . , ..i.., . �