HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.a. Armory.Community Center Project Update ` ' � , GITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUb�iAl2Y FOR ACTION t CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:, JANUARY 19 , 1993 AGENDA ITENl: ARMORY COMMUNITY CENTER AGENDA SECTION: PROJECT UPDATE ADMINISTRATOR' S REPORT PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOF2 AGENDA N��� � � � � ATTACHMENTS: PROJECT UPDATE REPORT �P �D Y= This is a regular to the Council on the status of the rmory a d Community Center Project. This report at the second meeting this month i:� in recognition that two councilmembers were unable to attend the last Council meeting. Also, this meeting there are action items to consider. One is to approve the selection of colors and materials for the �construction. Secondly, it is to discuss alternatives for the management and staffing of the facility. Colors and materials were made available for y�our consideration` from January 5, 1993 through this week. I believe there is general consensus on the acceptance of those colors and materials e:xcept a proposed blue tile on the exterior of the auditorium. That blue tile was actually excepted at the time the contract was awarded and so it is a mute issue. That area will be the dark brick as proposed. I believe other items were considered acceptable. With that an appropriate action would be to approve the colors and materials proposed by the architeet on January 5th sxcept the blue glazed tile on the auditorium exterior. The information provided to you on the alternatives for the management of ' the facility is presented for initial discussion. Please understand that I am not expecting that a decision be made on Tuesday, but that we openly discuss the perceived pro' s and con' s of each option. I have provided a- recommendation on which one of these options i can support at this time. The same information is being provided to the Parks & Recreation Commi`ttee on Monday the 18th �or their review and documents. I will provide a report from them at our meeting on Tuesday. Also, please understand that what is presented only relates to the structure of the management portion of the staffing, how that relates to the Parks & Recreation Department and not any specifics on the additional staff to be eonsidered. I would like to have some discussion on this Tuesday and if possible to draw some consensus on the matter at the February 2 , 1993 meeting. RECOMI�NDED ACTION: Motion to approve the materials and colors proposed for the Armory/ Community Center as presented by the Architeet on January 5, 1993 except for the blue tile on the exterior of the auditorium. COUNCIL ACTION: ' Rosemount Community Center Update January 1993 Report # 1 FROM: Stephan Jilk Construction - Construction is moving along. The contractor moved onto the site in November. The first work that needed to be done was the preliminary site grading and removal of trees. The next step was to layout the entire building on the site and begin excavation. During this time the building utilities were a�so laid in place so that this work did not have to be done later. City sewer and water were not availabe to the site so elevations and locations for the hookups had to be provided which the City will have to match in the spring when these Utilities are brought to the site. The contractor then dug footings and began laying concrete for the footings of the center of the building whiah is essentially the center of the Armory. This section of the building was selected to work on first because that is the section of the building that � will contain the core of the utilities and, based on the design af the building, is necessary to construct first because of elevations of floors and roof sections . Please refer to the attached map to see the proposed construction phasing for the project. The contractor, by contract agreement, has 450 calendar days to complete the project. That takes the completion of the prajec� to February 5, 1994 . According to the phasing proposed by the contractor the Mu2ti Purpose Arena would be one of the very last items to be completed. In the cash flow prajections for the arena we had suggested that the arena would be available sometime in Deeember of 1993 for ice rental purposes . If the arena is not avaiiable until February we will lose substantial amounts of revenue. We have discussed this with the contractor. He is willing to consider two different ways of moving the completion date for the arena up. One would be to go into excavation work sooner in the spring, now set :at April 1. There would be cost ta , the city to do this because there would be extra cost to the � contractor working in frozen ground. The second wauld be to shift subcontractors doing finishing work on certain sections of the ° project to concentrate on the arena. The contractor is being asked to look at both options to come up with a date that he can complete the arena which would be closer to December 1, 1993 and to estimate the eost of doing that. Our building and fire inspection stafi has also defined those arPas of the are�a that would not have to be completed at the tim� we would use the ice for practicQs and games so that we could still experience revenue from that souree. We will have recom,-rtendations to th� City COuncil on January 19th on this matter. Utilities - City Utility projects to serve the Armory and Community Center are in different levels of completion. The water main work is essentially complete with service available to the site. The sanitary sewer engineering design is being worked on and physical work wi11 begin in the spring. the same is true with the stormwater project. Stormwater catch basins and piping on the project site itself are almost a11 in. Because of a n�eded design change in the building elevation there will be additional stormwa�er piping needed on the west side of the property. That will be laid in the spring. The design of the stormwater retention pond, to be constructed by the City and the construction of the turn lanes and driveway accesses to the site are being designed now. The project was bide but since the City will be doing the Highway #3 improvements and the stormwater retention work a11 woxk up to the property line will be done under City contraet. The costs included in the contract with PCL will be deducted from their contract and included under City Contract completed separately. Contributions - The Rosemount Area Hockey Association (RAHA) made a commitment to raise up to $100, 000 to fund certain items needed to complete the construction of the arena and for operation of - the �acility. I have been advised that they are over 600 of the way in reaching that goal . They have offered ta buy a reconditioned "Zamboni" machine for the arena. also, we have �sked the contractor to separate out cer�ain bid items which RAHA c�.n either donate or assist in the installation of in order to save additional 3ollars . One of these items is the skate tile. This is a flooring material which is installed in the lobby and locker room areas to protect the floor and the ska�es. It appears that through a special purchase and having RAHA • volunteers installing the material we will experience a $9000 savings . We will continue to work with RAHA and others to take advantage of these kinds of opportunities. Staffing - 3n order to provide ongoing construction management and to prepare for the operation of the facility I am preparing recommendations on the hiring of staff for the facility. The eor:;truction coordination is extremely time consuming because of the j oint' ownership of- the proj eet. ' The �N�.tional Guard i� being . cooperative and the architect is maintaining their role as owner representative. But with all the various components and funding mechanisms in place and with the State, Federal Government and City all having ownership responsibilities it is a most interesting project. ' 2 / A B �; �t8� y�•s�• � �3•y- F �,y• � � H ,-----�-----------i-------_--i------;----- - -�-----� ( � 51 ` 4" ' ' i ` •�, , �0` � ( � � ��.4b,;,' `���`� \ . _�_ �., 1 ~-- � \\ . � / ,/ ;� - y� ,ahASE� 2A'. � � \ \\ \.,.. . . . . . . . � � � � / � • Qcorrr�u.v;� �eExr[,�), ' � ,. i \\.,.��..` , I , i .. f � r .,, 93 { •. 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' . �t. . ,,\\ � 9�-----�---------------�- � ----�----- •---------L-----� � � i � � , . , �. � � � � ' ; 40' ` 40' ' ( � �------1-- -- -----�---i-- --�---------�---.------- ----:-----� t ��� � � �� �, � � � �- � . � . .. ., January 15, 1993 FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator RE: ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY CENTER MA.NAGEMENT OPTIONS - RECOMI�NDED ACTION Based on the four alternatives listed for operations and ma.nagement of the Rosemount Armory and Community Center the following is the recommended course of action and timeline for development. OPTION #3 This option provides for the most cost ef�icient method of staffing the management and operations of the facility. The - facility will provide for ample opportunity in conflict of priority in staffing, funding and programmed use of the facility. In order to operate it in a cost efficient manner while still providing appropriate operational standards, sharing of City staff, equipment and funding resources must take place. Option #3 provides for consistent management of all city operations relating to "Parks & Recreation" . It provides for a "central administrative function° both physically, being located at the Community Center facility and figuratively, through one Director and one commission. The use of both full time and part time employees in a cost effective manner so as not to duplicate many functions in the areas of programming, scheduling and ma.intenance can be realized in this option. All other cities that we received information from including; Dakota County Cities - Farmington, South St. Paul, Apple Valley, Burnsville, Hastings, West St. Pau1, Lakeville and Inver Grove Heights Other Cities - Chaska, Brooklyn Park Al1 these cities have administrative structures that are set up with all Parks and Recreation functions reporting through one director. Of these cities one does have a separate "Arena committee" aside from the Parks and Recreation Committee. But in all cities the entire maintenance and operations functions are controlled through the Parks and Recreation Director. The staffing needs are envisioned to be such that unless the sharing of personnel, both part time and full time, is considered there will be great duplication of work and priorities which may at times suggest something could be lost from the sense of establishing and maintaining an overall mission for Parks and Recreation programming in the City. This option would require the hiring of a "Facility Manager° and the attached job description and salary structure is suggested for the position. i In addition to this position additional full time staff will have ' to be considered. Which positions and the numbers associated ' will best be determined after the Facility Manager is hired. Hejshe will be able to make those decisions along with the help of existing staff. Another factor of this is the completion of an agreement with the National Guard on who will be maintaining the "non-city portion° of the building. We are just beginning to discuss the options on how to accomplish this. Along with this recommendation it is my suggestion that the Parks and Recreation Committee maintain overall control on the Community Center but that a subcommittee for the Community Center be established. I would suggest that this would be a five member board ma.de up of : 1 Parks & Rec Board Member 1 RAHA Representative 1 RAAA Representative 1 Resident - Business Representative 1 Senior CiCizen Representative , This committee would review facility use, facility funding (i ,eo ; User rates, marketing, capital needs) and budgeting review. ; The Committee would be advisory only to the Parks and Recreation i Committee and "assist° the Parks and Recreation Committee in fact finding and recommendations on these items. An option to this special stand alone committee would be that of a subcommittee of the Parks and Recreation Committee, made up of three members of the Parks and Recreation Committee to carry this function which may in fact, be more efficient. j � � ; I i 2 � � � PARKS AND RECREATION OPTIONS FOR MANAGING COMMUNITY CENTER OPTION #1 1 CITY ADMINIS'1'RA'COR PARKS J:: RGC. DIRI:C'1'OR RGCE['TIONtST DBPT. SGCRGTA[tY A�[A[NTGNANCE COORDINATOR DIR. OF PROCRAMM[NG � �ACILITY MAINTCNANGG PARKS, TRAiLS, R1NK ALL ATFILCTIC PROGRA��ffitWG ALL NON-ATI�LETIC PROGRAMI�'tINC Notes : 1. Parlcs & Recreation Director maintains �naintenancefislmanaged thaoughrthelParks��rams and all facilities. All operation and Recreation Director. 2 . Parks & Recreation Committee is advisory comnlittee to Parks and Recreation Director and City Council. 3 . Facility is run as stand alone enterprise fund ,under direction of Parks and Recreation Committee and Director as are sewer, water, and storm sewer funds . � zi . :� �� OPTIONS #1 " PRO'S AND CON'S PRO'S A. All recreation programs continue to be managed by Parks & Recreation Department B. All Recreation programming can be coordinated through Parks & Recreation Department C. Maintenance, scheduling and programming of personnel and programs can all be managed more efficiently by utilizing personnel to conduct or provide services in various areas. (i .e. Dir. of Programming can manage all recreation programs; Maintenance Coordinator can utilize full and part time maintenance personnel in different areas. D. Public can turn to a single source for Parks & Recreation Administration E. Since all Recreation Operations will be located in "Armory" office, this will be consistent with a single administration of ail activities at the facil�ity F. Tying in the City Council to other Parks & Recreation programs and facility planning can be more efficiently completed G. Computer use in accounting and programming will be more efficient H. Takes workload off City Administrator and places it with Departrnent Head. CON'S A. Running facility as a enterprise is inconsis�ent with Parks & Recreation operations. �'Something New" ! B. Community may be looking to the Community Center as something all together different than other Parks & Recreation programs and functions C. This additional function will add stress and workload to Parks & Recreation Committee, may be too much when added to existing workload D. The prioritization of the financial and personnel support to the Community Center to other Parks & recreation Programs may not be maintained E. Existing Parks & Recreation management may not be capable of handling additional responsibilities PARI{S AND RECREATION - . - OPTIONS FOR MANAGING COMMUNITY CENTER . OPTION #2 ______ CITY ADMtNISTRATOR COMMUNITY GGN"I'GR MANAGGR FACILITY SECRETARY CONCGSSIONS COORDINATOR SCIIEDULiNG COORDINATORI FACILiTY MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR � , , Notes : 1. Community Center Manager manages all operations, scheduling, maintenance of facility. Manager reports directly to City Administrator. 2 . All recreation programs "utilize" facility as just anather user like school district and City Council . 3 , Facility is run as stand alone enterprise like sewer, water, and storm ,sewer. 4 . Separate Community Center Commission is establishe�dl�ltandepesidentsives from R.AHA, RAAA, HS, Paxks & Recreation Committee, Port Aut y OPTION #2 PRO'S AND CON'S PRO'5 A, Administration has direct control over operation of facility de artment can cause g. Facility can be operated as maintainsi tegritYrofeoperatbonaand t�eateallpusers same problem, Administration can �, Separate commission helps maintain strong mission for the facility D, Decisions on ut ilization of facility, revenue sources and program are easier because it is stand alone CON'S tion takes on another operation with another person reporting directly to him/her. A, Adm�.nistra This spreads out time to administrate. her commission and additional involvement by City Administrator is needed g. Development of anot . taking even more time from City Administrator �, Potential for cons istent conflict between other Parks & Recreation programming and facility programs, this could lead to "community° relations deterioration for entire Parks & Recreation Department D. Use of any personnel would be less efficient PARKS AND RECREATION . , . OPTIONS FOR MANAGING COMMUNITY C�NT�R . OPTION #3 GTY ADMINISTRATOR PA12KS & RGC. DIRECTOR BUDCET ['ERSONNEL MANAGEMGNT SECRETARY SECRETARY MAINTENANGE ASST. P&R DIRECTOR (PROCRAMMWG OPERATIONS) �ACI�ITY MANAGE[t (h�tAtNTENANCE) NON-FACILITY FACI[.ITY � SCFIGDULING CONCESSIONS Notes: 1. Parks & Recreation Director maintains faciliis formedPandSis Facility Manageram.Thiisw position of Assistant Parks & Rec. Director position is responsible for all programming and scheduling - basically an operations person. 2 . Al1 maintenance is managed through Parks & Recreation Department, but 2 areas are split to provide better control and use of part time personnel . 3 . Facility is still run as enterprise fund with all users, including Parks and Recreation other paying cost of use. 4 . Parks & Recreai�ion Committee advise Council and Parks & Recreation Director on operations . _ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ . OPTION #3 - ' PRO'S AND CON'S - PRO'S A. Al1 recreation programs continue to be managed by Parks & Recreation DepartmenC B. Al1 Recreation programming can be coordinated through Parks & Recreation Department C. Maintenance, scheduling and programming of personnel and programs can all be managed more efficiently by utilizing personnel to conduct or provide services in various areas. (i.e. Dir. of Frogramming can manage all recreation programs; Maintenance Coordinator can utilize full and part time maintenance personnel in different areas. D. Public can turn to a single source for Parks & Recreation Administration E. Since all Recreation Operations will be located in "Armory" office, this will be consistent with a single administration of all activities at the facility F. Tying in the Community Center to other Parks & Recreation programs and facility planning can be more efficiently completed G. Computer use in accounting and programming will be more efficient H. Takes workload off City Administrator and places it with Department Head I. Develops a "Facility Manager" in addition to Parks & Recreation Director to take work load off Parks & Recreation Director but defines role of Facility Manager. Also develops needed Assistant Parks & Recreation Director posi�ion. OPTION #3 � - CON'S CONTINUED, PAGE 2 CON'S A. Running facility as a enterprise is inconsistent with Parlcs & Recreation operations . °Something New" ! B. Community may be looking to the Community Center as sonlething all together different than other Parks & Recreation programs and functions �. This additional function will add stress and workload to Parks & Recreation Committee, may be too much when added to existing workload D. The prioritization of the financial and personnel support to the Community Center to other � Parks & recreation Programs may no�. be maintained ; E. Existing Parks & Recreation management may not be capable of handling additional responsibilities ( . PARKS AND RECREATION ' OPTIONS FOR MANAGING COMMUNITY CENTER ' OPTION #4 CITY ADMINISTRATOR PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR COMMUNITY CENTER MANAGER SECRETARY R$CEPTIONIST SECRETARY � > MAINTENANCE SCHEDULING/PROGRAMMING MAINTENANCE SCHEDULING/PROGRAMMING ' _.l Notes: 1. Parks & Recreation Director and Community Center Manager are equal in levels of authority. Both carry responsibilities for operational management in different segments of Parks & Recreation creating a second Department Head. 2 . A separate Commission/Committee should be formed to advise Community Center Manager and City Council on operation of facility. 3 . Facility is stand alone enterprise fund under direction of Facility Manager and City Council as are Sewer, Water and Stormwater utilities. ' y OPTION #4 PRO'S AND CON'S PRO'S A. Administration has direct control over operation of facility B. Facility can be operated as enterprise much more easily because no one department can cause problem, Administration can main.tain integrity of operation .and treat all users same C. Separate commission helps maintain strong mission for the facility D. Decisions on utilization of facility, revenue sources and program are easier because it is stand alone CON'S A. Administration takes on another operation with another person reporting directly to him/her. This spreads out time to administrate. B. Development of another commission and additional involvement by City Administrator is needed taking even more time from City Administrator C. Potential for consistent conflict between other Parks & Recreation programming and facility programs, this could lead to "communit�r" relations deterioration for entire Parks & Recreation Department D. Use of any personnel would be less efficient ARMORY / COMMiTNITY CENTER Revised Staffing Time Schedule � Jan. 18, 1993 P & R Committee Considers Alternatives Jan. 19, 1993 City Council Considers Alternatives Feb. 2, 1993 City Council Approves Chosen Alternative, Job Description of Facility Manager, Authorize Advertisement for Position Feb. 23, 1993 Alternative Date for above Feb. 24, 1993 Advertisement/Public Notice-for Position Mar. 22, 1993 Closing for Position Applications Mar. 29-Apr. 2 Review Applications - Choose Five for Interview Apr. 12-14 Interviews Apr. 19, 1993 Selection Made - Preliminary Offer May 4, 1993 Council Approves Hiring May 24, 1993 Manager Starts June 21, 1993 Manager provides preliminary job description for additional staff. July 6, 1993 Approval of job descriptions and authorization to advertise, interview and recommend hiring of additional personneL Sept. 7, 1993 Additional first line staffing approved for hiring October 5, 1993 First line staff starts, may include full time maintenance and programming coordinators CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESP�NSIBILITY WRITE-UP DATE: January I2, 1993 Position Title ASSISTANT PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR - COMMUNITY CENTER MANAGER Department PAR.KS ANI) RECREATION Accountable To DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION Primary Obiective of Position To administer the Community Center in a method which meets the mission statement through comprehensive programming, ope�ation, znaintenance, staffing, and user development. Major Areas of Accountabilitv 1. Administer the Mu1ti-Use Arena Com�anent . Actively promotes prime time and non-prime time ice availability. Directs proper scheduling and accounting procedure for arena including ice sales, daily admissions, lessons, and eoncessions. Hires, supervises and evaluates concession attendants. Recommends and oversees any concession agreements. Oversees the maintenance of the arena to ensure satisfactory public service. Hires, supervises, and evaluates rink attendants for indoor and outdoor ice. Administers contracts and agreements with- schools, youth athletic associations, and other groups desirous af using arena. 2 . Administer Receptionist and Front Desk Advertise, hire, schedule, supervise, and evaluate front desk personnel . Coordinate and provide that information necessary for the front desk to communicate regarding departmental programming. Directs proper accounting procedure of all front desk transactions . Posi;�;c:�-. �'..�:�ponsibility Write-Up P.ss.:.st�z:�:� � & R Director - Community Center Manager Page % 3 . Directs Marketing and Promotion of the Communitv Center Creates method of marketing the Community Center during di�ferer_t seasons and to different groups . Administer evaluation of Community Center Programs and patrons. 4 . Coordinates the A�propriate Proqramming Staff in the Schedulinq and Promotion of the Gymnasium and Classrooms. Oversee accommodating different user groups including leagues, lessons', cage, and special needs. Coordinate the use of classroom with the National Guard. 5 . Oversees Maintenance of the Community Center Coordinates with head maintenanee in es�ablishing policy and job responsibilities (task outlines) for total building maintenance. Assures that building and grounds maintenance is completed in a satisfactory manner, Assures that the building mechanical operations is operated and ' maintained in a satisfactory manner. 6 . Oversees Banquet Hall and Auditorium Operations Oversees the hiring of quaiified attendants for running equipment, scheduling faciZity use, and coordination of activities in these two components . - Administers contracts and agreements with private groups, schools, youth organizations and others desirous of using the Banquet Hall and Auditorium. � Oversees the maintenance of the Banquet Facility and Auditorium. Coordinates the scheduling of the Auditorium with the Minnesota Natianal Guard. 7 . Other Necessary Involvements : Annually recommends Community Center general fund and capital fund budget . K�eps Community Center Committee informed of that deemed approp�iate. , Position Responsibility Write-Up Assistant P & R Director - Co:nmunity Center Manager Page 3 Involves school and community groups in making Community Center meet mission statement. Keeps the Director of Parks & Recreation informed of a11 important matters which require attention. Serves as department key contact in computer operations. Coordinates departmental staffing in all city leisure programming. Develop and recommend as necessary policy tor the smooth operation of the Community Center. _Perform other duties as required and directed by the Director of Parks and Recreation. 8 . Examples of Performance Criteria 9 . � �Res�onsibilitv for Work of Others Direct Supervision Over: Secretary AthTetic and Recreational Programmers Community Center Receptionist - Rink Attendants Concession Coordinator Building Monitors 10 . Desirable Oualifications a. Two year degree in Recreation Faeility Management from a vocation program. b. Three years experience in the management of a similar size and scope facility. A four year degree may be substituted for up to one year of experience. Experience in a similar size facility as an assistant operations manager may be substituted at a ratio of 1: 1 for up to two years of the experience requa.rement. c. Written and oral communication skills must be exhibited through material provided and references . Position Responsibility Write-Up Assistant P & R Director - Community Center Manager Page 4 d. An ability to manage diverse groups of users and all levels of staff. e. Cooperation with other Parks and Recreation staff to efficiently utilize all departmental resources to reach goals in facility operation. . 11: Minimum Rec,�irements High school diploma. �