HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda -t.,F .,F' , . �� g�k�.V 4 �'yp �� � ��� _ .'f� i s`b: rlr, �A:.. �..,. 5. + ' .. d. . .. � . ... .. . r x r .s �.r ,.,^ i. � . . . -- ` • . .b.F ,-♦ � `' ..' c. � e:_ "�• A � -- � n .x..3 1.: � a � � � . . . � . .�. #�:.:�� �: .�:�. . ' �.' �' � �.; . :'. •.�. ,'...'�. .�.. . . .:� . ..� ,.<: ,,/ cz� oF �:os�ot��r �( ocr� A G is N D A � REGULAR COUN�IL MEETING v�_�.s �� -33 '��3 � ��'�. a�,1q�3 SEPTENlBE?2 21, 1993 /� 7:30 P.M. � 1. C�11 to Order/Pledge of Allegiance • 2. Fadditions or Gorrections to Agenda - Council, Staff, Audience 3, U�^ppRTMENT IiEADS REPORTSIBUSINESS a. Dual Track Airport Planning/SOAR Update �d b. Chamber of Commerce Update � c. `T2R<<TOFL'�ll��L. 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of September 7, 1993 Regular Meeting b. Approval of Bills Listing c. Black Party Requests d, Temporary Liquor License - VFW e, Tegal Fees - .McDonough Litigation -8r .> f._ Declare C'c�st/Set Assessment Hearing, West Ridge 4th A�dd., Proj.223 : : _g Declare �ost/Set Assessment Hearing, 0'Leary's Hills 6th Add., 240 _-_�� D e c l a r e C o st/Set Assessment Fiearing, 145th Street Reconstruction, 206�� ��. , _ Declare Cost/Set Assessment Hearing, Diamond Path Impravement5, 212 y`-��' ,. Declare Ccst/Set Assessment Hearing, A�mory Watermain, Project 237 3r---�- Declare CostlSet Assessment xearing, Section 31 Trunk Sanitary Sewer � 1• Final Payment, West Ridge 4th & 0'Leary's Hills 6th;Projects 223 & 240 m. Final Payment, Axmory Watermain, City Project 237 n. Fina1 Payment, Section 31 Trunk Saaitary Sewer Improvements, Proj. 233 -8� a. Laadfill Abatement Grant Resolution p. Autharize Plans & Specs - Erickson Community Square Amphitheater TN'�o, q Fire Departmeat� Relief Assoc. Past Funding Review & Correction-�Pti112d '-Fo'Q. � � � Community Center/Armory Architectural Fees - Request for Payment s. Coaumiaity Center/Armoxy Construction Pay Sstimate Request t. Community CenterfAzmory Constructioa Engineering Services Billing ; u. Coam►un�.ty�Center/Azmoxy Constructiqn Change Orders .,� v. Conununity Center Mission Statement � w. On-Sale Liquor Licenses Oa Public Premise - Cammunity Center D e . X� Declare Gost/Set Public Hearing Chippendale Ave. Zmprovements, Proj 191 -�RJL�� Y• . 8:QO P.M. � 5, gTTBLTC hEAR2NG - Text Ainendment to Ordinance B - Zoning Ordinance a. Open c. Close b. Conduct d. Action 6. P37BLIC HEARING - Commercial Outdoor Recreation Zoning Text Amendment -- a. Open c. Close b. Conduct d. Action 7. PUBLIC H�ARING - Increase of Liquor License Fees ' a. Open c. Close b. Conduct d. Action 8. OLD BUSINESS a. Downtown Parking on Highway 3 b. Comprehensive Guide Plan Action ' c. City Attorney Contract Renewal/Selection Process d. SpeciaZ CouncilJPort Authority Meeting e. Rsse.s'�-�ex�-E-D i 5 e,�,�ss i o,� �.� 1,.,i.�X> 9. N�W BUSINESS a. Mulliken Lot Split Park Dedication Waiver Request b. Recommendation for Hiring of Assistant Community Center Manger c. Recommendation for Hiring of Police Officer d. Ordinance for Control of Noisy Parties/Gatherings e. Dakota County Proposed League of Governments ' f. 10. MAYOR'S REPdRT - Proclamation of Fire Prevention Week \ � 12. AbMINISTRATOR'S REPORT ,.. � ' �,.,," � ��oS{qNp,,,"�"jpY� mthis Iru�r�'Ot2 s J 12. ANNOLTNCEMENTS 13. ADJOURNMENT