HomeMy WebLinkAbout11. Administrator's Resignation f � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECtTTIVE SIIt+�lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:Sep�ember 21, 1993 AGENDA ITENi: City Administrator Resignation AGENDA SECTION: Administrators Report_ PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk AGENDA NO. ATTACffi�ffsNTS: Letter of Resignation AP R VED BY: It is with mixed feelings that I tender my resignation to you as City ,� Administrator effective .October 31, 1993. - I have accepted a position with another cammunity and will start employment with that community on November 1, 1993 . RECOMMEN'DED ACT=ON:Motion to accept the resignation of Stephan Jilk as City Administrator to be effective October 31, 1993 . COIINCIL ACTION: . � Mayor E.B. McMenomy Councilmember Sheila Klassen Councilmember James "Red" Staats Councilrnember Harry Willcox Councilmember Dennis Wippermann Date:September 21, 1993 RE:Resignation from Position Dear Mayor McMenomy and Councilmembers; With this letter I am officially tendering my resignation as City Administrator of the City of Rosemount. I have accepted a position as City Administrator in anather community and will start employment there on November 1, 1993 . I would like to make my last day of employment with the City of Rosemount Qctober 31, 1993 . I have plans on taking severaZ days of vacation prior to my last day of employment and will probably not be in the office after the 21st of October. I would like to express my thanks to several people on my leaving. First, I would like to thank my wife Jean who has supported me and given of herself through the difficult times which some in the community and on the council have intentionally caused my family and I to go through in the last three years. Secondly, I would like to thank Councilmembers Staats, Klassen and Wipgermann for their support over the last several years. I consider it a privilege to have known them and to have worked with them. They have the interest of the Rosemount Community at heart and have proven that over and over again. I would also like to thank all City employees who have given so much to assist me and this community over the years. This community has one of the finest group of employees I know of and I know ma.ny others. I would especially like to thank those that I have worked more cZosely with and whom I will miss; Scott Aker, Jeff May, Lyle Knutsen, Lisa Freese, Bud Osmundson, Linda Jentink, Sue Walsh, Ron Wasmund and Debbie Widstrom for all of their support and hard work. My job has always been a lot easier because of their °can do attitude" and support. Finally, I would iike to thank those in the Rosemount Community who continually see the opportunities this community has for placing itself in the ranks af the best places to live in Minnesota. Those, in the community, who continually stress the negative, rather than the positive have no right to say they represent the people in this community. . a Teamwork, support, hard work, and a positive attitude will carry the community through some difficult times. I only hope, for �.he communitys sake that people with the interest of the community and not their own get involved and make Rosemount what it can be - the best. " My family and I have given seven years of our life to this Community and I am extremely proud of the accomplishments that I have been part of. Though there have allegations, investigations, false accusations and out and out harassment of me and my family I can leave the community with my integrity and pride in place. Though I have never lived in the boundaries of the city limits I � can say now and have always felt as though this was my eommunity. I shall miss the Rosemount community and leave with regrets but look to the future with anticipation knawing that it holds promise. � Sincerely, _�,� � • To:Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers:K as en, S ats, Willcox and Wippermann FR�M:Stephan Jilk RE:Resignation and Replac ent - In prc�viding you with my natice of resignation I feel it is agpropriate to at least make some suggestion as to developing the process in replacing me. I do this, not to assume that you will in faet take my recommendations, or that you should�. My suggestions are provided in m� interest that the city council and staff are served adequately and appropriately through a interim period and finally if and when a replacement is appointed. Interim - If the Council accepts my resignation and begins the process to hire a replacement there will be a period during which the position will be vacant and leadership needs to be provided to staff. Selection of a replacement will probably take between two and three months. During this period of time it is vital that staff has proper leadership and direction and representation. . � I would be pleased to recommend that the Council consider the appointment of Mr. Ron Wasmund as in�erim City Administrator beginning November 1, 1993 and until the positian is filled permanently. I believe that Mr. Wasmund has the background, the knowledge, the people skills and the respect of the staff to provide this leadership role. I believe that Mr. Wasmund has the capacity to understand the overall functions of the City well enough to manage this responsibility. Others on staff could be considered but please, in doing so, understand that personalities, level of trust and overall capabilities of the individual considered may in fact hamper or .even destroy the moral and effectiveness of the city operations. I have taken the liberty of discussing this possibility with Mr. Wasmund and he has agreed to consider the temporary appointment if it is offered. As to the particulars of compensation, staffing, expectations of � him and for him during this period I have not taken the liberty of pursuing that discussion with him. It the Council would consider the appointmen� I feel that those discussions should be between the Council and Mr. Wasmund. a Long Term - In order to streamline the process of selecting a replacement I would recommend that the use of a outside search firm be considered. The level of involvement, by such a firm, can be as great, or as little as the Counci3 desires. But, utilizing an outside firm ' can, if used effectively, help depo2iticize the process which I would suggest is extremely important. Defining the position's responsibilities and authority at this time would be, I believe, a good idea. I have been in �he position for seven years and that is a long time considering that in that time the City has had four mayors and a complete change on the City Council. ' It would be appropriate, I believe, to solicit the assistance of ' an outside person to help the Council wark through the process so that all involved are comforta.ble with the decision and following selection.. If there� is any desire whatsoever in having me assist in any part of the process I would be pleased to do so.