HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.e. Dakota County Proposed League of Governments 1 Y CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUI+�SARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Dakota County - Proposed AGENDA SECTION: League of Governments New Business PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk AGEND�►.�Qs _ � � LM � ATTAC�IENTS: None Ap pyE B, ; On Wednesday evening, September 8, representatives from all of the Cities in Dakota County and Dakota County, met at the Wescott public library to discuss the idea of forming a "Dakota County League of Governments" . This idea has been brought forward by the Dakota County City Managers group and now elected• officials from each governmental were asked to get involoved and provide feedback. Please see the attached information which sets out various concepts to develope such a program. Councilmember Sheila Klassen represented the City of Rosemount at the meeting and will provide a verbal report on the outcome of the meeting. RECOb�lENDED ACTION:�7V'C COIINCIL ACTION: DA KOTA CO UI V T Y BRA�NDTT R�IM HA RDS�ON TELEPHONE (612)438-4�318 + � D,�KOTA COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPIEX 1590 W HWY.55.HASTINGS.MINNES�TA 55033-2372 ,.:�;;;,, � � . �I�/i . � . . . . ��g...� . . . . . . . . ���,�,�,���" . � . . � _ � , .' . � . . . . M E M O R A N D U M DAKOTA COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Dakota County Administration Center 1590 H'ighway 55 West Hastings, MN 55033-2372 612-438-4418 ' DATE; , August 3, 1993 TO: Participants in the Meeting to Discuss the Formation of a Dakota County League of Governments FROM: Dakota County Managers/Administrators Group SUBJECT: Meeting: Wednesday, September 8, 1993, Wescott � Library Meeting Room, 7:00--9:00 p.m. . Thank you for agreeing to participate in a meeting to discuss the formation of a Dakota County League of Governments. The meeting will consist of elected officials and the Chief Administrative Officers from all the major cities including Dakota County. � Attached is an Agenda for the meeting and a listing of a11 ' officials invited to attend. The meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 8, 1993. The location will be the Wescott Library Meeting Room (downstairs) located adjacent to the Eagan City Hall at 1340 Wescott Road. Over the past several months, the Dakota County Managers(Administrators Group has been exploring an idea to form a Dakota County League of Governments. A subcommittee was formed to examine the feasibility of forming an organization which would conceptually be made up of "local governments'" that share common interests across the County. The subcommittee has evaluated various options, formats and structures, and arranged for the Managers/Administrators Group to meet with a representative from the Ramsey County League of Governments. [In work done by the subcommittee, one of the most interesting findings was a discovery that Dakota County had a similar organi2ation from 1966-1970. It was formed (principally) as a response to the Legislatures formation of the Metropolitan Council. ] The Managers/Administrators Group has endorsed the idea and is no�a seeking input from a subset of elected officials representing the Cities and County. Printed on Recycled Paper AN E�UAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLQYER mhe primary purpose of the meeting is to receive input from interested elected officials on the possible formation of a Dakota County Leagtze of Governments. Ideas for participants to consider prior to the meeting include: • 1) is there sufficient interest from elected officials to invest time to actually undertake such an effort?;` and 2) what potential benefits will participating jurisdictions receive? In addition, if the responses to the questions raised in numbers 1 and 2 are affirmative, then further input on various implementation strategies is needed, such as: 3) what sort of subjects should be the principal focus for the League's agenda and discussion?; and - 4) should townships, school districts and other public entities be invited to participate in the League? We appreciate� you taking the time to help us review and evaluate this initiative. We look forward to your input and ultimately to the possibility of implementing an idea which could benefit everyone in Dakota County. _ � DU:kaw . � O:DUMEMLGS Meetinq on the Formation of a Dakota County League of Governments AGENDA 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. ._. : :.Wescott Library. Meeting Room .� ;�- �• ,:- - ; _ . . . _Eaqan . - Wednesday, september s - I. Welcome and Introductions• : Tom Hedges� �. � , � �� ,�. �; �� - �„�_. �, ��� � � , , .: _: _._�� _ ,� _ ,.�. �� �� . �'- ' �� �II. ��- Introduction to�����Dakdta County� League��� � �� . ` _ � � � of Governments Concept Brandt Richardson ' . ,. � � . A. ���Iistory � .� �" � �� ����, ,. a; � n, . �_ Greg Konat ._ � �. �� B. � -ti;Background� � .; : . �: �' � r , � C. �� Subcommittee� Findings� ° "� � �� �� , � �= �� =t -: � m . ' �-- ' `� r.w : .r . ..,� - z — t s�e III �: Interactive Discussion on Concept f^ � 4 ' Group -.' � � , _ ; ._. .. ' A. Purpose � ' B. Formality C.,� Structure � _ � , � D. Potential Benef it � IV. Develop a Consensus to Proceed Tom Hedges ` A. Identify Next Step, If Any V. Adjourn � � - r. - " , ,�,. ., . ., _. , ,� , . . , . <._„ ,,. , ,, . ��' - � - - ,,�,� - O•�DUAGDCLG . � §�_ ;. � , ,: �r �� , � � .�� ._. � �._ �� : �..� _ , , INVITATION LIST FOR THE MEETING ON THE DAROTA COIINTY LEAGUE OF GOVERNMENTS Dakota County Brandt Richardson, County Administrator David Unmacht, Deputy County Administrator Bob Jensen, County Commissioner Patrice Bataglia, County Commissioner City of Apple Valley Thomas Melena, City Administrator Will Branning, Mayor �ity of Burnsville Greg Konat, City Manager Dan McElroy, Mayor �ity of Eagan � Thomas L. Hedges, City Administrator Shawn Hunter, City Cauncil �ity of Farmington Larry Thompson, City Administrator - Chris Galler, City Council �ity of Hastings Dave Osberg, City Administrator Mike Werner, Mayor �ity of Inver Grove Heights James Willis, City Administrator Joe Atkins, Mayor �ity of Lakeville Bob Erickson, City Administrator Pat Harvey, City Council �ity of Sunfish Lake Glenda Spiotta, City Administrator :ity of Mendota Heights Thomas Lawell, City Administrator Charles E. Mertensotto, Mayor �ity _of Rosemount Stephan Jilk, City Administrator � Shiela Klassen, City Council :ity of South St. Paul Douglas Reeder, City Administrator Kathleen Gaylord, Mayor 'ity of West St. Paul William Craig, City Manager Sandra Shirley, City Council :DULIST D/ 1 �OT/ 1 ��.,/ UNT� BRANDT RICHARDSON COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TELEPHONE (612)438-4418 � • DAKO7A COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX 1590 W HWY.55.HASTINGS.MINNESOTA 55033=2372 .;�pi�.e uc y . . . .��---.o� � � �� _ _ ��e.< -- -����� � . .. � . • DATE: April 22, 1993 TO: Dakata County Managers/Administrators Subcommittee FROM: Brandt Richardson, County Administrator SUBJECT: Models for "League af Governments" Attached for consideration are four sample models for "League of Governments. '� In preparing this material, my staff contacted both the ICMA and NACo organizations. The four models are the Ramsey County L2ague of Local Governments, Will County Governmental League, DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference and The League of Minnesota Cities. I have included the League of Minnesota Cities as an example of the many � different state-wide association of local government models (city or county) which are available for review if we are interested. The most appropriate models for our discussian are the other three examples, although ironically, the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference does not include DuPage County. The information is prepared in outline format. Included within the examples is information on: 1) Location of of f ice 2) Date of origination 3) Membership 4) Dues 5) Governance 6) Staff 7) Meetings 8) Primary purposes and areas of activity Further information and details on all of the examples are available for our review. The four models will provide an excellent beginning point for our discussion. Printed on Recycled Paper AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ' Ramsey County League of Local Governments (RCLLG) Office: St. Paul, Minnesota. Date of OricTination: January 1988 . _ Membership: l) Members include 17 Cities, 1 County . Associate (non-voting) members include 5 school districts, 1 Soil and Water Conservation District. 2) Each member appoints 2 delegates (elected or appointed officials) . One is designated as an alternate. 3) Each'member organizatian is allowed 1 vote. Dues: . � 1) .Base of $100, plus $. 05 per capita, (not to exceed $2000) . 2} Associate members: $100. � 3) County dues determined by negotiation. Governance• 1) Executive Board of Directors. 8 board members 6 from cities (mayars, council members) ; 1 county � commissioner; and l associate board member (school board) . • 2) officers: ' President,. � viee-president, treasurer, past- president. 3) Standing Committee: Legislative Committee to review legislation, coordinate programs, monitor legislative activities, recommend study of particular issues. Staff• 1) A "Coordinator" to handle secretarial duties. Services contracted through the League of Minnesota Cities. Meetings: 1) Annual meeting 2) Executive Board meets once a month at noon. 3) General membership meets once a month in the evening. 4) Annual holiday banquet, picnic, bike ride. Primarv Purposes and Areas of Activity• 1) Local Government Cooperation 2) Research and Information Exchange 3) Forum for current issues. * Keynote speakers invited to speak (TIF, public safety communications, media relations, legislative issues, local government management) . 4) Planning & Physical Development coordination 5) Intergovernmental Relations 6) Legislation Review Will County Governmental League (WCGLj Office: Joliet, Illinois. Date of Origination: 1971 (Municipal League) � 1992 (Governmental League, County joined) Membership: 1) Members include 22 Municipalities, 1 County. " 2) Each member has 2 voting delegates; one is the mayor/council or board chair, the other is the administrator/manager. 3) Three classes; Full Members (may serve on executive committee, 1 vote) ; Supporting Members (may serve on Standing or Ad hoc committees alang with full members) ; Honorary Members (interested agencies and organizations} . . Dues: As determined by the Executive Committee: 1) Full members: Per capita fee. 2) Supporting members: Flat fee. 3) Honorary members: No fee. 4) County negotiates individually. Governance: 1) Membershi,p elects officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, ' Trea$urer, all must be elected governmental officials. (Serve two year terms) . - 2) Executive Committee: 7 directors * 3 are the league President, Vice-President, and Treasurer. * 3 are Chairmen of the Standing Committees. * 1 is the County Executive/Administrator. � * Executive Director is an ex-officio member. 3) Four Standing Committees: Norninating, Transportation, Legislative, and Intergovernmental Relations. Staff• 1) Executive Director (Full-time) � 2) Administrative Assistant (Full-time) (Prior to 1993 , staffing was part-time contractual. ) Meetings: . l) Quarterly General Membership meetings. 2) Standing Committees meet as needed. Primarv Purposes and Areas of Activit�• 1) Local Government Coogeration 2) Information Exchange 3) Transportation Planning and Programming Coordination 4j Intergovernmental Relations 5) Legislation Review WILL �C)UNTY G4VERNMENTAL LEAG UE CJRGANIZATIONAL CHART WCGL MEMBERSHIP 22 WI LL CC�. MUNI CI PALI TI ES & WI LL CO. EXECUTIVE TRANSPORTATION LEGISLATIVE INTERGOVERNMENTAL COMMITTEE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE RELATIONS PRESIDENT �W�LL CO. COMMITTEE VICE PRESIDENT �OUNCIL OF MAYORS} SECRETARY 22 W�LL CO. TREASURER MUNICIPALITIES 3 DIRECTORS �MAYORS & MANAGERS) WILL CO. EXECUTI VE WI�L CO. ENGINEER EXECUTI VE DIRECT(JR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT , � , , . DuPaqe Mayors and Managers Conference Office: Oak Brook, Illinois Date of Origination: June 1962 � Membershi,p: 1) 33 Municipal Governments, represented by Mayor and�. Managers. Dues: Per capita fee with minimum and maximum cap. Governance: - � 1) Board of Directors, 15 members including: President, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and chairs ' of the standing committees. 2) 5 Standing Committees: : Budget and Operatiorrs Committee - - Intergovernmental Relations Committee Legislative Committee • Transportation Committee Nominating Committee 3) 3 Joint Committees (involve County representation) : Solid Waste Committee . Storm water Committee Regional Planning Committee � Staf f: 1) Executive Director . 2) 8 staff including: an Assistant Director, Legislative Liaison, Administrative Assistant, Executive Secretary, and an Office Assistant. Meetings: 1) Annual meeting, (officers installed, awards cerernony) 2) Monthly meetings of the full Conference (dinner meeting, with social and networking focus) . 3) Standing Committees meet as needed. Primarv Purposes and Activitiss• 1) Intergovernmental Relations. 2) Legislation 3) Transportation 4) Regional Land Use Planning 5) Surplus Vehicle and Equipment Auctions � ����'�� MOHE ABUU��iHE UUPAGE MAYORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS CONFERENCE � Lagislaqve Eugene Noose,Diroctor The�uPage Mayo�s arx!Manayois Coninrance is a council ol�3 , Committee Tlmothy Gngen,Deputy Director municipal governmo�Ns in DuPage Counly,IIG�rofs.TAe mayor and =-- — '""- manager represent Iheir community o�voting maltors and may - - ! Intergovernme�tal Beny Cheever,Dlroctor serve on Ihe Conlerence's slanding commillees.The CaHerenco is =' • Relatlons Committae Cherles Garriquet,Deputy Director a not•tot•profii orgaMzation supported 6y membeiship dues and = = grants,dedicaied to addressing muMcipal puhlic poticy Issues. — . .:= DuPage Mayors and ' ' Budget and Operations Charies Dobbins,Director � Commiqee Steven Stricker,Deputy Dlrector lntergovernmental Refa�ions II MetlB ers Conference � The promotion ot inletgOvammentai cooperation permeates aii IIIIIIIIIIIII',,,,u,ill�lllllll�Il�I Founded�n�t9,t9Ba Tron�portetlon Micheel Allbon,Diroctor ConferenCe aCdvities.Through iha acUons of the Inlargovernmentul : Committee Doneld Ro��,D�puty Dtr�ctor Relalbne CommlUee,the CoNerence aniculales Ihe muNGpel • peropeclive for addresetnp euch replonal lesuee es eolid wasle � NominatCnp Commitlse Wllilam Murphy,Chsir � tlleposai and stormweler manepement.Throuph monllorinp ol the - � DuPege County Board and Ue cormnl0eea,the Conlerence ensures Jolnt Committee Gwendolyn Henry municipal Input is included In county•wide issues where necessary. � Reprosentatives Richerd Arnold The Conlerence Nnks municipaliqes to 1he aCtivities of other Willlam Uehter intergovemmental organizations such as the O'Hare Advisory ' � Commitlee end the Emergency Telephone System Board,tn At-Lar9• Cerm�n Soldeto eddltlon,eeminera end monthty aducetional propreme are providod • which ero deelqned to Intorm membere ebout curre�t pubUc pollcy . laeuee. � `e9,s'e""eP`°g`e"' 1992-g3 Directory of �� The legislative Comm4tee proposes polides end InIUalivea on stele �`• and fatlerel Ieglslalion aflecUnp municipel govemmenL Conlerence Off i c e rs a n d M e m b e rs " members have ihe opponunity io paAicipate fn Ihe tegislalivo prceese ol ths Illinois Generel Assembly tluouph an a�ual irip to Spdnglleld,seminera and meeHnps with legisletors. Transportation Proqram Through lho TranspoAation Committoe,lhe Conlerence provides a forum for intergovemmontai dialogue where representatives irom • highwey end transit agencfes 9alher momhly to discuss progrems end proJecta elfecifny DuPaye municipalities.The Gomminee qives � - ___ InpW Inro County and reqlonel iraneportailon plans antl proprame � __ _ euch ee OuPaqe Coumy'e Impecc lee ordinance,lhe Chkepo ' { raplon'e Yeer 2010 TranspoAetlon Syslom DevalopmoM Plan end • . ��� ihe Strelepic Reqional Arterlel(SRA)studlea.Strategies nre � 11111111111��� I�IIIIIIIIIIOI) _... devsbped lor eftecllve iransportatfon syslems inciuding modet ���•'�� ordinances and a Construction Coordt�atlon program.In addiUon,lhe ;�,�� � Conlerenca d'uects Ihe allocation ot approximately S4 miilion of , • surlace trsnsportetion luntls oach year. . Pianning Proqram . . A planning program has boe�institutod to give lul4time altention to countywido land use issuos.Tho dynamic growth of OuPage . County lo recenl years has givon rise to a variety ot planning and . land dovelopment issues and opportuniUes fw creative solutions. DuPage Mayors and Managers Conterence wo�k i��n�g area�s coo�d��a�ed cbse�y w��n ouPn90 coumy a�d 1220 08k Brook Road ather regionai pia�ning anons. Oak Brook,Illinois 60521 s��p�us venrc�eandEq��pmenrA�cuons ' � (708)571•0480 Every year as a service to member municipa�i�ies and other � FAX'(708)571-0484 governmenls,the Conferenco disposos ol ovor 200surplus vohiclos .� and pioces ol public works oquipmunl tMrough two public a�tions. .ti 5 , ` ' _ ,\ ' 1 • � ' • . , . League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) Office: St Paul, Minnesota. Date of Origination: 1974 - Membership: 1) 780 Cities, Full members, appoint delegate or de�egates to . the League. 2) Subscription Service level of inembership. Dues: Base Fee based on population, plus sliding per capita fee. Governance: 1) LMC Board of Directors elected by full membership: President, vice president, and 12 elected Board Members. Ex offieio members are the past president, the president of the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (AI�II�I} , and the president or vice president of the National League of Cities (if from Minnesota) . - 2) All board members must be elected or appointed officer of a member city. 3) Budget Committee, appointed by the president. 4) . Legislative policy committees appointed by Board. Staff: � � 1) League Executive Director, administers office and , services. 2) Ful1 support staff. Meetings: 1) Annual Meeting of Full Membership, State-wide Convention. 2) Biannual legislative conference. 2) Monthly Meeting of Board of Directors. Primarv Purposes and Activities: 1) Legislation: Lobbying and related activities. 2) Research and Inquiry Service. 3) Publications and Communications. 4) Field Service. 5) Conferences. 6) Training Programs. 7) Other Loan and Assistance Programs.