HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Mulliken Lot Split Park Dedication on Waiver Request . . CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECUTTVE SOD�lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Mulliken Lot Split AGENDA SECTIONz Park Dedication Waiver request New Business _ PREPARED BY:Stephan Jilk AGEND ���M # � � ATTACffi�TTS: Memo AP OVI�: BY: , At the request of Mayor McMenomy this item has been added to the agenda for discussion. Mr Mulliken has been working with staff on the completion af the lot split of his praperty. The process to approve the lot split has been to council before and after that discussion` took place Mr. Mulliken and his attorney have been working with ci�y staff to resolve the issue and process the lot split. Everything has been agreed to in order to process the 1ot split except that Mr. Mulliken does not agree to paying the required park dedication fee established by ordinance. The amount of the park dedication, in this case, is $520 . . , Attached find previous staff inemos in this matter. I certainly understand Mr. Mulliken' s request not to have to pay out additional fees in the amount of $520. . I also believe though that when the portion of Shannon Parkway was vacated and Mr. Mulliken received it and that property is now to be part of the new lot that there is certainly value assignable to that property given to him. That property granted to , Mr. Mulliken through the vacation will amount to about 22 .5% of the newly created lot. Mr. Mulliken is splitting the lot off with the intention of creating a saleable lot for building. This is his choice. The City is not forcing him to do this. There should be some value in return for that sale. Based on these issues I would recommend that the park dedication fee not be waived. RECOMMENDED ACTION:Motion to deny the request for waiver of the park dedication fee payment required under city ordinance. COUNCIL ACTION: � , i�� o osemoun� PHONE (612)4234411 2875-145th Street West,Rossmount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (672)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward 8.McMenpmy P.O.Box StO,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-OStO COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Rd�Staats August 25, 1993 ya,ry wu�x Dennis Wippetmane� Terry Rueb Aor��N�srw►roR Rueb & Karl Law Office s�ePn�,�� 12700 Nicollet Avenue Soutli Bumsville, MN 55337 Dear Mr. Rueb: . The fallowing represents the understanding of issues identified by the City of Rosemount Planning Department and Mr. Leroy Mullikin concerning the proposed subdivision of the property located at 4060 145th Street West. The subdivision as previously submitted by Mr. Mullikin's consultant will be recommended � ' . for approval to the Planning Commission and City Council with three conditions: 1) park dedication fee for the newly created lot equivalent to $52Q; 2) only one driveway or access poirrt will be allowed for the newly created lot; and, . . 3) any structure canstructed on xhe existing garage slab must conform Qvith zoning ordinance setback requirements. � � � The Pianning Department will also include a recommendation that the City Council waive the subdivision application fee. In addition, the City will only require one film positive of the replat as opposed to the normally required two. Ultimately, the passibility exists that the Commission or the Council may wish to add or remove conditions as they see fit. The Planning Department will also send a resolution to the City Council recommending the � accepting of the legal description substitutian for the vacated property deeded over from Shannon Park First Addidon upon reciept of a capy of the quit claim deed. The City will � not be responsible for any fees required by the county or from consultants retained by Mr. Mullikin. If you have any questions, please contact Richard Pearson at 322-2052. Sincerely, � ���� ���� • � Lisa J. Freese Director of Planning � cc Leroy Mullikin Mike Miles Steve 3ilk � �ver���ivegs �oming �(�L1i �osemount�� . . i�� o osemouv�� PHONE (61�423u11 2875•145th Strs�t W�st,fiof�mount,Minnuota MAYQR FAX {612)423�5203 Mailiny Adtlma: Edward B.Md�Aenomy P.O.Box 510,RoasmouM,Minnsaota 55068-0510 COUh1CiLMEMBERS Sh�iia Ktw�t Jam�s(Redl3taats H�rty WNICrnc , OMnis w�ann � � ADMINISTRATOfl T0: Councilmember Willcox s`°P�''�` FROM: Stephan Ji17c, City Administrator � DATE: April 6, 1993 ' � . RE: . Leroy Mullikin_ Property • Thank you for your call regarding the Leroy Mullikin Property and the lot split issue. : Rick Pearson and Lisa Freese have been working with Mr. Mullikin � on this issue for some time. Mr. Mullikin wants to split his . existing lot• of record, located at the southwest corner of Shannon Parkway and 145th Street. . Ae owns a lot that can be split with his home built on the western portion o€ the lot al].owing sufficient room to split off'a parcel large enough to , meet city �tandards. � , � When 145th Street was reconstructed Mr. Mullikin requested a separate entrance off of 145th Street to be constructed expecting to split the lot at some future date. In order for Mr. Mullikin to do a "simple lot split" and meet city standards and so not to do a glat of the two lots, a simple legal description must be utilized. The purpose of allowing a simple lot split is so that in an instance where a property owner wishes to split off a piece of an existing lot of record and the process is simplified by the fact that the new parcel can easily be described so as to not call into question any survey or difficult manner in which to describe the new .partial effecting - other plats, property line disputes etc. there is no need to require the .platting process. But, where this is not the case and the splitting of the Iot comes at a time in the title preparation where title can actually be better clarified by platting, then it is necessary for the property to be platted. The construction of Shannon Parkway to the east of Mr. Mullikin's property caused two things to happen. C'�ver���ings �oming `(J�� �osemounl�� t . 1) The City vacated a portio� of the previously platted r.ight of way and acquired new right of way to the east. The portion of the old xight of way vacated was given to Mr. Mullikin at no cost. This increases the potential size of the new lot by almost 30o 'and makes it much more valuable. 2) The legal description for this parcel, now part of Mr. � Mullikin' s original parcel was written by the City. - It was . . quite extensive because it involved two subdivisions, a .- vacated piece of right of way, and the original lot. This legal description was accepted by the County Surveyors � Office and recorded. As Mr. Mullikin approached the City in an attempt to get the simple lot split taken care of, city staff reviewed the description, the City Ordinance and felt, based upon discussion with Mr. Miles, the city attorney, that the simple lot split could not be done but platting would be necessary. In order for Mr. Mullikin to groceed with platting several steps would have to� be completed. � 1) Field survey work needed to�be completed. This was already done for the simple lot split approach. Field monuments are alreac�y set by the surveyor. The surveyor believes a - new description should be written which would require additional field work. City staff and County staff feel ' that the description is adequate and 'feel that the surveyor is suggesting unnecessary work. 2) Platting fees have been received. Lisa Freese, Planning Director, has advised me that she would encourage the City Council to refund the $150 fee. This would be in respect of - the complicatons brought on by the construction of Shannon Parkway. 3) Sf a new legal description is provided, the City would have to accept it. We would write a resolution to do this. If the old description is questioned by the surveyor, we would adopt a resolution confirming its acceptability based on the . . County' s position on it. . . . � 4) Park Dedication fees would have to be paid only on the new lot created. This would be about $500. ' � 5) The physical plat document (mylar drawings) would have to be prepared by the surveyor. Since the legal is complete and . field notes are taken all that is left is to transfer this information to the mylar_ 6) Mr. Mullikin would have to agree that the existing access would have to be used for the new lot. 2 � 7) There is an existing slab on the property, once used for a accessory building, which if used again to build a garage would not meet setback requirements. Any new structure would have to meet setback requirements. � 8) At a Planning Commission meeting the Commission would have � to� review the preliminary plat and recommend its approval. 9) The City Council would have to hold a public hearing to � consider the plat and approve it. The Planning Department is waiting to get the mylar drawings and request to proceed with the platting process. Platting the property would provide a clearer title to it and is the best approach. Lisa felt it was not appropriate to proceed with a si.mple lot sglit and is working with Mr. Mullikin, the surveyor, ;.the County, and Mr. Mullikin's attorney to. resolve this in the least expensive and most expeditious manner. I believe the process has gotten extended way to far and has • become unnecessarily complicated.� But, based upon my review of it I don't believe the City could do anything differently. • cc�: �Lisa Rreese, Planning Director Rick Pearson, Asst. Dlanner ' Mayor E. B. McMenomy Councilmembers: Klassen, Staats, Wippermann 3 _. __ _ _ —.-- _---- , i i;; � '�''� . . � . �. • 1 . . . � F'g' "' : � � 9 �k � • •�.. , ��., . r ���� . ,� S . 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N � � � ?S.�J� �'P•Ff• t • ► c�Y 1 • � � o t 'r.:� � !� � a � � " �0^'�� � . ` r��e t%v� ' ; 7 • o L - --- - - ---_..__ ._ -- -- — — Itk�� • � I �� - � � . - - - + ~ � • �, ,� .�._/G/.7/._»• .»✓`..... ..».V.f.91'.«. .... � 4 { �� . .,Yto•1401'E � NAi'I,'O� �'o�v//f /iht a�'!o/% B/a�/. E�'ERCREC�{' ACRE9 —'��" ' o .,,. �,.,____._- ._.--.- � o . . . � ' � .. � � ..___._ ---— :' __.., __. ,� . : ., . / � e�g ' e �i � � n n � �� 00 fT �' H✓Ii �,' �� �^,���d� H G'�f� t I'+'v^ � .�r' € ' � � ____ .�' � �. � . . LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRIOR TO LOT SPLIT: � Lot 1, Block 1, Evergreen Acres, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. __ AND Beginning at the no=theast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Evergreen Acres Addition as recorded in the Registrar of Deeds Office, Dakota County, Minnesota; thence North 89 deg=ees, 48 minutes, 59 seconds East (assumed bearing) a computed distance of 21.90 fe�t (not a surveyed distance) to ` a point on the ald and incorrect East line of the Southwest � Quarter; thence South 1 degree, 00 minutes, 55 seconds West (assumed bearing), along the old and incorrect east line of the Southwest Quarter a computed distance of 140.00 (not a � surveyed distance) ; thence South 89 degrees,- 48 minutes, 59 ' seconds West a distance of 20.73 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Evergreen Ac=es; thence North 0 degsees, 31 minutes, 57 seconds East along the platted east Zine .of Evergreen Acre a distance of 139.98 feet to the point of beginning. . The second portion of the above legal descr$ption :was created -by-•- � a 1988 excess right-of-way vacation of a po'rtion of a street � . � (Shannon Parkway) adjacent to the Applicant's property..� The legal description drafted by the City of Rosemount at the time of said vacation of the street is inadequate to legally describe the vacated property. As a result of a survey done in 1992 in connection with this lot split application, an improved legal description is now available for the vacated street. Accordingly, the imgroved� legal description prior to the lot split is as follows: Lot l, Block l, Evergreen Acres, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. AND That part of Shannon Parkway as established by the plat of � SHANNON PARK 1ST ADDITION according tc the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota, describ�d as follows: Commencing at the northwest corne= of said plat of SHANNON PARK 1ST ADDITI4N; thence South 0 degrees 31 minutes 38 seconds West (bearing assumed) along the west line of said plat of SHANNON PARK 1ST ADDITION, said west line also being the west line of Shannon Parkway, a distance of 50.00 feet to the point of intersection: with the easterly production of the north line of Lot 1, LEGAL DESCRIPTION AFTER LOT SPLIT: Proposed Description Parcel A That part of Lot 1, Block l, which lies west of the east 75.25 �. �' feet thereof, EVERGREEN ACRES, according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota. Proposed Description Parcel B The east 75.25 feet of Lot l, Block l,. EVERGREEN ACRES, according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the Cbunty Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota, together with that part of Shannon Parkway as established by the plat of SHANNON PARR 1ST ADDITION�.�according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: �' Commencing at the northwest corner of said plat of SHANNON - . . PARK 1ST A.DDITION; thence South 0 degrees 31 mi.nutes 38 ' . seconds West (bearing assumed� along the west line of said � ' . � p?at of SHANNON PARR 1ST ADDITION, said west line also being the west line of Shannon Parkway, a distanc� of 50.00 fee't to � the point of intersection with the easterly production of fhe � north line of Lot 1, Block 1, EVERGREEN ACRES, according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota, said point of intersection being the point of beginning of the parcel to be _ described; thence North 89 degrees 48 minutes 59 seconds East a distance of 21.95 feet along said north line produced easterly to the point of intersection with the northerly production of the east line of BROBACK SECOND ADDITION as said east line is shown on the recorded plat of SHANNON PARK 1ST ADDITION; thence South l degree 02 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 140.06 feet, along the northerly production of said east line, to the point of intersection � with �the easterly groduction of the south line of said Lot l Block 1, EVERGREEN ACRES; thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes 03 seconds West a distance of 20.69 feet, along the easterly production of said south line, to the point of intersection with said west line of Shannon Parkway; thence North 00 degrees 31 minutes 38 seconds East along said west line of Shannon Parkway to the point of beginning. TO: Planning Commission FROM: Richard Pearson, Assistant Planner DATE: February 18, 1993 SUBJ: February 23, 1993 Regular Meeting Reviews Agenda Item ATTAC�av�NTS: Lot splidAdministrative Plax application, Letter, Survey, Legal � . . descnptions, Location map Leroy M. Mullikin - Administrative Plat Request 4060 145th Street West . RECOI��VVIEENDID MOTION: Motion to recommend approval of the Administrative` Plat to the City Council subject to: l) The new comer lot allowed one access driveway to 145th Street West (as built) only - no additional driveway access to the adjacent perpendicular street (Shannon Parkway). 2) Payment of one unit of park�dedication fee - $540. � 3) Any structure that is placed upon the slab located in parcel "B" must conform with applicible standards for accessory buildi.ngs specified in the City Zoning Ordinance B Section 7.1 and 7.2. NATURE OF REQUEST Mr. Leroy M. Mullikin is requesting approval of an Admi.nistrative Plat that will create a new single-family lot for sale on the south west corner af 145th Street and Shannon Parkway in the R-lA Single Family (detached)Residential district. BACKGROUND Mr. Millikin's property is Lot 1 of Evergreen Acres which was recorded in October, 1988. Evergreen Acres contains three lots; Lot 1 , and Lots 2 and 3 which front at upper 145th Street West. The vacation of appro3cimately 21 feet of excess right-of-way from Shannon Parkway in 1988 combined with Lot 1 of Evergreen Acres provides sufficient properiy to create one additional lot for single family use. The Surveyor has recommended to Mr. Millil{in that a new legal description for the vaca.ted portion of Shannon Parkway be substituted for the previous one which was originally drafted by the City Engineering section of the Public Works Department. The City Attomey has advised the Planning Department that the legal description prepared by the survey consultant February 23, 1993 Regular Meeting Reviews Page 2 may be subs�ituted for the original legal description provided that the two descriptions be certafied. by a registered land surveyor to describe the same parcel and that if the lot split is approved, the resolution include appropriate reference to the two legal descriptions. The City Engineer's office has reviewed the legal descriptions and agree that the proposed legal description appears to be superior and may be substitu�ed. DISCUSSION The dimensioiial standards for a corner lot in the R-lA Single Family Residential district are 95 ft. of width, 120 ft. of depth and 12.000 sq. ft. of area. The new lot is approximately 96.75 feet wide at the front yard setback line, averages 140.05 feet deep and has a lot area of 13,525 sq. ft. As a result, the new lot "parcel B" exceeds all applica.ble dimensional standards in the R-lA Single Family district. The house on parcel "A° is located 31.3ft. west of the proposed lot split line and is not . located in any new or existi.ng setback areas. The existing garage located o� parcel "A" is considered nonconforming in rearyard setback standards by about 15.Sft. However, the proposed lot split has no impact on the nonconforming garage location. An accessory structure of up to 12p sq. ft. could legally be located on the slab, provided it was no closer than 30ft. to the Shannon Parkway street right-of-way. It should be mentioned. that as a reminant, parcel "A" at 25.353 sq.ft. is 2.5 times larger than ordinance standards for lot area. Parcel "B" has no existing stnictures with the except�on of a 24ft. x 26ft. concrete slab adjacent to a 24ft. x lOft. flag stone surface along the south property line. The slab is encroaches 8.Sft. within the 30ft. street-side yard setback and 13ft. in the rear yard area. As a result, even though the slab is apparently sized for a garage, the buyer will not be able to build a garage in this location with out a variance. Locating a garage on the slab is unlikely given the placement of the paved driveway that was installed and approved bythe City Engineer duri.ng the 145th Street West improvement project. Shannon Parkway and 145th Street West are both designated collector streets. Public Works � Staff recommends that access be limited to one street. The location of a double row of evergreens along Shannon Parkway would also suggest that a driveway would be precluded from access to Shannon Parkway. , ` t . . , .� . � . . ti , . � , � � �� _ �. � _ . � � � .,' � � � �� �: _ ,<�: ;>:: _. ,� �-. ;�.>: ���� < : ;>,. . ».. . ;,.,: ;>.. ...__,: : �.. ... . . __. , ��. ... ...: _.. .... . ..._.... � ��> � �� _ -�......... _ .._.:� _ � , �� � _... . .. .. . � � _: , ... ...... ::,:::: �:, ;; > �::>: _.. .... >;:. _. _ ._ >.��;.. .;: :.... ��;�...... _ ,_ .. .... _ ..._._ . � � _. _ __._.. ..__, _:_ �,� , , �� . � �� �� ;: � ; ,.. �;, : � - � _, :� �� . �'�: � '�';:��.��e����auN�a►x��rs :� � � � � > :�� >�� : �: � � ,; � � �: � �� � �� 1 � � �� � � ����� S U N��;DAY, �A U C U�T` � ; � � �� � � �� � � _ : : . ; : , GOMMI7T�� �_�_ ,, � , , �ene�at ChaiCPerson,�ver�ts Cvnidmato�.j CathY 8us�c,�i`�; ROSEMOUNT � � a ~ ��r�itiorks : ;;: ,;i� Cathy 6ushn f` �" ;+ ` PAN AKE B AKFAST 8:30 M - 12 NOON �onc�ssions '�'aste af R4semount ...; :�nr,n �och.r ' - ' There will be an outside morning (chu�ch) service at ' ' ' ' ` �< . '.� a�d Kerry Johnscsn ' ;.. �r � • ��n�r1Ce , � . � , . � . .;. �14hri and Ann LoG�i ✓�; ; EPRECHAUN DAY . s 10:00 a.m. Pancakes 54.00 per adult; 52.50 pe�child ,; Fromoti�n ,; .; . Rosernount:Parks arrd Recreatir,ri,,�'; �'- Celebration band will be playing. •/f inc%ment weather ` " ;. . Grand Day;'P�r�de : . . . .'. . . . .>. � . . . bek� Martha3�:r,.f'; , � ' . ° occurs sign statine altemate site will be posied at the BufitQns S��es , �tasemaunt: Sen4�r Centet ; LEPRECHAUN DAYS BUITON SALE tent. Sponsored by St. Johns Lutheran Church (ELCA1 SeGur►ty : ,I . . .' ,;; Dwayne Kuhns c�' - ; ��re'and ReSc�d� . ; : , . ,? �:: �:. .. �catt Aker ` ; , = <� ' ays, buy < :,,:, Y > -- . ; � H. "� ;= �;��"��;,�� �.�� ' a b tton.UrButton Sales b Ymembersrof thenRosemount NT , ' Saund and::Eq��iprr�e�t Coordmat6r . h ' �• -� �°3� � � �� GOLF TOURNAME > - Mik g h< ��' �' � �� tt .; � � � �r... Senior Center. Buttons on sale at many businesses. Joe Wals . AM > �ssisted bv � , :� �: �e us .o Area . . . . � ;: :: :: ���,r ��d;v � . ,; " �'' Cost of button, S 1:00. :Names will be drawn"fo►several Must pre-reg�ster, I�mrt of 120. Chipp ndale Golf Course ; .:���y� ���tbINATbaS {aiphabet��a� bY even 1 ` � prizes: 8100 - S75 - S50 - S25 and other'Certificates. . on Highway 3, south of Rosemount. 7:00 a.m. An+ma� Adopt�an Day Vanous Animat;Rescue.;Groups ; ` � ;"; Drawing will be on Sunday,August 1 st at Ca field Park. ` registration. 8:00 a.m. shot gun start. Fee: 525.00 BatFitut� Wgtet Race . , i . � : Knights of Ccilumbus '' ' • • - � a�►.�.,� do ���; Call Chippendale Golf Course at 460-6555 for ;` B��_1Nt�ee� �ace ; . , .Amertcart 1.eg�or� AuxiII�CY 1�65 ' . x� 8 , ; ; registration and details. Must be preregistered and paid Bingo �ame$ . ! . . .:' St John's lutheran;Church : � � '� � � by July 29 by 5:00 p.m. Make checks payable to the �`�k�bag� C$rd �aiYi�s . ; Jan Stn��n,; Seni�r �enter i '� C � RosemountJaycees. S onsore �°��:�►�d Cat p�p . Flusget Elsvator lnc '�- � =y���;rt�ir�ment , US�'Ct - t *�. ,-i'.,�-...'" t" � ' . ; , . . . •_ ' .' . ; .. .. . .'. ., : �}�-J: �R , ;, ; ErttBrt�ir�mer�t, St�aet parice < Rosemaunt Jaycees - � � ,��� � � � :� � • �trcfire Card �Games . : . . Jan Stoven; Sernor Cente� : ""` . � , , . -. , � � .;. GoIf:,Taumarn�r�t .:: . � . ,;< Hasemaunt:JaYCees � , , ,. , Hple in C7ne . � � . . . .'. . . . .'. , . . Loch Pfiarmacy � , r � �i � �� � ,y a � S '�e � < ; �� ; �. �`. ^ � .,,,> . �nd Ja�tinson�Chir�praetic. and R�semour�t .��ycees _; ��` �S ,>� :� , �I .:....--, • � Jigsaw Puzzle Cantest . l.ach Pharmacy �:� ��y�� ) , Karaake Contest 105 1 WTCX RadiO Statidn and ; :�. ;NF '.;;. �,��Y/""' i 'ts Lan�s � .� �., ' ��� A, : � rr'. C�ty L,m1 �� � .; , BLARNEY STONE NT K�ddi� paratle; s►arney ' ' ;; '' i ; .. ;� j�. � JULY 29-avcTJST 1, KIDDIE PARADE, , .3 r ; Stane Nu�t. Band . Asmt Parks and.Re�reatior� ` �� . ;� - ,.'. i99s BAND, AND BUTTON DRAWING 1:00 PM ' Y - Medallion Ht�nt ftosemount t'arks!and Recreatian r - s"`� � � ��. 1:00 p.m. Children of all ages welcome to march. Bikes, �nd �athy �ustio . � � <••-. r�{ < ; , trikes, and walkers -prizes. Going to Camfield Park from �:<;d�cake Breakfastl;. . . ... . � St. Johns Lutheran:Churr,h ; ' :^'f �' '-►1! ':i . `.? , ;.���Cutive Glear��rs ; �' ;� <A� ;,- " Charlies Park. Charlies Park- 144th and Canada Avenue. , - : 4 a ` . �...., ,. �c,�ny S�r� mble Line up starts at 12:30 p.m. Cost: FREE, should have ; Run;fiv�the:Gald :. Rosemaunt�� Parks;and Recraataon � . ��� � r ��1x,: . � .��, � � ���� r��.��� � button. Sponsored by� unt Lions lC�, � � � ; �am�Iy��ltness UValk .Ftasemount �amily PhYslc��ns , "' � 1:30 p.m. The B w�e held after the � Soapbox A;erby �'; . :! . , , Dr Duane Bergli � � parade. Four ge groups, yout 4 through 13 will look i �o»!�Yba11 Tc�urnamenC . . Jim Olson'siM51 Insurance ; - ........ . . > . i.: ..., : � > ., �,.: ��.: :, ' � . ��. S . ... . ; . "�� . . :�.- � '' ' ,ry'. .� .;'�.: ,::.. :�i: .;::: '..:: ' : .� . j . „� for Blarney Stones. Camfield Park - 148th and Canada ,,. >. :. . . � .,., . . � - Avenue. Cost: FREE, family must have buttan. ` , , ROSETvIOUI�T,'MN '. , ; , . Sponsored by Koch Refining Company . ., 1:45 p.m. ' ' aint an adventure ' za ; �MEDALLION HUNT for children g song an movement. From start to �� � � , � �� �� �� �� ��� � �� .� : � � � �. � � � finish this group of musicians is pure fun and ' The LepreChaun �ay Clues will be posted starting Thursday;:July 29th. ciues Get mvolved �n your commurnty by entertainment. /+ - � will be posted daily at°Noon at'.Rosemount;City Ha0 VOIUfIt@@1'Itl9 t0 WOt'IC at OIl@ Of th@ lr�/n/n/ttee e'Xte/��s the//� � outside the lower level door area.,,Prize 8100.00 ' � Sponsored by Koch Refinin Company =_ � _ . � Lept'eCf'18U1'1 �1�/ events. .: �t's x fun Winner of the LEPRECHAUN DAYS Button Drawing will a �f �• e C / a t / 0 n t � , , be announced at Camfield Park. 5100, S75, S50, S25 /" p � ' " 8tld @XCItl119� YOl! CBtI b@�a pal't Of , �r . � • . � CASH BUSINESS GIFT CERTIFICATES. businesses and G'/�//�.' thlS tel'f IfIC Clt}/ C@�@bt"��IOtI ?b�/ � Or FOOD DONAT/ONS FOR THE FOOD SHELF W/LL BE - SOAPBOX DERBY Q .�3: PM ga/�/ZC�t/O/�S fO/� the//" ACCEPTED ATALL EVENTS TH/S YEAR cooKFOR calling 423-4415. Make your own race car a d�it down the hilL Just � SPEC/AL CONTA/NERS; . x�<a.: ., .. . , ,� f �.~ -- �<, „,;�, , , , a , about anything with four wheels can race.` Race Car , financia/ support, . , must have brakes, will be inspected. Rosemount Senior ' ,t,,, High Driveway at Highway #3. Cost S2.00,�family�must � � �� �� � � � � ALL��PARTtCIPANTS IN THE�EVENTS WILL BE�REO.UIRED TO HAVE A��LEPR�CHAUN DAYS BUTTON, ��� � have � button. Sponsoied bv�[?r. D��ane a��h Deniai_ n��,.;;� Assisted by the Rosemount Jaycees. � SO BUY YOUR BUTTON EARLY! I - �UARDEN TRACTOR PUL�I�-�"'`"`''`"'`2:3U F'M _ G� /� /'� +� Celebrit Tractor Pull midaftemoon. VFW PARKING R '"�('� Y O �� ' �,!"1����/"1�� ���� � 1 :; :? ���� *�'��:�r ���� �� ' �� ��;� ���� �+'�+ � LOT, HIGHWAY 3 AT 120TH STREET. Cost: 87.0 off ; ; ; ' ; ; Q � ,:: :; ;: ;: ; wn, 810.00 modified. Call Cy Schmitz at 437-8291 for ; ; ; ', j ; ; la : _ ; ; . ,,:, , , , ___ > __ _ _. ��."V'_ mz � more details. Cosponsored by Cy and Carol Schmitz, O !�� / � ��/�,y�,�Y�u '��� Rosemount VFW Club, and Vic's We/ding LEAPING LEPRECHAUNS AN �/PUPPETS IN THE PARK UN FOR THE GOLD and the /d�� 8:00 FUN IN THE SUN PICNIC 12:00 NOOn Young audiences will be especially intrigued.��°�'� �OSEMOUNT FAMILY FITNESS WALK�--� G es and picnic festivities for ages 6 to 15 years from BINGO GAMES 3:00 PM Ca ' rk�- 9:00 a.m.; Connemara Park- 9:45 a.m.; Runners and walkers alike are invited to start their day All ages are welco . 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 . C' all � 00"- 3;00 p.m. A FREE TREAT from the Leprechaun �aycee ark 10:30 p.m.; Kidder Park - 11:30 a.m. off by entering in on these events held on the University parkin o unde the t nt. � ys Committee will be given. Camfield Park. Pre- o c arge. Rosemount Parks and Recreation Addition, East of DCTC on County Road 42. 7:15 a.m. - Spons � r ( 1 register by July 26th with Rosemount Parks and Recreation by calling 423-4415. ��� � 8:00 a.m. Registration/8:00 a.m. start of I mile run/8:10 , �/FISHING CONTEST ��Q��� 1:00 PM l�l � a.m. start of 1 mile and 4 mile walk/8:30 a.m. start of 4 KARAOKE NTEST 6•00 PM ,� . ,� Ages 15 and under, must bring own bait and rod. Those�(� mile run. Call the Rosemount Parks and R creation Qualify to win fabulous prizes at City Limits every ��.�. ' ,�' , , ,;?r �* under 8-years-old must be accompanied by an adult. e artment at 423-4415 for detai s. e un un is Tuesday. Finals held tonight. Also, audience can . ' Schwarz Park Pond, by the bridge. Registration 12:45 onso by Rosemount Ja he ifness a "karaoke" for the fun of it after the finals! Call City �, w�.F: � - ` - � . ; p.m. Cost: FREE, family must have button. Rain Date: is co �na i y Physicians. Limits Lanes at 423-2000 for details. Cosponsored by �e�� Friday, August 6,same time. Gall Rosemount Parks and 105.1 WTCX, City Limits Lanes and Sounds Great. Recreation at 423-4415 for details. �OREC OLLEYBALL T N MENT9:00 AM +�' ��,�. ' Camfield ar - 1 a venue. t: .�UCHRE CARD GAMES�O'—�c� . �` �� � �I j� � STEAK FRY UNDER THE STARS 5:00 PM S10.00 e a . I 4 II im p�ay cribbage at the Rosemount Senior Center - 2900 ����^^�, Come to�the Rosemount�American�Legion and enjoy a � Olson a - details. 145th Street West. Enter the southwest corner of the Hi � � �7 great steakl Baked potatoes, coleslaw, and rolls will also Sponsor y Jim 0/son's MSl n ce. ' � Rise apartment building. Open to all ages. Sign up at ; be served., Cost: $7.00 a meal, S6.00 Seniors, 54.00 , � 6:45 p.m. Cost: 51.00 per player. Call 423-7663 for hamburger meal. American Legion shelter area at 14590 JIGSAW PUZZLE CONTEST :00 M de il . n red R semo n Area enior Center. ta s Spo so by o u t S Burma Ave. Sponsored by American Lepion Post 65 Several groups: singles, doubles, i s Contest held at �IG WHEEL RACE �9�•-9� ' . 0 PM City Hall parking lot under the big tent. Time: 9:00- ROSEMOUNT JAYCEES � ge groups 3 through 8-year-olds. Held on Burma 11:00 a.m. Entry fee: Cost of the puzzle. Sign up at ������ :00 PM �'A STREET DANCE / Avenue from 145th to 146th Street, STREET CLOSED. Loch Pharmacy. Call 423-2261 for detaits. .:::�,���.�•. Join your f�iends, many games and fun ti es and listen '� 30 p.m. line up. Cost: FREE, Family must have a •.....:y.�;�y Sponsored by Loch Pharmacy. � Y to "THE NERDS", playing upbeat 50s and 60s music. ���utton. Sponsored b American Le ion #65. City Hall parking lot. Festivities start at 5:00 p.m. The ✓PET ADOPTION DAY D��. 10:00 AM band will play 8:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. The band will take �/PENNY SCRAMBLE �. ,���7:00 PM TASTE OF ROSEMOUNT i� Dogs and cats available for adoption. �Come and pick a a break at 10:00 p.m. so that you can watch the Pennies will be ut on the tre-et after the Bi Wheel Race life mate from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Fluegel firew rk h will e 10:00 - 10:30 .m. p 9 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM o s t at b at p for the youth to scramble for. Ages 3-8. Held on Burma Festivities for the family includin Elevator Inc., Lower 147th and South Robert Trail. Call Avenue between 145th and 146th Streets. or stop at Fluegels for details. games,food,face painting and muc IREWORKS DISPLAY 10:00 PM Sponsored b Executive Cleaners. more. Various civic or anizations Cosponsored by various animal re cue groups. Y 9 f _�./�� A WARNING SHELL WILL BE F1RED 15 MINUTES ��/� ��• will offer this eventful night from ���!'�`''' �J� BEFORE. Rosemount Senior High School driveway at �/�ATHTUB WATER RACE �� ""'7:30 PM 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. City Hall parking �/ DOG AND CAT DIP DAY � 10:OU AM 10:00 p.m. '142nd Street (RHS) will be closed during the " Teams are needed for this event3 a e up your team lot, 2875;1 St W Come in and get your dog or cat dipped for fleas from fireworks. NO PARKING allowed on 142nd tdriveway) now. 3 members per team, Race a special bathtub � 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Free of charge. Owners must duriny fireworks. No one allowed on the RHS athletic provided. Held on Burma Avenue from 145th to 146th stay with pet. Sponsored b F/uege/E/evator/nc. l l fields. RAIN DATE ILL BE ON SUNDAY, UGUST 1 ST Street. STREET CLOSED. Water balloons may be � � • AT 10:00 PM. ► /�����/'� urchased. 7:00 .m. Si n u Cost: S1.00 er team. �aRAND DAY PARADE . , �ri"^�:�• ��� 9 P P� p P � �`iT�l , � � . S onsored b the Knr ht s of Columbus. South on Cameo Avenue to 144th, est to Chili Avenue, `,� p Y 9 North to Senior Hi h School Parkin Lot. 12:00 .m. - �.,,,. 9 9 P Parade Route •� Line up at the Middle School, parade participants use � �CRIBBAGE CARD GAMES��� 7: PM �, Highway 3 and 143rd to get to Midd(e School parking ; � ` ' Play cribbage at the Rosemount Senior Center - 2900 lot. . Cameo Avenue, 144th Street, Chili Avenue and RHS 142nd • 145th Street West. �nter the southwest comer of the Hi School Driveways will be CLOSED and NO PARKING just Hw 3 "" Rise apartment building. Open to all ages. Sign up at Y � ? � 6:45 p.m.' Cost: S1.00 per player. Call 423-7663 for ' prior to and during the parade. Senior High east 0 � - • " � �z, driveway will be open off of #3. Call Debb at 423-1579 °' � details. Sponsor ount ea Seniors Center. �► . �,..�, ;, _...*-� �., � , , ; p r i o r t o J u l y 1 9 t h t o b e i n p a r a d e. '�a' � �.,.. w � ` ` ' Some groups sponsored by Koch RefininQ ComvanY. Chili ��-��n�� �� ��� � �� �AMIL�( MUSIC���NIGHT � � � �` � 143rd �� � ��� � - . _ � - UNDER THE BIG TENT :3 PM ' '�' � ��� ;'r � �TASTE OF ROSEMOUNT 2:00 PM 144th ''�T', " `x � "KITTYHAWK" wil( entertain your family with bopping Festivities for the family including games, food, and Cameo �� • '�,�<.,� �� �, �� country music 6;30 - 9�:30 p.m. Line Dancing will be � much more. Various civic organizations will offer this � �145th � � demonstrated, by,local dancers. City Hall parking lot, eventful aftemoon. City Ha I parking lot, 2875 145 St W 2875 - 145th Street West. Cost: FREE, family must j/j have a button.'Sponsoredby U.S.P.C.I. �OC� � � � , THAN K YD U ! _ . . . . . _ .. Leprechaun Days 1993 _ . . _ , _ was brought -to� you� by. . . . - � ; : : : �;��� �����o�s _ �c��� ��������� �.,�� : _ � :: �������r��r ..�.������ : ��� c�� ��������-� : �.��� s� ���� ����� ��������,� : .... .:::: . :: � ` ��P��� . � ��arm�cy �'r��� �un� : - Biewald/Hackett,Orthodontic Care ; Genz Ryan Plumbing,&f Heating. , ;._ . , �- _Reese;Enterprises � - ,City Limits'Lanes'and Night Club - �_, " Knutson Services 1nc- - �. - � - � Rosemount National Bank �: � . � �- � � _ . ; � 'Dakota`Electric - ; " Knights of.Columbus : � s: .:.` : �` Rosemount Lions�Club �F- �. , . . . _ _ � ,���-;First��State���Bank'-���� � ��� Peoples Natuai�Gas ������ �� , - �Wensrriann_ Homes:�,�... ���� � � � ,__ _ _ _ _ _ � ` � � -AAA Auto Salvage � - ., ,. �' :: � . ,� �Dakota Fence of Minnesota, � - ; NSP Power. �r � ���� �� � �Ace Hardwa� � � '� �.:`."�� � : ���� ���= Jensen Associates � ���: � Roseriiount Chiropractic =�.. �� ��-���� � � � re � � � �� �-�<> r� : � . , _. .. _ � `` � � ; . Corrigan Electric _ , ; _ , , :Kvams Softbaii Tournament _„ _ "' , - ;- ::. �:Rosemount VFW:�' � --- = Dt.:Duane Bergh; DDS `` - '� �� - : Paul Eggen Insurance -- : : � - � 'Shenanigans Pub : �,_. . .. ��= Carlson Tractor � �_- - -Larry's Rosemounf Amoco ����� � ' - - American�Legion Auxiliary ' Judki�s Heating and Air Conditio�ing � : ; � - . _.� . •. Basic Builders . " „ : . J &J Excavatin9 . : ` : Pro Tune . - e . -_. Best,vdeo - , --< ` ' . Lorrayne Ingram, Edina Realty Rosemount Eye Clinic - Dr. Kurt Chroust,.DDS : �. ` Mac's Bottle Shop - Rosemount Medical Clinic" �� ` Dohl Exptosives - � Mardell, Groth, &Carlson, DDS Shamrock Animal Hospital -:,- < _ Gas SuPP�Y, Inc. ; � ' ,McMenomy Associates . �,, .::�r: .. . __._ :G. E. Stelzel °.. � ' : Giffords Bobcat , � ., ' ; . , •McMenomy Real Estate -;' ` South Metro A�ito Brokers , �' Hawkins Janitorial � " � � Jim Olson's MSI Insurance Agency ' ' Dr. Ronald-Snyder; DDS Jan's Clip Joint , : - - Phil's Body Shap . - Joseph Walsh ' V , . � � ; ,. - � LEPRECHAUN DAYS COMMITTEE � EVENT' COORDINATORS 1a�phabet�ca� by'e�entl Cathy Busho . . . . . . . . . . . Chair/Events Coordinator; ' Animal Adoption Day . . . . . . . . . Rose Poindexter, Various Animal.Rescue Groups;,` ,,�_;:_ � John & Ann Loch . . . . . Taste of Rosemount/Finance Bathtub Water Race . : . . .`. . . . . . . . . . . . Phit Holmes and Knights of Columbus -- Debb Marthaler . . . . . . . .'. . . . `. Grande Day Parade: Big Wheel Race . . . . . `. : . . :' Lou Miller; President American Legion Auxillary#65 ;; � � = �.�, Lisa Jost, Parks and Recreation . : : . . ..: .: Promotion ' Blarney Stone Hunt . . . . .-. . . : , . Jane Mollman, Rosemount Pa�ks and Recreation ,, Joe Walsh : . . : . . . ; Sound & Equipment Coordinator- :. Button Sales-` . . . , : : Corrine Robinson & Rosemount Area Senior Center Members"": ` Carol Schmitz & Mike Busho `. : . ' . . Misc�Su ort� � Car Show � . , . . , . . . , , , , ` � • • • PP . . . . .'. . . . -. . , .. . . ' Lorrayne�ingram`and Edina Realty , . , ,_ ., .. _ Gr9bb��� 8e'E���sa �'ard Gas��s ';. . . . .:�. : �;,sa�����z�F�rea ��;�,��:rnt�r M��n���}-, �.�w� .:� ,. � , . , . � 3 .. . . .. ` _ . , .� - ; . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . and Marketing b Jan�Stoven , - . . . . . . . . �-. CITY COUNCIL AND STAFF'w �: �o and Cat Di : . .'. . � � . . -. . Y � 9 p . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Kim Fluege! and Fluegel�Elevator Inc_. -y° � -- -• - Mayor E: H.•McMenomy &� `; �-;' � .= mily: F _ . . . . . Rosemount Family;Physicians ° ,: Fa it�ess Walk , w ,�. . . , ° � ... . . . � �. - ,. . . . . . :' , . . . . _. A, . � Fireworks. ' Members of C"ity Council . t, . . . . • . : . . . . . .`. . °. . . . . . Cathy Busho andRemote Effects Systems,�. ,,,.. ' ` "�:� Fishin Contest . . . . . . :':. : . :�. Jane Mollman, Rosemount Parks and Recreation-� ;_ ,:` Sfeve Jilk, City Administrato� ��. _ ` ,� 9 __: -�a . . . _ "�ry � Rosemount Parks and Recreation _ , � � Friday_Night Entertainment • . . : ' '` ' : . . . . . . . ... . . .`:,:.Don Chapdelaine and USPCI . ` Scott Aker, Fire Department" � Fun in the Sun Picnic .: , . . . . . . Jane Mollman, Rosemount Parks and Recreation '- Dwayne Kuhns; Potice Department . Golf Toumame�t . : . . . . . . . . ,. . . : :-. . .-. , Boyd Bailey`and Rosemount Jaycees - " � Dean Sandstrom, Police Reserves 'Grande Day Parade : . .::.<. . . . . �Debb Marthaier, Koch Refining & Loch Pharmacy � ; " " CITY SUPPORT- ` � ` �- °Jigsaw Puzzle Contest . :'. �. . . . : . ;`Jackie Peickert, Jen Wilson & Loch Pharmacy-` - .- ��.: , , � �Public Works Department. -� -, Karaoke Contest . . : . : . . . . . . ; Bob Mitchell and 105.1'FM WTCX Radio Station ; � �� � � Parks and�Recreation Departments � � �'"" �� � �• • • ��� • • •��� • •"• � �� � � � � � Jean Doyle and City�Limits Lanes � ��� � � � � � � �� � � � �� _ �_�. ._ ;. ��, � � < � . � `- v : � Kiddie Parade . . . :". . . : : . . . . : . . . . unt Lions Club .,. . . . . .. Ken Talbert and Rosemo ` ' ` - � - � � ` �� - - -:. , Meiiallion Hunt : ..: . . : . : .-. Cathy Busho, Koch Refining,Rsmt Parks & Recreation � � - � � � Pancake Breakfast '. . Kerry Johnson and St:Johns Lutheran Church- ; �� .�,MISCELLANEOUS THANKS,; -- �� _�� 'Penny Sc�amble . .=; . :� , . . : . Gic�ny Billings and Executive Cleaners�� _ _ � t_ < � - �.-..�~. Bemice Wenzet, Parade Judge;_ . '� � � ` Puppets in'the Park:: . . : .�. . . � :' Rosemount Parks and Recreation ; � . . . . . . . . . . . . , � ,. � . : ,��:.� ."„ . , .> _ Gerry Sfelzel, Parade Judge ra r : -. Run for the Gald ;�,: . �. . .' . . .�� . ,lane Mollman, Rosemount Parks and Recreation . � Sheita Klassen, Pa�ade Judge" - and Rosemount Jaycees �, ;� �" . Amy Anderson, Ttie Leprechaun ' � Saturday Night Entertainment : .:.Todd•Latzke, President Rosemoant Jaycees. , •,. :.: Y Victor Lai, Dick Pepin; Sheila:Schumartnw ; :; ; Soapbox Derby �.�:: - . Dr, Duane Bergh';and Rosemount Jaycees ,_ .�. , ��""�� �� ��� ��`' �. McNamara��.Electric �-°; ' �� ` '� � . � �; '�Splatter Sisters,Band . .����Rosemount-Parks and�Recreation :�-� _ ;� . . , � <� �. .. '" �-� Rosernount McDonalds �' ° � Steak Fry Under the Stars• American Legion Post#65 � Vic Wenzel; Band Staging ~ �. � — � . - �, . , , ,. � - .. -, � � Rosemounf Chamber of Commerce : ` Thanks to the foliowing sponsors -thou9h their event was not held.. - w � �? - Stenzels,Rhon Rhee World Tae Kwon DQ :_: �. . : Volleyball Toumament-: . . . . .�. .: . . :°. . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Olson's MSI Insurance � � T` � RHS Competition Cheerleaders , , ".' � -, Sneaky Pete's Garden Tractor Pull (Rescheduled for October 2) } =- : = ,: . - � � ` Dance Connection - - - , _ . , : _ �. . . .'.�. . . . : .�. . :: . . .��•'. : ' ` . ..Cy and CaroC Schmitz, Rosemount VFW RHS Irishettes : � � . . . .'. ... . . : : . .". '. . . . ; , � .� . . . . . . . :�. . . . . . . .- Carlson Tractor, Larry's Amoco , ; . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . B & J Auto SuPP�Y, Vic's Welding and Engineering> ' - . . . . . : . . . . . . . ."'. . . . .'. . �.'... . . . , Dakota Small Engine Seryice, Dakota Fence . _ . - . ,., : � - PROMOTION . = .. . . . y : .._ - _ . , , � . 105.1 FM WTCX ` :, .< . . ; , ;,: .. . - � Star Cablevision ° �� - -�, NOTE: Thanks to those individuals and businesses who may have,been inadver4ently : . . . ' . _ - missed._Your contributions and efforts are greatly appreciated4,; - � �_. � TF�isWeek Newspaper� i���� . - - _ _ � , • :SunCurrent Newspaper : : . _. : � �"'� ���Rosemount�Town Pages Newspaper �" �� ` � � _ �� � Please �show�:you�r�support for� these� fine� area�spons�=ors���� virho g��enero�u��sly � � � :� � � . �� ��� r �� �� ,_ ��donated to,�Leprechaun���Days '�� 99�3. �-=r � � � �� � �_.�; � � � ��� �� . � � z�: � „ , , h . ��. �� W ' �� / .��� . � �.�: -�� � - �� E Ct�tlLDN T�H.A�VE� MADE /1'"� ;.W/�THD�UT YOU. �. ,r,.� - . � . 30A� .: AUGUSTB,1993 _ THISWEEK . _