HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.s. Community Center/Armory Construction Pay Estimate Request A � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUb�II�lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:September 21, 1993 AGENDA ITEM:Armory/Community Center AGENDA SECTION: Construction Pay Estima.te Request Consent _ PREPARED BY:Stephan Jilk AGENDA��A � � � �V� ATTACffiKENTS:Pay Request AP VED Y. Attached find pay request #9 for the construction of the Armory and Community Center from PCL Construction Services Inc. . This pay request has been reviewed by the architect and State of Minnesota and city staff. The billing is found to be in order and payment requested. -t IO�i.o 0 5�3 �Z���a'�� RECO�NDED ACTION:Motion to approve payment request #9 to PCL Construction Services Inc. in the amount of $22, 061.51 to be paid out of accounts 424-48000-01-521 ($9242 .10) , 426-48000-01-521 (-�3.�-��1.�) and 427-48000-01-521 ($107. 62) �Z-, Fl2-o.7�j COUNCIL ACTION: , , SEP �1 '93 11�20AM P C L CONSTRUCTION P.1i6 � � PCL C�NSTRUCTI(�N SERVICES, INC. ConstrucUon S��c�1906 pOCUMENT �—R. ANSMITTAL Date: Enclose� are tD � pages (inGluding caver page) to �ie delivBrQd tQ: Name: �'7(���-_s�,�_f.a � F�rm: 1 tl �1 � j . h-} �7i��1 C i ty: �1� . ��ri14 U. � � Rapifax No. ''�' c�� '"��.� .� � _ From: • �emarks: �L�.�.c�'�'� ,� ' r 1f'tJ�. �Yl o U,1P �Ct✓ �rOM�'1 U,rO,t,�_ re `�'{n' ' ' ' ' � 'S i�,_,,...�,_t�, Y Please cali _��, if complete dvcumen� is no� received. 7o repiy by Rapifax, dial (612) 888-1733 933�James Avenu�Sduth.Btoominaton.M�rnesata 55431 612-888-9200 APf�UCA'fiUN ANQ CEt�FICATE FClR PAYMENT A�►oocumentG7o� 4+AC,�t oF PAGES ., Distribuls�to: 70(f)YJNER): State M Minne�ata P(�iECi; lVa8onal Guard llrmary APPUGATIC}N NO: 9 P.O,Box 348�Camp i�pley and Comrr�unity Cent�ar QX OVYH£A . m tJttle Fails.MN. 56345 plosemouM,MN. P�W�D'Iti7: 8��� a ARCtICfECT � m FRt�M(COhITF�AICT{fR); Af�CFiREGTS '-' PCL Constn�ction Seiutces.ha 1M PF�lEL'T NOc 8908 �CONiRACt'OR 9330 Jamea Ave.S. AfEd-IITECT; I�ur DEckey Archibeots�Inc. � 8bnmington,MN. 66431 4930 FranceAve.S,. CON7RA�f Du4TE: 7/1Gj92 " Edina,MN. 55410 � CONTRACT F(]R: '• N m CUNTRACTQR'S AP P�CATIQN F{}R PAYM ENT A�pik:a�on Is made for Paymant,as shawn bebw,�n conner�ion wilh#he CarHract 3 Conhac=t QonU�ualion Sheat.attaahed. -o CHAN�E OADER SUMMAiiY n Change Ordots Appraved in ADD3TIONS 1�UC710NS t ORI61NA1 OOlri�iACT SUM # 10,389,400.04 r preWous rnor�tha by Owner Z Net changes by Change Or+de�a O.UO n TOTAL 3 CCNfRACT SUM TO DA7E(Llne 1 r;2) E 10,389,40D.tld z :.� ..„ . .: ._� .. .: . . :- .•. ..�•'`:•'�i..�.'F..".�-:..�t�ak•�.-�. srC4:+�%?'..".��°;`'�s�:�"'..'".':` . � � :.. . .�... :. '- ..4.' '' ' . . . � . APPROVE6 i'FtIS MONTN: 4 'C'OTAU.OOMPLE[E8 te STt1REt�TCl Q14TE $ 6,648,5164.33 ,Z�j Numbet Date roved c n 6 RETAINAGE. —� a. 0 96 ot Completad W�ork 0 Z b. 0 96 M Fees 0 , Totat Retafnags TUTAI. (Lina 6a+5b or�olaE in Catumn 1 M C3T�3) S OdfO Met Cha es Cbsn OMers fi Total Eamed tsss Reta�naigs S 6,648,96�1.=33 {Line 41ess Ltne 5 Tatal) . The undersigaed GbMca�ctor Cer#iflec thai�a ti�e best af the CoMrac�or�s T Less Pravloua Certlflcaoas for Paymert knawladge,in[ormatian snd betFef Iho Work covared by ihis application for (tSne 6 from pttor G�ectificate) 5,588,4U9.78 ?aymeM has been compiefied f�a000rdanoa v�ith the Camract�ocume�ts,ihat 8 CURii�NT PAYMENT UtlE S 1,060„575•15 alt amourrts have been pafd by the Contra�tot iot Wo�k fiar which previous 9 BALAN(:E TO FINISH,PLllS RE�'AINAGE CerUt(ca6as for payme�t were issued aad peymeMs recehred ftorn ths Owner, (i_ine 3�esa Ll�ee 6} . � 3,T40,415A7 and ihat cunerrt�ymeni shavn herNn is naw due. State of� Gbu�ty of: t�kNTRACTOR: PCL ConsUucUon Suvloes,Inc. Subscribed arut S�vom to bebro me thts day ofi ,19 hfotary Pubtic: My Commission explres: ey: � Daie: ' AMOUNT CfRTIF1ED ARCH�TEGTS CEfiTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT (Attach expianation ff amouM aerW'�ed ditfers trom the amount applled for.} In accordanca with iMe Corrtract Qoarms�ts,based upon on�lte ohse�+vatlona ARCHITECT: and the�ata cornpr�sin9 t#sa abaue appiication,tha�rchitect oertifies M ihe Owner that to tlie best M itie 1V�chlfieci"s knawledpe,tntormatfan and By: Oate: -� N beliet ihe work ats progessad as indlaeUad,the quantity ot ths Work 6s fr� 7hfa QeAii'qaie�s nct negottabte. The AMOUI+tT CER'I'IFlED ta paynWs anly tp ihs � acoordanca wiih the Gontract Qocurt►eMs,and ths Gontractor ia entl�ed to CanUackor nemad herefn. Issuance,payment and ihe aooapianoar M paymertt are P�Yment M the ANIOt1M CER'ffF1ED without preJtidias�o arry fights of ths Ownar or Cexrtiauu�or under thia Contract. A[a aocument cToz I4pplicetion Ito, 9 PCL GflP�$TRIJCSION SERVICES,INC Page 1 of 4 J�p. pate a,f31193 - ROSEM{}EJ�1�fifAT10li1AL GUARD p+eriad fra� ett/43 TkAtNiNG&CBMMUNi?Y CEN7ER �;«� ro a�tt� Architects Pro stt fto 8909 � . m A B C D E F G H 1 J 'U Yark teted totsl Car{�iete BeEance m IteA Schoduled Previons This � ticetion end Stored To Retainege Kv. Desc�iption of York Yelue l�pplicat�ans Ubrk Stored Materiat To Date X Finish � t� Place (not in 6 or E} (pa�f+F) (G-G) � � piv #1 GENfRA1.REQUIREMENTS �--' N tU00 &ite Staff . � �r�tendent/FvremarVErgr 166,000.00 107.260.OD 15,620.00 0.f1� 112,880.00 68% 53,120.00 0.00 3 � 1100 Constructia� Equipment n ' ' Forkti#t/Noistln�g 8,800,00 d,OT2.00 , 352.00 0.00 �,424.00 T3X 2,37tS.OQ O.D4 r �� Gonsurt►�b[es/ExpencEabtes 13,755.00 8,39S.1f, 962.92 4.�0 9,354.d8 !�6'X 4,401.92 0.00 :- _ _, . Nisc EquipJStaall Toots 27,589.00 16,824.41 7.430.d7 4.00 18,T55.08 6BX 8,825.42 C.�O � t.r� _ 13Q0 Pro�ect c�verheed c :'r�. ' Mabiti:e/Set� 5,500.00 5,54D.00 0.00 0.00 5,500.00 1Q(!X O.QO 0.00 .<>. . � �-y;� Deeobitize/�1we-out 800.00 4,00 O.OQ 0.00 0.00 bX 800.00 0,00 -ni .���. Clase-out/Final Req'rnnts 6�0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Q.O� O:L d00.00 0.00 � 135Q Sitc Conditions x `.�ri ' Field 4f�ite/Ternp Btdgs T,450.00 dF�8d9.S0 556.50 0.00 5�40b.00 68X 2�5ti4.00 0.01! ,� •. > r _ Fietd Office-Furnfs#�&Equip 2,400.00 1,4b4.00 'i68.00 0.00 1,G3Z.00 � Tb6.00 0.00 "' ..' �� Tert�►Uti{itiPs - tnstaEE 3.T00.00 3,700.00 d.00 0.00 3,TOO.Ofl 10a% 0.00 0,00 >x �"• 5ite Secwices (telephone, 92�5bB.80 5d.ddb.46 b,474.76 0.00 d2,446,24 68X 24,62t.76 0.00 housekeepi�i, truckirt9� tercp ac1 6eatlelec/xater� messenger, est.} � ` � < surveying S,G25.bd 5,343.75 281.25 0.00 5�G2S.Q0 OOOX 0.00 0.00 1400 Bords/Permitsllnsurance .�x-q�� "" Pefmt,ta 288,5?5.00 288,S7S.00 O.Op 0.00 Z88,575.00 100X O.Od 0.00 ��x x ._.� Y Perforniance Bond-PCL 166,89i6.40 18b,898.00 0.00 O.QO iQ6,848.q0 100% 4.00 0.00 ��` •�:�P .� Perf armance eond-9ibs 76�1'15.0a 76,i 15.00 0.00 O.OQ 7'b,115.00 1007� 0,00 0,00 x�£;• ' � lnsurence - PL/PO i24,bT3.00 124,d73.00 0.00 O.Op 124,673.00 100X 0.00 O.OQ �� .�� � fnsurarxe - euilders Riak 4,354.00 4,350.00 0.00 0.06 9,350.00 100% 0.�00 0.00 180d �le�ether Expense ' `��t srw�+ Renanrat 8,2it0.�o 7,3so.00 O.oa o.UO 7.380.00 40x Sza.00 o.oa frost Protection G,800,00 6,8�0.00 0.00 0.00 6,800.00 100X 0.00 0.00 x Remave Frozen GrwmdtPrem? 7,504.�0 7.SQQ.00 0.�0 0.00 7,500.00 1007� 0.00 0.00 �. � :' temp HtgMc - Btdg 20,Sti0.00 O.flO 0«00 O.�a o.00 Ox 20,50�.00 O.00 Oiv #2 S1TEi�ORKIOENOl11SOk "o � =i � Ashphatt Faivl� 123,000.00 0.00 ' 0.00 O.QO 0.00 07t 123,OOQ.O� O.OQ ' .,� '.`. ' Cu�b� Gutter 37,518.00 Q.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 37,596.p4 0.00 � �s < Sita Conc-uatks/PadslStruct 2�,162.00 1,45�.10 1,d58.10 0.00 2,416.2a 10% 26,Z45.80 0.00 SitQ fet�cing 4,0OO.Op 0.00 0.00 O.OQ 9.00 OX 4,OOQ.00 0.00 � o' ,. = , Irrigation System 19.OU0.00 0.00 0.�0 0.0p 0.04 OX i4,00Q.00 0,00 '- .>: Carctscsping 6b,9Q0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.tl0 0% 66,000.00 0.04 l�IA Doctnent G7UZ PCL GOf�tSTRUC770N SERVIC�$,INC Pa9e 2 of 4 +�PPL ication No. F App. Qate a/31/93 ROSEMOUHT NATIONALG�ElARD Period Fra, �I�t93 1 7RAtl�11HG&CflMMUHITYCENT�R PerEad To 8/31l93 Ardhitaets Pro'ect Ro 89[!P . ,. � � � C D E F G H 1 J � �Ibrk C leted Tota! Ca�prlete Balar� q� Itein Scheduted Pre�viou� this A � ltcation ard Stoted To Retainage '' fto. Description of Wirk Yalue Appilcation� work Stored Meterial to Date X F4nish � [n Ptace tnot in D or E) (O+E�F3 CC-G} W Retaining ilall 18,24�'..0� , 3�d49.00 i4�545.D0 U.00 18,24d►.00 1067L 0.00 0.00 x :.. '` Earthkorlc/Clearine/fnd OraTn 272,468.pp 2b6,92i6.32 0.00` 0.00 26d,92d.32 98X 5,541.b6 0.00 � D i v #3 CONCRETE � Cancrete - Bldg 384,018.00 341,7T6.02 30�721.44 �.00 37Z��97.46 47X 11,520.5i 0.00 3 Re6�r • Supply 38,000.00 3T,620.00 360.00 0.00 38,000.00 t00X 0.00 O.t10 -o Rebar - Place Y/ Netal ?tace 0.00 0.00 D.OQ 0.00 0.00 1Q6X 0.00 0.00 n P�eeest Concrete 110,9�.00 510,480.0� 4.00 0.00 114,980.00 1DOAE 0.00 0.00 r n Div #4 N�.SOHRT O Nasonry 2,085,195.00 t,485,20T.00 359�fl�,00 0.00 1�844,x07.00 88�K 240,988.80 0.a0 � --� Div �5 KETALS � C ' Metats - Pabricate 3?l,bGT.pd 353,2d7,0U Sfl4.00 0.00 353,767.00 94% 23,900.U0 0_00 -nt Metals - Place 7Z2,480.Q0 9�,0OO.OQ 4,7Z2.00 �.AO 'i00,722.00 82X 22,258.00 0.�� p z Div#6 CARPENiR1' Ro�qh Carpentry 66�400.00 39,974.U0 14,88+4.00 0.00 54�858.0 827� 92,042.U0 4.04 Firtsh Car�entry-Millwk/ild T� 91�200.�0 O.aO 0.00 0.00 0.0 OX 41,200.0� 0.00 n i v#7 THERKP,l. & KOI5tt3RE Daaprooflr►g - Foundation 14,910.�0 14�900.50 0.00 0.0� 1d,900.5U 100X 4.50 0.00 Roofing/Flash�nglSheet Meta( 405,OQ0.00 4T�ODD.00 138,970.00 0.06 185�9T0.0 r4bX 294�030.00 �.�0 Sky�ights • F�a�►ed 38,000.8D 4.00 0.00 0.00 O.D Ox 38rU04.00 0.0� Caulkir�glJoint Seala�ts 39,OOO.UO 4.00 0.00 O.OQ 0.00 OX 39,OOU.00 0.00 0 i v �f5 1300RS 3 IIIND04I5 HN Doors/Frame/Finish Nrdwre 114,335.00 38,'i67.20 36.443.85 O.Q4 75,1B1.d5 637L 44.153.45 �.00 G[ass/Gtazing/Alun Errtrances 42,000.00 22,064.00 0.00 D.00 22,000. 52X 20�900.00 0.00 uoxE dcoE's 1T.00Q.00 13.00 O.UO D.00 0. OAL 17,{100.04 0.00 Overhead Doors-Sectional 11,405,0� �.00 0.00 O.OU 0.00 OX 11,405.0�0 0.00 Caitir� Doors-O.head&Counter 18�68$.00 0,00 0.00 O.UO 0. OX 18,688.00 0.00 {laod Ciad Windoxs 54,93U.�00 U.00 5Z�06�.d0 O.f10 52.060.QQ 45X Z,87'�.00 0.00 Trans lfattlSkytight Systwn i8�OQ0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. tqL 4d�000.�0 � 0.00 Qiv #4 F[N]SNES Drywall 113�2D0.00 0.�� 0.00 0.40 0.00 OX 113�200.00 0.00 Acoustic Ceilfngs 85,804.00 0.00 � 0.00 0.00 0. OX 85,OUQ.00 0.00 Acoustic DecklPenets 31,3dZ.00 29,{KI�.00 0.00 Q.00 29,0OO.OQ 42X 2,362.00 0.00 � CeramfclPorceteie tite 68,U�00.0� 0.00 0.00 O.aO 0. OX 6!l,004.00 �.00 � tiloodlAthtetic Floot^ing 108�690.00 0.00 A.00 D.OQ 0. ax �oa,as�o.Op 0.00 � Cerpet/ResilientlSlctite Tile 166,310.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. OaC 14tS,310.00 0.00 Patnting/Decoratin� 114,&06.00 2,39b.12 0.00 O.UO 2,346.'i2 ZX �17,449.88 0.00 Giv #td 5PEClAITIES AUt Dceusent G7CY2 PCLCO�+IS'1'FiUCTION SERYiCES,1NC Pa9e 3 af 4 ��i�ate°^ Mo. �� �PP- HOSEMQUNT NATIONAL GUARD �iod Frou a,/�I43 TAAIHiNG&C{)MMUNITY CE�IT'ER period�o W31193 ll�chitects Yro'eet ko 8449 . ' v7 A B C D E F 6 k I J ` � NoNc C lcted total Cflaplete �alence m, ]tem Scheduleci Previaue This licatian and Storat To Retei�ge �' Ma. Deacription af uork Yalue 1lppticationa ilork Storad Naterial To �ate X finish � !n Ptaoe t+�ot in R or E} fD�£+F� tC-G) c,� Cha[k 8 Tack 8aards 2�841.00 0.00 0.00 0,.40 0.00 OX 2,891.00 0.00 Toitet Partiticns 1G,142.00 0.00 0.00 Q.08 0,00 OfC ib.t42.Ob 0.00 � Flag Potes tO,OZZ.00 Q.00 0.�0 0.00 0.00 OX tO,OP.2.00 0.00 Rj Signage � Grephics 8�455.00 0.00 0.00 Q,Qp 0.00 0% 8r451.00 O.QO D Mesh Partitiars 8,1f,3.00 0.00 O.OQ 0.00 0.00 0% 8,163.00 0.00 3 Foldit�g Partitions 15,500.00 Q.00 O.Oa 0.00 0.00 0% 15,500.00 �.00 -� Star�ge S3letving - Steet 2�,3►0�.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 24,400.00 0.00 n Toi�et Aooessories l4,6+48.00 0.00 O.Ot1 0.00 0.�0 OX 14,648.Q0 0.00 � fire Extinguishers/Cabinets 1,344.00 87b.OD 9.00 0.00 876.00 (,SX 4T3.00 0.00 � Expansion Joint Covers 5,242.�0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0!G 5,242.�U O.UU z Div #11 E0UIPHENT � Yautt poarslframes 12,581.00 O.flO Q.00 0.00 0.00 OX 12�581.00 O.OU n Sefe 4,504.00 O.OD 0.00 D.00 0.00 OA� 4,509.00 0.00 -� food Service Equipment 112�000.00 0.00 0.00 20,847.00 20,64T.Q0 197G 41,153.0� 0.00 p AthteN c Equipment 27,7C30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.QO 4aG 27.700.00 0.00 � Jlud4o Yisual Fquipm�ent 19,?39.OQ 4.00 0.00 O.OQ 0.00 8X 19,�39.00 D.00 Rifte Range Equipment 29,800.OQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.U9 OX 24.800.00 0.00 Riw 1lFi2 fURNISRINGS �urtaia - Stage 3,600.Q0 0.00 0.00 Q.00 0.00 OX 3,b00.00 0.00 Arena 5eatsng-eenches 1,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 4X l.800.00 Q.00 �uditoriun Seeting-Upolsterd 63,700,�U O.UO 0.00 0.00 0.00 �% 43,TQ0.00 d,00 Div #13 SPEC[A! GOHSiRUCTtaN r�e �i� sa�,aao.00 u�,zao.00 ��.sou.00 o.oa �s�,oao.00 aox �zztoo�o.oa a.00 o�v #'I4 caoaivEr�ac srsr6Ks Ele�ratars 53,497.00 36,T39.00 0.00 �.GO 36,739.00 69X id,358.00 �.OEI Div #1� ISECNANICAL HYACIT$C!Pluri� - 1lechanical 1,8Z4,077.00 849.250.00 t6t,440.0U 0.�0 1�060,650.00 S8k Td3,4�T.00 0.00 Fi�e Protection - Sprinlclers 144,000.00 95,175.00 0.00 0.00 93,�T5.00 80x 23�825.00 O.QO �-�'° ' Utitities - Outside 1DZ,SOO.00 9z.zso.00 �a,2�a.oa a.00 �Q2,soa.00 �oox a,00 o.00 .„ . Qiv #SB ELECTR7C14L Electrical 9b1,632,U0 344,495.00 91.5T0.00 0.00 491,QG5.00 51X 470,56T.00 0.00 Div #19 CNaNGE OR�ERS ' � C. o. �C1 O.OQ O.OQ . 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