HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.o. Landfill Abatement Grant Resolution � 2 � 1 .. � . . . . . � . . � . . CITF OF ROSEM4UNT EXECIITIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCYL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Landfill Abatement Funding AGFNDA SECTION: - Dakota County Consent PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund AGENDA Public Works Director/Building Official ��� ATTACffi�lENTS: Resolut ion AP . Funding Application The attached resolution authorizes submittal of a Landfill Abatement Funding Application to be submitted to Dakota County. The proceeds of the allocation from the County are used to promote -and educate residents and students of Rosemount in our recycling effort. Specific aetivities funded are brochures and pamphlets printed and distributed to all residents; tours by Rosemaunt students of Knutson' s Material Recovery Facility; purchase and distribution of recycling bins; and direct salary of staff for the preparation of promotional materials and required progress �eports to Dakota County. Rosemount has participated in this program since its inception. We have had very satisfactory results from the community by meeting or exceeding established tonnage goals each year. - : This is a very positive element in waste reduction and� I eneourage your support. RECfJT��EN'DED ACTIONz Motion to adopt resolution approving Z994 Landfill Abatement Funding Application and directing staff to forward the application to Dakota County. COtTNCIL ACTION: 12 , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RE50LIITION 1993 - � A RESOLUTION AIIT80RIZING APPLICATION T4 DAROTA COUNTY FOR � FIINDING THEF CITY OF ROSFsNiOIINT 1994 LANDFILL ABATE�2ENT PROGRAM WIIEREAS, according to the Dakota County Community Landfill Abatement Program Guidelines as established in 1988 and amended in 1989, the C�ty of Rosemount must submit a funding aliocation and funding application to receive funding for the City' s 1994 Landfill Abatement Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount established and desires to ma.intain a landfill abatement program which promotes recyeling opportunities in the community and encourages landfill abaternent; and NO�+T, THLREFORE, BS IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Rosemount approves the 1994 Landfill Abatement Funding Application, authorizing the necessary signatures thereon and its distribution to Dakota County. ADOPTBD this 21st day of September, 1993 . E. B. McNlenomy, Mayor ATTEST: .- Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motiqn by; Seconded by: - Voted in favor• ' voted against: , ATTACHMEN'�' 1 1994 COMMITNITY LANDFILL ABATEMENT FUNDING APPLICATION City/Township: Rasemount Date Submi�ted: September 1993 � Address: 2875 145th St. W. Program Period: 1l1/94 to 12/35/94 Rosemount. Mn 55068 I. If this is a multi-community project, please list all participating communities and the lead community or agency for the project, and attach a capy of the Joint Powers Agreement. This is solely operated program in Rosemount. II. Please provide a brief overview of 1994 abatement activities; indicated whether these are a continuation of existing programs expansion of existing programs; ar new programs: (Tf mare space is needed use extra sheet, ) This is a continuation of the same pragram initiated in Rosemount in 1988. . In 1993 Rosemount added curb side pick-up of textiles �through our contracted hauler. We also worked �rery closely with Koch Refining to restructure and imprave . their office and plant recycling program. Rosemount wi11 be renegotiating its contract for recycling services with its current contract hauler. The new contract will p3aee new emphasis on promotian and education. Curbside collection of all listed materials will be carried out by our contracted hauler. They will collect weekly from both single family homes and multi- family sites. � G�j� Residents will continue to be encouraged to leave �e y "` in thei:r �rards or back�rard campost bin. Alternatively ��� they will be allowed to take it to a Dakota County compost site. All Rosemount municipal buildings will continue to have - separate bins in place for collection of office paper, newspaper, glass, aluminum, plastic and household batteries. Al1 park facilities will continue to promate recycling by providing for separation of glass, aluminum and plastic. III. Complete the following section for a11 applicable activities, whether a continuation or expansion of existing activities or new activities for 1994 : A. Curbside Collection of Recyclables: 1. Number of households to be served: 3 . 141. 2 . Frequency of collection: weekly bi weekly other 3 . Number of Residential Recycling Haulers: 1 4 . Materials collected (underline all that apply) : newspaper mixed paper food cans lg ass used oil plastics . beverage cans magazines corrugated cardboard other (specify) householdlauto batteries 5. E�pected abatement frorn curbside: 500 to 700 tons. � ' Be Drop off Cer�ter for Recyclable Materials: _ � 1. For each drop=off center please provide: a. Operator: � Knutson Serv'iees, Inc. Address: 2785 160th Street West Days/xours of Operation: � Mon - Thur: 8-6, Fri: 8-3, Sat: 8-1 Materials Collecteds _ newspaper, office paper, glass, aluminum cans, food cans, used oil household/auto batteries, corrugated cardboard, plastics, ferrous ma.terials (white goods and tires for a fee) b. Operator: Address: Days/xours of Operation: Materials Collected: 2 . Expected abatement from Drop Offs: 75 to 655 tons. C. Multi Family Recycling 1. Total number of units served: 250 2 . Total number of buildings served: 10 3 . Frequency of colleetion/collection method(s) used (description) : Collection of recyclables is done at each multi-family complex on a weekly basis. Ten of the multi-fama.ly buildings use large recycling carts in a centrally located area. The remaining two use single famil.y bins. 4. Materials cc�llected (underline all that apply) : newspaper mixed paper food cans beverage cans glass �lastics used oil maqazines corrugated cardboard other (specify) 5. Expected abatement from multi family units: � 45 to 65�5 tons. D. Yard Waste Program . T. Please provide a brief description af the community' s role in yard waste collection. Rosemount residents are encouraged tio leave clippings and leaves their yard or take it to one of the Dakota County Compost 5ites. Residents must make arrangements with their hauler to have their yard waste pieked up at curbside. They may also use the joint operated facility in Lakevil3.e. 2 . Drop off. (complete the following only if this is a community owned/operated yard waste collection site. ) Location: Hours: Fees: 3 . Expected yard waste abat�ement in 1994 (curbside/dropoff} : 85 (qualifying) of 655 tons. E. Describe any commercial/industrial recycling activities you will undertake in 1994 (this is not a required program) . Fe Describe program specification public education/promotional activities that will be undertaken in 1994. - residential: a minimum of ane written communications must be sent to each household in 1994. There wi11 be two household mailings consisting of promotional informa.tion and/ar participation/progress reports. It is likely that additional materials will be mailed or placed in the local newspaper. - institutional (schools) : a minimum of 4 presentations must be made in schools in 1994. The City, through a contractual arrangement with our hauler, have provided for the school presentations and educational programs to be handled by them. - commercial/industrial Staff will work with the hauler(s} to provide eduGational information promoting recycling to commercial/industrial esta.blishments in Rosemount. Staff will also work 'with the hauler(s) to promote and edueate the business community about the benefits of the ma.terial recovery facility now operating in Rosemount. G. Describe you in-house recycling/procurement program. The City of Rosemount has had separate containers in municipal buildings for the separation and collection of high grade office paper, newspaper and pop cans since May of 1988 . Separate containers were also placed in public parks for trash and cans in the spring of 1988. as of September 1989, household batteries are collected from the City Hall as well as a11 municipal buildings. In addition, phone books were collected in the spring and fall of 1990 . These programs were utilized in 1990 and wi11. be extended into 1994. In 1992 separate containers were placed for gl.ass and plastic, this : will also continue in 1994. IV. Work Plan Dakota County will distribute any approved funding in two equal payments, provided communities meet specified development objectives. Please provide a work plan for 1994 and highlight the objective to be met by the following dates: _ June 15 . , All recycling programs are in place and will be znaintained throughout 1994 . - December 31 Current programs will be maintained. Four school programs • will be completed by this date. At least one ma.iling will be sent to Rosemount residents. 100� of the 1994 abatement goal will be reached by this date. V. Budget January 1, 1994 to December 31, 1994. County Community Reimbursement Share Total Administrative Cost: Direct Salaries 4,572 . 87 1,451.22 5, 587.08 Direct Mileage 129 .34 -0- 129 .34 • Direct Member/Training 150.00 -0- 15Q .00 Other Promotional Education: Residential Printing 720.00 5,550.00 6,220.00 Residential Distribution 559 . 80 -0- 559 . 80 . Commercial Printing . Commereial Distribution � Other Other Costs: Maintenance of Mun. Prog -0- 2, 160.00 2, 160 . 00 Educatianal Materials -0- 140 .00 140.00 Memberships --0- 140. 00 140. 00 Conferences 150. 00 107. 00 300 . 00 Subscriptions -0- 87.00 87. 00 Total 6282 . OQ 9 . 585 .22 15 .473 .22 Reques�ed Funding 56 .282 .00 From County**; * Unexpended 1993 funds may nat be carried over to 1994. ** Request may not exceed that amount shown on the Maximum Reimbursement Schedule - Attachment 4.