HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.n. Final Payment, Section 31 Trunk Sanitary Sewer Inprovements, City Project #233 e r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUNIl�SARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1993 AGENDA ITEM:Final Payment, Section 31, Trunk AGENDA SECTION: Sanitary Sewer Facilities, Project #233 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson I�� AGENDA�RA � � � City Engineer/Assistant Public Worxs Director ��� ATTACHI�NTS: Final Payment Voucher APP VED BY: This item requests the fourth and final payment to Richard Knutson, Inc. in the amount of $29, 649 .30 for City Project #233, Section 31, Trunk Sanitary Sewer Facilities. Work completed and represented in this amount as of August 18, 1993 is 1000 of contracted work. The total final construction cost is $310, 035.27 compared to the bid price of $315,465.70. The check will be issued upon receipt of the appropriate IC-134 forms and lien waivers. _ The work has been inspected and is in compliance with contract documents. Attached is a copy of the pay voucher for your information. Staff recommends approval of this fourth and final payment request. With the approval of the final payment, the City accepts the sanitary sewer utilities for perpetuity. In addition, the Contractor has a two (2) year warranty on the improvements which will end on September 21, 1995. RECON�IENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE THE FINAL PAYMENT TO RICHARD KNUTSON, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $29, 649 .30 FOR THE SECTION 31., TRUNK SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES, CITY PROJECT #233 AND ACCEPT THE UTILITIES FOR PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE. COtJNCIL ACTION: 10 i Y CITY OF ROSEMOUNT APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO.4 (Final) CTTY PROJECT NO: 233 SEH FILE NO: 92442 PROJECT: ��on 31 Trunk Sanitary Sewer Facilities CONTRAC'POR: ��ard Knutson,Inc. CONTRACT DATE: 12585 Rhode Island Ave S ApPLICATI�N DATE: 8118I93 Savage,MN 55378 FOR PERIOD ENDING. �$/18/93 Total Contract Amount$315,465.70 Total Amount Earned $ 310,035.27 Material Suitably Stored on Site, Not Incorporated into Work $ Contract Change Order No Percent CompletE $ Contract Change Order No. Percent CompletE $ Contract Change Order Nc. Percent Complete $ GROSS AMOUNT DUE ,,, ,,,, � 310,035.27 LESS 5% RETAINAGE ................................................. $ AMOUNT DUE TO DATE � 310,035.27 : LESS PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS............................ $ 2$0,385.97 l/ AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICA'I'ION ...................... $ 29,649.30 APPROVED: � Bud Osmundson, City Engineer/Assistant Director of Public Works APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT (UNIT PRICE CONTRACI� NO. 4 (FINAL) WNER: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT OWNER'S PROJECT NO. 233 --------------------------------------------------------- ENG.PROJECT NO. 92442 OCATION: ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA ONTRACTOR RICHARD KNUTSON, INC. CONTRACT DATE --------------------------------------------------------- 12585 RHODE ISLAND AVE. SO. CONTRACT AMOUNT $315,465:70 SAVAGE,MN 55378 ------------------------------------------------------ 'ONTR.FOR SECTTON 31 TRUNK SANI'TARY SEWER FACII.ITIES .PPLIC.DATE 8/18/93 'ERIOD END. 8/18/93 -------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT CONTRACT QUANTITY UNIT TEM NO. DESCRIPTION UIVIT QUANTITY T4 DATE PRICE TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------1--------------------------- )150.501 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 6000.00 6000•00 )157.201 TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 1 700.00 700.00 )207.422 SALVAGE FI.OATS &HARDWARE L.S. 1 1 200.00 200•QQ )207.423 SALVAGE SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS L.S. 1 1 370.00 370.00 )207.424 SALVAGE VALVES L.S. 1 1 205.00 205.00 )207.425 SALVAGE GUIDE RAII.SUPPORT , SUPPORT L.S. 1 1 175.00 175.(?0 )207.426 SALVAGE PEDESTAL MOUNTED CONTROL PANEL L.S. 1 1 300.00 300.00 �207.450 ABANDON EXISTTNG WET WELL L.S. 1 1 1420.00 1420.00 PAGE 1 OF 4 SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, ING J7.451 ABANDON EXISTING FORCEMAIN L.S. 1 1 200.00 200.00 11.511 CLEARING AND GRUBBING L.S. 1 1 800.00 800.00 13.001 BALE CHECK EACH 100 31 S.OQ 155.00 13.003 SILT FENCE, PREASSEMBLED L.F. 1600 �1137 L'75 1989.75 13.005 ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EACH 2 1 225.U0 225.00 21.001 SITE GRADING L.S. 1 1 30Q0.00 30(}0.00 :22.101 CRUSHED ROCK PIPE FOUND. TON 100 497.67 7.65 3807.18 '23.803 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 TON 165A 194.25 13.75 2670.94 '.30.004 BORE-MIN. 26" STEEL CASING L.F. 120 120 133.00 159b(l.(?0 '_30.016 JACK-16".�DIP CARRIER L.F. 120 120 26.00 3120.(}0 ?51.108 TYPE 41 WEAR COURSE MIX TON 45 49:2 45.00 2214.00 ?51.110 TYPE 31 BASE COURSE NIIIX TON 45 44.22 45.00 19$9.40 ?52.501 CONC. C&G,DES Bb18 L.F. 40 50.25 23.00 1155.75 ?54.702 � BI`T MAT FOR TACK COAT � GAL. 19 19. 3.00 57.00 ?73.111 4" DIP RISER PIPE L.F. 370 515 9.20 4738.{?0 ?73.121 8"DIP SEWER ALL DEPTHS L.F. 100 95 29.15 2769.25 ?73.311 16" DIP SEWER 0'-25' DEEP L.F. 548 502 56.45 28337.90 273.312 16" DIP SEWER 25'-30' DEEP L.F. 590 575 56.45 3245$.75 273.313 16" DIP SEWER 30'-35' DEEP L.F. 883 775 56.45 43748.75 273.314 16" DIP SEWER 35'=40' DEEP L.F. 240 228 56.45 12870.60 273:501 STANDARD MANHOLE, 10' DEEP L.F. 7 7 828.00 5796.Q0 273.511 EXCESS MANHOLE DEPTH L.F. 140 135 66.50 8977.50 273.521 MANHOLE DROP SECTION L.F. 75 61 132.50 8082.SQ 273.614 16" X 4"DIP TEE EACH 19 24 513.00 12312.Q0 273.531 MANHOLE CONNECTION EACH 1 1 235.00 235.00 274.211 WET PIT SEWAGE PUMP STA L.S. 1 1 44664.00 44664.00 ?274.314 12" DIP FORCEMAIN L.F. 1485 1482 19.00 28158.(}0 'AGE 2 OF 4 SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON,INC, 74.321 CONNECT TO EX. PIPE EACH 1 1 185.00 185.00 74.401 VALVE VAULT L.S. 1 1 10072.00 10072.00 93.001 SEEDING ACRE 14 13.9 125.00 1737.50 .93.003 SEED MIXTURE 700 LB. 960 880 2.30 2024.00 '93.004 SEED MIXTURE 1100 LB. 160 160 8.00 1280.00 '_93.005 SODDING,TYPE LAWN/BLVD. S.Y. 4600 6115 1.50 9172.50 '_93A11 MULCH MATERIAL,TYPE 1 TON 28 27.8 150.00 4170.00 '_93.019 DISC ANCHORING ACRE 14 139 85.00 1181.50 ?93.023 COMM.FERT. ANAL 12-12-12 � LB. 1500 - 140(} 0.25 350.00 . 'AGE 3 OF 4 SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON,INC. ' ' ' �.9 19- 93 ►i:?; F.� SEH ST. PAliL C�OU5�005 APP�1 CA7IQN FUtt PRYMkIV I - �.Unz}nuau :a r41 ContraCt �mqu►�� � 31.5 ,4 G 5 - 7 J Total Amount Earned $ 310,035 .27 "� �eri�1 S�a�tat:y St�red on S;�e, ;���. Incaporated �nto Worlt �— ��,�v � , P' �'�Y'���t_C011lpl��� �--- ':�^n�.ract Chang� Jr��.r .�o. �� �Prcent Complete �-- - l,_:r'�''3C'� 'L�i3�IC�:�. flt`�?1" i�0. ____ r�.n�r�tit �hanr�l Gr�er r�o. �.—_-_ �brce�t Complete � � GR055 AM4�1NT DUE. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . �_3J.0.035 .27 LESS �� RETAINr�GE. . . . . .. .. $ o .oa Ai�t3NT DUE T4 D�1�'E. . . . . .. . . . . .: $ 31Q.,035 .27 LESS PREVIOt1S APPLICR'iI0�3�. . . . . $_ z$A j 3R� .97 ✓ AP101lNT t�UE THI5 APPzICAT-ON. ,, , � 29 ,6�9 .3t� C3id`�'R}`;CT�R'S .=FFID�t�,tI i i.�r urdet�sign�d Gon�ra�tor „ere�y swear�s underf�worktyerformeduunder�tne�contra�Ct�referred�to��$ �.ay�ar�ts r�c�'ved firam the Owr�er an account a P of the under ;Yb�°.e ri�ve be�n a��lie�! by ti�e u��ersi�n�d to d�ischa�g���A�����ations�foraFaymLnt under said ���r-:ec i ncurr::� i n cer�necti or wi t� work cavered by p ��r,d t2) a11 4VtILr�:c��, . :,a�,r;az tltt� ..�t�U1�1iT�t1� �nc�ra.r�ted in said Project or oth21^t�li5� ils�ad in or covered by this :;.p���Yaz�a� ,,,Y pa�;nen� are fre� 3r.a cl ear of a17 1 i ens, cl�ims, securi ty i nterests and �n��.�m�ranc�s. ����� . Q � Richard Knu-tsdr:, Inc. '��a�`�d �-�--_-_1t"� - ' j� COt!'�1"aC�OY' ay � Name a r;�Cl e �C,l`<"�TY +J� �� � SS Si'R i E CF a1��'-��� . , �g per�enally appeared �:'•�re e �n �i�s / d�''' �� known ta me, whd being du y �w�r'n, d�d depvse � �� of the Cantract�r �bave mentioneda 3►�c �;dy tt73 }'t? 1 '��`ie - Y + �- t� aaave A l i�.aiionC�'or Payment and AffidavZt o*� �et���lf of said �ot�trac:tar; t'�?t h� e„ec_ �ed e PF a.zc: .ha� a11 c�� t�e s 4atemer�is C�t1�3Z t7@d t�18!"Si ri are rue. �- S T RY PU –MINNESOTA X �r�qv C�mm�ssior Enni res: I�.�1`0� � �,�y�,� ��nN.s�. ,-�-;� ��,.. �yn�ersig �e� h.�s ci��cke� the Cantractor's Ap�licati�n �'�ra1l��euiaus�paymQnts �o.jamt of t;; ;s ��pl�;.a��i on :s '�nE Contr�.�c+�r s Rffi d�v1 t 5tat1 ng th� . � ::n�ier thi� C_�ntra,.t h�ve �e�n a�pi�e� �y h?m to di scf�arge �n ful l a�1 o�F h�s �bl i c�at�ons i r� cu{zr��ctior� �it� �t�e �t�rk L�t�er�d by a�l pr�or A p pli�ations for Paymcn�. =;� G���er�anc,� wi�?; the Con�•ra�ty the undersigned approves payment tc� the ��n�tr�ctor of the t;TJU(1'� �'l1G•'. , SFiORT . LIO'CT E ' ,RZC !+t,, INC, . . �.-v� q — !s _. 9 3-..�._--- �y ' `'`�'� ----�------ �� 4