HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.Text Amendment to Ordinace B - Zoning Ordinance t t City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Couacil Meetiag Date: September 21, 1993 Agenda Item: Zoning Ordinance Text Ageada Section: Amendment (R-3 , AG density, PUBLIC HEARING IG planting standards; planting strip definition) Prepared By: Lisa Freese Agenda Nos � Director of Planning � AttacY�ments: Proposed Amendment B-32; Appr ed B : Background Paper; Public Notice. The Planning Commission reconsidered the Zoning dinan amendment that failed to pass at the August 17 City Council meeting. The Commission decided to forward a modified version of this amendment back to the City Council for consideration. This amendment, as presented, excludes all changes proposed for setbacks from roadways, pipelines, and railroads. The gross density requirement for the R-1 District has also been removed so the minimum lot size will remain at 10, 000 square feet. The Planning Commission has added one additional item to this amendment which will change the minimum lot size in the Agricultural district to 10 acres. This change is necessary to bring the city into compliance with the Metropolitan Council' s rural policy standards. The attached background paper details the proposed changes. . The Planning Commission 'recommended approval of this revised amendment at their regular meeting on August 24th. Recommended Action: A MOTION to adopt ORDINANCE B-30, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE. City Council Actioa: 09l21/93.001 , � CITY OF RQSEMOUNT OxDirr�vcE No. B-32 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUN'T ZO1vING ORDINANCE Section 1. Section 6.7 R-3 Mut,�� F��Y I2EsmErrcE D�sz�ucT, Subsection � B.2. Uses Permitted B��ht of Ordinance B - C'ity of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to rea.d as follows: 2. Multivle Family Dwellings_Apartments and accessory uses at densities no greater than tweive (12) dwelling units per gross acre. Density bonuses of up to eighteen (18) dwelling units per gross acre are available per Planning Commission recommendation and at the discretion of the City Council if the proposal includes amenities in addition to minimum ordinance requirements. Such amenities may include but are not limited to, intensive landscaping, outdoor,group open space, indoor and outdoor recreational amenities, high quality design standards, energy conservation, provides for mass transit needs, or a proposal that satisfies unique and special market niches and needs for affordable housing. Section 2. Section 7.1 DIlv�Ns�o1v�, ST�vn�tns of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: Minimum Lot Size (ft) Minimum Yards (ft) Other Standards „-- -,, -- -- -- -- Ma��• n�siag ��t' cvosi Districts Zone2 Width(ft) Area Depth Front Side10 Rear Density Ht(ft) Cover Unit(sfl AG N/A 300 . 10 AC 50 30 30 1/10 AC 50 N/A N!A AG-P N/A 300 40 AC 50 30 30 i/40 AC 50 N!A N/A RR N/A 200` 2.5 AC 40 30 30 1/5 AC 35 N!A N/A RL N/A 110 20,000 180 30 15 30 N/A 35 3096 N/A R-1 N/A 80 10,00Q" 125 303 10 30 N!A 35 30% N!A R-lA N/A 80 10,000'� 125 30S Su 25 N/A 35 30% N!A R-2(S� N/A 100 12,000 120 305 10 30 6/AC 35 30% N/A (3+� N/A 120 18,000 150 305 30 30 6/AC 35 75% N/A R-3 N/A I50 22,500 150 305 30 30 12/AC13 35 75% 500 R� N/A I50 22,500 I50 305 30 30 40/AC 35 7596 500 C-1 1 ACs 150 15,000 125 30° 10° 106 N/A 35 75% N/A C-2(CBD) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 35 N/A N!A C-3 .5 AC 120 0.5 AC 303 106 106 N/A 35 75% N/A C-4 1 AC 120 20,000 30° 106 10° N/A 35 �54G N/A . IP „ 5 AC N/A 0.5 AC 30 30� 30� N/A 40 75% N/A WM 10 AC N/A 5.0 AC 75 50� 50' N/A 75 50% N!A IG 10 AC N/A 5.0 AC 75 50' S0' N/A '75 50% N/A P N/A N/A N/A 30 30' 30' N!A 40 75% N/A FP N/A N/A N/A N!A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A or mo reqwrements re er w ecaon . , upp ementary e aons; echon , -stleet Parking;and Section 9,Special Overlay Regulauons. = Unleea contiguous to an existing such districk. ° Thrce(3)acrea maximum zone aiza � 300 feet width snd 5-acre lot size minimum when land is not plattad. 5 Refer to Section 7.2 C.4.n.for esmblished front yands. ° 30-foot min�um side or rear yard where abutting an"R"District ° Refer to Section 7.2 C.2.e.for buiWinga exaeding 35 feet in height ' Units/Gross Acea ' Ineludea awcturea,paved parking area,and other ffipervious surfaces. 'o See SccGon 7.2 C.2.a.and 7.2 C.2.b. " Comer I.ots in R-1 shnll hnve u minimum of 12,000 square fcet in urea. u 5 feet for single atory residenees;10 feet for two-story residences. 13 Refer W Section 6.7 for density bonus criteria aud limits. Ord.#B-32 Page I of 3 Section 3. Section 8.3.B. MINIlVIUM NUMBER OF PLANTINGS Of Ordinance B - City of Rosemvunt Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: �:>:::::>�t�t�::»�€:::::::>�:::::::::>;':»»=��>::::>::��:>�<::::::»>:<:;<:::::<::::>:::::«:>::`:>:<`:::<:::::::::::::><'<'::::>:::::`::::.<`::;<::::>;<;'...:::;<.;:..«:::;.>.;;;.;..<;;;;.;....<�>>:.::<:;:::::<_>:::::>>>.�><>;:.::>::>:,.;;; �1�A�E��`:.: :;:»:>:::>::>;:::::::::a:::;:::;:::>::>:::>:<:»:>:: ::::;::::z<:.:$..:.'::.;.:��<:>:>:�:.::<:;:<>;:.a.:><::;:::>`'':::::;;;;:;:;:;>:::;�::?`:.z;:::`:<�>;<[::<'::<::>�:?::::>::»:`:':>::;;<::ja:`::::>:::�..:::.;><:.<::».:.».::::«::<;.>:;;;:<> _ ::;?::::::: :'"'.:...:..::. ::. ��:::::::::�;.;..�;':�..,�:;�....R�,.,',_'�'.'.::::::::.::.�:::..::::..:..::.::.::.....:.:....:.....:::::.�::.;•::::::::�.�,�.���.>:::. AG None None ...............................••-••-••-............................................................................................................................................. AG-P None None ...........................................................................•-•....................................................................................................... RR 2 trees/unit/frontagel None ..................................................................................................................................................................................... RL 1 tree/unidfrontage' None ..................................................................................................................................................................................... R-1 1 tree/unitJfrontage' None ..................................................................................................................................................................................... R-2 1 tree/unit/frontage2 None ...........................................................................................................................••-....................................................... R-3 1 tree/open space unit exposure3 4(footnote) � ..................................................................................................................................................................................... R-4 8 trees minimum plus 1 tree/unit� . 4(foomote) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... R-4 8 trees minimum plus 1 tree/2 unitsb 4(foomote) .........................................................:........................................................................................................................... All Cs 8 trees or 1/3,000 sq. ft. land area' ..................................................................................................................................................................................... IP 8 trees or 113,000 sq. ft. land area' 4(foomote) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... IG $(footnote) .... ..... """"""" .,.......�.................:::.�...�rr.,.,,.....,�.....;:'::,.,.r.,,............r..,,,,.......,,::"'�'<::;>..........r.,,�......,,,,....�, ;:.;::::>::»»>::»:=>::>:;<.;;;:::>::>:::v:.::>.:><>:»:>:�:>:><:=:.;;;:;.:�:;: .. .,: ........... . ... ... � Trees shall be deciduous,planted at the boulevazd of each tree exposure. 2 'I�vo Family Dwellings: Trees shall be deciduous,planted at the boulevard of each street exposure. .. 3 Other Attached Dwellings: Trees shall be deciduous;spacing must include trees at • the boulevard at fifty (50)foot intervais. ° One foundation planting per ten(10)linear feet of building perimeter(principal or accessory)and/or an equrvalent value in overstory trees, or combination thereof. 5 One to Three Story Building: Spacing must include trees at the boulevard at fifly (50)foot intervals. 6 Over Three Story Building: Spacing must include trees at the boulevazd at fifly (50) foot intervals. � Whichever is greater: Spacing must include trees at the boulevard at fifty (50)foot intervals. 8 One foundation planting�er five(5)linear feet of building perimeter(principal or accessory)and/or an equrvalent value in overstory trees, or combination thereof. Section 4. Section 8.3.C. l�2avm�tM Pt,�rrIlVG STEuvn�tns of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended by adding the following: 11. Planting strips or bufferyards intended to screen residential uses from adjacent commercial, industrial or public/institutional uses, railroad right- of-way, major and minor arterial and collector streets must be a minimum of fifty (50) percent opaque to a height of eight feet at the time of installation if vegetative materials are used, and/or seventy five (75) percent opaque to a height of eight feet if inechanical screening is used. Section 5. This ordinance shall be effeetive immedia.tely upon its passage and publication according to law. Ord.#B-32 Page 2 of 3 ADOPTED this 7th day of September, 1993. CrrY oF Ros�ourrr E.B. McMenorny, Mayor ATrEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Published in the Dakota County Tribune this day of , 1993. Ord.#B-32 Page 3 of 3 Background Paper for Text Amendment B-32 Prepared by Planning Staff: Lisa Freese, Director of Planning and Richard Pearson, Asst. Planner Section 6.7 R-3 Multiple Family Resident District The maximum density proposed for R-3 Multiple Family Residential Districts in the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan - Update 2000, is 12 dwelling units per acre. Allowance for up to 18 dwelling units per acre as a density bonus is possible if exceding standard requirements amenities are provided. Those amenities could include but are not ]ixYuted to: intensive landscaping, outdoor group open space, indoor and outdoor recreational amenities, high - quality design standards, energy conservation or a proposal that satisfies uniqu� and special market niches and needs for affordable housing. � Section 7.1 Dimeasional Standards T�vo changes are proposed for the City's Dimensional Standards: 1) the R-3 Multiple __ Family District density is being decreased from 18 units per acre to 12 units per acre; and 2) � the minunum lot size for residential lots in the Agriculture (AG) District is being increase from 2.5 acres to 10 acres to bring the city into conformance with the Rural Policy of the Metropolitan Council. Section 8.3B Minimum Number of Plantings The landscaping requirements for the Genera.l Industrial (GI) District are being clarified to specify a minunum standard of one foundation planting per five linear feet and/or an equivalent value in overstory trees. In the current ordinance the planting requirements are discretionary per the Planning Commission recommendation. The Planning Commission felt that it would be better to have a minimum standard so that developers and/or businesses would know what was expected. Section 8.3C Minimum Planting Standards The e}cisting Subdivision Ordinance requires "Planting Strips" to be placed along highways and railroad lines to screen the view and reduce noise levels in residential area.s. Planning Staff recommends that performance standards be established for the pla.nting strips so that minimum expectations are set in-place, and enhanced performance can qualify for density bonuses or platting variances. Background Paper Text Amendment B-32 A planting strip should have a minimum of a hedge or a combination of understory and overstory plantings. Experience has shown that shrubs are often neglected, and mortality or overgrowth (or theft) result. Overstory trees (baulevard trees) are capable of vertical screening, but without additional shrub plantings, gaps limit opacity. Large evergreens often provide the best screening if enough space is prov.ided, but like a boulevard tree, it takes many years to reach maturity. Local conditions may favor one variety of planting over another so that mandating an average of opacity in a planting strip may be a valid approach to the performance standard. Staff review providing direction to a developer to increase plantings or make substitutions would probably be the most effective way to achieve a standard of opacity in any given situation. Planning Staff recommends that planting strips be clarified in the landscaping section of the zoning ordinance to require a minimum standard for fifty percent opacity to a height of six feet at ti.me of installation. 2 '� o osemoun� � i � MAYOR 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount.Minnesota E�rard B.McMenomy � PHONE (672)423-4471 Mailing Address: COUNCtIMEMBERS FAX (672)423�5203 p,p,gox 570,Rosemount,Minnesota 55069-0510 Sheila Kiassen James(Re�Staats Public Notice H�ry W,���x Dennis Wippermann �,i� A�!,IV�DMENTS TO ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk ORDINANCE B - CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: - No�tcE IS I3ExEB� Glv�t, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing to consider the items listed below dn Tuesday, Septembea�g.�93�o� � Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street'West, beginnmg P soon thereaft�r as possible. The urpose of this hearing is ta consider text amendments to Ordinance B - City v,f P Rosemount Zoning Ordinance t hat w i ll e s t a.b l i s h t h e f o ll o w i n g; 1) clarifying l a n dscape s t a n d a r d s i n t h e G e n e r a l I n d u s t r i a l D i s tr i c t a nd definin g Planting _ StrigsJ Bufferyards; : _ 2) lowering the maximum density allowed in multi-family residential district (R-3) to twelve (12) dwelling units per acre from 18 dwelling units per acre (but allowing density bonuses); and 3) establishing the minimum lot size for residential developement in the Agricultural District at 10 acres per unit in order to bring the city in compliance with Metropolitan Council rural development policies. Co ies of the proposed amendments are available for review and comment at�Cit M�y P located at 2875 145th Street West, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4: p , through Friday. Persons vvishing to speak on these proposed amendments are invited to ents will also be hearing on Tuesdav. Se tember 21. 1993 at 8:00 u.m. Wntten comm accepted prior to the meeting date. Please forward all conunents and inquiries to the City of Rosemount Planning Department. Dated this 7th day of September, 1993. S an ivi. W sh, City Clerk ity of R emount Dakota County, Minnesota v ��in �s �oming �U��i �J�.osemoun��� C'� � 9 � ♦�•.ecvc�M oar� � . , 2�1� O OSe1�Yt01il1�t� PHONE (6t2)4234411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Maiiing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0570 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheiia Klassen AFFIDAVIT OF POSTED HEARING NOTICE �a'"��R�,,S`�� Harry Willcox Dennis�ppermdnn Text Amendments to Citp Of RUSeIIIOIIIIt ADMINISTRATOH .1 Stephan Jilk Ordinance B-33 for Commercial Outdoor Recreation Sta.te of Minnesota � County of Dakota § . City of Rosemount I, Susan M. Wa1sh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I ani a United Sta.tes citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On September 9, 1993, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for consideration of a text amendment to Ordinance B- 33 city of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance regarding specific requirements as outlined in said notice. S an M. alsh City Cler c City of Rosemount . Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9� day of September, 1993. r ' n ' � CINDY DORNIDEN � ) � �-' .. NOTARY PUBLIG-MINNES47A ��� DAKOTA COUMY Notary Public: x �''������'�� �ver���ing�s �omzng �C/1,� CJCosemount�l � t..K��,���., . ��� o osemouvt� PHONE (612)4234411 2875•145th Street West,Hosemaunt,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)423-5203 Mailing Addreas: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesata 5506&0510 COIINCILMEMBERS Sheila Klasssn Public Notice Ja��� Donnis Wippermann AWWINISTRATOR Text Amendments to ste��,�� ORDINANCE B - CTTY OF RQSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE FOR COMII�RCIAL OUTDOOR RECREATIUN USES TO WHOM TT MAY CONCERN: : . . , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing to consider the items listed below on Tuesday, September 21, 1993 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginiung at . 8:00 p.m. or as soon•thereafter as possible. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a text amendment to Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoni.ng Ordinance that will result in allowing commercial outdoor recreational uses by interim use permit in the Agriculture District (AG) or in the General Industrial District (IG). This provision-is being developed to regulate paintball facilities located in-the eastern Rosemount. The text amendment has been petitioned by Splattball, Inc. and The Adventure Zone. Copies of the proposed�amendment are available for review and comment at City Hall located at 2875 145th Street West, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Persons wishing to speak on these proposed amendments are invited to attend this public hearing on Tuesda� September 21. 1993 at 8:00 D•m• Written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the City of Rosemount Planning Department. � � Date this 7th day of September, 1993. . ; usan M. sh, City Clerk City of Rosemount - Dakota County, Minnesata ` Vverr�Fhings �oming ICJt,�i C/�osemount�� � . � •�♦.ky'Ir��Tn�. . . . , . . AFFIDAVIT 4f PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )SS County of Dakota ) NANCY 1. GUSTAFSQN, being duly swom,on oath says thot she is on outhorized agent and �;F . /��.. employ�e of the pubiisl�er of tlre newspoper known as Dakota Coumy Tribuee,ond bas full koowledge `�����"i��O���� of the facts which are atoted below: '�'TEXT AMENDMEN73 TO ORDMANCE�=° CRY OF ROSEAWUNT ZOlWiG pRp�NAIiCE x.t�.a��.FOR�COI�AAAERpALpOTpppR ,� � � � ����.R'r.�"a,t RECREATION USES:c_ �r��' � � � � �fi0 WHOM 1T.MNY CpNCERN���,>; (A)Tl+e newspuper has complied with ai)of the requirements constituting qualificotion as a legal `:=rrmzcE:�zs�:�sY•cn�rr�tt�e�-cxh � � � � � � `-Goemdl of tl�C'ity of RoeemounE wlli hdd`a newspoper,as provided b�r Minnesota Statute 331 A.02,331 A.07 and other applicable laws,as omended. �'�C 1�L�to'considei fhe`items li�ded `Couacil(�amb�s d���'19931g fhe tY Hall,28751� "-S4'eet West.'beginoing at 8 00 p.tn.ar at aoon (B)The prirMed e the�raftei'as po6s�le:� ,� ,y. .�z���.. �.�'-�e p�u�pose o[this besiing is to coe�da � �'s�tert ameadment tqio�a�nor"�9 :pq„oi � � � ��e.�or,tZo�atrdtiunoethatwilire�ult z;��lowiaB comme�^cial outdoa+i'ureaticnsi ucea bY interim use permit in theAgricut4�ce ;Dia4id<AG)a io f1�e Geaaal In��strial Db- �trid UG).This ptnvision is beiog dev� 'to reg�ilate Peintball facilities loea Sn ;msteavRacemamt.T6eteztamendm�thla' �1�P�aoned by Spiatball,Ine,and°T6e which is attoched was eut from the columns of soid newspoper,and wos pri�M+ed ond pubiishe+d once ,AdvenWre Zone, a , � � � `:�'��� P='�d amendm�ff a[e ;availableforreviewandcommentat(�ityHap t tocated at 2875145th Street West,between the e� �es;it was �ho�rs of::7:90 a.m to 4 OQ p m. Monday s. s�,E�«$ i �,. . � � . . �throitqh��'iday .,�..;r�.., r :p�so�wistuog to speak oa tiiese ptopos- ed`si°e"d'"enffi-are'°�'��°$t�,q� first published on Thursday,the�_day of ,public hearing on T.ador.S�pt�a�b„21,19f3 • ,ar�00 p�..WHtteu commenfs will also tie ac- � �Pria'to d�e meeting date.Pl�se foN ��Ros ma�Pt�a 'nw�g�'De����� 19�� , ond was thereafter printed and pubiished o� every Tbursday to ond including �S�d ihis 7th daY'af'SePtembe�'�'1993. /s/Susan M.Walsh,G5ty Cl�k ^-' Citg of RoBemount.,'. .., . , ,,, z: Dakoca County.Minnesoca, t Thursday,the day of ,19 �..�;.�� . . f.r-ki�. - � -' and printed below is o copy of the lower cose alphabet from A to Z,both inclusive,which is hereby acknowledged os being the size ond kind of type used in the composition and publieation of the notice: .ilx•di•f�;l�i iklmno�xp�.ntc�ex��z BYc � TITLE:Setretary Wisher Subscribed ond sworn to before m on this � '��^- doy of���,YY�19__ +�2. , . � Notory Public �M ; ,,...�„y CAROL J.HAVERCAND �:�n troT�,RrPueuc-�ra�sar� ,;;. DAKOTA COUNTY � '• My Corrur�sion Exptres osc.s.19ss M E M O TO: Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers Willcox, Wippermann, Staats, Klassen FROM: Susan Walsh DATE: September 21, 1993 SUBJ: Extension of Permit Time for Adventure Zone & Splatball The current permits issued to Adventure Zone and Splatball are effective until October 1, 1993. Normally these businesses operate until gun deer hunting season. I have received a request to allow them to operate through October. Even if Council approves the Interim Use Permit process, it is not feasible that these two businesses will be able to get their IUP for this year. Therefore, I am recommending that Council allow them to operate under the '�old" permitting process by making the following motion: MOTION TO ERTEND THE TIME FERIOD OF THE PERMITS ISSUED TO ADVENTURE ZONE AND SPLATBLL, INC TO NOVEMBER 1, 1993.