HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Discussion of 1994 CIP and Operating Budgets _ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ; ; DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA � RESOLUTION 1993 - 82 A RESOLUTION SETTING THE PRELIMINARY 1994 GENERAL FUND - OPER.ATING BUDGET, THE 1994 C.I,P. BUDGET AND THE 1994 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WHFREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has determined that budgets and special needs for the year 1994 will be in the amount of $4, 199,432 for the General Operating Fund, CIP and Retirement/Severance funds; and WHFREAS, the City Council has determined that special levies for Bonded Indebtedness, Certificates of Indebtedness and the Armory Project total $604, 868; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that actual incomes, fund transfers and anticipated aids will total $2, 138,353 . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the total Preliminary Levy certified to the Dakota County Auditor shall be $2, 665, 947; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount will conduct a Public Hearing for the purpose of presenting the proposed budget a•nd levy to the general publ.ic and to comply with Truth in Taxation laws as set by.the Minnesota - State Legislature, and that the hearing shall �ake place o�. December 2, 1993, at 8 : 00 P.M. , in the Council Chambers at the City Hall; and BE IT FLIRTHER RESOLVED, that if a cantinuation of that hearing is necessary it shall take place on December 15, 1993, at 8 :00 P.M. , and at that Public Hearing the final operating budget and levy shall be adopted by the Rosemount City Council. ADOPTED this 30th day of August, 1993 . � E.B. McMeno y, Mayor ATTEST: � us M. Wal , City Clerk Motion by: Willcox Seconded by: Klassen ��! Voted in favor: Wip ermann, Staats, Willcox, Klassen i Voted Against : McMenomy McMenomy illcox and Wippe�ann TO:Mayar E.B• Staats ! Councilmembers:Klassen, , FROM:Stephan JiI �'� �'�'_� / Date:August 27, 1993 RE :1994 Proposed operating and CIP Budgets items for your consider�ae ioS dfvers n of Attached are several We have provided a evenings budget discussion. a copy of the first full draft of the operating budgets for 1994, ro osed debt service the five year CIP, a revised version of the p p, and a resolution read levy computational worksheet for 1994 levy, a n�W ���p ted, set the citys preliminary 1�s required which will, when adop d the hearing dates for thebud etsland levy n hearing an tion of the 1994 g for the adop eS in the rovided them, and attempt Monda I would like to takes we have peview the C ang We spend On Y budgets from last discussion, a es. Then I would sugg�s reement to reach consensus on t the draf t CIp budget to arrive at ag some time on discussing l�vels for the CIP budget. on priorities and funding ou can ud et levels we will work to discuss the resolutio�n�ang determine if Y ed I would like re ar reach agreement on the overall levy an ado tion which has to be done with. zf we can then the Resolution can be finalized an p mber 7th meeting for pthe County- e te to S d the P if ie for and cert before September 15th ppgR.ATING BUDGETS erating budgets for 1994 the proposed op funds I have worked in reviewing o erating costs and increasing ital expenditures through the citys with the purpose af reducing P. available for use in funding cap ��p program. 96, 531.00 erating costs bY $ Specifically we have: - reduced op by - increased estimated revenues,overall, $6, 100 . - proposed transfe e�e fu ds andthe amount construction res of $175, 000 . Certain Park and - proposed shiftinJ Center Recreation programso erallCoo t f the which reduces the operation of the Parks and Recr e a t i o n Department by $78�26� ' of that - proposed transfer of $70, 000 . to the Community Center for savings that portion of the assistance in covering Center costs that the Commu.nity program erating. staff will now be op CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993 - 82 ' A RESOLUTION SETTING THE PRELIMINARY 1994 GENERAL FUND OPERATING BUDGET, THE 1994 C.I.P. BUDGET AND THE 1994 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has determined that budgets and special needs for the year 1994 will be in the amount of $4, 199,432 for the General Operating Fund, CIP and Retirement/Severance funds; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that special levies for Bonded Indebtedness, Certificates of Indebtedness and the Armory Project total $604, 868; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that actual incomes, fund transfers and anticipated aids will total $2, 138, 353 . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the total Preliminary Levy certified to the Dakota County Auditor shall be $2, 665, 947; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount will conduct a Public Hearing for the purpose of presenting the proposed budget and levy to the general public and to comply with Truth in Taxation laws as set by the Minnesota State Legislature, and that the hearing shall take place on December 2, 1993 , at 8 : 00 P.M. , in the Council Chambers at the City Hal1; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if a continuation of that hearing is necessary it shall take place on December 15, 1993 , at 8 : 00 P.M. , and at that Public Hearing the final operating budget and levy shall be adopted by the Rosemount City Council . ADOPTED this 30th day of August, 1993 . E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by:_Willcox Seconded by:_Klassen Voted in favor: Wippermann, Staats, Willcox, Klassen Voted Against : McMenomy Y Page Two f � � 5eptamber 15, 1993 FUNDING REQIIIREMENTS 1993 ADOPTED 1994 PROPOSED +/- DEPJ�RTMENTS BtR?GET BUDGST DIFFERENCS PERCENTAGS Couacil Hudget $166,747 $133,807 ($32,940} -19.75+k Admiaistratioa Budget $224,608 $233,637 $9,029 4.02�k Election Budget $7,615 $1D,570 $2,955 38.80k Finance Budget $140,115 $148,496 $8,381 5.98ic Ganeral Goverament Budget $156,500 $179,850 $23,050 14.73+k Planning Budget $157,982 $165,031 $?,049 4.46+t Governmeat Suildings Budget $92,600 $73,298 • $678 A.93�k Police Sudget $794,706 $911,441 $116,735 14.69k Fize Department Budget $160,182 $166,758 $6,576 4.11� Public Worka Operatiag Budget $720,038 $807,683 $87,645 12.I9�S Paved Streets Sudget $82,649 $98,098 $15,449 18.69� IInpaved Streeta Budget $32,278 $57y951 $25,673 79.54�k Ice & Saow Sudget $17,413 $20,413 $3,000 17.23� Street Lighta Budget $64,294 $66,224 $1,930 3.00� Signal Lights Budget $6,991 $7,201 $210 3.00� Park & Rec Sudget-General 4peratiag $521,915 $542,561 $40,646 7.79� Park & Rec Budget-Revenua Producing $101,000 $53,100 C$47,900) -47.43� Ineurance Sudget $158,000 $188,000 $30,0-00 18.99& Other Financing IIaes - Traasfera $0 $70,000 $70,000 100.00� TOTAL OPERATING BIIDGETS - 53.585.633 $3.953.799 $368,I66 I0.2?$ Five t5) Year CIP Requirement $171,460 $185,633 $14,173 ' 8.27� Retiremeat/Severance Fuad #204 $60,000 SO ($60,000) -100.00�k Bonded Indebtednesa $435,887 $379,447 ($5�,440) -13.15� *Of 1994'�, $103,877 for Comm Center* Certificatea of Indebtednesa $50,054 $48,290 ($1,764) -3.52� 1994 Certificate Ieaue of $220,OQ0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 100.00� Azmory Aaticipatory Levy(Value ae of 3/31/93) $125,329 $12T,131 $1,802 1.44� *$95,OOD + ($402,639,ODOx.00798�)* TOTAL FIINDING RSQBIREMENTS $4,429,363 $4,744,300 $314,937 Z.11� . . sassm=x=cee=c-=m�aa_seaaee�z:ama�asam�a�aasszasxece==�m i PBgB �Ae . � . � � . � . Saptember 15, 1993 REVEN4S SOiJItCES 1993 ADOPTED 1994 PROPOSED *�- TYPES BUDGET Bt7DGET DZFFERENCS PERCBNTAGS Local Goverment Aid $296,512 $380,794 $84,282 28.42� (Iacludes Equalizatioa Aid foz 1994) Homeetead & Agricultnral Credit Aid $0 $555,804 5555,804 100.00� Intemal Reveaue Geaerated: Licenaea and Permita $239,150 $250,850 $11,700 4.89� Iatezgoverameatal $165.A00 $176,Q00 $11,000 6.67k Chargas for Servicee $429,800 $368,025 ($61,775? -14.37+k Fines aad Forfeits $42,000 $43,000 $1,000 2.38k Recreatioaal Feea $101,090 $63,100 ($37,900) -37.52+k Miecellaaeous Reveauea • $57,500 $55,780 ($1,720) -2.99� Tranefers Ia $185,000 $70,000 ($115,000) -62.16� Total Interaal Revenues $1,219,450 $1.026,755 ($192,695) -15.80+k Dae of Resexve Funds - CIP Fund Budget $0 $175,000 $175,000 100.00�k Levy Sourcea: Special Leviea $612,270 $604,868 ($7,402) -1.21� Geaeral Levy $2,301,131 $2,001,079 ($300,052) -13.04+k Total Levy $2,913,401 $2,605,947 ($30T,454) -10.55�C TOTAS. REV'ENIIE SOIIRCES • $4,429,363 $4,744,300 $314,937 7.11� =�:s�:s=:==��_�==�:a=�:�a��a:===��a��====-�:a:===ss�:a: . Pag� On� . � . � � � � 1994 BIIDGYT MORiB�ll3 � � . . . 6ffiRSGL RSVENIIHS � . . . . . . . � SepE�mbar 15. 1993 � � 1993�OBJYCT 1993 1994 ObJYLT . 1444 � . � . . � � 1991. .. 1992 � DLTAIL� ..� kDOPTm DETLSL YRQPOS� . . . Pssnd Eceount t Obj f� Descriytioa � . � AC14)S. � 1lClO71L NSODNT EIIDGSP� . �NT. � BIIDG=T Caas�at� . . . � """""""'."""""""""""""""'-""""'-""""" . . 101 -�31030 -00- 000 Currant Ad Valor�m Taxu� 5731,596 5966,464 =1,199,306 =1,6l�,636 � � 101 - 31010 -00- 000.1 lsoa Couaty � $1,199,306 {1,6l7,63! � �101 - 31030 -00- 000 �Dalin4uant 11d Valor�Saz��(I) 529,526 $29,916 f15,000 t15,000 � � $15,000 � �515,000 . ioi - 3io�o -oo- 000.i rro.co�nty � SO1 - 31030 -00- 000 Yobils Ha�a Taxa�(2) 56,404 56.709 t9,000 59,000 � � 101 - 31030 -DO- 000.1 Prom Couaty . . � 59,000 59.000 101 - 31040 -00- 000 Yisul M�Duitiu � 5=46,�42 5330,034 � � � 5302,80! 5303,E08 . 101 - 31040 -00- 000.1 lsoa Couaty � . � . . 5301,80E. i301,806 . . . $X.�Sf 53.f50 54.000 . ��54�.000 . 101 - 31?10 -00- 000 dravQ ?uet(2) . � � � � ${�000 54.000 � 101 - 31710 -00- 000.1 7rom Covaty � 101 - 31610 -00- 000 Praachisa SaxesiZ) 518,540 531,643 5�5,000 525,000 .. . ioi - sieio -oo- 000.i rro� ss.r cwi. s�s,000 s2s,000 101 - 31110 -00- 000 llltoholic Eevarage Lieenses(L) . � 59,900 510,640� � � �512�,000 . S11,Q00 101 - 32110 -00- 000.1 . � 514,OQ0 Si1,Otl0 . . 501�- 32160 -00- 000 Liaansu to do Susiaau(L1 � 57.585 57.360 55,000 515,000 , 101 - 32160 -00- 000.1 . SS,000 . 515,000 � . 101 - 33161 -00- 000 Liceasas to do eu�iness-Laaael(L) . S=5 S�S SSO S50 � . � .� ;SO . . S50 � . . . � 101 - 32161��-00- 000.1 . . . � � � 101 - 32162 -00- 000 Liceaws to do Huaiae��- (L) $100 $100 5100 � 5100 . . 101 - 32162 -00- 000.1 Splal1�a11 Pezmits ;100 • 5100 . 101 - 32180 -00- 000 CSqaz�tt� Lieenau(L) � 5216 5204 $100 �5200 . . � � � � � �$200 . 5200 . ioi - a�iao -oo- 000.i 101 - 32210 -b0- 000 Huildiny Pessit Rev�aua(L) 5140,746 5233.a15 .�.. 5180,000 S1l0,000 Szao,000 Slaa,000 101 - 32210 -00-�000.1 � $1,000 . � 5500 101 - 32211 -00- 000 Cwta� Eldg OfLtclal IImib(L1 � 5953 SO � � � � � 51,000 -� t500 - 101 - 33211 -00- 000.1 � � �� � � 101 - 32212 -00- 000 �YinezA Eztractioa Paxmit(L) � . 5150 S� .. S�. s� . . . . SO 50 101 - 32212 -00--000.1 - - � � � � ;T,000 - 58,000 . . SO1 - 32130 -00-�000 Eleetriesi Permit Aeveaue(L) 55,332 $12,991- . . . . . . � -$7.000 � $8.000. . � . . 101 - 33330 -00- 000.1 . � � � 101 - 32230 -00- 000 Pitmbiag Parmit Ravmue(L) 58.945 5�6.492 � � 512,000 510,000 . � 201 - 32270 -00- 000.1 . 512,000 � $10,00Q 101 - 32240 -00- 000 aniaal LSeease�4L) 51,790 51,906 . 51,500 � 51,50� � 1�01 - 32240 -00- 000.1 � � 51,500 51,500� . . . . . 101 - 32250 -00- 000 Savar Permit Reveaue(L) . 56,725 513,267 � 56,000� 57,000 101 - 33250 -00- 000.1 . � � 56,000 57.000 � � SO1 - 32255 -00- 000 Couaty Reeordiaq Pee-City Shra(L) . 522� 5170 � � 5100 � 5100 _ �. . .. . . . . . . . ._ . ._ .. .. . .... . � � � ;100. . . . .. _. _ . 5100- . . � � � 101 -� 32255 �-00-�000.1 -�� ' . � . � � � � � 101 - 35160 -00- 000 Haatiag/air Coad Parmit Aevnue(LI . � 510,243 � 535,368 514,600 � 517�,000 101�- 32460�-00-. 000.1 - . � 514,000 . S1�,OQ0 �- � � . . . 5200., . §400 . SO1 - 33290 -00- 000 Other Noa-Husiaess Lie 4.fmts(L) ;250 5402 . � � . . . . � $200 . � 5400 . � . . . 101 - 32290 -00- 000.1 � � � 101 - 33401 -00- 000 Local 6ovarnmani l.id tLG7�)� i300,761 5312,363 i�96,512 � S3S0,794 . . . 101 �- 33401 -00- 000.1 Yzom Stat� 5296,512 � ;3a0�,79� � iaeludu =4�+alizatioa 7�l.d-1994 101 - 33403 -00- 000 Hstd�� Ag Cradit LSd (SAG) 53�=.365 544E�,063 S4E4,865 � . � SSSS,EC4 � � 101 - 33402--00- OOQ.1 Yrom Stats i484,l65 5555,804 � Sama as 1993 �eCwl � SO1 - 33403 -00- 000 Mobile 8oma 8AG(Z) . � 514,899 510,676. 5=0,000 5�1,000 . 101.-�33403 -00- 000.1 Fraa Stat� . $30,000 � 521,000 � Sama a� 1993 actual P�G$ TO1.�ys $1,912,995 53.466,259 52.595,641 52.595,6�1.53.Z51,694 53.251,894 . r . P�g� 1bo . � . . 1994 DVDGST NOAIC3HEET3 . . � . � . . � � . . � 6�7SRAI. REVEN08S . � � . . . Saptambar 15, 1993 . � . . � . 1993 OHJYC! 1993 199� OBJYC? 1994 � � � 1991 � 1992 � DSTJIIL ADOPTID �� DHTAZL PROPOSID � lvad� accouaG N Obj { �ucriptioa � xCRVT�L ACTV7�L � LttODNT DODO8i �A1cOONT � EIIDG=T � Coaaats . """"""""""-'-""""-"-""""-""'--'-""""""""'-""'--"'•---'-""""."""".-"'-"'�--""""-'-""""'-""""'----'..._._ � 101 - 33416 -00- 000 Police Traiaing Aaimburswent(2) � 550,983 555,731 � � 5�0,000 t60,000� � 101 -�33416 -00- 000.1 Po�t Hoard Traialaq Retmb . 55,000 . i5,000. � 101 - 33416 -00- 000.2 Stata l�id (ii�d to P�U) � 555,000 SS5,000 � � � � 101 -.�33�1! -00- 000 YSA for Stzeau - MalaGmeace(I) . SSS,E25 5�1,555 516r000� 5�2.000 � � 101 - 3341! -00- 000.1 Pra� Stata � $16,000 � 521.000 � � � 101 - 37�24 -00- 000 Yquelizatioa kld St2,473 � $69�,719 582.69R . SO 101 - 33474 -00- 000.1 Frsm State � $l2,692 t0 Iaclud�d vitII LG7� for 1ff4 � 101 - 33630 -00- 000 Polica Ser�ieu Lavy-ISD =196(I) S0� 57.968 Sif,000 � $1l,000 � � 101 - 33630 -00- 000.1 � � ;16,000 � 518,000� � � � 101 - 34103 -00- 000 Zpaiag i Subtlividoa !aa(C) 53.606 SSO,S89 53.000 53.000 � 101 -�34303 -00- 000.1 � � �5�.000 • 53.000 � . � 101 - 3�104 -00- 000 Ylaa CLaeking Lear(C) SdS,tl6 S14Z,099 . S1I0,000 . 513D,000 � 101 - 34104 -00- 000.1 65} of Dldg Pesait Yeu � �§120.,000 5120,000 101 - 3�105 -00- 000 Salai o! I6aps 4 Fublieationi(C) � 51,053 5757 . 51,000 - � � . 5500 � � 101 - 34105 -00- 000.1 � 51,000 5500 � 101 - 34106 -00- 000 Deputy Registrar Yeas(C) � � 524,334 524,164 �� 525�,000 � � Y25,000 � 101 - 3l106 -00- 000.1 � 525,000 . 535,000 � � 101 - 34107 -00- 000 lusassmrst Seazches(C) SS)3 Sf35 � 5500 t500 � 101 - 34107 -00- 000.1 � � 5500 5500 � 101 - 34108 -00- 000 I�Saistrative Pea-OtLez Yvnda(C) � SO 576,365 5138,500 ;109,625 101 - 34108 -00- 000.1 all Tuads Exeapt Coastrcta 558,500 559,625 � � ioi - 3�ioa -oo- 000.s coa,trueaioa ruaa, Sao,000 Sso,000 101 - 34109 -00- 000 Othar Caa•1 Chargea Lor Serace(C) 5��4 52.083 51,000 � S1,S00 . - 101 - 34109 -00- 000.1 - . � 51,000 . 51,500 � � � � 101 - 34130 -00- 000 Sazvica Chg oa A�tusaed Cheeks(C) 5203 5190 5200 5700 � � 101 - 34110 -00-�000.1 � 5200 $200 . � � � 101 - 34111 -00- 000 _Service.Lookup Cheek(81dg)(C) � � � SO . 51,�15_. 51,000 . � � 51,500 . � � � � 101 - 35111 -00- 000.1 � � $1,000� $I,SQO � � � � � 101 - 34112 -00- 000 IItility Pazmit Applicatioa Pee(C) � SO 51,300 5200 � 5200 � � � 101 - 3�112 -00- 000.1 tter DevelopaenG � . 5200 5200 � � 101 -�34150 -00- 000 IIser Pees-IISPCI(G � SO SO � 5112,000 � SE0,000 � � . 301 - 34150 -00- 000.1 Si17,OD0 � 58�.000 . � � � 101 - 34151 -DO- 000 Dser Peea-Zoeh�Bauxite{C) �$0 Sa 515,000 � 512,000 � 101�- 3�151 -00- 000.1 §15,000 512,000 � 101 - 34302 -00- 000 Pire Servieu-Buzaiag Pexmits(C) 525 5540 $200 � � . 5300 101 - 34202 -00- 000.1 _. . $Y00 . �. 5300 � � � � �� �- 101 - 3i203 -00- 000-� Accideat keports(C) - --� � - - 5863 � � � 5701 � - 5500 ;500 � � � . 101 - 34203 -00- 000.1 - - . . � . . 5500 5500 � . 301.- 3�104 -00- 000 Day Care IaapectLoa Fees(C) ���$0 5195 . � 5�00 � � . �5200 . � � � . 101 -�3420! -00- 000.1 � - � � � 5200 . ��5200 � 101 - 34206 -00- 000 Othar Polica Servlcas(C) $263 . $SS � � �'SO j0 � � 101 - 34206 -00- 000.1. � 50 � . SO � 101 - 34307 -00- 000 Other lire Protectioa Servicea(C) 55,941 56,110 59.000 � 510,000 � 101 � 34207 -00- 000.1 II of M 4 Coates Cbatracts 58,000 510,000 . 101 - 34207 -00- 000.2 Othar�Fira Calis � 51,000 � � """"--"'----"-'---""-"-"-"""""""""""""""' � �.. . PAGS TOT)�7.5 � 5272.952 5443,C3! ¢600,�893 $600,992 ;{65,025 5465,025 � 4aqa Thr�� � . . . . . � . . . 199� SIIDGYT NOW.SITYL?3 � . . .. � � . . � � � C�(SR71L AYV�I06S � � . SepCember 15, 1993 � � 1993 OaJBCT 1993 1994 OEJiCi 1994 � � . . 1991 1l92 � DYTAIL 71DOYT� DZT7IZL� YROPOSm � . . . �Puad� accoun� i Obj t �Da�cription � ACSOL7, 7�CTp11L ]111ppt7S H9DGET 7�1[OIIti'[ BODCYT �� � Co��ati . . 101 - 34)01 -00- 000 Straat, Sidewalk i Curb Repair{�). SYS $0 $0 � . ¢0 �� � 101 �- 34301 -00- 000.1 � � �� � =0 � � � � S0� � � � ' � 101 - 3�303 -00- 000. Xor Maetls(C) � §ST1 $405 � 5500 5500 � � � � 101 - 34303 -00-�000.1 � � � f500 � . 5500 � � 101 - 34305 -00- 000 �Clelvarts 4 Aceauoriu(C) - 5335 51,346 � SD . t0 � � . 101 - 34305 -00- 000.1 � . SO SO � � 101 - 34306 -00- D00 Othas Highvay 4 Streat Re�aau�(C) 5736 $4,361 � . 52.000 51,000 � 301 - 3t306 -00- 000.1 52.000 =1,000 �� � � 101 - 34407 -00- 000 CS[y Shar�.o! ltatro Sac Chgs(C) 51,149 $2,859 51,000 � §1,500 101 - 34407 -00- 000.1 . =1,000 51,400 � � � 101 - 3i741 -00- 000 �Soltball Aevanues(R) S24,i71 53{.592 . =44,000 554,000 � �" 101 - 3{731 -00- 000.1 j44,000 �554,000 � � 101 - 34722 -00- 000 Volleyball Asv�av��tY) � 410,E90 511,232 516,000 � SO � � l0i - 34722 -00- 000.1 � 516,000 � SO Ito�ed to Co�uaity Cmt�r � � 101 - 34723 -00- 000 Playgrouad AeveauaslA) $156 . 513 . SO � � SO � 101 - 31723 -00- 000.1 . � S0 � � � � 101 - 34724 -00- ODO Teaais Aevmuu(A) 51,646 $792 � 52.000 52.000 � 101 - 34724 -00- 000.1 =2,A00 � $3,000 � � 101 - 34725 -00- 000 Siay Sot Reveauea(R) 512,307 59,110 � � 516,200 $0 � 101 - 34725 -00- 000.1 � 516,]00 . . � SO . Xoved�to Co�uaity Caat�r 101 - 34726 -00- 000 Pos Poa Ye��auu(A) . �. $3,635 53,115 $4.300 SC � � 101 - �4T26 -00- 000.1 � � 5�.100 S0� 16ovad to Co�uaity Csntsr � 101 - 74727 -00- 000 21a1d Tsly Aer�aua�(A) . . 55,321 5�.056 �57.000 � SO � ioi - »�z� -oo- 000.i ' s�,000 so xooaa eo ca�uaicy cm�.r 101 - ����e -oo- o0o aroo�.il n..wau ca► sz.los tz.oas Sz.loo Sz,loo ioi - a��ie -oo- 000.i Sz.ioo S�,ioo - . � 101�- 3�7]9 -00- 000 Skatiag Lesson Rwvaauu(A) . -.- � - 5�51- 5750 - � � 5600 .. .. $0 � 101 - 3472! -00- 000.1 � � 5600 - 50 � tfoved to Cnn��uaity Caater � 101 - ]4730 -00- 000 Srack i Tidd Aev�auas(R) - 5863 �51,139 - . _ 53.G00 � 53.000 . � � � 101 - 34730 -00-�000.1 � � � � 53.000 53.000 � � � � � � � 101 - 34731 -00- 000 �Soecnr Reveaues(A) � S*00 . SO � 52.OQ0 52.000 � 101 - 3{731 -00- OOO.T � � 52.000 � 52.000 � � �� 101 - 34733 -00- 000 Adult 8ukatball Revaau�stR) $0 5568 51,000 � $0 � � 101 - 34732 -00- 000.1 � � . � S1,OOQ . �SO kowd to Ca�uaity CenG�r � . . 301 - 34733 -00- 000 Other Program� Aeveaue(R) $1,431 5757 . 53.000 � . SO � � .. � � . $3.OQO_ . . .. . . S�Q . . 1[oved�to Commssnity Ceataa .___.. �101 - 34733 -00- 000 1. � � �-�� �- - �101 -�3�790 -00- 000 Other Recreatica�Reveaua�(R) � � SO � ;30 � SO _ -. � � �SO � � � � � � 101 - 3479-0 -00- 000.1 � ;p � 101 - 35101 -00- 000 Court Pinea(Y) � . $47,371 54i,9�47 � �542.000 . � 543,000 - � � 101 - 35301 -00- -000.1�� Prom County � . � � � � . $43,000 � . 54�,000 � . � � 101 - 35104 -OQ- 000 Other�?iaes(!) . . � . � SO S0. � SO � SO � .101 - 35104.-00- 000.1 � - � �� � =0 � � � 101 - 36101 -00- 000 Priacipal-Speeial AsaassmeatsSZ} 516,175 � $b3,7Z0 55.000 52.000 101 - 36101 -00- 000.1 � � � 55,000 52.000 � � � � � '-""""'--"'-""---'-""'-""""""""""'-"""""" � PA6H SdT/1.S � 5130,115 5154,606 5151,500 5151,500 5111,100 �5111,100 � � � f Paga Lous . . . � . . � � . 1994 SIIDCiST MORxSHEST3 � " . � � . . . � � �. G�(BRAL REV�7�YS . � � � � � . . . Sapt�mber 15, 1993 � � � � � � � 1993 08JYCT 1943 1994 OSJECT . 1994 � . � 1991 1992 D8TAIL 71DOYT�� D8T)�IL fROPOSHD � � lnad 7lecount t Obj K DucrlDtioa � ACSVIIL aCTp1lI, NtppNT 8IIDG8? .7�{OIIiI'P aIIDCaT � � �CommanGs """"""""_"""""""""""""""""""_""'_"""""""""'_""""""___"""""""."""_""""""""""""""'....." 101 - 36103 -00- 000 P�aalties 4 Iatarut-3/A(I) SO 51,960 . S0� � � SO .� � � � _._....SOl�--36102...00_..OQ0�.1 .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . . _. .. .. .. _.. _..... .SO_.... ._ _ . . SO . . . . . . .. � . 101 - 36310 -00- 000 � Zaterut tarniaq�-Ia�astm�nts(x) 520,057 .531,532 �S1l,000 520,000 . � � 101 - �6210 -00- 000.1 516,000 520,000 � 101 - 36215 -00- 000 Iat�rut Sarala4stY) Sd,335 $4,a6i � . 57.000 � 53.000 � � 101 - 36215 -00- 000.1 Ch�ekiap Accouat.. E?.000 � 53.000 101 - 3C120 -00- 090 kaati 4 Aoyaltf�s(Y) � 51.7l0 52.7l0 52.500 53.7l0 � � � 1C1 - 7632D -00- 000.1 IIS Ne�t �ateaaa Rnnt ;3.500 . 53.7t0 � . � 101 - 36230 -00- 000 Coatributioas/Doaations(M) 510,553 512,l78 � S6 Sp � � . � 301 - 3�6230 -00- 000.1 � � _ S0� . �SO � � 101 - 36360 -00- 000. OtLer R�venv�(x) � §63,507� 535,l17. 525,000 530,000 � � 101 - 36260 -00- 000.1 City Zn�uraaca Retuads 515,000 � 515,000 � . 101 - 36260 -00- 000.2 Yi�cellaneous � 510,000 515,000 . 301 - 39101 -00- 000 Sa]as o!� Gsaar�l Piznd Asseta.(M) � S0. 52Z5 � � SO - SO � � . . 101 - ;9101 -00- 000.1 50�. SO � . 101 -� 39203 -00- 000 Traasles irom � � (?) 5129,6]S� ;51,691 � 535,000 � 535,000 � � 101 - 39203 -00- 000.1 Armory Repaymest t2 of 5 � . 535,000� 535,000 � � 101 - 34207 -00- 000 Traaifes lrom Port AutEority(2J� 550,000 550,000 550,000 SO � 101 -. 393C7 -00- 000.1 Aepaymeat t3 oL 3 . � �� 550,000 � � SO � � � � � 101 - 39209.-00- 000 Traaai Lroa 8oads Paid Dp Fvad(T) 5265,051 $7Q,59] � 5100,000 535,000 � 101 - 347A9 -00- 000.1 . 5100,000 � 535,000 101 • 3l310.-00- 000 Loaa Proea�ds(Y) SO 552,500 SO SO � � : 101 - 39330�-00- 000.1 � SO . SO � � PAGQ 1'OT7�LS S54L,90! 5314,951 5237,500� �;237,500 5125,780 5125,7a0 � � . � � CSGND�TOT]J,S � � - 5�.864,999 53,379,855 53,585,633 $3,585,633 53.953.,799 53.953,799� � � � . . � � � . . . � � �- . aiY'SRNaL A.SVffi70aS � � t1,140,l63 S1,]51,313 S1,Z19,450 51,219,�50��51,026,�55 5�1,.0]6,755.Graad Total Less IW V�lozm. . �� . . _. . ._ . . _._ . . .'.""' �.�.�.""�............c........�...............�.......��..i.G11.-shG i Piseal DisparitS�s ` r:y ri.• 199� n�cxx Konxs�ars � � � � � . . - fiffi7YRAL RYY�iQlS � . . � . Saptambar 15, 1993 . � . � � 1993 OBJECT 1991 199♦ OSdZCT 1l94 � � � � � 1991 � 1997 . DETAIL )�DOPTm DiThIL PROPOS� . � . lvad � Accouat r Obj � Desaription aCTOAL 71C14AL IdtOIINT � BODGHT� AitOOHT � SIIDGEi Ca�m�nt� """"'_""""""""""""""""""""_"""'"'_""""""""_"""""""""""""""...."""""""""'_"""""""'......" ioi - a�ioa -oo- o0o c.n.:.i z„aa�e.sn a.., � � �� 101 - 3�lOd -00- OOQ.1 luad Admiaistrativ� Feaa SO . SO �558,500 � � � 559,625 �� 101 - 3410E -00- OOO.a Yuad 102 51,125 51,135 � Paid-IIp D�bt S�zv Eoad Zvad. iCi - 14108 -00- OOO.b Tvad ]01 � . 55,625 55,625 � Port hutLozity fuad � � 101 - 3410R -00--OOO.e lnad Z02 � � . . � 52.250 i2,250 5-Yaar CIP Progra luad. 101 - 3�106 -00- OOO.d Yvad ]03 � � � � � . S1,1I�5 . 51,125 . GpiCal Psroj�cts YSA lual � � �101 - 34106 -00- OOO.e Pund 204 � 51,125 . --51,135 � . Savaraae� i Retirwa[ Tuad� . 101 - 3�10! -00- OOO.L Zund 205 . S2.]50 � � 52..350 Park Imyrwe�ats ?uad � . 101 - 34106 -00- OOO.q Tuad 220 � 55,625 �;6 . Natioaal Cuard.Araory Yroj�eG � 101 - 3f10! -00- OOO.h lund 2;0 ._ 51,115 51.125 � Diaaoad path p=oj�cE � � 101 - ]410L -00- 000.1 lvad 301 . .. 51,134 . � g1,125 G.O. C�uaity C�ater 1!!2C � 101 - 3410t -00- OOO.j luad 303 � � 51,125 � � 51.125 G.O. Yuaieip�l�Eldga 19ti . � 101 - 3430d -00- OOO.k Pvad 304 � . � 51,125 51,125 G.O. Hquip Caztlfica[ai 1991C� �101 - �410E -00- 000.1 hwd 321 . � � � � 51,135� . 51.125 C.O. �Iapr 8onds 1992A . 101 - 34108�-00- D00.1 Puad 322 . � $0 51,125 G.O. Impr Eonds 1893a � 101 - 3430! -00- 000.1 lund 323 � $0 51,125 � � �G.O. Imp R�[uading 8ends 1993E � � 101 - 3430E -00- OOO.m lvad 324 . 51,1]S SO . G.O. 2mpr Honds 19lSL . � � �101 - 3410E -00- OOO.a" Tuad 325 51,135 . 51,175 G.O. Impr Boads 198711 �� � 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.o� Puad 346 � � . 51,145� 51,125 G.O. Impr Soads 19E6E� 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.y Yvad 327 �� 51,125 51,1]S G.O. Za�r poads 1989E 101 - 34106 -00- OOO.q - Tund 328 51,1]S 51,125 G.O�. Impr eoads 1997L � . � 101 - 3410D -00- OOO.r Zuad 329 � � 51,125 51,135 C.O. Impr EcnCa 1991D . 101 - 34108 -QO. OOO.s Tvad 330 . $1,1]S . 51,125 . . G.O. ImDr ponds 1992D � 101 - 34308 -00- OOO.t lvad ]!1 � � 51,125 � 51,225 � C.O. kuaicipal Hldg 1992L 101 - 3410t -DO- OOO.0 ruad 362 - � ;1,125 � 51,1�5 C.O. Tax iac Sonda 196lA � 101 - 3410d -00- OOO.o lund 601 . � � � 55,635 55,675 xatar IItility Tvad ���� . 101 - 3410f -00- 000-.v-- . fund 607 . � .� - � � 55,625 . � 55,624 . Sewsr IItility Puad . .. -� � 101 - 3410i -00- OOO.x lund 603 � � . � 55,625 55,625 . . Storm xater Otility Pund � 101 - ;4108 -00- OOO.y . 7uad 604 � �� � � � 51,175 � 51,125 � � �Nater 4 Sawer CZP Prograa�7uad � � . 101 - 34106 -00- OOO.s - Tuad 605 � . � � � - �� �-�� 51,125 � � 51,175 - ����- � �.Matar Hook-Op Core 7vad --�����- �-.--� � � 101 - 3410d �-00- OOO.aa Tuad�606 � . . S1,iZ5 ;1,125 � Se�rez Hook-4p Cora Tund 101 - 34106 -00- OOO.ab tuad 607 51,135 ;1,125 � ��Stosm Mater Coaaacta !�u Tuad 101 - 34106 -DO- OOO.ac Fund 612 � � . � �51,125 51,175 . G.O, NaCer�Hoad� 19l9a 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.ad Fuad 61D � � 51,125 � j1,125 G.O. Storm Matar bond� 1993II �101 - 3410�E -00- OOO.ad Puad 650 � . S9� � 55,624� - C�uaity Ceatar Puad � �PL68 TOTlS.S � SO � � SO 556,500 558.,500 559,625�� " 559,635 -� �� � � � � � Paq� On� . � � � . � • � 1994 BIIDCST MOAIS8E8T3 � � � � � � � COONCIL - 41110 - � . � � � Septobar 15, 1993 � 1993 OBJiCT 1993 � 199{ OEJECT 1994 � � . 1991 1993 DYTI�IL ADOPTBD �DYTAIL PROPOSBD � � � � � . Pund �1lccouat � Obj R Dascriytioa ]1CTUAL � �CTp7�L� a7[pIINT gpDGgT 7�I(pDHS DIIDGYT �Comm�nG . 101 - 41110 103.0 Part-Time S�larias 4 8eaeiits 523.973 523.550 517,607 577,607 . 101 - �3110 -03- 103.D Y. YClt�aomy, 1layor � j6,459 � 56,459 SS350fsoath r 150/aoath Dctra! � . . . . . ... _. _ _ ... .. .� . . .. ._._._. .__. .. � ._ __ . . . . . . . 101 - 41110 -03- 103.0 - 8. Zla�saa, Couaeilnember � � � �.�- � � �55,167 55,167 (:5300/moath ♦ 100/aoatL Lxtral � � � 101 - 41110 -0{- 103.0 � J. Staats, Couaeilmembaa 55,407 � $5,407 . . (5300/aoath ♦ 100/aoath E�ttsa) � � 101 - 41110 -05- 103.0 H. Nilleox, Couaeilaemb�r ;5,40� � . 55,407 � (5300/aoath * 100/sonth Ibctra) 101 - 41110 -06- 103.0 D. Nippasa�n, Covacllmmbr ;S,li7 . $5,167 � (i300/ioath a 100/aonth L�ctz�) � 301 - 41110 -01- 209.0 Othar O!lic� Suppliu � SO � 3190 =0 =0 � � � � 101 - 41110 -01- 209.1 SO SD � � 101 - 41110 -01- 303.0 hrchit�ets' 7eea !0 $4,443 � Sa � SO - � �. 102 - 41110 -01-.302.1 SO SO � � 101 -.f1110 -01- 304.0 Lagal 7�e• 56,240 SO � � . �SO SO 101 - 41110 -01- 30�.1 • � �� � SO SO 101 - 41110 -01- 307.0 ]taa�qameat 7aes 538,113 640.414 St5,640 � 561,000 � � � � 101 - 41110 -OS- 307.1 Newslett�r � . � f27,690 � . ;7,000 � � � 101 - 41110 -01- 307.2 Spriag Cleaaup 535,000 510,000 � 101 - i1110 -01- 307.3 Pirevorks � 56,000 � 56,000 � � 101 - 41110 -01- 307.4 Aeey�liag Coatraet-Icnutsoa � 531,000 532.000 � � .101 - 41150 -01- 307.5 Senior CiGizea's Ceater � �$6,000 � �56,000 � � 101 - 41110 -01- 319.O�Othar ?rofas�ioaal Servieea SO 51,96! 57.300 .� . St,000 101 - 41110 -OS- 319.1 Retraat/Goal Settiag � . � 51,300 . SO � � 101 - i1110 -01- 319.Y Hduea�ioa Raisbursemeat . 56,000 54,000 � � � 101 - 41110 -01- 331.0 Traval Ezp�ase .51,036 5617 5400 � 5300 � � � 101 - 41110 -01- 331.1 Yilaag� to LYC Coalareace s}00 � � SO � � � 101 - 41110 -01- 331.2 Yiuellaa�ou� . 5100 � �5300 � 101 - 41110 -OS- 751.0 Legal Soticu Publlahiag. ;0 S36 � SO f0 � 101 - 41110 -01- 351.1 SO SO . � 101 - 51110 -01- 369.0 Othar Iaiuraace SO SO � 5900 5500 �. � � ,_ .. . . - . . _. . ., . _� �� 101 - 11110 -Ol- 369.1� Couaell c Commicteei� � � � � � � � � 5900 - 5500 - Aeeidmtal Insuraae��� � � � � � •101 - 41130 -01- 433.0 Duas a Sub�bziytioas 5405 .SC.048 � 57.950 54,500 � � - 101 - 41130 -01- U 3.1 L1IC Dua■ . - 55,000 . SS,250 � . � 101 - 41110 -OS- 433.2 LXC r Amieua � � � � . f500� �� SSOD - � � 101 - �41110 -01- �33.3 Amt Dues � ;3,000 53.300 � 101 - 41110 -01- l33.4 NDCC Dues � � $450 t450 � � � 301 - 41110 -01- 435.0 Sooks i PamphleG - SO � 5397 � $100 .$100 � � � � � 101 - 41110� -01- �35.1 xi�cellaaeous Literatura � 5100. 5100 � - .101 - �1110 -01- 437.0 ConEereacas c Semiaars � $2,699 52.82! 52.300 52,300 � � _ � 101.- 41110 -01- 437.1 ---Registration i Hotel-L16C ��__. . . � � S1,l00 � 51,800 �.� � � � � � � � . � 101 - 41110 -01-�437.2 � uiscellaaaous L1SC 8veau � � � SS00 � � � � � ;500 � � � � � � � � 101 - 41110 -01- 439.O�Other Miscellaneous Charges S69 50 SO-� SO - � . 301�- 41110 -01- �39.1 . � . . . S0� � $0 - � � � � 101 - 41110 -01- 598.0 Comcil Deiiyaated 521,l6{ 518,926 �� � 517,000 ��512,000 � � � 101 - 41110 -01- 598.1 Coatlaqmciu . � 58,000 514,000 � � � 101 - 41110 -01- 596.T� IIaloa Contract Coatiagmcy . 59.000 � SO � � 101�- 41110 -01- 601.0 Priaciyal oa Loaas � � SO SO 517,500 517,500 � . � � 101 - 41110 -01- 601.1 Plaa hasiatanca-Comp Plaa . . §11,775 512,?75 Yaymeat �1 oi 3 . � 101 - �1110 -01- 601.4 Plaa Iusiscaaca-AirporC � � � 55,725 � 55,725 Paymeat i2 oE 3 � pAa$ 1'OTUS 594,098 ¢101,616 �5166,747 5166,749 5133,607 5137,807 � � ' DEPARTIffitT TOTALS $44,098 5101,626 5166,747 ;166,747 �5133,807 5133,D07 . � Paq� Oaa . � . . � 1994 DDDGET MOW.98S8T3 � .. . . � .. ADY2NISTRATION DSPJ3tT�NT - �1320 - � . - . . . � Sept�ab�r 15, 1993 1993 OEJECT 3993 1994�O8JECT 1994 � � � 1991 � 1992 DYT7IIL 11DOPT� DHS]�IL FAOPOS� � � . lssad Account A Obj i D�seriptioa � ].CTGaL ACTUI�L )JtOONT SIIDGSi 7�[ODRi DIID6si Cwn�aCs � � 101 -�♦1D30 101.0 Salari�s 4 ienatits . 5173,759 ;163,861 .5105,69t 5�15,352 xll Selazy CosW Inclwiw o! 101 - f1320 -02- 301.0 S. Jilk, )�dmiaiitrator � � §60,105 382,113 . Salxry, taxu, pi1U i D�aeLiG� � . 101 - �13]0 -03- 101.0 S. Nal�h, Admin ]usistant � � $51,41D � � SS],6l9 � � 101 - �13]0 -04- 101.0 L. J�ntiak, l�dmia Sacretazy � 531,4b4 53��f,764 � � 101 - 41310 -OS- 201.0 D. Nidstro�, Perial Seertry � 515,324 � 517,119 � 50 } Gsn'1, SO4 Port Anihority 161 - 41320 �-06- SO1.0 C�. CouqLlin, A�eeptioaiat -. 527.2G2 � 529.167 � � � 101 - 41320 102.0 Yull-Tiaa�W�rhima $3,125 @3,628� 53,300 53.300 � 101 - {1330 -04- 102.1 L. Jaatlak � -� � � �2,SQ0 52.500 101 - 41370 -OS- 102.] D. NSNtroa Si00 i500 �� � 101 - 41330 -06- 102.3 C. Coughlia � ;300 5300 �� �� � 101 - 41320 �-01- 203.0 priat�d Pozmi 4 Paper � 5171 SO SO . SO � - 101 - 51320 -01- 203.1 � �LO � ��t0 - � SOS - 41320 -01- 207.0 Traiaiag i Iaatsuctal Suppliei §0 =0 ' $1,i00 S1,D00 � � � 101 - 41320 -01- 207.1 Sataty Ca�itt�e 5�50 S�SO � � � 101 - 41330 -01- 207.2 Right to lcaor � � . � $1,550 51,550 � � 101 -�41320 -01- 709.0 Other OfLiee Supyliu 573 SO . � 5300 . . 5300 101 - �1310 -01- 209.1 8lsenllaaewu Yuzchaies � 5300 5300 � � 101 - 41320 -01- 304.0 Legal �ees 5117 SO SO $0� � � � � � 301 - 41320 -01- 304.1 � � $0 EO � . 301 - 41320 -01- 305.0 Yadiul 4 Deatal Yee� . 545 579 SO . SO � � 101 - 41330 -01- 365.1 � SO . � S� � � 101 - 41320 -01- D�07.0 Yaaagas�at !�u � 5796 51,760 59,000 � 58.500 101 - 41720 -01- 307.1 Labor Conrultaat 57.500 SE,000 . 101 - 41720 -01- D07.3 Dept H�ad/Staft Ticainiag � S1,SQ0 5500 . � � � 101 - �1320 -01- 319.0 Oth�r Prof�u loaal Ses�teu SO 52.262 S0� ' � � SO- � � . . 101 - 11320 -01- 319.1 . SO $0 � � - 101 - 1I330 -01- 331.0 2rar�1 7xyanu � 530! 5691 � 5300 � 5300 � � � - 101 - 41�20 -01- 371.1 SCaG Coaf�zance --L1tC � - � � � - � 5100 - 5100 � . 101 - 41320 -01- 331.2 State Coalcreaea - kOG � 5100 5100 � 101 - 41370 -01- 131.3 L�bor A�latloa� Morkshoy� � � 5100 5100 � � . 101�- 41130 -01- 339.0 Othar Transyortatloa Y�ry�asaa-- � � 5219 =157 . � � 5300 � . � 5300 ' _ .. ___.__. . �. 101 - 41310 -01- 339.1 Reimbursa tor lltng Traval � . �� 5300 � 5300 � � 101 - 41330 -01- 341.0 �ploysent 1Wvertisiag � � � SO 5303 SO SO � 101 - 41320 -01- D41 1 � SO � � ;0 101 - 41320 .-01- 351.0 Legal Noticu Publi�hiag � $13 t0 SO SO 101 - 41320 -01- 351.1 SO � 50 . � 101 - t1320 -01- 3-53.0�6eneral�Notices i Public Inio . 53.566 �. � � .�.SO � � SO . . � � 50�.- � � � � . . .101 - 41340 -01- 352.1 � � � . . . . . � . S0� . � . . . ..SO . � � � . .. � � . �. � 101 -�41320 -01- 353.Q Ordi.aaaca Publieatioa . � 90 $0 . 5800 . � 51,000 � � �� 101 - 413]0 -01- 353.1 Codiiication of Codn � 5800 � � 51,000 � - � � � � � 101 - 41330 -01- 433.0 Dua� 4 Subtcziptioa� � 5374 � 5193�� . 5110 5185 � � � � . 101 -��1330 -01- 433.1 1SCW Du�� � � � $60 - 560 � � � 101 - 41320 -Ol- 433.2 �1ts Dyu � . 525 525 . 301 - 41320 -01- 4;3.3 BCTW.Duas S�5 � �$25 � � � 101 - 41320 -01- 433.4 II1SC Du�s � � � SSO SSQ � � 101 - 41320 -01- 433.5 IPkL Duas $45 � S�5 � . . 101 - 41320�-01- 433.6 �HAOMA Dues 525 SO � PAGB TOS71L3� . � 5181,5�7 5173,053 $221,70II ;221,708� f331,037 ;231,037 � � � Pty� 'hro � � . . . . . . 1994 EIIDGET NORICS�ST3 � . 11D1[2DiS3TR71T20H DEPARTI�QT - 41320 - . � � . . � . . � . Stytembar 15, 1993 � 1993 OHJBCT 1997 1994 OSJYCP 1994 � � � � � � 1991 � 1992 DSfAZL aDOYTID DBTAIL YROPOSBD � � � Tvad Aeeona[�� Obi N Dueriytion aCiVAL aCPO11I. . 1�NOONT HIIDG=T hxOIINT sDDGYP Co��at�� � � 101 - 41320 -01- 435.O�SooSu i ?amphlets � SO SO 5400 - 5400 � � . � � � 101 - 41320 -01- 435.1 . TLSA Saadbook �5250 . � S�SO . � � � 101 - 11720 -01- 435.1 81�aellaa�ow Pureh.sias . 5350 � 5150 � � 101 - 41320 -01- 437.0 Coaiar�no�s 4 Seainars 51,749� E1,SE6. 51.500 52.200 � 101 - 11320 -01- f37.1 aegSftration � Hotel - IJfC � 5�00 � � 5300 � � � � 101 - 41320 -01- �37,3 4�gisCratioa 4 Hotal - XCM11 5350 � 5400. SO1 - 51320 -01- 437.3 RaslstraGioa - J�10f � � 5200 � . $0 � 301 - 4133a -01- l37.4 Aeqlstratloa n 8ota1-1SCP07,. � 5500 . . � 5�50 � 101 - 41320 -01- 437.4 LaDoz Relatioas Traiaiaq � . SS00 5500 � � � � 101 - 41320 -01- 437.6 Staf! (2) EaeL � 5�00 . 5400 � . - 101 - �13]0 -01- 437.9 ]ciie�llaaeow S�minar� _ 5100 f100 301 - �1320 -OS- 43�.8 HvalMpal'� Daaquat � - 5250 � 5250 . � . 101 - 41320 -01- 439.0 Other Y1�cellaaeous Charq�s �SO S4! f0 50 � � . 101 - 41320 -01- 439.1 � � $0 SO � . � PaGB TOTAI.S S1,7S9 51,635 52.900 52.900 52.600 � 52,600 � . � DSP71R17�7Y TOTAI.S 5183,326 5174,6E8 5=74,60d 5224,506 $133.637 5233,637 . Ps4� On� . � � � . . 1994 SDDGET MOAICSITYETS �� �. � . � ELECI'SONS - 41410 - . . � . . . . � S�pt�mbar 15, 1993 - - � 1993 OBJ$CT 1993 1994 OSJYCS 199� � � � 1991 - 1992 DHTI�ZL. 11D0?TID DZ'tAIL YROPOS� . � . � � Pund� Accovat • Obj • .Ducriytion I�C'N71L .hClCI�S. �11NODNi 80DGST I�tOVNT BIIDfiBT Como�aG � 101 - �1410 103.0 Part-Siae Salariu �51,594 � 57.795 . 53.000 � �� 86,000 � SOi - 41410 -01- 103.1 Slactioa-Judgu . � 53,-000 56,000 � 101 - 4141Q -01- 122.0 TIG Contributioas � � S99 5310 � � � $1!6 . � $372 � � � 101�- 41i10 -01- 122.1 Elactioa Judgas i186 . 5372 � � . 101 - 41410 -OS- 125.0 Y�diears CoatribuCioa� S23 ST3 . � 844 $!6 101 - 41410 -01- 125.1 83actioa Judqes 544� isa � 101 - 4141Q -01- 303.0 Priat�d losms 4 Papar 52.331 SO � 53.400 .SO - 101 - 11410 -01- 303.1 Sallota 4 Programminq� . � � � 53,400 SO � � 101 - 41lSO -01- 20l.0 Yisealisa�ous Suppliu . SO 5405 . 5135 5300 � � 101 - 41418 -Q1- �20l.1 Varioua Elaetloa PuzcLases . 5125 5200 � � 101 - 41410 -01-��219.0 Other Operating Suppllas i426 5656 .5250 . S25p . • 101 - �1410 -01- 219.1 � Haals !or YlectSoa Judgas � 5250 � 5250 � � � � 101 - 41410 -01- 243.0 Itiaor iquipmant � $0 SO $150 � � f200 � 101 - 41410 -01- 34Y.1 Eallot xaeIIine Yquipment � 5150 5�00 � l0i - �1410 -01- 319.D Other ProEasaioaal Serviees SO 51,100 � . � SO � � SO � � 101 - 41410 -01- 3i9.1 SO SO � 101 - �1410 -OS- 321.0 Telephoae Cosu � SO 5378 5250 5500 � 101 - 41410 -01- 311.1 Cwts Sor Praciaet Phoaai � $250 � 5500 .. � 101 - 41410 -OS- 351.0 Legal Noticea Publi�hinq. �. SO $3 � � S50 � SO 101�-.41410� -01- 3�51.1 81actlon Publicatioas � S50 EO . � 101 - 41410 -01-�359.0 Othaz Pria[1aq 4 eindinq Co�b S2 SO � SO . . . SO . 101 - 41410 -01- 359.1 SO � � � . 50 � � � 101 - <1410 -01- �09.0 OtL�r CoatractaQ Repair 4 ltala S50 � �51,966 �SO 52.640 � 10i - 41�10 -01- 409.1 2 Yur Ysint 1lgreeaeat SO � 5�.640 - � � �� � • 101 - 41410 -01- 419.0 Othar Ylaeallaaeous Charg�s SO 5160 5160 . 5320 � 101 - �1410 -01- 139.1 Jaaitorlal Sarvieu 5160 5330 � � _ 101 - 41410 -01- 570.0 Oftie� Lquip � Turnishiaq ?ure - 5310 . SO . � SO � � � $0 � � . _ .. 101 - 41410 -01- 570.1 � . . . .. . . . .. � .� .. _.. . - . . . .. . . . �SO� . . .$0. . . . . �� . 101 - 41110 -01- 560.0 Othar Equiyaaat Puzehaaes SO 51,000 SO SO � � 101 - 41410 -U1- 580.1 � � � � � SO � SO � . . FhCB�TOS7II.S � SS.73T SSD,l15 57.615 57.615� . 510,570 510,570 . � . DEPI3tTl�NT TOTa7.3 ;4,737 513,845 57.615 57.615 �510,570� 530,570. Psy� Oa� � . � � � � � � 19!♦ SIIDCYT NOW.S8YET3 . . � . PINLNCt DHP71RTl�iT - 41520 - . � . Ssptamb�r 15, 1993 � 1993 OBJYCT 1993 1994 ODJYCT 1994 � . � . � � � , 1991 �1492� DYTLIL 11DOPTED DYTA2L PAOPOSm � � Yund 7lcconnt � Obj f Dsscriytioa ACTT77�L ]1CTOAL . I�S09NT BIIDCaT AIWIINT DODCYi Co��ats � _"'""""""""""""'"""""""'___""""""""""""""'_""__'_"'_"""""""'»"""""""""_"""""'__""""""" � . all Salary Co�ts Iaclwi*� ot� -� 101 - 41520 SO1.0 Salariss i saaefits 5102,933 599,717 5113,915 i131,846 Salazy, Tax��, p�G i E�n�lits. � 101 - 41520 -02- 101.0 J. 1tay, !ia Dlraetor(75k) 546,.216 � 547�,189 � 75k 6�a�1, 25t IItiliti�s . � 101 - 415R0 -03- 301.0 J. Gilb, Jusistant !/D(TSt) 535,361 f3E,{d6 75t Gen'1, 35} IICSliti�� 101 - 11520 -04- 101.0 D. l.orpala, 1�ccouaGaG(Ok) . SO � SO . SOOk Paid by IItiltiei � . 101 - 4i530 -OS- 101.0 D. lfazaar, Accouataatt100}) 530.143 t32,46t 1�1 - �1570 -!!- 103.0 1/2 Daputy 8�qiatrar(100A�) f13,173 � 513,603 � � � 101 - 41520 102.0 lull-Ti�m� Overtim� 51,224 5982 51,�000 51,000 � � . � 101 - 41520 101.1 Jaaa fiilb 50 � SO 101 - 41520 102.2 �aaaise xaxaer � . s1,900 � � 51,000 � � �� � 101 - 41520 -01- 301.0 Auditing a �ecouating Servicas� $0 SO SSDO 5200 . . iCi - 41520 -01- 301..1 Coasultiag Sezvices � 5500 . � . 5�700� . . Roa-Eudit AalateA�.S�zvieu � � . 101 - 41520 -01- 304.0 L�gal Yees �� � � $O SO SO SO . 101 -. �15]0 -01- 304.1 � � . SO � � � � 101 - 41520 -01- 305.0 Medical 4 Dantal �su S61 SO � �5300 � SO � � 101 - 4152D -01- 305.1 Phy�icals � . 5300 . SO � � 101 - 41520 -01- 319.0 OGhar Proiusional Services SO 52.ZC1 SS00 � � - 5300 101 - 41570 -01- 319.1 Spriag�ted Coaaultlag 5500 � 5300 � � �� 101� - 41520 -01- 331.0 Trdvei 8�cpsass � 5255 5168 � � 5800 �� 5500 101 - 41520 -01- 331.1 � Ylaaace�Director � 5500 5300 � . � 101 - 41530 -01- 331.Y Staft � � �5300 � � � $300 � � 101 - 41520 -01- 341.0 F.mploymest AdveztSsiag SO $0 � 5500 � � � SO � � � . 101 - 41520 -01- 341.1 I�ds for Pazmaneat P/S � SS00 � � SO � � . 101 - i1570 -01�- D91.0 4.C. Yaiataaaac• S6,2i6 510,621 � � 56,200 � Ss,950 . 101 - 41520 -Ol- 391.1 Yiero Syrto Yalntaaaaca � � 52.SQ0 $3,000� � � 101 - 11520 -01- 791.2 , Yiero SoLtru� Lieaas• . . 51,500 ' $3.000 _ � � 101 - 41520 -01- 391.3 C�aaral N�trork Suyyort . . � .51,000 � � S3.SQ0 � ', 101.- 41510 -01- 241.4 YS�ullaa�ous P.C. Repaizs � - 5200 � � 3450 . � � . � � � 101 - 41520 -01- D9].0 Y.C. l.ee��soriu 4 Supplies �� 5625� 51,496�� � . � . .� . S?00.�_ � .� .. 51,000 � � � � � - � 101 - i1530 -01- 393.1 CSty�Sy�tm Supyllu � � � � 5700 � 51,000 ' � � 101 - 41530 -01- ]93.0 P.C. Hardraz��Pyzehaw� SO 55,956 � . . 80� � SO � . 101 - 41520 -01- 397.1 � . ' � SO �. � � SO � � � 101 - 41420 -01- 394.0 P.C. Soltrar� PurcLasea 56l0 588i . 50 � � 5500 . 101 - 41520 -01- 394.1 xi�cellaaeous S/N paekagu � � $500 � � � . 101 - �1520 -01- 409.6 Othar Coatzaet�d Yeyair a 1lsia SQ 5��5 5300 �� � ;300 � � . 101 -�41520 -01- 109.1 GsL Ragirtaz Naiat ConGzct $300 . 5300 . � 101 - 41510 -01- l33.0 Dua� i Subseriptioas 5313 �5=37 � 51,200� 51,100 � � 101 - �1520 -01- 433.1 1�1tA Aanual Fnes � � . . 5150 . . 5150 . � . . 101 - 41520 �-01- 433.2� � �MGPOA-- Yinaaee Director . � �. � � � �5150`� - � �5140� �� � - � - - � � - � �. � 101 - �1540 -01- 433.3 MGF011 - SCaL1 . -..5300 �5300 � � � . S01 - 41520 -OS- i33.4 GlOA - Yiaaace DSrecGar � � � � � $150 � � 5150 �- � � 101 - 43520 -OS- �33.5 CPOII- Stalt � � . 5300 � � 3300 . � � . 101 - 415]O -OS- 433.6 Nagaziaa Sub�criptioas � 5150 5150� � � � � � � 101 - 41510 -01- 435.0 Soolu i Pamphlata � 50 ;150 5200 . 5200 � � . 101 - 41520 -01- 135.1 Accouatiag Related��800ks � . 5100 5100 � �� � 101 - �1540 -01- 435.2 Piaaaca Ealated Books 5100 5100 � � . PAGS TOTI�LS � � $112,3i7 5122.,907 5136,115 5136,115 5145,996 $145,946� � � . � . ?aq� 2Mo � � . . 1994 HIIDGET NORJFS888T3 . . � � �� PIDi11NCI DSYNtTIffiiT - 41540 - . � . � � � . S�pt�bar 15, 199] � . 1994 ObJYCT . 1993 1994 OEJLCT 1494 � � � � � . 1491 1992 �DSSAIL hDOPT� . D=ihZL PRGPOS� - . . � � � Tliad� account i Ob� i Daserlptioa � � AC74AL � ]�CiVA7+ ANOVNT EODCYT L1(ODNS � HDDGST Ca�ats � � � 101 - 415i0 -01- 437.0 ConL�r�aeu 4 Seainan $576 =l,tbb 53.500 � 52.000 � � 101 - 11520 -01- �l?,1 )m�CoaLar�ne�tlor Thr�a) � . 5300 i300 � 1Q1 - 41520 -01- 437.] Computar Syaposi�s� � . 5500 SSOQ � � � 101 - �1520 -01- 41�.7 YGlOL ha¢wl Coa1 .- 7JD 5300 � 5100 � .� 101 - 41530 -01- �37.4 FGFW�11aaw1 CoaS - Stat! � 5500 � SS00 . - � 101 - 11520 -01- 437.5 CI07�Natioaal Coai - ?/D � . 51,300 � .. f0 . � � � 101 - �1520 -01- �37.6 Yiaullaa�oua Samiaar� i600 5400 � � 101 - �1520 -01- 439.0 OChar Yiicdlaa�ous Cbarqes � 5306 5647 � � 5500 � � $500 � 101 - 41520 -01- �39.1 Chgs.Not Co�trad Ylsevhara 5500 � 5500 � � � 101 - 41520 -01- 570.0 Oftica BQuip�eat PuzcLases SO . 52.332 � - f0 � SO 101 - 41520 -01- 570.1 � � $0 - � PACS 20tALS 56d3 � 54,756 34,000 54,000 52.500 =2,500 � � � � � DEP11ATl�iT TO•lN.S 5113,2]9 5127,66] 5140,115 5140,115 S14E,496 $14E�,496 � Paga Oa� � � � � � � � 1994 EIIDGBT MOR1CS88ET3 � � � � �CEIQSRhL GOVERNKffi7T - 41610 - � � � . Saptambar 15, 1993 � . 1993 OaJBCR . 1993 199� OSJtCT 1994 ��� 1491 � 199] DHTAIL 1�DOPTID DLTAIL PROPOSm . � � � � � Yuad ��1lccouat R Obi t Dascriptioa AC'PQIJ. ACTOAi. LItOIINT ���BDDGYT �7�1t0DlIS EODGET Cam�at� ' � """"""""""'--"""""""""-""""""""-"""""""""""""'--"-"---"""'-""""""""""'-"""""'•""""'.. � 101 - 41810 -01- 201.0 O!lica Lecuaories f0 E60 t0 SO iai - +ieio -oi- 2oi.i so so 101 - 41l30 -01- Y02.0 Duplicatiag 4 Copying ;7,655 112,474 512,500 S11,S00 . � � � 301 - �1l10 -01- ]02.1 1[ierofilmiag � 53.000 53,000 � 101 - �1i30 -01- 102.2 Copyiag Costi � . E9,500 tl,500 � 301 - �1f10 -01- 203.A Yrlat�d losss 4 Paper 54.OSE i6,02S . 59,150 59,150 � . . S01 - 41810 -01- 203.1" �Coyy Payar . � =3,100 53,100 301 - 41810 -01- 203.2 G�aaral Aeceipt Sooks . � 5750 � 3750 � 101 - 41610 -01- 103.3 PurcLase Orderi � 5650 � it50 �� �I� 101 - 41l10 -01- 203.4 Yayroll Cheeks � 51,100 51,100 . � . �'�.. 141 - 43b10 -OS- 203.5 A/P Chaeks � . $2,10� =2,100 . ��. 101 - �1610 -01-.203.6 Greaabar Compueeri30 Bozu) S1,iS0 � t1,150 � . �, � 101 - 41l10 -01- 304.0 ffivalopa� 4 Lattarhaads 51,957 L4.254 � 56,550 � 53.100 . 101 - 41l10 -01- 204.1 Letterhaad 53.100 S1,OOC � 101 - 41610 -01- 204.2 Plaia Hav�lopas 5450 � 5600 . � � , 301 - 41610 -01- 201.3 x/P 4 Payroll Eavelopns � 5�00 5400 101 - 4181C -01- 204.4 10 x 13�Ry'vek 8avelopes s1,300 . 5750 � � . 101 - 41i10 -01- 304.5 10 x�15 Syvek Eavelopes � . � 51,300 i350 � 301 - 41610 •01- 206.0 Yiero!!lm Supplies 5105 S5� . SO SO � � 101 - 41630 �-01- 206.1 $0 SO . 301 - 41l10 -01- 20E.0 Yiscellanaoui Supylla• .id.747 � 510,947 � . 59,500 . �58.000 � � � ' � 101 - 41i10 -01- 206.1 JanlGozial 4 Yisc City 8a11 59,500 � 58,000 � � � 101 • 41l10 -01- 209.0 Othar Oiiic� Supplles S�1,D17 S1E,151� . S1l,000 516,000 � . 101 - SU10 -01- 20f.1 G�a�zal OSL1ca Supyliu S1l,Q00 � 316�,000 � � 101 - �1t10 -01- 212.0 ltotor Tu�ls � 5359 5166 � 50 � � � SO � � 101 - �1110 -01- 213.1 SO � SO � � � 101 - 41610 -01- 219.0 OtLaz Oparating Supplia• � S0� S37 - �- SO � . - � � SO . . . . _ .__.... _. . � �- 101�--�<iD10 -Ol- 219.1 � � �- 50 . � �� �� SO � � � � � � � � � � 101 - 41610 -01- 221.0 YQulpmeaG Pasts . SO f178 51,100 51,100 � � 301 - �1l10 -01-� 271.1 City Eall Yquips�aG Aayaira � . .51,100 51,100 � � � � � � 101 - 41E10 -01- 229.0 Other xaiatansac• Supyliu � 549 � - 5�7i . 5300 . � � 5300 -� 101 - 41II10 -01- 239.1 ]Siscallaneou� Suppliu � . 5300 i300 � � � 101 - �1620 -Ol- 242.0 Hinor Equipmeat � 5399 Sl61 � SO SO � � 101 - �1810 -01- 211.1 � . SO � SO � . 101 - 41810 -01- 301.0 auditiaq 4 xecounGing Sezviea� 56,063 S1'f,806 � 520,000 520,000 � � . � � S01 - 11810 -01- 301.1 1992 Ludit Yau . $20,000 520,000 � 101 - 418i0 -01- 302.0 LzehiGects' Peaa - � SO 52.]81 � SO . . . SO �. � .__:._�.�.101 --42810 �-01-�3�02�.1 -... . . ._.._. _... . . . . ..__._. . . � ._..... $0. _. .. _.... �...SO . .. . . . _.__ . . . :_-.� _. :. _ �. ._ �_ � 101 - 41E10 -01�- 304.0 Legal Pees � . 513,576 ¢52,37� � 511,000 531,000 � � 101 - 41l10 -01- 304.1 6eaeral City Legal Tees � - 531,000� � $31,000 � � � � . - 101 - 41610 -OS- 319.0 Othez Yrofa�sional Sarvicas 532.990 534,161 516,000 516.,100 � � � � � 101 - 41l10 -01- 319.1 Hra Aeliaf lu�'a � . 526,000 536,000 � . 301 - �1l10 -01- �319.2 City ltaps . 31�,200 101 - 41E10 -01- 319.3 Dirnctory � . 51,000 � � � 101 - 41l10 -01- 321.0 Taleyhoae Cosb � 533,571 523.719 � . 520,000 � � . 521,000 101 - 41D10 -01- 321.1 MoatLly 8illiagr . � 520,000 521,000 � � � 101 -�41810 -01- 312.0 Postage Coati �f11,669 511,669 � 531,000� � 512,000 � 101 - 41810 -01- 322.1� Geaeral Poskage Cost� � 5�11,000 . 513,000 � ----'-"'-'-"""""""""--'--"""""""'-•--'----"'-"' . - PLCY TOTN.S 5132,645 �5196,313 $155,100 $155,100 5161,350 5161,350 . � � 199� SIIDGSf KORICS�8S3 � . � � � � � � � . .GENiRAL COVYiNI�iT - 41630 • . � � . . Jua� 26, 199] . , � . . 1443 OSJECT� 1993 199� ODJECT 199! � � � � 1991 199] DBiAIL LDOP2� DETIIZL pAOPOS� � . zt,an a��o�e � obj r Ducriptioa 71CT07�7. 71CTII]�L ]JtOONT BDDGYT 7�1tOQNT DIIDGBT Co�nt� 101 - �1610 -01- 339.0 Othez Traaiportatioa H�ryaasn� �59ti2 ;82! 5300 51,000 � 101 - 41l10 -01- 379.1 C�aeral Co�b� . 5200 � 51,000 � � 101 - 41l10 -01- 311.0 moployaeat hdvartisiag � � SO 5211 g0 SO � 301 - 41E10 -01- 341.1 � � $0 SO � � � 101 - 41l10 -01- 351.0 L�gal Noticu Pablishiaq � SO SO - 51,200 510,000 101 - 41l10 -01- 351.1 Notices CwCr-a11 Depts 51,200 510,000 � � � 101 - �1610 -01- 352.0 Gmaral Notieei 4 Pub11C Ia10 5�.7�2 SO SO �L7.200 � ioi - uaio -oi- ss2.i so s�.�oo 301 - 41610 -01- 415.0 OtDar =quipmeat Reatel S40 �� SO SO � $0 � 101 - 41E30 -01- 415.1 � � � � � jp . j.p � • 301 - 41l1Q -01- 439.0 OtLer Yiscellaa�ous CLazges . SO 569 i0� � SO � � � � . 101 - 41810 -01- 439.1 � ;0 SO . �� �I � � PLGY TOTN.3 � 55,753 Sl,iZ4 51,400 - $1,<00 S1E,200 � S1l,200 �� D8PId[17�P7' TOT7ILS . 5138,39! 5197,436 5156,500 5156,500. 5179,550 5179,550� � . � � Pa4� Ona . � . . . . �. � � � 1994 EDDCM NOR[S8=STS � . � . . � . .. � � PLIRatII70 DSPARTI�iS - 41910 - � . . . . � � Saptemb�r 15, 1993 � 1993 OSSSCT � 1993 1494 OEJiCT 1994 � � � 1991. 1992 DET7IIL ADOPT� D=TXSL . PROYOSm � � � . Pund Jlccouat R Obj � Ducriptioa aC19LL ACNI�L .NtOONi' � SIIDGBT ]11[OONT �BIIDGST. Co�ants """""""""""""'_"""'"_'__"'___"'_"""""""""""'."""""""""""""""'.""'_""""""""""_'_"""""""' 101 - 41l10 SO1.0 Salariu a Dm�tit� 5192,138 5121,l87 � .;139,�07 5140,l96 L11 Salary CosG Iaciwi�� oL � � 101 - �1910 -03- 101.0 L. Traa��, P1aaaSaq�Dir � � 5�62,39� 561,246 Sa�ary, Tucei, fPIG L�SinsliG 101 - 41l10 -03- 101.0 D. Quintw, Plaaaiag S�ctry � 537.956 � 539,686 . . 101 - f1910 -04- 101.0 R. Pursoa, ]ust Plaanac � 539,052. ;39,960 � SO1 - 41l10 102.0 Pull-Tia� Ovartim� � 51,679 53.0l3 56,000 56,000 � � 101 - �1910 103.1 D. Quiatus � � � 5�.000� 5�.000 � � �� 101 - �1930 103.2 � A. Fur�oa � . S*.000 �54.000 � � 101 • 41930 -99- 103.0 Part-Tima Salari�a 4�Seaetits 57.37! 55,900 � i4.500�. . 59.350 � � 101 - 41910 -99- 103.1 Plaaaiag Ca�missioa � 54,500 54,500 � 5 Ysmb�rs • t35/Yaat�ag � 301 - 41910 -99- 103.2 P1aaalaQ Sntesa(13 Meslu) � � =4,750 � � . 101 - 41910 -01- 202,0 Duplicatiag 4 Copyiaq SO 53� 5300 $300 � 101 - 11910 -01- 302.1 Zoalag/Subdirisa Ordlaaace � � 5300� � ;300 � 101 - 11910 -01- 303.0 Yriatad Poxms a Paper � � 5290 t0 � SO � SO I 101 - 41910 -01- 203.1 � � .� t0 SO . ' 101 - 41910 -01- 205.0 Drattiag Supylies SO � 5995 5160 5160. � � 101 - 41910 -01- 205.1 Yiacellaasow Supplias 5160 . 5160 � � � 101 - 41910 -01- 209.0 Othez OLLice�Supplies . SO 51,097 SO SD � �101 - i1910 -01- 209.1 � $0 . SO � � . 101 - 41930 -01- 212.0 l[otor funla � $1,006 595 � �SO SO � � � 101 - 41910 -oi- 213.1 lord T�yo � �� � 30 .SO �101 - 41910 -01- 241.0 Small Sool• � , 564 � SO SO � 40 . . 101 - 41930 -01- 3�1.1 . SO . � SO � � � 101 - 41910 -01- 242.0 1[inor Lquipaaat SA 5297 SO 575 � 301 - 41910 -01- 243.1 Di�tation Equipmeat SO S75 101 - 41910 -01- 30�.0 L�gal Yp� 5198 S17 SO . .5750 � � 101 - 41910 -01- 304.1 Contingaaciu � ��� . � SO . 5750 , � 101�- 41910 -Ol- 305.0 ]qdiul 4 D�atal Tees . � � � f0 � -SO � � SO SO .�.. � 101 - 41910 -01- 305.1 � � SO - � � SO � � � 101 - 41910 -01- I12.0 Contract Iaapectioa ieu 51�,l40 SO 50 - � SO � � � 101 -� 41910 -01- 312.1 � � � SO � � SO � � � 101 - i1910 -01- 313.0 2empozary Servic• Ta�a - 5955 SO SO .SO � 101 - 41930 -01- 313.1 � SO SO � � 101 - 41910 -01- 319.0 OtLer ProLesaioaal Sarriea� 531,592 521,686 .� � $3,120 . 51,500 � . � 301 - 41910 -01- 319.1 Dakota Couaty Property Deta � � 52.320 � 5500 . � � � � 101 - 41910 -01- 319.2 � Ordinaae� Codllieatioa . 5800 51,000 � � SO1 - 41910 -01- 321,0 Radio Vaits � 5137� SO SO � �SO � . . 301--- f1910 -OS- 323.1 -.-.-. .. .. . . . §0 .. . . . .. � $0-. . . . � � . � 101 �- 41910 -01- 32l.0 OtLer Co�uaieatioa Costs�� � 5393 - 50 � � � . � � SO � � �SO � � � 101 - 41910 -OS- 329.1�� Mobile Phoae SO $0 . . S01 - 41910 -01- 331.0 Travel fixpeata � - $199 5187 . 5450 5450 201 - 41910 -01- 3]1.1 AeQ, State i Local-0oat � 5300 � � 5300 � � � � 101 - 41910 -01- 331.4 Hiscallaaeous Exyaasss . . 5150 5150 � � . � 101 - �1910 -01- 351.0 Lagal Notices.Publishiaq ;15� SO . � .SO � 51,600 101 - 41910 -01- 351.1 . $0. 51,600 � i01 - 41910 -01- 391.0 P.C. Mainteaaaca SO 5255 - � SO SO � 101 - 41910 -01- 341.1 � $0 SO � � """"""""-""""""""'-"'_""-"'-"""""'-"-"' . PaGB TOT7�LS ��� 5250,884 5156,532 5153,932 5153,932 5160,961 � 5160,9l1 � � � � � Yay� 1Mo . . � . . . . 1994 DIIDGBT MORICSHLER'S � � � � . � � � YI.7�NHING DYYAATI�iT • 41910 - � � � � . . � Septembar 15,� 1993 1993.OSJ8CT 1993 1994 OBJBCT 1994 � . � � � . . 1991 1992 - DETEIL �I�DOPTm DETAIL �PIIOPOS� � � lund Aecovnt # Obj r Ducriptioa ACTU71f. xCLRAL axOIIti� HIIDGYS 111tOIINt � DIIDfiET. Co��at� . � � """""""""""'_""""""""_"""'""""""""""""""""""""""_""""""""""""""""""""""""""'._.. . 101 - 4Y910 -01- 392.0 P.C. 1�eeessorias c Supplias SO 5502 � ��i410 � �5205 � � 101 - iil10 -01- 391.1 P.C. Acc�ssoria� 5310 5205 � � 101 - �1910 -01- 39Y.2 Phoa� Lia� Iast�llatioa � � t100 � � � � SO � � � 301 - 41910 -Q1- 393.0 P.C. Hardras� PurcLasas SO 5827 SO �� SO � � 101 - 41910�-01- 393.1 � SO �=0 � SO1 - 41910 -01- 794.0 P.C. Soltrara PureLasas SS7 id14 SO 5205 � � S01 - 41910 -01- 394.1 IItilitiaa/IIpgzadu � 60 � 5305 � � 101 - �1910 -D1- 431.0 Aua 4 Subscriptioas � 51,073 $1,10� 51,240 �S1,210 � � SO1 - 41910 -01- 433.1 LP1�/AICP Itesbezship� � 5310 � �� . 5330 � � � � 101 - 41910 -01- 433.2 IIA3SA Xsmbership . . S!0 � S!0 � � 101 - 41910 -01- 433.3 � Planaers 7Wvisory Sarviu 5350� � . 5350 � . � 101 - 41910 -01- 433.4 Yi�eellaaeous Ymbezship� 5300 5�00 � . 101 - 11410 -01-.l33.5 Subseriytions . 5700 � . . 5300 � 101 - 41910 -01- 435.0 Eoo]u i Pamphlets . 5596 S2a6 E300 � � � 5300 � 101 - 61910 -01- 435.1 Ylaaainq Eoolu . 530Q � 5300 101 - 41910 -01- 437.0 Coalermeas i Semiaari 51,363 51,050 S1,l00 � S1,E00 � � 301 - 11910 -01- 437.1 P1�naiaQ Coaf-Dizector 5300 � 5300 � � � � . � �. 101 - 41910 -01- �37.2 State Coai-7u�'t Plaaaer � 5200 S]00 � �' 101 - 41910 -01- 437.3 Loeal Coaterences/Seniaars 5300 5300 �� . 101 -�41910 -01- 437.4 Plaaaing Ca�fasar 1Yaiaiag� � 5250 � 5250 � � . 101 - 41l30 -01- �3T.5 S�cr�tarial 1Yciaiaq Sx50 5150 � � � 102 - 11910 -01- 437.6 Co�putar iraiaing . 5600 5600 � � 101 - 41l10 -01- 439.0 Othar Yi�c�ll�aeous Chargss t141 5160� . 5300 5300 . 101 - 41f10 -01- 43f.1 ll��tiaq Lsy�aa�s � . 5150 5150 � � � � � � 101 - 41l30 -01- {�f.2 YS�eallaa�ous�CLarg�• 5150 � . 5150 � � � �� � 101 - 41l10 -01-.570.0 Ottic• Zquipaaat z luraiihiaqs -SO � 5359 SO- � �� . �. � SO � - � � � � . . � 101 - �1f10 -01-�570.1 � � � � SO � � 30 � PACY SOtaI.S � 5�.219 55,101 54.OSD 54.050 Si.050 �54,�050 � � . DiP11Y17mfT 2'02)SS 5354,103 �5161,633 5159,9!] 5157,9l3 5165�,031 � 5165,031 . � � P�9� On� � � � � � � . � � . • � . � � 1994 DDDGtP NORLS88ET8 � � � . � COViRDA�7T EIIILDZNGS - 41940 - . � � � � � �. . �� . Sept�mb�r 15, 1991 � . . . � � . 1993 OBdECT� �1993 199f OSJtCT 1994 � � � 1991 .1992 � DiTAIL.� ADOPTm� D=TLIL �YROPOSm � . � . Pund Aecouat�• Obj � Dascriytion . ACTRAL I.CiV7�I. Al[OONT � DIIDGBT . LItOODIS � DQDGET Cos�nts � � "'_"""""""""'."""""""""""'__"""""""""'_"""""""""""'_..�..""""""""'_""."""....""..._�....:"""' � 101 - 41940 -01- 211.0 Cl�aalaq Supplias � 5259 t0 =0 � � . �0 � � 101 - 41f40 -01- 211.1 � - SO f0 � � � 101 - 41l40 -01- 219.0 Oth�r Op�ratiag Supplia� 836! $0 � SO � 5300 � � 101 - �19�0 -01- 119.1 Zc� Coatrol Chemieal• . � � E0� � i300 -. SO1 -�41940 -01- 223.0 Duildiag R�yais Supplip S�.O55 56,213 56,800 50,176 � 101 - 41940 -01- 223.1 Aayair Caraga Dooz� 51,000 �� i1,000 � � � 201 - 41940 -01- 223.2 1[iscallaaeow�Eldy Aepairs 57,500 S3.D7E �� Enqiaaar's Closat additioaal � �. � , 101 • 41940 -01- 123�.3 Ananal RP2 Znsy�ctioa �;2,500 � - .$2,500 . � � 101 - 41940 -01- 223.4 Llactrlul Aepairs � � id00 � . . SS00� � � � �, 101 - 11940 -01- 225.0 Laadscayinq i4tar�ials , 5412 � Sa . 51,500 51,.000 . � '��. � 1D1 - 41940 -01- 225.1 Timbars, •tc. . . SS00 � SS00 . � � ' _ . ._ . . .. . ... ... . . . . . . . .. � . 101 - 419�0 -01- 125.2 Tr�es 4 Shrubs � - � $1,000 � i500 � � 101 - 41940 -01- 3t1.0-S�all Tool■ � 537 SO � 5100 5100 � � � � . � 101 - 419i0 -01- 241.1 � � . 5100 � � 5100 � 101 - 41940 -01- 242.0 Yiaor tqulp�eat . $0 SO S10D 5100 � � 101 - 41940 -01- 342.1. . 5100 � 5100 � 101 - 41910 -G1- 302.0 LzchiteeG' Peni � SO 51,534 � � 5500 � 5500 � � � � 101 - �1940 -01- 302.1 � � � � 5500 5500 � � � S01 - 41940 -01- 319.0 Otbar ProieesSoaal Sarvices � 55,210 $4,676 . �54,500 . 54,500 � 101 - 41940 -01- 319.1 Sla�ator Nainteaaaca . 51,000 � 51,000 � � . � 101 - {1940 -01- 319.3 Hutiag/Cooliag Naiateaanea . 53.500 � 53,SOQ� � � � .. � 101 - 419f0 -01- 361.0�=l�etrie IItilltias 520,268 519;140 � S1E,500. � Sid,500. � � 101 - 41l40 -01- 361.1 � � S1D�,500 � ;iL,500 � . � 101 - 41l�0 -01- 383.0 C�s IItlliti�s S1],003 513,734 � 512,000 512,000 � � � 101 - 41?�0 -01- ]D3.1 � 813,000 � 512,000 � �� � � . � 101�- �1l40 -02• 36�.0 R�ius� Disyo�ai � 59.243 511,724 � 513,000 511,600 101 - 41940 -01- 384.1 � Geaeral Eldgs 4�Parka- � � �-� . ��-513,000 - ��511�,600. � � � � 101 - i1940 -01- 3�9.0 Othaz IItility Sarvieu � � � 563 SO . 51,200 � 51,200 � � � � . 101 - 41l�0 -01- 3l9.1 lloor�llats-xoathly Ctuzgu � � $1,]00 . ��51,200 � � � � 101 - 41940 -01- �01.0 Coatract�d IIuildiag Aepaira SO 52.38] . 52.500 . 52.500 � � � - 101 - 41940 -01- �401.1 OuUid� Vsador nldq Aepaizs 52,500 - 53.500 � . . �� � . . 101 - 41910 -01- 413.0 Eulldiag�Auta1 � . 55,646 58,097 $12,000 . 512,000 � � "� � - � � � 10i�-�41940 -01- 413.1 � - O-of Y SGoraqa � � � � � � � 512,000 ��� � �512,000 � . - � �� ��� lpl - 41940 -01- 415.0 OtLar Yqulpmeat Aeatal � SO �SO � � 5400 . 5400 101 - 41940 -01- 415.1 Carpat�Cl�aaer � ;400 5400 � 101 - 41940 -01- 439.0 Othar ttiscellaasous Chargea 5650 SO 5500 . . .5500 � � . 101 - i1940 -01- 439.1 Other Buildiag�Cherges � � � 5500 � 5500 .� � _ � � .�. . P11G8 TOT7SS - . 558.213 .565.449. 572.600 S7I.600 573.276 573.278 � � . � � � DSPAATI�iT TOTIU.S . . . .. . ESl.213 $66.499 572.600 574.600. 573.2�8 ��573.275 � . � . . . . �. . � � Paq� Ona . � . . � . . . . • . 1994 D9DC8T NORICSS8iT8 . � . � .. � � POLICt DYPART1�iT - 42110 - � . . � � . � . . Saptembar 15, Y993 � . � � � 1993 OBJECT 1993� 199• OnJECT 1994 . . �� .� � 1991 199Z DSThSL LDOPTYD Di27�IL PAOPOSm � . . � � . . . � . Puad l�coouat #.Obj i .Daseriptioa ACT01lL hC1911L 7JtOOHT . BIIDCBT �IdODH2 ELTDGYS Commts � � . � 101 - 42110 101.0 Salariu 4 Beaallta 555?,867 $549,569 5671,132 � 5762.676�A11 Salary Costs Iaelusiv�oL � 101 - 42110 -02- 101.0 L. tnuGen, Poliea ChieE� � ;65,787 � 566,l41� � . Salary, Taxae, FY1G a Ean�iits� 101 -��1130 -OS- 101.0 D. xuhns, L1ant�naat 555,596. � SSl,619 � � 101 - 42310� -01-.101.0 J.. 8ricsoa, ?�am Sarg�ant . � - 553,137 �_. 552,l34 . .� � 101 - 12110 •05- 101.0 J. O'fwary, Taam Sezqaant � SSS,Sl4 553,32E� . � � 101 - 43110 -06- 161.0 D. DurkLaltez, Patrol OLZer � � 552,716 456,029 � 101 - <2110 -07- 101.0 . C. Thor�tad, Fatrol OlLiur . � 547.575 � 553,562 .� � � � � � � �101 - 42110 -08- 101.0 N. O'Doaaell�,�Patrol.0lLicz 551,0!! SSG,029 � � � � 101 - 42110 -09- 101.0 � Y. Aobid�au,� Pa[rol Otticar � 553,033 555,372 � � �� 101 - 42130 -10- 101.0 J. Sa�ers, Ystrol Otticar . � 552,102 � SSS,39! . 101 - 42110 -11- 101.0 D. MeaGh�ztord, Patrol OL! . ;54,009 � SSi,029 � � � . SO1 - 42I10 -12- 101.0 T. Yuzphy, ?atrol�0lLieer � � � -. S�{.403 � . 552,376 • � � . 101 - �2110 -13- 101.0 S. Eaberg, Patrol OLticer 529,136 � 544,642 . . � 101 - 42110 -14- 101.0 Ner Patzol O!liter . 59,920 � �f'14,226� � � � � 101 - 42110 -20- 101.0 D. YarthaUr, Admin Iu�t � 53E,714 539.53! . 101 - 42110 -21- 103.0 J. Dri�eoll, P/T Secretasy . 511,432 $17,940� � � 101 - 42110 102.0 Overtime � � � � �521,300 � � 101 - 42310 -04- 303.0 J. Ericsoa, Seam Sergeaat. � � � �;330 10��8ours •�21.T707/Sr x 1504 � ', 101 - 42110 -OS- 103.0 J. O'Leary, ?eam Serqeaat - 53;0 � 10 8ourt.0 21.9841f8r x 150t � 101 - 42110 -Q6- 102.0 E. Durkhaltez, Patzol Oftcr , . . 52,350 75 8our� • 520.9166/Hr.x 150�� 101 - �3110 -07- 102.0 C. Thozstad, Patrol Otticer . � . � � 52.350 � 75 Hours ! ;20.9166/Hr x 150} � 101 - 42110 -0l- 102.0 x. O•Doaaall, Patrol Offier � . .52,350 75 8ours • 52G.9i66/Hz x i50t 101 - 42110 -0l- 102.0 Y. Robidua, Patrol Oflicar � � . . 53.350 _ 75 Sour� • 3�0.9166/Hr�x iSOk 101 - 42130 -10- 102.0 J. S�azi. Patrol O!liear � � � 52.350 75 Hcur� • 5�0.9166/Er z 1SOk iQl-- 42110 -11- 102.0 E. M�athaztord, PaGrol OL€ � � � 52,350 , � � 75 8ouzs • 520.91t6/Sr x i50t � . � 101 - 43110 -12- 102.0 T. Yusyhy, Patrol OLileer� � . � . � � .� � . 53,180 � ��- � 75 Hours�•;19.3l25/Sz x�1SOt � ��� -101�- 42110 -13-�102.-0� S.�D�basp, Patrol�OtLiclr----- ---� �� . - �� - �- ... -�� 51,940- - . - ��.� 7S 8ours-i�317.3706/Er-x�iSDt�- � � � � � 101 - �2110 -1�- 10].0 Nw�Patrol OLlSe�z � � $1,810 75�Hour� • 516.0931/8r z 150i � � 101 - �3110 -20- 302.0 D. Itatihalar, Adnia Jurt •� �� � � 5610 . 2.S�Houzs i 516.3123/Sr x 150'k � � � � 101�- �2110 -OS- 202.O.Duylicatiay 4 Copying . SO � SO � . 5533 5500 � � � � � 101 - 42110 -�1�- 202.1 lila D���lopinq CosG ` - � � 5533 � 5500 � � � 101 - �2110 -01- ]07.0 ?zataiaq i 2nstruetnl Suppliu 55,2�1 5444 � � $7!3 5900 � 101 -. 42110 -Ol- 207.1 PraeCiee 7�wilioa � 5533 �� �.i600 -� -� � � � �� � ' � 101 -�t2110 -01- 2Q7.]-� 1liscellaaeous Ia�tsuetioaal SS50 � 5300 � � � 101�- 42110 -01- ]OE.O Yiscallan�ous Suypliu � 52.065 . 53.170 � . 50 � SO � 101 - 12110 -01- 108.1 � . SO . SO . 101 - 43110 -01- 409.0 Othaz OLtice Supplies � � 51,431 �51,535. � � 51,598 � � . $1,600 . - � � � lU1 - 43110 -01-�209.T Miscellaaeous Supplie� . - � � � . 51,598 51,600 � � . � � 101 - 42110 -01- 211.0 Clesaiag Suppliei � � SO � S0. ;214 5200 � 101 - 4ri10 -01- 211.1 Slankat Clsaaiag � 510� . 3100 . � � � 101 - f2110 -01- 211.2 Squad Iaterioz Cluaiag � � � � � � ��5107 5109 � � . . � 101 - 42110 -01• 112.0 1Sctor luaL � i11,9�7� � S1D,553 � 50 � SO � � 101 - f3110 -01- 212.1 � � SO � ;0 . � . 101 - 42110 -01-.313.0 Lubricaats i Ldditivu $0 t0 � $0 �. S0� . . . 101 - 42110 -01-.213.1 �SO SO . 101 - 47110 -01- 217.0 Clothing.xllovaaca - Poliu � $0 � S0 . 51,000 . �SO � 101 - 42110 -01- 217.1 New Ofiicar 111 5500 � . SO � � � 101 - 43110 -01- 217.2 � Nev OLiieer Ik2 � � 5500. , SO � P71GH TOTALS � � � 5578,481 5614,270 5675,260 5675,260 5781,176 ;767,176 PaQ� 11ro� � . . .� . . � . � � 1991 DIIDCET NOA7.S8EHTS � � � �. . � � POLICi DYP71R17�iT - 4]110 - � . � . . . � .. . Saptamb�r 15, 1993 � � . 1993 OEJBCT 19l3 1944�OEJYC! 1994 � � � � 1991 1992 DBTAIL ADOPTID DLS712L PROAOSm � . � � PuaA Accovat • Obj � D�aerlytioa I�CZV7�L ACTOItL Al[OOt7T DODGHS a7[ODNT SIIDGSI Co��at• � -"""""-""""""""""""""""-"""""'-"""'-""""""""""""""""""'�.....__..."..'�""""...""".._-._..""-"' � 101 - 42110 -01- ]19.0 Othaz Oparatiaq Suyyliu 517! i295 � 5293 � t300 � 101 - 42110 -01- 219.1 Duty 7�unitioa � � 5293 . 5300 _ � � � � � 101 - 12110 -01- 221.0 Equiymsat Yuts 54,923 54,513 . 51,065� 52.500� � � 101- 45110 -01- 221,1� ltiseellaa�ous 8quip�aat 51,065 � � S�.S00 � . 101 - 42110 -01- ]12.0 Tis�� 51,463 51,�9! $0 t0 lOS - 42110 -01- 212.1. SO . SO . . 101 - 42110 -01- 211.0 9ma11 Sools � 5�64 5127 5160 . 5150 � . 102 - �2110 -01- 241.1 1ti�eallan�ow Tools . 5160 5150 � 101 - 42110� -01- 304.0 Leqal !�u � ��� 536,l71 547,000 551,400 253,000 . 101 - 47130 -CS- 30t.1 Pro�ecutioa � � � 551,400 552,000 . . SO1 - ti2110 -01- 305.0 8edieal 4 Dmtal laas SE63 8766 .51,000 51,000 � � � � 101 - 42110 -01- 305.1 1[iscallaasous Y�dical Co�ts � 51,000 f1,000 � � � 101 - 42110 -OS- 306.0 Peraoaaal Tasting a Aacsuitmat � .$0 51,861 � . 53.700 � SO � 101 - 42110 -01- 306.1 H.p.A.S. leas 51,500 50 � � � 301 - 42110 -01- 306.4 Prychologieal T�atiag � � � 5600 . 5� 101 - 42110 -01- 306.3 Pze-8mploymaat Physlcal■ $1,200 SO � �- � � SO1 - 42110 -Q1- 306.4 Hepatitis •8• Vacciaations 5400 SO 101 - f2110 -01- 112.0 Coatraet Iaspeetioa Peei SO $6,700 � � 58.300 � 58.200 ���� 101.- l3110 -01- 312.1 Aai.mal Mardea Teei � 56,]00 56,300 � � � 101 - 4211D -01- ;14.0 Othar Protassioaal.Snzvicu 570,170 $Y7,250 � � � 523.500 SZ7�,325 . 101 - 41110 -01- 319.1 Di+paCcL Sasvica-Eagaa 523.500 � 537.335 � �Spaeial Phoa� Charqb Also � 101 - 4]130 -01- 331.0 ialfphoaa Co�G � =0 53,050 53.400 � �52.700 . 101 - 42110 -01- 331.1 Gllular PLoae aills � 52.400� t2.7Q0 . � � � 101 - 42110 -01- 323.0 Aadio Oaits . � . 54,997 . 53.499 52�130 � � S3,Q00 - � 101 - 42110 -01- 33D.1 Aadio G Radar 3teyair� � 53.130 53,000 � .. . 101.._.4]110 -Ol- 371-.0 2z�r�1`Lxpaaa• . .. . ... 5�6!�� : SS33 - . _ � 5800 � . .. . 5800 � . .. -.. .. - - . . - 101 - f1110 -01- 331.1 '��I[i�cellaa�ou� Lxpaasas � � 5800 �� - � � 5800 ��� � �� �� �- � � "�- � � 101 - 12110 -01- 391.0 P.C. Malat�aaac� � SO . 5109 � . � 5250 � �� ��5250 � � � 101 - 42110 -01- 191.1 Y1iCallaaaoui ttaiatenaaea . . 5250 � 5750 � � � iD1 - f1110 -01- 396.0 Computar )falateaaace � 59.066 58,344 511,84'E� � 513,740 � � 101 - 42110 -01- 396.1 �iTOAS 1Liatenaae� . $9,285 � � 510,460 � � 101 - 42110 -01- 396.2 . Pack ClaaainQ � . 5760 . � 5760 . � � � 101 - 42110 -01- 396.3 CJDN Hook-np Chargu � � 51,803 $3,520 � 101 - 53110 -01- 397.0 Ca�utar 7�ccassoziu 4 Supply $4,�l73 54.426 � SO � . S� � � � �� 101 - 42110 -01- 397.1 � � � SO � .� . . -_ 101 - 42110 -01- �09.0 Other Coatrsetad IIepair c Naia 51,.075 �� Si�;081. � � � �� � �51,500� ��: � � � 51;500 '_.... � - . . . 101 - 42110 -01- 409.1 Outdoor Siren R 4 x . 51,500 51,500 � � . � �- � � � 101 - 42110 -01- 415.0 Other Hquipmmt Reatal � .512,122 55,289 54,800 54.D00 � 101 - 42110 -A1- �15.1 Aaimal Gra, Shamrock, atc. 34,l00 54.800 � � 101 - 42110 -01- 433.0 Dua� i Sub�criptloas � � � 5365 5255 5500 � � 5500 � � � � l0i - �2110 -01- 433.1 Ylscnllanaow 5500 5590 �� 101 - 42110 -D1- 135.0 Sooks r. Pamphlats $530� 5230 5300 � .$300 . .101 • 42110 -01- 435.1 Hi.scallan�ow 5300 � � 3300 - � 101 - i3110 -01- 636.0�Toring Charges 534 .� 5184 �fZ00 . 5200 � 101 - 42110 -01- 436.1 IIaaaticipated Toxiag � . . � � $200 5200 101 - 42110 -01- 437.0 Coatareacas 4 Semiaarr � � $314 53.719 � 55,400 55,000 � 101 - 42110 -01- 437.1 Hiscallaaeons Traiaiag. . . $5]5 � 5500 . � 101 - �2110 -01- 437.2 OfEicez Traiainq Cost� S�.a75 � 54,500. � � � PAGE TOTALS 5100,190 5119,8]3 5119,446 5119,446 $124,265 5134,265 � � . � . . � � � . DSPIvtT!ffi7T TOTIS,S . $678,771 5734,092 ;794�,706 � $794,706 � 5911,441 5911,441 � � -� � �� � , Paq� Oa�� . � � . � . 1994 EIIDG=T MORL4HfEi8 � . � � PIRB ABPNtT1�iiT - i3210 - � . .. � . 5apt�sh�r S5, 1993 1993 OeSBCT 1993 1994 OBJYCT. 199� � . � � � � 1941 . � 1993 DYTAIL � LDOP'Pm DlTAIL . ��PROPOSm � . Puad Account • Obj t Ducriptioa� � I�CRVA7. 7�CTOAL A7SOONT aOnC=T �NtODN? DIIDG2'L Com�nts 101 - 43210 103.0 Salariu 4 Daaafit� 5100,384 �5113,499 Silt,382 S11l,901 L11 Salary Cmts Iaclusiv��oL 301 - 42230 -02- 103.0 Pir� fall�, TralalaQ, ete. � � 596,?70 t9i,896 . Salary, Sucas, PYB� 4�E�a�lSts 101 • 42T10 -03- 103.0 G�ozg� Luady, fir�ISars]ul 519,612 520,005 . 1/3 Tim� Positlon � 101 - fS210 -01- 101.0 O!lie� Accaswries� 596 50 SO SO � � 101 - �2210 -01-� 701.1 . . s� � � . � � 101 - 42]10 -01- 302.0 Duplicatiag a Copyiag S94 . SO . 5�60 - ¢260 � � � 101 - 42110 -01- 207.1 Sarox Dry Im�qa i95 S95 � 101 - 42210 -01- 202�.3 zezox Copy Cutridge S80 SEO 101 - 42210 -01- 203.3 Lasar Yriater � S!5 S!S � �101 - 41310 -01- 204.0 Eavelop�i�4 Lattnrheads $0 591 5100 $300 � � 101 - 42210 -01- 204.1 .Snvaloya� ... . . .. . . � 565 . . =40 � � � � 101 - 42410 -01- 204.3�� Letterhead�4 7orms � S35 • 560 � � � 101 - 42210 -01- 309.0 Other Oitiee Suppliat �� 5199 � SO SO SO � � 101 - 42210 -01- 309.1 � � =0 � t0 � � � 101 - 4]210 -01- 211.0 C1aaalaQ Suppllas 5317 S91 ;300 5290 � � 101 - 42310 -01- 211.1 Soap � . 565 S65 � 101 - 43210 -01- 211.2 Chamo�is � � . 5170 5160 . � . � �101 - 41410 -01- 211.3 Spoages S]S � �525 . 101 - 42210 -01- 211.4 SCB� Cleanar � 540 $40 . � � 101 - 42110 -01- 212.0 xotor luels � 5978 51,006 SO 8� � ��, 101 - �2210 -01- 212.1 SO . gp � � I,, 101 - 42210 -01- 213.0 Lubricaats i Additivas S1l5 � S0� SO � �SO � � 101 - i2210 -01- 213.1 SO S� � � � . � . 101 - 42210 -01- 21L.0 71re Departxant C1otLiag 52.964 5��,069 514D � 51,360 � � 101 - 42310 -01- 21l.1- Gaa�ral Daitosa Co�t� � -- 5140 � � . 51,260 �. � � � �101 - �2110 -01- 219.0 OChar Op�ratiaQ Suypliu 5540 5872 � � 5630.. �5640 � � . -��101 - i2210 -01- 219.1 �- -C1o�ufYadieall . . .. . . .... .. . . . .. . � . . �SllO � � � � �. � 5165� - . . . . � _. .. . � 101 - 42I10 -01- 219.2� Saadagaa . � � � 5110 5120 � � 101 - �2210 -01- 319.3 8quiya�nt(YedicelL� � � $95 b95 � � 101 - 42210 -01- 219.4 2yoak Su1b . S70 . � �555 � � 101 - 42210 -01- 219.5 Coasv�abis Hedieal 5175 5185 � � ' � � 101 - f2210 -01- 221.0 8quiymaat Partr 52.962 54,301 - . SO SO � � 101 - 42210 -01- 221.1 � � .SO � SO 101 - 42210 -01- Z79.0 Other 16aiateaaau Supplie• 54.000 59,746 515,500 535,500 � � 101 - 44210 -01- 229.1 a�rial Txuek{Outside) 512,900 � . 514,900 � � � . � 101 - �2210. -01- 229.2 Pumper Trucks(Outiide) 51,600� 51,800 � � � . � _ . .- .101 -�42210 -01- 449.3 . Other . . � � � .. . . � . --� 5300., . . . 5300�. . . . . . � . �. . .. . .. � � -� �101 - 42310 -OS- 229.4 Vehicle NodilScaGioas ����.� � � � � � -�5500 � �� SS00 � 101 r 42210 -.01- 230.0 8quipmeat Repair Materiale .;1,13! 57T5 � 5450 � 5325 - � � ��r 101 - 43210 -01- ]30.1 Light Sars � � � � 5100 � � $100 � . - � 101 - 42210 -01- Y30.2 Smok� kachiaa S50 S50 . � 101 - 42210 -01- 230.3 Lsatern� 550��� �� S50 . � � � � 101 - 42210 -01- 130.4 Miwellaaeow � � 5100 � 5100 � 101 - 42210 -01- 230.5 Zarox � � 5150 � . � 525 � 101�- 45210 -01- 241.0 Saall Tools � 5448 $681 � 5425 � .5395 � 101 - 42110 -01- 341.1 Jncaa, Sars 4 Other . 5150 5120 � � � 101 - �42]10 -01- 2�1.2 Grsss Fira � � 5325 i�25 . . � � � � � 101 - 42210 -01- 241.3 xiscellaaaour � � SSQ � � �550 . � PA6H TOT)SS � 5114,298. $133,130 5136,187 5134,167 5137,671 5137,671 . � � Paga 'ltiro � � � . � 1993 BOD6YT x0II1CSSESTS � . � - � � � PIRY DSP11RTl�NT - 47210 - . . . . Septmbas 15, 1993 � 1993 OSdECT � 1993 1l94 OSJYCT 1994� � . � � 1991 � 194I DM'AIL ADOPS'8D DETLSL fROPO3ID � ' . .. luad Aeeouat i�Obi� t Dueriytion aC1V11L ACiV1�L AMOQNT SIIDGa'P 1�tOIIHT � EIIDGET � � Co�wts . . . . 101 - �3=10 -01- 305.0 ]tadical 4 D�ntal 7eu ;2,260 52�.661 53,450 53,640� 101 - 42210 -01- 305.1 Lnau�l Sts�ss Ss�ts � . 53,250 � . � �t3,t�0 � 101 - 42210 -01- 305.2 Fa�r4meY CII�eks . Y2�0 50 � 101 • 42110 -OS- 306.0 Parsonnel Tutiag 4 Aacruitant i4,3l8 53.030 . i4,800� � 52.400 �� 101 - 42210 -01- 306.1 N�w Phyaieals{;) � . . 51�,600 51.�l00 1C1 - 41210 -01- 306.2 8epatitis Shota(3) � 51,200 5600 � iCi - 43310 -01- 30d.0 iastsuetors' Peu . 52.356� 51,965 56,740 59,745 � IQ1 - 47210 -01- 308.1 fira lighter 2 . 51,700 51,665 101 - 43210 -01- 308.2 Zir�t Aespoadar � 51,700 � 52.360 � � . � 101 - 42210 -01- 30E.3 All Othar 'lYaiaiag Cos G 5450 f915 � � .. - 101,- 42210 -01-�308.� .Stata lir� School(6) � 5660 � � -� Ss00 � � � � � � �101 - i2210 -01- 30l.5 Sactioaal SehooL � . SS10 5910� � � � 101 - 42210 -01- 30E.6 Has-YaG Traiaiag(15) 51,�00 53�.075 � . 101 - 42210 -01- 310.0 TastiaQ Scsvices 51,0�1 51,029 � 5250 51,450 101 - 42310 -01- 310.1 � Yumpars 4 SCa7i Hydro Tastag � 5250 51,950 . � � 101 - 43210 -01- 313.0 Temporary Snrviee Pena 52 - 5�50 51,050 51,375 - �101 -.42210 -01- 313.1 SCE11 Coatraet�E Maiateaanu . 5850 � 31,150 � � 101 - {2210 -01- 313.4 Zarox kainteaaaee Coatraet � 5200 � � 5225 . � 101 - 62210 -01- 319.0 Other Profeuioaal Serviees 54,125 . SO � � 51,850 � 51,850 101 - 42110 -OS- 319.1 liza PrevenCioa Yaterials 5900 5900 . � 101 - 42210 -01- D19.2 Szaiaiag.Budqet � � �5950 5950 � ioi - ���io -oi- a�i.o rai.ynoa. co.0 SiiT 53�a Ssio Ssaz 101 - 42210 -OS- 321.1 CLie!'• Yhoaa 5120 � .5120 � . 101 - 42]10�-01- 3I1.2- Aasiataat Chlaf'• Phoaa � 5120 . - 5120 . ' � � l0I - 13210 -01• 321.3 Aateu� PLoaa . . . . . ¢150 � 5150. . . . � .-. ...... . . . . � .. � � 101 - 42210 -Ol- 321.{ Nuserie Pagera � .. . .. � . . . . . . . � - .5120 � �5192 .� . . . � -� � . .. 101 -��2210� -03- 322.0 Yost�g� Costi � � S1E � 522 � S50 � . SSO � � 101 - 42210 -01- 322.1 IIPS � � . S50 � S50 �� � �101�- 42210 -01- 323.0 Yadio Daits � � 53.Od0 $1,6G0 � SO � �50 � 101 - 42210 -01- 323.1 � . SO - SO � � � � , . � . 101 - �3310 -01- 329.0 Othaz Cammuaicatioa Costs � 5822 51,2H2 . 51,100 . 51,�000�� � � '�. � 101 - 43210 -01- 329.1 Pagni Anpairs 520Q 5300 � . 101 - 42210 -01- 329.2 Hand Held Radio Repairs 5300 . 5300 101 - 42210 -01- 329.3 Mobila Radio Aepairs . 5400 � 5300 � 101 - 42210 -01- 329.4� Base�Repairs � , $200 � 5100 . - �---� 101 -_.42�210 -01- 331.0 Travel-8xpanse � 51,911 52,0�2 - . ;3,510 � _ � �;4,060 .�� � � � � � . � 101 - �]210 -01- 331.1 . Xian Chiet'■ CoaEereate . 2600 � � $750 � �� � � 101 - 42210 -01- 331.2 State Pirs Contermea 51,200 � � 51,200 � � . . 10i-- 42110 -01-�331.3 � Sectioaal Schools � $510 � -� .5910� � 101 - 4221D -01- 331.� Natioaal Coai/Aeeademy . 51,200 51,700 . � � � PAGB TOTIS.S 520,139 � 514,361 5�3.310 523,310 526,852 $26,l52 � � � • Pag� ThrN � � � � . � � � . 1993 DDDCBi MOR7CSSBETS � � . . � � : . . . - PIRs DSPNtT�72 - 42210 - � � � � � . � . Sept�mbaz 15, 1993 � 1993 OEJECT 149� 1494 OSJSCT 1994� � � � 1991 1993 DBSXIL hDOYT� DET7IIL PROPQS� � � � . � � Puad 7lccouat�i Obj • Drseriytioa ACPCRI.� aC79AL JUfODi7T EIIDGST 1�l[OUiiT. DOD6S't � Co��ats � � 101 - 42230 •OS- 433.0 Duu i-Svbseziytioas 5451 SS35 ;460 � 5475 � �� 101 - �2310 -01- 437.1 74gasinu � � . S30 � � E30 . � � . � � � . 102 - 42230 -01- 4D7.3 VTSA Znauranc� . � � $170 �5170 � � � � � �101 - ♦2210 -01• 4]3.3 Stala liz� � � ;90 � SDO � � .� 101 - 42210 -01- �77.� Staie Ch1als� . S65 � S65 � � � � � 101.- 42210 -01- 433.5 DCtC S30 . . . $30 � . � 101 - 13210 -01- 433.6�. .. 1GLOSA Yutnal Lid $10 � � $15 . � . . �� � Y01 - �]310 -01- �33.7 Purc]using Coasortivm � �535 � ' � 535. � � � 101 - 42310 -01- 433.6 Capital City . S25� � S35 � . 101 - 42210� -Ol- 433.9 72J11[ � � SS SS � � � � � � �.� 101 - 42210 -01- 43T.0-Coafaraaces 4 Sml.aars � , 5170 � 56�0 � $700 � 5650 - � - � � � - 101 - 44210,-OS- t37.1 Stat� liza Coaiar�aca � � Sl40 � � � . 5440 � � � 101 - 42210 -01- 437.3 Stata Chi�!'• Coatermee . . � 5210 � S210 � � � 101 - �2210 -01- 437.3 Vo-Taeh 4 Patlqnal � . S50 $0 �. 101 - 42210 -01- 439.0 Othar Mitcellaaaou� Charges 53.355 51.715 � $1,5]S 51,110 1C1 - 42210 -01- 439.1 Pood 4 Cofiea . � S1l0 � 595 � � - � 101 - 42210 -01- 43l.2 Oxygea 5325 . � 5144 � � � - 101 - 42210 -01- 439.3 Bxtiaguisher � � �5�50 �. . 5250 � 101 - 42310 -01- 439.4 Pleques. � $20 . $ZO � � � 101 - 42210 -01- 139�.5 Faiat � � � S50 � SSO � � - 101 - �2210 -01- �39�.6 Othpz � � $!00 . SS50 . . S01 - 42210 -01- 570.0 Oftiee 8quip a lurnisIIiag Purc 5300 -SO � SO ��SO � � � � � � � � 301 - 42210 -01- 570.1 SO � 101 - i3210 -01- 560.0 Other 8quipmaat Pureluses . S17,OSS 5675 YO � .SO- �. �� � � � . . . . . .._-- `-- . . . ioi - •2�io -oi- sao.i ao . .� PI�CE TOiALS SZ1,D33� � 54,534 '.SZ-.685 52.685 �52,435 52,735 � � � DYPl1YTl�f TOTIILS � 5155,771 5153,9�5 5160,182 $160,1d2 5166,758 5166,958 � - �� � _ Paq� Oa� . �. .. . 1994 DQDCBT NORlSHSITS� � � � � PIIELIC NORICS/EIIZLDIIiG/ffi7bZNSSRINC - �3100 - � � � � . Sept�mbar 15, 1997 � � 1993 OSJBCT 1993� � 1994 OEJZCT .199f - � � . 1991 1992 DYikSL ADOPTm DlPAZL PROPOS� : � duad Account ��Obj t Daseziptioa . ACIVAL ACTW�L NtpUNT SIIDGYT hl(OUN2 E9DGET � � Co��aG � � �� . 301 - 43300 101.0 Salarias i S�aaLiG $293,SOi� 5�51,144 - 5531,9�1 � ¢632,41! 101 - 43100 -02- 101.0 k. Ma�muad, P/N Diz(SOt) � � �532.57! 533,3�0 � SOt 6�a'1, 50} 9tiliti�s . �� 101 - 43300 -03- 101.0 ]S. MSAsGro�, P/x Tormaa 554,997 556,218 � . � 101 - 43100 -04- 101.0 8. O�muadsoa, Y¢qiaaar � � 553,5T9 . E56,047 L11 Salary Co�ts Iaclusi�� o! � � 301 - 4�100 -OS- 101.0 D. Dailay, Hngiaaez Sach� 53E,280 539,515 Salary, Taxq,�pmql i E�a�lits � - 101 - 43100 -Oi- 101.0 A. Lonaquist, 8agiaear Taeh � � �SO =76,00'7� � � 101 - 43100 -07- 101.0 Y. Haimka�, lu�t Sldg dtiel 541,132 t47,104 � � � 101 - �3100 -08- 101.0 x. lriek�, IIldq Iaayector 537.642 . � S�8,Si6 � 101�-�43100 -09- 101.0 .Y. Stoflal, Sldq Sacratary � � � 531,143 ;3�,iSi � � � � 101 - 43100 -10- 101.0 R. Dasflmeeht, Hsiat ZII 540�230 f43,3l4 � � � � � 101�- 43100 -11- 101.0 D._Jerda, lcaiat 2 . . 531,135. � 533.301 � � � 101 - 43100 -I3- 101.0 8. Day, Yaint ZI � 534,546 . . � 836,7T0 � ' � 101 - 43100 �-13- 101.0 D. StaulLez, ltaiat I . � $2L,496 � 533.134 � � � � �� � 101 - 43100 -14- 101.0 Naiataaaaea I ;6,5�0 . S�a�,4�0 � � � � 101 - 43100 -15- 101.0 D. Saadstrom, 8ech ZII � 539,261 � 539,924 � � � 101 - 43300 -16- 101.0 J. Pr�1ng, 16aiat I SD0,641 � � 573,017 � � � 101 - 43100 -17- 101.0. D. AhldriGh, Yech I � 528,751 '� 533.473 � 101 - f3100 102.0 Pull-Time Overtime 59,009 56,b2! . 516,103 � � 517,954 101 - 43100 -OS- 102.1 B. Sailey, Sagineer Yech 5877 � 58�7 � -� � � �101 - 43100 -06-102.1 A. Loaaquiit, Sagineer Teeh SO 58�� � � 1Q1 - 43100 -07- 101.1 P. Haimkas, ]u�t Sldg OLtcl . 5514 . 5514 � 101 - 43300 -0l- 302.1 X. lriek�, lldg Inapector . � 5431 � 5�31 � � � iGl - �D100 -Ol- 102.1 ]t. StoLLal, E1dq S�cratasy � 5754 5754 � �� � 301 - 4)100 -10- 102.1 R. barlkaeeIlt, yaiat ZZI � 52.295 � 52.295 � � 101 - 43100 -11- 302.1 D. Jazd�, Yaiat.I � 51,710 � 51,730 - �� � � � � SO1 - 43100 -12- 102.1 Z. Day, Yaint SZ . � 52.081 SZ.081 �. � � � � � �� . . � � 101 - 13100 -iD- 102.1� D.�Stauifaz, 16aint Z � � � � � � �� �51,697 � � � � 51,692 � -� � � � � � _- . 101 - 41100 -14- 102.1 ldelatenanea Z � �� � � 5427�� �� . 51,341 � � � � � --� 101 - �1100 -15- 102.1 D. Saadstzom, Yeeh ZZZ � 53,384 -� 52.384 � � � .� 101 -- 43100 -16- 102.1 - J. Tr�iaq, ltaiat S� 51,391 . �51,391 � � �. 101 - �3100�--17- 102.1 D. Ahldrich, 16ech I � � � � � 31,557 51,557� � � � � 101 - 43100 -99- 103.0 Yart-Tima Salariaa 4 SeaaElts 520,�849 533.06II . 513,816 � - 513,216 � � 101�- 43100 -99- 103.1 Engiaeariag Iateza � � . 510,200 . $0� 101 - 43100 -99- 103.2 P/T Seasonal Maiataaaaee � 512,616 513,216 � � � 101 - 43300 -01- -201.0 ptLica aeceswries $0 � (571) 51,.3l5 � 51,3lf � � � . 101 - 43100 -01- 201.1 A�sorted Dept Suppliea 51,065 . $1,065 � � � . . . . . .101 -. 43100 -01- 201.2 100•.TaDe . . � .. � � .. ��553 .. � .. . . 553 . � .� .. � . . � . �. . �.. . �101 - 43100 -01- 201.3 Miscellaaews Suppliea 5266 5266 � 101 - 43100 -01- 103.0 Printnd Posma n Payer g0 51,361 � . 51,607 � � 51,807 . - 101 - 43100.-01- ]03.1� Iaapection c Permit Porms . � . . $1,065 - � � 51,065 � � � � - � 101 - 43100 -01- 203.2 R/x Peimi.t 4 Iaspeta Yorms .� � ;530 5530 SOS - 43100 -01- 203.] Nork Ordar� � $21] . $312 � � . � 101 - �3100 -01- 205.0 Dralting Supplias � 52.632 S1,OL5 �51,217 . $1,�227 � � 101 - 43100�-01- 205.1 Payer tor ?laa AeprodueGioa ;575 $575 � � � � 101� • 43100 -01- 205.3 Of1-Site Reproduetioas � . s;26 � 5326 �� � 101 - 43100 -01- 205.3 Miscellaneous Tools �� $326 � 5376 � � 101 - 43100 -01- 209.0 OtLer Olfica Suppliet. 5601 5525 5533 �5533� � � 101 - 43100 -01- 209.1 Gas Iaspectioa Tags � . $266 � $266 � � � � � 101�- i3100 -01- 209.2 Door itaockers � $267 . . � 5�69 � """"""'-"--"""""""-"'-'---'-"-'---"'-"--'--""' � . PaGB TOTa7.S $326,595 5484.940 5575,812 5575,812 �565�6,539 5658,539 � � � � . Yaq� Two � . . � � � ... . � . . 19lf SUDCET 1fORLS�BTS � � � . . . � . . � YIIDLZC NORICS/DIIILDII7C/IIIGINEERILi6 - }3100 - � � � � � �� � Sspt�mb�r 15, 1991 � . . . � � . 1993 ODJiC! 1993� 1494 OIIJSCT 1994 . � � � . 1991. 199I � DSTEIL aDOPT� . DETAIL PROYOSm � � �� � luad Aecouat k Obj t Descriptioa ACT011L aCCOAL � I�kppi7T BIID68T a1[OIIH7 . BDDCYT � ��Co�mis ��� � � � � 101 - �3100 -01- 211.0 Claaainq Suppliu . 5�41 5325� . 5�26 � j426 � � � . 101 -�43100 -01- 211.1 Shoy . 5713 . 5213 � � � 101 - 43300 -01- 211.3 Vahielas � 5113 $213 � � 101�- {3100 -01- 212.0 xotor luds . S1l,361 532,25d s36,425 . . � �536,�25 � � � �� � 101 - 43100 -01- 311.1 Pssblie Norks � � � q12,�l0 � i12,7L0 � � � 101 - U100 -01- 113.2 Pasks . � � F5,325� :5,325 101 - �31017 •01- 212.3 Poliea� � � � $1�,910 � � 514,910 � � 101 - {3100 -01-.212.f 11ra � � . � �$2,663 � �52.663 � � � 101 - �3100 -01-�212.5 hdatial�Gration . E533 - SSD3 301 - 43100 -01- .S12.6 Ylaaalnq 521� � 5214 � � � . � -� 101 - 43100 -01- 213�.0 LubrltanG i addltives - . 52.442 53,3�0 56,392 � � 56,393 � � � ' � � � � . 101 - 43100 -01- 213.1 Public Norks 52.663 � 53.663 � � � 101 - 13100 -01- 313.3 Parks . $1,29! 51,278 � � . . 101 - 43100 -01- 213.3 � Polica $1,OG5 51,065 �� . � � � 101 -�43100 -01- 213.4 �Yira . � � 51,065 � 51,065 � � � iCl - 43100 -01-.213.5 Admiaiatratioa� � 5214 5214� � � � � � 101 - 43100 -01- 213.6 fl�aniag $10? . . 5107 � � � 101 - 43100 -01- 215.0 Shoy Material■ $0 �59,039 � .S9,5!! � 59,588 � � SO1 - 43100 -01- 215.1 Public Norks � 56,390 � 56,390 � 101 - 43100 -01- 315.2 pazka 51.130 � 52.130 � . � � � 101 - {3100 -OS- 215.3 Poliu � � 5320 � 5320 . � . � 101 - 43100 -01� 215.� Tire � � � ;320 � 5320 � � . . � 101 - U200 -01- 115.5 � adtiaistratioa � . � � . s314 4214 . � � - � .101�- 43100 -01- 215.f ?lannlag � � . , � 5214 � . -.�5214 _ � � � � � . . . _ � - _� . . . � . - �101 - 41100 -01--319.0 Oth�r�Oper�tiag Supplies� g7,.944 . � SO � � � � SO � 5250 � � � � � �301 - 13100 -01-� 21l.1 � 711a i.Yi�callaaeow � �' � � - ' �50� - � . �� 5350 � � � � - - � - � � - � . . 101 - 43100 -01-�221.0 Yquiysaat PerG � 529,]77 534,821 � 538�,0]1 . � � �53E,021 -� . � 101 - 41100� -01- 221.1 Public Morki . � $21,300� . $21,300 � � � - � 101 - 43100�-01- 231.2 Pazks � � � SE,530 � . 58.520 � - � � � � 101 - 43100 -01- 321.3 Police � � ' 53,40! � � �53�,408 � 101 - 43100 -01- 221.4 Pira . $2,663 SZ.663 � . -� � � � � 101 - 43100 -01- Z31.5 xdmiaistration 51,065 51,065 ' � � - . 101 - 43100 -01- 221.6 Pleaaiag � 51,065 � � 51,065 � . 101 - 43100 -01- 222.0 Tires � � � 52.f45 ;1,376 55,913 � 55,913 � � : 101 - �3100 -01- 223.1 Publie Moik� . � � � $2,130 53.130 � 101 - 43100 -Ol- 223.2 Yarkr � . . .. .. -... . .. .. . . . ... 51..065 ... . $1.065 . .�. � . . � � � . . 101 - 43100 -01-�222.3 � Poiiee . $1,757 51,757 � . � 101 - 43100 -01- 222.4. Pisa � . $533 . 5533 � � 101 - 43100 -01- 222.5 Admiaistratioa . � j214 . - 5�14 � � � � - �101 - -43100 -01- 222.6 Pleaaiag. � 5214 � 5214 � 101 - 4310Q -01- 224.0 Street Itaiataaane� Nateria}�s S0� 5346 � SO � SD � � 101 - 43100 -01- 524.1 . gp � =p . . . � 101 - 43100 -01- 225.0 Laadacapiag Nat�rlals SO � ;�0� � �. � $0 . � $0 � � � . 101 - 43100 -01- 425.1 � $0 . SO . � � � "-""""""""."""""""--"'-"""-'-'--""--'--""' � .� � PA68 SOT1r.LS 560,710 571,497 596,765 596,765 � $47,015 $97,015 � � � Faq� Thrs� � � .. � � � . . � . � 1994 EDDGY2 NOALS�ET3 . � . � � � � . . � PIIBLIC 110RIS/DOZLDZNC/ffiiGINHBRING - 43100 - � � . . � S�yt�mbar 15, 1993 . � 1993 OSJYCT 1993 199� ODJLCT 1994 � � � � � �1991 1992 D8iLIL ADOPTSD DITAiL PROYOS� � � . luad l�ccovat�t �j t .Dascriptioa �AC1V/S. xC1VNL 111[OONT . DDDGBi AMODNT BIIDCYS .� Ca��nU� � � � � I � 101 - 43100 -01- 241.0 �all TooL � 51,838 52.551 � 5�.140 54,675 � . �. 101 - 13100 -01- 2i1.1 Yaebaaiea' Shop Sools � � 51,596 � . � . 51,546 . . 1G1 - �3100 -01- 241.2 Truck 2ools � � � � . 553] 5533 � � � � � . .._101 - 43100 -01-.241.3 �Parka Toola . . . . .. ..$214 � .. .. � 5114 � � � 101 - 47100 -01- 2�1.4 SLov�ls 4 Aaku � 51,1]0 51,130 - � � . � 101 - i3100�-01- 3f1.5 SaLety squipsaat . � � S6i5 � � 5000 . � 101 - 13100 -01- 241.6 Yi�eallaaaow � � 54D0 . � � . 101 - 43100 -01.- 24�.0 7Siaor iquipaaat � . � 54.710 53.193 � � i215 SS00 � � �� 101 - 43100 -01- 242.1 35 n[Cameu .. � 5215 5400� � .. . . _101 -.43100 -01-_303.A Eaqineariaq ��es. . . - . - . S9,d95 511,255 � 514,000 � � - �- -S1i,000 � � � . �� � 101 - 53100 -01- 303.1 . G�a'1 Dioa-PsojeCt Aelated $1,000 $1,000 � � � 101 - 43100 -01- 303.2 . Str�at LiqLt Susvey � �� � 51,000 51�,000 � � 101 - 43100 -01- 303.3 Traaspoztation Plaa Vpdats � 58,000 SS,000 � . 101 - 43100 -01- 303.4 Pavemeat 16saagmrst S2,OOQ � 52.000 � � 101 - 43100 -01- 303.5 S a 2 Zavestigalioa � � � 52.000. � 52.000 � � . 101 - 43100 -01- 30�.0 Legal Pees 5347 5106 SO SO � 101 - 43100 -01- 304.1 " . SO SO 101 - 43100 -01- 305,0 Medieal 4 D�a�al Pees 3183. 547 5300 ;300 � � 101 - 43100 -01- 305.1 IDmploymmt Physieal• � � 5300 � � $300 � 101 - 43100 -02- 314.0 Coatraet Zaspeetioa Tses SO 528,580 SO � SO 101 - 43100 -01- 312.1 � � 50 �SO � � � . 101 - 43100 -01- 319.0 OtLar ProEeuioaal Serricea SO 50 52.000 $2,000 l0I -.43100 -01- 319.1 Plaa Aevler � . . � 51,000 . 51,000 � � � .101 - 43160 -01- 319.2 �. 3rQ Party Tartiag - . � . � 51,000 . �51,000. � � � � �. � . ... .... ___ . ..... . �-��� 101 - �3100�-01- 321.0 Talephoaa Co�ts �53! S99 . SO SO � � ' � 101 - 43100 -01- 321.1 � � � � � �SO SO � � � �'101 �-��7100 -01- 3]3.0 3tadio Dait• t�.69] 5330 51,350 S1",250 � �� - . 101 - 13100 -01- 323.1 Repair Daita � � � � 51,250 51,150 � 301 - �)100 -01- 37�.0 Yeoenqar Sezvie�s SO SO 5100 � 5100 � � � . � 101 - 41100 -Ol`S34-.1����� CourieY�3azvie� � ` � �' - ��- � � � � � � � - �`S10P -� � - � � �` $100 - � � � � � �� " � � -� � . � 101 - 43100 -01- 339.0 OtDar Co�uaicatioa Co�ts 5180 5725 51,565 � 51,565 � . � � 101 - 43100 -01- 329.1 Calluler Yhoas �onthly Chgs � $1,054 � � S1,p54 . � 101 - 43100 -01- 329.2 Yagar Aaatal SS11 SS11 � � 101 - 43100 -01- 331.0 Traval 8zpeate $48 $101� � 5747 51,727 � 101 - 43100 -OS- 331.1 APNA . 5533 5533 � � � � 101 - 43100-�-01- 331.3 -� A.S.PIE. � . .. � � 5214 . .. ...-.-` � . S214 � ...-.. . ... .. ... . . ..... . . . .. .... �101 - 43100 -01- 331.3 Geaeral Meetiag�Expmses � .5980 � � ' � � 101 - 43100 -01- 339.0 Other Traaspostation 8xpaasns � 52 SO 5100 -5100 . 101 - 43.100 �-01- 339.1 Parsoaal VehScle Mileage � � 5100 � . 5100� � � �. � � - - � � � . 101 -�43100 -01-�3�1.0 8mploymsat hdvartisiag --�- 5309 � � 5260 � � � 5852 � . SO � � � � 101 - 43300 -01- 341.1 euildiag Znspactor � =426 . - SO � . 101 - �3d00 -01- 341.3 Itaiateaaaea I 5426 SO � � .....:.101 - 43100 -01-�3�9.0 Other Advarti�iag ..... ... .. ..565 .. . ..5362 . ..... ...... .... . .. S0� . . ... .... ...... SO .... ... .. . . .. . . . . . . 301 - 43100 -01- 349.1 .. s0 . . $0 � S01 - 43100 -01- 384.0 ReLw�Disposal SO 5946 5=.000 . � 52�,000 � � 101 - 43i00 -D1- 384.1 Hazardow Naata � • . � $2,000 � SZ.D00 � PACB TOTN.S 522.285 $47,554 527.369 527.269� 52d,117 526.117 � + � �Yaqa lour � . . � . . . 1994 EIIDCIT MOR7CS88E2'S � � � � � � � PIISLSC MORiS/DIIILDING/ffi7GINSHRING - 43100 - � � � � � � . � Saptamber 15, 1993 . � �. . 199] OEJECf 1993 1994 OSJZC7 1994 � � 1991 � 1992 D8T71IL 11DOP'I8D DY21�ZL PROPOSm �. � Yund accouat � Ob� • �Da�eriytioa - aCiVAL ACiUAL � �Al[OVtiS� . BppCg? 1UtpDNT �HUDCEY Co�aats� . . . 101 -�43100 -01- 391.0 P.C. Y�lataaaace SO �372 � � S1.B00 5��,l00 � � 101 - 43300 -01- 391.1 �Gophar�Oaa-Call � . 5500 =500 � � � 201 - �3100 -01- 391.2 Stata Aid .5500 5500 � � � . � 101 - 4310D �O1- 391.3 uaaatroa i lastport � S1,t00 . S1,l00 � � � � � 101.- 13300 -01- 392.0 P.C. Accusoria 4 Supplies � � �SO � S50 . 51,066 � 51,066 � �� � 301 - 43100 -01- 392.1 Yodm � . . 5310 � S3]0 � � � � 101 - �3100 -01- 3l2.3 . Srainiag Lor 1(aaatroa � 563! � 563! � .. � . 101 - 43100 -OS- D92.] YrinGer Papar 5107 � $107 . � � 101 - �3100 -OS- 393.0 P.C. 8ardrare Purchaaes $0 SC Sa � 51,500 � � � . 101 - 43100 -01- 393.1 GopLar I Psizim . SO � 51,500 - _.._ . . . .. . . • S01 - 13100 -Ol- 394.0 P�.0. Soltwara Yurcha�as SO ��. $301 . . =1,066 -� � � 5514 � � � � �� �� �� 101 - 43100 -01-�394.1 Geaeral Sottrare Suyport Sd53 5300 . 101�- 43300 -01- 394.3 PDS Dpgrade . $314 5714 � 101 - 43100 -01- 403.0 Coatr�eted R n x-OtLer Imp.rovm ;4�5 $0 SO . SO � 101 - 43I00.-01- 403,1 � � SO � SO � 101 - 43300 -01- 404:0 Coatraeted 7cach a Squip Repair 51,8l6 S1,SS5 510,440 , $10,440 � � . 101 - 43100 -01- �04.1 Public Morks � - 56,390 56,390 101 - 43100 -OS- 50�.2 �Yarka - � . 5�.130 � 52.130� 101 - 43100 -01- 104.J Poliee $746 � 5746 �. � 101 - 43100 -01• iO4.4 Pir� 5746 5746 � � 101 - 43100 -01- 404.5 AdnialatratSoa . � 5314 5214 � � 101 - 13100 -01- 404.6 Planalag . S21i . 5214 �� � � 101 -�11100 -01- 409.0 OCLer Coatraetad Aepair� 4 Naia 51,669 51,.405 � SO SO � � .� � ��. 101 - ��100 -ol- 409.1. - � . . . . _ . . �,50. .. ...� - -.30 � . _ . - �_ .. � . . . . .... � 101 - 4D100 -Q1- 415.0 Oth�r Squlp�ant Raatal � 535 SO � 5320 5330� � � ... .. - 101 - 43100-�-01-.�15.1 -1[ise�llaaeoua Rental• -... � � . . � 5330 .. � _ .. � �5340 .. .. .. ... .�� � . 101 -. 43100 -01-.�16.0 lSecLinary peatal � � - � S0.��� � 531# � � � � 50 � � - SO � � � � :� � 101 - 43100 -01- 116.1 � � . � SO �� � � SO � �- � . 101 - 43100� -01- �17.0 Daiforas Rmtai � 5423 5403 � � $0� SO - � � � � 101 - 43100 -01- 117.1 - � � � � � � SO � $0 � � 101 - 43100 -01- 413.0 Duai 4 Subscriptioas� � � $287 Sa10 5690 59E2� � � � � 101 - 43100 -Ol- 433.1 aYxA � $150� � � � . 5150 ���� � 101 - 43100 -01- 433.5 �ICHO � $75 � S90 � � : 101 - 43100 -01- i33.3 NPPA � � 575 � i90 � � � . . 101 - 43100 -01- i33.# CEaM Reqistratioa S50 � . 5192 � � 101 - �3100 -01- 433.5 -Lakn Couatry � . 590 � E90 - � � 101 - 43100 -01- 433.6 � North Star � 590 � 590 � � 101 - 43100 -01- l33.7 Professioaal Secretariea � � $60 . 5180 � � � 101 - 4310� -01- 433.8 Trada Naqaziaes . � $100 � �$100 � � . PaG8 TOSa7.S � � g4,743 $5,199 516,383 516,383 517,623 317,632 � � � .. .. .. . � . . . . � `. . . . . . .. . . . . . f� �Y�y� Tlv� � . � . � . 1994 DOD6=T MOR1CS8i8i3 . . � � � � � � PDBLIC KORICS/lIIILDIIiG/IItGIN88pZN6 - 43100 - . . . . � Jua� 28, 1993 1993 OSdsCi� 1993 1994 OEJYCT 1994 � � . 1991 � 1992 DY2RIL 71DOFT� DYTAZL YAOPOS� . . � Tuad l�eeouat f Obj / Ducriptioa aCiV1�L aCPQaL ... ]�MOIINT nIIDGBY' 7utGONT avDf38'P � � Co��at� . � """"""""'_"'_""""_""""^_"'__""""""""""""""_"""""""___________""""""'_"""'_""""""""".""'._... �101 - 43100 -01- 435.0 Eooks E Pamphl�G . S�4 51,301 � 52.200� � 52.200 � . 101 - 47100 -01- 435.1 IIOY'CD 5300 5�00� . � � � 101 - 43100 -01- 435.1 7�Dot Sp�c1a1 - � . 5600 5600 101 - 43100 -01- 435.3 I1Z 5400 � t400 � � � . 101 - 43100 -01- 435.4 Yaaval IIydates . ;1,000 � 51,000 . . . � � � � 101 - 4�100 -01- 437.0 Coalar�acer 4 Semiaars 5797 ;E72 51,610 54,190 � 101 - t3300 -01- 437.1 Aaaual Duildiag Ofticials . � 5390 5390 - 101 - 43100 -01- 437.2 Camputer Traiainq � 5300 SS00 - 101 - 43100 -01- �37.3 Stat� Coda Samiaars � . i1II0 � 5150 � � � . � 101 - 43100 -01- 437.4 Clarical 5300 5300 . � . � 101 - 13100 -01- 437.5 Saka Covatry ICbO � � � � i300-- � � �� .� SSOQ � � � � � 101 - 63100 -01- 43�.6 11PML � - - SO � 5150 101 - 43100 -01- 437.7 CF.WI � SO � 5150 � 101 - 13100 -01- 437.d 7�N1O� � � � SO 5150 � 101 - 43100 -01- 437.9 NTPI�� � SO � 5400 � 101 -.43100 -01- 437 10 Hi�aallaasou� Traiaiaq � SO 51,500 . � � S01 - 43100 -01- 439.0 Othar Xisceilaaeous Charqes SE4 � 5111 �50 � � S0� � � � 101 - 43100 -�1- 439.1 SO � SO 101 - 13100 -01-�570.0 Oltic� iquipmmt Purehasea 5197 �5890 SO � SO � 101 - 43100 -01- 570.1 . � � SO SO � PaCE TOSJILS 51,102 53,171 �� 53,i10 S3.D10 96,390 =6,390 � _ D8Y7�tTl�7T ?OT]�LS � . 5415,436 @612,364 5920;036 572D,038. 5807,683� . 5807.,6t3 � �� �� . . � . -�� � - � -� Paq� On� � � . � . . � 1994 IIIIDGti MOSlxS88L'PS � . . . . . . � . . P11VSD STR88TS - 43121 • . .. . � � � . . � Sayt�mbar 15�, 1993 � . 1993 OSJSCT 1993 . 199� OSJLCT 1994 . � � . � � � 1991 1994 DSTAIL 7�DOF'i'� DH'fLZL PROPOStD � lvad Lccount t Obi t �Da�criptlon � aCTR7�L xC7V7J. . 7�ISOIIN2' SDDcaT� I�ItOIIN'P HODGst Co��ats - . 101 - 43111 -01- 23{.O.Stre�t ltainCaaaaca ltstarisls 5�1,l04 5�2.503 538,872 53b,8?2 101 - 4D121 -01-�724.1 Eitusiaon� ?atehing � � 527.796 527.796 �� 101 - 43131 -01- 22i.2 Stripinq � ¢2�,130 52.130 � � 101 - 41131 -01- 224.3 Graval Shouldariag 53.195 53,195 � . � 101 - �3131 -01- 424.4 Crack S�alaat 55,751 t5,��51 � � 101 - 43121 -01-.215.G L�adsupin4 �akax'ials . 51,062 51,404 - 53.726 53.72E . 101 - �3121 -01- 225.1 Sod � - 51,065 31,065 � � 101 - 43i21 -01- 315.2 Saad � . 51,065 � �f1,065 � � . 101 - 431Z1 -01- 325.3 alack Dlrt � � 51,065 �. � S1,OG5 � � � . � 101 - f3121 -01- 125.4 Tr�a� � 55I3 . 4533. � . � � . 101 - 43121 -01-� 247.0 Hiaoz Equipmmt � SO L3.500 � _5267 . � . � 5267� � .. .� . . 101 -�43121 -01- 242.1_ T�seplat�Ya[arial . . . � � . � .. 5�67 . 52b7 � � � � � . 101 - 43121 -01- 303.0 8aqiaeeriag lees � � �� SO . 51,000 S� . SO � � 101 - 431Y1 -01- 303.1 SO � S�� � 101 - 43121 -01- 310.0 Seatiag Servicea � � � SO 51,000 SO � 40 � � � 101 - 431I1 -01- 310.1 � � SO SO . � 101 - 43121 -01- 319.0 Othe= Protassioaal Sezvlce� 533.373 � $15,000 � 533.,zas .- � s�a,7�31 � � . 101 - 53121 -01- 319.1 Seal Coatiag� � � ;26,892 . � . 533.778 . . . � 101 - 43121 -01- 319.3 ?rattic Harkiags 56,390 . 510,953� � � 101 - 43121 -01- 319.3 Str�at Sraepiay � 54,000 � 101 - 43121 -01- 364.0 Aelusa Di�yosal� S1,f39 51.417 � 5�.000 54,000 � � 101 - �3121 -OS- 3s�.1 Hazardoui Nuta Disposal 5�.000 53.000 � � . 101 - 43121 -01- 364.3 Roadsid� Carbag� � � � 52.000 � 52.000 � 101 - 43121 •01- 115.0 Othar 8qulDamt Rmtal � S45 SO . 52.000 52.000 � . � 101 - �1121--01- ♦iS.i - Xiscallaa�ous_Yquipaent . - . � -: - -.S?.000. . � �� .. . 52.000 : - � � 101 - 43121 -01- U 9.0 OtLar Yi�eallaa�ous Char4a+ � � �- SO � - SO 5500 �� � SS00 � � � � 101 • �3121 -01- �39.1 �� �IIalozs�ea IneideaG � . 5500 � SSQO . � .� PACB TOT7S.5 � 556,613 546,223 .582,649 562,649 594.096 59E,-09�! � � � . � � DBYART1�77'TOTALS � � � 556,643 546,223 $82,6�9� . SS2,649 596.09E � .59E,09! . . � . . Paq� Oa� � . . � � � � . � . � � . � 199��DDDGYT MOAES8L8TS . . � � � � . VN4LV8D STAYETS�- 43122 - . � � � � Saytrabar 15, 1993 � � 1993 OBJICCT 1993 1994 OaJBCT� 1994 . �. � �� 1991 . 1992 �DBTAIL.. kD0Y1� DS1112L PROAOSm . � � . . � ivad �ecouae • Obj � Ducription � � ACT011L ACTUIIL Luomii SIIDCST 111[OmtT� noDGST- Cosa�nts . . � """"""""""'.�.._.."""""'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'""""""""""""""."""""""'."""" . 101 - ♦1127 -01- 221.0 Yquip�ent Parts SO �SO � 50 � � � t980 � � � . 101 • 43122 -01- 221.1 � . S0� S9t0 . � � 101 - 41122 �-01- 314.0 SGr��t Yaiat�naac�]tatarials 525,985 512,570 � 525,015 548,740 � � � 101 • 43122 -01- 421.1 Cza��l aayairs . . i16,105 . 533.5�00 � � � � 101 - 0112 -01- 22�.2 . ChloriA� � � 38,910 t15,240 � � .� � 101 -�43122 -01- 325.0 Laadaeapiag Yataziais � 5395 � 50 - . ;3,i63 52.663 � � 101 - 43112 -01- 425.1 Sod � � � SSD3 . . .SS33 � 101 - 43123 -A1- 125.3 Saad � 51,065 �� 51,065 . � �101 - �3133 -01- 325.3 Elaak Dirt . � � 51,065 51�,065 � . 101 - 47122 -01- 230.0 8�ulp�ant Aepair ltateriala $0 EO SO . 5966 101 - 43132 -01- 230.1 Cltttiag Edges � . . .SO . S9f6 � � . . 101 - 43122 -01- 310.0 TasGiaq Sarvica� - � � SO � S0. � ��S1,OQ0 i1,000 � � � . . 101 - 43112 -01- 310.1 Awd ldluru, D�adty $1,000 51,000 � � 501�- 43122 -01- D8{�.0 Reluse Disposal 5360 53.795 . 51.600 . 5�.600 � � � 101 - 43122 -01- 384.1 Sazudov xast� Disposal 52.000 5�.000 . . 101 - 43121 -01- 3l�.Y Roadslda Garbaqe 560A . � 5600 - 101 - 43122 -01- �15.0 Other Yquip�rst Aaatal . . . � SO SO � � SS,Q00 �� � . � 51,000 � � � 101 - l3122 -01- 415.1 Cradaz . � � � i500� 5500 � � 101 - 4312Z -01- 415.3 Hitcallaaaous Equip�eat � 5500 . 5500 � � � � � � 101 - 43122 -01- 439.0 OtLar Miaeellaneous Charges SO SO . � SO SO � � 101 - 43122 -01- 439.1 . SO � SO � � � PAGS 10T1S.5 � 536,740 515,964 533.278 532.27d� 55T,951 557,951 . .. . -._. - .. DEP71X'17Q+NT�TOTALS - . . �526.740...._�515.9b4. � .532,]7II 532�.178 557.951.��- $57.951 � � . � . . � . - P�qe Ona . . � . . . . 1994 SDDCYT NORl.SBlLTS � . � � � . � � ICE 4 SNOff RAt0Y71L - 43135 - . � . � . . . . . Seyt�mbaz 15, 1993 . � 1993 OBJSCT 1993 1994 ODJYCT lf9f . � � � � � 1991 1992 . DE2hSL� 11DOPTID DYTAZL PAOPOS� � � � � fvad 1�ccomt f Obj * Ducriptioa ACTQ7S. J1CTOl�L AISOIINT SIIDGE2 � A1tO0NT EODCYT � � Co��at� . � 101 - 43125 -01- 216.0 Cha�ical 4 Chemital Produett 511,720 59,419 . 58.520 511,520 101 - �3125 -Q1- 216.1 Salt(l�pprox �00 Toa�) � �SD,S]0 � 511,520 � � 101 - 43125 -01- 224.0 Stre�t Yaiatenaaca Yaterials 51,�94 51,047 5�.130� � 52.130 � . . 101 • �3125 -01-.324.1 SaaG 52.130 52.130 � . � 101 - 43125 -01- 230.0 =qulpiant Aspaiz Itateri�ls SO 5253 � i3.131 52.131 . 101 - 431]S -01- 230.1 Plow Sdgu . � 51,065 S1.0B5 � . . � 101 - 43135 -US- 230.2 Saadar � . . 5533 5533 � � � � i01 - 43125 -01- 230.D Sydraulie� . 5533 � � � � SS33 � �. � 101 - U125 -01- 415.0 Othar Yquipaant Rental 51,689 5351 5�.��� =4�132 . � 101 - l3135 -01- 415.1 Tzvck Rantal 53�,067 53.067 � � 101 - 43125 -01- 415.2 � Grad�r Nith Miag Rmtal. - 51,065 51,065 . � �.. � � 101�- 43124 -01- 439.0 OtLar Ylseellaawui ChaFges � . 534• S0� � . 5500 . � SS00 � � � � 101 - 43115 -01- 439.1 Oaaaticipatad Cost� . - 5500 5500 . � � � � . PAG8 TOT71L3 515,136 � 511,072 ;17,413 517,413 � 520,413 520,413 .� . �� � . DBPI�tTl�iT TOTIILS 515,13i 511,072 517,413 517,413 $20,413 5�0,413 � � � .�_. . . . .. .. - . ._ _ . . . . � . � Pay� Ona � . � � . � . . � � � 1994 EIID6ET MOAf.S88ET3 . � � . � . STAEET LZGBTIIiG/SIRgiB� - 43160 - � � . � . . � Seytmbar 15,� 1993 � . 1993 OSJBCT . 1993 199i OSJECS 199� � � � 1991 1992 D8T71IL 1lDOPTYD� DH7AZL PROPOS� puad Accouat t OLj � Dmscriytioa � 11CTOJS. AC147S. 1�MODNT EIIDGST ANOIIN2 B9DGYT Co�aaG � ""..�""""""""""""""'"""""""""�"__'_""""""""""_'_"_•'_"""""""""""""""___"""'•"""..._..__.�..... 101 - 43160 -01- 237.0 IIti11Gy SysYm kai¢t Suypliai SO SO ¢1,065 . 51,065 � � 101 - �31f0 -OS- 327.1 Dulb Replae�m�at � 51,065 L1,065 . � � � � 101 - 43160 -01- 381.0 Ylectric Dtilitlai 542.SS0 550,320 � 551,5�6 551,546 1C1 - ♦3160 -01- 361.1 koat8ly Charqu � . � 551,546 � . 551,�546 � 101 - t3160 -01- 403.0 Coatract�d R 4 lS-OtIIar Smprvs 5603 SO SO . 50 101 - 13160 -01- 403.1� SO . � i0� � � � 101 - �3160 -01- 409.0 Othar Contracted Aapair 4 xaia 52,460 � $6,.661 � � 511,id3 � � t13,113 � � 101 - 43160 -01- 109.1 aeyairs-Scattarad Locations 56,390 56,390 � � 101 - 43160 -01- 404.2 R�locata Y LigDt� ' S2.663 52..663 � 101 - 43160 -01- 409.3 8i�eellaaaow Repair� � 5=.130 54,060 . . 101 -��3160 -01- 439.0 Othnr 1[lacellaaaou�.Chargas � SO . . SO � 5500 �5500 � - 101 - 43160 -01- 439.1 � ��IIasatieipatad Costs � - � SSOD �5500 � . . � � �. PL6E TOTALS 5�5,602 557,003 S6i,294 =64,294 $66,224 ¢66,224 . .� � DEP7�8Tl�i? TOT7ILS� 545,602 557,002 564,294 564,294 566,244 -566,124 �, � � . ."'............"'......�..'�'.................."""".......... .. .. . . � �. . .:_._ .. __... _ ... - � . PsQ� On� � � . � . . . . '.� . . . 1994 EIIDGES 1fOASSE8iS3 � . . � � � . � �'' SIQIAL LIGSTS 4 SZf�T3 - 43170 - . � . � . . � . ���. � SapGambar 15, 1993 � � 1993 OEJtCT 1993 1994 OSJtCT 1994 � � � ���� 1991 1492 � DEi7�IL �I�DOPTm DiT71IL � �PROPOSYD � � . � � . Puad 7lceouat M Obj • Dascriytioa ACtOAL ACTv11.L 1utOIIHT SIIDGaT NlODtiT D9DGlP � � Comanti � . 101 - 43170 -01- 226.0 SiQn Aepair ltaterial• 82.228 . 54,091 .53.195 � 53,405 � � � 101 - 47170 -01- 126.1 Slga Ia�antory i Aeplacemat ;2,130 � 53.3{0 . � � � . 101 - 4�170 -01- 216.2 Str�at ID Sigas �51,06b 51,065 � � � .101 - �I170 -01-�237 A Otility Systm llaint Suppli�• SO SO � E533 � . 5533 . � . ��301 - 43170 -01- 227.1 Du1Ds, Laaau, Sigaa, •te. =53�3 � � � � 5533 . � � � . 101 - 43170 -01- 329.0 Othar Yaintaaaac• Supplies S1,1A0 � SO SO � SO � � �� 101 - �3170 -01- 229.1 � �SO . SO � � . 101 - 43170 -01- 381.0-Zl�ctrie Vtilitiu . . �� S=.1i7 51.651 � �SZ.663 . 52.663 � . � 101-- 43170 -01- 381.1 riontLly CLarges � f1.663 � � 52.663 � � 101 - 43170 -01- 409.0 Othez Coatraatad Rspair 4 kaia EO � SO � � . �5500 � � 5500� � �501 - 43U-0 -01- �09.1 Du� to Auto Lccidmu � . . . $S00 5500 . 101 - 43170 -01- 439.0 Othar 1SS�e�llaaaous CLargaa SO � SO f100 � 5100 � - 101 - 43170 -01- 439.1 Oaaatieipat�d Costs � � . 5100 . � 5100 � YACY TOTALS � 55,516 56,712 56,991 � 56,941 57.201 57,201 � . � � � � DBYI�RTI�JT TOTALS � 55,516 56,744 56,991 56,991 57,201 57.201 � � F�q� On� � � . . . � � � . . 19l4 BIIDCET MORICSSYETS . . . . . . � .. . PAR]C i RSC DYP71AT1ffiiT - 45100 - � � � S�yt�mbar 15, 1997 . . �1993 OBJBCl 1993 1994 OSJYCT 1994 � . � . 1991 199] D8TIIIL � 71DOPT� DBShZL YROPOS� � luad kccouat t Obj ♦ � Ducription aCTCAL xCTa7�L 7JIODNT SDDGri' AIt�OH2 DODGHT Comsnta """""""_""'_'_"""""""""_""__"""_"""""_"""""""""""""""'_'_""""""""'_"""""""....�..�.._.."" 101 - 45300 � 101.0 Salaries 4 baaeflG � 5304,396 5326,1N� � S3dl,901 � � 5403,252 all Salary Co�ta Zaclvlv� 01 � �SO1 - 45300 -OZ- 101.0 D. Dachtold, P a R Dir�ctor 562,357 �i63,607 . Salary, Ta�c��, YE1G a:E�a�lib � 101 - 45100 -03- 101.0 R.�Cook, Park� Suparvisor . 555,993 � 557,234 � � 101 • 45100 -0�- 101.0 L. Jost, Just P a R Mractor � 551,525 552,6b9 � � � � � � 101 - �5100 -OS- 101.0 J. lfollma, Progra�ar-Rac 530,113 � � �533,191 . . � � 101 - 45100 -06- 103.0 L. Dudiag�r, Sacretary 7Sda 512,.l66 � � 519,341 . � 101 - 45100 -07- 10D.0 L. Cordu, Programar-Parks . . 511,265 �S�~.�d95 � � 101 - 15100 -0!• 103.0 x. loraa�n, asit Yrogra�er-Aac 56,419 . SO . Mov�d to Casuaity Caater � 101 - 45100 -30- 301.0 Progr�ez-Ree (Yull-time) � . � SO SO � � llo��d to Casuaily�:C�ntar � 101 - 45100 -21- 103.0 Saeratary 711da (ParG-TSme) � � 50�� � � SO Yoved Go Co�ualty C�ataY 101 - 45100 -10- 101.0 C. Dahnka, xaiat Z � � � 531,.303 _ 533,.373 . - � - � � . ��� � 101 - 45100�-11- 101.0 15..Joostan, Maiat IZ - _ � � �. � 537,731 . 53E,666 :: • -.. � 101 - 45100 -1]- 101.0 S. Stre�a, 14iat ZII � � � 542.666 543�,366 ,, 101 - 45100 -13- 101.0 J. 1Coslovskl, Naiat ZZ � 536,614 � . 537.991 '�, . 101 - 55100 102.0 Pull-?ima Ovartime 56,932 39.945 � 56,164 56,164 � 101 - 45100 -05- 102.1 J. Yollmaa . . 5521 � 5521 � � 101 - 45100 -20- 103.1 Progra�er-Rec (Pull-Time) � SO . � SO Hoved to Co�uaity Cmtar � � 101 - 45100 -10- 102.1 C. Dahake �51.151 51,151 � . ioi - �sioo -ii- ioz.i x. aoo,c� si,�sa si,4se 101 - 45100 -12- 302.1 S. SGtesa � 51,566� $1,566 . � �� 101 - f5100 -13- 102.1 J. Soslovski . � 51,468 51,468 � � � � � � . � 101 - �5100 103.0 Part-Sima Salariu 4 Heaefits 537.000 552,OOD � �. � 101 - i5100 -83- 103.1 AaeraaCion Leader� � � 57.730 ;6,553 59,000 � 59,000 � � � 101 - 45100 -91- 103.1 xassiag..House Atteadanta 53.bE9 � ;4,.729 56,000 . 59�.000 .. � . � 301 - 15100-96- 107.1� ..Park� Satarn . - �%� 50 � 52.665 - SO � . - �� � SO . . . . . � .. �� � � �. � � � . .101 - 45100 -97- 103.1 Geaaral Clazieal - St,Ot7 511,01! � SO . � SO � � - � � � 101 - 45100 -96- 103.1 Parlu Itaiatenaaea � 513�,322 515,395 �S16,500 � 524,000 . � � . 101 - 15100 -99- 103.1 f a A Ca�isaioa xobers � 51,195 51,398 53,500 � 510,000 � � � 101 - 45100 -01- ]05.0 Dratting Supplies 53.122 51,3�9 5�50 51,000 � � - 101 �- 45100 -01- 205.1 Gaa�ral Draftiag � � 5500 . 5500� - 101 - 45100 -01- 305.3 Pilm, Developiag 4 Lamiatag - 5250 �5500 - � . . 101 - i5100 -01- 207.0 Traiaiag 4 Iastxuetnl Supplies 5240 $407 SO � - SO 101 - �5100 -01- 207.1 � � SO . � SO � � �. 101 - 45100 -OS- 208:0 Hiseallaaeov Supplies � � SO 516,SS0 . SO � �50 � � 101 - 45100 -01- 208.1 � � . �$0 SQ . � . 101 - 45100 -OS- 3Q9.0 OLhar OEfiee Suppilai $0 ;177�� SO � .� SD � � . � . 101 - 45300 -01- 209.1 � $0� � � $0 . 101 -.45100 -01- 212.O�ttotor Fuel■ - � � 59 SD � 50 � .SO � . � 101 - 45100 -01- 21].1 � SO � SO � .101 - �5100 -01- �215.0 Shoy.Materisl■ 517,191 � St,667 . SII,000 � � SB.000 � 101.- 45100 -01-..215.1 Saed. Sod., etc. �._.._ ....._ . �.._.. _ . .-.52,500 ._.__. .... .:52.500. .... .. � � � . . . . 101 - 45100 -OS- 215.3 Asd Rock, Saad, Graval, •tc � � 55,000 . 55,000 � . � 101 - 45100 -01- ]15.3 � Xisc Equlpm�at a Suyplies 5500 �� 5500 . 101 - 45100 -01- 116.0 Chamieal i Chemical YrodueG SO 52,l36 � � 511,500 . 511,500 � � _ 101 - f5100 -01- 216.1 Herbicidas(Gea`1 Pazk IIse) � ;3,000 � . 53.000 � � 101 - 45100 -01- 316�.2 �Pertilizaa � 57.000 � 57.000 � 101 - �5100 -01- 216.3 Herbieidas(Carroll's�Noods) 51,500 . 51,500. � � � � � 101 -�45100 -01- 219.O�Other Operatinq Suppliaa 53,065 � SZ.605 5750 .52,000 � . �. � 101 - �5100 -01- 319.1 nrts a Cr�its Suppliu . � 5500 ' 51,750 � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 219.3 Brushea, 8roomi, etc. . � . 5250 . � . � � 5250 � - � � � PAGB TOTALS � 5369,176 5406,462� 5453,065 .5453,065 . 5463,916 S4E3,916 � � � � � , � Yaga 'h+o - � . . . . 1994 DIIDGET NORlCS8L8T3 . . � . . . . . � PL7tZ 4 REC DBPhSt'I7�7T - 45100 -. � � . .. . . . � � . Saptembar 15, 1993 � . . 1993 OBJELT 1993 � 199i OEJiCT 199� � . . � 1991 1942 DETl�IL �ADOPT��� DEZ'�IL. PROPOS� � �. . . . . . luad .l�ceovat N Obj t Descriytion � � aCRVIJ. . 7.CTOaL ]�1SOIINi BDDGET IWODNT EIIDGHT � Co�aaG � """""""""""'_'______"_'"""__""'__"_"'_'_""""""'"'_'..._"'_"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""_""".' � SO1 - 45100 -01- 321.0 Yquipmant PazG 513,26! 57.465 . 53,500 . S'f.500 � � 101 - 45100 -01- ]21.1 lane� AepairtNon-Lsadscap�) =500 � 3500 � � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 211.2 LSqhtSaQ Repairs � 5500� SS00 . � � 101 - �5100 -01- 131.3 Irrig Aepaiz(Noa-Contract) � 52.000 52.000 � � � � � . . 101 - 45100 -01- 121.4 xise/Sp11t Aail, ate. 5500� � 51,500 � � � 101 - �5100 -01--3]2.0 Tisu . �� 5398 SO � SO SO � . 101 - �5100 -01- 221.1 � � SO � . f0 � � SO1 - 45100 -01- 213.0 Building Aepair Supplia• 57.d44 56,l03 � 52.250 � 53,250 . � � � � 301 - 45100 -01- 123.1 Palat, Ezuahu, Aolles�,ete � � 51,000 51,350 . � � 101 - 45100 -01- 223.1 Shinqlaa�, Hoards, etc. _ � _ � � 5750 . 51,000 . � � � 101 - �5100 -01- 233.3 xiscallaa�ous � � 5500 � 51,000 . � � � � � � � � � �.� . 101 - 45100 -01-�245.0 Laadscapiaq Yateriala � SS{,BE9 � 55,623 57,000 53.500 � � . . . 101 - 45100 -01- 225.1 Tree�, Shrub;, Sod, ete. � � 51,500 . 51,500 � l0Y- 45300 -01- 225.2 2imbari, PeaCa, stC. SS00� $2,000 � 101 - �5100 -01- 225.3 Paviaq 4 Snaleoatiag(Pazk�) � 35,000 SO � - � 101 - 45100 -OS- 226.0 Siqn Repair Ratarialt 53.922 SO SO �SO � 101 - 45300 -01- 136.1 � SO SO � � . 101 - 45100 -01- 339.0 Other Nainteaaaea Supplies 514 53.738 53,000 53.500 � � 101 - 45100 -01- 229.1 Nats, Poles, S�se�, etc. � 52.500 52,500 � � � � � � 101 - 45300 -01- 229.2 Hiscellaaeoui � . 5500 51,000� . � � 101 - �5100 -01- 2{1.0 S�all Sools 55,486 56,516 51,000 51,500 � � . 101 - 45100 -01- 241.1 -�-8amara, wraaehas,�•te. - . � � . 5500 . 5500 �� � � 101 - 45300 -01- 241.2 Sari, Dzaga, ete.(Lasqer) � 5500 51,000 � � � � IOT - 45100�-01- 302.0 l.rehit�eta' 7us S0. - 50 ' �� 52.�000 � 53�.000 - ' � � 301 - {5100 -01- 302.1 �. Laadacaye Architaet Mork $2,000 _ . 5�.000 �-� . � -� � � 101 - 15100 -01- 303.0 8agiaaeriaq T�u �52.350 5364 S1,00D. 51,000 � 101 - �5100 -01- 303�.1 Various Park work � � 51,000 51,000 � � � � �� 101 -�45100 -01- 30�.0 L�gal Tea� 5211 SO SQ SO � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 304.1 � SO � SO �� � � 101 - 45100. -01- 305.0 YadScal 4 Daatal iaea . � 5174 � 5247 . � 53�0 � - �5300 � 101 - 45100 -01- 305.1 �ploynent Phyaieals � � 5300 . � 5300 � . 101 - 45100 -01- 315.0 Spacial Yrograms 57.578 55,672 56,650 57.650 � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 315.1 Suaday Speeiala � 51,500� � 51,500 � . .� 101 -��5100 -OS- 315.2 Lepreehaua Days � � . � 5100 5100 . � � 101 - 45300 -01- 315.3 Hallovem � $500 5500 � � � .. . � 101 - 45100 -01- 315.4 Grouad Povndera(Runaing) 5400 � �5400 � . � 101 - 45100 -01- 315.5 Nature Programs/Arbor, ete. � 5500 SSUO �. 101 - 45100 -OS- 3Y5.6 Puppet Programs � - � 5650 � . �5650� , � � . � 101 - 45100 -01- D15.7 Spaci�l Svents(Z-xas, etc) � 5500 $500 . � � � 101 - 45100 -Ol- 315.6 adopt - L -.Park Program� .. . . . . . . .52.Q00 . . . . .... ..._51.000 .. . ..._. . � . � �101 - 45100 -01- 315.9 � Hi�eallaaeou� Programs 5500 � 51,500 � � � 101 - l5100 -01- 319.0 Other YroLassioaal Sasroices .� 53,323 S75 SO SO . 101 - 45300 -01- 319 1 � � ;0 � SO � . �. 101 - 45100 -01- )23.0 Radio IIaits 51,34$ $748 � � $500 . . � $500 . 101 - �5100 -01- 323.1 Cellular Phoaa 8111s � 5�500 $500 . � � � . � P�CS TOTALS 556,724 536,754 529.200 527.ZOQ 5�7.700 �-537.700 ,w �. _.. .. ,_ . �� .. _�.., �:. . .._ . .�. - _ _ �. ...,..r,s- .�.-,�r�, __. ,;� _ __ _ .-.,. .. �_... __. _._ . . ..�.� �...'= - ,,; ..-:� . _ - � - . o . . . .. � � � . . . .. . . � Paga 'thr�a �. � � . � � � � � 1994 SIIDGYT MOR[S88ETS . � � �� �. � � � �P11RR 4 AYC DYPA3tT1�7T - �5100 - � . � � .. � - � . . Sept�ab�r 15, 199D . 1993 OBJYCT � 1993 1994 OSJLCT 1994 � � . � 1991 . 1492 . DBTAIL ADOP28D DY1'AIL PAOPOSED�� . � .. � Tuad �ccount t Obj t D�acriptioa . xCTaAL aCTU7J. Al[OONi HDDCET . lJtOpNT SIIDGET . Co�sat� 101 -�45100 -01- 331.O�Traval Ysyeasa 5132 E91 � 5350 �5350 � , � 101 - 45100.-01- 331.1 Saniaar� 4 Mork�hop� � � 5125 . � � 5125� � � '� . �101 - �5100 -01- 331.2 Geaaral Yiscallaaeous 5225 S]25 � � � � 101 • �5300 -01- 341.0 Esploysent]Wvaztiday SO 51,564 51,000 51,000 � � .� . - 101 - 45100 -01- 341.2 fi�aaral �ploymeat 11ds 51,000 � 51,000 � � � 101 - �5100 -01- 349.0 Othar ]�vertiaiaq 55,903 Si15 � � 52.=DO . 512,]00 � � 101 - 45100 -OS- 3�9.1 Lrochures 4 Papar . 51,000 . 511,000 � � 101 - �5100 -01- 3�9.3 Copy 4 Duplicatiag � 5500 3500 � ' �. 101 - 45100 -01- 349.3 Diiplay Hoazds, etc(SOAR) . ;400� 5200 � � � �� 101 - 45109 -01- 349.4 .Saaaeri. � 5300 . 5300 . . � � � l0i - 15100�-01- 349.5 Hiscallaneow Advertisiaq � 5200 � 3200 � � 101 - 45100 -01- 3D1.O�81ectrie IItilitl,aa � 59,45T 57.954 516,000 - 516,000 � � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 3L1,1 Skating 81aks � 56,000 . 56�,000 � � � 101 - 45100 -OS-�361.2 Soltball ?ialdi � � � . .56,OG0 �86,000� � . � 101 - 45100 -OS- 381.3 Irrigatioa 53.SU0 � 53.500 � � � � 301 - �5100 -01- 381.4 Hivallaaeou� 5500 . $500 � 101 - 45100 -01- 383.0 Gas IItilitias� . 562 S85 SO � SO 101 -�45100 -01- 383�.1 $0 SO � 101 - 45�100 -01- 38l.0 Refuse Di�posal SO 5170 SO � � . $0� � � ioi - asioo -oi- 3e�:i so so 101 - 45100 -01- 393.0 P.C. Hardrara Purcha�as 51,058 $0 � SO . SO � . 101 - 45100 -01- 393.1 � � � � � - � SO ' SO �� - - � � - � 101 - �5100 -01- �09.0 Other Contzaeted Repair 4 ttaia 54,158 �� 55,696 � 54,000 � 54.000 � . . . � �101 - �5100�-01- 409.1 � Zrzigation Aeyaiz- � - 51,500 � � ' S1y500� � � � � � � � . 101 - t5100 -01- 409.2 8lsetrieal Aeyair � � 52,000 .� 52.000 � � 101 - 45300 -01- �09.3 Yi�eallaa�ous � � SSDO� SS00 � � � � 101 -�45100 -01- 415.0 Oihar Equiyamt Reatal - 55,462 56,617 514,000 512,500 � 101 - �5100 -01- 415.1 Portebl• Yoileta - � 57.000 57.000 � � , � 101 - 45100 -01- 415.2 St. JoIIa's - Yiny 2ots 51,500 � 50 Mov�d to C�uaity Ceater� � . 101 - 45100 -01-.415.3 SQuipmeat, Machiaea, ete. � '- � � 52.500 � ' S2.500 . � 101 - 45100 -01- 115.4 . Erush 8og(Carrolls Moods) . � 5�.000 . - � 52.000 . � � � SO1 - 45100 -01- 415.5 Ytood Chipper(Carroll■ Nood) � 51,000 51,000 � � . . 101 - 4�5100 -01- 433.0 Dues G Sub�eriptioas ;361 5737 51,050 . � 51,050� � �. 101 - 45100 -01- 433.1 xemberehip• � . � 5650 $650 - 101 - 15100 -01- 433.2 Dup � 5400 . 5400 101 - 45100 -01- 435.0 800ka 4 paa�hlets 5525 . 5194 5350 � 5850. . � 101 - 45100 -01- �35.1 Aeerestion � 5200 � 5350 � 101 - 45100 -01- 435.2 Parka � � 5150 � SS00 � � � 101 -�45100 -OS- 437.0 Coateraneas 4 Semiaara Sb99 ��52.305 � 51,700 � 51,700 � � 101 - 45109 -Oi- i37..1- Seminazs �z Norkahops.�. � � . -� . � . . 51,000� � . . � ;.SS,000 �. . . _ . .. 101 - 45300 -01- 437.4 StaEL/Yuk� Co�. Meetinga . . 5300 � � � � 5300 . 101 - 45100 -01- l37.3 ScLool i 1liitioa � 5�00 � � 5400 � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 439.0 Othei xiscallaaeous CLarqes . =273 $1,481 51,000 � 51,295 101 - 45100.-01- �39.1 �Daaaticipated Costs =1,000 51,494 � � � . P�CB TOT)S.S 528.2E9�� 527.317 $41,650 $41,650. 550,94$ $50,945 . � � .. __ . .. :. �� � . . � . � � NOH-RSVffi708 f80DIICING D8Y)�ATD�7T TOT)S.S � 5�54,1D9 5470,533 $521,925 ;531,915' $562,561 5564,561 . � � � . � . Paq� lour � . � . . � � . .� � 1994 BODGBT 1fORICSHEET3 � � . � . . . . P11R7. i RYC DYYAR17�iY - 451Q0 - . � � � .. . . . Septamber 15, 1993 � 1993 OSJBCT 1993 1994 OEJYCS 1994 � � 1991 1992 DETaZL ADOYTSD DYTAIL PROPOB� � � �. � .. TuaE hccouat • Obj t� Dueriptioa . . � aCiOIS hCSOIU. #1500l�'! 8IIDG8T �(OONT aUDGET Com�at� . � 5101,000 � E53,100 � � � 101 - 451Q0 -EI- Softball 5�0,442 .531,030 544,000 �5�4,000 � . � � 101. - 45100 -i2- Volleyball Sd,015 59,038. ;16,000 SO . .]dov�d to C�uaity C�aCar � 101 - 45100 -6f- Teaai•� . � 51,591 � Sl26 ;2,000 � 52.000 � � 101 -� 45100 -OS- �Tiay Tots � 513,t57 SE,687 516,200 � SO Xov�d t0 Comuaity C�ntez 101 - 45300 -66- Pa� Pcma ¢2,836 52,701 5�.100 � SO . Xov�d to�Co�muaity Ceat�r � � 101 - 45100 -87- ?iald 1Yips 55,713 . 53,722 57,000 � SO �1(o�ed to Comavaity Cwt�r � � � � � 101 - 45100 -6l- Brooeball � 51,902 51,968 52.100 53.100 ' � 101 - 45100 -89- � Skatinq Luaona 5320 5474 � 5600 SO � Yov�d to Ccomuaity Cantaa 101 - 45100 -90- Traek o Tield 5116 51,354 . 53.000 . 53,000 � . 101 - 45100 -91- Soccez - 5163 � S0 � 52.000 � � 53.000 - � - � � � � . 101 -�i5i00.-92-� •ACuik DasketDall � LO =177 51,000 SO . � Yov�d to Co�uaity C�atar� 101 - 45100 -93• Othar Prograa� 51,349 � 5468 53,000 . t0 lioved to�C�uaity C�atsz � REVIIiQi PRODIICING DEPIcRT!ffi7'P TOTLLS SSS,305 559,663 5101,000 5101,000 553,100� 553,100 � � . . . G➢.A27D TOTIS. OP ALL PAR3C5 DEPARINffi7TS 5509,594 $530,.196 � 5622,915 5622�,.915 5615,661 $615,661 � � � . R8VE27D8 PRODIICRiC DSfASLS ON POLLONIItC PAGYS �� � � � . � ... . . . . . . . � Pay� Plva . . . . . � � 1994 BIIDGET NORZS�STS . � � . . . . . . . � . � � YaRZ 4 R8C DBPhR'Il�i'[ - 45100 - � .� � � . . . � Sapt�mb�z 15, 1993 � 1993 OBJ8CT 1993 1994 ODJLCT ��1994 . � � � � � . . � 1991 1497 DSTI�SL . ADOPTID DtYAIL. PROPOSm . . .� � � luad �. Aceouat r Obj ! Ducriptioa �. . ACNJJ. I�CTO7S. N[OIINT SODGSi.. NSUONT EIIDGY'P Comaats �. . � """"""""""""""""""""""'_""""_"""""'"""""'__'"_"_""'_"_"_'_"'__'""_""�""""__""""""""""_"""' �� 101 - .45100 -al- 103.0 Part-Tisr Salazias 5�1,461 53,503 . � 58,000 � 58.000 � � � . 101 - �5100 -11- 107.1 58,000 � SII,000 . � � � � 101 - 45100 -61- 121.O.PLR)�MitLholdiag 5114 �5102 5300�� � �5300 � 301 - 45100 -81- 121.1 � 5300 5300 � � � � 101 - 45100 -l1- 132.0 P2G KithLoldlag 5177 $140 � 5350 � � 5750 � � 101 - 45104 -il- 133.1 � - � 5350 � 5350 � � � � � - 101 - 45100 -dl- 125.0 Yadiear� NSGhLolding $17 547 SSO� S50 � � 101 - 45300 -l1- 125.1 S50 �550 � � � � 101 - l5100 -81- 219.0 Oparatiaq Supplies � 56,56a 511,7l9 � 512,000 512,000 � � 101 - �5100 -81- 219.1 . . . . . 512,000. . . . �.�.512,000: � � � � � � . � . 101 - 45100 -E1- 311.0 OlLiciatinq !eu � � SB,l37 512,9U1 • 517,000 � . . �17,000 � � � � � � � - 101 - 45100 -81- 311.1 $17,000 � 517,000 � � ' �101 - 45100 -81- 319.0 Other Protessional Sasvices. 52.274 52.54t 56,000 � 56,000 � 101 - 15100 -al- 319.1 � $6,000 56,OOQ � � 101 - 45100 -81- 115.0 Othnr 8quipment Reatal .SO $0 � $200 , 5200 � � � �� 101 - �5140 -81- 415.1 � � . � $Z00 S�OQ . � � 101 - 45100 -Di- 439.0 Othnr Hiscellaneous Charges SO SO � 5100 . 5100 � 101 - 45100 -81- 439.1 � � 5100 � � 5100 � 101 - 45100 -82- 103.0 Yart-Sime Sslaries �� 51,055 � $1,501 53,850 � SO . 1G1 - 45100 -82- 103.1 � - 53.d50� SO . Yoved to Com�uaity CmCer � � 301 - 45100�-t7- 1]1.0 PSR11 XithholQiag -� 549 S43 � � 5150 � � SO �� � - 101 - 45100 -a2- 121.1 � . - �� � � .�9150 . '�� � - � SO � � �� � )loved-��Co Co�uaity Cantar - � 101 - �5100 -l2- 122.0 PIG NithLoldiag � S76 560 . 5225� � SO � � 101 - 45100 -82- 122.1 � � � . � � ;225 SO �Xoved co Co�uaity Ceater �. � �. 101 - 45100 -84- 125.0 ltediur� MSthho161ag S7 520 . � 575 -� � SO � � �� - 101 -�45100 -6]-�125.1� � . � � 575 SO � xo�ed Co Ca�uaity�Cea[er � �� � 101 - 45100 -S]- 219.0 operatinq Suypliu � � 51�,619 � 51,693 51.750 � �� SO � � � � �� � 101 - 45100 -83- 219.1 � - 52.250 � SO Xoved to.Co�uaity Caater � . � 101 - 45100 -62- 311�.0 Oltieiatiag 7au - 5�3,916 54,609 � 57.700 SO � .� . 101 - 45100 -82- 311.1 � ' � 57.700 � .' $0 .Mov�Q�tO Co�uaity C�ater . � . � . �� . 101 - 45300 -l2- 319.0 OtLer Yrofusioaal Sazvices 51,394 51,110 51,750 . � � SO � � 101 - 45300 -62- 319.1 � � 51,750 50 � Moved to Co�vaity Ceater � . . 101 - 45100 -64- 103.0 Pazt-Sime Salarles 5903 5763 � � 51,500 � 51,500 ioi - ~sioo •a�- ios.i si,soo Si,soo � 101 - �5100 -84- 122.0�PIG Nithholdiag . 538 SO 5100 � 5100 � � . 101 - 45100 -8{- 122.1 � � 5100 � � 5100 � � . � 101 - 45100 -84- 125.0 Kedicare NitLholdiag � 513 510 5100 5100 � � � 101 - 45100 -84- 125.1 � � � $100� 5100 � � . � 101 - 45100 -84- 219.0 Oparatlag Supplies � � � . 563�E � 553. 5300 � $300 � � � � � � _. .. 101.- 45300 -l4- 219..1 �. _ . .. . _ . ,5300 . � . 5300. -.-. � . ...- . . . .. � YhGB TOTALS 530,049 540,l93 562,000 56Z,000 546,000 546,000 . . � . . r Paq� Six � . . . . . . . � . . 1994 EIIDGHS pORICSHZES3 . . .. � � . . . � PARZ 4 A8C DHP7IRTl�7Y - 45100 - �� � � � � � Septambar 15, 1993 . . � 1993 OBJ8CP 1993 1994 08JlCT 199� � � � . � 1991 1992 DETI�IL ADOPTBD DETAIL PROPOS� � � . - Yuad Aceovat � Obj � Ducriytioa � . 71CNl�S. AC2V/�L A1t0IINT. aDDCET A][OONS SDDOiT � Co��nu � """"""""""""""'__"""""__""'___""""""""""""""___""__""""""""_"""""'_"""""""""""""""" . � 301�- �5100 -[S- 103.0 Part-SSme S�lazia• 59,510 56,496 511,000 . � . S0� � � � 101 - 45100 -ES- 103.1 811,000 � SO xov�d.to�C�uaity Csatsr . 101 - �5100 -65- 141.0 P8R7�Mithholdiag - 5132 SO 5200 S0. 1G1 - �5100 -lS- 131.1 � � . 5200 SO . IIov�d to Co�unity�C�atar 101 - 15100 -65- 122.0 TIG XStLholdiag � 545b �SS � 5600 SO 301 - 45100 -65�- 113.1 . _ _.. � .,, 5600 .... � -SO -� � �����W to�Co�unity,C�at�z � - 101 - �5100 -lS- 125.0 Yedicara xlthLnldiag . S10D 586 �5�00 SO � 101 - 45100 -DS- 1]5.1 � S2Q0 � . �SO Movad�to Co�unity Ceat�r � 101 - 45300 -85- 219.0 Oparatiag Supplia� - 51,930� 5564 � .5�.�00 � SO - � . � .� . 101 - 45100 -85- 319.1 . � � � $Y,200 -S0� � ko�ed to Ca�uaity Cent�z � 101 - 45100 -II5- 339.0 Othar TraasDoztatioa CEaxyu 5180 S2]0 � � � 5350 . . f0 � � � � � 101 -�45100 -55.- 339.1 � � � 5350 � SO � I[ovad.to Co�u�nity Caater 101 - 45100 -DS- 415.0 Othar 8quipment Rental � 5540 51,516 � � 51,600 . SO 101 - 95100 -85- 415.1 � � ��51,600 � � SO � Noved to C�vaity Centar � � 101 - 45300 -85-�439.0 Other Hiieellaneous CLargea . � SO SO � SSO � � � SO � � � � . � 101 - 4510�0 -85- 439.1 S50 � � . �SO � Xoved to��C�muaity Caa[ar � � � � � 101 - l5100 -66- 1�3.0 Part-Yime Salaries 51,567 $1,600 52.350 � � SO 101 - 45100 -86- 103.1 ' � $2,250 SO �koved Go C�uaity CanYez 101 - 45100 -86- 127.0 TIG Nithholding 556 ;0 S1U0 � SO � 101 - 55100 -86- 122.1 5100 � �SO Moved to C�uaity Ceatar � S01 -�45100 -l6- 125.0 Yediure NitLholding � 52] S20 � � S50 � . SO � � 101 - 45100�-.l6- 125.1 � � � � � � � - . � 550� � . � SO � � �-xoved.�to�C�uaity Ceatas�� . ..- � . 101 - {5100 -l6- 714.0 Opazatiag Supplie■ 51,187 51,080 51,550 SO � . . 101 -�45100 -86- 219.1 � � � � � � - � � 51,550 - � SO 16oved to Co�uaity Caater � � 101 - 45100 -l6- 339.0 Othez Traaspoztatioa Charga• � SO . SO � - 5150 SO � � �� ., _ . 101_--_45100 -t6- 339.1� � � 5150 . . SO xored to C�ualty:Caatar . . 101 - 45100 -E7- 219.0 Other Operatinq Supplie•.� 51,9�9 SO . SO � � � . ��SO i � 101 - �45100 -l7- 219.1 � SO SO � �� MoveQ to Co�uaity Caater � ' 101 - 45100 -87- 339.0 Othez Tzaasportation Charqe� 53,�63 52.723� . 57.000 � 50 � � �� 101 - 45100 -87- 339.1 - - 57.000 � SO � xoved to C�unity.Ceater � � � 101 - �5100 -86- 214.0 Operatiag Supyliea � 5296 � �.5231 5100 � 5100 �� � � � � 101 - 45300 -db- 219.1- 5100 . � 5100 � � � 101 - 45100 -8l- 311.0 OtLieiatiag Pees $630 � 5735 51,000 � � . 51,000 101 - 45100 -88- 311.1 � 51,000 $1,000 � � � � 101�- 45100 -88- 319.0 OChar Proianioaal Servieer . � 5976 51,012 � � � 51,000 . 51,000 � � .. 101 - 45100 -68- 319.1 51,000 51,000 � � 101 - 45100 -89- 103.0 Part-Time Salarie• 5315 5468 . . 5450 SO � � . 101 - 45100�-89- 103.1 � �5450 - � SO . xoved to C�unity Csntar � 101 - 45100 -89- 122.0 FIG NitLholdiag . � . SO $0 . . $35 � SO � � 101 - 45100 -89- 122.1 � � � f25 ... - . � � $0: .._. .. _.Movad�.Yo-C�uaity.Ceatar� �-- � .... . � � � � 101.- 45100. -89-_�125.0 ltedicarg Kithtwldiag . . � SS � �56 . . --� - � S25 � - -SO � . � � 101 -.45100 -t9- 125.1 � 535 ;0� xoveQ to�C�uaity C�ntar . � � 101 - 45100 -69- 219.0 Operatiag Supplies SO SO 5100 SO � . 1�1� - 45100 -89- 219.1 � � 5100� . SO xwad to Co�uaity Cmter � � � . P7.C8 TOT)S.S 523,628 516,751�� 530,000 5;0,000 52.100 52,100 . . A . � . .. . . . . . . .P�qa Sw�a � � � � 1994 E9DGST MORICSH88T3� . � � . . . � � . . � � - PAAT. 4 RHC DSPIOtTit�iT - �5100 - . . . . . . . � � � . Septamber 15, 1993 � . � 1993 OBJ8Cf�. 1993 1994 OaJ=CT 199� � � � � � . .1991 1993 DSThZL �ADOPTSD DETI�SL� PROPOS� � � . .� Tuad Aeeonat r Obj i Daacriytioa AC'POAL ACIVAL �NIOIIN2 - BIIDGBT 111tOOHT EIID6ST Co��ats . � ""'"""""""""""""""_"""_"'_""__""""'___"_'_.__'_""""""".'____""""'""""""""""""""""""""_""""" �101 - 45100 -l0- 219.0 Oparatiag Suppli�■ � 5316 51,35{ � . �52.500 � � ;2,500 � � 101 - 45100 -90- 219.1 � � 52.500 � �$1,500 � � 101 - 45100 -90- �39.0 Othar Yiaeellaa�ous CLaz4as SO S0� 5500 5500 � � 301 - �5100 -90- 439�.1 5500 � i�500� . . ..101 - 45100 -l1- 219.0 Oparatlag Supplias �5163 SO . 5150 5150 � � � 301 - 45100 -91- 219.1� 5150 . 5150 . . � � S01 - {5100 -91- 311.0 OfliciatiaQ laes �SO SO � S1,D50 . S1,l50� . � . 101 - 45100 -91- 311.1 � � � S1,l50 �� S1,8S0 � � � SO1 - 45100 -92- 219.0 Opezatiag Supplies � - � SO . 5177 51,000 . . SO � � � 101 - 45100.-92- 219.1 51,000 �50 Itovad to Camualty�Ceat�r � � - ..-._--.101�_._45140 -93---219:0-Opardtia4 Suppliss-Othez Prog- -_..51.330� . .--.� .i�6! . . �. . . S;i..700 . .� , -. ... . . SQ_ . � . � . .. .. � —.: � 301 - 45100 -93- 119.1 � � � � . 53.700 - $0 Ilored�to C�ualty Caatar . � � 101 - 45100 -93- 322.0 Po�taqa�Costs � . � � 5119 � SO . . 5��5 � . SO � � 101 - 45100 -43- 322.1 � � � 5225 � So lfoved to Ca�mity Cmtar � � � 101 - 45100 -93- 415.0 Other 8quipmeat Reatal SO SO . � 575 SO � � . . 101 - 45100 -93- 415.1 � 575 � SO . xoved to Ca�auaity Ceater � PAGE TOTIU.S � � 51,628 $2..018 $9,000 $9,000 . 55,000 SS,000 � �� . � � REV&NII8 PRODIICZNG TOT)S.S � 855�,305 559,663 �5101,000 5101,000 553,100 �553,100 � � ?�Q� Oa� � . . .. . . � � 1994 HQDGYT NOW.SHEYTS . � � . . � INSIIRaHCB - �9240 • . . � . � . . � .. I S�yt�sbar 15, 1993 � . 1993 OBJECT .� 1493 1994 OBJYCT 1994 � �. � �� I � � � 1991 � � 1992 DHTASL � hDOPT� DESAZL PAOPOS� � �, � Puad Acco�sat i Obj N De�criytioa xCTO1S. xCSOAI, ),7i00NT . SODGET 711SOUNT BIIDCSt Co�snta� . � """"""""""""""""""_"_'__""""'____""""""""'__'_'_"'_""""""'."_""_"""'..�"'_""""""""""""""'.. 10i - 493�0 -01- 365.0 Norlman's Ca�p Zn�uranc� 570,315 582.634 � 570,000 � 990,000 � � � 101 - �9250 -01- 365.1 Lanwl Pramivm . Y/0,000 590,000 11k Zacrus• oL 1993 actual . 101 - 4l240 -01- 369.0 OtIIer Iasuraaee 575,422 � 57l,334 . . �. Sa8,000. . 598,000 � � � �. 101 � 49]40 -OS• 369.1 Geaeral Liability 4 Luto � . . SE8,000 �598,000 � 1]t Iacr�au oi 1993.8udgaC � � � P71CY T02ALS 5145.737 5160,947 �515l,000 S15L,OOQ 5168,000 j168,000 . . � . �. . DYPART1�iT TOTALS � 5345,737 . ;160,947 SSSE,000 S15l,OQO aiee,000 S181,004 �� � � � � . � Paq� Oc� � � .. � . . . 1994 SODC8S MOR1CS88iTS . �� � � � � � � � . . . � . � . OT88R IISE3 ('17taNSlEAS) ' 49300 � � � � � � . � . � Seytmb�r 15, Y993 . � 1993 OEJBCT 1993 1994 OBJSGR 1994 �. �� � � � � �� . 1991 1992 DHT7IIL 7�DOPTID DZ'P71IL pAOPOSED � .� � � � . .1uad Aacoua! • Obi f Dascriptioa ACTOI�I, aCTOaL AMOIINT SIIDCHT � AttOIINT� H9DC8T . Caom�at��� .. � 301 - 49300 -01- 710.0 Translezi � SO SO . � � SO .;70,000 � � 101 - 4930Q -OS- 710.1 To Co�mity Csatar � � SO f70,000 . . 1or Op�ratioa oL Programs � � 101 - 49300 -01- 710.2 � � =0 EO � . � - � PAG=.24T31LS - SO =0 LO � SO =70,000 �570.000 . � � . � .� � � DEP)O[Tl�7T R'OTRLS � SO . SO � � SO SO S'70,000 �570,000 � . .� • 1993 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 1994 General Levy GENERAL FT7ND $1, 9 9 0,4 4 6 S-YEAR CIP PROGRAM FUND 10, 633 RETIREMENT/SEVERANCE FUND -0- TOTAL GENERAL LEVY $2, 001,079 Bonded Indebtedness G.O. MUNICIPAL BLDG BONDS 1986 (Author�22ed-$150,570) -�. -150, 5?0 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1987A(Authorized-$311, 964) 125, 000 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1988B (Authorized-$66, 552) -0- G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1989B (Authorized-$86, 247) -0- G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1991A(Authorized-$0) -0- G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1992A(Authorized-$0) -0- G.O. COMMUNITY CENTER BONDS 1992C (Authorized-$103 , 877) 103, 8'77 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1992D(Authorized-$6, 715) -0- G.O. MUNICIPAL BLDG BONDS 1992E (Authorized-$326, 669} -0- TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $ 379,447` Certificates of Ind�:btedness G.O. EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES 1991C (Authorized $48, 290) $ 48,290 - ** G.O. EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES 1994 ** . 50, 000 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS $ 98,290 Principal and Interest on Armory Bonds ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES ($95, 000 + $402, 639, OOOx. 00798%) $ 127, 131 . TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS $ 127, 131 _ GRAND TOTAL 1993 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $2, 605, 947 i t> SPREAD LEVY COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET �, 1992 1993 1994 Total Funding Requirements 4,061,064 4,4Z9,363 4,744,300 Less:Internal Revenues 1,025,092 1,219,450 1,026,755 _ Less:Use of CIP Reserves 0 0 175,000 Equals:Revenues Needed 3,035,972 3,209,913 3,542,545 (City Ad justments-Subtractions) Local Government Aid(LGA) 287,859 296,512 380,794 Homestead&Agriculturai Credit Aid(HACA) N/A N/A 555,804 Levy Certified by City to County Auditor 2,74$,113 2,913,401 2,605,947' (County Auditor Ad justments=Subtractians) Fiscal Disparities Distribution Levy(Metro Area) 310,034 302,8Q8 302,8D8 Certified Homestead&Agricultural Credit Aid(HACA) 448,063 525,257 N/A Fyualization Aid 82,692 82,692 N/A Disparity Reduction Aid N/A N/A N1A Spread Levy(Used to Compute Local Tax Rate) 1,907,324 2,002,644 2,303,139 Increase from Frevious Year in Spread Levy 5.00% 15.00°10 • r w CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993 - A RESOLUTION SETTING THE PRELIMINARY 1994 GENERAL FUND OPER.ATING BUDGET, THE 1994 C.I.P. BUDGET AN'D TFIE 1994 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WfiEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has determined that budgets and special needs for the year. 1994 will be in the � amount of $4, 139, 432 for the General Operating Fund, CIP and Retirement/Severance funds; and WiiEREAS, the City Council has determined that special levies for . Bonded Indebtedness, Certificates of Indebtedness and the Armory Project total $604, 868; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that actual incomes, fund transfers and anticipated aids will total $2, 138, 353 . NOW, THEREFORE 8E IT RESOLVED, that the total Preliminary Levy certified to the Dakota County Auditor shall be $2, 605, 947; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of _ Rosemount will conduct a Public Hearing for the purpose of presenting the proposed budget anc� levy to the general public and . to comply with Truth in Taxation laws as set by the Minnesota � State Legislature, and that the hearing shall take place on December 2 , 1993 , at 8: 00 P.M. , in the Council Chambers at the City Hall; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if a continuation of that hearing is necessary it shaTl take place on December 15, 1993 , at 8 : 00 P.M. , and at that Public Hearing the final operating budget and levy shall be adopted by the Rosemount City Council . ADOPTED this 30th day of August, 1993 . - E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk . Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted Against : TO: The Honorable Mayor Edward B. McMenomy Council Members Klassen, Staats, Willcox, & Wipperman City Administrator Jilk FROM: Planning Commission Chair Busho ' Planning Commissioners Baago and Ingram ' RE: 1994 Proposed Planning Department Budget DATE: August 26, 1993 The Planni.ng Commission wishes to express our strong support for the proposed 1994 Planning Department Operating Budget as presented by Planning Director Freese. It is our firm belief that the budget proposal represents necessary operati.ng expenditure whi.te reca, i�ing the need for fiscal restraint. We acknowledge that the proposal exceeds the three per cent increase as asked for by Administrator Jilk. We do believe, however, the additional expenditures to be quite critical to the overall effectiveness of implementing programs that the City of Rosemount has in the past deemed important. Such examples are: � *Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Amendments. Strict and.thorough implementation of the recently adopted Comprehensive Guide Plan is based primarily on the nuts and bolts review of these two documents. Why plan comprehensively when all the while ignoring the mechanisms that enforce it? *Development/Application Review. It is our belief that at current staff levels, proper review of development requests will come at the expense.of upda.ting the documents discussed above. We feel extremely confident that planning staff will continue to provide us with thorough coverage of all applications but we are concerned that long range planning will be put back because of it. *Downtown Planning and Enforcement. We have a concern tha.t the recently completed- but not yet adopted- Downtown Scoping Plan may lack the "teeth" it will need to be truly effective if not properly standardized and enforced. Again, let's not assume that by simply ' adopting a planning document it will work. Planning staff research and Commission recommendation are key in the overall scoping framework. Essentially we believe that the addition of a summer intem could help ease the current workload requirements of the Planning Department and allow for the above mentioned programs to take place in a timely manner, Director Freese has budgeted for no additional expenditures in staff or Commission workshops and we feel has put together an operating budget that is not only necessary but justifiable. , �rn� y�. , � � ' Capital Improvements Program (1994-1998) Pro'ect Costs b De artment �---------------- Year ---------------� Department 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Totals 1 Administration 78,500 3,260,000 0 1,622,000 0 4,960,500 2 Finance 90,000 170,000 24,000 29,000 24,000 337,000 3 Planning 22,700 16,000 1,200 1,200 1,200 42,300 4 Police 57,065 78,000 92,885 106,535 95,500 429,985 5 Fi re 334,800 488,800 144,800 345,800 198,500 1,512,700 6 Parks&Recreation 690,000 2,279,000 501,000 146,000 192,000 3,808,000 7 Public Works 1,118,183 2,300,892 3,048,948 2,167,675 4,788,666 13,424,364 8 Utilities 0 0 0 0 0 0 g ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 --- � � � � 0 � 12 --- 0 D 0 0 0 0 13 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other(not specified above) 8,800 15,000 0 0 0 23,800 2,400,048 8,607,692 3,812,833 4,418,210 5,299,866 24,538,649 (06—Aug-93) Capital Improvements Program (1994-1998) Pro'ect Costs b T e �---------------- Year ---------------� Type 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Totals 1 Equipment 754,165 1,025,300 471,685 521,335 318,000 3,090,485 2 Park Development 237,000 160,000 265,000 106,000 95,000 863,000 3 Land Acquisition 288,000 1,992,000 120,000 0 0 2,400,000 4 Curb&Gutter 12,000 12,360 12,854 13,497 13,902 64,613 5 Sidewalk 28,325 29,174 30,050 31,853 33,764 153,166 6 Storm Sewer 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 Street 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 Facilities 0 0 0 0 0 0 g ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 --- 0 0 0 0 0 � 13 --- 0 0 0 0 0 � 14 --- 0 � � � � � 15 --- Q � 0 � � � Other(not specified above) 1,080,558 5,388,858 2,913,244 3,745,525 4,839,200 17,967,385 2,400,048 8,607,692 3,812,833 4,418,210 5,299,866 24,538,649 (06—Aug-93) Capital improvements Program (1994-199E3) . Revenue b Source �-----�----------- Year ---------------� Source 1994 1995 1996 19�J7 1998 Totals 1 Assessments 206,Q00 668,000 992,000 1,047,420 727,D00 3,640,420 • 2 General Levy 1,706,248 5,812,692 1,695,833 3,040,790 3,900,866 16,156,429 3 Generai Budget 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 General CIP 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 MSA 205,000 0 1,005,000 300,000 672,000 2,182,000 6 Port Authority 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 Park improvements 214,000 1,701,000 120,000 30,000 0 2,065,000 8 Other General 60,000 381,000 0 0 0 441,000 9 Other General 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Other Genera) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 l Other General 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 12 Other General 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 Water Gore 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 Sanitary Core 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 Storm Core 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 6 Water Operating 0 10,000 A 0 0 10,000 17 Sanitary Operating 0 10,000 0 0 0 40,000 18 5torm Operating 0 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 19 lttility CIP 8,800 15,000 0 0 0 23,800 20 Other Enterprise o 0 0 0 0 0 21 Other Enterprise 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Other Enterprise 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,400,048 8,607,692 3,812,f333 4,418,210 5,299,866 24,538,649 (06—Aug-93) Capita{Improvements Program(1994-1998) Project Table 7otai Totai Cost= # Name Project� Department TyQe ___ Year Cost Revenue Rev.? # 1 Office Furniture PIN 94-101 Administration Equipment 1�J94 2,500 2,500 1 2 Office Furniture PIN 94-102 Administration Equipment 1994 1,000 1,000 2 3 Gouncil ChamberFiemodeling PIN 94-103 Administration Equipment 1994 15,000 15,000 3 4 Councii Chamber Remodeling PIN 94-104 Administration Equipment 8 Installation 1994 40,000 40,000 4 5 Copy Machine PIN 94-105 Administretion Equipment 1994 20,000 20,000 5 6 City Hall Remodeling PIN 95-101 Administration Building Construction 1995 110,000 110,000 6 7 New Fi�e Station/Land Acquisition PIN 95-102 Administration Fire Station construction,Public 1995 3,150,000 3,150,000 7 8 Copy Machine PIN 97-101 Administration Equipment 1997 22,000 22,000 8 9 City Hall Expansion PIN 97-102 Administration Building Addition 1997 1,600,000 1,600,000 9 10 PC Replacement Program(and Printers) PIN 94-201 Finance Equipment 1994 20,000 20,000 10 i t Armory PC Hardware 8 Software PIN 9d-202 Finance Equipment 1994 40,000 40,000 11 12 Armory PC Networking PIN 94-203 Finance PC Hardware&Software 1994 30,000 30,000 12 13 PC Replacement Program{and Printers) PIN 95-201 Flnance Equipment 1995 20,000 20,000 13 14 Accounting/Utility Biiling Software PIN 95-202 Finance Equipme�t 1995 150,000 150,000 14 15 PC Repiacement Program(and Printers) PW 96-201 Finance Equipment 1996 24,000 24,000 15 i6 PC Repiacement Program(and Printers) PIN 97-201 Finance Equipment 1997 24,000 24,000 16 17 Copy Machine PIN 97-202 Finance Equipment 1997 5,000 5,000 17 18 PC Replacement Program(and Printers) PIN 98-201 finance Equipment 1998 24,000 24,000 18 19 GIS System Development PIN 94-301 Planning Software&Professional Servic� 1994 7,700 7,700 19 20 Vehicle Replacement PIN 94-302 Planning Equipment 1994 t5,000 15,000 20 21 Furniture/Equipment PIN95-301 Planning Equipment 1995 1,000 1,000 21 22 GIS System PIN 95-302 Planning Equipment 1995 15,00a 15,000 22 23 GIS System Development PIN 96-301 Planning Soffinrare 1996 1,200 1,200 23 24 GiS System Development PIN 97-301 Planning Software 1997 1,200 1,200 24 25 GIS System Development PIN 98-301 Planning Software 1998 1,200 1,200 25 26 Police Vehicie Replacemenis PIN 94-401 Police Equipment 1994 56,000 56,000 26 27 Mobile Squad Radio Addition PIN 94-402 Police Equipment 1994 1,065 1,065 27 28 Po{ice Vehicle Replacements PIN 95-401 PolicA Equipment 1995 33,000 33,000 28 29 Computer Update PIN 95-402 Police Equipment 1995 45,000 45,000 29 30 Police Vehicle Repiacements&Addition PIN 96-401 Police Equipment 1996 62,000 62,000 30 31 Mobile Squad Radio Replacements PIN 96-402 Police Equipment 1996 10,650 10,650 31 32 Police Hand-Held Radio Replacements PIN 96-403 Police Equipment 1996 6,390 6,390 32 {06-Aug-93) Paget Capital improvements Program(1994-1998) Project Table Totai Total Cost= # Name Project# Department Tvpe Year Cost Revenue Rev.? # 33 Base Radio Replacement PIN 96-404 Police Equipment 1996 5,325 5,325 33 34 Radar Equipment Replacement PIN 96-405 Police Equipment 1996 8,520 8,520 34 35 Police Vehicie Replacements PIN 97-401 Police Equipment 1997 64,000 64,000 35 36 Mobile Squad Radio Additions PIN 97-402 Police Equipment 1997 4,260 4,260 36 37 Radar UnitAdditions PIN 97-403 Police Equipment 1997 3,195 3,195 37 38 Lab Equipment PIN 97-404 Police Equipment 1997 5,325 5,325 38 39 Emergency Vehicle Opticom Units PIN 97-405 Police Equipment 1997 3,195 3,195 39 40 Mobi1 Data Terminal Additions PIN 97-406 Police Equipment 1997 26,560 26,560 40 41 Police Vehicle Replacements&Additions PIN 98-401 Police Equipment 1998 83,000 83,000 41 42 Mobile Squad Radio Addition PIN 98-402 Police Equipment 1998 2,500 2,500 42 43 Hand-Held Radio Additions PIN 98-403 Police Equipment 1998 6,000 6,000 43 44 Office Equipment-ReplacemenUAddition PIN 98-404 Police Equipment 1998 4,000 4,000 44 45 Fire Fighting Equipment PIN 94-501 Fire Equipment 1994 3,800 3,800 45 46 8unker Gear PIN 94-502 Fire Equipment 1994 6,000 6,000 46 47 Aeriai Fire Truck PIN 94-503 Fire Equipment 1994 325,000 325,000 47 48 Grass Fire Pump PIN 95-501 Fire Equipment 1995 12,000 12,000 48 49 Grass Fire Vehicie PIN 95-502 Fire EGuipment 1995 22,Q00 22,000 49 50 Pumper PIN 95-503 Fire Equipment 1995 100,000 100,000 50 51 Aerial Fire Truck PIN 95-504 Fire Equipment 1995 325,000 325,000 51 52 Fire Fighting Equipment PIN 95-505 Fire Equipment 1995 3,800 3,800 52 53 Bunker Gear PIN 95-506 Fire Equipment 1995 6,000 6,000 53 54 Fire Nose&Couplings PIN 95-507 Fire Equipment 1995 20,000 20,000 54 55 Pumper PIN 96-501 Fire Equipment 1996 100,000 100,000 55 56 Suburban -Command Vehicle PIN 96-502 Fire Equipment 1996 25,000 25,000 56 57 Fire Fighting Equipment PIN 96-503 Fire Equipment 1996 3,800 3,800 57 58 Bunker Gear PIN 96-504 Fire Equipment 1996 6,000 6,000 58 59 Computer Additions and Updates PIN 96-505 Fire Equipment 1996 10,000 10,000 59 60 Gress Fire Pump PIN 97-501 Fire Equipment 1997 9,000 9,000 60 61 1!2 Ton Pickup-Command Vehicle PIN 97-502 Fire Equipment 1997 22,OOo 22,000 61 62 Grass Fire Vehicie PIN 97-503 Fire Equipment 1997 22,000 22,000 62 63 Tanker Addition PIN 97-504 Fire Equipment 1997 165,000 165,000 63 64 Pumper PIN 97-505 Fire Equipment 1997 100,000 100,000 64 (06-Aug-93) Page2 Capitai Improvements Program(1994-1998) Project TabJe Total Total Cost= # Name Project� Department Type Year Cost Revenue Rev.? # 65 Fire Fighting Equipment PIN 97-506 Fire Equipment 1997 3,800 3,800 65 66 Bunker Gear PIN 97-507 Fire Equipment 1997 6,000 6,000 66 67 Pagers PIN 97-508 Fire Equipment 1997 18,000 18,000 67 68 Refurbish Reserve Rescue Truck PIN 98-501 Fire Equipment 1998 30,000 30,000 68 69 Pumper Replacement Payment PIN 98-502 Fire Equipment 1998 150,000 150,000 69 70 Fire Fighting Equipment PIN 98-503 Fire Equipment 1998 4,500 4,500 70 71 Bunker Gear PIN 98-504 Fire Equipment 1998 6,000 6,000 71 72 Water flescue Equipment PIN 98-505 Fire Equipment 1998 8,000 8,000 72 73 Aerator PIN 94-601 Parks$�Recreation Equipment 1994 3,000 3,000 73 74 Phase I Vegatation-Carroii Woods P!N 94-602 Parks 8�Recreation Park Development 1994 10,000 10,000 74 75 Phase IIA Vegatation-Carroil Woods PIN 94-603 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1994 10,000 10,000 75 76 Park Shelter-Shannon park PIN 94-604 Parks&Recreation ParkDevelopment 1994 10,000 10,000 76 77 Playground Equipment-Connemara Park PIN 94-605 Parks&Recreation Equipment 1994 10,000 10,000 77 78 Tree Spade for Skid Steer Laader PIN 94-606 Parks&Recreation Equipment 1994 40,000 10,000 78 79 Basketball Courts PIN 94-607 Parks&Recreation Park Enhancements 1994 12,000 12,000 79 80 Office Furniture PIN 94-608 Parks&Recreation Office Fumiture 1994 15,000 15,000 80 81 Parking Lot-Erickson Community Square PIN 94-609 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1994 20,000 20,000 81 82 Replace 8�Upgrade Playground Equipment-Kidder P�PIN 94-610 Parks&Recreation Equipment 1994 40,000 40,000 62 83 Phase II B-C Vegatation-Carroll Woods PIN 94-611 Parks&Aecreation Park Development 1994 27,000 27,000 83 84 Park Shelter-Twin Puddles PIN 94-612 Parks&RecreaGon Park Development 1994 30,000 30,000 84 85 Grading-Erickson Community Square PIN 94-613 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1994 35,000 35,000 85 86 Parking Lot-Erickson Park PIN 94-614 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1994 35,000 35,000 86 87 ADA&Safety Upgrades to Playground Equipment PIN 94-615 Parks&Recreation Equipment 1994 35,000 35,000 87 88 General�ighting-Shannon Park PIN 94-616 Parks&Recreation Construction 1994 40,000 40,000 88 89 Park Shelter-City Ha0 PIN 94-617 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1994 60,000 60,000 89 90 Land-Biscayne/145th PIN 94-6t 8 Parks&Recreation Land Acquisition 1994 120,000 120,000 90 91 Land-Carroll Woods PIN 94-619 Parks&Recreation Land Acquisition 1994 168,000 168,000 91 92 Phase l Vegatation-Carroil Woods PIN 95-601 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1995 10,000 10,000 92 93 Phase IIA Vegatation-Carroll Woods PIN 95-602 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1995 10,000 10,000 93 94 Bridge-Carroii Woods PIN 95-603 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1995 10,000 10,000 94 95 Park Benches&Tabies PIN 95-604 Parks 8 Recreation Equipment 1995 10,000 10,000 95 96 6'John Deere Mower Replacement PIN 95-605 Parks&Recreation Equipment 1995 12,000 12,000 96 (06-Aug-93) Page 3 Capitai Improvements Program(1994-1998) Project Table Total Total Cost= � Name Project� Department Type Year Cost Revenue Rev.? � 97 Park Sheiter-Kidder Park PIN 95-606 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1995 15,000 15,000 97 98 Playground Equipment-Erickson Community Square PIN 95-607 Parks&Recreation Equipment 1995 15,000 15,000 98 99 Piayground Equipment-Biscayne Park PIN 95-608 Parks&Recreation Equipment 1995 20,000 20,000 99 100 Dredgi�g-Carroli Woods PIN 95-609 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1995 25,000 25,000 100 101 Park Shelter-N7 PIN 95-610 Parks 8 Recreation Park Development 1995 30,Q00 30,000 101 102 Howard Mower Replacement PIN 95-611 Parics&Recreation Equipment 1995 30,000 30,000 102 103 Land-Winds Park PIN 95-612 Parks&Recreation Land Acquisition 1995 36,000 36,000 103 104 Playground Equipment at New Park jN-� PIN 95-613 Parks&Recreation Equipment 1995 40,000 40,000 104 105 Park Shelter-Schwarz Park PIN 95-614 Parks 8�Recreation Park Development 1995 60,000 60,000 105 106 Land-Schwarz Park PIN 95-615 Parks 8�Recreation Land Acquisition 1995 90,000 90,000 106 107 Land-Birger Pond PIN 95-616 Parks&Recreation Land Acquisition 1995 180,000 180,000 107 108 Land-Hart Property PIN 95-617 Parks 8 Recreation land Acquisition 1995 336,000 336,000 T08 109 Land-Erickson Community Square PIN 95-618 Parks 8 Recreation Land AcquisiUon 1995 350,000 350,000 109 110 Land-UniversityProperty PIN 95-619 Parks&Recreation Land Acquisition 1995 1,000,000 1,000,000 i 10 111 Bike Trail Through Camfield Park PIN 96-601 Parks&Recreation Construction 1996 6,000 6,000 t 11 112 Phase I Vegatation-Carroli Woods PIN 96-602 Parks 8 Recreation Park Development 1996 10,000 10,000 112 113 Phase IIA Vegatation-Carroll Woods PIN 96-603 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1996 10,000 10,000 113 114 Parking Lot-Twin Puddles PIN 96-604 Parks 8 Recreation Construction 1996 10,000 10,000 114 115 Piayground Equipment-Biscayne Park PIN 96-605 Parks 8 Recreation Equipment 1996 15,000 15,000 115 i 16 Pond Restoration-Connemara Park PIN 96-606 Parks&Recreation Construction 1996 15,000 15,000 116 117 Tennis Courts R Basketbaii Courts-Jaycee Park PIN 96-607 Parks&Recreation ConstrucGon 1996 30,000 30,000 117 118 Playground Equipment-Shannon Park - PIN 96-608 Parks&Recreation Equipment 1996 40,000 40,000 118 119 Ornamental Pond-Erickson Community Square PIN 96-609 Parks 8 Recreation Park Development 1996 65,000 65,000 119 120 Deck-Erickson Community Square PIN 96-610 Parks 8 Recreation Park Development 1996 70,000 70,000 120 121 Park Shelter-Shannon Park PIN 96-611 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1996 110,000 110,000 121 122 Land-Shannon Park PIN 96-612 Parks&Recreation Land Acquisition 1996 120,000 120,000 122 123 Ornamental Sculpture-Erickson Community Square PIN 97-601 Paris&Recreation Park Development 1997 5,000 5,000 t23 124 Pond Observation Blind -Carroll/Schwarz PIN 97-602 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1997 8,000 8,000 124 125 Environmental Education Dock-CarrolVSchwarz PIN 97-603 Par{cs&Recreation Park Oevelopment 1997 8,000 8,000 125 126 Phase I Vegatation-Carroll Woods PIN 97-604 Parks&RecreaGon Park Development 1997 10,000 10,000 126 127 Phase IIA Vegatation-Carroll Woods PIN 97-605 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1997 10,000 10,000 127 128 Park Shelter-Winds Park PIN 97-606 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1997 30,000 30,000 128 (06-Aug-93) Page 4 Capital Improvements Program (1994-1998) Project Tabie Total Total Cost= #� Name Project# Department Type Year Cost Revenue Rev.? � 129 Lighting-Erickson Community Square PIN 97-607 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1997 35,000 35,000 129 130 Walkways&Bridge-Erickson Community Square PIN 97-608 Parks&Recreation Construction 1997 40,000 40,000 130 131 Phase IIA Vegatation-Carroll Woods PIN 98-601 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1998 10,000 10,OOQ 131 132 Stone Path-Erickson Community Square PW 98-602 Parks 8 Recreation Construction 1998 12,000 12,000 132 133 Pond Restoration-Erickson Communiry Square PIN 98-603 Parks 8 Recreation Park Development 1998 15,000 15,000 133 134 Trail-Erickson Community Square PIN 98-604 Parks&Recreation Park Development 1998 20,000 20,000 134 135 Grade forAmphitheater-Erickson Community Square PIN 98-605 Parks&RecreaUon Construction 1998 35,000 35,000 135 136 Landscaping 8 Amenities-Erickson Community SquanPlN 98-606 Parks&Recreation Construction 1998 50,000 50,000 136 137 Parking Lot/Entrance Drive-Carroli Woods PIN 98-607 Parks 8 Recreation Park Development 1998 50,000 50,000 137 138 Sander PIN 94-701 Public Works Equipment 1994 3,000 3,000 138 139 Utiliry Box PIN 94-702 Public Works/Utilities Equipment 1994 3,800 3,800 139 140 Water Tower Maintenance PIN 94-703 Public Works/Utilities Improvements Maintenance 1994 5,000 5,000 140 141 Diagnostic Computer PIN 94-704 Public Works Equipment 1994 6,000 6,000 141 142 Truck PIN 94-705 Public Works Equipment 1994 18,000 18,000 142 143 Truck PIN 94-706 Public Works Equipment 1994 20,000 20,000 143 144 TrUck PIN 94-707 Public Works Equipment 1994 100,000 100,000 144 145 Curb 8 Gutter Replacement PIN 94-708 Public Works Curb&Gutter 1994 12,000 12,000 145 146 Sidewalk Replacement PIN 94-709 Public Works Sidewalk 1994 28,325 28,325 146 147 Gravel Road Resurfacing PIN 94-710 Public Works Road Resurfacing 1994 37,158 37,158 147 148 Street Reconstruction- 143rd Street West PIN 94-711 Public Works Street ReconsVuction 1994 49,000 49,000 148 149 Street Reconstruction-Cameo Avenue PIN 94-712 Public Works Street Reconstruction 1994 83,000 83,000 149 150 Street Reconstruction- 145th Street West PIN 94-713 Public Works Street Reconstruction 1994 761,700 7fi1,700 150 151 Lift Cart PIN 95-701 Public Worics Equipment 1995 4,500 4,500 151 152 Vehicle Hoist PIN 95-702 Public Works Equipment 1995 5,000 5,000 152 153 Paint Gun PIN 95-703 Public Works Equipment 1995 6,000 6,000 153 154 Lawn Mower PIN 95-704 Pubfic WorksNtilities Equipment 1995 15,000 15,000 154 155 Laader PIN 95-705 Publie Works Equipment 1995 115,000 115,000 155 156 Curb&Gutter Replacement PIN 95-706 Pubiic Works Curb&Gutter 1995 12,360 12,360 156 157 Sidewaik Replacement PIN 95-707 Public Works Sidewalk 1995 29,174 29,174 157 158 Gravel Road Resurfacing PIN 95-708 Public Works Road Resurfacing 1995 37,158 37,158 15$ 159 Street Reco�Vuction-Cameo Avenue PIN 95-709 Public Works Street Reconstruction 1995 83,000 83,000 159 160 Street Reconstruction-Camero Avenue PIN 95-710 Public Works Street Reconstruction 1995 100,000 100,000 160 (06-Aug-93) Page 5 Capital Improvemenis Program(1994-1998) Project Table Total Total Cost= # Name Project# Department Tvpe Year Cost Revenue Rev.? � 161 Street Reconstruction-lower 147th Street West PIN 95-711 Public Works Street Reconstruction 1995 118,000 118,000 161 162 Street Reconstruction-Cambrian Avenue PIN 95-712 Public Works Street Reconstruction 1995 132,000 132,000 162 163 SUeet Reconstruction- i60th Street PIN 95-713 Pubiic Works Street Reconstruction 1995 430,300 430,300 163 164 Street Reconstruction- 160th Street PIN 95-714 Pubiic Works Street Fieconstruction 1995 1,228,400 1,228,400 164 165 Skid Steer Loader PIN 96-701 Public Works Equipment 1996 25,000 25,000 165 166 Truck PIN 96-702 Public Works Equipment 1996 30,000 30,000 166 167 Truck PIN 96-703 Public Works Equipment 1996 100,000 100,000 167 168 Curb&Gutter Replacement PW 96-704 Public Works Curb&Gutter 1996 12,854 12,854 168 169 Sidewalk Replacement PIN 96-705 Public Works Sidewalk 1996 30,050 30,050 169 170 Gravel Road Resurfacing PIN 96-706 Public Works Road Resurfacing 1996 71,944 71,944 170 171 StreetReconstruction-Cimmarron Avenue PIN 96-707 Public Worics Street Reconstruction 1996 40,000 40,000 171 172 Street Reconstruction-Chippendale Avenue PIN 96-708 Public Works Street Reconstruction 1996 484,900 484,900 172 173 Street ReconsUuction- 145th Street West PIN 96-709 Public Works Street Reconstruction 1996 1,019,200 1,019,200 173 174 Street Reconstruction-Biscayne Avenue PIN 96-710 Public Works Street Reconstruction 1996 1,235,000 1,235,000 174 175 Truck PIN 97-701 Public Works Equipment 1997 18,000 18,000 175 176 Curb&Gutter Repiacement PIN 97-702 Public Works Curb&Gutter 1997 13,497 13,497 176 177 Sidewalk Repiacement PIN 97-703 Public Works Sidewalk 1997 31,853 31,853 177 178 Street Reconstruc6an-Akron Avenue PIN 97-704 Public Works Street Reconstruction 1997 842,025 842,025 178 179 Street Reconstruction-Conemarra Trail PIN 97-705 Public Works Street Reconstruction 1997 1,262,300 1,262,300 179 180 Curb&Gutter Repiacement PIN 98-701 Public Works Curb&Gutter 1998 13,902 13,902 180 181 Sidewalk Replacement PIN 98-702 Public Works Sidewaik 1998 33,764 33,764 181 182 Street Reconstruction-Dodd Boulevard PIN 98-703 Pubiic Works Street Reconstruction 1998 761,400 761,400 182 183 Street Reconstruction-Dodd Boulevard PIN 98-704 Public Works Street Reconstruction 1998 761,400 761,400 183 184 Street Reconstruction-Dodd Boulevard PIN 98-705 Public Works Street Reconstruction t998 761,400 761,400 184 185 Street Reconstruction-Diamond Path PIN 98-706 Public Works Street Reconstruction 1998 1,228,400 1,228,400 185 186 Street Reconstruction-County Road 38 PIN 98-707 Pubiic Works Street Reconstruction 1998 1,228,400 1,228,400 186 187 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 187 188 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 188 189 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 189 190 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 190 191 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 191 192 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 192 (O6-Aug-93) Page 6 Capital ImprovemenLs Program(t994-1998) Project Table Toffii Total Cost= # Name Project� DepartmeM Type Year Cost Revenue Rev.? � 193 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 193 194 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 194 195 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 195 196 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 196 197 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 197 198 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 198 199 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 199 200 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 200 201 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 201 202 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 202 203 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 203 204 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 204 205 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 205 206 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 206 207 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 207 208 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 208 209 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 209 210 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 210 211 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 211 212 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 212 213 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 213 214 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 214 215 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 215 216 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 216 217 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 217 218 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 218 219 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 219 220 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 220 221 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 221 222 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 222 223 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 223 224 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 224 (06-Aug-93) Page 7 Capital improvemenis Program(1994-1998) Project Table _ _ ToffiI Total Cost= # Name Project# Department Tvpe Year Cost Revenue Rev.? # 225 —— --- --- --- --- 0 0 225 226 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 226 227 --- --- --- ' --- --- 0 0 227 228 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 228 229 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 229 230 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 230 231 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 231 232 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 232 233 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 233 234 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 234 235 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 235 236 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 236 237 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 237 238 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 238 239 ---" --- --- --- --- 0 0 239 240 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 240 241 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 241 242 --- --- --- --- --- A 0 242 243 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 243 244 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 244 245 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 245 246 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 246' 247 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 247 248 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 248 249 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 249 250 --- --- --- --- --- 0 0 250 ________________________________________-____________-________________________=_____________________�=•________�'____ Capitai Improvements Program(1994-1998) Proiect Table �------------------------------------ General Revenue Sources -----------------------------------( General General Generaf Port Park Total Assmnts. Levy Budget CIP MSA Authority Improve. Other Other Other Other Other General # Proiect#t 1 2 3 ' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Revenue � 1 PIN 94-101 0 2,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 1 2 PIN 94-102 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 2 3 PIN 94-103 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 3 4 PW 94-104 0 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 40,000 4 5 PIN 94-tA5 0 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 5 6 PIN 95-101 0 110,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110,000 6 7 PIN 95-102 0 3,150,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,150,000 7 8 PIN 97-101 0 22,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,000 8 9 PIN 97-102 0 1,600,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,600,000 9 10 PIN 94-201 0 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 10 11 PIN 94-202 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 11 12 PIN 94-203 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 12 13 PIN 95-201 0 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 13 14 PIN 95-202 0 120,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120,000 14 15 PIN 96-201 0 24,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,000 15 16 PIN 97-201 0 24,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,000 16 17 PIN 97-202 D 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 17 18 PIN 98-201 0 24,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,000 18 19 PIN 94-301 0 J,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,700 19 20 PIN 94-302 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 15,000 20 21 PIN 95-301 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 21 22 PIN 95-302 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 22 23 PIN 96-301 0 1,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,200 23 24 PIN 97-301 0 1,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,200 24 25 PIN 98-301 0 1,200 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 1,200 25 26 PIN 94-401 0 56,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56,000 26 27 PIN 94-402 0 1,065 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,065 27 28 PIN 95-401 0 33,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33,000 28 29 PIN 95-402 0 45,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45,000 29 30 PIN 96-401 0 62,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62,000 30 31 PIN 98-402 0 t0,650 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,650 31 32 PIN 96-403 0 6,390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,390 32 (06-Aug-93) Page1 Capital Improvemenis Prog�am(1994-1998) Project Table �------------------------------------ General Revenue Sources -----------------------------------� General General General Port Park Total Assmnts. Levy Budgei CIP MSA Authority lmprove. Other Other Other Other Other General # Project#t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Revenue # 33 PIN 96-404 0 5,325 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,325 33 34 PIN 96-405 0 8,520 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,520 34 35 PIN 97-401 0 64,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64,000 35 36 PIN 97-402 0 4,260 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,260 36 37 PIN 97-403 0 3,195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,195 37 38 PIN 97-404 0 5,325 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,325 38 39 PIN 97-405 0 3,195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,195 39 40 PIN 97-406 0 26,560 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26,560 40 41 PIN 98-401 0 83,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83,000 41 42 PIN 98-402 0 2,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 42 43 PIN 98-403 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 43 44 PIN 98-404 0 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,000 44 45 PIN 94-501 0 3,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,800 45 46 PIN 94-502 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 46 47 PIN 94-503 0 325,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 325,000 47 48 PIN 95-501 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 48 49 PIN 95-502 0 22,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,000 49 50 PIN 95-503 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 50 51 PIN 95-504 0 325,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 325,000 51 52 PIN 95-505 0 3,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,800 52 53 PIN 95-506 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 53 54 PIN 95-507 0 20,Q00 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 54 55 PIN 96-501 0 100,OQ0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 55 56 PIN 96-502 0 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,OQ0 56 57 PIN 96-503 0 3,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,800 57 58 PIN 96-504 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 58 59 PiN 96-505 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 59 60 PIN 97-501 0 9,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,000 60 61 PIN 97-502 0 22,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,000 61 62 PIN 97-503 0 22,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,000 62 63 PIN 97-504 0 165,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 165,000 63 64 PIN 97-505 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 64 (O6-Aug-93) Page 2 Capital Improvements Program(1994-1998) Project Table j------------------------------------ General Revenue Sources -----------------------------------� General General General Port Park Total Assmnts. Levy Budget CIP MSA Authority lmprove. Other Other Other Other Other General # Proiect# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Revenue � 65 PIN 97-506 0 3,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,800 65 66 PIN 97-507 0 6,000 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 66 67 PIN 97-508 0 18,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,000 67 68 PIN 98-501 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 68 69 PIN 98-502 0 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 69 70 PIN 98-503 0 4,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,500 70 71 PIN 98-SQ4 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 71 72 PIN 98-505 0 8,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,000 72 73 PIN 94-601 0 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,000 73 74 PIN 94-602 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 74 75 PIN 94-603 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 75 76 PIN 94-604 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 76 77 PIN 94-605 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 77 78 PIN 94-606 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 78 79 PIN 94-607 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 79 80 PIN 94-608 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 80 81 PIN 94-609 0 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 81 82 PIN 94-610 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 82 83 PIN 94-611 0 27,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27,000 83 84 PIN 94-612 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 30,000 84 85 PIN 94-613 0 35,000 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 35,000 85 86 PIN 94-614 0 35,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 86 87 PIN 94-615 0 35,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 87 88 PIN 94-616 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 88 89 PIN 94-617 0 60,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60,000 89 90 PIN 94-618 0 0 0 0 0 0 120,000 0 0 0 0 0 120,000 90 91 P�N 94-619 0 39,000 0 0 0 0 84,000 45,000 0 0 0 0 168,000 91 92 PIN 95-601 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 92 93 PIN 95-602 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 93 94 PIN 95-603 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 94 95 PIN 95-604 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 t0,W0 95 96 PIN 95-605 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 96 (06-Aug-93} Page 3 Capitai Improvements Program(1994-1998) ProjectTable �------------------------------------ GeneraiRevenueSources -----------------------------------� General Generai General Port Park Total Assmnts. Levy Budget CIP MSA Authority Improve. Other Other Other Other Other General � Pro'tect# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 70 _11_ 12 Revenue � 97 PIN 95-606 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 97 98 PIN 95-607 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 98 '99 PIN 95-608 0 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 99 100 PIN 95-609 0 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 100 101 PIN 95-610 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 101 102 PIN 95-611 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 102 103 PIN 95-612 0 0 0 0 0 0 36,000 0 0 0 0 0 36,000 103 104 PIN 95-613 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 104 105 PIN 95-614 0 0 0 0 0 0 60,000 0 0 0 0 0 60,000 105 106 PIN 95-615 0 0 0 0 0 0 45,000 45,000 0 0 0 0 90,000 106 107 PIN 95-616 0 0 0 0 0 0 180,000 0 0 0 0 0 180,000 107 108 PIN 95-617 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 336,900 0 0 0 0 336,000 108 109 PIN 95-618 0 0 0 0 0 0 350,000 0 0 0 0 0 350,000 109 110 PIN 95-619 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,00�,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 110 111 PIN 96-601 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 111 112 PIN 96-602 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 10,000 112 113 PIN 96-603 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 10,000 113 114 PIN 96-604 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 114 115 PIN 96-605 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 115 116 PIN 96-606 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 116 117 PIN 96-607 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 117 118 PIN 96-608 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 118 119 PIN 96-609 0 65,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65,000 119 120 PIN 96-610 0 70,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70,000 120 121 PIN 96-611 0 110,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110,000 121 122 PIN 96-612 0 0 0 0 0 0 120,000 0 0 0 0 0 120,000 122 123 PIN 97-601 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 123 124 PIN 97-602 0 8,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,000 124 125 PIN 97-603 0 8,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,000 125 126 PIN 97-604 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 126 127 PIN 97-605 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 127 128 PIN 97-606 0 0 0 0 6 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 _ 0 30,000 128 (06-Aug-93) ' Pege 4 Capital Improvements Program (1994-1998) Project Table �------------------------------------ General Revenue Sources -----------------------------------� General Generei General Port Park Total Assmnts. Levy Budget CIP MSA Authority Improve. Other Qther Other Other Other General # Project# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Revenue # 129 PIN 97-607 0 35,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 129 130 PIN 97-608 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 130 131 PIN 98-601 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 131 132 PIN 98-602 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 12,000 132 133 PIN 98-603 0 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 133 134 PIN 98-604 0 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 134 135 PW 98-605 0 35,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 135 136 PIN 98-606 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 136 137 PIN 98-607 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 137 t38 PIN 94-701 0 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,000 138 139 PIN 94-702 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 139 140 PIN 94-703 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 140 141 PIN 94-704 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 6,000 141 142 PW 94-705 0 18,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,000 142 143 PIN 94-706 0 ' 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 143 144 PIN 94-707 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 144 145 PIN 94-706 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 145 146 PIN 94-709 0 28,325 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28,325 146 147 PIN 94-710 0 37,158 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37,158 147 148 PIN 94-711 40,000 9,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49,000 148 149 PIN 94-712 61,000 22,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83,000 149 150 PIN 94-713 105,000 451,700 0 0 205,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 761,700 150 151 PIN 95-701 0 4,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,500 151 152 PIN 95-702 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 152 153 PIN 95-703 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 153 154 PIN 95-704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 154 155 PIN 95-705 0 115,000 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115,000 155 156 PIN 95-706 0 12,360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,360 156 157 PIN 95-707 0 29,f74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29,174 157 158 PIN 95-708 0 37,158 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37,158 158 159 PIN 95-709 63,000 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83,000 159 160 PIN 95-710 59,000 41,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 160 (06-Aug-93) Page 5 Capital improvements Program(1994-1998) Project Table �------------------------------------ General Revenue Sources -----------------------------------� General General Generel Port Park Total Assmnls. Levy Budget CIP MSA Authority Improve. Other Other Other Other Other General � Proiect# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Revenue #F 161 PIN 95-711 88,OD0 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 118,000 161 162 PIN 95-712 86,000 46,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 132,000 162 163 PIN 95-713 220,000 210,300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 430,300 163 164 PIN 95-714 152,000 1,076,400 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 A 0 0 1,228,400 164 165 PIN 96-701 0 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 165 166 PIN 96-702 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,W0 166 167 PIN 96-703 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 167 168 PIN 96-704 0 12,854 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,854 168 169 PIN 98-705 0 30,050 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,050 169 170 PIN 96-706 0 71,944 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71,944 170 171 PIN 96-707 37,000 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 171 172 PIN 96-708 281,000 63,900 0 0 140,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 484,900 172 173 PIN 96-709 254,000 300,200 0 0 465,000 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 1,019,200 173 174 PIN 96-710 420,000 415,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,235,000 174 175 PIN 97-701 0 18,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,000 175 176 PIN 97-702 0 13,497 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 13,497 176 177 PIN 97-703 0 31,853 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31,853 177 178 PIN 97-7Q4 651,420 190,605 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 842,025 178 179 PIN 97-705 396,000 566,300 0 0 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,262,300 179 180 PIN 98-701 0 13,902 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,902 180 181 PIN 98-702 0 33,764 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33,764 181 182 PIN 98-703 141,000 396,400 0 0 224,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 761,400 182 183 PIN 98-704 141,000 396,400 0 0 224,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 761,400 183 184 PIN 98-705 141,000 396,400 0 0 224,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 761,400 184 185 PIN 98-706 152,000 1,076,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,228,400 185 186 PIN 98-707 152,000 1,076,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,228,400 186 187 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0187 188 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0188 189 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0189 190 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 191 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0191 192 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0192 (O6-Aug-93) Page 6 Capitai Improvements Program(1994-1998) ProjectTable �------------------------------------ GeneraiRevenueSources -----------------------------------� Geoeral General General Port Park Totai Assmnis. Levy Budget CIP MSA Authority Improve. Other Other Other Other Other General # Proiect# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Revenue # 193 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0193 194 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0194 195 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0195 196 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0196 197 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0197 198 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0198 199 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0199 200 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 201 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201 202 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 202 203 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 203 204 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 204 20S --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 205 206 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 206 207 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 207 208 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 208 209 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 209 210 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 211 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 211 212 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 212 213 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 213 2t4 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 214 215 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 215 216 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 216 217 --- 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 217 218 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 218 219 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 219 220 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 220 221 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 221 222 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 222 223 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 223 224 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 224 (06-Aug-93 j Page 7 Capital Improvements Program(1994-1998) ProjectTable �------------------------------------ GeneralHevenueSources -----------------------------------� General General Gene�l Port Park Total Assmnts. Levy Budget CIP MSA Authority Improve. Other Other Other Other Other General #t Project# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Revenue # 225 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 225 226 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 226 227 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 227 228 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 228 229 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 229 230 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 230 231 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 231 232 --- 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 232 233 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 233 234 --- 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 234 235 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 235 236 --- 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 236 237 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 237 238 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 238 239 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 239 240 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 241 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 241 242 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 242 243 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243 244 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 244 245 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 245 246 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 246 247 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 247 248 --- 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 248 249 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 249 250 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 ---------- --------------- ------•-----___-•---------•--------=--- ----•---------•---------•---------•---------•---______'____=___ -- •--- --------------------------'___----_•----- -•---------•- -------•----- - ------•---------•-------------------•---------•--- �:���--��a=•--- 3,640,420 16,156,429 0 0 2,182,000 0 2,065,000 441,000 0 0 0 0 24,484,849 (O6-Aug-93) Page 8 Capitai improvemenis Program(1994-1998) Project Tabie �---------------------------- Enterprise Revenue Sources ---------------------------� Water Sanitary Storm Water Sanitary Storm Utility Total Totai Core Core Core Operating Operating Operating CIP Other Other Other Enterprise General Jotal � Project#� 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Revenue Revenue Revenue # 1 PIN 94-101 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 2,500 1 2 PIN 94-102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 2 3 PIN 94-103 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 3 4 PIN 94-104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 4 5 PIN 94-105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 5 6 PIN 95-1Ot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110,000 110,000 6 7 PIN 95-102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,150,000 3,150,000 7 8 PIN 97-101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,OQ0 22,000 8 9 PIN 97-102 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 1,600,000 1,600,000 9 10 PIN 94-201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 20,000 20,000 10 1 t PIN 94-202 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 40,OOQ 11 12 PIN 94-203 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 12 13 PIN 95-201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 T3 14 PIN 95-202 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 30,000 120,000 150,000 14 15 PIN 96-201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,000 24,000 15 16 PIN 97-201 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,000 24,000 16 17 PIN 97-202 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 17 18 PIN 98-201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,000 24,000 18 19 PIN 94-301 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,700 7,700 19 20 PIN 94-302 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 20 21 PIN 95-301 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 21 22 PIN 95-302 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 22 23 PIN 96-301 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,200 1,200 23 24 PIN 97-301 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,200 1,200 24 25 PIN 98-301 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,200 1,200 25 26 PIN 94-401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56,000 56,000 26 27 PIN 94-402 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,065 t,065 27 28 PIN 95-401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33,000 33,000 28 29 PIN 95-402 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45,000 45,000 29 30 PIN 96-401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62,000 62,000 30 31 PIN 96-402 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,650 10,650 31 32 PIN 96-403 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,390 6,390 32 (06-Aug-93) Page 1 Capitai Improvements Program(1994-1998) Project Tabie �---------------------------- Enterprise Revenue Sources ---------------------------� Water Sanitary Storm Water Sanitary Storm Utility Total ToffiI Core Core Core Operating Operating Operating CIP Other Other Other Enterprise General Total # Project� 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ___ 22 flevenue Revenue Revenue #F 33 PIN 96-404 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,325 5,925 33 34 PIN 96-405 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,520 8,520 34 35 PIN 97-401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64,000 64,000 35 36 PIN 97-402 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,260 4,260 36 37 PIN 97-403 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,195 3,195 37 38 PIN 97-404 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,325 5,325 38 39 PIN 97-405 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,195 3,195 39 40 PIN 97-406 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26,560 26,560 40 41 PIN 98-401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 83,000 83,000 41 42 PIN 98-402 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 2,500 42 43 PIN 98-403 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 43 44 PIN 98-404 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,000 4,000 44 45 PIN 94-501 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 3,800 3,800 45 46 PIN 94-502 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 46 47 PIN 94-503 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 325,000 325,000 47 48 PIN 95-501 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 48 49 PIN 95-502 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,000 22,000 49 50 PIN 95-503 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 50 51 PIN 95-504 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 325,000 325,000 51 52 PIN 95-505 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,800 3,800 52 53 PIN 95-506 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 53 54 PIN 95-507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,000 20,000 54 � 55 PIN 96-501 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 55 56 PIN 96-502 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 25,000 56 57 PIN 96-503 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,800 3,800 57 58 PIN 96-504 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 58 59 PIN 96-505 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 59 60 PIN 97-501 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,000 9,000 60 61 PIN 97-502 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,000 22,000 61 62 PIN 97-503 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,000 22,000 62 63 PIN 97-504 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 165,000 165,000 63 64 PIN 9�-505 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 64 (06-Aug-93) Page 2 Capital(mprovements Program(1994-1998) Project Table �---------------------------- Enterprise Revenue Sources ---------------------------� Water Sanitary Storm Water Sanitary Storm Utility Total Total Core Core Core Operating Operating Operating CIP Other Other Other Enterprise General Total � Pro'ect� 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Revenue Revenue Revenue # 65 PIN 97-506 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 3,800 3,800 65 66 PIN 97-507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 66 67 PIN 97-508 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,000 18,000 67 68 PIN 98-501 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 68 69 PIN 98-502 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 150,000 69 70 PIN 98-503 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,500 4,500 70 71 PIN 98-504 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 71 72 PIN 98-505 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,000 8,000 72 73 PIN 94-601 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,000 � 3,000 73 74 PIN 94-602 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 74 75 PIN 94-603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 75 76 PW 94-604 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 76 77 PIN 94-605 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 77 78 PIN 94-606 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 78 79 PIN 94-607 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 79 80 PIN 94-608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 80 81 PIN 94-603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 81 82 PIN 94-610 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 82 83 PIN 94-611 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27,000 27,000 83 84 PIN 94-612 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 84 85 PIN 94-613 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 35,000 85 86 PIN 94-614 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 35,000 86 87 PIN 94-615 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 35,000 87 88 PIN 94-616 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 88 89 PIN 94-617 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60,000 60,000 89 90 PIN 94-618 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120,000 120,000 90 91 PIN 94-619 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 168,000 168,000 91 92 PIN 95-601 0 0 0 0 0 0 `' 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 92 93 PIN 95-602 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 40,000 10,000 93 94 PIN 95-603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 94 95 PIN95-604 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 1D,000 95' 96 PIN 95-605 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 96 (06-Aug-93) Page 3 Capital Improvements Program(1994-1998) Project Table �--- --- ------ Enterprise Revenue Sources ---------------------------� Water Sanitary Storm Water Sanitary Storm Utility Total Total Core Core Core Operating Operating Operating CIP Other Other Other Enterprise Generai Totai # Proiect# 13 14 15 16 17 1 B 19 20 21 22 Revenue Revenue Revenue #t 97 PIN 95-606 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 97 98 PIN 95-607 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 98 99 PIN 95-608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 99 100 PIN 95-609 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 25,000 100 101 PIN 95-610 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 101 102 PIN 95-611 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 102 103 PIN 95-612 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36,000 36,000 103 104 PIN 95-613 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 104 105 PIN 95-614 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60,000 80,000 105 106 PIN 95-615 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90,p00 90,000 106 107 PIN 95-616 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180,000 180,000 107 108 PIN 95-617 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 336,000 336,000 108 109 PIN 95-618 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350,000 350,000 109 110 PIN 95-819 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 110 t t t PIN 96-601 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 111 it2 PIN96-602 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000112 113 PIN 96-603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 113 114 PIN 96-604 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 114 115 PIN 96-605 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 115 116 PIN 96-606 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 116 117 PIN 96-607 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 117 118 PIN 96-608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 118 119 PIN 96-609 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65,000 65,000 119 120 PIN 96-610 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70,000 70,000 120 121 PIN 96-611 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110,000 110,000 121 122 PIN 96-612 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120,000 120,000 b22 123 PIN 97-601 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 123 124 PIN 97-602 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,000 8,000 124 125 PIN 97-603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 8,000 8,000 125 126 PIN 97-604 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 126 127 PIN 97-605 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 127 128 PIN 97-606 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 128 (06-Aug-93) Page 4 Capital Improvemenls Program(1994-1998) Project Table �---------------------------- Enterprise Revenue Sources ---------------------------� Water Sanitary Storm Water Sanitary Storm Utility Total Total Core Core Core Operating Operating Operating CIP Other Other Other Enterprise General Total � Pro'ect# 13 14 ' 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Revenue Revenue Hevenue # 129 PIN 97-607 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 35,000 129 130 PIN 97-608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 130 131 PIN 98-601 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 131 132 PIN 98-602 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 132 133 PIN 98-603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 133 134 PIN 98-604 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 134 135 PW 98-605 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 35,000 135 136 PIN 98-806 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,OOd 50,000 136 137 PIN 98-607 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 137 138 PIN 94-701 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,000 3,000 138 f39 PIN 94-702 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,800 0 0 0 3,800 0 3,800 139 140 PIN 94-703 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 0 5,000 140 141 PIN 94-704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 141 142 PIN 94-705 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,000 18,000 142 143 PIN 94-706 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 143 144 PIN 94-707 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 144 145 PIN 94-708 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 145 146 PIN 94-709 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28,325 28,325 146 147 PIN 94-710 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37,158 37,158 147 148 PIN 94-711 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49,000 49,000 148 149 PIN 94-712 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83,000 83,000 149 150 PIN 94-713 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 761,700 761,700 150 151 PIN 95-701 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,5W 4,500 151 1S2 PIN95-702 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 152 153 PIN 95-703 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 6,�0 153 154 PIN 95-704 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 15,000 0 15,000 154 l55 PIN 95-705' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115,000 115,000 155 156 PIN 95-706 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 12,360 12,360 156 157 PIN 95-707 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29,174 29,174 157 158 PIN 95-7�8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 37,158 37,158 158 159 PIN 95-709 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83,000 83,000 159 160 PIN 95-710 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 160 (O6-Aug-93) Page 5 Capital Improvements Program(1994-1998) ProjectTabie �--------------------------- - Enterprise Revenue Sources ---------------------------� Water Sanitary Storm Water Sanitary Storm Utitity Total Total Core Core Core Operating Operating Operating CIP Other Other Other Enterprise General Total # Pro'ect# 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Revenue Revenue Revenue #F 161 PIN 95-711 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 118,000 118,000 161 162 PIN 95-712 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 132,000 132,000 162 163 PIN 95-713 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 430,300 430,300 163 164 PIN 95-714 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 1,228,400 1,228,400 164 165 PIN 96-701 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 25,000 165 166 PIN 96-702 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 166 167 PIN 96-703 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 167 168 PIN 96-704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,854 12,854 168 169 PIN 96-705 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,050 30,050 169 170 PIN 96-706 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71,944 71,944 170 171 PIN 96-707 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 171 172 PIN 96-708 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 484,900 484,900 172 173 PIN 96-709 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,019,200 1,019,200 173 174 PIN 96-710 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,235,000 1,235,000 174 175 PIN 97-701 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,000 18,000 175 176 PIN 97-702 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,497 13,497 176 177 PIN 97-703 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31,853 31,853 177 178 PIN 97-704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 842,025 842,025 178 t79 PIN97-705 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,262,300 1,262,300 179 180 PIN 98-701 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,902 13,902 180 181 PIN 98-702 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33,764 33,764 181 182 PIN 98-703 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 761,400 761,400 182 183 PIN 98-704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 761,400 761,400 183 184 PIN 98-705 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 761,400 761,400 184 185 PIN 98-706 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,228,400 1,228,400 185 186 PIN 98-707 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,228,400 1,228,400 186 187 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0187 �gg --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0188 �gg - D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 189 �gp ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0190 �91 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0191 �gp --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0192 (O6-Aug-93) Page 6 . Capital improvements Program(1994-1998) ProjectTable �------------------- --------- Enterprise Revenue Sources ---------------------------� Water Sanitary Storm Water Sanitary Storm Utility Totai Total Core Core Core Operating Aperating Operating CIP Other Other Other Enterprise General Total #F Pro'ect# 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Revenue Revenue Revenue # 193 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0193 �gq ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0194 195 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0195 �gg ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0196 �g� ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0197 198 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0198 �gg ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0199 200 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 201 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201 2p2 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 202 203 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 203 204 ___ p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 204 205 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 205 206 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 206 207 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 207 208 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 208 209 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 209 p�p ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 210 2�1 __- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 211 P12 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 217 p�g _ _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0213 2t4 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 214 215 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 215 p�g ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 216 P17 ___ 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 217 2t8 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 218 219 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 219 P20 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 220 22� ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 221 222 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 222 223 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 223 22q ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 224 (06-A�9-93) Page 7 , Capital Improvements Program(1994-1998) ProjectTable (---------------------------- EnterpriseRevenueSources ---------------------------� Water Sanitary Storm Water Sanitary Storm Utility Total Totai Core Core Core Operating Operating Operating CIP Other Other Other Enterprise General Total #F Pro'ect� 13 14 15 i6 17 18 19 20 21 22 Revenue Revenue Revenue # 225 ___ 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 225 22g ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 226 pp7 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 227 22g _-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 228 22g --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 229 230 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 230 23� ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 231 232 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 232 233 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 233 P3q --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 234 235 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 235 236 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 236 2S7 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 237 238 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 238 239 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 239 240 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 241 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 241 P42 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 242 243 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243 244 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 244 245 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 245 246 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 246 pq� ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 247 248 ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 248 pqg ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 249 250 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 -- ------------------------------------•---------•---------•---------•-------------------•-------__'_________'_=_______'_________°___=_____°______�_=°___ ------------------------------------•---------•---------�---------�-------------------•------- 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 23,800 0 0 0 b3,800 24,484,849 24,538,649 (06-Au9-93) Page 8 • . • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Office Furniture Project No.: PIN 94-101 Department Requesting: Administration Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction File cabinents for administrative assistant and receptionist. E ui ment 2 50Q Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 2 500 Revenue Sources Yea� t�f Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 2 500 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Irn rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Exisiin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit Yes 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Yc�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utilit CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 2 500 • r • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROCRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Office Furniture Project No.: PIN 94-102 Department Requesting: Administration Project Costs Piannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Bookcases for City Administrator's Office. E ui ment 1 �� Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 1 000 Revenue Sources Yea� of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. Genera) Lev 1 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. Generat Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Po�t Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit Yes 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other En#er rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 1 000 • • . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Council Chamber Remodeling Project No.: PIN 94-103 Department Requesting: Administration Project Costs Rlannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additiona! information): Construction Extension of Council dias for staffing area and improvement of sound system. E ui ment 15 000 Other Other Totat Pro'ect Costs 15 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 15 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park tm rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion ofExistin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit Yes 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14.Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 18. Storm Water O eratirr Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter r'rse 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 15 000 • • r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ^ CAPITALlMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Council Charnber Remodeling Project No.: PIN 94-104 Department Requesting: Administration Project Costs Plannin /Desi NEn ineerin �and Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction � Purchase and installation of cable equipment to provide cable cast of ineetings from City Hall. E ui ment . 40 000 , Other Other Tota) Pro'ect Costs 40 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 25 000 Type of Project: Equipment&instailation 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations 15,000 Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other Generat Years 1991, 1992 & 1993 10. OtherGeneral Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit Yes 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1990 (For 1991) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19.Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 40 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Copy Machine Project No.: PIN 94-105 Department Requesting: Administration Project Costs Piannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace main copy machine at City Hall — Move present copier to Community Center. E ui ment 20 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 20 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 �. Assessments 2. General Lev 20 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry Present copier is at the end of its useful like at 12-31-93 unless utilized in 7. Park lm rovement Funds a less demandin fashion — Communi Center will be able to use it. 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. Existin Co ier 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 3 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc): 17. Sewer Opecating Budget Original Year of Request - 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds No impact if purchased. If not purchased will cause delays in staff work 20. Other Enter rise because machine is overloaded and needs excessive maintenance. 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 20 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: City Hall Remodeling Project No.: PIN 95-101 Department Requesting: Administration Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional informationj: Construction 100,000 Remodel City Hall to: E ui ment 10 000 1) Add second story above Police Department for office area Other 2) Fill in section of stairway to add one office on 2nd floor Other Total Pro'ect Costs 110 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 1 t0 000 Type ofProject; Building Construction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry City Hall office space is lacking for proper staff space allocation 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit No 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 50 Y�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other lnformation (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 110 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: New Fire Station/Land Acquisition Project No.: PIN 95-102 Department Requesting: Administration Project Costs� Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land 210 000 Project Description {use back for additional information): Construction 2,940,000 Purchase land for new Fire Station E ui ment Purchase land for new Public Works Facility Other Construct new Fire Station Other Remodel existing Fire Station for Public Works and small remodeling at City Hall Total Pro'ect Costs 3150 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 3 150 000 Type of Project: Fire Station construction, Public Works remodeling and 3. General Operating Budget Public Works land acquisition 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority Expand &Relocate Fire Station; Public Works facility space needed also 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5Q Y�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18, Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 3 150 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Copy Machine Project No.: PIN 97-101 Department Requesting: Administration Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace main copy machine at City Hall E ui ment 22 000 � Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 22 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 22 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority Utilization of main copier allows for 3 years use under rental/maintenance program. 7. Park Im rovement Funds This urchase allows for rotational ro ram of re lacement. 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. Existin Co ier 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 3 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary t5. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 199� 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 22 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEM�NTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: City Hall Expansion Project No.: PIN 97-102 Department Requesting: Administratio� Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 1,600,000 City Hall expansion for additional Police Department space and General Government offices E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 1 600 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 1 600 000 Type of Project: Building Addition 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry Additional space needed 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other Generaf New Pr ram/Unit No 12. Other Generat Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 50 Yeers 14. Sanita Sewer Core Prioriry 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information {i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 199� 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds This expansion is based on Space Needs Study completed in November of 1990. 20. Other Enter rise This study recommended expansion of City Hall based on staffing needs to match 21. Other Enter rise growing population. 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 1 600 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: PC Replacement Program (and Printers) Project No.: PIN 94-201 Department Requesting: Finance Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction The yearly replacement of 6 PCs with new machines covered by a 5—year E ui ment 20 000 warranty. This program, now in place, covers all Ciry PCs with warranty, Other . eliminating maintenance costs. Other Total Pro'ect Costs 20 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 20 0�0 Type of Project; Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit No 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na 6 Re lacement Units 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20.'Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 20 000 • � . • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Armory PC Hardware&Software Project No.: PIN 94-202 Department Requesting: Finance Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 10 000 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction The setting up of the city staff PC and software requirements would include purchase of E ui ment 23 000 9 PCs, 2 dot matrix printers, 1 laser printer, 9 packages of Word Perfect 5.1, Other — Software 7 000 9 packages of Cauatro Pro 4.0, and 9 packages of Paradox 4.0. Other Total Pro'ect Costs 40 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. Generai Lev 40 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds .- 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit Yes 12. Other General ' Re lacement — Unit No. 9 PC's and 9 of each S/W acka es 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Minimum equipment necessary for start—up of operations at Armory. 20. Other Enter rise (This is with no type of networking at all). 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 40 000 • � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Armory PC Networking Project No.: PIN 94-203 Department Requesting: Finance Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 10 000 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Consists of: 1) PC Hardware(File Server) E ui ment 10 000 2) Network Wiring Other — Software 10 000 3) Network Software — Novell&Lanspoof Other 4} Outside Vendor to do Installation Total Pro'ect Costs 30 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 30 000 Type of Project: PC Hardware& Software 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generai CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Author�ty 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 30 000 • � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: PC R.eplacement Program (and Printers) Project No.: PIN 95-201 Department Requesting: Finance Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction The yearly replacement of 6 PCs with new machines covered by a 5—year E ui ment 20 000 warranry. This program, now in place, covers aII Ciry PC's with warranry, Other eliminating maintenance costs. Other Total Pro'ect Costs 20 000 Revenue Sources Year of Requesfi 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 20 000 Type of Project: Equipmenf 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generat CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park (m rovement Funds 8. Other Generaf _ Prior Pro'ectRe uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other Generat Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit No 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 6 Re lacement Units 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pr 'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993(For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 20 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PRC?JECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Accounting/Utility Billing Software Project No.: PIN 95-202 Department Requesting: Finance Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction The replacement of existing accounting software due to changes in technology E ui ment with the City's growth. The necessity for advanced technology will have become an issue. Other 150 000 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 150 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 120 000 Type of Ptoject: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. Gene�al C�P Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other Generaf Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit No 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et 10,000 Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget 10,000 Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 10 000 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21, Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 150 000 r • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: PC Replacement Program (and Printers) Project No.: PIN 96-201 Department Requesting: Finance Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction The yearly replacement of 6 PCs with new rnachines covered by a 5—year E ui ment 24 000 warranty. This program, now in place, covers all City PCs with warranry, Other eliminating maintenance costs. Other Total Pro'ect Costs 24 000 Revenue Sources Yea� of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 24 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion'of Existin Pr ram Yes 1]. Other General New Pr ram/Unit No 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 6 Re lacement Units 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): i�. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19.Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter r'�se 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 24 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: PC Replacement Program (and Printers) Project No.: PIN 97-201 Department Requesting: Finance Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction The yearly replacement of 6 PCs with new machines covered by a 5—year E ui ment 24 000 warranty. This program, now in place, covers all Ciry PC's with warranty, Other eliminating maintenance costs. Other Total Pro'ect Costs 24 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. Genera) Lev 24 000 Type of Pfoject: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. (�ther General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit No 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na 6 Re lacement Units 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pr 'ect 5 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1997j 1 S. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. OtherEnter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 24 000 • r t CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Copy Machine Project No.: PIN 97-202 Department Requesting: Finance Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace copy machine located at front of City Hall administrative area. E ui ment 5 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 5 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 5 000 Type of ProjeCt: Equipment 3: General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority Present copier wilt be 5 years old and at the end of its useful life. 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated irnpact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (for 199'n 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 5 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: PC Replacement Program (and Printers) Project No.: PIN 98-201 Department flequesting: Finance Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction The yearly replacement of 6 PCs with new machines covered by a 5—year E ui ment 24 000 warranty. This program, now in place, covers all City PCs with warranty, Other eliminating maintenance costs. Other Total Pro'ect Costs 24 000 Revenue Sources YeaF of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 24 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds � 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit No 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 6 Re lacement Units 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998j 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 24 000 • i • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITA� IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: GIS System Development Project No.: PIN 94-301 Department Requesting: Pianning Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin La�d Project Description (use pack for additional informationj: Construction Upgrade Software — AutoCad, ArcCad &ArcView($1,500) E ui ment Add 1 ArcView license ($1,200) Other — Software 2 700 Consultant services for software customization ($5,Q00) Other — Consultant Fees 5 000 Total Pro'ect Costs 7 700 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 7 700 Type of Project: Software&Professional Services 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 7 70Q • . � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Vehicle Replacement Project No.: PIN 94-302 Department Requesting: Planning Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace 1987 Ford Tempo with similar vehicle. E vi ment 15 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 15 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 15 000 Type of �ojecfi Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Ae lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 15 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Nal'tne: Furniture/Equipment Project No.: PIN 95-301 Department Requesting: Planning Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin < , Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Lateral file for record storage E ui ment 1 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 1 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 1 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds ' 8. Other General Prior Rro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 15 Ya�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 1�. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 1 000 . • t CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: GIS System Project No.: PIN 95-302 Department Requesting: Planning Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Add second unit because of Public Works application development. E ui ment 15 000 Upgrade existing software and hardware. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 15 000 Revenue Sources Year af Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 15 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General GIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generaf Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement = Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Tota)Revenue Sources 15 000 • r • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMEN7S PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: GIS System Development Project No.: PIN 96-301 Department Requesting: Planning Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Upgrade Software — 2 ArcCad, 2 AutoCad &2 ArcView E ui ment Other — Software 1 200 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 1 200 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 1 200 Type of Project: Software 3. General OperaUng Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA f 0. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-10 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 1 200 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: GIS System Development Project No.: PIN 97-301 Department Requesting: Planning Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back fo� additional information): Construction Upgrade Software — 2 ArcCad, 2 AutoCad&2 ArcView E ui ment Other — Software 1 200 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 1 200 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 1 200 Type of Project: Software 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget (�riginal Year of Request — 1993 (For 1997) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 1 200 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: GIS System Development Project No.: PIN 98-301 Department Requesting: Pianning Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Upgrade Software — 2 ArcCad, 2 AutoCad&2 ArcView E ui ment Other — Software 1 200 Other Tota� Pro'ect Casts 1 200 Revenue Sources Year of Requesfi 1998 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 1 200 Type of Project: Software 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generai CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ectAe uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Exis#in Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-10 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 1 200 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Police Vehicle Repiacements Project No.: PIN 94-401 Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Piannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Aeplace four squads E Ui ment 51 000 Squad #10 — 1990 Ford Other 5 000 Squad #20 — 1991 Chevrolet Other Squad #40 — 1992 Ford LTD Total Pro'ect Costs 56 000 Squad #60 — 1991 Chevrolet Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1 s94 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 56 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Opera#ing Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6: Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other Generat Ex ansion of Existin Pr rarn No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12, Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 20/40/60/70 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 2 Plus Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Informa#ion (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin' Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Three squads to be ordered through Hennepin County or the State of Minnesota fleet bids. 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 56 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PRfJGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Mobiie Squad Radio Addition Project No.: PIN 94-402 Department Requesting: Police Pro1ect Costs Piannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for �dditional information): Construction One additional squad radio for additional squads. E ui ment 1 065 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 1 065 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessmenis 2. General Lev 1 065 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSAFunds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1992 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 1 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 5-10 Y�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Othe� Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Radios to be purchased through Hennepin County or State of Minnesota bids. 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 1 065 • • • CITY C�F ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Police Vehicle Replacements Project No.: PIN 95�401 Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace two squads E ui ment 33 000 Squad #30 Other Squad #50 — 4x4 Utility Vehicle Other Total Pro'ect Costs 33 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 33 000 Type of Projeet: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generai Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re (acement — Unit No. 30/50 13. Water Core Useful �ife of Pro'eet 2 Plus Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds One squad to be ordered through Hennepin County or the State of Minnesota fleet bids. 20. Other Enter rise #50 may also be purchased in this manner. 21. Other Enter r'�se 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 33 000 � • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPfTAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Computer Update Project No.: PIN 95-402 Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Computer Update E ui ment 45 000 Original equipment in use since 1982 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 45 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 45 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port'Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General � Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. Yes 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Desirable 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds MASYS — CJIS Computer Equipment— Police Use Only 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 45 000 • r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Police Vehicle Repiacements &Addition Project No.: PIN 96-401 Department Hequesting: Police Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace four squads and purchase one additional to fleet. E ui rnent 60 000 Squad #t0 Squad #40 Other 2 000 Squad #50 Squad #70 Other Squad #80(New) Total Pro'ect Costs 62 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 62 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit Yes — #80 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 10/40/50/70 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 2 Plus Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating eudget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996} 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Five squads to be ordered through Hennepin County or the State of Minnesota fleet bids. 20. Other Enter r'se 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 62 000 • • r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPFTAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Mobile Squad Radio Replacements Project No.: PIN 96-402 Depattment Requesting: Police Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace five squad mobile radios E ui ment 10 650 Other Other � Total Pro'ect Costs 10 650 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 10 650 Type ofProject: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovemsnt Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Othe�General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit No. 5 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-10 Y�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP�unds Radios to be purchased through Hennepin County or State of Minnesota bids. 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 10 650 , • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Pofice Hand-Held Radio Replacements Project No.: PIN 96-403 Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Piannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description: Construction Replace ten hand—heid radios with leather holsters E ui ment 6 390 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 6 390 Revenue Sources Project Year 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 6 390 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA t0. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit Na 10 Radios 13. Water Core Usefui Life of Pro ect 5-10 Yaars 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Current hand—held radios in use since 1987 and will be in need of replacement. 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 6 390 • i • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Base Radio Replacement Project No.: PIN 96-404 Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace police base radio system E ui ment 5 325 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 5 325 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessment� - 2, General Lev 5 325 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 1 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary i5. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Radio base unit in use sinee 1984. 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 5 325 • r • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Narne: Radar Equipment Replacement � Project No.: PIN 96-405 Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Five radar units need to be replaced in squads. Units in service since 1982. E ui ment 8 520 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 8 520 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. Generai Lev 8 520 Type of PI'oject: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 5 units 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years , 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Some of these radar units were purchased in 1980. Minnesota State Patrol 20. Other Enter rise advises replacement every 5 years: 21. Other Enter r'�se 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 8 520 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET ProjeCt Name: Police Vehicle Replacements ProjeCt No.: PIN 97-401 Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace three squads and purchase one additionai squad to fleet E ui ment ' 60 000 Squad #20 Other 4 000 Squad #50 Other Squad #60 — 4x4 Utility Vehicle Total Pro'ect Costs 64 000 Squad #90 (Additional Squad) Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 t. Assessments 2. General Lev 64 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr rarn Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 90 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 20/50/60 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 2 Plus Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.�: 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 199� 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Four Squads to be ordered through Hennepin Counry or the State of Minnesota fleet bids. 20. Other Enter r'se 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 64 000 • r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL iMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Mobile Squad Radio Additions Project No.: PIN 97-402 Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Two additional squad radios for projected additional squads. E ui ment 4 260 Other Other Totai Pro'ect Costs 4 260 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 4 260 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 2 radios 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-10 Y�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1997) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds fladios to be purchased through Hennepin County or State of Minnesota bids. 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. O#her Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 4 260 • • s CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Radar Unit Additions Project No.: PIN 97-403 Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin �and Project Desc�iption (use back for additional information): Construction Two additional squad radars for projected additional squads. E ui ment 3195 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 3 195 Revenue Sources Yeat' of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 3 195 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. PortAuthoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 2 radars 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 199� 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 3195 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Lab Equipment Project No.: PIN 97-404 Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Piannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Expansion of Police Department's capabilities by equipping updated laboratory materials. E ui ment 5 325 Lab—fingerprinting materials and camera equipment. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 5 325 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 5 325 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 1?. Other General New Pr ramNnit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 2-10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 199� 18. Storm Water 0 eratin Bud et 19. Utili CfP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 5 325 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Emergency Vehicie Opticom Units Project No.: PIN 97-405 Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Plannin JDesi n/En ineerin Land Project Description {use back for additional information); Construction Two additional Opticom units for projected additional squads. E ui ment 3195 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 3195 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 3195 Type ofiProject: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovementfunds 8. Other GeneraF Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 2 O ticom units 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Y�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1997) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 3195 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT , CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM '� PROJECT WORKSHEET ' Project Name: Mobil Data Terminal Additions Project No.: PIN 97-406 Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction Installation of mobil data terminals into two vehicles initially. E ui ment 26 560 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 26 560 Revenue Sources ' Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 26 560 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds - 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 2 terminals 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 199� 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Mobil data terminals are currently being installed into squad cars throughout the 20. Other Enter rise Met�o area. The units will become the direct communication links between 21. Other Enter rise office�s on the street and State and Local records. 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 26 560 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Police Vehicle Replacements &Additions ProjectNo.: PIN 98-401 , Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace squad cars purchased in 1996 and add one midsize investigative vehicle. E ui ment 83 000 Squad #10 Squad #40 Other Squad #50 Squad #70 Other Squad #90 (Additional investigative vehicle) Total Pro'ect Costs 83 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: t 998 1. Assessments 2. Generat Lev 83 000 Type of Project: Equipment , 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 100 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 10/40/50/IO 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 2 Plus Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating eudget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds All vehicles to be ordered through Hennepin County or the State of Minnesota fleet bids. 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 83 000 . • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Mobile Squad Radio Addition Project No.: PIN 98-402 Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction One additional squad radio for additional squad. E ui ment 2 500 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 2 500 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 2. Generat Lev 2 500 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 1 radio 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other lnfo�mation (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17.Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et � 19. Utili CIP Funds Radios to be purchased through Hennepin County or State of Minnesota bids. 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 2 500 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL FMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Hand-Held Radio Additions Project No.: PIN 98-403 Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Add 4 hand—held radio units E ui ment 6 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 6 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 6 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generai CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other Gene�al Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 4 radios 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-10 Yaars 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Additions to and replacements of radios purchased in 1996. 20. Other Enter rise Radios will be needed for projected increase in officers. 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 6 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Office Equipment - Replacement/Addition Project No.: PIN 98-404 Department Requesting: Police Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace and add to dictation equipment E ui ment 4 000 Add office furnishings for add itional investigator. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 4 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 4 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generai CiP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General ' Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary t 5. Storm Sewer Core 16.Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Equipment will be necessary for projected growth of office staff. 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter r'�se 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 4 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Fire Fighting Equipment Project No.: PIN 94-501 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Large/permanent pieces of fire fighting equipment, new and replacement items. E ui ment 3 800 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 3 800 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 3 800 Type of ProjeCt: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovementfunds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generat Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 50% 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 50% 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 15 Y�rs 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Items to be specified and approved as need arises. 20. Other Enter rise Examples of equipment include hoses, fans, portable generators and ladders. 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 3 800 . • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WURKSHEET Project Name: Bunker Gear Project No.: PIN 94-502 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction Protective fire fighting gear. E ui ment 6 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 6 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. Generat Lev 6 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Yea�s NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No � 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na Gear 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-7 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eraiin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 6 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Aerial Fire Truck Project No.: PIN 94-503 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Elevated platform of approximately 100'for structural fire fighting and high level rescue. E ui ment 325 000 Other {Part 1 of 2) Other Total Pro'ect Costs 325 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 325 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. O#her General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No *Lar er vehicle 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit No 12. �ther General Re lacement — Unit Na 35180 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 20+ Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993(For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Current vehicle has many problems (ISO and mechanical). 20. Other Enter rise Does not provide necessary protection. 21. Other Ente rise Will be funded 50% in 1994 and 50%in 1995. 22. Other Enter r'�se Total Revenue Sources 325 000 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Grass Fire Pump Project No.: PIN 95-501 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction This pump and tank is carried in the bed of a pick—up and used for grass fire suppression. E ui ment 12 000 Other Other Tota) Pro'ect Costs 12 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 12 000 Type of ProjeCt: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other GeneraF New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit Na 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 20 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. olVater O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds This is a slip—in unit and can be moved to a new vehicle as needed. 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 12 000 • i r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Grass Fire Vehicle Project No.: PIN 95-502 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 22,00� This vehicle fights wildland fire in off—road rural areas of Rosemount E ui ment Also responds to accidents for traffic controL Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 22 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 22 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification; 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generat Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na 35192/94 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-10 Yaars 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary for rotation, Deferrab le for fire 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise � 21. Other Ente r'�se 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 22 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Narne: Pumper Project No.: PIN 95-503 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction Class A pumper for rural response and city fire back—up. E ui ment 100 t?00 Other (Part 1 of 3) Other Total Pro'ect Costs 100 000 Revenue Sou�ces Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 100 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovemenf Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 35 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30+ Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Once this vehicle is replaced, we should have 3 pumpers that may need re—certification 20. Other Enter rise in the future but not replacement for 25+ years. 21. Other Enter rise Will be funded 1/3 in 1995, 1/3 in 1996 and 1/3 in 1997. 22. Other Enter r'�se Total Revenue Sources 100 000 • • . r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM ' PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Aerial FireTruck Project No.: PIN 95-504 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Elevated platform of approximately 100'for structural fire fighting and high level rescue. E ui ment 325 000 Other (Part 2 of 2) Other Total Pro'ect Costs 325 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 325 000 Type of P1'oject: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General PriorPro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No *Lar er vehicle 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit No 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 35180 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 20+ Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Current vehicle has many problems (tS0 and mechanical). 20. Other Enter rise Does not provide necessary protection. 21. Other Enter rise Will be funded 50% in 1994 and 50% in 1995. 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 325 000 • • • GITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITA� IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Fire Fighting Equipment Project No.: PIN 95-505 DepartmentAequesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Large/permanent pieces of fire fighting equipment, new and replacement items. E ui ment 3 800 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 3 800 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 3 800 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 50°� 12. Other General Re (acement — Unit Na 50% 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 15 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Origina)Year of Request — 1993 {For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Items to be specified and approved as need arises. 20. Other Enter rise Examples of equipment include hoses, fans, portable generators and ladders. 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 3 800 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM . � PROJECT WORK3HEET Project Name: Bunker Gear Project No.: PIN 95-506 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction Protecfive fire fighting gear. E ui ment 6 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 6 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 6 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Dther General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement - Unit Na Gear 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-7 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 1�. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds - 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 6 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Fire Hose&Coupiings Project No.: PW 95-507 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Large permanent pieces of fire fighting large diameter sypply hose. E ui ment 20 000 Replacement and upgrade of current equipment. O#her Other Total Pro'ect Costs 20 OOQ Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 20 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General ClPfunds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 50%New 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit No. 50°k Re lacement 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10-20 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter r'�se 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 20 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Pumper Project No.: PIN 96-501 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project pescription (use back for additional information): Construction Class A pumper for rural response and city fire back—up. E ui ment 100 000 Other (Part 2 of 3) Other Total Pro`ect Costs 100 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 100 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General _ Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re (acement — Unit Na 35 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30+ Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Once this vehicle is replaced, we should have 3 pumpers that may need re—certification 20. Other Enter rise in the future but not replacement for 25+ years. 21. Other Enter rise Will be funded 1/3 in 1995, 1/3 in 1996 and 1/3 in 1997. 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 100 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Suburban - Command Vehicle Project No.: PIN 96-502 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs �! Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction This vehicle is used by the officer in charge to respond to the scene of fire calis E ui ment 25 000 and some medical calis. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 25 OOfl Revenue Sources Yea1' of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 25 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No ' 11. Other General New Pr ramNnit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na 3599 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary for robtion, Deferrable for fire use 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Ente rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 25 000 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Fire Fighting Equipment Project No.: PIN 96-503 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Large/permanent pieces of fire fighting equipment, new and replacement items. E ui ment 3 800 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 3 800 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 3 800 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generat Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr rarn Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 50% 12. Other General fle lacement — Unit No. 50°� 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 15 Ya�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 {For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Items to be specified and approved as need arises. 20. Other Enter rise Examples of equipment include hoses, fans, portable generators and ladders. 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 3 800 • • i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Bunker Gear Project No.: PIN 96-504 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin IDesi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionaf information): Construction Protective fire fighting gear. E ui ment 6 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 6 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 6 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generai CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existln Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit Na Gear 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-7 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1993 {For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 6 000 � • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Computer Additions and Updates Project No.: PIN 96-505 ! Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 10,000 Add to current IBM system and update. Add new Macintosh system. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 10 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 10 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit Yes 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Usefui Life of Pro ect 5+ Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request— 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 10 000 • i • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Grass Fire Pump Project No.: PIN 97-501 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs �I Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin � Land Project Description (use back for additional infarmation): Construction This pump and tank is carried in the bed of a pick—up and used for grass fire suppression. E ui ment 9 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 9 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1 s97 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 9 OQO Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other Generai Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11, Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 20 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1997) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds This is a slip—in unit and can be moved to a newvehicle as needed. 20. Other Enter r'�se 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 9 000 • i • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: 1/2 Ton Pickup - Command Vehicle Project No.: PIN 97-502 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction This vehicle is used by the officer in charge to respond to fires and medical calls. E ui ment 22 000 Other ', Other Total Pro'ect Costs 22 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 199z 1. Assessments 2. Genera) Lev 22 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Qther General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na 3598 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pr 'ect 10 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Desirable—roiation, Deferrable—fire 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1997) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 22 000 • � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM I PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Grass Fire Vehicle Project No.: PIN 97-503 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 22,000 This vehicle fights wildland fire in off—road rural areas of Rosemount. E ui ment Also responds to accidents for traffic controL Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 22 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 22 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other Generat Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit Na 35182/94 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary for roiation, Deferrable for fire 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1997� 18. Storm Water-0 eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 22 000 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Tanker Addition Project No.: PIN 97-504 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replacement of old tanke�chasis and incorporate current tank into new vehicle. E ui ment 165 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 165 000 • Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 165 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6: Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other Gener�f New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na Addition to 35195 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 25 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 199� 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Replace chasis or sell entire unit and replace tank and chasis depending on cost effectiveness. 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 165 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM ' PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Pumper Project No.: PIN 97-505 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Class A pumper for rural response and city fire back—up. E ui ment 100 000 Other (Part 3 of 3) Other Total Pro'ect Costs 100 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 100 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Ge�eral Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — UniY No. 35 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30+ Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating eudget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 199� 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utiti CIP Funds Once this vehicle is replaced, we should have 3 pumpers that may need re—certification 20. Other Enter rise in the#uture but not replacement for 25+ years. 21. Other Enter rise Will be funded 1/3 in 1995, 1/3 in t996 and 1/3 in 1997. 22. Other Enter rise Tota)Revenue Sources 100 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WOFtKSHEET Project Name: Fire Fighting Equipment Project No.: PIN 97-5�6 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Large/permanent pieces,of fire fighting equipment, new and replacement items. E ui ment 3 800 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 3 800 Revenue Sources Yea� of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 3 800 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 50% 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 50% 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 15 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1997) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Items to be specified and approved as need arises. 20. Other Enter rise Examples of equipment include hoses, fans, portable generators and ladders. 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter r'se Total Revenue Sources 3 800 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Bunker Gear Project No.: PIN 97-507 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Protective fire fighting gear. E ui ment 6 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 6 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1 s97 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 6 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. Generai Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generai Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na Gear 13. Water Core Usefui Life of Pro'ect 5-7 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 199� 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. OtMer Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 6 000 � • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROCRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Pagers Project No.: PIN 97-508 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Pagers for notifying firefighters of an emergency. E ui ment 18 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 18 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 18 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-10 Y�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impacf on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 199� 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 18 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Refurbish Reserve Rescue Truck Project No.: PIN 98-501 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Update/Redo 1978 Reserve Rescue Truck E ui ment 30 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 30 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 2. Generai Lev 30 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CiP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. Backu Rescue Truck 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 10-15 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Prioriry 15. Storm Sewer Gore 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et ' 19. lltili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 30 000 i . • .. � � . � � . � � . • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Pumper Replacement Payment Project No.: PIN 98-502 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin �and Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction Replace Pumper#181 E ui ment 150 000 Other (Part 1 of 2) Other Totat Pro'ect Costs 150 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 150 000 Type of Project:� Equipment 3. Generai Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 181 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 20-25 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Prioriry Top 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Funded 50%in 1998 and 50% in 199J. 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 150 000 . • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEM'ENTS PROCRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Fire Fighting Equipment Project No:: PIN 98-503 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionaf information): Construction Largelpermanent pieces of fire fighting equipment, new and repiacement items. E ui ment 4 500 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 4 500 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 4 500 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Yea�s NA 10. �ther General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 50°� 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na 50% 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 15 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Care Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water 0 eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Items to be specified and approved as need arises. 20. Other Enter rise Examples of equipment include hoses, fans, portable generators and ladders. 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Aevenue Sources 4 500 • r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Bunker Gear Project No.: PIN 98-504 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Protective fire fighting gear. E ui ment 6 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 6 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 1, Assessments 2. General Lev 6 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. Generai Operating Budget _ 4. General CtP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Porti Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit Na Gear 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-7 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): �7. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year ofAequest — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 6 000 . � • CITY OF R�SEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET • Project Name: Water Rescue Equipment Project No.: PIN:98-505 Department Requesting: Fire Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Floatation and rescue equipment for portion of Mississippi River we are responsible for. E ui ment 8� Other Other Totat Pro'ect Gosts 8 0�0 Revenue Sou�ces Year of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 8 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generai CIP Funds : 5. MSA Funds Project Justificatiom 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovementfunds � 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect R uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA� 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 15-20 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 8 000 � • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Aerator Project Na: PIN 94-601 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction Add to present equipment — Currently have one E ui ment 3 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 3 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 3 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Usefui Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Needed for increase in acres of park maintained 2Q Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 3 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Phase I Vegatation - Carroll Woods Project No.: PIN 94-602 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction Work on prairie restoration — includes seed and labor. E ui ment Other 10 000 Other Tota) Pro'ect Costs 10 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 10 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General GIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Othe�General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re tacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pr 'ect Permanent 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 10 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Phase IIA Vegatation - Carroll Woods Project No.: PIN 94-603 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information�: Construction Buckthorn irradication, use herbicide and cutting methods. E ui ment Plant savannah type plants. Continue prairie area development. Other 10 000 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 10 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 10 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generat CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds S. Other Genera) Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA t3. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect Permanent 14. Sanita Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993j 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 10 000 r � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Park Shelter - Shannon park Project No.: PIN 94-604 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 10,000 Construct small shelter(gazebo)at area near fields 2-3-4. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 10 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1 s94 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 10,000 8. Other Genera� Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 18. Storm Sewer O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Tota►Revenue Sources 10 000 � r � ClTY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Ptayground Equipment - Connemara Park Project No.: PIN 94-605 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Add playground equipment to Connemara Park(Original set was $5,000 to get project started) E ui ment 10 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 10 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 10 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/U�it NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storrn Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utiti CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 10 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Tree 5pade for Skid Steer Loader Project No.: PIN 94-606 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Tree spade for use in nursery area — smaller trees to plant cannotbe moved E ui ment 10 000 or dug up with the larger tree spade. Nursery stock is at point where it needs Other to be transplanted. Other Tota) Pro'ect Costs 10 D00 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev t0 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 10 000 • r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Basketball Courts Project No.: PIN 94-607 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation - Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Put free throw lanes with backstops in Biscayne, Connemara, Winds, Camfield &Kidder Parks E ui ment Other 12 000 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 12 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 12 000 Type of Project: Park Enhancements 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds � 5. MSA Funds Project Justifiication: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement - Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 1 S. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CtP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 12 000 • r • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Office Furniture Project No.: PIN 94-608 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction Furniture for present staff and replacement of Parks Programmer(Engineer Tech). E ui rnent 15 000 Also for added 3/4 time Parks Secretary and 3/4 time Athtetic Assistant Programmer. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 15 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 15 000 Type of Project: Office Furniture 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General' Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1993 {For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Needed for staff to work efficiently 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 15 000 • • • . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Parking Lot — Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 94-609 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 20,000 Upgrade and expand parking lot at south end of Erickson Community Square. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 20 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 20 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core - 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 20 000 • i • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEE7 Project Name: Replace &Upgrade Playground Equipment — Kidder Park Project No.: PIN 94-610 bepartment Requesting: Parks 8�Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace&upgrade worn out playground equipment (Meet ADA requirements also) E ui ment 40 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 40 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 40 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CtP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generaf Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Othe�Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement— Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated irnpact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994j 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 40 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Narne: Phase It 6—C Vegatation — Carroil Woods Project No.: PIN 94-611 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Piannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 13,500 Method B: Eliminate buckthorn as much as possible/plant shade tolerant shrubs and species. E ui ment 13 500 Method C: In areas without much canopy, plant trees adaptable to this environment. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 27 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. Generai Lev 27 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General GIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park lm rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect Permanent 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 27 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Park Shelter- Twin Puddies Project No.: PIN 94-612 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional informationj: Construction 30,000 Construct small sheiter (gazebo). E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 30 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 30 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise - 22.Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 30 000 • i • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Grading - Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 94-613 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back fo� additional information): Construction 35,000 Grading for amphitheater and shaping for concrete work. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 35 000 Revenue Sources Year ofi Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 35 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA t2. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) t8. Storm Water O eratin Bud et - 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Totai Revenue Sources 35 000 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT Wt3RKSHEET Project Name: • Parking Lot — Erickson Park Project No.: PIN 94-614 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 35,000 Pave parking lot to decrease dust and prevent erosion. E ui ment Includes curb and gutter, parking lanes and bumpers. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 35 000 Revenue Sources Year,of Request: 1994 1. Assessments � 2. General Lev 35 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generat CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Othe� Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Ente rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 35 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: ADA&Safety Upgrades to Playground Equipment Project No.: PIN 94-615 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation , Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Requirements to meet ADA and safety guidelines for playground equipment. E ui ment 35 000 This is start of projects to bring parks to higher standards. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 35 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 � 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 35 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes t 1. Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacemen#= Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): t7. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et � 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 35 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: General Lighting - Shannon Park Project No.: PIN 94-616 Department flequesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Piannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 40,000 Lighting for trails and generai walking and parking areas E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 40 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 • 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 40 000 Type of Project Construction 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generat CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11, Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): t7. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 18. Storm Water 0 eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 40 000 . • � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Park Shelter- City Hail Project No.: PIN 94-617 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Desc�iption (use back for additional information): Construction 60,000 Addition to original shelter concept — Erickson Community Square. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 60 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 60 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. Generaf Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Yeats 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General • Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Usefui Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses, staffing, etc.): t 7. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 60 000 • � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Land — Biscayne/145th Pfoject No.: PIN 94-618 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land 120 000 Project Description (use back for additionai information�: Construction Addition of new park when development occurs — west of Biscayne and 145fh Street. E ui ment Should be acquired through park dedication. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 120 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. Generai Lev Type of Project: Land Acquisition 3. General Operating Budget 4. Genera� CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 120,000 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement— Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request— 1992 (For 1993) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 2t. Other Ente rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 120 000 • . � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Land — Carroll Woods Project No.: PIN 94-619 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land 168 000 Project Description {use back for additionai information): Construction Acquire land for nature area on north of park to Carroll Woods land for prairie area E ui ment and location of conservatory Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 168 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 19s4 1. Assessments 2. Generai Lev 39 000 Type of Project: Land Acquisition 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generat CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Autho�iry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 84,000 8. Other Generai 45 000 Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re Jacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 168 000 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROCRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Phase I Vegatation- Carroll Woods Project No.: PW 95-601 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Work on prairie restoration — includes seed and labor. E ui ment Other 10 000 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 10 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 10 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generai Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect Permanent 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water 0 eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 10 000 • i • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Phase IIA Vegatation — Carroll Woods Project No.: PIN 95-602 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Buckthorn irradication, use herbicide and cutting methods. E ui ment Plant savannah type plants. Continue prairie area development. Other 10 000 Other Totat Pro'ect Costs 10 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 19s5 t. Assessments 2. General Lev 10 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds S. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect Permanent 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): t 7. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 10 000 r • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Bridge - Carroll Woods Project No.: PIN 95-603 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin l.and Project Description (use back,for additiona! infiormation): Construction 10,000 Construct bridge in southwest area over drainage and edge of pond site. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 10 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. Genera) Lev 10 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park 1m rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Fnformation (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Originai Year of Request - 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Qther Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 10 000 � • s CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Park Benches &Tables ProjectNo.: PIN 95-604 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Add items to inventory for use in parks and in trail areas E ui ment 10 000 Other Other Totai Pro'ect Costs 1 Q 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 10 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds � 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other in#ormation (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Originai Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 10 000 • � • CiTY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: 6' John Deere Mower Replacement Project No.: PtN 95-605 Department Requesting; Parks�Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin �and Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction Rotation of mowers to keep efficiency in place E ui ment 12 000 Other Other � Total Pro'ect Costs 12 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. Generai lev 12 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 12 000 • r • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Park Shelter - Kidder Park Project No.: PIN 95-606 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Piannin /Desi n/En ineerin �and Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 15,000 Construct shelter to improve park uses. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 15 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 15 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. PortAuthority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generai Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CtP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 15 000 • • i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Playground Equipment- Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 95-607 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Installation of playground equipment in area of Erickson Community Square E ui ment 15 000 for family uses at picnics,social events, eta Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 15 000 Revenue Sources _ Year of Requesfi 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 15 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA t0. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating 8udget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 15 000 • � . • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Playground Equipment- Biscayne Park Project No.: PIN 95-608 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace&upgrade existing equipment at Biscayne Park E ui ment 20 000 Other ' Other Total Pro'ect Costs 20 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 20 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. Generai Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. ' MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA ' 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacernent — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses, staffing, etc.): �7. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 20 000 • � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: D�edging - Carroll Woods Project No.: PIN 95-609 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 25,000 Dredge and form a large pot hole site in southwest corner of park. E ui ment Other Other ' Total Pro'ect Costs 25 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 25 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter r'�se 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 25 000 � r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROCRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Phase IIA Vegatation - Carroll Woods Project No.: PIN 97-605 Department Requesting: Parks &Aecreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Desc�iption (use back for additional infarmation): Construction Buckthorn irradication, use herbicide and cutting methods. E ui ment Piant savannah type plants. Continue prairie area development. Other 10 000 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 10 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 10 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generat CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Po�t Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generai Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect Permanent 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget -0riginal Year of Request — 1992 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 10 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Park Shelter- Winds Park Project Na: PIN 97-606 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Piannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional informationj: Construction 30,000 Construct shelter following land acquisition and devetopment of area south of present E ui ment park land, in conjunction of redesign of park area. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 30 000 Revenue Sources Yea� of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Park Developmenf 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 30 000 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ramNnit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 199� 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 30 000 � • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT _ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Lighting — Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 97-607 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land ProjectDescription (use back for additional information): Construction 35,000 Add lighting around shelter and amphitheater. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 35 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 35 400 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA � 12. Other General Ae lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 199'� 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 35 000 r • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Walkways &Bridge — Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 97-608 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction 40,000 Construction of bridge and paved walkways in shelter area. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 40 000 Revenue Sources Yeae of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General �ev 40 000 Type of Project: Construction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds , 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansian of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 199� 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 40 000 • r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Narne: Phase IIA Vegatation - Carroll Woods Project No.: PIN 98-601 Department Requesting: Parks&Aecreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Buckthorn irradication, use herbicide and cutting methods. E ui ment Plant savannah type plants. Continue prairie area development Other 10 000 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 10 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 10 000 Type of Pt'oject: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CtP Funds ' 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect Permanent 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1992 (For 199� 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Aevenue Sources 10 000 . • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPiTAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Stone Path - Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 98-602 Department Requesting: Parks 8�Recreation Project Costs Piannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction 12,000 Construction of stone path through gardens and around ponding. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 12 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 t. Assessments 2. General Lev 12 000 Type of Project: Construction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General PriorPro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water 0 eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Ehter rise Total Revenue Sources 12 000 • r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Pond Restoration — Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 98-603 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin 7Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 15,000 Restore vegatation around pond following amphitheater construction. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 15 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 2. Genera) Lev 15 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget ', 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. qther General Re lacement'- Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other lnformation (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 15 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITALIMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Trail - Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 98-604 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs ' Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land , Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 20,000 Construct paved trail from building to park&ride. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 20 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 20 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr rarn Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water 0 eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter ri.se 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 20 000 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMfNTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Grade for Amphitheater — Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 98-605 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 35,000 Grading for construction of farmal (concrete) seating amphitheater. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 35 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 2. Genera) Lev 35 000 Type of Project: Construction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Gore Prioriry 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O era#in Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. OtherEnter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 35 000 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITA� IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Landscaping &Amenities — Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 98-606 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional infprmation): Construction 50,000 Finish landscaping, trees, tables, benches, planters, etc. around amphitheater. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 50 000 Revenue Sources Yea� of Request: f998 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 50 000 Type of Project: Construction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core � 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water 0 eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter �ise Total Revenue Sources 50 000 • • - i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Parking Lot/Entrance Drive — Carroll Woods Project No.: PIN 98-607 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 50,000 Construction of parking lot and entrance drive on north end of site in corner of E ui ment Carrotl Woods and Schwarz Parks in prairie area and the neighborhood park area of Schwarz. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 50 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 50 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Uther General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other Generat Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other Genera( New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993(For 1998j 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 50 000 • • r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Sander Project No.: PIN 94-701 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Additional Sander for new plow&truck for added street mileage. E ui ment 3 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 3 000 Revenue Saurces Yea� of ReqUest: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 3�00 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justificatian: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit No 12. Other Generaf Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years � 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1997) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 3 000 • r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Utiliry Box Project No.: PIN 94-702 Department Requesting: Public Works/Utilities Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Fiberglass utility box for 3/4 ton truck. E ui ment 3 800 Other Other Totai Pro'ect Costs 3 800 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1 s94 1. Assessments 2. Genetal Lev Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget • 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 1�Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 3 800 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 3 800 • , r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Water Tower Maintenance Project No.: PIN 94-703 Department Requesting: Public Works/Utilities Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Inspection, cleaning &disinfection of Chippendale Tower. E ui menf Other — Maintenance 5 000 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 5 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2 General Lev Type of Project: Improvements Maintenance 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 5 000 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 5 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Diagnostic Computer Project No.: PIN 94-704 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin �and Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Electronic diagnostic equipment for automotive repair. E ui ment 6 000 Other Other Total Pra'ect Costs 6 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 6 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit No 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core ' Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili ClP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 6 000 r � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Truck Project No.: PIN 94-705 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 314 Ton 4x4 Pickup Truck replacing 75 Dodge 4x4 E ui ment 18 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 18 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1 s94 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 18 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 90 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ecf 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CtP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 1 S 000 . � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Truck Project No.: PIN 94-706 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Piannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck Replacing Chevy#86(Using funds from 1995). E ui ment 20 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 20 000 Revenue Sources Yea� of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 20 000 Type of Pt'oject: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 101 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Infarmation (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 1�. Sewer Operating Budget . Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 1 S. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 20 000 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Truck Project No.: PIN 94-707 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin JDesi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Additional single axle truck plus plow and wing for added sYreet mileage. E ui ment — Truck 90 000 Other — Plow&Win 10 000 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 100 000 Revenue Sources Yeaf of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 100 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No i 1. Other General New Pro ram/Unit - Yes 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 {For 1994) 18. Storm Water 0 eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 100 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET - Project Name: Curb&Gutter Replacement Project No.: PIN 94-708 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin � Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction � 12,000 1000 feet of bituminous curbing. E ui ment 1000 feet of concrete curbing and removaL Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 12 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 2. Generai Lev 12 000 Type of Project: Curb &Gutter 3. General OperatingBudget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. �ther General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 12 000 • a � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Narne: Sidewalk Replacement Project No.: PIN 94-709 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin �and Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 28,325 1,500 feet of concrete sidewalk replacement and removaL E ui ment 500 feet of bituminous sidewaik or bike paths and removaL Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 28 325 Revenue Sources Year of REquest: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 28 325 Type of Pt'oject: Sidewalk 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years < NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 1 S. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22, Other Enter r'�se Total Revenue Sources 28 325 - - � � � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CA1'ITAL IMPRUVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Gravel Road Resurfacing Project No.: PIN 94-710 Department Requesting: Pubiic Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 33,74s 1 1/2 miles of resurfacing: E ui ment — Dodd Road Other 3 409 — 132nd Street from Highway 3 to 120th Street Other Total Pro'ect Costs 37 158 Revenue Sources Year of Aequest: 1994 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 37 158 Type of Project: Road Resurfacing 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 37158 • � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction - 143rd Street West ProjeCt No.: PIN 94-711 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 8 800 I Land ' Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 34,300 Street reconstruction on 143rd St. from Highway 3 to west end of 143rd St E ui ment 528 L.F. curb &gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 4 400 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 1 500 Total Pro'ect Costs 49 000 Revenue Sources Year' of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 40,000 ' 2. General Lev 9 000 Type of Project: StreetAeconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. Geheral CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park 1m rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Desirable 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water 0 eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise - 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Tota)Revenue Sources 49 000 • r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET PI'ojeCt Name: Street Reconstruction — Cameo Avenue PtojeCt No.: PIN 94-712 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 14 900 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 58,100 Street reconstruction on Cameo Avenue from 145th St. to Lower 147th St. E ui ment 898 L.F. curb &gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 7 500 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 2 500 Total Pro'ect Costs 83 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1994 1. Assessments 61,000 2. General Lev 22 000 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud e# Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.j: 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili ClPfunds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise TotatAevenue Sources 83 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction - 145th Street West Project No.: PIN 94-713 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 105 500 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 585,900 Street reconstruction on 145th St. from Cameo Ave. to Chippendale Ave. E ui ment 2,746 L.F. curb &gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 52 700 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 17 600 Total Pro'ect Costs 761 700 Revenue Sources Year of Request 1994 1. Assessments 105,000 2. Generaf Lev 451 700 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General GIP Funds 5. MSA Funds 205,000 Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CtP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 761 700 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Park Sheiter- N7 Project No.: PIN 95-610 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 30,OOo Construction of shelter in new park — N7 E ui ment Other Other Totai Pro'ect Costs 30 000 Revenue Sources Year of RequeSt: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Park Development 3. Generai Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 30,000 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses, staffing, etc.j: 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. OtherEnter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 30 000 • • i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Howard MowerReplacement Project No.: PIN 95-611 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs �' Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin ' Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace Howard mower(15') purchased several years ago as E ui ment 30 000 part of the regular equipment roiation program. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 30 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 30 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CtP Funds 5. MSA funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water 0 eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Rotate to maintain trade—in value as well as to keep good equipment 20. Other Enter rise operating and on—line 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 30 000 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �� CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM �' PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Land - Winds Park Project No.: PIN 95-612 Department Requesting: Parks &Aecreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land 36 000 Project Description (use back for additional info�mation): Construction Add 3.0 acres of land for when area south of park is developed. E ui ment Should be acquired through park dedication. Other Other - Total Pro'ect Costs 36 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 t. Assessments 2. Generai Lev Type of Project: Land Acquisition 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 36,000 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water 0 eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 36 000 • � i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Playground Equipment at New Park (N-7) Project No.: PIN 95-613 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs I Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (useback for additional information): Construction Add playground equipment to new park west of Biscayne and 145th Street E ui ment 40 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 40 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 40 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generai Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Yea�s NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 40 000 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Park Shelter- Schwarz Park Project No.: PIN 95-614 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 60,000 Construction of shelter in northwest corner — next to Kelly Property. E ui ment Coordinate with improvements of Carroli Woods and dedication of Kelly Property. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs :60 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. Generai Lev Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generai CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park im rovement Funds 60,000 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15, Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impaet on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993{For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter r'�se 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 60�00 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Land - Schwarz Park Project No.: PIN 95-615 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land 90 000 Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Acquire land west of Schwarz Park for play area/active use. E ui ment Coordinate with Carroll Woods acquisition. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 90 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Land Acquisition 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generai CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park im rovement Funds 45,000 8. Other General 45,000 Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes f 1. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 90 000 • r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Land - Birger Pond Project No.: PIN 95-616 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land 180 000 Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction Acquire land around pond above 904 feet for park use. E ui ment Less land needed if 883 feet(normal high water mark) is used. Other Coordinate with Utility Department for joint use. Other Total Pro'ect Costs 180 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Land Acquisition 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority - 7. Park Im rovement Funds 180,000 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Originai Year of Request — 1993 �For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. OtherEnter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 180 000 • • � CITY OF Rl3SEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Land - Hart Properry Project No.: PIN 95-617 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land 336 000 Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction Acquisition of land south of 120th Street owned by Mrs. Hart through a donation E ui ment (life estate) as conservancy land. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 336 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. Generai Lev Type of Project: Land Acquisition 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Po�t Authority . 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General 336,Od0 Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. �ther General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. OtherEnter rise Total Revenue Sources 336 000 • i • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Land - Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 95-618 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Pcoject Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land 350 000 Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Potential acquisition of lumber yard property. E ui ment Coordinate with Port Authority and other departments. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 350 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Land Acquisition 3. Generai Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Rroject Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park tm rovement Funds 350,000 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Othe�General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Othe�General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful�ife of Pro:ect 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information ji.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 199� 18. Storm Water 0 eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 350 000 • , r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Land - University Property Project No.: PIN 95-619 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 1,000,000 Coordinate land acquisition with University for use as athletic complex. E ui ment Land should be obtained to insure future availability. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 1 000 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Land Acquisition 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 1,000 000 8. Other Generai Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other tnformation (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 199� 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CtP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 1 OQO 000 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Projeet Name: Bike Trail Through Camfield Park Project No.: PIN 96-601 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 6,000 8 foot wide bike trail connecting Canada Avenue to Highway 3 E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 6 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 199s 1. Assessments 2. Genera) Lev 6 000 Type of Project: Construction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. PortAuthority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement - Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful L'rfe of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Originai Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 6 000 • � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET ProjeCt Name: Phase I Vegatation- Carroll Woods Projeet No.: PIN 96-602 Department Requesting: Parks 8�Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Work on prairie restoration — includes seed and labor. E ui ment Other 10 000 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 10 000 Aevenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 10 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General P�ior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect Permanent 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Starm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 10 000 • � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Phase I1A Vegatation - Carroll Woods Project No.; PIN 96-603 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Buckthorn irradication, use herbicide and cutting methods. E ui ment Piant savannah type plants. Continue prairie area development. Other 10 000 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 10 000 Revenue Sources Yea�of Request: 1996 1. Assessrnents 2. General Lev 10 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General C1P Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect Permanent 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1995) t8. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 10 000 � � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Parking Lot - Twin Puddles Project Nb.: PIN 96-604 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction �o,000 Pave and put curb &gutter in parking lot of Twin Puddles Park E ui ment Other Other Total Pro:ect Costs 10 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 10 000 Type of Project: Construction 3. Generai Operating Budgef 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds S. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Coordinate run off from cars and allow for easy parking and 20. Other Enter rise identified parking stalls for cars. 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 10 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Piayground Equipment - Biscayne Park Project No.: PIN 96-605 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Add on to playground equipment at Biscayne Park as development by CMC takes place E ui ment 15 000 Other Other Totai Pro'ect Costs 15 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 15 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justificatian: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise � Total Revenue Sources 15 000 • • i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS RROC,RAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Pond Restoration — Connemara Park Project No.: PIN 96-606 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Projeet Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 15,000 Fi�i in holding pond and work with Utility Department to E ui ment redesign use of ponding drainage area Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 15 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 15 000 Type of Project: Construction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19, Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 15 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Tennis Couris &Basketball Couris — Jaycee Park Project No.: PIN 96-607 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 30,000 Build courts in south end of Jaycee Park E ui ment Other Other � Total Pro'ect Costs 30 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request; 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 30 000 Type of Project: Construction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful L'rfe of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information {i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget OriginalYear of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Ente rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 30 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Playground Equipment- Shannon Park Project No.: PIN 96-608 Departtnent Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Playground equipment for around shelter area — for use by families E ui ment 40 000 on area away from school site Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 40 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 40 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovernent Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Yeats NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes t i. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement— Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful L'rfe of Pro'ect 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21.Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 40 000 • • ! CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Ornamental Pond - Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 96-609 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 65,000 Construct ponds around south end of shelter — includes 2 fountains. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 65 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 65 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generai CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generai Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Usefui Life of Pro ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 65 000 • ! i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Deck — Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 96-610 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 70,000 Construct deck area (brick)adjacent to shelter structures. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 70 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1 s96 t. Assessments 2. General Lev 70 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General P�ior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Dther General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacemenf— Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other information (i.e, estimated impact on revenues� expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 70 000 • • . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Park Shelter— Shannon Park Project No.: PIN 96-611 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 110,000 Construct shelter to serve as winter warming house and summer picnic area. E ui ment Similar to Jaycee Park Other �ther Total Pro'ect Costs 110 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments - 2. General Lev 110 000 �i, Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justificatiom 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other Generat Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water 0 e�ati Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 110 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Land — Shannon Park Project No.: PIN 96-612 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land 120 000 Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Acquisition of 10 acres north of present site. E ui ment Other Other Tota) Pro'ect Costs 120 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Land Acquisition 3. General-0perating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Aumority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 120,000 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. SeweK Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 120 0� • � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Ornamental Sculpture - Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 97-601 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin 1Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 5,000 Add sculpture depicting project on south of building near ponds. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 5 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 5 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovementfunds 8. Dther General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993(For 199� 18. Storm Water 0 eratin Bud et � 19. Utilit CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 5 000 • • i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Pond Observation Blind - Carroll/Schwarz Project No.: PIN 97-602 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 8,000 Construct blind near pond to view wildlife. E ui ment Carroll Woods — shore of Schwarz Pond. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 8 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 8 000 Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generai CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 1�. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For t997) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 8 000 • i • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Environmental Education Dock - CarrolUSchwarz Project No:: PIN 97-603 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 8,000 , Construct environmental education dock at pond site to be used for observing habitat and E ui ment taking water sampies. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 8 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General LeV 8 000 Type of Project: Parkbevelopment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Urrit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 {For 199� t8. Storm Water O eratin Bud et � 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 8 000 • r • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Lift Cart Project No.: PIN 95-701 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Lift Cart E ui ment 4 500 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 4 500 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 4 500 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generai Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13, Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 {For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 4 500 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROCRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Vehicle Hoist Project No.: PIN 95-702 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Vehicle hoist to lift light duty equipment. E ui ment 5 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 5 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 5 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rouement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generat Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise � Total Revenue Sources 5 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Paint Gun Project No.: PIN 95-703 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace air sprayer with airless paint gun. E ui ment 6 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 6 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 6 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority State will be banning oil—based paints in 1995. 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit No 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Y�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating eudget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Replacement units for outdated equipment. 20. Other Enter rise Examples of equipment include hoses, fans, portable generators and ladders. 2t. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 6 000 • # i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT , CAPITAL IMPAOVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Lawn Mower Project No.: PIN 95-704 Department Requesting: Public Works/Utilities Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 72"front—rnounted deck mower to cut grass areas on all well, tower&lift station sites. E ui men# 15 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 15 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 19s5 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion ofExistin Pr ram No 11. OtherGeneral New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 7 Years — If limited to Utili use. 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Inforrnation (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995j 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 15 000 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 15 000 • � r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Loader Project No.: PIN 95-705 Department Requesting; Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Front end loader with plow and wing replacing '74 John Deere E ui ment 115 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Cos#s 115 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 115 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 204 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 115 000 • � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Curb &Gutter Replacement Project No.: PIN 95-706 Department Requesting: Pubiic Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 12,360 1,000 feet of bituminous curbing. E ui ment 1,000 feet of concrete curbing and removaL Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 12 360 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 12 360 Type of Project: Curb &Gutter 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park tm rovement Funds 8. Other Generaf Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. WaterCore Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18, Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 12 360 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Sidewaik Replacement Project No.: PIN 95-70T Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 2s,174 1,500 feet of concrete sidewaik replacement and removal. E ui ment 500 feet of bituminous sidewalk or bike paths and removaL Other Other To#al Pro'ect Costs 29 174 Revenue Sources Yea�of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 29 174 Type of Project: Sidewalk 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 29174 r� • • l . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Gravel Road Resurfacing Project No.: PIN 95-708 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 33,749 1 1l2 miles of resurfacing: E ui ment — Upper 135th — Danville — 136th Other 3 409 — 124th — Blanca — 125th Other — 128th — Bolivia Total Pro'ect Costs 37 158 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 37 158 Type of Project: Road Resurfacing 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 37158 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction - Cameo Avenue Project No.: PIN 95-709 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 14 900 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 58,100 Street reconstruction on Cameo Avenue from 143rd St. to 145th St. E ui ment 898 L.F. curb &gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 7 500 Other —1e al/Admin 3% 2 500 Total Pro'ect Costs 83 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 63,000 2. Genera) Lev 20 000 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CiP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex' ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Y�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 83 000 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction - Camero Avenue Project No.: PIN 95-710 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 18 000 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 70,000 Street reconstruction on Camero Avenue from Cambrian Ave. to South Terminus. E ui ment 2,640 L.F. curb &gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 9 000 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 3 000 Total Pro'ect Costs 100 000 Revenue Sources Yea� of ReqUest: 1995 1. Assessments 59,000 2. General Lev 41 000 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Othsr General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 100 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROCRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET PI'oject Name: Street Reconstruction - Lower 147th Street West Project No.: PIN 95-711 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 21 200 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 82,700 Street reconstruction on Lower 147th Street from Highway 3 to Canada Avenue. E ui ment 1,267 L.F. curb &gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 10 600 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 3 500 Total Pro'ect Costs 118 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 88,000 2. Generai �ev 30 000 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993(For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 118 000 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction - Cambrian Avenue Project No.: PIN 95-712 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 23 800 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction s2,3oo Street reconstruction on Cambrian Avenue from Lower 147th Street to Highway 3. E ui ment L.F. curb &gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 11 900 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 4 000 Total Pro'ect Costs 132 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: T995 1. Assessments 86,000 2. General Lev 46 000 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generai Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. OtherGeneral New Pro ramlUnit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years i4. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) t8. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 132 000 • • . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Praject Name: Street Reconstruction - 160th Street Project No.: PIN 95-713 Departrnent Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 59 600 Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction 331,000 Street reconstruction on 160th Street from Highway 3 to Highway 52. E ui ment 26,400 L.F. curb &gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 29 800 Other — Le al/Admin 3°k 9 900 Total Pro'ect Costs 430 300 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 220,000 2. General Lev 210 300 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Pork Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Desirab�e 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 430 300 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction - 160th Street Project No.: PIN 95-714 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 170 000 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 945,000 Street reconstruction on 160th Street from Apple Valley to Highway 3. E ui ment 5,280 L.F. curb&gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 85 000 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 28 400 Totai Pro'ect Costs 1 228 400 Revenue Sources Yeaf of ReqUest: 1995 1. Assessments 152,000 2. General Lev 1 076 400 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993{For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 1 228 400 • • ! CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Skid Steer Loader Project No.: PIN 96-701 Department Requesting: Pubiic Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction New Bob Cat skid steer loader replacing 229 Bob Cat. E ui ment 25 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 25 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request. 1996 1. Assessments 2 General Lev 25 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 229 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 25 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Truck Project No.: PIN 96-702 Department Requesting: Pubiic Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 1 ton dump truck, plow and wing/sander replacing 242 dump truck. E ui ment 30 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 30 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 30 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. PortAuthoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generaf Re lacement — Unit Na 242 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Starm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses, staffing, etc.): �7. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993(For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 30 000 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Truck Project No.: PIN 9s-7o3 Department Requesting: Public works Project Costs Piannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Single axie dump truck replacing 208 plow/wing/sander. E ui ment 1�0 000 Other Other Totai Pro'ect Costs 100 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 100 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. PortAuthority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na 208 13. Water Core Usefui Life of Pro'ect 5Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise � 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 100 000 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Curb�Gutter Replacement Project No.: PIN 96-704 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 12,s54 1000 feet of bituminous curbing. E ui ment 1000 feet of concrete curbing and removaL Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 12 854 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 12 854 Type of Project: Curb&Gutter 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generat Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etC.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 12 854 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEfT Project Name: Sidewalk Replacement Project No.: PIN 96-705 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 30,050 1,500 feet of concrete sidewaik replacement and removaL E ui ment 500 feet of bituminous sidewalk or bike paths and removaL Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 30 050 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 30 050 Type of Project: Sidewalk 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park lm rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et OtherJnformation (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating eudget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Tota�Revenue Sources 30 050 • ! � CtTY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Gravel Road Resurfacing Project No.: PIN 96-706 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 65,344 3 miles of resurfacing: E ui ment - Biscayne Avenue Other 6,600 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 71 944 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 2. Generai Lev 71 944 Type of Project: Road Resurfacing 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Butl et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 71 944 • r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction - Cimmarron Avenue Project No.: PIN 96-7d7 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 7 200 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 28,000 Street reconstruction on Cimmarron Avenue from 145th St. to Dodd Blvd. E ui ment 1,200 L.F. curb &gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 3 600 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 1 200 Total Pro'ect Costs 40 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 37,000 2. General Lev 3 000 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds S. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Y�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e, estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer�perating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 40 000 • r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction — Chippendale Avenue Project No.: PIN 96-708 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 67140 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 373,000 Street xeconstruction on Chippendale Avenue from 151 st St. to 160th St E ui ment 4,750 L.F. curb&gutter and street surhacing. Other — Finance 9% 33 570 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 11 190 Total Pro'ect Costs 484 900 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 281,000 2. General Lev 63 900 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds 140,000 Project Justification: s. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 1 t. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Desirable 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estirnated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 484 900 • • i GITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPtTAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PRUJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction - 145th Street West Project No.: PIN 96-709 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 141 120 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 784,000 Street reconstruction on 145th Street from County Road 42 to Brazil Avenue. E ui ment 3,748 L.F. curb &gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 70 560 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 23 520 Total Pro'ect Costs 1 019 200 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 254,000 2. General Lev 300 200 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds 465,000 Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Prioriry Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 {For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 1 019 200 • • • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PRUJECT WORKSHEET ProjeCt Name: Street Reconstruction - Biscayne Avenue Pfoject No.: PIN 96-710 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 171 000 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 950,000 Street reconstruction on Biscayne Avenue from County Road 42 to County Road 38. E ui ment L.F. curb &gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 85 500 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 28 500 Total Pro'ect Costs 1 235 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1996 1. Assessments 420,000 2. General Lev 415 000 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds 400,000 Project Justificatiorr. 6. Port Authority 7. Park 1m rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 1 235 000 • � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Truck Project No.: PtN 97-701 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Fire Department Rotation E ui ment 18 000 1 ton pickup truck, 4x4 with plow replacing M100 4x4 1 ton truck. Other Other Totai Pro'ect Costs 18 000 Revenue Sources Yea� of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 18 000 Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re (acement — Unit Na 100 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): t7. Sewer�perating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 {For 1997) 18. Storm Water 0 eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 18 000 • r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Curb &Gutter Replacement Project No.: PIN 97-702 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 13,497 1000 feet of bituminous curbing. E ui ment 1000 feet of concrete curbing and removal. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 13 497 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 13 497 Type of Project: Curb &Gutter 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Yaars 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core ' 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1997) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 13 497 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Sidewalk Repiacement Project No.: PIN 97-703 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 31,853 1,500 feet of concrete sidewalk replacement and removaL E ui ment 500 feet of bituminous sidewalk or bike paths and removal. Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 31 853 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 31 853 Type of Project: Sidewalk 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA f 0. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Y�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e, estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request— 1993 (For 1997) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Ente rise Totat Revenue Sources 31 853 r • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction — Akron Avenue Project No.: PIN 97-704 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 116 588 Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction 647,7�2 Street reconstruction on Akron Avenue from County Road 42 to Inver Grove Heights. E ui ment 13,200 L.F. curb&gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 58 295 Other — Le al/Admin 3°� 19 430 Total Pro'ect Costs 842 025 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1997 1. Assessments 651,420 2. General Lev 19�605 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funtls 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests7 No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Deferrable 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1997� 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Tota)Revenue Sources 842 025 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction - Conemarra Trail Project No.: PIN 97-705 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 174 780 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 971,000 Street reconstruction on Conemarra Trail from Shannon Parkway to Highway 3. E ui ment 10,560 L.F. curb &gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 87 390 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 29130 Total Pro'ect Costs 1 262 300 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 19s7 1. Assessments 396,000 2. General Lev 566 300 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds 300,000 Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 1�. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1997) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 1 262 300 • ! • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Curb &Gutter Replacement Project No.: PIN 98-701 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction 13,902 1000 feet of bituminous curbing. E ui ment 1000 feet of concrete curbing and removaL Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 13 902 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 t. Assessments 2. General Lev 13 902 Type of Project: Curb&Gutter 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generai Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et �ther Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 13 902 • • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Sidewalk Replacement Project No.: PIN 98-702 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 33,764 1,500 feet of concrete sidewalk replacement and removal. E ui ment 500 feet of bituminous sidewalk or bike paths and removaL Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 33 764 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 2. General Lev 33 764 Type of P�oject: Sidewalk 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Yaars 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Inforrnation (i.e. estimated impact on �evenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 33 764 • � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction - Dodd Boulevard Project No.: PIN 98-703 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 105 300 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 585,900 Street reconstruction on Dodd Boulevard from Chippendale Avenue to Shannon Parkway. E ui ment 2,851 L.F. curb &gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9%a 52 650 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 17 550 Total Pro'ect Costs 761 400 Revenue Sources Year of ReqUest: 1998 1. Assessments 141,000 2. Genera) Lev 396 400 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds 224,000 Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. �ther General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998} 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud e# 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 761 400 � � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction - Dodd Boulevard Project No.: PIN 98-704 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi NEn ineerin 105 300 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 585,soo Street reconstruction on Dodd Boulevard from Shannon Parkway to Delft Avenue. E ui ment 2,798 L.F. curb&gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 52 650 Other — Le al/Admin 3°k 17 550 Total Pro'ect Costs 761 400 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 141,000 2. General Lev 396 400 Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds 224,000 Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful �ife of Pro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 761 400 � � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction - Dodd Boulevard Project No.: PIN 98-705 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 105 300 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 585,900 Street reconstruction on Dodd Boulevard from 132nd Street to 120th Street. E ui ment L.F. curb &gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9°� 52 650 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 17 550 Total Pro'ect Costs 761 400 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1998 1. Assessments 141,000 2. General Lev 396 400 Type of Project: Street Recoristruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds 224,000 Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other Generai Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 3�Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Prioriry Desired 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 1�. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Ente rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Other Enter rise Total Revenue Sources 761 400