HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Additions and Corrections**** M 0 R N I N G A F T E R CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY WORK SESSION April 20, 1993 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADDITIONS/CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA - 5.(G) Review Project Update, 5.(F) Letter from Scott Rynerson, Parks & Rec Committee, 4.(B) Armory Site Businesses Relocation/Purchase 3. CONSIDERATION OF APRIL 6, 1993 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES - Approved 4. OLD BUSINESS A. Approval of Demolition Bid for Armory Properties - Approved bid subject to Miller checking contractor's references and if not satisfactory accept second lowest bidder after checking that contractor's references. added B. Armory Site Businesses Relocation/Purchase - Approved Reno's immoveable fixture payment of $9,000. Approved payment of $100,000 for purchase of Tourdot property. Approved payment of $50,000 for purchase of Battaglia property. Approved deposit of $165,000 in District Court for _the Monk real estate acquisition (condemnation proceedings). Approved payment of $1,500 for relocation expenses of Monk's personal property when presented to the Port Authority by Conworth, Inc. Payment will be for personal property that was in the building at the time of the initial inventory by Conworth. 5. WORK SESSION A. Update on Motel Market Feasibility Study - Staff directed to present study to the motel developers that have shown interest in the project and continue working with them. B. Progress Report on Business Park Feasibility Study - Simons reviewed business park plans. Will present final report at May 17th Port Authority work session. C. Discussion of Carlson Mall - Gateway Foods Feasibility - Mr. Heiberg answered questions regarding progress on securing an anchor grocery tenant for proposed strip mall. He suggested that there could be a commitment from a supplier within the next 30 days if things continue to go as planned. A request for assistance will be made after that time. i D. Update on Rosemount Mall Development Options —Letters of interest from Ms. Petter and the Terrys to purchase mall were presented to the Port Authority. Staff directed to continue working with tenants and potential buyers. E. Redraft of Port Authority Bylaws (from table of April 6) - Not discussed. F. Discussion of Project Proposal Format (from table of April 6) - Approved format as recommended in Miller's memorandum of March 31, 1993. added G. Project Update - Sinnwell requested that staff look at other sites, other than the business park, for the potential location of Ringer Corp. in the city. His concern is that the business park will not be ready by the time Ringer makes their decision on relocation. added F. Letter from Scott Rynerson, Parks & Recreation Committee - Not discussed. 6. ADJOURNMENT 7:30 P.M. N