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Budget Discussion Page Ona December 2, 1993 REVENIIE SOIIRCES 1993 ADOPTED 1994 PROPOSED +/- TYPES BIIDGET BIIDGET DIFFERENCfi PERCENTAGE Local Goverment Aid $296,512 $380,794 $84,282 28.42$ (Iacludea Squalization Aid for 1994) Homeetead � Agricultural Credit Aid $0 $555,804 $555,804 100.00� Iateraal Revanue Ganerated: Liceases aad Pezaiita $239,150 $265,850 $26,700 11.16� Intergovarnmeatal $165,000 $181,000 $16,000 9.70+k Charges for Servicea $429,800 $357,900 ($71,900) -16.73� Fiaes aad Forfaite $42,000 $65,000 $23,000 54.76� Recreatioaal Feea $101,000 $63,100 ($37,900) -37.52� Miecellaaeous Revenuas $57,500 $62,600 $5,100 8.87� Tranefers In $185,000 $236,612 $51,612 27.90ic ------------------------------------------------------- Total Interaal Revenues $1,219,450 $1,232,062 $12,612 1.03h Levy Sources: Special Levies $612,270 $554,868 ($57,402) -9.38� General Levy $2,301,131 $2,111,079 ($190,052) -8.26� ------------------------------------------------------- Total Levy $2,913,401 $2,665,947 ($247,454) -8.49� ------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL RBVSNDB SOIIRCSS $4,429,363 $4,834,607 $405,244 9.15� aassea=mas:a=eae�ooee�=aeeeavaa==eceeesaaa�xxeeeea=veom ,♦ Page Two Decamber 2, 1993 FUNDING REQUIRII+�NTS 1993 ADOPTED 1994 PROPOSED +/- DSPARTMENTS BIIDG&T BIIDGET DIFFfiRENCE PfiRCENTAGE Couacil Budget $166,747 $136,807 ($29,940) -17.96� Adminiatratioa Budget $224,608 $231,452 $6,844 3.OS�k Blectioa Budget $7,615 $10,570 $2,955 38.80� Finaace Budget $140,115 $143,610 $3,495 2.49ic General Governmant Budget $156,500 $179,550 $23,050 14.73ic Planaing Budget $157,982 $165,190 $7,208 4.56$ Governmeat Buildinga Budget $72,600 $73,278 $678 0.93�k Police Budget $794,706 $907,941 $113,235 14.25� F3ra Department Budget , $160,182 $166,758 $6,576 4.11� Public Worka Operatiag Budget $720,038 $802,529 $82,491 11.46� Paved Streats Budget $82,649 $98,098 $15,449 18.69� IInpaved Streeta Budget $32,278 $57,951 $25,673 79.54� Zce & Saow Budget $17,413 $24,223 $6,810 39.11� *Includea $3,810 for Comm Ceater Maiat* Straet Lighta Budgat $64,294 $66,224 $1,930 3.00� Sigaal Lighta Budget $6,991 $7,201 $210 3.00ic Park & Rec Sudget-Geaezal Operatiag $521,915 $566,352 $44,437 8.51� *Iacludee $12,802 for Comm Canter Maint* Park & Rec Budget-Revenue Producing $101,000 $63,100 ($37,900) -37.52� Iasurance Budget $158,000 $188,000 $30,000 18.99� Other Fiaancing IIaes - Tranafera $0 $123,188 $123,188 100.00� ------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OPERATZNG BIIDGBTS $3,585,633 $4,012,022 $426,389 11.89� Five (5) Year CIP Requiremeat $171,460 $262,483 $91,023 53.09� *Additioaal Amount Available for CIP• $5,234 • Retiramant/Severanca Fuad #204 $60,000 $0 ($60,000) -100.00� ' : . Bonded Iadabtedaeas $436,887 $379,447 ($57,440) -13.15� *Of 1994�s, $103,8T7 for Comm Ceater; ' Certificates of Iadebtedness $50,054 $48,290 ($1,764) -3.52� Armory Aaticipatory Levy(Value as of 3/31/93) $125,329 $127,131 $1,802 1.44� *$95,000 + ($402,639,OOOx.00798�)* ------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL FIINDINC3 RBQIIIR�NTS $4,429,363 $4,834,607 $405,244 9.15ic llil6i93 14:29 C 612 223 3000 SPRINGSTED f�001i002 SPRINGST�D 120 So�tn SiXtn Street Suite 2507 PUBLIC FINANCE ADVISORS Minneapolis, MN 55402-18Q0 (612) 333-9177 Fax: (6l2) 349•5230 Home ONice 85 East Sevenih Ptace 16655 West Bluemound Road Suite 100 Suite 290 Saint Paul, MN 55101•2143 Brookfield, WI 53005•5935 (612f 223-3000 (414) 782-8222 fax: (612) 223-3002 fax: i414) 782-2904 6800 College Boulevard Suite 600 Overland Park, KS 66221-1533 (913) 345-8062 Fax: (913} 345-1770 1800 K Street NW Suite 831 Washington, DC 20006-2200 November 16, 1993 (202) 466•3344 Fax: (2021 223-1362 Mr. Jeff May, Director of Finance City Hall 2875 i 45#h Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Equipment Certi�icates Dear Mr. May: Authority: The City of Rosemount may issue equipment certificates without referendum, to purchase public safety, ambulance, road construction, maintenance and certafn other capita! equipment having a useful life equal to the term of the bonds. Minnesata Statutes 410.32 and 412.301 require the certificates to be limited in term to five years. Each equipment certificate pubiic offering may not exceed an amount equal to .025% of the market value of taxable property in the City without publication of a resolution determining to issue them and without being subject to refafendum. Use: The City may choose to employ equipment certificates in one of several ways: 1. A method of funding certain elements of the City's capita! equipment program and amortizing the cost over time. 2. A method of recovering monies expended in a prior fiscal year for capital equipment and replenishing the genera! fund and rebuilding cash balances. Bond counse( may allow cities and counties to "claw back" qualified equipment expenditures provided they occurred in the prior iiscal year and that some forma! consideration had been given to such a process. AnaJysis: Ths exhibit beiow restates the planned 1994 capital expenditures, identifies the qualified equipment that would be acquired in that fiscal year, indicates the maximum amount of equipment certificates#hat could be issued in any year based upon certain assumptions and lastly, pravides an estimate of debt service costs on the qualified equipment cost alone if financed at 5°�and amortited over five years. 11�16�93 14:30 ^n 612 223 3000 SPRINGSTED C�002�002 City of Rosemount, Minnesota November 16, 1993 . Page 2 1994 1. Capital Expenditures(e) $ 846 865 2. Qualified Equipment CostslbJ 631,700 3. Statutory issue Au#hority(�) 1,100,000 4. Average Annual Debt Service (5 ysar amartization)(dI 145,906 �e1 Capitai Expenditures: Those expenditures as they appear on the 1991 Capital Improvement Plan. �b1 Quaiified Equpment Costs: Those equipment costs which could probably be funded with equipment certificates. ��1 Statutonr lssuance Authoritv: The estimated amount of equipment certificates that could be issued by the City under MS. 410 and MS. 4i 2. (Market value x 0.2596 x i.05°�6.) t�1 Averacae Annuai Debt Service: The average annual debt service on the quali�ed equipment cost when those costs are authorized over five years at 5%. Summary: In the past several years cities and counties have issued equipment certificates for the various purposes mentioned above. The City may wlsh to conslder a debt management policy in the future that would cover general debt management matters and f�ame issues of this nature as well. I wauld be willing to draft an outline of reasonable debt management objectives that staff and council could consider. Furthermore, the City may wish to consider what is known as a master lease program for all qualified equipment. A master lease program allows the City to avoid the repetitive process of issuing securities. This single lease with one institution or source of capital allows the City, following a formal resolution or decision to lease, to acquire the equipment. ff you wish to discuss these issues further, please do not hesitate to phone. Sincerely, (�-� � �� I�...�Q Daniel,T. O'Neill Executive\!ice President mli /Saint Paul Office � Page Two December 2, 1993 FIINDING REQIIIREMENTS �}� I�'"J� 1993 ADOPTED .1994 PROPOSED +�_ DEPARTMENTS BIIDGET BIIDGET DZFFERENCE PERCENTAGE Council Budget $166,747 $136,807 (529,940? -17.96+k ✓Admiaistratioa Budget $224,608 $231,452 $6,844 3.05� Electioa Budget $7,615 510,570 $2,955 38.80�j�� Fiaance Budget $140,115 $143,610 ;-;�$3;#9S 2.49+k Geaeral Governmeat Budget $156,500 $179,550 S23,050 14.73ic !�'f 000 Planaing Budget $157,982 $165,140 �$7:;2D:8 4.56� .��ObO Govaramnat Buildinge Budgat $72,600 $73,278 w$S?82 0.93�s �= � Yolice Sudget $794,706 $907,941 $113,235�C 14.254 � Fire Departmeat Budget , $160,182 $166,758 $6,576 4.li+t CJh �lic Fiorks Operating Budget $72Q,038 $802,529 $82,491 y 11.46k 9�d�OQD Paved Streeta Budget $82,649 $98,098 $15,449 18.69� � IIapaved Streets Budgnt $32,278 $57,951 $25,673 79.548 tj k Ice � Snow Budget $17,413 $24,223 $6,810 39.11k O k •Zncludee $3,810 for Co� Ceater Maiat+ Street Lighta Budget $64,294 $66,224 �i;�930� . 3.00k Sigaal Lighta Budget $6,991 $7,201 �;;i$210�; 3.00� Park � Rec Sudget-Geaeral Operating $521,515 $566,352 $44,437 8.52� +Zncludea $12,802 for Co� Ceater Maiat: 40�000 Park � Rac Budget-Revenue Produciag $101,000 $53,100 ($37,900) -37.52k Inauraace Budget $158,000 $188,000 $30,000 18.94�C O«- Other Fiaaacing IIaea - Traasfera $0 $123,188 $123,I88 .� 100.00�k ------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OPERATZNG SIIDGETS $3,585,633 $4,012,�22 $426,389 11.89k Five {5? Year CIP.&equirement _ $171,460" $262,483 • $91,023 53.09� ° *Additioaal Amouat J►vailable for .^_IP* $5,234 � Ratiramnat/Severaaca Fund �204 • $60,000 $0 ($60,000} -100.00k . . Boaded Iadebtedanas $43o,tsE7 ' ' $379,447 ($57,440) -13.15+k *Of 1994�s, $103,877 for Comm Center* ` Certificatee o! Iadebtedaeas $50,054 $48,230 ($1,764) -3.52+k 1►rmory Aaticipatosy Lavy(Valun aa of 3/31/93) $125,329 S127,131 $1,802 1.44� '$95,000 + ($402,639,OOOx.00798+t)* ------------------------------------------^------------ TOTAL FIINDING RBQIIZR�N'PS $4,429,363 $4,834,607 $405,244 9.15� axaaassvaasms:c:saxas�::::::�ssaaacaazssc::aa�sva:azsa:: �, ��,�' �,�:w, ax,n3o-to �-�g�r�� � � �--.--�--" z� ' ,�� ��19�0,��a . � _ .. _ II - . _ ------------.._..__.._._-._...--- ----- - --- ----.._. ._ ---- ----- - -. . ------ ---�-�-z�,._�`�__. �v� ��- �..__ _ _-- ___ _ — � z��_8� — -- — — - � _ ��h -t�-� .� � b 3 ,_z�� _ , _ — 1 l 3 1_L�3�—��-e— _ _�— _ � ���`�� s . _ �` � qs�" — � - .�--�_�? o i � - � , ���— ��,t.�.. ��. l ,.�.�-�� .�� So, ��-� �� j���f q ��,�e� �� .��..�-� ;. . — ����87 - _ � .�� (,c..,��.�� `�-� � '� � 1���� ��#- - i� l��S ! � �C.�¢..._—F— ���' ,� {. .�—.1-3-Z- �� � iqa3 ��,� ' ,�,�. �', q b 7 Z l�w�c, l,c��o - - - ----�� G � �qyy � - 7 � , �� _ . . ��7.�? � ' . ' � ;� 6Z - ,; _ ;: Z��7 9.�J ;: :; ;: � , -� 7�1,e��L ,���'-.�c-a—�.r�.�� C�Q1-- ��� 3 5 �t q � . �-_�=�._� ----�---���---- - �, �.s-�a ___ -7��0.�' = S ' �.��'�`� -- . -- �� � � - _ �.�.� ����.K.�,�.� r�.. r CZ+t �- �� — e.�..� � . � - ��� �.��� � ���______ � _ — � – �� � � : „ �-� � �. '� -- �� _ ���,�.,� �. �, ��s�..._�-��, ,; �; � ' � ���� /� 4. - ���'�,t,A,�.1iC�Lr�„[111 � ..��,q ;� . ;� ;` � Gc�• (�1�.�.cr���-rr �-- 8 z , 4 �' 1 1 (, �� 9a �. '' d — _ .,�c.� ;, , —� ,: „ :, � -���87 y��� � �.-� � �-� o �� _��s �-� _ - , �� � _ �`�P�o i��-�__,�-- � �I �� �'���_.�� �'.��. 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P�q• On� � 19�1 BIIDGLT MOR7CSSLLTS � ADYZNZSTIUTIOt2 DFAAATI�7S - 417T0 - D•eaab�r 2, 1997 � � . 19l3 1f7t OIIJLCT 1lf4 1991 179] �DOP:'m� DLTAZL PAOAOSm TvaQ xeeouat i Obj � D•■eriytion aCT�),I. ACTVAy aODCEt l�cpDNT DCDCt! Comn.acs � """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""..."""""""""""'"""""""""""""" 101 - 41]20 101.0 S�larl�r 4 D�aK SG 5172,75! SiQ],tQ 5205,�}� 5217,Ii7 � S�lary��ta Zacluaiv of 101 - 41�20 -02- 101.0 City A,�iaSiCrator f60,57{ Salary, 2azu,�pLi� L Dea•!Su 101 �- �1�30 -G3- 101.0 S. M�liD, J.�Sa �aistaat 552,5]{ . 101 - <1120 -04- 101.0 L. J�aGlnk, J�dain S�er�t.a:y � . S7S,231 301 - {1130 -OS- 101.0 . D, Midatra, p�s�al S�crtry � 517,101 SO k�Gaa�l, 504 Yort)�uthority 101 - <1330 -OL- iQ1.0 C. Coaq3lia, R�e�ytionlit � � t2i,773 � � 301 - 11330 102.0 Tull-21tw Ovartla� ;l,l]S S),t2i 57�,300 51,700 1p1 - <1)20 -0{- 102.1 L. Jutlak � f2,S00 101 - {13]0 -OS- 102.2 D. M16aGrea i500 101 - �1)20 -O[• 303.3 C. CouqSlla � � f)00 101 - 413]0 -01- 201.0 Print�d 7oaa i paDar t171 t0 f0 � f0 ioi - tuio -oi- zoa.i so 101 - t1320 -OS- 20�.0 trilaiaq 4 IniCruGtal S�yl1U f0 SO jl,{00 j1,t00 S01 - 41330 -Q1- 207.1 SaS�ty C�itt�• � . � =250 . ioi - ♦is2o -oi- so�.z ziQne co �,. ti,sso iQl - �1520 -01--30l.0 OGLar Offie� Suyyli�• -577 t0 5300 � =300 ' � 101 - 41320 -01- 20l.1 Yiseallaa.oua pur�araa 5300 101 - 41320=01- 304.0 7wga1 !�u . 5117 f0 . j0 =p 101 - 41320 -01- 304.1 SO � 101 - 41120 -01- 305.0 Y�dieal i Drn41 7au f45. f7! SO SO 101 - 41320 -01- 705.1 - � � :0 � � � ioi - auso -oi- �o�.o Y.a.ye.ne r.,s t»s s1,�so t�,000 s+.soo '-Sf9'p 101 - 41120 -OS- D07.1 . Iibor Comanitaa� 56,000 ipl - <1320 -01- 307.2 Deyt E�aQ/Stai: 2Yaiatay • SS00 � 301 - �1]10 -01- ]1l.0 Ot3�r Pretuiioaal 9.ztieu SO S2,3t3 f0 SO � 101 - 11120 -01- 11l.1 � � SO 101 - <1]70 -Ol- 331.0 T7ca.�1 stiey�ns• . f10t fql t100 5300 ioi - iuso -oi- »i.l sue. cons.�.a�. - ncc uoo ioi - au:o -oa- a�i.x sc.c. co�.t.so. - �c�. uoo 101 - 41330 -61- 331.3 LDor lalatieas MozksLops 5100 101 - ll]20�-01- 31f.0 OCL�s Ttaaspprtytipp�s�+ 521! j157 i700 =300 101 - 41320 -01- 73f.1 laiabnzs• ior Ytaq Tra�al � i300 � 101 - 51120 -01- 341.0 �loya�at.Ae�erti�iaq SO 5203� SO SO � iQl - 41730 -01- ltl.l �� 101 - 11320 -01- DS1.0 L�g�l ttotieu Publi�hiaq 521 SO SO SO � 101 - 413I0 -01- 351.1 SO � 101 - ill]0 -01- 352.0 Geaeral Notiee■ i publie Zafo S],56i SO SO S0� 101 - ♦1320 -01- 352.1 � � f0 101 - 41320 -pl- 15].0 Ordiaaae� lubllutioa . LO SO fiOD 51,000 "�"?(.7b � 101 - 41320 -01- 3S3.L Codilieatioa oL Ced� � � . � � . . . . =1,000 , . - ioi - ais�o -oi- 43s.o a�.s 4 sob.�syeson. � sa�� ti�s t2io si�s -� 7 O � ioi - auio -oi- s�s.i noo,n�,., t�o • ioi - �vso -oi- ass.s �anw n,,.■ s2s ior -•s�sao .oi- aaa.a �crw n�,. , _ ==s 101 - 41330 -01- �33.4 II1[C Dw� f50 . � � - 101 - 47J20 -01- {�;,5 =p��y�� S2S 101 - (1320 -01- 433.f 1O�Of(1�pu�� =p � . """""""""""""'�_""""""""""""" p� �u's i1t1,577 =17�,OS1 5231,70• =22i,1S2 S2It.t52 1T.�/ I� �� �T`..''C'r�"�„L . �..J.-!t� � . J Day• IYo 1)9{ EIIDGE7 NOAlCS8EET5 ADYIlII52'RASION DEPaAT9�7T - 41]IO - � D•e�D•r 3, 1!9] if9) 199� OSJtCP 1994 � 1f91 1992 J.DOPY'ID DBTkIL P10P05� !'uaQ aeeouat ! Obj t D���riytioa xCTU1,I, ACSpAy DODGL7 u(OOtiT DODGli CooeaGs """"""""""""'"""""""""""'""""""""""""""""""""'...""'"""""""""""""""""""""""" 101 - 41770 -01- U 5.0 Dooks L pamphla G SO � f0 54Q0 5�00� 101 - <1J70 -01- 4)S.1 � TLSA EaaQbook � 5250 101 - 41120 -01- f]5.2 Yi�e•ilaawus PureLaau � =150 - 101 - 41720 -01- 437.0 CoaEarsaeu � 5�+���s 51,74! � ;l,Si� 53.500 ;2,200 1. �6� 101 - (1330 -01- 477,1 Y�pirtration i Hot�l - L1[C f100 � 101 - 41320 -01- t37.2 l�girtracioa t Eotal - YOG f�00 � 101 - {U 30 -01-�477,3 Y�airtratioa - A10t =p � 101 - 41730 -01- 437.� Yryi�trattoa a Sotal-YCtW . 5250 101 - 41310 -01- 577.5 Labor Yal�tloaa 1Yalelaq f500 � 101 - 41120 -01- S37.L StalL (2) LeE 5400 101 - �1120 -01- 477.7 Y1sc�llaa�ous 5������a 5100 � 101 - 41330 -01- 437.� Yuaieipal'� Daaqu•t t250 � 101 - 41320 -01- 4]!,p OtL�r YL�eallaa�ous C3axp�■ f0 f4t SO f0 � 101 � i1120 -01- 419.1 f0 . . .""""""""""""""""""""""""""" . . p� TO'=� j1,74! f1,G35 i2.l00 S2.f00 S1,i00 D���'r �S t113.32i 5174.Cit 5214.i0� f731.i53 i231.452 � ......��....."""...""""'........""'.�.......�. � . , P�y• On• . 1991 EIIDCL'I 110RJCSHEESS TLi:A17C8 DBPAAT7�77 - 41570 - � D�eemDai ], 1991 1993 199{ ODJECf 199� � 1991 14l2 � ADPPZID .LI"^AZL PROPOSYD 7vad xceouat i Ob] � D�aerlytioa AC1V),y ACfII).,t. EIIACL7 ),1t0p2t1' EODGE7 Cam�ats """""'""""""""""'"""""""""""""'"""'"""""""'""""'...""_"""""'��/""""'""'""""""""""'"" fi Z�� All S�l�ry Co�ts Ineluriv oL� 101 - 41520 101.0 Sal�zlu 4 Dae�Ll[■ $102,977 59l,717 5123,l15 S1]1,SG0 S�la ry, Taxss, P�a 4 Daa�fits 101 - 41570 -02- 101.0 J. Yay, Tla Director(754) � f�7,051 75t Caa•1, ]St OCllities 101 - 51520 -0]- 101.0 �J, Gilb, Aasl�Cant 7/D(75t) fD0,3lG 75t Gm'1, 25� IICS11Ciu 101 - 11530 -04- 101.0 D. Zory�la, aeaovauat(0}) =0 100ti TaiQ by IItiltiu� 101 - �15]0 -OS- 101.0 D. Naznar, Aecomtaat(1004) =31,t24 301 - 41520 -fl- 103.0 1/3 Deyuty A�gi�tras(100k) S1(,!]! . 101 - i1520 102.0 Tull-71a� O�arCla� 51,224 5983 51,000 51,000 � 101 - 41520 102.1 Daaisa ltazaar . . � t1,000 101 - 41530 102.2 � SO 301 - 41530 -01- 301.0 Auditiay c Aeeou¢tiaq S.r+ieas f0 f0 . � SS00 5100 "- � 101 - 41520 -Ol- 301.1 Coasultinq S�ieu 5200 Yoa-aa61t ia1�C�Q 3az�icu 101 - 41520 -01- 704.0 L�qal T�u . � =0 =0 =0 t0 ' 101 - ♦iS20 -01- 304.1 f0 301 - 41530 -01- 305.0 Y�dieal 4 D�atal l�u fLl f0 5300 .SO � � 101 - 11520 -01- ]OS.1 Physi�la f0 101 - 41520 -01- 319�.0 OGL.r prolusioaal Sez�leu LO 53,361 � f500 SD00 - Z�9a � . 101 - 1i530 -01- 31l.1 Syrlagst�d Coasnl[Saq � f100 � . 101 - 41520 -01- 3]1.0 SYa�al bqr�as• 5255 Sl�i 5=00 � =500 `3�� :.301 - 415�0 -01- �31.1 7Saaae� Dlr.etor � 5300 � 101 - 11510 -01- 331.2 Sta1i . � 5200 � � 101 - 41520 -01- 3i1.0 nqilvya�at]�d�artislnQ SO SO SS00 _ .SO 101 - (1520 -D1- )51.1 f0 101 - I1S20 -01- 791.0 P.C. Yaiatuane• . t�.25G � f10,i11 =f,200 511,250 t J{ �S� i01 - 41520 -01- 3l1.1 Yltro 9ysCo Ytiat�aaat� � SS,200 101 - t1S20 -C1- 7l1.2 Ylero Soitraz. Lieaas• f3.000 . 101 - 41520 -01- ]l1.3 G.aaral i�trozk Suqyort � f�.000 � 101 - <1520 -01- 3ll.i 7'otor Vahici� S/M 14iat fi�00 101 - �iSSO -01- 371.5 Yi�e�llaa�ous P,C. 1rp�lz� f450 101 - {1520 -01- 392.0 P.C. heewiozi�i E Suyylies 3625 S1,{!G 570D 51,000 �JBa 301 - �iS�O -01- �72.1 City 9yatm Suyyli�� 51,000 101 - 41520 -OS- 1l7.0 7.C. Eardv�r� p�yrc3aaes f0 S5,lSG SO S0� 101 - 41S]D -01- 7l3.1 SQ � 1G1 - 41520 -01- 794.0 P.C. Softvu� PureLasas �6l0 5864 SO SS00 "�'� � iCl - t1520 -01- 19�.1 Yiae�llaa�out S/M P�ckag�s 5500 .101 - 41510 -01- 40l.0 OtLat Ceatraeted Yey�is i Yaia SO 5125 fD00 5300 101 - 115]0 -01- 409.1 Cash A�glrtar 7[alat Contret t;pp 101 - 41510 -01- 473.0 Dua� 4 SuLscriytioas 5113 5127 51,200 S1,]00 � 101 • �1510 -01- 431.1 fm1U.ayaual t�ej � 5150 101 - �1520 -01- 4]),2 xcro�. - riaaae• DiraeCor 5150 � 101 - {1520 -01- 4]3.7 YG70A - StalS � � � 5300 _ . � 101 - 41520 -01- 417.4 Cl071 - Zi�ne� Dir�eWr =150 � 101 - {1520 -01- {27.5 6TW - St�St � � tl-00 � . . 101 - 41520 -01- 433.t Yaqasin� subseriyYioas , , . , t150 101 - 41520 -01. 4]S.0;1oolcs p T�ayyy�ti .f0 i150 5200 5200 101 - 42539 �-01- 435.1 hceoaatiaq i�lat�d Dooks f106� ' 101 - f1S30 -01- 435.2 7laaaa� 1�lat�d Dooks L100 � � � _ """""""""""""""""""""""""""' p�= T�� i112.3�7� 5111.)07 S17Q.115 t140,i10 5140.L10 Paqe Zvo . � ' � . 19f4 LIIDG87 MOAIGSSEETS � PZNANCY DLPART�(I' - �1570 - . DtcemDaz 2, 1997 � 1f9J 1991 ODJLCS' 1�!{ 1l91 1)92 aDOfTID DLTAZL FROPOSFD . Tvad Aecouat f Db� t Daserlytloa AC1yAS, aCTp�,y app�g; 1,�tpp� npp�pT � Comaa4 � . "_""'_.'_"""'_"_""'_""'_.."'__."'_'""""""'_"_"_'."_"""'_"""" 101 - t15�0 -01- 437.0 CoaC�rmee• i Smlaaz• SS�i SS,il6 51,500 52,500 ,`�V v � 101 - 41520 -01- 4]7.1 )IDv. CoaLarmu(!or Tdree) 5700 � � 101 - 41520 -01- <17.2 Coo�utar Syspositims SS00 101 - <1520 -OS- U7.7 ttC101.Aaau�l Coaf - 7/D SS00 � 101 - ♦1530 -01-�4�7.4 YGTOL aaaval CoaL - 54:L � 5500 � 102 - 41570 -01- �77.5 CTQ7�Yatloaal Coaf - )/D . SS00 1!!S Coai Sa 11.iy�Cltita � 101 - 41530 -01- 417.G Ytaaellaa�maa Smlaarr =��Q � � � 101 - S15]0 -01- <3).o OtLer Y1�eallanwus m.arq�s SSOC SGl7 SS00 SS00 101 - <1520 •01- �39.1 CLq■ 3(ot Go�ar�fl =lserhera . f500 .101 - i1530 -01- 570.0 Oftiu 2Quipasat PureLaiu f0 t2,223 f0 . SO 101 - 41530 -01- 570.1 . f0 """�""'••""""'�"""""""""•"""'_""� � p� T�Tl`I'S ftiD SS,�SG SS,D00 51,000 51,000 D���T �5 � 5113,22! 5127,fG3 5140,115 f1�3,�i0 5147,Q10 � � � ...""""""'.�"""""'..�....."""".....�..... � � � . �c 3� P�y• Oa• � . . 199��DDDGIT NOAICSHECTS . G�7'E7U.L GOVLA77!¢H: - 41610 - � D�emb�r 7, 199D � 199] 199� OSJYCT 1994 � � 19�1 . 199I ].DOPTID DYTAZL pAOPOSID 7ued aecouai i Obj ! Daaerlytion )�ClII),I, ACTQ),7. DODGLT �tODNS sODCE7 Com.anG . """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""."""""""""""" 101 - {1{10 -01- 201.0 Offie• Aeeaiaori�s SO S60 SO � SO 101 - (I810 -01- 301.1 � SO 101 - <1t10 -01- 202.0 Duylicatinq c Coyyiaq 5�,655 5:2,274 512,500 t21,500 "" r7 Q'b''� 101 - <1110 -01- 202.1 YleroLilaing f1,000 101 - 41i10 -01- 702.2 Coyying Co�tt � tt,500 101 - 41t10 -01- 207.0 priat�Q Toma L paD� � , i4,Ofd 5��025 fl.150 Sl,150 101 - {1120 -01- ]07.1 Copy Payar � 53,100 101 - 41t10 -01- 701.3 Gaaaral l�e�lyt Doo1u S7S0 � 301 - 41610 -01- 70D.D puroLas• OrCar� � f/SO 101 - S1t10 -01- 207.1 Payroll CL�clu 51,100 101 - t1f10 -01- 303.5 x/P Ch�ck� � 52.20C l0i - {1t10 -01- 201.� Cs��abar CaspuGr<30 lozu) f1.150 � . .� 101 - <1t10 -01- 204.0 m��loy�s L 2,�CCazLuds S1,l57 f1,25{ � 5�,550 f1,100 "'� ��V 0 101 - 41i10 -01- ]04.1 I.�ttazLuQ 51,000 101 - 41l10 -01- 204.2 pl�la =a��loyu ;��p � 101 - 43i10 -01- 204.3 A/P 4 payroll Za��loy�• 5400 101 - {1t10 -01- 204.4 10 z 13 1y�ak m��ley�• 5750 101 - 41i30 -01- 201,5 .'10 x 15 2y��lc LaT�lopu i350 � 101 - 41810 -01- 20G.0 Itierotila Suyqliu .�. 5105 i54 SO � SO 301 - 51110 -01- 20Q,1 =� � � 101 - 41t10 -01- 30i.0 I[tie�llm�ous Svypll�s 5�,347 t10,lN t7,500 � =i,000 � �.5�� 101 - <li1D -01- 20t,1 Jaaltorial a Yiie CSty�Eall� . ft,000 101 - 11i10 -02- 20).0 OtLar OLSle� 3ayylies S21,E17 518,151 t1i,000 t1f,000 7� � 301 - �1i10 -01- 307,1 G�aar�l OELlu Suypliu � S1G,000 101 - 41i10 -C1- 212.0 xotor Zaals S�Sf S1Sf SO � LD � � � 301 - �1110 -01- 312.1 - �� � 101 - 41t10 -01- 21).0 Otnat Onarating Snpyliu SO t37 f0 � =0 101 -�41t10 -01- 21l.1 f� 101 - �1t10 -01-.321.0 squlswat ParU SO f1T8 51,100 51,100 � 101 - t1t10 -ol- 231.1 city Eali iquip�est l�yair� S1,1oo 101 - 41i10 -01- 27),0 Otbar Yaint�naau Saqpliu tU t375 5700 5200 � 301 - 11i30 -01- 229.1 Ytae�llaawua Suyyliaa 5�00 iCl - 41D10 -01- 2{2.0 Yiaor Lquipme3t 5799 5661 SO SO 1C1 - 41D10 -01- 142.1 � SO � 301 - 41810 -OS- 301.0 Audttiag i aeeouating Scs�iecs SL,063 SS7,i0t 520,000 5�0,000 101 - 41l10 -01- 301.1 1992 l.uCit Yeu � 520,000 101 - 11610 -D1- 302.0 l.rehicaeis' lee• SO 5�,1D1 SO SO ioi - tiaio .oi- ao�.i SQ 101 - 41830 -D1- 30{.0 Laqal Z��� 51�,576 $53,377 j31,000 t71,00G � 'V�•0'�� 101 - 41E10 -01- 304.1 . C�naz�l CSty�I.�gal T�u - , f11,000 � � � � 101 - 41i10 -01-�D1l.0 Ot3ar ?retuilonal Saz�leu f]2.fl0 535,161 t3C.000 526,200 -�- �� �'� . 101 - 41/10 -01- 319.1 Tir� 1�1i�E aar�a SIf,000 • 301 - 41i10 -01- 31l.2 City 7t�ys 51,200 � � , , 101 - t1i10 -01- 31l.3 Dir�ctory _ L1,000 101 - •1i30 -01- 321.0 S�l�yboa� Coits t23,571 f23,71! =]0,000 l21,000 -�-� ' , �'� • 101 - 41i10 -Oi- 121.1 Yaatbly 71111nqs t31,000 ' 101 - t1610 -01- 333,0 Postay� Coits Sll,i6! S1I,�C7 511,000 512.000 -� ��� e'0'� . 101 - 41t10 -01- 123.1 C�a�r�l Poriaq• Cort� ' 512,000 """"""""""""""""""""-""""""" �p�= �� . 5133.i4S S1lf,113 f15S,100 Slil,]SO f1C1,�S0 � 1994 DQDCYT NOAT.S88ST5 CII�7UI• COVSRN1�iT - �1630 - D•emb•r 2, 199) 1!9) 1l9S OD,7YCi 1994 1992 lf)2 aDOPTID DLSI�ZL PAOPOSm 7vad Aeeouat f Ob� i D�seclytton ACNAL AClqa,y DODCLT �a]tOQHT soccr, co�.at. � .. . ."""""""""""""""""""""""'""""""""""""""""""""'�""""""""""""""'_""'"" 101 - i1b10 -Ol- 33f.0 Othar IYaaipozuttoa Locym�a• S)�2 5821 5200 51,000 . � �101 - �1i20 -01- �37.1 Gaaaral Co�t� Z1,000 � � 101 - 41t10 -01- 741.0 byloyaaat Ed�astislag SO 5211 SO f0 � i01 + 41{10 -01- 141.1 � � $� . � 101 - 41i10 -01- 351.0 L�gal Yoticu PublisLing SO SO 51,2D0� 510,000 �,Q�'� 101 - {1t10 -Ol- 751.1 Hotie.a Coata-x11 Deyt■ 510,000 101 - i1i10 -01- 752.0 Ganaral Yotieea t Publie SaSo j4,772 f0 SO 57.200 �i L•+'� 101 - i1t10 -01- �53.1 =7,200 101 - f1110 -01- (15.0 Other lq�lpynt YaaGl S40 SO f0 fp 101 - S1i10 -01- 415.1 � � so ioi - �uio -oi- a3�.o o�a.z �,uii.n.o�„ cna�u so ti� so to ioi - aiaio -oi- 4as.a so ------------•--------------^-------------------------- p�'= ��`='S f5,75] 51,124 . Sl,<00 Sld,]00 S1t,100 Da7�27@7T� Sili,7li S1l7,4It SiSC',500 S17l,S50 S17),550 � ."'...�"".....'��'...�."...�..�.r�'.'��....�'.��..' P�p• On• 1)9� DODGLT MOAlC58LLT5 PLAHHI2tC DSYARY�lT - 41910 - � D•emb•r 2, 1l93 1)!7 1l9� OaJiCi 1fl� 1991 1792 kDOP'i'� DLTxIL PROPOSID Tsnd 7leeouat t Ob� f D�seriptioa aCtV),7, ACTp),y EVDGL7 A)tOWt1' EVDCES Commts "'""""""""""""""""""'""""'"""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""'"""'""""""""" ___- -��, 1�53,�`''- 101 - <1710 101.0 S�lari�i i Daa�flt■ S1l2,1DD L121,tE7 S1)!�,<03 � 1141.055 All Salary Cw u Iaclusl�� of 101 - 41l10 -Ol- 101.0 Plmaiaq DLr�etoz S�l,Oli S�lazy, 2uc�s, pOU, i Dm�Llt• 101 - <1910 -O]- 101.0 D. Quintus, planaing S�etry S3l.�SC 101 - 11f1D -0{- 501.0 R. P.azsoa, Aaat Ylana�z SDt,3l7 101 - lll10 102.0 tull-Sia� O►�rtia� f1,C7f .f3,.Op Lf.000 . 5�.000 101 - <1l10 102.1 D. Qulattv 52,000 101 - 41l10 10].2 Y, p�u�py f4,000 � 101 - 41l10 -lf- 107.0 Part-tiaa Sa��riu i D�aa21G 57,776 j5,l00 S4,S00 � 59,250 / . /� 101 - 41l10 -39- 107.1 plaaatng C�liiioa f�,S00 5 Yab�rs � SDS��tlag 101 - f1i10 -!!- 103.3 plaaainq Intaza(17 M��]u) ff,750 � ioi - +i�io -oi- zoz.o nnyis�.�snQ c coyysnQ so s�� ssoo taoo 101 - 41l10 -01- 202,1 toaiaq/9ubdirisa Ordlnaae• 5300 101 - �1l10 -01- 203.0 TtiaC�Q Tosas 4 payar j2�p :p s� _� 101 - [1f10 -OS- 207.1 f0 � � 101 - {if10 -01- 205.0 Draltiay t�yliai SO fflS �Si[0 =1C0 � - 101 - {1l30 -01- 2G5.1 Yise•llaa�ous 51�yliu f1�0 � 101 - {il10 �OS- 209.0.Othar OLLie� Sap�liu f0 52,0l7 SO f0 101 - lll30 -01- 20!1 t0 � 101 - 41l10 -01- 212.0 Yoeor !¢da S1,OOG Sf5 SO f0 SOl - lll10 -01- 212.1 f0 101 - 41}10 -01- 2(1.0 �all Tools � � siL i0 SO jp 101 - �1lSG �O1- 241.1 SO 101 - 41l10 -OS- 3i2.0 Ylaar =quissaat i0 S]!7 f0 i75 �'�� � 101 - 11f10 -01- 242.1 DSetatim iquly�eat =75 . ioi - aifio -oi- �o�.o s..9.i �..a si�� si� so s�so -}- -1 5-b 101 - t1f10 -01- lOt.i Coatiaq�nciu � t750 ' 30i - 11710 -01- 705.0 7461e�1 4 D�aul T�u f0 SO 50 � f0 101 - 41710 -01- SOS.1 � j0 101 - lil30 -01- 713.0 CcntraeC Iaay�ctioa f�as f14,i{0 SO SO =p ioi - <asio -oi- su.i so ioi - ai�io -oi- au,o r�o�.n. s.rs�. r.., s�ss so so so ioi - ai�io -oi. u�.s so 101 - il?10 -01- 11l.0 OtLez Profassioaal Ser�iees 511,592 S11,Ca6 $3,120 51,500 ��.G�Q 101 - lll10 -01- 71l.1 Dakota Couaty Prvperty pata 5500 101 - �1f10 -01- SZl.2. Ordlaaau Co6lfieation 51,000 � 101 - ill10 -01- 125.0 Aadio Daita S1D7 =0 SO SO � 101 - �1)10 -01- 327.1 ;0 � 101 - 41l10 -01- 32l.0 Ot3.r ��^-���utioa Coat� 5393 f0 i0 =0 101 - 41l10 -01- 339.1 SO � � 101 �- 41l10 -01- �31.0 Sra��l Dryraa• � � Sif! Slt7 S�SO �� - =450 � � 101 - 41l10 -01- 111.1 t�q, 8tat� i Looal Con! . • i]00 � � '101 - 41l10•-01- 371.2 � Yiseallaa�ons y�u��� . ' S1S0 101 - 41l10 -01- �51.0 I,�qal Metieu Pnbliahlaq S1S t0 YO i1,t00 �-��� � • • 101 - 41l10 •O1- ]51.1 • . , =1,�00 • • � , S01 - 41l10 -01- 791.0 T.C. Yaiap�aaae� i0 t2S5 =0 � =p ` S01 - {1f10 -01- �l2.1 =� � . '«'-"""'-"""'---""-'-"""'-""""""'--" p� �s t250,il4 t1SL,S12 jlSi,f33 Slil,l{0 =1C1,14D � �� �D� P�y T+o 199{ DVDCST NOAICS8EPI5 � PI.ANNZNC ➢SPhA2��N'f - 41910 - . D�eob�r 7, 199I � . 1997 1995 ObJZCT 1f)� 19l1 19)3 aDOP'i'm DlIAZL � YAOPOSm � Tvad Aeeouat 1 Obj t D•�criytiaa . aCS9AL ACiy),I, EUDCE7 7.740pNT DDDCLT �Co��ats e""""""""."""'_""""'_"""'__"""'__""'__""""__.'_"""_"""___"""""'__"""'_""_""'_""""""'... 101 - 41l30 -01- ])2.0 P,C. kee�s�ori�s 4 Suyyli�� SO SSC2 S110 2205 ` �D� � 101�- 11f10 -01- 192.1 P.C. aeeuaoriaa f205 SO1 - 41710 -01-.D)].3 � � � so 101 - 11f10 -01- 1)3.0 P.C. Eardraz� Ryrap�au � SO ts27 SO . f0 � �301 - fll10 -01- 1)3.1 SO � 101 - 41f10 -01- �l4.0 P,C. Soltras� PuzeLai•• f47 S�1( t0 S�OS T ���. 101 - tll10 -01- �f(,1 IItill[S�s/Vygr�der f3D5 201 - <1f10 -OS- 433.0 Dua• 4 Subseriytioaa 51.073 f1,10{ i1,340 51,210 . 1C1 - (1f10 -OS- 477,1 �p�/uCp Yobcr�hiyi � t110 � 102 - lil10 -Ol- U].1 Q=zy�YaD�riIl1y � Si0 101 - 41�10 -01- i33 J plaanasi ad.iwry sazTiu S�SO � 101 - t1710 -01- {13.4 Yise�llaa�oua Ymbarshiya f100 S01 - tll10 -01- 41}.S Subscrlytions f)00 101 - 41l10 -01- �35.0 Eooks c pasphl�u SSli =2iG 5300 t)00 � 101 - <1910 -01- 135.1 llaaaiaq Dooks f300 SO1 - t1910 -01- 537.0 Contar�ne�� 4 S�i.na=� t1,�G1 51,050 S1,i00 f1,t00 � � 201 - 41l10 -01- (I7,1 Plaaaing Coat_Diz�etoz SJ00 � � ' 101 - 41l10 -01- 4]7,2 � S[at� Coat-]ua't plaaaar 5200 . 101 - {1l10 -01- i17,� . Local Coat.z�aeu/Sminaz� i300 101 - ill10 -01- 437.4 pl�anit�y Co�aiasat Traf�!..g f250 101�- 41110 -OS- <37.5 S�er�tarial TYaiaiaq�. f150 101 - {1f10 -OS- 437.t Cnqutar Tr�lai,nq 5600 � 101 - tll10 -01- {]f,A OCL�r Yiic�ll�a�ou� CLasy�i flll S1L0 5�00 � t700 101 - �1710 -Ql- {17.2 It�King iza�aau . 5150 � 301 - <1l10 -01- �7l.Z Ylse.11ae.oua Cparqu - f150 � SOl - 41l10 -01- 570.0 O:Lle• =�vly�ant 4 lttral�Lla9• SO f75! SO SO 101 - 11l10 -01- 570.1 � g0 . """"""'."""""""""...."""""""""" p� �� t1,21! f5,101 24,050 54.050 i1�050 nLpuT�' '=0ru5 � 5254,103 5161,[3D 5157,9l2 f165,190 5165,190 P�g• pn• 1f91 lIIDGLT�MOIU,S8SET5 � COVLIW�7T DDZLDINCS - 11940 - D�c�b�r S. 199) � . Iff7 1994 ObJtCT 19f4 1991 1)92 ).DOPTID DS:�ZL . PAOPOSYD . Tuad Aecouat i Dbj i D�serlytioa � hCTV).S, aCTQ),y DIIDCL7 A71ppNT DIIDCYT � Coss�at• """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' 301 - !lf(0 -01- 211.0 Claaning S�tpyliu 525� S� � :0 =� 101 - �1l40 -Ol- 311.1 . SO 101 - �1!{0 -01- 21f.o Otbar Opar�tiag Suyyliu F)GD SO � SO 5100 � Z� 101 - ♦1740 •O1- 21l.1 2u Coatrol CIIaa1uL � 5200 . 101 - �1f10 -01- 213.0 Luildlaq ]c�yais S�yyli�■ S�.OSS fG,211 f�,i00 s{,17j -��J/R 101 - 41l�0 -01- 31�,1 2.yair Carag� Doors � � f1,000 � 101 - �1l40 -01- 223.7 I(i�e�llaawua nieQ lrpair■ ;],i7� Lagia�ar•r Clos�t MdltSoaal 101 - 41lf0 -01- 311.1 Aaaual tYl Iyy�ettea � . 52.500 1C1 - 41l40 -OS- 22J,S Zl�etriul IIry�izs �St00 101 - 41l40� -01- 225.0 I.aadaeapl,yg )ytarial■ f�12 f0 51,500 f1,000 ��� 101 - 41!{0 -01- 225.1 Tlabars, •t�, f500 101 - 41f40 -01- 125.2 YY�u i SIIrubr LSOD 301 - 41l40 -01- 241.0 �all Sools S37 SO i100 f100 � 101 - {1940 -01- 241.1 . f 100 101 - 41l40 -01- 24],0 Yinor i5tuip�act SO SO 5100 f100 � 101 - 41f40 -01- 2{2,1 . . sioo 101 - 41!{D -01• 302.0 areLit�etr� 7•u SO =1,534 f500 i500 � 101 - 41f40 -01- 102.1 5500 101 - 41l40 -01- 317.0 OtLar pz�oLasaioaai Sasrieu =5,210 i4,[7f 54,500 f4,500 � 101 - 41l40 -01- 71l.1 =l�ator Yaint�aaae� � =1,000 101 - �1l40 -01- 31l.2 Eaatlag/Coolyaq Ya�yt�aay�� � S�.S00 101 - 11l40 -01- 3i1.0 11�eLxie IItlliii�s 520,2Ci Sil,140 S16,S00 S11,SD0 101 - tllSO -01- 331.1 f1i,500 � � 101 - 11f40 -01- 3i3.0 Cai Dt111tlaa 512,002 512,�74 512,000 511,000 101 - 41f10 -01- 3J1.1 512,000 101 - 11f40 -G1- 1t4.0 lalua� Diiyos�l S9,2i7 511.71< 512.000 . ti1,f00 -"'�(1� 101 - �1l10 -41- �i{,1 Gaaral Eldq� i Parks � f11,f00 101 - tif{0 -01- 3tf.0 Ociar Dtllity Sar.Se•s f62 =0 f1,200 51,200 101 - 41f40 -01- lil.1 Zloo=YaG-Yoneyly Cha=q�s 51,200 � 101 - ll!{0 -03- �01.0 CaaGraCt�Q Dnildiag Repalra f0 52,182 i2.500 ¢2,500 101 - S1f{0 -01- �01.1 Out�id. VsaEoz Eldg lcayaizs ;2,500 101 - 41f40 -01- 412,0 Duildiag A�atal �55,616 58,097 512�000 512,000 101 - 51940 -Ol- 412.1 II oS Y Stozaq• 512,000 101 - 41l40 -01- 415,0 OtL�= YQttipa�nt pryul $0 SO 5400 . � 5400 101 - ill40 -01- 415.1 Casy�t Cl�aaar 5400 101 - �19{0 -01- {�9.0 Otb�r Xlacallaa�ou� CLargu 5650 SO 5500 SS00 � � � lcl - 41l10 -oi- {3l,1 Other.auildiag Charge� 5500 """�"""""""""""""""""""""""""' FACs TOS1S,5 Ssi.2i3 Stt.{�! t72.ioo i73.37i 373.37i • ' � .D���T�T� 556.211 fii.4)f ��2.L00 iTD.77� f71.,]7t ' .'-"_'..._..... 'r."""""""."""""-----'- � ' � � �� Paq• On• 199� EIIDGET NOW.S8YLT5 POLICE DLFAATI�7T • {2110 - � D�esmb�r 7, 199J . . � � 1993 1994 ODJLCR' 1)!�{ � � 1991 1f97 l.DOPTID DYSAIL PROP09m� fuaQ Aeeouat 1 Ob� � Daseripticn ACtp),l, ACtOI,L EIInCLT ),lsppt7T DODC£t Com�at• . -----------------------•-----------------------------------------------------------------------------��r o44------------------------ 301 - 51110 101.0 S�lazi�■ i D.aalltr S55),l67 5599,569 5671,112 5759,17� All S�1�ry.Coata Iaelwiw oi . 101 - 42110 -07- 101.0 L. ZayG�m, Pollc• Chl�t � fG�,154 S�lary, T�u, plR� t Eaaa:lts � 101 - l2110 -03- 301.0 D. Luh¢s, Li�uC�atat SSt.10) 101 - 42110 -0<- 301.0 J. Zrltaoa, Sazp�aat s54,IL1 101 - lI110 -OS- 101.0 J. O'Twtry, Sazy�aat t51,{�f 101 - 42110 -0�- 101.0 II. Dezkhaltar, Patrel OLter � f55,Q S � � 101 - 42110 -07- 101.0 C. SLors ud, tatrol Ofliear SS7,S31 � 101 - <1110 -0�- 101.0 M. O•Doaa�ll, PaGrol OfLicr =SS,p 5 � . iDi - 42110 -Of- 101.0 %. lobiduu, Patrol OiGltar SS(,l7t � 101 - 12110 -10- 301.0 J. Sa�ar�, Patzol OELicar i55,005� 101 - 42110 -li• 101.0 �. Nyty�tioM, patrol OLS . fSS,LSS � 101 - 42110 -1]• 101.0 2. YusyLy, Tatrol OfZ1e�r � SS1.[t2 101 - 12110 -13- 101.0 S. b�bazq, patrol OLLieas � � f44,i11 101 - t2110 -if- 101.0 J, Mint.za, patrol OSiiear fS1,730 � 101 - 42110 -20- 101.0 D, XirtLalar, Polle� S�etsy f37,507 � 101 - t3110 -21- 103.0 J. Dri�eoll, P/T S�ezetizy � S17,St0 � �o� - .�uo �a�.o a.�t�.. :z�.3oo � , 3� 101 - 42110 -Oi- �02.0 7,�=riuon, Saryaaat � S)10 10 8oars • 21 J707/Es z iSOt � � 101 - (2110 -OS- 103.0 J, O�Z�ary, Ssxy�aat SS3C 10 Eossr� • 21.l141/Er z 150k 101 - 42110 -0�- 102.0 II. DnrkLalt�r, Tatro2 Oticr 52,150 75 Eeur� • s20,91ti/Er z 1SOt 20i - <3110 -07- 102.0 G. SLorttad. latrol OlLiear l2.350 75 Hnura • t20.11ii/Er z 150t 101 - 42110 -Oi- 102.0 K. O•Dooaall, Tatrol Ofiler S3,]SO � 75 aonra ! SZO.11f�/IIr s 150� 101 - �2110 -Of- 102.0 Y. Zobiduu, Tatrol Ottiea: � � f2,3S0 75 Eours • t20.11i�/Er z 150t 101 - t2210 -10- 102.0 J, ta.,�si, Tatzel OSliear - . t2,]50 75 Hovs� • S20.flii/IIr z 150� 301 - 42110 -11- 102,0 E, MuthartprG, fatrol OLS 52,350 75 Eouri • f]O.�lii/IIr z SSOi 101 - 12i10 •12- 102..0 S. Itusptry. l�trol OLLiear 52.180. 75 Eours f S1l.1�25/Er x 150t � � � 101 - t2110 •i7• 1C1.0 S. 1sb�rq. ?atrol OLLiear S1.f40 75 IIoura • 527.270C/Et z iSOk 301 - 42110 -14- 202.0 J. MtnC�r�, T�erol OLSie�r t1,C10 75 Sours • S1G.0l31/Hr z SSO+k 101 - {2110 -20- 10I.0 D. Y.+�*�-t�� �liea S�etry � $610 25 �our� f tli J 123/IIr z 150� � 101 - 41310 -01- 202.0 Ih�liutiaq a Coyying � f0 SO SS]1 i500 - �_� 101 - t2110 -01- 203.1 713a Draioylaq Co�ts� SS00 l0i - �2110 -01- 207.0 'Statalaq i Iaitzy�tyl S�ypli�a f5,3�1 f444 57E3 � S100 � � �7 � . 301 - 42110 -Ol- 20�.1 Yz�etlu A�ssaitioa 5600 � 101 • 42110 -01- ]07.2 Yiaull�awus Zaatsuctlon�l � 5�00 101 - 42110 -01- 20d.0 Yi�edlaa�oua Suyylie• � 52,0�5 S2.I70 SO SO � 101 - 42110 -01- 208.1 � � SO 101 - 42110 -01- 109.0 Othar Ofti�� Suyplies 51,431 51,535 51,59! 51,600 "�^ � SOl - 52110 -01- 209.1 Ylaeall�a�ow Suyylie■ S1,G00 � SO1 - <2110 -01- 211.0 Cl�aaSag fupplia� f0 SO f11t t300 _ � �- � 101 - 42110 -01-�211.1 ��laak�t CluainQ . � f100 � � � 101 - 42i10 -01- 211.2 8quad Iatarior Cluaiaq =100 � � � 101 - 42110 -01- 212.0 YOWr luals =li,i77 il0,SS3 :p . ' jp � • � •SO1 - i2110 -01- 31I.1 LO . , .101 - 42110 -01- 21..0 I:bricaab i 7idd�ti�u SO � =0 f0 t0 - � 101 - f2110 -01- 2i2.2 � ' � t0 ' • 101 - 42110 -01- 217.0 C1oGhing allwmc� - Polie� i0 f0 i1,000 t0 � �� � 101 - 42110 -01- 317.1 . f0 . 101 - (2110 -01- 217.2 =0 """""""""""""""""""_"""""""" � p��� � 5578,5�1 i��14,2�0 tC75,260 5713,�ti s7i3,i7i � �>... " P�y• Tbp . . . 1994 DIIDCLT xOAxSSYETS POLICL DEPARI7(ffi7T - 42110 - . D�cemb•r 2, 199] 1f43 1994 OXJYCT 17N � 1)!1 199] ADOP2'm DFSAZL � PAOPOSID luad Aeeouat t Obj f Ds�eription ACI4Jy � aCTpAy DIIDCLT ).1cORN7 DODCLT Com�ati """""""""""""""""'""""""'"""'""""""""'""""""""""""""""'"""a""""""""""""""""'"""".. 101 - 4]110 -01- ]1f.0 OtLar OyeraGing Suyplla• 5178 S]95 S2f] f]00 101 - 42110 -01- 214.1 �Duty �ualtioa 5�00 � 101 - 43110 -Ol- 32;,0 Lqui�mt Pasts 54,723 � f4,51] f1,065 f1,500 1 r �v ci . 101 - <2110 -01- 221.1 Y1�call�a�oui I.Qu1FamC f2,500 101 - <2130 -01- 322.0 Tir�s - 21,1l1 f1,4li SO . SO � 101 - t1110 -01- 222.1 t0 101 - 42110 -01- 1f1,0 Srall iools .564 f127 51�0 f150 � �� � 101 - t2110 -01- ]ti.l Yi�eallm�ow Sools 5150 101 - 42110 -Ol- ]04,0 Leg�l 7�a■ . S36,i71 S47,G00 t51,400 f51�,000 _ r- ��(�J� 101 - 43110 -01- 304.1 Pzpi�esy�lcy j52,000 SO1 - 42110 -01- 305.0 Y�Q,Lul 4 Du41 7a�1 idil f7if f1,000 f1,000 � 101 - 42110 -01- )OS.1 Y1ac�llaa�ws ]4dieal Cm ts 51,000 � 101 - i2110 -01- 30G.0 Yarsoaa�i Tu tleq c Z•ezuitmmC SO fl,�Cl i3,700 t0 ���'[� 101 - i2310 -01- 70C.1 Y.P.R.S. !�u � SO . 101 - 42110 -01- 30C.2 Pry�nlogleal Sutiag , f0 � � 101 - 42110 -OS- 30�.] Pr•-bqloyaant aIlysiuL f0 101 - 42110 -01- ]OG.S Hepatitls •D• vaeetaatioas � SO � IQ1 - 4]110 -01- 112.0 Ceairaet Insy�etloa T�as f0 :6,700 SE,700 ti.200 � 101 - [2110 -01- 312.1 1�a1,ma1 xardaa l��s St,200 � � 101 - <2110 -01- �if.0 OGLar proL�saioaal SaxTieai _ t20,170 t77,2S0 l21,500 =27,125 � 3DZ� SC1 - 12110 -01- 31l.1 Disyateh Sas+1��-Zagu � 527.325 9p�elal Phoa� CCSarqu a1�e S01 - �2110 -01- 121.0 Saltyhaaa Cw G .SO f7.050 52.400 52,700 T_�v� � 301 - 12110 -01- 321.1 Callular pLoaa Dilli . 52.700 101 - <3310 -01- 323.0 Rad10 CaiG � S4,ff7 t2,4)) f2,130 i1,000 _-�- �7 Q 101 - 12210 -01- ]23.1 Ldto a Ldar 1�iz■ S],000 � 101 - (3110 -Ol- 331.0 Tra��l Eay�asa S]�4 Si25 St00 i800 101 - 12110 -01- 331.1 Yise�llaa�oua Lsca�aa•s SE00 101 - �3120 -0�- )f1.0 P.0. ltalateaaac• f0 ;1C! � S2S0 5250 � � 101 - �2110 -01- 391.1 Yiie.11u�oui ltaia�ea�ae� 5250 101 - 12120 -01- 3lC.0 Cosputar Yalaiaame� Sl,06G St.D4� fll,{4! 511,�40 _7 ��J�' � � 101 - t2110 -01- ])i,l gRORS ltaiat.a.ae• 510,460 1C1 - <1110 -01- ]96.] Paek Cl��iag 5760 101 - 42110 -01- 196.7 CJDN Hook-vy Ch,argef �52,520 1C1 - 42110 -01- 39�.0 C�utar Aeeessoria� i Su�ly S�.E7) 54,42t SO . SO 10: - {2110 -01- �9�.1 SO 101 - 42110 -01- t09.0 OCLe= Coatr�eted Aepair i Ya1n 51,075 51,081 51,500 =1,500 101 - 42110 -01- 409.1 Outdoor Siraa Y 4�Y 51,500 101 - 42110 -01- (15.0 OGher Lquipm'st AsaGal 512,122 f5,3l9 SS,600 f4,100 � � 101 - 4�110�-01�- 115.1 aaiaal Cart, Shaax�ock, �Ce, , i4.f00 , � 101 - 41110 -01- 473.0 Dnu 4 Sub�e,riytions =7G5 S25S =500 ,fS00 S01 - 12110 -01- 473.1 I[lae�llaawui f500 101 - i2110 -01- 135.0 Eoo1u i pa�hl�ts . � =SDO f230 f300 f300 101 - 42110 -01- {15.1 1[i�callanwus � � 5300 ' ' ' � 101 - 42110 -01- t]C.0 2oriaQ Cba=y�a j)t =1�4 5200 5200 � � 101 - <2110 -01- 43G,i IInaatieiyat�d ioviaq f200 � � 101 - 42110 -01- 437,O�Coat�z�acu i ialnara 2314 53,71f =5,400 =5,000 �.� � 101 - f211D -01- 47T.1 ]fiseallmwua traininq i500 � . 101 - 42110 -OS- {39.2 Oitiees 11calalaq Costs SS,S00 � """""""""'�..-"""""'-""""""-"""' . p�'�'= T��'j'S 5100,1l0 Slll,i32 Slll,44i S12S,2i5 f124,265 � D���'r T�us f676,771 S�D4,092 5994,70G L907,941 5907,941 """""""..�......""""."""""'............. . Pw4• On• � . . 1494 DQDGFf NOW.S8Yi75 � PDDL2C NOlU.S/DOZLDING/EHCIHLPAING - SJ100 - � Dw.mb•r 3, 1993 1993 1l94 OaJYC7 1994 1991 1992� ADOPTED DLTAIL PAOPOSID . Tuad aCCOunt f Obj ! D�ierlytioa � aCTVAL � �CfV),Z IIIIDCLT ),1(Op}rt EODCtT Coo.at� . """"""""""""""'_"""'__"""_""""""_"""_""_""_"'_""_"" """""""'"" 1G1 � U 100 101.0 Sala=Sas i E�aaflti S19],504 5452,14{ � 5511,9�1 tC17,364 � g� 3 23 . 101 - 43300 -07- 101.0 A. Naamsad, p/1f Dlz(SOt) . 5.12,797 SOk Gm'1, SO\ ytillti�s 101 - 13100 -07- 201.0 Y, MSdsCzoa, P/M 7ora.an � SSS,t9i SO1 - t)100 -04- 101.0 E. Oss�adioa, tayin�er SSS,a!! all Salary Costi Incluii�e of 171 - 43100 -OS- 101.-0 D. Eailq, �pia�at 2�r,� . � . . fDf,121 Salary, taxu, pa� p E�aeS1G 101 - 41200 •Ot- 101.0 Y. Lonaqui�t, �qln�ar S��h �,�.-� � �.+�-�s17y'Gli� � � . SO1 - (3300 -07- 101.0 p, 8�y���, y�t 31dq O:fel � • f45,61� 101 - {J100 -Oi- 101.0 Y. Tzickt, Dldq Zaay�etoz . . S1d,55� 101 - f1100 -0!- 101.0 Y. Stott�l, Eldg S�er�4xy � 514,15J 101 - {3100 -10- 101.0 ;, DazLI��e3t, Ytint ZZS tfl,l70 ioi - �aioo -u- ioi.o n. �.ra., Y.snc x s»,o�s ioi - s3ioo -u- ioi.o z, n.y, �snc zz s1c,�s� 101 - 43100 -1]- 101.0 D. SunLfar, 14int I � =13,i57 � 101 - {]100 -1{- 1C1.0 Yaiytaaaae• I�� ,�s.�i3T.:14fe . � � a�r+.-, 101 - 4D100 •15- 101.0 D. SaaEatros, Yaeh IZZ s»�j�l � � . SO1 - p100 -1�- 101.0 J, Tra.sSaq, yalyt z � . . =;2,740 101 - 43100 -17- 101.0 D. 1hldriry, ]c�eb Z f12,4t! ' 101 - 4]100 101,0 Tnil-77a� O�aitSaa f9,009 jf,ili f1�,303 f17,lS{ 101 - 43100 -OS- 102,1 D. sailey, �gla�er Saeh t�77 101 - 41100 -O[- 102.1 Y. Loaaqui�t, mqin� r��y f�» � 161 - {7300 -OT- 302.1 P, E�iak.s, J.sst ElOq OSiel � SSlI � � 101 -�f3100 -0�- 103.1 Y. 7rie]u,.ildg Iary�etor . SS21 � 101 - 13100 -0l- 102.1 Y. S[offal, Eldg S�cz�tary 5754 101 - 43100 -10- 102.1 1. DarLkn�oyt, Y„�Lnt Zzi S2,7f5 � . 101 - �I100 -11- 102.1 D. Jas'd�, Yaiat Z 51,710 101 - 43100 -12- 102.1 S, Day, 74Sat ZS 52.061 301 - 43100 -13- 102,1 D. fC�u1Z.r, Yaint S S1,p2 101 - {I100 -1�- 102.1 Ya1aC�naau I � 51,7l1 1Q1 - 43100 -15- 102.1 D. Saa6strm, Y�cp Zij _ . 52.3�lf - 301 - 41100 -1C- 102.1 J, lraatag, 7uiat 2 51,1l1 � � 302 - ♦7100 -17- 102.1 D. Lhldriea, Y�eS Z 51,557 101 - 47100 -Df- 107.0 parC-iia� Salariu i D�aeLt G 520,di9� S23,OG6 E22.816 511,216 101 - 43100 -9f- 103.1 �gia�artyp Zat�=y SO 101 - 13100 -9l- 103.2 p/: S�a�oa�l Ya1a[aaaac• � 513,21f � � l01 - U 100 -01- 101.0 OSSiu aee•s■oriu SO (SJ1) 51,315 51,3l4 301 - 53100 -01- 101.1 as�orted D�pt Supyll�s 51,065 � SO1 - 4I100 -01- 101.2 100• 2ape SS3 101 - {;100 -01- 201.7 1Siseallan�ou� Supplle■ S2« 101 - l]100 -01- 203.0 Prtap�d Zoras 4 ?•yar SO il,]C1 S1,t07 � 51,607 � 101 - l]100 -01- 203.1 �iasp��pioa 4 Parmit 7oai � � � � . S1,Oi5 � � � 101 + 4310D -01- 201..2 tJK parait i IaiyCta 7oas f5�0 . SOl - {�100'-01- 20�.3 Mozk Ordaz� • f2� � 101 - {5100 -01- 305.0 DraLtiaq tv�pliu f2,p2 t1,0iS 51,227 t1,237 . . , 101 - 4�100 -01- 105.1 Pap�t !or 11m=rprolvetioa � � ' -- ' f57S . 301 - 47100 -OS- 205.2 0!!-iita leproduetioma s;2� � , 101 - 43100 -Ol- 305.� Ylsedlaaw¢� SboL � t3=� � � • 101 - 43100 -01- 10l.0 Othar Ottie� Duypli�r ff01 f535 fSDl i513 101 - 47100�-01- 20l.1 Cat Iasy�eGioa 2aqs . f2K . . 101 - 4D100 -01- 209.2 Door Znoek�ri . S2t� � """""""""""""""""""""""""""' ?J�C= S02J�L5 S33G,595 5��4,l40 f57S,�12 iC53,3i5 =i53,365 � �� �� ��� ^'.�t;c�„y: / .. P�9e 'ho . . 1l94 DODGET MOW.58EET5 F98LIC NOA1C5/DIIILDZNG/II7CII7LtAINC - 4]100 - Dae�b�r 2, 1993 � � 199) 1l9f OdJLCi 17f4 � 1941 1!!2 1.DOpTID DL7A2L PAOPOSm � Tvad aeeouat t Ob� � D�serSptioa �C�qAy a�qu ap�=y, �pp�T EDDCiT C�aat■ """"""""'"'"""""""""""""""."""""""""""""""""""'"""" 101 - 4]100 -01- 211.0 Cl��alnq Suyylla� 52�1 S]25 SS]� 54]i � � 101 - �SI100 -01- 211.1 Sbay � f]13 101 • 47100 -01- 211.2 V.hiel�s � � � � � f213 101 - 1]100 -01- 212,0 YoCor 7y�1• � ;1D,)[1 f22.7Si � =1G,�25 � tDf,425 101 - 4)100 -01- 211.1 Pnblie Norks . t11,7l0 � � 101 - 41100 -01- 212.3 parks � f5,12S 101 - 43100 -01- 212.1 pollc• f14,710 101 - 43100 -01- 21].< 71za � � � S2,GG3 101 - 47100 -01- 212,5 Amatnlstratioa 5513 101 - <7100 -01- 212.0 playylaQ � s�u . 101 - 41100 -OS- 213.0 LuLrieaata 4 Additi.0 52.447 f�.240 -5�.3)2 tG.3l1 101 - 4]100 -01- 211.1 Publie florks 22.�[3 10I - 13100 -01- 211.2 pu� � 51,27i 101 - 43100 -01- 211.3 Poliea f1,0�5 101 - 4]100 -01- 2U.4 liz� � � � i1,OG5 191 - 47100 -Ol- 11].5 7�l.yii{,ratioa 5214 101 - 13100 -01- 123.; � plaapl�q . 5107 ' 101 - 43100 -01- 215.0 SLoy YaCarlali SO 5�.03l� f7.Sti il,Sal 101 - 43100 -OI- 215.1 Yublie Morb . . SG.7l0 101 - 13100 -01- 215.2 pazks t2 �0 101 - 4�100 -01- 215.3 Po11ta {330 101 - 43100 -01- 215.4 Tire . S]20 101 - 43300 -01- 21S.S Am,iaistratina S21{ 101 - t3100 -D1- 215.i 73aaa1ag 5314 SO1 - 43100 -01- 21f.0 OGL¢p➢�aC1ap Suy�liu S1,l44 SO SO 5250 T��� 301 - f3300 -OI- 11l.1 fila i Ylac�llu�a . 5250 301 - {1200 -01- 221.0 LQ�ilqraC t�rV 517,277 574,621 51�,021 SiS,021 SD1 - ��I00 -01• 221.1 PuLlie Morks 521,700 � 101 - 1�100 -01- 321.3 ?arL t1,510 � 1D1 - �3100 -01- 221.3 Poliu � ;3,40i 1oi - ~aioo -oi- �21.4 rir. sz.ccs 101 - <)100 -01- 721.5 �-+�1�tratioa S1,Of5 201 - 41100 -01- 221.f Pl�:alny . � S1,Of5 101 - 17100 -01- 3]2,0 S1r�� 53,445 51,376 55,913 55,913 101 - i3�00 -Ol- 221,1 Publie Morka 52,1�0 101 - 43100 -01- 222,2 Parks � 51,065 1C1 - 43100 -01- 322,3 Po11u � 51,757 101 - 43100 •O1- 32�,4 71r� fi�] .101 - 41100 -01- 222,5 adaini�tratioa � f214 � � � 301 - 43100 -01- 222.i Plaaalaq � � i214 � . . 101 - 4]300 -01- 234,0 Str��t Ya1pN-���� Yat�rials • � . � =0 S�li f0 t0 101 - f3100 �A1- 33{,1 SO 101 - 43100 -01- 225.0 Laad�eaD�4 Y+�+zials • • , • .=0 f40 t0 =0 101 - 4]100 -Ol- 22�5.1 . SQ ` """"-•'--"---"--""-""-"'--' � p� �� f60,710 571,�l7 =li,7�S fl7.O1S Sf7.01S Pwy• 7Lra• . 199{ DQDCET MOW.SBE£TS PODLZC MOW,S/DIIZLDZNC/QlCIHLEAINC - {]100 - �� � � D�c�b�r 2, 1997 1?91 19N ObJtCT 199� � 1991 17f2 ADOf'tID DLT,�IL PA6POSID hsad aeeouat / Obj t D�aezlyGioa ACTOaI. ACTq),y. DODGPS ),]tpONT IIQRGLT Comaaai• � """"""""""""""""'...""""""""""""""""""""""""""""�"""""'...""""""' 301 - 4)100 -01- 241.O��a11 2001• 51,6)6 52,551 SS,1{0 =�,�75 . 101 - 47100 -01- 2<1.1 Y�eluaiu' SLop Too:r . 51,5lt 101 - 47100 -01- 141.1 2suelc Tool• f531 101 - <3100 -01- 241.3 Paslu Sool■ i214 � 101 - 4]100 -01- 241.4 SLo��ls G Yakaa � f1�1�0 SO1 - 4]100 -01- ]41.5 Safa[y lQuly�aat f�00 101 - <3100 -01- 3S2.0 Ytiull.n�oui 5400 � 101 - �3100 -OS- 1t2.0 Yiaor 2quip.sat S<,710 52,191 5215 S100 -�- ��+y_� 101 - 43100 •01- 2�2.1 35 n[ Caaaza � fiOD � � I01 - t310.0 -01- 30�,0 mql,n�ariaq ���� Sl,1lS t11,255 514,000 514,000 101 - <3100 -01- 303.1 C�a�l ]Ioa-?so��et AalaGd � � f1,000 101 - 13100 -OS-303.2 Sts��t LighC Sur�ey � f1,000 101 - {1100 -01- DOl.l 2Ya,ptpoi4Ctoa Ylaa 4ydat� ft,000 101 - 42100 -Ol- �Ol.< Pa�eeaII Yaypoaap � S2,OOG 101 - 43300 •O1- 30].S I 4 Z Za���tigatloa � S],000 101 - 43300 -01- 304.0 L�gal 7�u 5377 S10G SO � SO 101 - {3100 -01- D04.1 � f0 101 - lD100 -01- 305.0 Yed�eal i Dmtal l��s 5163 SS� 5700 S]00 l0i - 53100 -01- 305.1 mployaaat Phy�icals 5�00 . � 101 - 43100 -01- 712.0 Cvat=aet Saryae[loa T�u f0 S2L,5�0 f0 SO 101 - <3300 -01- 711.1 � . fQ 101 -�43100 •01- �1f.0 Othar frotesslaaal Scz�ieu SO SO 52,000 52.000 � 101 - 43100 -01-31l.1 Yl�a ie�iw � 51,000 � 101 - 43100 -01- ]1f.2 DzQ Fartry Su Ciaq 51,000 101 - 13100 -01- ]21.0 T�lepLoa� Co�ta Slt S!! f0 � f0 � 101 - 4]100 -01- 121.1 SO 101 - {3100 -01- 323.0 a.Cio onita t4,Cl1 5330 51,250 51,250 SOS - t1100 -01- 323.1 Y�paiz Daib � 51,750 � 301 - 4D100 -OI- 13�.0 It�a��aqar S.z�iea■ f0 LO 5100 =100 101 - 43100 -01- 33i.1 Cousiaz S�Su 5100 � 301- 43100 -01- 12l.0 OGhaz Ge�uaiutioa Costa S1l0 5725 51,565 51,565 101 - �3100 -OS- ]29 1 Gallular phoae Y.natSly CDgs Sl,OSi 101 - 47100 -01- �2�,2 payar Rut�l 5511 101 - �1100 -01- ]31.0 :Yav�l ?.zyaaia S48 S1D1 5747 � 51,727 ����,/ 101 - 431D0 -.01- 331.1 APML 5533 . 1C1 - (3100 -01- ;31.2 �,S.P.Y. . � S21f 101 - �3100 -01- 111.1 Ganeral Y��LSng Lxpeaa�■ Sl�O 101 - 43100 .O1- �34.0 Othsz TraarporCatioa Lxpayias S2 SO i100 t100 . 101 - {3100 -01- ]Dl.1 Par�onal Vahiel� Yiluq� � . 5100 � � � . 101 - 11100 -Q1- 3�j.0 Lsploya,�at aG�artiaiaq L70! i2i0 f�52 =0 101 - 43100 -01- 141.1 f0 . ' • 101 - 43100 -01- )6f.0 Oth�r ad��rtliinq f�S S]62 ' i0 � t0 � � ioi - asioo -oi- st�,i � • • . =p 101 - {I100 -01- 3t{,0 2alus� Disyosal SO {f4i 52.000 t2.000 ' 101 - U100 -01- 3iS.1 sasardous Masp� t2.000 � . """""""""""""""""_"""""""""" � . P� �� 523.275 S47.S54 j27.2f! f2i•11� f2i.117 Paye.Tour � 1991 BODGCT wORxS�eTS PIIBLZC MOA7.5/DQZLDZNC/II7CIXLERING - {)S00 - D•c�b�z 2, 199] . 1947 1991 Ob.RCT 1!9{ 1)91 1!!2 xDOPT£D DLSaIL pROPOSm fuad Aeeouat f Obj t D��erLptloa aC24I.�, aC3VAt, nppOLT �tppttT DppCpS Ca�anC■ ""»""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""'..."""""'...e_..""'""'"""�"'"""""""�""""""""' 101 - 53100 -Ol- 791.0 P.C. Ialateaaae• SO 5772 f1.t00 SZ,l00 � 101 - <3100 -01- D71.1 GvpIlar Oa�-Call � SS00 � 101 - 41100 -Ol- 3f1.2 S ut� xid SS00 � 101 - 43100 -01- 371.] 14naCrpy i )astypzt S1,i00 101 - 43100 -01- ]72.0 P.C. �eeu�oriu 4 S�pyliu � SO SSO f1,OGQ S1,OG� � 101 - 43100 -01- �l2,1 YoGsa f�20 � 101 - �13300 -01- 392.2 2raiaiag Sor Yanatroa t��� 101 - t7100 -01- 392.1 Priatas Yayss . 5107 101 • 17100 -01- D73.0 Y.C. Etrdrar• pnreLa�p f0 SO SO f1,500 '7� � � 101 - 43100 -01- 3f7,1 GoyLa= Z pri:la � f1,500 101 - 43100 -01- ]l4.0 P.C. Seftvara PureLai�s . SO t301 S1,OGi � f51S � 101 - 43100 -01- 3ff.1 Gaazal Softrar� 9vyport . f100 � 101 - /3100 -01- ]!{,2 pD5 OyQrad� f214 101 - 43100 -01- {OI.O�Coatraet�d 2 4 Y•Other Iaqro�z =545 SO � f0 t0 101 - i3100 -G1- <OD.1 � SO 101 - 43I00 -01- 404.0 Coatraet�Q 1[aeh i zQuly ssyaiz � S1,atG 51,5(S i10,4i0 f10,440 � 101 - t3100 -01- 404.1 Publie Moz1u t� ��� � ioi - �sioo -oi- �ot.z r.rk, s=.i�o � 101 - {1100 -01- <04.D Poliea . � s�« 101 - {3100�-01- 40<.4 71ra . � � � t��� � 101 - �3300 -01- 404.5 ��.+��{���i� . . f21{ 101 - 47100 -01- 40<.i pleaaiag .f214 S01 - t3300 -01- 40l.0 OtLar Cantraet�d xeyair c Yala f1,iG! 51,405 f0 f0 101 - 13100 -01- 40l.1 SO 101 - �]100 -01- t15.0 Otass EQnlp��yt tsatal S]S SO � 5120 5110 101 - 17100 -01- 415.1 Ylse�llaa�oua lsat�la f330 101 - t1100 -01- ll[.0 Y�e3.tn�yy ;�a41 � t0 i314 f0 j0 � 101 - 4]100-01- t1G,1 � SQ � 301 - 43300 -01- ♦17.0 Daitoz� S�a41 f<23 S<0] SO f0 � 101 - �7300 -01- 41T.1 . � �t0 � � 101 - 43100 -01- {)3.0 Du�i O SubserlyCioas S3t7 Sa10 St90 59L2 'i�Z q � � 101 - i7100 -01- 113.1 hPtO, � 5150 101 - <]300 -01- 533.2 ZQtO 590 � 101 - 4]100 -01- 433.7 HfYI� 590 101 - �3100 -01- 433.4 C8N( A�qistzatio� . 2192 � 101 - 411D0 -01- 533.5 Lka�CouaCxy S40 � SO1 - {3100 -01- (73.0 NortII 5[ar S!0 � 101 - 13100 -01- 413.7 Pzo:aaatoaal 5•eratari�a ' S1t0 101 - i7100 �O1•.4]1:6 . 2Y�d� Yaqaziau � - t100�_ � • !� T�`Ls t1.7{7 t5.iff t1C.]i2 S1�:C33 =S7.G22' . P�fl• liv• 1991 BIIDGEY NORT.SHILTS � � PII37LZG MOR7.5/DOII.DZIIC/QtCINELAZHC - �31Q0 - � � D�eemb�z 1. 1N1 . . � � . 149) 1l94 OEJICS' 1l94 . 1991 1l92 ADpp2'� DLSAIL PROPOS� Tvad AeeouaC t ODj � D�seziytloa aCiV�I, aCrpu, DppCLT u1pp11T DODCLT Co��ata . . """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" � 301 - 47100 -01- 4J5.0 Dooka i paa�hle G S7< 51,701 � 57,700 52,200 102 - �3100 -01- US.l X42'm 5300 SO1 - 43100 -01- 175.2 1�t Dot Sy�cial Si00 101 - <5100 -01- <35.D S=I Sf00 101 - 47100 -01- 475.1 )I�atul Dydatas . f1,000 101 - 43100 -Ol- 437.0 Coat�z�aeu i Salnari f7l7 � f172 S1,[10 f4�1l0 � z�.�(�7 � 101 - iD100 -01- t37,1 Aaaual Du1lGiap Ofticiala � f7f0 101 - <3100 -01- U7,2 CaWuCsz Tcalalay � SS00 101 - <3100 •O1- 437.3 Stata Coda Smioara t150 101 - 41100 -01- i17.4 Clariul � f300 101 - 4]100 -01- �1�,5 �� C��, Z�O . . f500 101 - 4�100 -01- 437,� �� �. 5150 101 - 11100 -�1- 4I7.7 Uj� 5150 101 - 43100 -01- 417,i. at�p 5150 101 - 4D100 -01- 437.! APp71 . . ' f�00 101 - <3100 -Ol- 437.10 ]fiatallmwaa 2Yaial.ng � � t1,500 SGl - 53100 -Ol- f3f.0 OL3ar y,tsuil�,yw�� �g� S�4 S� SO sp 101 - 41100 -OS- 439.1 � � . SO 301 - <3100 -01- 570.0 OEfle� ZQuitamt PureL�ai tSJ7 51f0 � � SO SO 101 - <3100 -D1- 570.1 � � . to ------------------------------•---•-------------------- p��`� 51,303 f1,i73 S3,I10 SL,3l0 ti,370 D���' T��•us� 5415,<SC SC12,3f4 2720,03b Sb02,52f Si02,52! � ......'�"�.""...�...'.'.�""""'�""".'.'.�..... P�ga pn• 1991 DQDGLT MORIS8YET5 P1�R7. i AEC DCPAAT�^S - �5100 - � � D�Cobac 2, 1997 � 1997 1994 OEJiC'I 19N 144: 1))2 A�OYTl� DETAZL PItOPOSED � tuad Ae�ount t Obj E Daseription aCTVAy aCipAL EODCLS A]cOONS aODCLi � C�sat■ . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�5�,�3:-�-----------...-------- 101 - 45100 101.0 S�laria• 4 Duaflu S]04,39G 5726,U SSE1,901 5797,720 11 S�lary Cot G inelw 1�� o! 301 - 45100 -07- 101.0 D. D�eh[old, p i A D1r�nCor . fG].2i0 Salary.. Suc��. P�U, c D�aeLiti 101 - 45100 -0)- 101.0 A. Cook, Pazka Suyasvisos f5�,711 101 • 45300 -0�- 101.0 Assistaat P i II Dlreetos f37,5![ � 101 - 45100 -OS- 101.0 . II. Cord�s, P 4 1 Progra,�ar S2i,l]1 101 - 45100 -OG- 101.0 M. )flllaaa, P 4 R Progr�r � f17.751 301 - 45100 -07- 103.0 S•er�tazy xl.6� (P/T) f17,571 101 - 45100 -01-103,0 p a ; programez (p��) 510,253 SOt o1 Salary P�id by 1�.pi-oQ 101 - 45100 -20- 30�.0 . f0 101 - i5100 -21- 103.0 � s0 . 101 - 45100 -10- 301.0 C. DaLok�, Yalat Z =�� 0�� . 101 - 45100 -11- 201.0 Y. Joo�taa, Yaiat Z2 f7f,�05 � � 101 - t5100 -12- 101.0 S. Stru�, )[alat ZZI f41,!)1 101 - 45100 -11- 101.0 J. Loilw�ki, Yalat ZI � =17,lGO . 101 - <5100 102.0 ntll-Tta� Otattiaw fC,l12 ff,l45 tG,lf{ t�,ti5 " 101 - 45100 -OS- 102.1 L. Corda� 5531 � iQl - 15100 -OC- 102.1 1t, lflllaaa LSS1 101 - 45100 -10- 202.1 C�. Dahak� 51,151 � SO1 - 45100 -11- 102.1 Y. JoosGsa �Sl,lSi 101 - 45100 -12- 102.1 S. Str��• • =S,SfC ioi - asioo -is- ioa.i J, r.,oaio,..zi si,ace ioi - tsioo ios.o r.rc-rs�. s.1.rt.. a am.ssu sc�.aaz . 101 - {S10G -U- lOD.l A�erutioa Lu6ers f7,730 S{,553 Sf,000 ff,000 ��Y Iy,� 101 - (5100 -!{- i0).1 M�sal,ag Eoaa� >tt�daats Sl,t6! f(,73! Si,000 S7.00D -}' ��'fl � �� �JJ.9� 101 - <5100 -f�- 101.1 . Paslu SaCara f0 52,i65 SO SO 101 - 15100 -fT. 101.1 G�aaral �larieal St,Ot7 511,01! SO SO (_„� diav ioi - asioo .�t. ios.i r.rka r.sac�e. ss�,as� zis,a�s sit,soo szt,000 -1- 7'Sa"l� � P ��+�' `"'� 101 - 45100 -!�- 307.1 Ca� Caat�z Yatatuaae• t0 t0 SO 512,891 1Yaaa/tar�izoa C�aity CeaGafr - �(f ���,,��y 101 - 45100 -lf- 101.1 P i 2 C�.is�lon Y-�-�� Zl,llS Sl,]f6 57,500 510,000 .-f� (��� ��jltN�Y'�f o"` /"`�"- 102 - 15100 -01- 205.0 Dr�![Sag Svapllu f3,u� si,a�� s�so si,000 _.-�- Z 5Z7 101 - �5100 -01- 20i.1 C�aaral DraStlag SS00 101 - 45100 -01- 205.3 llls, De��loping G Lmintaq 5500 101 - IS100 -G1- 207.0 :Yaiaing c Za�tzvetsl Supplies 5240 f407 SO SO ltl - 45100 -01- 207.1 SO 101 - 45100 -01- ]OL.O 1SS�c�llaneous St.pylia• SO 516,550 SO $0 2C1 - 45100 -C1- 20d,1 SO 101 - 45100 -01- 709.0 O[Ler OilSce Supplie• SO 5=77 SO $0 301 - 45100 -01- 10l.1 f0 � 101 - 45100 -01- 212.0 Yotoc luels $9 SO SO . t0 � 101 - t5100 -01- 212.1 " f0 � 101 - 45100 -01- 215.0 SLoy Yat�zials 517.1l1 S4.�i7 St.D00� , � fl�OQO � � 101 - 45100 -01- 215.1 S��Q, SoQ, �tt. 52.500 � ' 101 - {5100 -01- ri5 J t�d loek, S�ad, Ora��l, •te � iS,000 � 101 - 45100 -01- 215.1 Yise sqaip��a[ 4 tappli�s =500 ' 101 - 45100 -Q1- 13i.p.msleal 4 CLsiul ProdaeG . �0 tS,ili j11,S00 j11.S00 ' � 101 - t5100 -01- 21C.1 Earbteid�s(C�a'1 Park 9s�) =3,000 � . 101 - 45300 -01- 21Q.1 larGilisas � 57,000 101 � 45100 -01- 21i.] Harbieid.s(Cazroll•s Moods) 51,500 /J ��,,,.Ly,, 20i - �5100 -Ol- 31f,0 OtL�r Oparatinq luypllas S3,Oi5 !=,tOS 5750 L2.000 � lZJv /� �.�iJ�G/�w' 101 - {5100 •O1- 219.1 hrta i CraL[s Sixqpli�s 51,750 101 - 45100 -OS- 219.2 DrnsLu, nro�a, ete. =250 � � """"""""""""""""-"""""-"""""' p� �us 53il,17t S�Ot,4i2 t45D,065 S~E7,�07 t487,707 e.y. no 1971 EQDCET MOW.SHEE75 P�RIC L REC DSPAA2]�?77' - �5100 - Daeamb�[ 2, lpy) � 14A7 1994 OEJECY 199{ � 1l71 19f2 aDOPZED DlTAZL pAOPOSm fuad Aeeoua[ t Obj t D�scziytioa AC2II),I, �ACTp),7, DIIDCET 1Jf00x7 DQDCLT �p�ay�� . . """"""""""".""""""_�""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""' 101 - �5100 -01- 221.0 iqulpmaa[ ParC■ 517,]!E S7,f65 S],500 54,500 f �� V v 101 - 45100 -Ol- 221.1 Taau Aayais(Noa-Laadseaye) � f500 . � 101 - �5100 -01- 221.2 LSyLting A�yalt� f500 101 - �5100 -01- 221.7 Zrziq AryalrlNoa-Coatr�et) 57,000 101 - �5100 -01- ]21.4 Yise/3p11[ ]eatl, •te. t1,500 101 - 4510D -01- 222,0 Tiz�s S3li f0 SO SO � 101 - 45100 -01- 222,1 � t0 101 - 4510D -01- 223.0 lu1lQi.ng Yaqalr Supplla� S7,8S1 � SG.403 .52,250 53,25G � I��� 101 - 45300 -01- Z23.1 �Patnt, Enuhat, Aolla:�,ate 51,250 101 - 45100 -01- 223,2 531ag1u, DoarCs, �pc, 51,000 � 301 - 45200 -01- 223.3 Yi�edlmwus 51,000 � 101 - 45100 -01- 725.0 I,aa6�uDiag SaCariali S1S,it! SS,i13� � 57,000 51,500 � �'S�� 161 - 45100 -Ol- Z25.1 2Yaaa, Shxvbs, SoC, •Ge. f1,500 . 101 - 15100 -01- 225.2 Siaber�, )�y��� ���. =3,000 101 - 45100 -01- 215.3 Pa�iap a buleoatiag(pazki) � sQ � 101 - 45100 �-01- 23Q.0 Siga layair Yaterials f3,l22 SO � SO . f0 101 - 45100 -01- 2]i.l SO 101 - 45300 -91- 22f,0 Otder yc�tatsaaac• SixpDli�a . =14 51,73i 53,000 �53,500 --} ,�"�'O 101 �- �5100 -01- 229.i _ If�ts, polas, basei, etc. 52,500 101 - {5100�-01- 22l,2 Yi�pallaa�oas f1,000 � ioi - �sioo -oi- zci.o s.ai xooi, ss,~ac sc,sic si,000 si,soo -{- $aU 101 - i5100 -01- 211.1 *-��-s, xruebas, ete. � t500 • SO1 - (5100 -01- 2{1.1 Sara, Daqs, ete.('';�z) 51,000 . � � 101 - 1510D -01- �02,0 )„rehit�e[i• 7•u SO SO L2,000 52,000 102 • �5100 -01- D02,1 Laa6suya Archit�et Mork � f2,000 101 - �5100 -01- 307.0 Ea4ia�azla4 l�u f2.150 S]C4 f1,000 51,000 � 101 - 45100 -01- )03.1 Various lazk lfork 51,000 101 - 15100 -01• ]0{,0 L�pal l��s . 5313 SO SO f0 101 - 15100 -01- ]0l,1 � SO � 101 - (5100 -01- 305.0 Y�d1u1 i Daat�l !�e• 5174 f141 SJ00 5300 101 - �5100 -01- 305.1 IDqloysaa: phyiiul• 5300 � 101 - 45100 -01- 315.0 Special Yrog:a�a 51,576 SS,b7T 56,650 57,650 � ��a 101 - i5100 -01- 115.1 � Su:aCay Syaeial• 51,500 SO1 - 45100 -01- 315.7 Lrpr�ehaua D�ya 510�0 101 - 45100 -01- 315.3 Sallor�ea 5500 101 - 45100 -01- 315.5 GsovaQ Pouadezs(AuaaSas} �400 101 - 451G0 -01- )15.5 Natuze pzograma/A�De:, ete. 5500 � 101 - 45100 -01- �15.6 Puyye« proqtaaa t6S0 � � 101 - 45100 -01- 115.7 Sp�eial iirsay(S-Yas, •teJ� � f500 � � S01 - 15100 -01- 315.f Adopt - J1 - park PzoQraa� s2,000 � 101 - 45100 -01- 315.) Yiaeall�awna proyraa� f1,S00 S01 - SS300 -01- 31l.0 0t3�r pzotysimal faxirieu f1,33] 575 SO ' SO I01 - 45100 -01- D1l.1 so ioi - �sioo -oi- sza.o a.d,o o,�sc, S1�S�i s��a ssoo ssoo + ioi - asioo -01- az�.i cal�.r rnoa. asu. ssoo ------------------------------------------------------- p� �� SSt,7]4 3Di,75< s27,300 t27,700 537,7C0 P�9a 76za• . 1994 DODCiT NOW.SEEPTS � plsx i RLC DLPARTI�^f . 45100 - D�cob�r 2, 199D . 1!!) 19)4 OBJLCT �1!!4 1fl1 1!!7 ADOYTfS. D1T)�ZL pAOPOSID luad AccouaC ! Ob� 1 D�rcriptioa ACSQ).i, aCLy1y DIIDGET utOQxS sODCPi Co�ants """_"""'_."_""'_""""""_""""""""""""""""""_..."""""'_"" 101 - �5100 -01- 771,0 2Ya��1 bcy�as• S17] S91 2750 5750 101 - 45100 -01- 1)1.1 Smlaar■ f NozksLoya � � 5125 101 - �5100 -01- �71.2 G�aaral I(l�csllaaww � � S22S � � SOS - 45100 -01- )41.0 Zaploya�nt ad��rtiiinQ f0 il,Sff 51,000 51,000 � 101�- 45100 -01- ]�1.1 Ga�ryl L�loyaaat M� �1,000 101 - 45200 -01- ]47,0 OtLer M��rtiiiap 55,90D t�25 =2,200 f12,100 �{- ����"�'�� 10I - i5100 -01- 74l.1 Droehuz�• L payaz 511,000 101 - 45100 -01• 34l,2 Coyy i Duyliucing SS00 �. 101 - SS100 -01- 14l,1 Dirylay Doarda, •Ce(SOA2) 2200 101 - 45100 -01- 34l./ Danaars S]00 101 - �5100 -01- �47.5 Xlse�llaawus �artisSaq 5200 101 - 45100 -01- Ii1.0 ll�etric V[ilitiu Sl.4S7 � t7,lS{ S1G,000� S1i,000 301 - 45100 -01- 3�1.1 SkttlaQ Aiaks . � 5�.000 101 - 45300 -01- Si1.2 SoLtball Tl�lds SG,000 101 - i5100 -OS- 3t1.7 Zxzigatioa f7,500 ' 101 - 15100 -01- 361.{ Ylse�llaaaous j500 101 - 45100 -01- 3a3.0 Ca� IItilitiu it1 St5 SO =0 101 - 45300 -01- 333.1 � so 101 - 45100 -01- 3t{.0 2�Las� Dispoaal . SO 5170 f0 SO SOl - �5100 -01- 3�{,1 � � SO � SO1 - iS100 -01- 3f7.0 P.C. 3larCrar� pnreLaia� S1,OSi . =0 f0 f0 101 - 45100 -01- 191.1 � f0 . � 101 - �5100 -01- {Of.O OCLar Cpatzaet�d Ispalr i Yaia t4,lSi jS,Lfi i4�000 s4,000 SOl - �5100 -01• 10l.1 Zrzigatioa Aeyair s1,500 . 101 - 45100 -01- S0f.2 Il�etzieal 7teqair 53.000 � 101 - �5100 -01- f0f.1 Xiseallaawys � ;500 101 - 45100 -OI- ♦15.0 Ot3�r Squip.�ap 7tanu1 � SS,Sp= S�,[17 514,000 512,500 '� ��� 101 - 45100 -01- 415.1 4orubla Tollati 57.000 � 101 - iS100 -01- (15.1 SC. Joha'a - 71ay SeG - t0 Ye.�d to.Ca�ualty C�atez � � 101 - �5100 -01- i1S.7 tquip�anC, Yatbiaas, ete. 52,500 ioi - tsioo .oi- <is.c nru,a sogtc��soii. xooe,� tz,000 101 - �5100 -01- 415.5 MooC �iyper{Carrall• wooG) 51,000 101 - i5I00 -01- 473.0 Duu p Subscriytloaa $;61 $777 51,050 51,050 101 - �5100 -01- 433.1 Heaberahip• .5650 101 - {5100 -01- <37.2 Du�• 5�00 � 301 - 45100 -01- <35.0 aooks 4 pamphlet• 5525 5144 .5350 SL50 �� v v � 101 - 45100 -01- 415.1 A�er��tioa t150 101 - {5100 -01- 4]5.2 Pazka SS00 101 - 45100 -01- 437.0 Coatar�ne�� i Sa�iaar� . � � �filf� 52.305 .51,700 � S1,T00 � 101 - �5100 -01- 477,1 gr�e�.i � M�=�ypD� . . ' , , ' j1�000 SOl - 45100 -Ol- 437.2 941!/p�tk,s Cq�, Y�t�iyyy � ' ' • � ' j»0 . 101 - 45100 -01- {37,3 Scheol 4 27tltiea •, , - ,;400 . 101 - 15100 -01� 43l.0 OGh�r Yi�t�llaa�oui Chargai =172 =1,4t1 • �'„0:0. � ' � vl,•2!S . '�"Z 7� � 101 - 45100 -01- �3l.1 Oa�atieipat�Q Coats . j1,7lS . � � ""__""'_"""""' p��'S � S=i,2�f iz7.117 i41,t50 =S0,l4S s50,li5 � . � � 7fOM-7tlVIIIOL PkODpCffi6 DEPIQTl�f2' Y'CtAyg S45i,lU =470,533 SSZ3,f15 SSi[,75] fSft,i52 � Day• Oo• . . � 199{ DODGZ7 NORxS8EPT5 - � O?88A DSYS (TR).)(ST8A5) - 49300 � D•ea�Ybar 1, 1!9) � . 19>] 1lfS OEJZC'! 1l94 1991 1!]2 aDOPSID DLTAZL YAOPOS=D Ivnd aeeouaC t Ob� t D•�eziytioa ALZq),L aCTp1,y EQpC1T ),yppN- EDDCPi � . Cam�aat■ . """"""'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'....""" 101 - �l�00 -01- 710.0 I'caasfar■ SO SO SO S12],lil 101 - {!]00 -01- 730 1 ?o Comuaity C�atea � t70,000 1or Oycz�tioa o! progzaas 101 - 49J00 -OY �10.7 To Cemunity Canter � . � 52C,000 !or Subsl . dy of Eldg Oparatious 101 - 4)100 -01- 710.3 So Caomvalty Caataz . � . t15,000 Tor 21.aqatt� Touzaaa�u� 101 - 4!]00 -01- 710.4 So r...�....ity C�at�z . L23.ltt Loas o1 Yat'1 41�ard Cl�aaiaq . 101 - {l�00 -01- 710.5 • f0 """""""""""""""""""'""""""""' � . f�'Gz�Tus fC . f0 SO S12J,131 5113,i1f D��� ��'r'S =0 . SO SO i133,1i1 f11],lti """""."'..�...�..............."'...........�..�. � ' • Psgw One 1994 HIIDCBT MOAICSH88TS 5-YEAR CIP PAOGRAX YQND � December 2, 1993 - RHV�7USS - 1993 1994 OSJECI' 1994 1991 1992 aDOPT� DBT7ISL PAOPOS� � Zuad l�ccount • Obj t Dascriptioa ACTUIIL 1CPo]�L BIIDCS? ANODNT BODCBT Co�aats '_"""_"""""'__"""""___"""""__""_'____"""""""""_'_____""""""'_"""""""'___'___'__"'_"""___""' ]02-- 11010 -DO- 000.0 Nrraat Ad Vnloram T'uas 5536,600 5297,000 51�1,460 526�,583 � ]02 - 11010 -00- 000.1 5764,483 202 - 36210 -00- 000.0 Zntarut =asaiaqs-Iav�staeats 540,366 547.45! 530,000 515,000 � 202 - 36210 -00- 000.1 515,000 203 - 36215 -00- 000.0 IaGasaat a�^��^gs 52.030 $1,409 51,000 E1,000 201 - 36315 -00- 000.1 � 51,000 . ]02 - 36265 -00- 000.0 II�a oL Ruarva Puads SO SO SO 559,250 702 - 36265 -00- 000.1 559,250 402 - 39103 -00- 000.0 Tranalas Pr� SO =0 SO 5100,000 203 - 39203 -00- 000.1 Prom Iixmory Coatiageacy 5100,000 202 - 39310 -00- 000.0 Eond Proce�ds S20l,604 SO SO $0 202 - 39330 -00- D00.1 s0 """"'-"---"-""""""""""-"""""""" PI�CY TOT7ILS � f7l�,5l1 5340,867 5=03,460 5439,733 5439,733 FOlID TOTaL3 5787.5l1 5340,867 5�02,460 5439,733 5439,733 .............""."'.........'..""".""".'.'..... . ` -_ . Paga Ona 1994 SUDGET XOR1CS888TS 5-YF.I�R CZP PROGIUX FQND . Decamber 2, 1993 - HZp�iDITORBS - 1993 199� OSJBCT 1994 1991 1992 ADOPT� DBTAIL PAOPOSED Tvad. Accovnt � Obj • Da�eriytSon ACNAL aCipAy H9DG8T LISppNT 80DCET Coaeat� """""__"'__"__"'__"""'_____'__"'___"___"'_"'___"'____"'______""'____"'._'_____"__'__'_"'_'__'___""___""__"'_'___ 202 - 49002 -01- 301.0 Auditiag i AceountSag Sezviees $100 $0 SO §0 302 - �9002 -01- 301.1 sp 101 - 49007 -01- 317.0 Cea'1 Yuad Adminittrativa Pees SO 52.250 53.250 52.250 202 - 49007 -01- 317.1 52.250 102 - 49002 -01- 319.0 Othar Pmf�isional SarvSeas 59,617 5250 SO $0 203 - 49003 -01- 319.1 _ � SO 203 - �9003 -01- 510.0 Laad PureLaaai � 5�9,61D SO SO SO 202 - 49002 -01- 510.1 SO 202 - 49003 -01- 521.0 SuSldiag 4 Structure Purehases SO 598,422 SO 50 702 - 49002 -01- 521.1 s� 202 - 49002 -OS- 523.0 Butldiaq 4 Stzuctura Yurehasu 50 537.549 SO $0 202 - 49002 -01- 533.1 $p � � 302 - 49003 -01- 530.0 2mprovm�ata OGhar Thaa Dldg� §t5,000 $12,7�7 §12,000 55,000 � 202 - 49002 -01- 530.1 1994-11D71 4 Safaty Dpgrada� 55,000 Playgrovad Squipaea! 203 - 59002 -01- 531.0 Improvaeats Othar Thaa Sldgs 530,000 560,l30 516,000 $43,000 � ]02 - 4900] -01- 531.1 1994-3traet Aacoaatsuatioa. _� SS3.000 Caseo Aveaua �. . � 202 - 49002 -01- 532.0 Improvmeats Other thaa Eldgs $26,000 5�5,060 51,000 5�9,000 � 302 - 4900] -01- 532.1 1994-Straet Yscoastznctiom 519.000 li3rd Straat Mest 202 - 4900] -01- 533.0 Improvameata Othor Thaa Bldgs i�3,926 � 535,000 510,000 5�8,325 ]02 - 49003 -01- 533.1 1994-Sidavalk Aeplaemeat =46,325 Ysarly Prograa �. ]02 - 49002 -01- 534.0 Zapro�eaats Othas Thaa Bldgs 516,000 518,319 =30,000 f37,i5II '�. 202 - �9002 -01- 534.1 1994-Gra�al Road Yasurtaeinq 537.356 Dodd Yoad i 302 - t900] -01- 535.0 I�rovmeaG OtLar iLaa Hldgs 5235 SO 50 $20,000 202 - 49002 -01- 535.1 1994-Parkiaq Loe 530,000 8rieksoa Ca�aity Square 203 - �9002 -01- 537.0 Zmpro�eaaais OtLer Thaa eldg� SO SD,943 SO $0 202 - t4002 -01- 537.1 Sp I 301 - 49002 -01- 53a.G ImpswmanCs Other Thaa Dldgs SO §10,639 SO $0 202 - ♦9002 -01- S]!.1 SO 202 - l9002 -01- 540.0 Heaty Yaahiaasy PurcLasas 577.132 58.958 52.500 $0 202 - 49003 -01- 540.1 SO 202 - �9002 -01- 541.0 8eavy Naehiaaxy Purcha�as 565,000 518,184 510,000 SO 202 - 49003 -01- 541.1 SO 202 - 49002 -01- 542.0 Heavy Yachiaezy purcLasae $65,000 SO 51,800 � SO 302 - 49002 -01- 543.1 $0 202 - 49004 -01- 550.0 Yotor Vehicle Purchsses 527.910 540,000 $30,000 528.000 302 - 49002 -01- 550.1 1994-Squad Gr Replacemaats $26,000 (2) Squadi� 40] - 49002 -01- 551.0 Motor Vehicla Purchases . 518,248 516,986 SO SO ?02 - 49002 -01- 551.1 $0 203 - 49002 -01- 552.0 Yotor Vahiela PurcLasns 519,039 SO $0 $0 202 - 49002 -01- 552.1 §0 . . . ]02 - 49002 -01- 553.0 Yotor Vehicla PurcLasas 5496 527.972 SO SO - � 204 - 49002 -01- 553.1 SO 202 - 49001 -01- 554.0 Yotor vahicla Pureh�sas ;0 511,0l9 SO SO � � 202�- 49003 -01- 554.1 � _� 202 - 49003 -01- 555.0 Yotos V�hicl• PurcLa�a� � 510,598 532.87D SO 50 201 - 49002 -01- 555.1 $0 . . ]02 - 49002 -01- 557.0 Yotor Vehicl• PureLas�a Sib,]61 SO � =0 $0 202 - 49003,-01- 557.1 §0 -""'-'-""'--"""-'-""""""""""""""" � p� T�Twg 5493,200 5456,096 5117,550 5192,733 5192,733 Paga TYro 199� BQDGBT WOAlCS888TS S-YSAR CIP PAOCIGM YOND Dec�bar 2, 1993 - BZP�IDITOR85 - 1993 1994 OHJBCT 1994 1991 1992 ADOPT� DSTAIL PROPOSSD Tuad Aceount � Obj t Descriytioa � aCtvly �ACTp),y gppCBT 1UloIIN? SIIDG82 Co�ent� """"""""""_""""""____"""__""_""___"'__"___""_______'_"""""'____'_""_""___"""__""____""'____""" 202 - 49003 -01- 560.0 rurnituz� a Yizture Purchasas 52.000 SO SO 545,000 302 - 49002 -01- 560.1 199�-Couneil Chamber Aemodel 525,000 Set up for Cabla 20] - 4900] -01- 570.0 Ofiie� Yquip 4 Yurni�hiag Puzc SO 55,857 5400 $8,500 � 202 - f9002 -01- 570.1 1994-Coyy 7eachia� $B,500 L�a�a-Traaafar to Oparating] 102 - 49002 -01- 571.0 OLilea Yquiy i Fuzaishiaq Purc SO $0 52.000 SO - 101 - 49002 -01- 571.1 - s0 302 - 44003 -01- 572.0 0!lica 8quiy c Purnishing Purc $0 50 5500 SO 202 - 49002 -01- 57].1 $0 203 - 4900] -01- 573.0 OLLica Squip 4 Purai�hiag Purc SO $0 51,000 SO 202 - �900] -01- 573.1 . SO 202 - 49002 -01- 580.0 Othar 8quipoeat PurcLasas 540,OOQ ;0 53.800 51,800 203 - 49002 -01- 580.1 199{-Yir� Plghtiag Yquip�aat $1,800 C1it ;2,000 202 - 49002 -01- 561.0 Othar 8quiymeat Purchasas $9,999 54.835 56,000 $3,000 202 - 49002 -01- 581.1 1994-Huakar Gear $3,000 � 202 - �9002 •OS- 582.0 Othar Bquip�eat Purchasas 53,500 Sg.f54 ;6,000 56,000 �� � 302 - 49003 -01- 582.1 1994-Diagnostia Camputar $6,000 � 302 - �9002 -01- 563.0 Othar Equlp�ent Purchaaas 53.500 52.049 53,500 t0 302 - 49002 -01- 583.1 SO Y03 - 49002 -OS- 584.0 Other 8quip�eat Purc3aia� 52.458 5�,967 51,500 $0 302 - 49002 -01- 5l4.1 � =p � 403 - 49002 -01- 565.0 Oth�r Squip�at pnrcLa�as $0 Sa,798 53,400 SO 202 - 49002 -01- SE5.1 SO 202 - 49002 -01- 566.0 Co�uGar Yquipmeat PurcLases SO 524,302 58,000 520,000 201 • �9002 -01- 566.1 1994-PC's Eor Startup 530,000 Co�mity Ceater 201 - 49002 -01- 567.0 Co�utar 8quipmeat Purchasa� 59,600 515,000 514,000 57.700 � 202 - 49002 -01- 567.1 1994-CZS Sy�t�Davalop�ant $7,700 •302 - 49003 -01- Sl8.0 Ca�ut�r iquipsaat Purehases 510,000 SO 52.000 SO � 202 - 49002 -01- SD8.1 SO 203 - 19003 -01- 5l9.0 Caeputar IQuipmeat Purcha�as 510,000 SO S*.�60 SO 10] - �9002 -01- 5l9.1 $0 202 - 49001 -01- 730.0 Trmsfar� $50,000 5200,000 SO 5175,000 202 - 49002 -01- 710.1 1994-To Gennral Puad 5175,000 ----""--'-""'--""'------'---"---""""""-'-- p�$ '�Tug 5141,057 5272.262 $56,160 S=S7,000 52l7,000 PQND TOTUS 5633,357 5728.358 5173,710 5439,733 $439,733 . � "'......�"""""""".......�...........�...�..... NOTS: 199i's Propo�ad eudget Zacludas 52.750 !or Gmezal Zvnd 1Wmia Peas Not Iacludad in Levy I�mouat fCovarad by iatarsat 8arnlag�) � . . . .. . .. Al�o Inclndas =175,000 ior Traastar to Gaaaral lvnd • � � � • • , • . (5100,000 lraa Ca�unity Cea[ar Coastzuetioa, 575,000 lroa C2P Aasarvas) . . , � � 199�'s Propo�ed Sudqat Las a Total oi =262,483 for th� Lavy 7lmovat . � Paq� Ona 1994 SIIDCST NORICSHBEiS CHliBRAL ASVffi7U8S D�c�bar 2, 1993 � 199� 199� OBJSCT 199� 1991 1992 ADOPT� �DSPAIL PROPOS3s9 Fvad Aeeouat t Obj { Dascriptioa ACTUAL ACTQAL HODGST utOONT nDDG87 Co�eat� ""__'_'__"'___"____"_""_"__""""""_'____'___'___"_'___"""_____�'_'_"'___""'_"______""_'__"'___"""_."___"""""__' 101 - 31010 -00- 000 CVrraat ad Valor� Taxe� 5721,596 5968,464 51,199,306 51,529,004 101 - 31010 -00- 000.1 Yroa Couaty 51,529,004 101 - 31020 -00- 000 Dalinquaat Ad Valorem Ta�cni(Z) 529.536 539,916 515,000 520,000 101 - ]1020 -00- 000.1 lrom Couaty 520,000 101 - �1030 -00- 000 Yoblla Home 2uas(I) 56,404 54.709 $9,000 59,000 101 - 31070 -00- 000.1 Froa Covaty $9,000 301 - 71040 -00- 000 Tisul Disyaritias 5246,442 5310,034 5303,808 � $314,35E 301 - 310�0 -00- 000.1 Yrom County 5314,356 101 - 31710 -00- 000 Graval�Tasai(I) 5�.284 $3,650 54.000 54.000 101 - 31710 -00- 000.1 From Couaty 54,000 101 - 31810 -00- 000 7rsacLisa Taxaa(Z) s1H,540 511,642 525,000 525,000 ioi - aiaio -oo- 000.i r� sr.� c�aie szs,000 301 - 3]110 -00- 000 7�lcoholic Hwveraq� Liceasas(L) 59,900 510,640 512,000 513,000 101 - 32110 -00- 000.1 513.000 101 - 32160 -00- 000 Liceasa� to do Husinass(L) 57,585 57.360 55,000 =15,000 101 - 32160 -00- 000.1 � � 515,000 . � 101 - 32161 -00- 000 Lieeneas to Qo Swiaus-Zsaael(L) ;25 525 SSO $50 101 - 32161 -00- 000.1 $50 � 101 - 31162 -00- 000 Lieeasas to do Husiasss- (L) 5100 5100 5100 5100 , 101 - 31163 -00- 000.1 Splatball Pe�ib $100 101 - 321i0 -00- 000 Cigaratt� Lie�nsa(L) ;216 5204 5300 5�00 � 301 - 321l0 -00- 000.1 $200 101 - 32t10 -00- 000 Huildiag Paxait IIaveana(L) 51�0,746 5733.815 5180,000 5140,000 101 - 32210 -00- 000.1 5190,000 � � 301 - 33311 -00- 000 Coatu Dldq OLSieial Staaib(L) � 5953 SO 51,000 5500 � 301 - 32211 -00- 000.1 $500 � 101 - 32315 -00- 000 Yiaar�l mctractioa PamiG(L) 5150 � SO SO $0 101 - 32212 •00- 000.1 � $0 101 - 3]IZO -00- 000 El�ctrlul Paxalt Ae��ana(L) 55,332 513,991 57.000 510,000 101 - 33330 -00- 000.1 510,000 101 - 32230 -00- 000 PlvmbiaQ Pazait Aeveana(L) 54.9�5 536,493 512,000 $10,000 101 - 32230 -00- 000.1 $10,000 101 - 33240 -00- 000 aaimai Licmias(L) 51,790 $1,908 51,500 51,500 101 - 32240 -00- 000.1 51,500 101 - 32250 -00- 000 Sarnr Pezmit Revnaue(L) $6,725 513,267 56,000 $8,000 101 - 31250 -00- 000.1 $8,000 101 - 37355 -00- 000 Couaty Aecardiag Pee-City Shre(L) 5��0 5170 5100 5100 101 - 32255 -00- 000.1 5100 � 101 - 33260 -00- 000 Haatiag/Air Coad Pnrmlt Aevnue(L) $10,]43 535,368 514,000 517,000 101 - 32460 -00- 000.1 _ . $17,.000 . � 101 - 32290 -00- 000 Othar Hoa-Hu�iaass Lic i Pmta(L) 5250 a402 . 5200 5400 � 101 - 34]90 -00- 000.1 • 5400 101 - 33�01 -00- 000 Lpcal Govasamsnt 111d (LGa) 5300,761 5312,363 5�96,511 5380,794 101 - 33401 -00- 000.1 Yroa Stat� 5380,794 � � • �Iuc.lnda� Hqualizatioa 111d-1994 301 - 33402 -00- 000 8atd 4 ag Credit l�id (HAG) $372,;65 5448,063 5484,E65 $555,804 � S01 - 33402 -00- 000.1 Froa Stata 5555,804 101 - 33403 -00- 000 Xobila Hom� 8LG(Z) 519,899 520,676 520,000 $31,000 101 - 33�03 -00- 000.1 Psoa Stat� � 531,000 """"""""'-""-"""""""""""""""" p�� T�Tus 51,912,995 52.466,259 52.595,641 33,121,810 53,124,610 Page iYo 199� HUDGET MOR1C3H8ETS G�iERAL R8V�7QSS Dacembar 2, 1993 1993 1994�OHJ8CT 199� 1991 1992 ADOPS'� DHTaIL PROPOS� . Tuad l�ccouat t Obi y Descriptioa )�CTQ1�L ACTQI�y gQpCgr LilppNT BQD(i8i Co�aat• _"""_""_""'__""_"'_""""'"'_________"___'___""""""'__'_"'___"'_"""_____""'_"_"""�___"'_'_"""__""""_____" S01 - ]3416 -00- 000 Police Training Reimburs�eat(S) 550,983 555,711 560,000 560,000 � 101 - ]3416 -00- 000.1 Poat Board Training Yaimb 55,000 � 101 - 33�16 -00- 000.2 SGata 11d (Yiad to P�) 555,000 101 - 33418 -00- 000 YS7. !or Streat� - tlalaGeaanca(I) 515,825 521,555 516,000 523,000 � 101 - ;;41! -00- 000.1 lrc� SGata S2�.000 101 - 33424 -00- 000 BQualizatioa Aid $82,973 SE4,719 582.692 So 101 - 33424 -00- 000.1 From State SO Iaeluded vitL LGII Lor 1994 101 - 33630 -00- 000 Po11ca Servicas Lavy-ISD f196(I) SO 57.968 516,000 518,000 101 - 33630 -00- 000.1 $18,000 101 - 34103 -00- 000 Zoaiag 4 Subdivisioa Paai(C) 53.606 §10,589 53,000 53.000 � 101 - 3l303 -00- 000.1 53.000 101 - 34104 -00- 000 Plaa Chaekiag pa�s(C) 585,886 5142,099 Su0,000 5135,000 101 - 34104 -00- 000.1 65} ot Bldg Pexmit Pens ;125,000 101 - 34105 -00- 000 � Salas o! Yaps 4 Publicatioas(C) $1,053 5757 �51,000 =500 101 - 34105 -00- 000.1 � 5500 101 - 34106 -00- 000 Daputy Ragiitrar Faas(C) 524.334 $Z4,164 525,000 525,000 301 - 34106 -00- 000.1 525,000 101 - 34107 -00- 000 lusasameat Saarches(C) 5573 §425 $500 5500 . 101 - 34107 -00- 000.1 . 5500 101 - ;4106 -00- 000 ]Wmini�trativa Ya�-Othar Yvad�(C) SO 5�8,365 5138,500 593.500 � 101 - 34108 -00- 000.1 1111 fuads Ysceyt Coutrcta 558,500 101 - 34108 -00- 000.3 Coaatzuction Puads §35,000 � 101 - 34109 -00- -000 Othar Gea�l Charyu Lor Sarvca(C) t474 51.083 51,000 _ §1,500 101 - 34109 -00- 000.1 51,500 � 301 - 34110 -00- 000 Suvic� Chq on 7c�tusaad CMUca(C) 5201 5190 5�00 5200 101 - 3�110 -00- 000.1 5200 101 - 34111 -00- 000 Sas�ie� Lookup Ch�ck(Eldg)(C) $0 $1,414 51,000 51,500 101 - 3�111 -00- 000.1 §1,500 101 - 31112 -00- 000 IItility P�zaii Apyliution rea(C) §0 ;1,200 5200 5200 101 - 34113 -00- 000.1 Hrr Dw�lopa�nts 5200 101 - 34150 -00- 000 D�ar taa�-IISPCI(C) SO SO 5114,000 580,000 101 - 34150--00- 000.1 $80,000 101 - 34151 -00- 000 IIser Faai-Zoeh BauxiGe(C) $0 $0 515,000 512,000 101 - 3�151 -00- 000.1 $12,000 101 - 34202 -00- 000 Pira Saxvicas-Suzaiag permlte(C) 525 5540 5200 . 5300 101 - 3f202 -00- 000.1 5300 � 101 - 34203 -00- 000 Accideat Haporta(C) 5863 5701 5500 5500 101 - 34403 -00- 000.1 5500 101 - 34204 -00- 000 Dsy Cara Iaapactloa Paas(C) _ , , SO . 5195 $200 . 5300 � 101 - 3420{ -00- 000.1 j300 � 101 - 34106 -00- 000 Other Polica Sarvicas(C) 5263 S55 • SO ' =0 101 - 34206 -00- 000.1 � _� . . 101 - 34207 -00- 000 Other 81r� Protectioa Sasvica�(C) 55,941 56,110 59,000 5=i,eop • � 101 - 34207 -00- 000.1 II o!1S a Coatas Coatracts 510,000 ' 101 - 34207 -00- 000.4 Other Plra Call■ 51,000 ""'-""""""""'---'-'---"""""""""-"" � p�$ �Tug ;]72,953 S*43,839 5600,992 5454,900 =�54,900 Paga Thrae 199� HIIDGBT NORICSH88TS Gffi781GL RSVffi7IJg5 � Dacembar 2, 1993 1993 199� OBSSCT 1994 1991 1992 ADOYTBD DPTAZL PROPOS� Fuad Accouat � Obj � Dnecriptioa aCTO1�L aCTQay HDDGHT ]utpIINT HDDGET � Co�ents """'_""__""__'_""'_"""__'___""""""'____'"'_______"____"__'______'_"'____""'____'_'______"'___'_"___"____""""_'_'" 101 - 34301 -00- 000 Streat, Sidewalk i Clirb Repair(C) 525 SO SO SO 101 - 34301 -00- 000.1 $p 101 - 3�303 -00- 000 Yor Na�ds(C) 5571 $405 5500 5500 101 - 34303 -00- 000.1 � 5500 101 - 34305 -00- 000 Culvart� i 71ce�i�orlai(C) 5735 �1,346 SO SO 101 - 34305 -00- 000.1 � $0 101 - 3�306 -00- 000 Othar 8lqhray i Stra�Y Yeveaua(C) 5736 54,361 52.000 51,000 � 101 - 34306 -00- 000.1 51,000 101 - 34407 -00- 000 City SLara oi Yetro Sae Chgt(C) 51,149 5�.859 51,000 51,500 101 - 34407 -00- 000.1 51,500 101 - 34721 -00- 000 Soltball Ywaauas(A) 5�4.471 =3l,592 $44,000 554,000 101 - 347]1 -00- 000.1 554,000 101 - 34712 -00- 000 9olleyball Anveauna(A) 510,890 §11,222 516,000 SO 101 - 34723 -00- 000.1 SO Yovad to Ca�a1Gy CaaGar 101 - 34773 -00- 000 Playgrovnd R�vaaua�(R) 5356 $12 . SO j0 � � � 101 - 34723 -00- 000.1 SO � 101 - 34724 -00- 000 Teaais Aeveauas(A) 51,646 5792 52.000 52,000 101 - 34724 -00- 000.1 � $2,000 . 101 - 3�725 -00- 000 Tiay Tot Aevanuas(A) $12,307 $9.110 516,300 SO 101 - 34725 -00- 000.1 � SO Xovad Go Co�aity Ceater 1Q1 - 34726 -00- 000 Poa pea Ywean�s(a) 53.835 ;3,115 54,100 SO 101 - 747]6 -00- 000.1 $0 Nooed to Co�wity Ceataz 101 - 34717 -00- 000 Piald 1Yip Aavaanu(k) §5,321 $4,056 57.000 $0 101 - 34737 -00- 000.1 � � $0 Moved to Comuaity Cester 101 - 3177t -00- 000 Erooaball IIe��auu(A) 57.109 52.046 SZ.iQO 52.100 - 101 - 3�73� -00- 000.1 53.100 301 - 3�72! -00- 000 Skatlnq Lu�oa Ar�auu(Y) 5451 $750 5600 SO . 101 - 3��2f -00- 000.1 SO I[ovad to C�uaity Canter 101 - 31730 -00- 000 7Yack i 11a1Q aavaaua�(A) 5862 51,139 53,000 53,000 101 - 34730 -00- 000.1 � $3,000 101 - 34731 -00- 000 Soccar Revaaues(R) $400 SO SZ.000 52.000 101 - 34731 -00- 000.1 $2,000 101 - 34733 -00- 000 Adult Baakatball Reveaues(R) SO 5568 51,000 50 101 - 34732 -00- OOU.1 SO �oved to Co�uaity Ceatnr 101 - 34733 -00- 000 Other programs Amveaqa(A) 51,431 5757 53,000 §0 101 - 34733 -00- 000.1 � SO NooeQ to Co�uaity Center 101 - 3�790 -00- OQO Other Aecreatioa Revmues(A) $0 $30 50 SO 101 - 3�790 -00- 000.1 SO iCl - 35101 -00- 000 Court.Yiaas(p) . 547.377 544,937 ..542�,000 565,000 � - � � 101 - 35101 -00- 000.1 lroa Couaty $65,000 . 101 - 35104 -00- 000 OGhss lSaas(1) SO j0 SO SO 101 - 35104 -00- 000.1 SO °lOP�- 35101 -00- 000� PrSncipal-8pacial l�asasmeats(I) 516,175 531.720 55,000 52,000 101 - 36101 -00- 000.1 f2.000 � . . """"""""""'_"""""""""-""""""" p�$ T�Tug 5130,145 5154,806 5151,500 5133,100 5133,100 Paga Pouc 1994 BIIDCST iPORICSHEBTS � G�78RAL RSV�iQBS � Decembar 2, 1993 1993 1994 OSJSCl 1994 1991 1992 11DOPT8D DSTAZL pROPOSHD Yuad l�ccount f Obj / Descriytioa aCTpAL ��Qay PIIDCEY A1SOOt7T HIIDCEi Co�eata """"""""'__"__"'__""'_'___""'__'_'____"___"'___'____.__."'_____________'_________"'____""'___"___"___'____""_'_'_""" 101 - 36102 -00- 000 Paaaltins 4 Iaterait-S/A(Z) SO $1,960 SO SO 101 - 36102 -00- 000.1 SO 101 - 36210 -00- 000 IaGar��t Harniags-Zavas baats(Y) 520,057 521,532 518,000 §22,000 101 • 36210 -00- 000.1 527.000 101 - 36315 -00- 000 InGarast 8asniagr(Y) 58,335 . 54,868 57.000 §3,000 101 - 36215 -00- 000.1 Chackiag Accouat $3,007 101 - 36230 -00- 000 Reat� 4 Yoyaltiea(Y) 52.780 57.780 52.500 52,600 101 - 36230 -00- 000.1 IIS Na�t Aateana Reat 52,600 101 - 3623D -00- 000 Coatrlbutloa�/Donatioas(Y) 510,553 527.878 SO §0 101 - 36330 -00- 000.1 $0 . 101 - 36260 -00- 000 Ot6ar Aavaau�(Y) 562,507 535,919 . =25,000 $35,000 101 - 36]60 -00- 000.1 City Insuranca Aalaads 515,000 101 - 36260 -00- 000.3 Yiscallaaeous 530,000 101 - 39101 -00- 000 Salas o! Gaaaral 71xed 1lssots(Y) SO 5z25 50 SO 101 - 39301 -00- 000.1 $� . 101 • 39203 -00- 000 1YaasLat Lrom (T) 51Y9,625 551,697 535,000 $191,613 101 - 39203 -00- 000.1 Prom Co�uaity Cmter 53,810 For P.x. Ica 4 Saor Yaint 101 - 39203 -00- 000.2 Prom Co�uaity CaaGar 512.l03 Yor p 4 A Grounds lfaiat 101 - 39203 -00- 000.3 From C2P Aasezvas 5175,000 101 - 39303 -00- OOD.4 SO 101 - 39207 -00- 000 TrsnsLar lroa Post)w[hority(T) 550,000 =50,000 550�,000 =0 101 - 39207 -00- 000.1 � SO 101 - 39209 -00- 000 1Yaasf lraa 8oads Paid Oy Ynad(i) $265,051 570,59] 5100,000 $l5,000 101 - 39209 -00- 000.1 545,000 101 - 39310 -00- 000 Loaa proe�ad�(Y) SO 552,500 SO - 50 101 - 39310 -00- 000.1 SO "'-""'---""""""""""""'--"""""""" p�= T�'us 554l,906 5314,951 5237,500 5�99.213 5299,112 . G� T�� 52.86�,999 53.379,855 53.585,633 5�.012,022 54.012,022 � �85 $1,140,862 51,351,212 51,�19,450 51,233,062 51,23],062 Graad Total Leas ad Valorm, """""'••�••"'•••••""""•••••••"""'.....""LGA. HAG 4 Piacnl Disparitias . • 4 Pnge Pive 1994 BQDCET IPOAICSH88TS GSN&5UL REVENQBS � Dncembar 2, 1993 1993 1994 OHTECT 1994 . 1991 1992 ]�DOPT� D8TA2L pROPOSBD Puad l�eaouat • Obj � DascriyGioa ACRVAL I�CTpay 8DDC8T LISOIINT SIIDGET Ca�eats ""'__"""'_'___"_""'_"'_'____"'___________"'_'_"'_____"""""____"""_"__'___"___"""'____""_'___"'__""__."""'__"_' 1G1 - 34106 -00- 000 General Fund 1Ulmin Pees 101 - 3110! -00- 000.1 Yuad admiaistrativa Pees SO 50 558,500 558,500 101 - 3410! -00- OOO.a Pvad lOZ 51,125 Psid- Dp Debt Sasro Sond Pmd 101 - 3410! -00- OOO.b Puad 201 55,625 Port]luthorlty Pund 101 - 34106 -00- OOO.c Tuad 20Z 52.]50 5-Yaaz C2P Yrogrsm puad 101 - 3410! -00- OOO.d Tvad]03 � � $1,115 Capital Projects YS� Yvad 101 - 34106 -00- 000.• Yund 304 51,125 Seoeraaca 4 Aetirmeat Pvad 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.L Puad 205 �$2,250 Park Z�rovmeat� Puad 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.g Yvad 320 $0 8ational Cuard Armory Projact 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.h Fund 210 51,125 Diamoad Peth Yrojeet 101 - 34106 -00- OOO.i ?vad 301 $1,125 G.O. Coaoalty Ceater 1992C 101 - 3�10a -00- OOO.j pvad ;03 � 51,125 G.O. lWaleiyal Hldgs 19l6 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.k Fund ;04 ;1,125 G.O. 8quip Cer[iLicataa 1991C� 101 - 34108 -00- 000.1 puad ;21 51,125 G.O. Zmpr Hondr 199211 101 - 3�108 -00- 000.1 _ Yund 3Y2 , $1,125 G.O. Zmpz Eoadr 199371 101 - 34108 -00- 000.1 Puad 323 $0 C.O. Imp Raluadiaq Hoads 1993B 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.a Fvad ;24 SO G.O. Impr Bonda 19857. 101 - 34108 -DO- OOO.a Pvad ;25 §1,125 G.O. Ia�r Boads 1987J� 101 - 3�10a -00• OOO.o Pvad 346 . $1,135 G.O. Imps Boad� 1988E 101 - 34108 -00- OOO.y Pvad 327 51,125 6.0. Impr Bonda 1989H 101 - 34106 -00- OOO.q puad ;yg §1,125 C.O. Impr Soada 199U 101 - 3410! -00- OOO.r lhwd 329 . 51,125 C.O. Ia�r Soads 19918 101 - 3�30! -00- OOO.s 1va4 330 $1,135 6.0. Impr Bonds 1993D 101 - 3430! -00• OOO.t Tvad 381 . $1,125 G.O. Yunicipal Sldg 19928 � 101 - 3{10! -00- OOO.0 hwd 382 $1,125 G.O. Ta�c Iac Bondi 1988L . 101 - 3�10! -00- 000.� hsad 601 55,675 Nater IItility Pvad 101 - 3410a -00- OOO.r Tvad 602 55,625 Snwer IItility Zvad 101 - 34106 -00- OOO.z Tvad 603 � $5,625 Stosm Mater IItility Pimd . 101 - 3410! -00- OOO.y Tisad 604 51,125 Nater a Swar CIP Program luad 101 - 34106 -00- OOO.z luad 605 51,125 Mater Hook-Dp Cor� Puad . 101 - 3410d -00- OOO.as Fuad 606 . $1,125 Serer 800k-Bp Cora Fuad 101 - 3410d -00- OOO.ab Puad 607 . 51,125 Storm Mater Conneetn Paea Pvad 101 - 3410! -00- OOO.ac Fuad 612 $1,125 G.O. Neter Soads 1989A 101 - 3410! -00- OOO.sd Puad 613 $1,125 G.O. Stozm xater Boads 1992H 101 - 34108 -GO- OOO.ad Puad 650 55,625 Co�uaity Ceatar Puad ______"_____""'_______________"""""""'_____"' P��$ T�Tu$ $0 j0 558,500 558,500 558,500 . ....�......................."'...�......""'....�.�.. � 1994 CITY COUNCIL OPERATING BUDGET Statement of Work The City Council Budget provides for the general support to the operationai cost of the City Council itself and other general fund responsibilities for certain specific functions which are so general in nature that they are not suited to individual department's cost allocation or that the functions do relate to specific programs especially suited to cost allocation of the City Council. These areas are: A. POUCY AND GENERAL OPERATION • Provide for the legislative and policy making activities for all of Rosemount municipal government. • Provide for the planning and control of all city expenditures through the review and adoption of the City's annual budget. � o Provide for the citizen involvement and input into the decision making process by establishing, appointing and managing advisory commissions, ad hoc committees and community groups. To accomplish this the City Council's budget allows for the payment of councilmembers salaries and meeting expenses. It also provides the payment of costs associated with training opportunities for councilmembers and travel associated with these training opportunities. As part of the City's involvement with other municipalities and association with individual governmental organizations to provide for education, lobbying and legislative efforts the City be(ongs to the League of Minnesota Cities, the Association of Metropolitan Municipafities and the Northern Dakota County Chambers of Commerce. Fees for membership in these organizations is budgeted in this department. B. SPECIAL PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS Also funded out of this budget ace the City's involvement in the following projects and programs: � • Publication of the "Rosemount City News" - ' ' • ° •Ci;y wide Spring Clean-Up ' • " � • Annual Fireworks Display at Leprechaun Days � • City wide Recycling Program • A Subsidy to the Senior Citizen Center Program (n addition to specifically funded projects and programs, this budget also holds a smalf amount of funds cfassified as "contingency" funds. These contingency funds are open for the City Council to authorize for expenditures at special times of need throughout the year. 1994 CITY COUNCIL OPERATING BUDGET - Page 2 in 1993 these programs were fully funded with the approved budget. in 1994 the proposed budget has been reduced by 523,940 from thz approved 1993 budget. The major reductions came about because of a shift in the pub(ication costs for minutes and legal notices to the General Government Budget and a reduction in the estimated costs in certain programs based on actual costs in 1993. This shift in publication and legal costs amounts to about $17,000 and the remaining reduction is a cut in estimated costs in 1994. The major areas of reduction came in our recycling and Spring Clean-up Program with a combined reduction of $14,000 from 1993 to 1994. These reductions came from a expected change in costs for recycling for 1994 because of the City's contract with Knutson and a much lower cost for Spring Clean-up. Neither of these reductions in costs will reduce the programs. Pega Oaa 1994 BIIDCBT WOAR5888T5 COS7NCIL - 41110 - Dacembar 2, 1993 1993 1994 OBJECT 1994 1991 1992 ADOPT� DBTIIIL PROPOSBD Pund Accouat � Obj � Daseription ACTUAL ACTUI�I. HVDGBT AI[OIINT HDDGHT C�ant� """_"""'__"_""'_""""""_""__"'_'____"_____"__"__"'___""__""'_____""'__'_"""___'__"__"""'_'_"'_""""" 101 - 41110 103.0 Part-Sima Salarla� i Bennlits 523,973 523,550 $27.607 577,607 . 101 - 41110 -02- 103.0 S, Xr�Snnomy, Neyer 56,459 (5350/moath ♦ 150/moath Extra) 101 - 41110 -03- 103.0 J. l�adar�oa, Couacilmember $5,167 (5300/moath ♦ 100/moath 8xtra) 101 - 41110 -04- 103.0 C. Susho, Couaeilmesl�ar 55,407 (5300/moath + 100/monGh Extra) S01 - �1110 -OS- 103.0 J. 3[aats, Councilm�ber s5,407 (5300/moatL + 100/sonth�ctra) 101 - 41110 -06- 103.0 D. Miyy�z'aaa, Couacilm�br 55,167 (§300/month + 100/soatII �ctra) 101 - 41110 -01- 209.0 OtLer OStic� Suppliaa SO $190 SO SO 101 - 41110 -01- 209.1 � SO � 301 - 41110 -01- 302.0 )�rehitaett' laas 50 54,453 SO $0 . 301 - 41110 -01- 302.1 SO � 101 - 41110 -01- 304.0 L�gal 7ae■ $6,240 SQ SO ;0 101 - 41110 -01- 305.1 , SO � 301 - 41110 -01- 307.0 Yaaagmeat T�aa 538,213 $40,414 f85,690 564,000 101 - 41110 -01- 307.1 Naralatter $7,000 101 - 41110 -01- 307.2 Sprlag Claaaap 510,000 S01 - 41110 -01- 307.3 Pirnvorlu , 56,000 301 - 41110 -01- 307.4 Aecycliag CoatraeG-Zautsoa 535,000 301 - 41110 -OS- 307.5 Seaior Citizea's Ceatar $6,000 101 - f1110 -OS- 319.0 othnr Protaarional Sezvicas SO 51,96E 57.300 54,000 101 - 41110 -01- 319.1 Aatraat/Coal Sattiag SO � 101 - 41110 -01- 319.2 Hducatioa Raimbura�at . $4,000 101 - 43130 -01- 331.0 Sraval mcyaasa §1,036 5817 $400 5300 101 - �1110 -01- 331.1 Yilaaqa to LYC Coaieraaca � $0 101 - 11110 -01- 331.2 Hiseallaa�ow . 5300 301 - 41110 -OS- 351.0 Lagal Noticas Publi�hiag SO 536 SO SO _ 101 - 41110 -01- 351.1 SO 101 - 41110 -01- 369.0 Oihar Zasuraac� SO SO 5900 . $500 301 - 41110 -01- 369.1 Couaeil 4 C�Stt�a� 5500 Accideatal Iaeutaaoa 101 - f1110 -OS- 43;.0 Duu i Subscriptioas 5405 58,048 57.950 $8,500 101 - �1110 -01- 433,1 LYC Duas $5,450 101 - 11110 -01- 433.2 LYC - Amicus 5500 101 - 41110 -Ol- �33.; 7�1p[ Duei 5�.300 � 101 - �1110 -01- 433.5 HDCC Duei 5450 101 - 41110 -01- 535.0 Sooks a pamphlats SO 5397 5100 $100 101 - 41110 -01- 435.1 Miscellaaaous Literature 5100 � � 101 - 41110 -01- 4;7.0 Coalaraace� a Sainsrs 57.699 52,828 52.300 52.300 101 - 41110 -OS- 437.1 Aegittratioa i Hotel-LDSC $1,800 101 - 41110 -01- 437.2 Yiscallaaeoua L1[C SveaG . 5500 101 - 41110 -01- 439.0 OtLer Yi�cellaasou� Chargn� 569 SO 50 SO 101 - 41110 -01- 439.1 .SO . - . 101 - 41110 -01- 596.0 Couacil Daslgnatad 521,464 $15,926 517,000 � 512.000 101 - 41130 -01- 598.1 � Coatiagaaci�s ;12,000 • 101 - 41110 -OS- 596.4 SO 101 - 41110 -01- 601.0 Priacipal oa Loaas . . , =0 $0 =17,500 ¢17,500 101 �- 41110 -01- 601.1 Plaa 11a�iiiaac�-C � amp Plaa 511.775 Paymeat i2 oL 3 101 - 41110 -01- 601.4 Flea Assi�taae�-Aizport 55,T25 Paymant •2 0! 3 '-""'-"""-""-""""'-""""""""""""• p�$ T�Tug 594,098 5101,626 5166,747 5136,807 5136,807 Dgp�T�T TOTus 594,098 5101,636 5166,747 $136,807 5136,807 ""'.""'."."""'..".......""."'.""'....'." 1994 ADMlNISTRATION DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET Statement of Work The Administration Department budget provides for the support of the general management functions of the City's operations. The Department coordinates activities in all departments and provides for the specific functions of personnel administration which includes contract administration, personnel policies, job descriptions, affirmative action and pay equity programs; economic development; project management for projects not assignable to other departments; and the execution of all City Council policies. Within the department support staff also provides receptionist f�nctions, clerical support to the Port Authority, the City Council, the new Community Center and general administration. Within these roles the department also maintains all City Council minutes, preparation of legal notices for publication and posting, and support for contract administration. The department also provides for the issuance of all liquor, cigarette, kennel, and solicitors Iicenses. The administration budget supports the salaries and benefits of the department's employees with the exception of 50% of a secretarial position and 100% of the Economic Development Coordinatar's position which are funded by the Pori Authority. Training for these employees is also funded out of this budget. The Administration budget is expected to be reduced by 5300 for 1994 because of small reductions in training expenditures. All other programs should be retained. ' ' , P�ga Oaa � 1994 SIIDGET pOR3C3888TS ADMINISI'RASZON DBPARTISffi7T - �13]0 - . Dacembar Z, 1991 1493 199� OSJSCT 1994 1991 1991 ADOPTSD DBTAIL PAOPOS� Tuad Aceouat f Obj � De�criytion aCTOAL� J1CTp7,y gUDCgT A76ppNT gpp�gq Co�aats """"__'_'__""_"'_"___""_""__"___"'___"'_____"'__"'____"___"'____""___""_""__""_____""'_"'____"____"""__' 101 - 11340 101.0 Sslarias 4 eeaafits $172,759 5163,861 5205,698 5213,167 I�11 Salary Coita Zaclu�ive oE 101 - {1320 -02- 101.0 City 7ldmiaistrator 580,5Y4 Sala ry, Taxes, PElta 4 Bnneliti 101 - 41320 -03- 101.0 3. Malah, h�ia Aseistaat 552,53� 101 - 41320 -04- 101.0 L. Jmtiak, Admia S�cretary 534.233 . 101 - 413]0 -OS- 101.0 D. Midstrom, Parsal Sacrtry 51�,103 50 � Gen�l, SOk Por[ AutLerity 101 - t13]0 -06- 101.0 C. Coughlia, Raoeptioaist 528.773 101 - 41330 103.0 tull-Yim� Ovartima 53.125 53.BZ8 53.300 53,300 101 - 41340 -04- 102.1 L. Jeatink 52.500 SO1 - 41320 -OS- 103.2 D. Nidstrm 5500 � .101 - 41320 -06- 102.3 C. Coughlia 5300 101 - �1320 -01- 203.0 Printad lozas a paper j171 SO 50 SO 301 - 41320 -01- 103.1 =� . 101 • 41330 -01- 207.0 1Yainiag 4 Ia�tsuetal Suppliai SO SO $1,H00 §1,800 101 - 41320 -01- 207.1 Salaty Co�i�ta� � 5�50 S01 - {1330 -01- 107.2 Aiqht to Zaor . 51,550 iCi - �1320 -01- 209.0 Othar Office Supylias 573 SO 5300 5300 � - � � 101 - 41330 -01- Y09.1 Yi�cdlaa�oua YureLasu �-.5300 - � 101 - 41330 -01- 304.0 Lagal Paas � 5117 SO SO §0 101 - 41310 -01- 30�.1 $0 . 101 - 413I0 -OS- 305.0 Yadiul 4 Daatal 1�as S�5 579 SO SO 101 - 41330 -OS- 305.1 � SO . 101 - 413]0 -01- 307.0 Yaaagmaat !au =79II 51,780 59,000 58.500 101 - 41330 -01- 307.1 I.abor Coasultaat 58.000 101 - 41320 -01- 307.2 Drpt Hud/StalL 7Yaiaing • 5500 101 - t1320 -OS- 319.0 Othar Pzotaasionsl Sax�ieas SO 57,16] SO $0 101 - 41320 -01- 319.1 � $0 . 101 - �1320 -01- 331.0 1Yava1 bcy�as• $308 $691 5300 5300 101 - 113]0 -01- 331.1 SGt� ConLar�au - LYC - 5100 101 - 41330 -01- 331.1 Stat� Coafar�acs - YOp� $100 101 - 41320 -01- 331.3 Labor Aalations Mozkshopt $100 101 - 41320 -01- 3;9.0 Othar Traa�yorutioa Yzpaaias 5319 5157 5300 5300 101 - 413]0 -01- 339.1 R�Ssbur�a !or Ytng Travel 5300 101 - 413]0 -01- 341.0 8mplcrymeat Adveztisiag SO 5203 SO $0 � 101 - 41330 -01- 341.1 SO 101 - 41320 -01- 351.0 Legel Noticas Publishiag S]3 50 SO SO 101 - 41330 -01- 351.1 SO 301 - 41330 -01- 352.0 6aaeral Notice■ 4 fublic Zafo 53,566 SO SO $0 101 - {1330 -01- 352.1 SO 301 - 41320 -01- 353.0 Ordiaaaca Publicstioa SO SO 5800 51,000 101 - 41320 -01- 353.1 CodlLicatioa o! Coda . $1,000. 101 - 41370 -01- 433.0 Duas i SvbscrSptions 5374 � 5193 §410 5185 101 - 41320 -01- 433.1 YC9oq Duas 560 � S01 - 41320 -01- �33.2 )0�1p1 Duei S�S 301 -�41320 -01- 433.3 ISCP011 Dues. , • • , . $35 101 - 41320 -01- 433.4 In[C Duu 550 � ' � 101 - 41320 -01- 133.5 IpNL Du�i S25 101 - �1330 -01- 433.6 1[AVW�Dues $0 � '--"'-"""'-"'-""""""""""""""""-"- p��$ T�Tug S181,577 5173,053 5�21,706 $236,852 522E,85I � Page 1Yo 1994 HIIDGHT NOA1CS88ETS ADXINISTSGiION DHP)�R17�7T - �1320 - Dacember 2, 1993 ' 1993 1994 OSJSCT 199� . . 1991 1992 ]�DOYT� DB'!]1ZL PROYOSYD Fuad Aoeouat ti Obj � Deseriptioa ACTO]�7. ACTp11L yppCgT A1Sppii'P gpppgT Co�eat� _"'_"'_"""__""_"_"_""""__""__"__'_____""'_"__'__""'__"__""""""'______'_""""'_____'_""__""'_"""_"_" 101 - 41320 -01- 435.0 eooks t Pamphlats SO SO 5�00 5�00 101 - 41320 -01- 435.1 YLSA HaaCbook 5350 � 101 - 41320 -01- 435.2 XSacallaaaous Purehaans j150 101 - 41320 -01- 437.0 Coaiaraaens i Smninar� $1,749 51,586 52.500 52.100 101 - t1330 -01- 437,1 Eagistratioa 4 Hotnl - LYC j300 101 - 41320 -01- 437,2 Aegistratioa i 8otn1 - YOt7� 5400 101 - 41320 -01- 437.3 Aasistration - L10[ SO 101 - 413Y0 -01- 437.� Aegistzatioa i 8ote1-MCPOI� 5250 301 - �1320 -01- 437.5 Labor Aalatioa� Trainiag 5500 101 - 41310 -01- 437.6 Stai! f2) &aeh 5400 101 - 41320 -01- 437.7 llrtiiscallaaaous 5�����s 5100 101 - 41330 -01- 437,! 1[unieipel'a Sanquat 5250 101 - 41320 -01- 4;9.0 OGher Ylaeallaneoua Charges SO $48 $0 SO 101 - 41320 -01- 439.1 SO """""'-"""--'-""'--"""'-""""""""" � p� T�'us 51,749 51,635 52,900 5�.600 52.600 DSp�T�T TOTus 5183,326 5174,688 532�.606 5231,�52 5�31,452 ................................"."'........'........ , 1994 ELECTIONS r.;?ERATING BUDGET Statement of Work In 1994 the City will be conducting the State Primary Election in September and the Generai Election in November. In 1993, funds were budgeted to conduct Rosemount's municipal election. lt shouid be noted that fun�+s used to conduct the fire station referendum were paid from funds encumbered from the 1992 operating budget. 1994 funds for election judge safaries, social security and medicare contributions and telephone costs are two times the amount of the 1993 budgeted funds. 1994 funds for miscellaneous supplies, meals and janitorial services remain the same or are slightly increased or decreased. Ballot and programming costs are the responsibility of the state and county since 1994 elections are for state and county elected officials. Therefore, it was not necessary to budget for this item. 1994 funds include costs for a two year maintenance agreement contract for service and repair of six ballot counters at the cost of 5440 for each counter. . • • . 4 • • Paga Oa� 199� BIIDGBT NOR3CS888T3 fiLHCTZONS - 41{10 - � D�cambar 2, 1993 1993 1994 OBJBCT 1994 1991 1997 ]�DOPT� D%TAZL PROPOSBD Fuad aecount • Obj � Da�cription ACTUAL ACTUaL HDDGBT a1i0IIt7T HIIDGET C�aati ,, """""_"""'_'__"'____"_""""""'___'____"____"""__""'__""'__"'_'____""_'__"'________'_"___""__'_""_'_'_"___" 101 - �1410 103.0 Pert-iime Selariea $1,594 57.795 53,000 56,000 � 101 - 41410 -01- 103.1 Slection Judgas 56,000 101 - 41�10 -01- 122.0 FIG Coatrlbutioas S99 $310 5186 5;72 � 101 - �1�10 -01- 122.1 81acGioa Judgas S;�Z �, 101 - �1�10 -01- 125.0 Xadiear� Coatribntioas S33 57] 544 S88 101 - 41110 -01- 125.1 Slactioa Judga� §s6 301 - 41410 -01- 103.0 friated lozmi 4 Papar 52.331 SO 53.400 §0 101 - 41410 -01- 203.1 Sallota 4 Progra�ing $0 101 - �1410 -01- 308.0 Itiseallaneous Snpplias SO S�OS 5135 5200 . 101 - 41610 -01- 208.1 Varioui Slaetloa PureEasas 5300 101 - �1{10 -01- 219.0 Othar Oparatiaq Supplias $428 5656 5250 5�50 101 - 41410 -01-, 219.1 1[aal� Lor Ylactlon Judgea =250 101 - 41410 -01- 742.0 Yiaor Bquipmeat SO f0 5150 5200 � 101 - 41410 -01- 242,1 Sallot Yachine 8quipmeat ¢200 101 - 41410 -01- 319.0 Other proiudoaal Sarvicas 50 51,100 SO SO � � 101 - 41410 -01- 319.1 SO . 101 - 41410 -01- 321.0 Talephoa� Costa SO 5378 5250 5500 101 - 41410 -01- 321.1 � Costs !or Praciact PLDnas a500 101 - 41410 -Q1- 351.0 Lnqal Hoticas Publishiag SO S3 S50 . ;0 101 - 41410 -01- 351.1 Hlactioa Publieatioas . EO 101 - 41410 -01- 359.0 Othar Priatlag i Hiadiag Costs 52 50 SO SO 301 - 41410 -01- 359.1 f0 101 - �1410 -01- 409.0 Oihar Contraetad Repair c Yain S50 51,966 SO 5�.640 � � 101 - 11410 -01- 409.1 2 Yaar YaSat liqr�oaat 52.640 . 101 - 11410 -OS- 439.0 OtLaz Yiscallaaaous Chargas SO 5160 5160 s320 SO1 - �1�10 -01- 439.1 Jaaitorial SazTica� $320 � 101 - 41410 -01- 570.0 OLfie� Iquip 4 Zuraishing Pure 5210 SO SO SO 101 - 41410 -01- 570.1 SO 101 - 41410 -OS- SL0.0 OtL�r iquipaaat Pureluaas SO 51,000 SO SO ioi - uuo -oi- seo.i go ------------------------------------------------------- P71G8 TOTI�i,S Ss.737 $13,845 57.615 510,570 510,570 D$F1�RT�NT TOT71.S 54,737 513,845 57.615 510,570 510,570 . ""....""'....."'......"".......""""""""' :` 1994 FINANCE DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET Statement of Work FINANCE DEPARTMENT - GENERAL/ADMINISTRAT(VE • Provides for the fiscal management, processing and maintenance ofi all accounting transactions for afl funds of the City, including budgetary controls, preparation of interim accounting reports and the Annual � Financial Report. For 1 �93, these duties are being performed at an adequate level. As we continue to grow and reporting requirements change, performing at an adequate {evel continues to become more and more difficult. Long-term planning items, such as an investment policy or a debt management policy, have continually been put on hold as the day to day issues are addressed by our staff. Hopefully, by the end of 1993, we wil( have a fixed asset system in place. This will increase our efficiency for audit reporting requirements and insurance reporting. It will also increase our workload to maintain the system. For 1994, I see the Finance Department continue to get by with what we have, but important long-term planning items will probabiy continue to be put on hold. DATA PROCESSING • Provides for evaluation of appropriate computer hardware and software on a continuing basis. • Coordinates efforts between departments to assure an integrated information system. • Acts as an in-house consultant providing technical assistance when possible, and if not possible, coordinating the procurement of outside technical assistance when needed. This area continues to become more and more difficult to handle adequately. As our system continues to grow, so grows the needs of all of the users. The time spent by our department is cutting into other areas of responsibility that we have that really cannot afford the (ost time. With the addition of the Armory for 1994, I do not see how we can continue ta operate in this area without additional help, be it someone that is hired in-house or consultants from outside. • � � TREASURY � . . , - • Fund Management - Collects and deposits revenues and manages the investment of idle funds. • Budgetary - Compiles historical and current expenditure and revenue data to facilitate budget preparation. e Bonding - Assists in the issuance, sale and record maintenance of debt. • Insurance - Maintains all records for property and workmen's comp insurance requirements, handfes all claims and prepares all documents for yearly renewals of policies. FINANCE DEPARTMENT - Page 2 For 1993, these areas of responsibility are being handled adequately and wili continue that way for 1994. Here again, areas of pianning, especialiy concerning investments and insurance, could be improved if we had more time. PAYROLL • Receives employee time cards, coordinates insurance, pay rates and other applicable payroll information with personnel, prepares payroll checks, prepares all Federal and State required reports, prepares all employee withheld and employer promised obligation funds for disbursement to appficab(e organizations, and prepares all reports as needed both int�rnally and external(y. For 1993 and 1994, this area will be handfed at an acceptable level. Because of reporting requirements mandated to us, we have no choice. But, as reporting requirements continue to grow, the timeliness of payroll and the accompanying reports will be difficult to maintain. UTILITY BILLING o Coordinates the mailing of all meter cards and utility bills, as wefl as the collection of both items. Handles on the computer system, fina! bills and new accounts. Fields and responds to utility billing complaints. Compiles operating statistical information, which is available to other departments as needed. This area continues to grow and the maintenance of the system and responding to �he customers becomes more and more difficuit. With the addition of our part-time person, hopefully there will be relief in this area by the end of 1993 and for 1994. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE • Processes purchase orders prepared by all departments, checking for accuracy and matching with invoices and all other supporting documentation so payments can b.e made in a timely manner. Also, prepares all checks and � supporting reports that accompany each check run: Coordinates the review of bills by Council by providing applicable reports arid supporting documentation. - As with payroll, this area must be maintained at an acceptable level. Bills must be paid in a timely fashion. I see no significant changes in our procedures and practices for the rest of 1993 and 1994. FINANCE DEPARTMENT - Page 3 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/CASH RECEIPTS • Prepares invoices for ail departments for items/services that must be billed to outside sources. Maintains records that allow for the timely collection of invoiced items/services. Receipts monies on a daily basis and deposits those monies daily in a designated banking institution. Maintains a system that allows for the appropriate reporting of all monies collected within the accounting system. We have made some changes in this area to try to become more efficient in this area in tt��e past year and will attempt to do so for 1994 as well. Help in this area from the Administration Department has al(owed us to make changes and if this help continues in 1994, performance should remain at an acceptable level. DEPUTY REG(STRAR • Maintains an office which handles vehicle license renewals, vehicle license transfers and DNR ficensing transactions, consistent with the requirements of the State. For the remainder of 1993 and 1994 as well, we anticipate adding hours of operation to inc(ude Saturdays. Otherwise, operations will continue as they have in the past. STAFFING For 1993, we added a part-time Deputy Registrar Clerk. With this addition, we now have 5 people(4 full-time and 1 part-time}. There is still a proposed restructuring of our department that may occur in 1993. This restructuring would include an Assistant Finance Director, an Accountant II position and an Accountant 1 position, as well as the Finance Director and the part-time Deputy Registrar Clerk. Yage Ona 1994 SIIDCBT 1POR1CSH8EiS FINANCS DBPARTI�NT - 415I0 - � Dmeembnr 2, 1993 1993 1994 OBJBCT 1991 1991 1993 aDOPT� DBTAIL PROPOSYD Yvnd Accouat i Obj t Descriptioa aCTOl1L ACrol�i. BonGET lutOOt7'r HIIUGST Co�aata "'_"""""""_'_""""____""'_____"""___"___"___"_____'__"""___""'_'______""""'_'____"""__"'_'___""__"""" a11�Salary Co�Er Iaclualve oI 101 - 41520 101.0 Salarie■ 4 Snnefits � $102,933 599,717 5123,915 5124,160 Sala ry, Taxei, PESU a Beaalita 101 - 41520 -02- 101.0 J. tiay, Pin Direetor(75t) . 547,051 75t Cna�l, 75k IItilitiee 101 - 41520 -03- 101.0 J. Cilb, Asaistant P/D(75t) 530,346 75k Gea�l, 25k IItilitiee 101 - �1520 -04- 101.0 D. 1Coxpala, aeeouatant(Ot) SO 100+k Yaid by IIGiltias� 101 - 41520 -OS- 101.0 D. Neraar, Lccouatant(100t) 531,824 �301 - 41520 -99- 103.0 1/2 Deputy Yagittrar(100}) . 514,939 101 - 41520 103.0 Tull-Tima Overil,m� 51,]24 5982 51,000 51�000 101 - 415]0 102.1 Daaiae Nezaer $1,000 101 - 41520 102.2 SO 101 - 11520 -01- 301.0 Auditing 4 Dccouatiag Servicns SO SO 5500 5200 101 - �1510 -01- 301.1 Consultiaq Sasvicns 5200 Moa-l�udit Related Sarvicas 101 - 41520 -01- 304.0 Lagal laes SO $0 SO t0 301 - 41520 -01- 304.1 $0 � 101 - 41520 -01- 305.0 Yedical i Deatal Yaes 561 SO $300 SO 101 - 41520 -01- 305.1 Physiuls SO � 101 - 41540 -01- 319.0 Othar Proluiioaal Saroica� SO 52.281 5500 $300 � 101 - 41520 -01- 319.1 Spriagatad Coaaulting 5300 101 - 41520 -01- 331.0 1Yava1 Sxpease 5]55 5168 5800 5500 SO1 - 41520 -01- 331.1 Piaaace Diraetor - 5300 101 - 41510 -01- 331.2 Sta!! $]00 101 - 41520 -01- 341.0 8mploymeat 1ldvertisiag §0 SO $500 SO 101 - 41520 -01- 341.1 SO 101 - 41530 -01- 391.0 P.C. Yaiataaaaca 56,256 510,821 $6,200 511,250 301 - 41530 -01- 391.1 fticm Systm Yainteaaace §t,]00 301 - �1530 -01- 391.2 Yicro Soltrara Licaase . 53,000 101 - 41520 -OS- 391.3 6aaeral Natvork 3uqport 53,000 � iGi - �1520 -01- 391.4 Itotor VaLiela S/N Ifaint §600 101 - 41530 -01- 391.5 lilscallanaous P.C. Yepaira §�50 101 - �1520 -01- 392.0 P�,C. Accasiories 4 Supylies 5625 51,496 5700 51,000 101 - 41520 -01- 392.1 City Systm Supylins $1,000 101 - f1530 -01- 393.0 P.C. 8ardrara PurcLa�es . g0 ;5,956 SO SO 101 - 41520 -01- 393.1 � SO 201 - 41530 -01- 394.0 P.C. Soltrare Purehasns 5680 5884 $0 $500 101 - �1520 -01- 394.1 7tiscallaaeoua S/M Packages 5500 101 - 41530 -01- 409.0 Other Contraetad Aepair i Nain SO 5225 5300 5300 � 101 - {1570 -01- 409.1 Caah Regi�Gar Yaiat Coatret 5300 101 - 41520 -01- 433.0 Dues 4 Subseriptioas 5313 5227 51,300 51,700 S01 - 41520 -01- 43;.1 �Y1��naual Pees 5150 101 - 41520 -01- 433.2 1SGPOA - Pinaaca Direetoz 5150 101 - 41520 -Ol- 433.3 iSGP011 - Staft 5300 101 - 41530 -01- 433.4 6P011 - Piaaaca Direetor � $150 101 - 41510 -01- 433.5 CP011 - Sta!! ' � � $300 � � 101 - 41520 -OS- 433.6 Nagazia� Subscriptioas 5150 101 - 415]0 -01- 435.0 Hooks a Pamphi��a SO $150 5200 ° ' e2C�0 • 101 - �1530 -01- 435.1 Accoaating IIelaiad Hoo1u §100 ' 101 - 41530 -01- 435.2 Piaaac� Aalat�d Sooks . . §100 . ---"""'-'-"""-""--"""""""""""""'-- - p�$ T�'u3 5112,347 5122,9�7 5136,115 5140,610 5140,610 � Paga 7\ro 1994 BIIDGST NORICSBEETS � PINANCS DSPARTDfffiiT - 41520 - Dncember 3, 1993 1993 1994 OHJBCT 1994 1991 1992 ADOPTED DFTAZL PROPOSID Yuad accovnt M Obj • Dnseription aCTp1S, aCfp7,y gppCBT ]�tOOHT HIIDGBT Co�eats ___"'_____"""""_'_____"'_'_____"""'_"_____'___"____""___"'_______'____"__'____'___""_______""_____"'__""'___"""" 101 - �1520 -01- 437.0 Coainreacer G Seminarr 5576 51,888 53.500 5�.500 101 - 41520 -01- 437.1 �D.a CoaLnrnaee(Yor Thren) 5300 101 - 41520 -01- �37.1 Computnr Symposi�a � 5500 � 101 - 41510 -01- 437.3 16CFQl.aaaual Coat - P/D � 5300 101 - 41520 -01- 437.5 kCPOA I�aaual Coa! - Stalt 5500 101 - 41520 -01- 437.5 GP0J1 Natioaal Coaf - p/D . 5500 1994 Coa! ia TVin Citiai 101 - 41520 -01- 437,6 ltircellaaeoua Sminar� 5400 101 - 41520 -01- 439.0 Other Xiscnllaneoua CLargea 5306 $647 5500 5500 101 - 41530 -01- �39.1 Chga Not Coverad Blserhere � 5500 101 - 41520 -01- 570.0 Oiiica 8quipmeat Purehases SO 52.222 $0 SO 101 - 41520 -01- 570.1 � SO -'-'--""'--""""--"-"""""'----"-""""-'- PACH TOYI�LS 5883 $4,756 SS,000 53.000 $3,000 . DSP7utT�iT TOT7�L3 5113,229 5127,663 $140,115 5143,610 5143,610 .....'."""............""'............."""...... , 1994 GENERAL GOVERNMENT OPERATING BUDGET Statement of Work The general government operating budget provides for the funding of supplies, operating costs, professional services, minor equipment and generai notice costs for most of the city departments. There will be no increase from 1993 to 1994 for the following budget items: microfilming and copying costs, copy paper and printed forms such as checks and purchase orders, equipment parts, and miscellaneous supplies. The 1994 budget remains constant for the annual a�adit and other services provided by the city's financial cansultant and for the city's portion of the overall funds for the Fire Relief Association's retirement benefits. The budget amounts for envelopes and letterhead, janitorial supplies and miscellaneous office supplies represents a decrease for each of these three items in the 1994 budget. 1994 telephone and postage budgets were each increased by 51,000 over the 1993 budgets. Increased telephone cost projections are based upon slightly higher (easing costs for equipment, installation costs and general telephone service costs. 1994 projected postage costs are based upon greater usage and an increase of rental equipment rates for 1994. � Other transportation costs provide for license plates renewals for all city vehicles. License plates renewals are due every two years, thereby causing an increase in the 1994 budgeted amount. Also funds were budgeted to pay for any duplicate licenses, if needed. Two additional line items for 1994 are funds for city maps and city directory. For the past four years, city maps have been available for the citizens. A directory of city services and city government officials and staff and other information would be mailed to all residents and then given to new residents as they move into the community. The cost for publication of legal notices will increase significantly over 1993 costs. This increase is due to the City using a different newspaper pubfisher as the city's official newspaper. Since the cost is quite higher, each department will budget for its respective pubfication costs of legal documents. It should be noted that although. this is a significant increase; the averall costs for the city newsletter, legal notices and pubfication of city council minutes represents a decrease. . , , In 1993, a specific budget amount was not included ;or .tF�e. �ub(ication of city council minutes. This cost was part of the negotiated contract costs for the city newsletter. When the city contracted with a different publisher to do the newsletter in April of 1993, the city has been billed separately for publication of minutes. Therefore, the projected costs for publication of minutes is identified in the 1994 budget under general notices and pub(ic information. Paye Oaa 1994 BIIDGBT NOR1CS88ETS CENERAL GOVSRNI�lIT - 41810 - Dacembar 2, 1943 1993 i194 OBJECT 1994 � 1991 1992 ADOpTgp DHTAIL PROP058D Puad account w Obj { Deacriytioa aCTUAL ACfOAL HIIDCET AISOQNT SIIDCET Co�anG """""'___"'_"___""_"_'__"'__""___'__________"'____"___"____"'____"____.___"_"_____"'_______"___"'__"__"""_____" 101 - 41610 -01- 101.0 Otiice Accesaorie� SO $60 SO SO � 101 - �1810 -01- 201.1 � 50 101 - 41d10 -01- 202.0 Duplieatinq 4 Copyiag 57.655 $13,274 $11,500 511,500 . 101 - �1810 -01- 202.1 xierotilming 53,000 SO1 - 41E10 -01- 202.2 Copying Coati 58.500 101 - �1610 -01- 703.0 Yriatad Porms a Papar 54.088 56,015 59.150 $9,150 101 - 11l10 -01- 203.1 Capy Papas �� 53.100 101 - 41810 -01- 303.2 Geaeral aeceipt Books 5750 101 - 41810 -01- 203.3 Purchas• Ordars 5850 101.- 41810 -01- 203.4 Yayroll Chacks ¢1,100 101 - 41810 -OS- 203.5 �/P Checki $2,200 101 - 4181D -OS- 203.6 6r��abar Co�putar(30 swca�) $1,150 101 - 41810 -01- 204.0 8nvalopas 4 Lattarhaada 51,957 54.254 56,550 $3,100 � 101 - 41810 -01- ]04.1 Letterhaad 51,000 � 101 - 11610 -01- 304.2 Plaia �valopu 5600 � - � 101 - 41810 -01- 304.3 A/P i payroll 8avalopa� 5�00 101 - 41810 -01- 204.4 10 z 13 2yvek Bnvalopes � 5750 101 - 41L10 -01- 204.5 30 x 15 Ryvek 8nvalopu � 5350 101 - 41810 -01- 206.0 Yicroiilm 3uppliai $SOS 554 $0 $0 101 - 41810 -01- 206.1 SO 101 - 41810 -01- 208.0 1[iscellaaeous Supplias 58.347 ;10,947 59.500 58.000 101 - 41l10 -01- 208.1 Jaaitorial a ltiac C1ty Hall 58,000 101 - 41810 -01- 309.0 Othnr OLSice 3upplias 521,817 518,151 518,000 � 516,000 101 - 41E10 -01- 209.1 Ceanral Olfiea Supplia� 516,000 � 301 - �1810 -01- 212.0 Yotor TueL 5359 5166 $0 � SO . ioi - uaio -oi- zu.i so 101 - 41610 -01- 219.0 Othar Oparatiag Suppliaa SO $77 $p sp 101 - �1II10 -01- 219.1 $0 101 - 41810 -01- 221.0 Bquiymaat Parts SO 5178 51,100 51,100 101 - 41l10 -01- 2]1.1 City Sall Yquipamt Aepairs 51,100 101 - 41810 -01- 229.0 Othar Yalatenanca Supplias 549 5275 5300 $300 101 - 41810 -01- 239.1 ISiscellaaaous Supyliae 5300 � 101 - 41810 -01- 1�2.0 Yiaor Hquiyment 5399 5861 SO $0 101 - 41810 -01- 7�2,1 $0 � 101 - �1810 -01- 3D1.0 l.uditiag E AccounGiag Services $6,063 517,806 520,000 570,000 101 - 41810 -01- 301.1 1992 l�udlt Pees 570,000 101 - 41610 -01- 302.0 ArchiGecte' Yens 50 52,281 50 $0 101 - 41810 -01- 302.1 SO 101 - 41810 -01- 304.0 Lagal Pens 513,576 553,377 521,000 531,000 1D1 - 41810 -01- 304.1 Geaeral City Legal Yees 531,000 S01 - 41810 -OS- 319.0 Other Profaisioaal Sesvicas §3],990 535,161 §26,000 528,]00 101 - 41810 -01- 319.1 Pira Aalia! Ass`a � � ' Sz6,000 � � 101 - 41810 -01• 319.1 CSty Itays � s1,200 101 - 41630 -01- 319.3 Diractory . . . , 51,000 101 - 41810 -01- 321.0 Telaphone Costs 523,571 523,719 $20,000 ;11,000 � 101 - 41810 -Ol- 321.1 Yoathly Silliags . $21,000 ' 101 - 41810 -OS- 322.0 PosGaga Costs � 511,669 511,667 ;11,000 512,000 101 - 41810 -OS- 323.1 Geaaral Postaga Coets ' Su.000 _"""'"""_""""_""""'"_____""""'_'_""'" P�$ T�Tws 5132,645 5196,313 5155,100 5161,350 5161,350 199� HQDGST 1POR1CSH88T3 C.�iuoir. r,pyg��T - 41810 - . Decembar 2, 1993 � 1993 1994 OBJBCP 1994 1991 1992 ADppTpp DBTAIL PROPOSED Tuad l�ceouat f Obj • Daseriytion aCTUAL aCPpN, gpDGgT J�IppyT gpp�gT , Co�eaG � ""_""""""""""'_""_______'______"'_""'__"'____"'____"___'_""_____"'________"'______"'______"____"__"_'______"" 101 - �1E10 -01- 339.0 Othnr Tranaportatioa Expea�es 594Y. $824 . $700 51,000 101 - 41II10 -01- 339.1 fi�aazal Coa G 51,000 101 - 41610 -01- 341.0 Smploymant )Wvertiaiag ;0 5711 SO . SO ioi - 4iaio -oi- sai.i so 101 - 41l10 -01- 351.0 Laqal Noticas Publiehiag - SO 50 S1,]00 $10,000 101 - 41L10 -01- 351.1 Notices Costs-J111 Depts $10,000 � 101 - 41810 -01- 352.0 Ceaezal Hotiees 4 Publie Znfo $4,7T2 SO SO $7,200 � � 101 - 41810 -01- 353.1 57.]00 101 - 41810 -01- 415.0 Other Hquiymeat Yeatal S40 $0 $0 SO 101 - 41810 -01- 415.1 SO . 101 - S1E10 -01- l39.0 Othar Yi�eallaaaoua Chasgei SO S89 SO SO � 101 - 41810 -01- 439.1 � $0 . "-""-""'--""'-'-"""""-"-""""-'-----"' . . p�$ T�Tus . $5,753 $1,124 . 51,4Q0 S1d,200 S1E,200 � D��T�T T�Tus 513t,398 $197,4;6 5156,500 5179,550 5179,550 �............"""".....�.�......."'....".'�....... 1994 PLANNING DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET Statement of Work The Planning Department responsibilities include development review coordination, zoning ordinance administration and enforcement, comprehensive planning, intergovernmental and regional coordination, and geographic system development. These responsibi(ities are defined on Attachment 1 . The department has a staff of three, consisting of the director of planning, a planner, and departmental secretary. In 1994 the full time staff will remain the same. Overview of �peratinq Budaet The Planning Department was established during the reorganization that occurred in 1991 a This reorganization divided the functions of the Community Development Department into three different departments of the City. Last year was the first budget year that the Planning Department had its own budget. The department has a small operating budget which comprises five percent (5%) of the department's overall budget. The remaining 95 percent covers salaries for staff and the Planning Commission. Approximate(y forty percent (40%) of the operating budget is used for staff proTessional development including professional memberships, books, subscriptions, manuals, legal periodicals, local conferences, .and training seminars. Professional development for staff is very important for continued high quality planning in Rosemount. State and federal requirements are continually changing and new ideas are being tried in other communities. This part of the budget helps us to keep on top ' of these things so that we can keep the Planning Commission and City Council on top of these things. This part of the budget will be maintained at last year's level. No national conferences or training seminars are budgeted. While this will not cover the cost for all materials and training that staff should have, it will allow the department to not fall to far behind in this area. This level should be adequate for another year. Another five percent (5%) of the operating budget supports the professional development of the Planning Commissioners through training and materials. This will be maintained and it allows each Commissioner to attend one Government Training Seminar or to receive the APA Planning Magazine. Well trained, informed commissioners enhance the City's professionalism. It would be �ice to expand this program, but commissioners don't afways have the extra time to commit to more training. For next year maintaining the current level of commissioner development wilf be adequate but more focus on training in future years could save the City money in legal fees, review costs, etc. � The remaining 55 percent of the budget covers all expenses related to development review coordination and zoning ordinance administration. The Planning Department's 1993 budget included the following expenses: ordinance upkeep; duplicating of ordinances, forms, handouts, and large mai(ings; drafting supplies and reproductive services; and specialized computer software utilities and supplies. The expenses to date suggest that the 1993 budget will not meet the needs primarily because most of 1994 PLANNING DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET - Page 2 these items are now taxable due to changes in the state sales tax requirements. Keeping witf;in the three percent (3%) budgeting guideline, the entire increase in the Planning Department's budget should be applied to these types of items. The additional 5250 (3% of 58,100) will make up for the loss in buying power due to the sales tax. If these demand for these items exceed budget, it is likely that revenues for app(ication fees, zoning ordinances and map sales will increase correspondingly. There �vill be no money budgeted for outside pfanning consultant services as in 1993. This money will ue shifted into the salary portion of the budget so that the department can hire a summer intern. Because of the cost differential and fimited funding available, a summer planning intern (graduate planning student) is being requested for assistance with the zoning ordinance revisions related to comprehensive plan implementation. This request is in lieu of Planning Consultant services that were in previous budgets. This intern is a very cost effective way to assist with the research, investigation and drafting of ordinance changes necessary to implement the comprehensive plan. The 1993 budget did not include three line items that should be included in the Planning Department's budget that cannot be incorporated within the 3 percent budget guideline: 1. Hearing Notices. S 1,600. In the two years these fees were nominal and were handled as part of the City's newspaper contract. Currently a small legal netice costs about $40 and generally the department publishes about 40 per year. The legal notices that were published for the Comprehensive Pfan cost 5200 per notice for the most inexpensive notice. 2. Recording Fees. 5750. The City records easements, development contracts and agreements and other types of encumbrances at the Recorders Office. Where possible, these costs are past on to the developer, generally by the application fee that is paid for the development review. Due to an oversight during last years budget this expense was not included in the Planning Budget. 3. County Property/Ownership Data Updates. 5500. The City utilizes ownership and legal description from the Dakota Cc�nty Assessors Office as the basis for hearing . . . . , notice mailings, the GIS parcel ownership datab��e a.nd other programs such as � the building permit system and the utility billing system. The County does not� charge for the data but does charge for staff time required to provide us the data at a $75 per hour rate. Currently the various city departments update information on an as need basis. This would systemize this process and the planning department would provide updates to all departments on a quarterly basis through the GIS. 19�4 PLANNING DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET - Page 3 1994 Work Program Focus The Planning Department staff need to be flexible and adapt quickly to variations in work load in the current planning/development review responsibilities. This is by far the greatest proportion of the department's work program on average consuming nearly 50 percent of the staff time. In 1994, the department will continue to be responsive with the assistant planner assigned this responsibility as his primary task and with the Planning Director assisting when work load warrants. Unfortunately this function does not produce a steady predicable work load. For example, some Planning Commission agenda`s can have 6 to 10 action items (variances, site plan reviews, plats, etc.} and the next one may have only 3 items. This year I estimate that under 50 percent of the department's time each week on average is devoted to development review coordination. Planning stafif need to be flexibie to respond to the development review responsibilities in a timely manner and keep the other tasks moving forward. The main special project focus of the Planning Department in 1994 wifl be to comp(ete the implementation program outlined in the Comprehensive Guide Plan which consists primarily of zoning and subdivision ordinance amendments. During the past year and a half the staff's focus has been to complete the Comprehensive Guide Plan and guide it successfully to approval at the Metropo(itan Council. It appears that this task will be complete in the fall of 1993 and the City will be able focus more on implementation. In the 1993-1994 Major Project programming timeline upcoming major tasks and the timing of those tasks have been identified. This schedule assumes no additiona( professional staff, other the aforementioned intern. While in a perfect world it would be our desire to complete many of these implementation tasks by the end of the first quarter, the department's current staffing level is not adequate to facilitate completion of all the ordinance changes suggested by the Comprehensive Plan in that time frame. Realistically, zoning and subdivision ordinance adjustments and additions suggested in the Comprehensive Plan will require the enti�e 1994 calendar year to complete, even with the assistance of a summer intem. • � With no additiona! staff in 1994 it is not anticipated•th�t°will be able to strengthen our code enforcement efforts. Currently we operate entirely on a complaint basis for enforcement acti�n. This can be problematic especially if we are not able to receive � voluntary compliance. If a violation has to go to court, historically courts have not viewed complaint based enforcement very favorably. To move to a more enhanced system will require a new level of effort and it does not appear the financial resources are available to commit to such a program at this time. Even with the complaint oriented system our current Ievel of staff does not always permit timely action on a complaint. Complaints tend to occur more frequently during our peak times for development review-spring and summer. Often times our response 1994 PLANNING DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET - Page 4 is what I would consider less than acceptabie during these times, but without more resources I think it is a reality we have to live with for now. In 1994, it is anticipated that the time allocated to other departmental responsibilities incfuding will be quite similar to the time being allocated in 1993. This is considered the minimum acce�table level of effort in order to adequately serve these functions. The foilowing table provides a breakdown of the estimated staff time allocated to the various deparlment functions. Percent of TYme Allocated'� Work Program Emphasis Re.S�OHStsI�'n' 1993 1994 1994 cN•��,fx.� Devdopment Review•Coordination &Assistance 47 47 43 Zoniag Ordinance Administtation &Enforcement 13 20 27 ....._..................................__......... ..._.........._ ......»........._............................. o Amrndments 8 15 16 ._......_.._................»......._.._............... .........................._...........__._._.._............ � Enforcement 5 5 12 ComprehensivePlanning 1$ 7 'J Regional&Intergovernmental Coordination 11 7 9 Geographie Information System Development � .� 7 Dept.Ope:ation Support Functions '] � � Total 100 100 100 * 'I�ese allocaoons are based on averages. During a given week ' the department's focus may shift depending on deadlines, applications, and direcqves from the Ciry Council and/or outside �' agencies. ', ' ' . • • . . , � — I 1994 PLANNING DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET - Page 5 Planning Department Responsibilities 1) Development Review Coordination � Coordinate interdepartmental staff review of all residential, commercial, and industrial developments. Responsible for reviewing for compliance with the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. ' � Provide recommendations to advisory Planning Commission and City Council on �! aU deliberations concerning zoning, variances, site plan review, platting, and '� special permits (interim use permits, mining permits, etc.). ' � Draft all development contracts, in consultation with the Public Works I Department and City Attorney. Coordinate execution of all legal doc�ments and permits. Receive all securities and dedication fees. � Provide assistance to City sponsored economic development and bui(ding activities pertaining to development review. 2) Zoning Code Administration and Enforcement � Maintain Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances in compliance with federal, state, and county requirements (statutes and rules). � Draft amendments to Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances to bring them into conformance with the Comprehensive Guide Plan and other City policies. � Monitor properties within the City for zoning ordinance compliance. � Review and approve all sign permits. � Investigate complaints regarding code violations. 3) Comprehensive Planning � � Provide for the development of long range plans to guide the physical development of the community. � Responsible for overseeing review of local plar,s by the Metropofitan Council. � Preparation of special studies as requested by the Planning Commission, City Council or City Administrator. 4) Regional and Intergovernmental Coordination � Monitor federal, state, and other governmental regulations pertaining to development to insure compliance. � Monitor regional activities affecting the City, including but not limited to land , use, transportation, waste management, and sewer services. Includes active � participation by departmental staff in various committees and organizations. � � Provide staff liaison to the MVTA. � Provide staff liaison to Dual Track Airport Planning Process. 5) Geographical Information System � Initiate the development of in-house GIS system capabilities for the City by selecting hardware and software. � Coordinate system deve(opment with other departments and the County. � Serve as system data base administrator for the GIS. Pege paa � 1994 8IIDC%T XOR]CSHEETS PI.aNNINC D%PA1tTlILN1' - 41910 - � � Dacembar 2, 1993 1993 1994 OHJHCT 1994 1991 1992 ADOPTSD DSTAIL PROPOSBD Pund AccouaG / Obj � Descriptioa """""""""""""""""""""""""'"'AClVAL J1C'TUJS BIIDCHT NSODNT BIIDGBT "'""""""""'""""""""'"""""""""""""Commeat■ _"'_'_'_'_"" 101 - �1930 101.0 Salerias a Baaeti b � � 5192,138 5131,887 $139,402 5141,055 All Salary Coats Iacluiive ot 101 - 41910 -03- 101.0 Plaaaiag Director 101 - 41910 -03- 101.0 �D. Quiatus, Plaaaing Sectry 563,016 � Salary, Taxes, P� p g�ntlts - 101 - 41910 -04- 101.0 R. Pearica, 7�Sit Plaaaer � 539,656 101 - 41l10 102.0 Full-iim� pvei�im� � 53L,383 51,679 53,083 - 56,000 56,000 S01 - 41910 102.2 D, Quintus � 101 - 41910 102.2 R, pearioa � � 52.000 101 - �1910 -99- 103.0 Part-Time Salariai i HeaelSts 54,000 - 57,378 55,900 , $4,500 $9,250 101 - 41910 -99- 103.1 Plaaaiag C��,�ioa 101 - 41910 -99- 103.2 plaaaiag Iatexa(13 Meeka) 54,500 5 �embe,ra • 535/Yeetiag 101 - 41910 -01- 202.0 54,750 �Plicatiag II Copyiaq SO 53� 5300 " 301 - 41910 -01- 202.1 5300 Zoa1aS/gubdiviia Ordiaaaca 101 - 41910 �-01- 203.0 Priatad po� 4 Pap�r 5300 5290 SO $0 SO 101 - 41910 -01- 203.1 101 - 41910 -01- 205.0 DraLtia 8 SO � 4 upplias $0 5995 5160 101 - 41930 -01- 205.1 Yiscallaaaoys 5160 Supplies 101 - 41910 -01- ]09.0 Othar pttica 3 5160 � upplies SO $2.097 SO SO 101 - 41910 -01- 209.1 101 - d1910 -01- 312.0 Yotor Pual� SO 51,006 ;95 SO SO 101 - 41910 -01- 212.y � 101 - 41910 -Ol- 341.0 Small Tools SO S64 SO SO SO 301 - 41910 -01- 241.1 101 - 41910 -01- 2l2.0 Yiaor SO �iW�t SO 5297 Sp . 101 - 41910 -01- 242.1 Dictation Yqnipasa� 575 101 - �1930 -01- 304.0 S75 Lag�l Z�y 5198 517 Sp . 101 - �1930�-01- �01,1 Coatinqaaeiu 5750 301 - �1910 -01- 305.0 Yadical 4 D�ntai 1��� � 5750 ' SO SO SO SO 101 - f1910 -01- 305.1 101 - 41910 -01- 311.0 Coatraet SO �+peetioa ��as 514,l40 $0 SO 101 - �1910 -01- ;12.1 SO 101 - �1910 -01- 313.0 i SO � �orary Saxvie� 1�ei 5955 SD SO 101 - 41910 -01- 313.1 SO � 101 - 41910 -01- 319.0 Other pro=esiional Snrvices �SO � � 531,592 521,686 53,120 51,500 101 - 41910 -01- 319.1 Dakota Ccyy�y prpyuh,Dnta . 101 - 41910 -01- 319.2 Ordiaaaca Codificatioa 5500 � 101 - 41910 -01- 323.0 Radio IIait■ 51,000 � 5137 Sp Sp so . 101 - 41910 -01- ;23,1 101 - 41910 -01- 3Zg,p pty`= ��yaicatica Costa SO . 5393 SO 50 SO 101 - 41910 -01- 329.1 � 101 - 41910 -01- 331.0 Traval 8xpeasa � SO "� . $199 Sld7 5450 5450 101 - �1910 -01- 331.1 Aag. Stata i I,ucal Coa! � ... . . _ . '101 - 41910�-01- 331.2 Yiscallaawn� g=p�� � 5300 � 101 - 41910 -01- 351.0 L � 5150 - agal 1loticas Publishiag S15 SO 50 301 - 41910 -01- 351.1 51,600 101 - 41910 -01- 391.0 P.C.•Haiataaaaea s � ' ' . 51.600 101 - {1910 -01- 391.1 $� 5255 SO SO . SO • -------------------------------- --^"------'--'------- p�$ �ws 5250,884 5156,532 ¢153,933 5161,140 � 5161,1/0 Psge Tbo �� 199� SODGBT NORICSBE%i3 PI.aNNINC DBPI.RTl6ffiIT - �1910 - � � Dacember 3, 1993 1993 1994 OaJECT 1994 1991 1993 ADOPTSD DBTAIL YAOPOSSD Puad l�ccouat f Obj { Dnscriptioa aCPOAL J1CTp71L 80DGST IJIOIINT BIIDCHT Co�aati _"""'_"""_"""_""""__"""""""___'_""__'_____""'_____"""'______________'_"""'______"""'__""'___"""__'"_ 101 - 41910 -01- 392.0 P.C. Aece��oriea E Supplie■ $0 5501 5�10 5705 101 - 41910 -01- 392.1 P.C. aeea��oriea 5105 101 - 41910 -01- 39].2 � SO 101 - 11910 -01- 393.0 P.0..Hardrazm Purehasas $0 58�7 SO SO 101 - �1910 -01- 393.1 SO 101 - 11910 -01- 394.0 P.C. Soltrara Purehase■ 547 5814 SO S�OS 101 - 41910 -01- 394.1 Dtilltias/Dpgrades . 5205 1Q1 - 41910 -01- 433.0 Duea 4 3ubacriytioas 51,073 51,104 51,240 51,240 101 - 41910 -01- 433.1 APa/ASCP Yemberehips � $310 101 - 41910 -01- 433.4 IIAISI�Yemberahip j80 101 - 41910 -01- �33.3 Plaaaazs l�dvi�ory Sezvica 5350 . 101 - 41910 -01- 433.4 Yiscallaaaous Y�berrhipi $200 101 - 41910 -OS- 433.5 Subaeriptions 5300 101 - 41910 -01- 435.0 Soolu 4 pamphlats ;596 S�d6 5300 5300 � 101 - 41910 -01- 435.1 Ylanaiag Sooks 5300 101 - 41910 -01- �37.0 Coafarmace� i S�i.mrs 51,363 51,050 51,800 51,800 101 - 41910 -01- 437.1 Plaaaing CoaL-Dizector $300 101 - 41910 -01- 437,2 Stata Coai-Ass`t Plaanar 5200 101 - 41910 -01- 437,3 Local Coatareacas/Seminars $300 101 - t1910 -01- 437,4 plaaaiaq C�lssnr Traiaiag �$250 101 - 41910 -01- 437.5 S�eratarial Tra3nlag � $150 101 - f1910 -01- 437.6 Co�utar Traiaiag 5600 101 - 11910 -01- 439.0 Other Yiscallaaaous Charg�s $1�1 5160 � 5300 '�- 5300 101 - 41910 -01- 439.1 Yaating Scpaasai $150 . 101 - 41910 -01- 4;9.3 1[iscallaa�oua Chargas $150 101 - �1910 -01- 570.0 OLLSe� Equipaaat a turaishings SO 5359 SO $D 101 - 41910 -01- 570.1 $0 � ""--"---'--'-------'-""""------""-""""'--' p� TOTus 53.219 55,101 Sd.050 S�.O50 54,050 DBPI�tT�IT TOi1S.S 5254,103 5161,633 5157,982 $165,190 5165,190 """""'...................�..""""'�"""""�. 1994 GCVERNMENT BUILDINGS OPERATING BUDGET (Excludes Utility Buildings & Armory) Statement of Work This budget provides for rental space from the University of Minnesota for equipment storage; refuse collection from all public buildings and parks; electrical and gas utility charges for all buildings; miscellaneous routine maintenance contracts such as elevator and HVAC; and minor unexpected repairs. In 1993, we managed to keep the overhead doors at the Fire Station and Police Garage operating, replaced the water heater at the Fire Station and replaced dead or damaged trees and shrubs at City Hall. A detailed list of needed repairs to the Fire Station, Maintenance Building and City Hall has been compiled. These repairs are estimated at 530,000. None of them have been accounted for in this budget. We are not keeping up with necessary repairs with this budget. We must serious(y consider additional commitment to this area or fund a C.I.P. item. There is no Staff budgeted for in this budget category. If the Armory is to be accounted for in this category, we will need to al4ocate appropriate funds. � Paga Ona 1991 BIIDC£'r NORICSHS£TS GOVERHHENT HIIILDINGS - �1940 - Dacembar 3, 1993 1993 1994 OBJSCT 1994 1991 1994 ADOPT6D D8211IL PAOPOS� Fuad l�ccouat � Obj M De�eriptloa ACI�QAI, aCiqAy gpDCET NtODNT aDDGHT Ca�ent• ___________""""___'__"'_____________"____"______"____"'_____'______________"__'___________""'__'____"____"____'_'__'_""".. 101 - 419�0 -01- Z11.0 Cleaaing Supplina 5]59 ;0 SO SO 101 - 41940 -01- 211.1 SO 101 - 419�0 -01- 219.0 Other Opnratiag Supplies 5368 SO SO 5100 101 - 41940 -01- 319.1 Ica Coatrol Chemicals 5200 101 - �1940 -01- 123.0 Buildiag Repair Supplias 54,055 §6,313 56,800 58,178 �101 - 41940 -01- 223.1 IIepair Garaga Doori $1,000 101 - 41940 -OS- 223.2 Yiscellaaaous Sldg Rapairs 53,87! 8agiaear�r Closat Additioaal 101 - 41940 -01- 123.3 ]�aaval RP3 Insyectioa 52.500 101 - f1940 -01- 233.4 Slactrical IIapairs 5800 101 - 41940 -01- 225.0 Laadscaping Yatarisls 5412 q0 51,500 51,000 101 - f19�0 -01- 225.1 Timbari, ate. . 5500 101 - 41940 -01- 235.] RYaas 4 Shxvb� � §500 101 - 41940 -01- 241.0 Small Tool■ � S37 SO 5100 $100 101 - �1940 -01- 241.1 5100 101 - 41940 -01- 744.0 ltinor Equipmaat SO $0 5100 5100 101 - 419f0 -01- 242.1 5100 101 - 41940 -OS- 302.0 /�rchitacts' Peas SO 51,534 ;500 SS00 - 101 - 419�0 -OS- 302.1 5500 101 - 41940 -01- 319.0 Other Protassioaal Servieas §5,210 54.676 54,500 54.500 101 - 41940 -01- 319.1 Slavator Yaiataaaaca $1,000 101 - 41940 -01- 319.2 Haatiag/Cooliag Itaiataaaaee 53.500 101 - 41940 -01- 381.0 Hlaetrie IItilitiu $30,268 519,140 51l,500 ;1E,500 101 - 41940 -01- 3d1.1 518,500 101 - �1940 -01- 3l3.0 Gai IItiliti�s 512,002 512,734 Su.000 S11,000 � 101 - 41940 -01- 3l3.1 512,000 101 - �1940 -01- 3C�.0 Ralw� Diiyosal 59.243 511,7]4 513,000 511,600 101 - �1940 -01- 3l�.1 Caaeral Dldqs 4 Parks 511,600 301 - �1940 -01- 369.0 Othar IItility Sas�ie�s §62 SO 51,200 51,200 101 - 41940 -01- 3E9.1 Ploor Yats-Yoathly Charqa� $1,200 101 - �1940 -01- 401.0 Coatracted Hulldiaq Aapair� $0 52.382 57.500 52.500 101 - 41940 -01- 401.1 Wtsid� V�ador Dldg aepaira $2,500 101 - 41940 -01- 412.0 Building Aeatal 55,646 $8,097 512,000 $12,000 101 - �1940 -01- 112.1 II ot Y Storega $17,000 101 - 419l0 -01- �15.0 Other Bquipmaat Reatal � SO $0 5400 5400 101 - 419�0 -01- 415.1 Cerpat Claaaar $d00 101 - �1940 -01- 439.0 Other Yiaeallanaous CLargea $650 SO 5500 5500 101 - 41940 -01- 439.1 OtLer Huildiag Chnzgea 5500 -"'----""-'---"""--'-'--"--'-""""""---"-' p�'$ TaTus 556,213 566,499 572.600 573,278 573,278 . .. � DSPl1R17�iT TOTL7,S §58.313 ¢66.499 572.600 573.576 573.278 � . ...........�'�'.......'.'�..�.......'."......�........ ' . 1994 POLICE DEPARTMENT OPERATtNG BUDGET Statement of Work The first draft of the 1994 pofice department budget refiects a 3 percent increase in operating costs. This increase of $3,891 .00 will be necessary to cover the increased costs of dispatching, monthly rates for phone lines associated with the new radio repeater, and increased monthly charges for the State of Minnesota (CJDN) and ENFORS computer rates. The most significant increase in 1994 will be in the salaries and benefits al(otted to police personnel by the union contract. For example, 1994 will be the first year additional monies will have to be planned for payment of overtime such as court appearances and sick time coverage. � SecrEtarial tunctions are currently being performed by one full-time person and one part-time person. Their workload has increased to the extent where it has become necessary to hire an additional part-time person or increase the hours of our current part-time secretary. My recommendation is to increase the part-time hours by two hours daily. Pega Ona 1994 BIIDGSY wORIC588ET5 . POLZCS DEP71RT8ffi7T - 42110 - D�cembnr 2, 1993 1993 199� OHJSCT 199� 1991 199I ADOPTSD DSiAZL YAOPOS� Puad Account p Obi � Descriptioa ACTVAL ACTOAL SIIDGST utOIINT HIIDGET Ca�eats """"""__"__"'__"_""____"""_'___"'___'__'_""___"'____"_____'__"'_'______'__""_____'____""'__'_'_"'__"____"'___" 101 - 42110 . 101.0 Salarie■ c BeneLita $557,867 5599,569 5671,13] 5759,176 all Selary Cost■ iaclu�iva of 101 - 42110 -0]- 101.0 L. Zautsea, Polica ChieE 566,15� Salary, Tues, P�. 4 Seaatits 101 - 42110 -03- 101.0 D. Iuhas, Liauteaant 558,103 101 - 42110 -04- 101.0 J. Yric�oa, Snrgeant 554,161 101 - �1110 -OS- 101.0 J. O'7.ury, Sergaaat 55�,669 101 - 42110 -06- 101.0 D. Hur7chaltar, Patrol Ofter 555,635 101 - 43110 -07- 101.0 C. Thorstad, Patrol OLficnr $53,531 101 - <2110 -0l- 101.0 N. O'Donaall, Patrol Olficr $55,635 101 - 42130 -09- 101.0 Y. Aobideau, Patrol Otticer $54,978 101 - 41110 -10- 101.0 J. S�ars, patrol Officar 555,005 101 - 42110 -11- 101.0 e, MeatLartord, Yatrol O!1 555,635 101 - 42110 -1]- SO1.0 T. Yuzphy, patrol 0ltieer 551,l83 101 - �2110 -13- 101.0 3. Bebarg, patrol OLLicer 54�.611 101 - 42130 -14- 101.0 J, MiaCara, Patrol Oitieez $41,730 101 - 42110 -20- 101.0 D. Yarthslar, Polica Saetxy 539,507 301 - 42110 -21- 103.0 J. Driseoll, P/S Saeretary 517,940 301 - 42110 102.0 Ovartiaa $21,300 101 - 43110 -04- 102.0 J. Hriesoa, Sargeaat 5330 SO 8ouri • 21.7707/8r s SSOt � 101 - 42110 -OS- 102.0 J. O'Laaxy, Sexgeant $330 10 Hours • 21.9841/Hr x 150t 101 - 42110 -06- 102.0 H. 8urkhaltez, Pstrol Offer $2.350 75 Hour� • 520.9166JHr z 150} 101 - 42110 -07- 103.0 G. Thorsud, Patrol Otlicer 52.350 75 Hours • $20.9166/Hr x 150t 101 - 42110 -OS- 103.0 K. O'Doaaall, Patrol Oltier _ � 52.350 75 8oars • $20.9166/Hr z 150} 101 - �2110 -09- 102.0 Y. Aobidaau, patrol OtLicar 52.350 75 Houra • 520.9166/ffi x i50k 101 - �3110 -10- 102,0 J. So�ars, Pstrol Officar - � � 52.350 75 Hours • s20.9166/8s x 150} 101 - 4Y110 -li- 102.0 S. Naatheriord, Patrol Oif 52.350 75 Houra • 520.9166/Hr s 150► 101 - 42110 -1]- 103.0 S. Yuxphy, Patrol Officar. 52.180 75 8oura • 519.3835/8r x i50t 101 - 42110 -13- 102.0 S. Sabarq, Petrol OfLicer 51,940 . 75 Hours ! j17.2706/8r x i50k 101 - 43110 -14- 102.0 S, Nia�ars, patrol OELicer � $1,810 75 Hours ! 516.0931/Hr z 150+k 101 - 42110 -20- 103.0 D. 7farthalar, Poliea Seetry 5610 25 8ours • 516.3123/Hr x 150} 101 - �2110 -01- 702.0 Dupliuting 4 Copyiag SO SO $533 5500 . 101 - 12110 -01- 202.1 lSla D�valoping CoiG 5500 101 - 42110 -01- 207.0 Trainiag 4 Zn�tzuctal Suppliea 55,241 5444 5783 5900 101 - �2110 -OS- 707.1 Praetice l�uaitioa . 5600 101 - 42110 -01- ]07.2 Ylseallsaeou� Instructionsl 5300 101 - 42110 -01- 208.0 1[iscallaneous Supplies $2.065 52,170 SO $0 101 - l2110 -01- 308.1 SO 101 - 42110 -01- 209.0 Othnr Olfice Supplims 51,431 51,535 51,598 51,600 101 - 42110 -01- 209.1 Itiscallaneous Suypliea 51,600 101 - 42110 -01- 211.0 Clesaiag Suppliea SO SO 5214 . 5200 101 - 42110 -01- 211.1 Slaaket Cleaaiag $100 101 - 42110 -01- 211.2 Squad Zntarior Cleeniag 5100 101 - 42110 -01- 213.0 Yotor Pvels 511,977 $10,553 SO � $0 ' 101 • 42110 -01- 212.1 SO 101 - 42110 -OS- 213.0 Lubrieaats i Ldditivas SO $0 $0 �� $0 301 - 42110 -OS- 213.1 SO � � 101 - 42110 -01- 217.0 C1otLiag 1U.lovaaca - Polica SO SO 51,000 §0 � 101 - 42110 -01- 217.1 SO 101 - 42110 -01- 217.2 s� '--"'---""'--""""---""-"""'-------"""'-' p�$ T�T� 557E,581 5614,270 5675,260 57l3,676 5783,676 Paga IYo 1994 BIIDGBT WORICS8EET5 . POLSCB DEPAATI�7T - 42110 - � Decambar 3, 1993 1993 1994 OSJBCT 1994 � 1991 1992 ADOPTED D8T7.IL PROPOSED Yuad l�ecouat � Obj � Daseriptioa aCTR7�L ACTpAL HIIDCET ]�1SODNT SIIDGB'! Co�eats "_'_"'_""_""'__'___""_____'____"'_""'____"______'_"_'___""_______"_.__________""'_'____""__""____""__""______"' 101 - 42110 -01- 219.0 Othnz Operatiag Supplies $178 5295 5393 $300 101 - 42110 -01- 219.1 Duty l�uaition 5300 101 - 42110 -01- 231.0 SQuipmaat Pasti $4,923 $4,513 51,065 57.500 101 - 42110 -01- 521.1 Yiseallaaaous Hquipment $2,500 101 - 42110 -01- 322.0 Tiras 51,483 51,498 SO SO 101 - 42110 -01- 222.1 � . SQ 101 - ♦3110 -01- 241.0 Small Tools 564 $127 5160 5150 101 - 41110 -01- 241.1 Yiscallaanou� Tools 5150 101 - 42110 -OS- 304.0 Lagal Feas 538,871 $57,000 551,400 552,000 101 - 4Y110 -OS- 304.1 Proseeutioa 552,000 101 - 42110 -01- 305.0 Yedical 4 Deatal Yaas 5863 5766 $1,000 $1,000 301 - i2110 -01- 305.1 l[iscallaasous 1[edleal Co�ts $1,000 101 - 42110 -01- 306.0 Par�onaal Teitiag 4 Yecrui�t SO $1,861 $3,700 $� 101 - 42110 -01- 306.1 Y.P,A.S. peai � SO 101 - 42110 -01- 306.2 PsycLnlogical Taeting $0 � . . 101 - 41110 -01- 306.3 Pre-Heplvyment Phyaicala SO 101 - 42110 -01- 306.4 Hepatitis •S• Vaeciaatioas sp 101 - 42110 -01- 312.0 Coatract Iaapactioa Peas SO 56,700 58.�00 58.700 SO1 - 42110 -01- 312.1 Aaimal Mardea Yaas s8,200 101 - 43110 -01- 314.0 Other ProLassioaal Sexvicas $40,170 537,250 523.500 537,325 101 - 42110 -01- 319.1 Diapateh Snrvica-Bagaa $27,325 Spaeial Phana Chargas Aiso � 101 - 42110 -01- 331.0 Telephon� Co�ta SO 53.050 57.400 52,700 101 - {2110 -01- 331.1 Cellular Phoae 8111s $2,700 101 - 43110 -01- 333.0 Aadio Dait� Sf,997 53,499 52,130 53,000 101 - 42110 -OS- 323.1 Radio 4 Radar IIapeir� $3,000 - 101 - 42110 -01- 331.0 1Yava1 mcyaasa 5364 5625 5800 SS00 301 - {2110 -01- 331.1 Yise�llaaeoua Sxpaaaa� 5800 101 - 42110 -01- 391.0 P.C. )taiatenaaca SO $109 5250 5250 101 - 42110 -01- 391.1 Yi�callaaeoua Yaiatenanu .5250 101 - 42110 -01- 396.0 Cwryutar Yain[eaaaca 59,066 58.344 511,848 513,�40 101 - 42110 -01- 396.1 �JYORS Yainteaanee 510,460 101 - �1110 -01- 396.2 Paek Cleaaing 5760 101 - 43110 -01- 396.3 CJDN Sook-up CLargns 52.520 101 - 43110 -OS- 397,0 Computaz Aeenasories i Supply 54,873 ;4,526 SO SO 101 - �3110 -01- 397.1 $0 101 - 42110 -01- 409.0 Other Contzacted Aepair 4 Naia 51,075 51,081 51,500 51,500 101 - 42110 -01- 409.1 Outdoor Sirea A 4 IS 51,500 � 101 - 43110 -01- 415.0 Other 8quipment Reatal 512,112 55,189 54.800 $4,BQ0 101 - 42110 -01- 415.1 Aaimal Cara, Shemrock, aCe. $4,800 . � 101 - �3110 -01- 433.0 Duaa 4 Subscrlptioas 5365 5255 $500 $500 � 101 - �2110 -OS- 433.1 Ylecallaaaow $500 101 - 42110 -OS- 435.0 Soo1u 4 Pamphlats 5530 5130 5300 5300 101 - 43110.-C>- 4?S,1 ltiscellaaaous ;300 101 - 42110 -01- 436.0 Toniaq Chargas $34 $184 5300 5200 ` 101 - �2110 -01- 436.1 IIaaaticipa[ad Toring ;200 � 101 - 42110 -OS- 437.0 Coafareaca� 4 S�iaars 5314 53.719 55,400 ;5,000 101 - 42110 -01- 437.1 xiscallaaaoua training 5500 101 - 62110 -01- �37.2 Otticar Training Coits §4,500 "-""'---""--"""""--'-""--""""""'-"-- PaCB TOfAL3 $100,190 5119,822 5119,446 Su*.265 $124,265 DHPI�RT1ffiiT TCThLS $678,771 5734,09Z 5794,706 5907,941 59Q7,941 ..�....."""..�...."'......�........................ 1994 FIRE DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET Statement of Work The Fire Department budget provides for the overa{I operation of the Fire Department. Included is the administrative and management tasks, fire suppression, rescue respanse, hazardous material response, training and education, health testing, and some equipment maintenance. 5alaries The Fire Department budget provides for annual salaries for the officers and key people of the department. It provides for hourly compensation for training, rescue response, and fire suppression. It also provides for incentives to participate in training above the required monthly training. It covers standby costs. !t covers these costs for 35-40 people for a complete year's time. It also pays the salary of a half time Fire Marshal who works an average of 20 hours each week. lncluded would also be the associated costs of FICA, Medicare, and PERA for all of these employees. Administrative/Management The budget provides for the costs associated with the use and maintenance of a copy machine, two computers and two printers. It provides for the stationery, forms, and assorted office supplies. The annual dues to belong to various associated organization, cellular phone costs, and life insurance are also provided for in the budget. Hea(th Testing The budget provides for the screening and medical certification of potential new firefighters. It allows for the continuous health monitoring of existing personnel, and provides for the protection of personnel from blood-borne pathogens and communicable diseases. Training/Education � • . In addition to the monthly training done within the depa►Ntment t:ie ��erating budget also provides for additional training for interested peop(e. Attendance at vocational schoo! classes, the Minnesota State Fire School, the Minnesota State Fire Department Association Conference, the Minnesota State Fire Chief's Conference, the National Fire Academy, and some special classes brought into the department are among some of the opportunities available. 1994 Fire Department Operating Budget - Page 2 There are aiso annual recertification and training costs required to maintain our current level of fire and rescue certification, in addition to the cost of bringing new people up to that level. Equipment The budget allows for the replacement or addition of small, short term pieces of equipment necessary for fire, and medical response, including both consumable and non-consumable items. It provides uniforms and some other non-capital pieces of equipment. Maintenance The budget provides for the annual inspection, maintenance and repair of the SCBA compressor, fire pumps, aerial and ground ladders, hydrotesting, and radio repair. It also provides for repairs to vehicles and non-vehicle items that require outside work. Fire Prevention/Training Materials A small portion of the budget goes for fire prevention activities and materials and for training materials. Most of the items that would be in this portion of the budget come from alternative funding sources. . Summary The fire department budget should remain fairly constant except for costs associated with inflation, or if there were to be a salary increase. A few exceptions would be such things a5 health testing, hydrotesting, ladder, and pump testing. These items are done on a rotating basis and require adjustments to the budget annually. Paga On� 1994 8IIDC8T NOA1CS88E7S . PI&8 DEPLRY'I�iT - 44210 _ . Dec�ber 2, 1993 1993 1994 OBJECT 1994 1991 1991 ADOPTBD DfiTAIL PAOPOSBD Pund hccouat X Obj � Dascriytioa ACT071L ACiUAL SODGBT AIlOQNT BODGBT Commeats ""_""___""_____""'__"_'__"""___'_______'___'___""'____"___"_______________""_______"""__._____"____'_'__"""______ 101 - 4]410 103.0 Salarias 4 Bana2lt■ 5100,384 $113,499 5116,382 5118,901 All Salary Coste Ineluaiva oi 101 - 42310 -02- 103.0 Yire Calli, Trainiag, ete. 598,896 Salary, Taxea, PHRI� 4 HeaeEita 101 - 42]10 -03- 103.0 Georga Lundy, Yire 16arehal 510,005 1/] Time Positioa . 101 - 52210 -01- 201.0 OlL1ca heeassorias 596 SO SO SO 101 - 12210 -C1- Y01.1 � 101 - 42210 -01- 203.0 Duplicatiag n Copyiag 594 SO � 5]60 5�60 101 - 42210 -01- 103.1 Z�rox Dry Imaga � §95 101 - 42210 -OS- 202.3 2eroz Copy Cartridge S60 101 - 4Z210 -01- Y�2.3 I.asar Yrintar $85 101 - 42210 -01- 204.0 ffivnlopns i Lettarheads SO 591 5100 5100 101 - 41210 -01- 204.1 8nveloyai 540 101 - �1210 -01- 204.2 L�tterhaad o Tosms §60 101 - �1210 -01- 209.0 Othar Olflca S�cyplias 5199 $0 $0 SO 101 - 11310 -01- 209.1 SO 101 - 42210 -01- 211.0 Claaaiay Slipplies 5317 591 5300 5290 � 101 - t3210 -01- 311.1 Sup 565 �101 - 42210 -01- 411.2 CLamoii $160 . 101 - 42210 -01- 211.3 Spongei SZS S01 - 43210 -01- 211.4 -. SC87� Claaaez S!0 101 - 42210 -01- 212.0 Yotor Puals 5978 51,006 SO $0 101 - 42210 -01- 212.1 SO 101 - 42210 -OS- 213.0 Lubrieaats a Ldditivas $185 SO $0 $0 SO1 - �2310 -01- 213.1 SO 101�- 43210 -01- 218.0 Pira Daparmaat Clothiag 52.964 54.069 $140 $1,260 S01 - �4310 -01- 218.1 Caaeral IIaSEosm Costs � 51,260 101 - �2310 -01- 219.0 Othar Oparatiag Supplia� 5540 5672 5630 5640 101 - 42210 -01- 119.1 Clovas(Yadiul) 5185 � 101 - 43310 -01- 219.2 Saadaqas $130 101 - 43310 -01- 319.3 Yquip�at(Yedical) S95 101 - 42310 -OS- 219.4 Ryvek Snits $55 101 - 42210 -OS- 219.5 Coas�abl�X�Cieal $185 101 - 42210 -01- 221.0 Bquiymeat Part� 52.962 54,301 SO $0 � 101 - 42310 -01- 721.1 SO 301 - 42210 -01- 229.0 Other Yainteaaace Supplina 54.000 59,746 515,500 515,5�0 101 - 43210 -01- 229.1 Anrial Tsvck(Outside) $12,900 101 - �2210 -01- 429.2 P�per RYvcks(Outaide) 51,800 101 - 42210 -01- Z29.3 Othnr 5300 101 - 42210 -01- 229.4 Vehiele 1[oditicatioas 5500 101 - 4]210 -01- 230.0 8quipmeat Aepair 76ateriale 51,128 5775 5450 5325 101 - 4Y210 -01- 230.1 Light Bars � 5100 101�- 42210 -01- 230.2 Smoka Yachiaa � $50 101 - 42210 -01- 230.3 Laatezas ' � S50 � 301 - 42210 -01- 230.4 1Si�c�llaaaow • 5100 , , , 101 - 43210 -01- 230.5 Zeroz ,25� . 101 - 42210 -01- 241.0 :�all Tool� 5446 5681 54]S 5395 ' 101 - 42210 -01- 441.1 l�cas, Bera 4 Other 5130 � SO1 - 41210 -01- 141.2 Grais Pira $225 101 - 42210 -OS- 241.3 1[iscnllaaaow S50 --'-"-'-"""--""-'---"-"""""'--'--""""-' P11GS TOTN.S $114,298 5135,130 5134,1E7 5137,671 5��.671 Page T1ro 1993 SODCET 4iOR1CSHEETS � PIRB DEPJIRT►IENT - �3210 - Dacembar 7, 1993 1993 1994 OSJBCT 1994 1991 1992 aDOPTBD D&T11IL PROPOSED Tua6 1leeoua! w Obj ; Dn�csiytioa ACTOAL ACTII)�I. SIInCBT IJSOIINT SIIDGBT Coaeati . """"""""""""_"""""""""""""""""""""""'""'"'""""""""""""""""'""""""""""""""""""""'"""'"""'"""" 101 - 43210 -01- 305.0 Yedical E Dental Pees 51.280 52,664 $3,450 53,640 101 - 42210 -01- 305.1 Aaaual Streas Tests 53,840 101 - 42310 -01- 305.2 Smargeary Chaeks SO 101 - 42210 -01- 306.0 Parionaal Tastiag i Aecrui�t 54,388 $3,030 54,800 5�.400 301 - 43210 -01- 306.1 Nar phyaleal�.(3) 51,800 101 - 42210 -01- 306.2 8epatitia SLots(3) - 5600 301 - �2210 -OS- 308.0 Iastxvetors' Pens 5�.356 51�,985 56,740 59.7l5 101 - 47210 -01- 306.1 Yire Fighter I $1,665 301 - �2210 -01- 308.] Pirat Anspoader $2.380 101 - 41210 -01- 308.3 All OtLar Traiaiag Costs 5915 �101 - 42210 -01- 308.4 Stata pira School(8) $800 101 - 42210 -01- 308.5 Sactioaal Schools 5910 101 - 42210 -01- 308.6 Baz-16at lYaiaiag(15) 53.075. 101 - 42110 -01- 310.0 Tastiag Sexvicas =1,0�1 51,029 5�50 51,950 101 - 42310 -01- 310.1 P�mipers n SCBL Bydro Tastng 51,950 101 - 42210 -OS- 313.0 Tmcporasy Service Yaas 52 5350 51,050 $1,375 101 - 42210 -D1- 313.1 SC87� Coatraet a Yaiatecaace 51,150 101 - 43210 -01- 313.Y Zazoz Yaiateaaac� Coatract $ZZ5 101 - 43]30 -01- 319.0 Other prolassioaal Sesvicai $l,125 Sa 51,850 51,850 101 - �2310 -01- 319.1 Fire Pravaatioa Yaterlsla $900 � 101 - 4]210 -01- 319.2 Traiaiag Sudget 5950 101 - 42310 -01- 321.0 Talephona Co�ts $117 5348 5510 5587 101 - 43210 -01- 321.1 Chia!'• pLca� 5130 � 101 - 42210 -01- 331.2 Ls�istaaG Chiat'■ PLoae 5140 101 - 42210 -01- 331.3 Rascu� Phoa� 5150 301 - 42330 -01- 321.4 Nimezie Pagers $192 101 - 41310 -01- 322.0 Po�taqa Costs S18 SZZ S50 S50 101 - 42110 -01- 31].1 IIPS $50 101 - 42210 -01- 323,0 Radio IIait� 53.080 51,600 SO SO 301 - 42310 -01- 333.1 $0 101 - �2210 -01- 329.0 Othnr Co�uaiution Coats � 5822 51,282 51,100 51,000 �� 101 - 42210 -01- 329.1 Pnger Aepairs $300 101 - 42310 -01- 329.1 Haad 8nld AaQio ltepairs $300 101 - 42210 -01- 339,3 koblle Redio Aepeirs $300 101 - 41210 -01- 329.4 Basa Aepair� $100 101 - 42210 -01- 331.0 Travel 8zpenee 51,911 52.072 53.510 $4,060 101 - 42310 -01- 331.1 )fina Chiet�a CoaEereaea $750 . 101 - 43310 -01- 331.2 State Pire Coalezeaea 51,200� 101 - 42210 -01- 331.3 Sectioaal Schools - 5910 101 - 42310 -01- 331.4 Natioaal Coai/Acudmy � §1,200 -'-'-"-""'---"""----'--"""'-"'-"-'-""""' p�$ T�Tus S3C,139 514,261 5�3.310 526,852 536,852 . � Pege Three 1993 SIIDGET NORICSBEETS PIR% DSPaRT1S�77T - 42210 - Dacembnr 3, 1993 1993 199� OBJBCT 1994 1991 1992 I�DOpY:� DSiAIL PROPOSBD tuad Accouat t Obi i Daseriytion ACTOAL aCTpA,L BIIUGET 71itOVNT BIIDCHT C�eats "'___"""__"""""""______________________"'__"___."_____.""______"'________s"'________""'___"'_""_'"_""'_____"""' 101 - �2210 -01- 433.0 Due■ a Sub�criptioas 5451 5535 5�60� $i75 101 - 43210 -01- 433.1 ltegazinei S30 101 - 42210 -01- 433.3 VYBA Zniuzaaca 5170 � 101 - �2210 -01- 433.3 SGata Pir� $90 101 - 42210 -01- 433.4 3Gat� Ch1aLs S65 101 - 42210 -01- A33.5 DCPC � §30 101 - 42]10 -01- 433.6 101xOTA Yutual Aid S15 101 - 42110 -01- �33.7 Purchniing Coasorti� � S35 101 - 42110 -01- 433.8 Capital City S35 101 - 42410 -Ol- �33.9 Y7J11[ . SS 101 - 42310 -01- 437.0 Coatereacas 4 Sataars ;170 ;610 j700 $650 101 - 43210 -01- 437.1 Stata lSra Coa£ereaea 5440 101 - 42210 -01- 437.2 Stnte Chiet�a Coafereaae $210 101 - 42210 -01- 437.3 Vo-iach 4 Natioaal � §0 . 101 - 43210 -01- 439.0 Other 1[lacallaaaous Cbarqns $3,355 52,715 51,525 51,110 101 - 42210 -01- 439,1 � Food 4 ColLaa S95 101 - 43210 -01- 439.2 O�cygea =1f5 101 - 42210 -01- 439.3 Eztinguishes $250 101 - 42210 -01- 439.4 Plaques $yp 101 - 42230 -01- 439.5 Paiat � S50 101 - 53210 -01- 439.6 OtIIaz $550 101 - 44210 -01- 570.0 Otlica 8quip a Fuxniehiag Purc 5300 SO SO SO 101 - 43210 -01- 570.1 101 - 42210 -01- 560.0 Other =Quipaeat Purchaias 517,058 5675 SO SO 101 - 42210 -01- 560.1 "'------""""'-"""""'-"-'-'---'--"'---'----' . F71GS 2'0271LS 521,333 54.534 52.6l5 51.235 53.235 DSpARTI�i'T TOT112S 5155,771 5153,935 5160,182 5166,758 5166,758 ........."'.'......�................""""'......... • • � 1994 PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDING/ENGINEER[NG OPERATING BUDGET Statement of Work This budget provides for the majority of the Public Works Maintenance Personnel, Euilding Personnel and Engineering Personnel. It includes the necessary supplies, equipment and materials to sustain the fleet of vehicles used by all City departments including Fire, Pofice, Parks and Public Works. It also includes professional services and contracted maintenance work which our existing personnel cannot provide. We have divided the Department into three divisions, namely Maintenance Division, Building Division and Engineering Division to more adeq�ately address the specific budget items. The summaries of those three Divisions are on the following three pages. In summary, the 1993 budget allowed us to add a second full-time Building Inspector, a second full-time Engineering Technician and an additional Maintenance I person. These Staff increases were paid for by iast yEar's budget and partially by the Storm Water Utility budget. The majority of the Department's budget is in personnel, with the remainder mainly being spent on maintenance of the existing City fleet of vehicles. The 1993 adopted budget was 5720,038. The personnel portion of that budget amounted to S 570,861 , leaving $149,177 remaining for the supplies and equipment maintenance. MAINTENANCE DIVISION The motor fuels, lubricants and additives portion of our budget is dependent on the oil and gas prices which can be very volatile. In addition, the proposed BTU tax may also effect these prices. This budget also includes refuse disposal including hazardous waste which the Maintenance Division picks up from ditches. The price of hazardous waste disposal is increasing constantly and we need to be cognizant of the fact that this item can be volatile. The 1993 budget allowed the Maintenance Division to keep all City vehicles operatirig . safely and keeping Staff equipped with the proper toois, equipment and training . necessary to perform their duties. The 3% increase should allow the Public Works Depart�nent maintain its current level of service to the public, but provides inadequately for upscafed training or continued education. 1994 PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDING/ENGINEERING OPERATING BUDG�T - Page 2 BUILDING DIVISION (Includes Fire Marshal Duties) The Building Division portion of the budget covers permitting, inspections, code enforcement, staffing and ali operations in conjunction with-within the City. The Building Division of the Public Works Department is currently staffed with two combination building inspectors, a building official and one support staff position. The City fire rnarshal also works out of this division, however, the annual salary of this position is paid for from tne Fire Department budget. For 1994 there is no new staff planned or budgeted for in this division. In 1992 there were 1503 permits issued compared to 1232 in 1991 . The total valuation of work done in 1992 was 549,267,149.58 compared to 520,553,801 .72 in 1991 . Of the permits issued in 1992 there were approximately 4789 inspections completed (not incfuding fire marshal inspections). So far in 1993 we`ve completed 1809 inspections. There are also numerous unscheduled inspections done every day. For a single family housing activity report the following statistic apply. 1990 1991 1992 Currently 1993 184 200 234 �g The City of Rosemount Building Division took in 5453,473.78 total in all permit and plan check fees in 1992. Other than the general product fee increases on supplies (3-5°/o), state tax and a few other budgeted items a 3% increase for the Building Division budget should be aciequate. 1994 PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDING/ENGINEERING OPERATING BUDGET - Page 3 ENGINEERING DIVISION The Engineering Division portion of the Public Works budget inciudes the City Engineer, two Engineering Technician positions, all mapping, coordinating and administration of construction projects and speciafized studies as appropriate. In the construction year from June 1 , 1992 to June 1 , 1993 the Engineering Division coordinated and administered the contracts for fifteen (15) private and public improvement projects including watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and street improvements. These projects totaled approximately $3.7 million in construction costs not including the grading for subdivisions which was accomplished under private contracts. !n addition, the Fngineering Division r�,!t togethsr r!ans an� s�ecifi�2tions for two park trail projects, one street improvement project and assisted in the administration of the crack sealing and seal-coating programs. The Division personnel made approximately 1,380 large maps in 1993 from January to present. (n addition, we have received over 400 parcel identification searches plus 130 assessment searches in that same time period. The Division personnel assisted other departments for mapping duties and assisted the Maintenance Department in updating utility maps and street surveys. The Engineering Division accomplished bituminous pavement management survey of approximately 45 mifes and a gravel roads survey of approximately 19 miles in 1993. We have received and investigated over 200 miscellaneous inquiries mainly due to storm sewer and grading problems. During 1993 we have totally revised our filing system from easements, improvement projects, mapping and property identification resources which will assist us in future response time. In 1994 the Engineering Division is still planning to add a storm water/wetlands person who can assist the Department in dating storm water management plan, answer inquiries regarding wetlands, storm water quality and grading. In addition this person will be charged with Grant application for future storm water projects. The 3% increase will not adequateiy maintain our level of service due to the increase in population and significant inquiries and demands made of the EnginePr,in.g Staff: Therefore we will request that the additional Staff member be approved in the°Storm Water budget. Paga Oaa 1994 HQDGET NOAlCSHBSTS � � POHLIC KORICS/BVZLDINC/Et7GIN8ERING - 43100 - December 2, 1993 1993 1994 OBJBCT 1994 1991 1992 ADOPTED DETAIL pROPOSED Fuad Accouat t Obj w DescripGioa ACTW�L ]�CTVAL SUDGET hMODNT SIIDGST Co�eata """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""_"""""""""""""""""""""""""""' 101 - 13100 101.0 Salarina 4 BeaeEite 5293,504 5457,1�4 5531,941 $617,264 101 - 43100 -07- 101.0 A. Rasmuad, P/N Dir(50}) 532,997 SOt Cen'1, 50� IItillties 101 - �3100 -03- 101.0 M. Midatrom, P/N Poreman $55,698 301 - 1]100 -04- 101.0 H. O�muadion, IDngiaeer $55,889 All Sal azy Coata Iaelueiva oi 101 - 11100 -OS- 101.0 H. Sailey, �gin�er Tech $39,121 Salazy, Taxna, P�G 4 Beaefiti 101 - 43100 -06- 101.0 A. Lonaqui�t, ffiginaar Tach 537,614 101 - 53100 -07- 101.0 P. Heimkai, ]1i�t 81dg OLtcl 545,816 101 - 43100 -08- 101.0 Y. Pricka, Bldg Zasyector 538,554 101 - 43100 -09- 101.0 Y. StolLel, Hldg Seeratary 534,153 101 - 43100 -10- 101.0 A. BarLlmecht, 16aiat IZI $41,990 � 101 - 43100 -il- 101.0 D. Jarda, Yaint I 533,025 101 - 43100 -12- 101.0 8. Day, Yaiat II 536,739 101 - 43100 -13- 101.0 D. StaufLar, Naiai Z $32,857 301 - 43100 -14- 101.0 ltaiatenaaca I s2���4g 101 - 43300 -15- 101.0 D. Saadstrom, Yech ZIS 539,893 101 - 43100 -16- SO1.0 J. Pra�iag, Yatat Z . . . 532.740 . 101 - 43100 -1'!- 101.0 D. 1lhldrich, 8aeh I $32,429 � � 301 - 43100 � .lOS.O Pull-Tima Oveztima 59,009 56,8]8 516,103 517,954 � 101 - 43300 -OS- 102.1 H. Sailey, �giaaer Teeh §g�� 101 - 43100 -06- 102.1 A. Lonaquiat, �qiaeer Tach Sg77 � 301 - 43100 -07- 102.1 Y. 8aimkas, Ae�t Sldg 01lc1 $514 101 - 43100 -OB- 102�.1 Y. Trieka, Bldg Iaayactor $431 101 - �3100 -09- 102.1 . Y. Stolfel, Bldg Seczntary 5754 101 - 43100 -10- 10].1 R. Sarflmacht, 141nt I22 51.295 101 - �3100 -11- 102.1 D. Jazda, Yaiat Z � §1,710 101 - �3100 -12- 102.1 8. Day, 1[aint SZ . $2,081 101 • �1100 -13- 102.1 D. SCaulLar, Yaiat I 51,692 101 - �3100 -14- 102.1 Yaiat�aaae• Z $1,391 101 - �3100 -15- 103.1 D. Saadstrom, �Yech IZ2 � $2,;g4 101 - 43100 -16- 102.1 J. Yr�ag, Yaint Z . $1,391 101 - �3100 -17- 103.1 D. 7lhldrich, Yaeh Z $1,557 101 - 43100 -99- 103.0 YarG-TSma Salarias c Baaetiti 520,849 523.068 527.816 513,216 101 - 41100 -99- 103.1 Enginaering Inteza $0 101 - 43100 -99- 103.2 P/S Saaaoaal Xaiateaaace ;13,216 101 - 43100 -Ol- 201.0 Ofiice Aceassorins SO ($71) 51,385 51,384 101 - 43100 -01- 201.1 Assorted Dapt Supplies $1,065 101 - 43100 -01- 201.] S00' Tape $53 101 - 43100 -01- 201.3 Miscnllanaoua Supplina 5266 101 - 43100 -01- 203.0 Priated Porms i Paper 50 51,361 51,807 51,807 101 - 43100 -01- 103.1 Zaspactioa i Paxmit Poxma _ $1,,065 . 101 - 43100 -01- 303.] A/N P�rmtG i iarpcta Porms $530 '� � � 101 - 43100 -01- 303.3 Nork Orders §212 101 - 43100 -01- 405.0 Draiting Supplias ;2,632 51,085 51,327 51,227 . 101 - 53100 -01- 205.1 Payer Sor Plaa Aaproductioa 5575 � 101 - 43100 -01- 205.2 Ot!-Sit� Aeproductioas � 5;26 ` 101 - l3100 -01- 205.3 Hiecallaaaous Tools � §326 101 - 43100 -01- 109.0 Othar 0lLlce Supplia� 5601 §535 5533 $533 101 - 43100 -01- 209.1 Gas Zaspectioa Taqs $166 � S01 - 43100 -01- 109.3 Door xnockars $367 "-""---"""'----""""'-'---""""""'--'--" px�$ T�'u$ $326,595 5484,940 $575,812 5653,385 5653,385 Paqn 1wo 1994 BODCBT YlOR1CS888TS PIISLZC NORICS/SIIILDII7C/�7GINEEAIlIC - 43100 - December 1, 1993 1993 1994 OHJSCf 1994 1991 1992 ]�DOPiBD DST7IIL PAOPOSBD pucd Aeeouat f Obj � Deseriptioa ACTQAS, 11CTqaL gpDCBT u[OONT HIIDGHT Co�eati """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 101 - 43100 -01- 211.0 Cleaaing Supplies 52s1 53]5 5426 5426 101 - <3100 -01- 111.1 Shop 5713 101 - 43100 -01- 211.5 VahlClas $113 101 - 43100 -01- 112.0 lcotor Fuals 518,361 512,258 536,445 536,425 ioi - uioo -oi- zu.i r�iic work, Su,�ao 101 - �3100 -01- 212.2 Yarks 55,315 101 - 43100 -01- 213.3 Polies 514,910 .101 - 43100 -OS- 213.4 pize $2,663 101 - 4;100 -01- 312.5 7Wmiaistratioa 5533 . 101 - 43100 -01- 212.6 Ylanniag 531� 101 - 43100 -01- 213.0 Lubricaats z Additivas 52.442 $3,240 $6,392 56,393 101 - 43100 -01- 213.1 Public Xorks 52.663 101 - 43100 -01- 313.2 pazka 51,278 101 - 43100 -01- 213.3 Po11ce 51,065 � 101 - 43100 -01- 213.4 Firs 51,065 101 - 43100 -01- 213.5 1�iaistratioa � 5214 101 - 43100 -01- 313.6 Plaaaing 5107 101 - 43100 -01- 215.0 Shop Yaterial■ §0 59,039 §9,588 59,588 SO1 - 43100 -01- 115.1 Public 1lorks §6,390 101 - i3100 -01- 215.2 Parks � 52.130 SU1 - 43100 -OS- 215.3 Poliea � $330 101 - 43100 -01- 215.! Pire 5330 101 - 41100 -01- 415.5 l�dmiaistratioa S=1{ 101 • 43100 -01- 215.6 Plaaaing $214 101 - �3100 -01- 219.0 OGhnr Oparating Supplias 57.944 SO SO 5250 101 - 43100 -01- 219.1 lilm 4 Iti�eallaa�oui 5250 S01 - 43100 -01- 111.0 Equipmant Parts 5=9,277 534.831 538,021 $38,021 101 - 43200 -01- 221.1 Publie Noska 521,300 101 - 43100 -01- 211.3 Per7u $8,520 101 - 43100 -01- 221.1 Po11e� 53,408 101 - �3100 -01- 221.� Pira 52.663 101 - 43100 -01- 331.5 l.dmiai�tratioa 51,065 101 - 43100 -01- 721.6 Planaiag 51,065 101 - 43100 -01- 322.0 Tires 52.445 51,376 55,913 55,913 101 - f3100 -01- 222,1 Public Morks 52.130 101 - 43100 -01- 222,2 paika � $1,065 ' 101 - 43100 -01- 222.3 Polica 51,757 101 - 43100 -01- 222.4 Pirn 5533 101 - 13100 -01- 422,5 11�iaistratioa $214 _ SO1 - 43100 ;01- 222.6 Planaiag 5214 101 - 43100 -01- 224.0 Streat Yaiateaaaca 16atarials SO ;398 SO SO � 101 - 43100 -01- ]1�.1 SO 1Q1 - 43100 -01- 125.0 LaadscapiaQ Y,•ta.ialt> . SO ;40 SO � j0 101 - 43100 -01- 225.1 $0 • ""'-"""""""""""-"'-"'-""""""""-' . . p� T�Tug 560,710 571,497 596,765 597.015 597,015 � Page Thzee 1994 HIIDGET WORICS8SET5 PIIBLSC iPOA1CS/BIIZLDZNC/ElICIH88RINC - 43100 - � Decembnr 2, 1993 1993 1994 OSJHCT 1994 1991 1992 ADOPTBD DHTAZL PROPOSBD Fuad Accouat t Obi N Descriptloa ACTOAL ACTpAL BIIDGET 1UIOIINT BIIDGET Co�ents '"""""'__""'___"""____'_"'_'___"____"_____'____'_____"___""______'____._"'____'_'______'_____""___"__"__'_'__""'____' 101 - 43100 -01- 241.0 Small 1'00l■ $1,836 52.551 54,140 54,675 101 - 43100 -01- 241.1 YeeLaaies' Shop Tools 51,598 101 - {3100 -01- 241.2 RYvck Tool■ 55�33 101 - 43100 -01- 211.3 par7u Tool� $214 101 - �3100 -01- 241.4 SLcval■ 4 Rakai $1,130 101 - 43100 -01- 241.5 Safety 8quipaaat 5800 101 - 43100 -01- 141.6 tliscnllaneotu 5400 101 - 43100 -01- 2�2.0 ltiaor Equipm'st 54,710 52.193 $]15 5400 101 - l3100 -01- Z42,1 35 mt Cemera 5400 301 - 43100 -01- 303.0 Saginaeriag Pe�s 59.895 511,255 514,000 514,000 101 - i3100 -OS- 303.1 Caa�l Noa-Projact Aelatad 51,000 101 - 43100 -01- 303.3 StraaG LiQht Suzvey g1,000 101 - 43100 -Ol- 303.3 Traasperiatioa Plaa Dpdate 58.000 101 - 43100 -01- 303.4 Pavemeat Yanagement 52,000 101 - 43100 -01- 303.5 I a Z Iavaatigatioa $2,000 101 - 43100 -01- 30�.0 Lagal Yaes 5327 5106 50 SO � 101 - 43300 -01- 304.1 SO 101 - 63100 -01- 305.0 16edical 4 Deatal Peas §183 547 $300 $300 . 101 - 43100 -01- 305.1 8mploymaat Phyaicals 5300 101 - 43100 -01- 312.0 Coatract Zaspection Peas SO 528.580 SO SO 101 - l3100 -01- 312.1 SO 101 - �3100 -OS- 319.0 Othar ?rotassioaal Sesviear SO SO 52.000 52.000 101 - 43100 -01- 319.1 Plaa Awiar . 51,000 101 - 43100 -01- 319.2 3rd Party Ta Ging 51,000 101 - 43300 -01- 331.0 Sa1�yLoa� Cosu 538 599 SO . SO . 101 - 4�100 -OS- 321.1 $� � 301 - 43300 -D1- 323.0 Yadio DniGa 54.691 5330 51,250 S1,]50 101 - 43100 -01- 333.1 Repair Daita 51,350 � 101 - {3100 -01- 324.0 Yaitaaqar Sazviea� SO $0 5100 5100 101 - 43100 -01- ]2�.1 Conriar Sazvlee 5100 101 - 43100 -OS- 329.0 OtLaz Co�uaieatioa Cost■ $180 57Y5 51,565 51,565 101 - �3100 -01- 339.1 Cellular Phoae tloathly Chga 51,054 101 - 43100 -01- 329.2 pager AenGsl 5511 101 - 47100. -01- 331.0 Travnl Bxpeaie 548 5101 5747 51,727 101 - 43100 -Ol- 331.1 AYtf71 $533 101 - f3100 -01- 331.2 A.S.P.H. 5114 101 - 43100 -01- 331.3 Genaral Keetiag 8xpeasea 5980 301 - 43100 -01- 339.0 Othnr Traaspoztatioa Fayeaees 52 � 50 5100 5100 101 - 43300 -01- 339.1 Parsonal Vehiela �ileaga , 5100 . 101 - 43100 -01- 341.0 IDmployment Mvartisiag 5309 5260 5852 . SO 101 - 43300 -01- 341.1 $0 � , � ' � 101 - 43100 -01- 349.0 Other Ldvarti�ing 565 5362 SO SO iCl - 43100 -01- 349.1 � S� • • . , 101 - �3100 -01- 384.0 Ratw• Disyosal SO 5946 ;2,000 53.000 . ' 101 - 43100 -01- 38i.1 8azardow MasG . 52.000 � � --""--"'---""--"""'-'-'---"""""----'-""' � p�$ T�Tus $22.285 $47,554 $27.269 528,117 528,117 Page Pouz . 199� HIIDG6T WORRSHEETS PIIBLIC NORICS/SIIZLDINC/ffi7GINSERING - 43100 - Dac�bar ], 1993 1993 1994 OSJSCT 1994 1991 1992 ADOPTED DETAIL PAOPOSSD Puad accouat 4 Obj � Daicriptioa ACTUAL ACiVAL HODCBT N1[OONT BIIDCBT Co�enG """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""_"^""""""""""""" 101 - �3100 -01- 391.0 P.C. �aiatrsance 50 5372 5�.800 52.800 101 - 13100 -01- 391.1 Cophnr Onn-Call 5500 101 - 43100 -01- 391.2 9Gat� Aid 5500 101 - 43100 -01- 391.3 Xaastroa 4 Yastyort j1,800 101 - �3100 -01- 392.0 P.C. Mcai�oziu c Suppliea SO 550 51,066 $1,066 1D1 - 43100 -01- 392.1 Yodem � $32Q 101 - 43100 -01- 392.2 1Yainiag for Naaatroa j639 101 - �3100 -Ol- 392.3 Printer Paper S1Q7 101 - 43100 -01- 393.0 P.C. Sardrare PurcLsaes . $0 SO SO $1,500 101 - 43100 -Ol- 393.1 Cophar I Pzizim $1,500 301 - 43100 -01- 394.0 P.C. SoEt.rar� Purehaies SO 5301 51,066 5514 101 - 43100 -01- 394.1 Gaaazal Sottvare Support 5300 lU1 - 43100 -01- 394.] PDS Dpgrada 521� 101 - 43100 -01- 403.0 Coatzactad A i Y-Othar Improvm 5445 SO SO SO � 101 - 43100 -01- 403.1 tQ S01 - 43100 -01- 404.0 Coatractad Yaeh 4 Squip Aepair 51,886 51,515 510,440 510,440 101 - 43100 -01- 404.1 Publie Morks 56,390 101 - d3100 -01- 404.Z parks 53.130 101 - 43100 -01- 404.3 Polica . 5746 101 - 43100 -01- 404.4 Pira 5746 101 - 43100 -01- 404.5 7Wministratioa 5214 101 - 43100 -01- 40�.6 Ylaaaiag $214 101 - 43100 -01- 409.0 Other Coatraetad Reyair i Yaia $1,669 � 51,405 SO SO 101 - �3100 -01- 409.1 � $0 101 - 43100 -01- �15.0 OtLar 8qui�aat Eeat�l 535 SO 5320 5320 � 101 - 13100 -�1- 415.1 Yiseallaaaoua aaatal■ 5320 101 - �3100 -01- �16.0 Yaehinazy R�atal � SO 5314 SO SO 101 - 43100 -01- 416.1 SO 101 - 43100 -01- 417.0 IIaitossa Raatal 5422 5403 Sa SO 101 - 43100 -01- 417.1 $p 101 - 43100 -01- 433.0 Duea i Sub�criptloas 5287 5810 5690 598] 101 - 43100 -Ol- 433.1 ]�PMA 5150 101 - 43100 -01- 433.2 ICBO $90 101 - 43100 -01- �33.3 NPYA 590 101 - 43300 -01- 433.i CEA)t Aegistratioa $192 101 - 43100 -01- 433.5 Lake Couatry 590 101 - 43100 -01- 433.6 North Star �yp 101 - 4;100 -01- 433.7 Proteeaioaal Seeratariea 5180 101 - 43100 -01- 433.8 Trada Yageziae� , 5100 , � . � '-'--""'---""----""""'-----"""""""-"-" � �. PAGB TOTI�I.S $4.743 55.199 516.382 517.622 i17.632 . Page PSva 1994 BIIDCfiT NORICSB&ETS PIIHLZC WORICS/BIIILDINC/ENGZNEERINC - 43100 - December 4, 1993 1993 1994 OBJBCT 1994 1991 1992 ADOPTBD DETAIL PROPOSSD Tvad aeeount • Obj • Deaeriptioa ACTOAL I�CTp11y HIIDGET 7UtOIINT HIIDGH2 C�ents """"'""_""'_""'__""'_____"_'__"'__"____.__'____"___"'___""______"_____"'_____""___"'___"'____'_'__"__""____""' 101 - 43100 -OS- 435.0 Books 4 Pamphlets 52{ 51,301 $2,200 52,200 � 101 - 43100 -01- 435.1 XDTCD $700 101 - �3100 -01- 435.2 ]Oi Dot Syseial $600 101 - 43300 -Ol- �35.3 ZTS 5400 101 - 43100 -01- 415.4 Haaual IIpdatas 51,000 301 - 43100 -01- 41�.0 Coalaraacae 4 Semimr� $797 5872 51,610 $4,190 101 - 43100 -01- 437.1 Aaaual Buildiag OSilciala 5390 101 - 4;100 -01- 437.2 Ca�puter 1Yaiaing 5500 102 - �3100 -01- 437.3 Stata Code Sminazs � 5150 301 - 43100 -01- 437.4 Clarical 5300 101 - 43100 -01- 437.5 Laka Couatry ZC80 5500 101 - 43100 -01- 417.6 AP10� 5150 101 - 43100 -Ol- 43T.7 C8111[ 5150 � 101 - 43100 -01- 437.8 L11MJ� �$150 � 101 - 43100 -01- 437,9 NlPL 5400 � � 101 - 43100 -01- 437,10 Riseallaaeous Traiaiag 51,500 101 - 13100 -01- 439.0 Othez 7Siscallaneous Chazges 584 5111 $0 SO 301 - 43100 -01- 439.1 SO � 101 - �3100 "-01- 570.0 OlLice Squipmmt Yurehaens 5197 5890 $0 SO 301 - 43100 -01- 570.1 � SO . ---"---""--""""-"'--'---"""--'------""-'-- p�$ T�'us 51,102 53.17D 53,810 56,390 56,190 D��T�T T�T� 5415,436 5612,364 5720,038 5802,529 $802,529 ..................."'�.........'�'............�....... � �,, PAVED STREETS Statement of Work This budget provides for street repairs to asphalt roads. This is accomplished with bituminous patching and repairs to potholes due to winter thawing and 7reezing conditions. It also provides for traffic marking, seal coating, street sweeping and landscaping materials for boulevards. Bituminous prices are very volatile and any increase in prices reduces the quantity of material which we can purchase. Garbage that is being dumped into City ditches has also increased, and is becoming a real budget concern. A 3% increase in 1994 will not allow us to provide the same level of service. The City has added 3 miles of paved street surface in 1992 plus approximately 1 .1 miles scheduled for 1993. Pega Ona _ 199� HIIDGBT WORICSBEETS YAVED STAEBTS - 13121 - . December 2, 1997 1993 1994 OBJSCT 199♦ 1991 1992 ADOPTED D8T]�ZL PROPOSBD Puad accou¢t K Obj t Desr_riptioa � ACTUAL ACfOAL SIIDCBT ]�160QNT BIIDGHT Co�enti "'_'__'"'___'____""'__'____"_."_______"___'_______'_"_____"_____"_'____"'___"_"________""___"'___""__"____'____""_'__' 101 - 43131 -01- 224.0 Street Naintnaaacn Materials 521,804 522,503 538,872 538.87] 101 - 43121 -01- 224.1 eit�inoua Patehiag 577,796 101 - �3121 -01- 321.2 3tripiag � 52.130 101 - 47121 -01- 324.3 Graval Shouldariag 53,195 101 - 43121 -01- 2]4.4 Crack Sealant $5,751 101 - �3121 -01- 225.0 Laadscaping Yaterials $1,083 51,404 53.718 $3,728 101 - 43121 -01- 225.1 Sod � � � $1,065 101 - 43131 -01- Z25.2 Seed $1,065 101 - 43121 -01- 325.3 Black Dirt 51,065 101 - 43131 -01- 235.4 Trae■ 5533 101 - 43121 -01- 242.0 Yinor Bquip�eat SO 52.500 5167 5267 101 - 43121 -01- ]42.1 T�plate NaGerial i267 101 - {3121 -01- 303.0 �glaaering Feu 50 51,000 50 SO 101 - 43131 -01- 303.1 $0 101 - 43121 -01- 310.0 Tasting Sazvicas SD 51,000 SO SO 101 - 43131 -01- 310.1 SO 101 - 43131 -01- 319.0 Other YroEai�ioml Saxvieas S33.Z73 $15,000 533,48Y $48,�31 101 - 43121 -01- 319.1 Saal Coatiag 533,7T8 � 101 - 431Z1 -01- 319.2 1YafLic ltarkiags 510,953 S01 - 43111 -01- 319.3 Strent Svespiay 54,000 101 - 43121 -01- 3d4.0 AnLusa Diiyosal $1,439 52.817 54.000 54,000 101 - 43121 -01- 384.1 Hazerdous Masta DSspoial 52.000 101 - �3121 -01- 384.2 Aoadsids Garbaga 53.000 301 - 47121 -01- 415.0 OtIIar Squipaeat Aenial S45 SO 52.000 52.000 S01 - 43121 -01- �15.1 Yiaeallaaaoua Sqnip�eat $2,000 101 - �3121 -OS- �39.0 Othar Yiscallaaaoui Charga� SO SO 5500 5500� 101 - 43121 -01- 47f.1 IIalors�aa Zaeidaats $500 � � ""--""'--"""'----'---"""""""""-'--""' FAQY TOT1�L5 556,643 $46,223 582,649 598,098 $9E,098 DBYNtTI�IT TOTALS $56,643 546,223 582,649 598,098 $98,098 """"""""'........""""""�.�........""'.. UNPAVED STREETS Statement of Work This budget provides for gravel road maintenance, chloride application, landscape materials for road ditches and garbage pick-up from the road sides. Not budgeted for in this account is cutting edges for the grader. Also, the price of gravel and chloride increases every year. A 3% increase does not allow the City to maintain its present level of service. ' � , Paga Ona 1994 BIIDGET WORICSHEBTS IINPAVED STASETS - 43122 - Decobar 2, 1993 1993 1994 OBJHCT 1994 1991 1992 ADOPTSD DETAZL PROPOS� Fuad Accouat � Obj � Deseriptioa ACTpN, ACTQAy Hpp�gT ),ISOONT HODGSi Co�aats """"""""""__""'___""'__"'_"'__"___'___'____""__""_""_____.'____"___"______'_"____'___"'___"'_"'_""'_"'"____' 101 - �3122 -01- ]21.0 Bquipmeat Part� $0 SO SO 5980 101 - 43132 -01- 221.1 5980 1G1 - �3133 -01- 224.0 Strant Nainteaanea Nateziali 525,985 512,570 525,015 548,74Q 101 - 43122 -01- 124.1 6reval Repaiz� 53D,500 101 - 43132 -01- 234.2 Chlorida $15,240 101 - 43121 -01- ]25.0 Landscapiag itatarials ;395 SO 52.663 52.663 101 - 43132 -01- 325.1 Sod . $533 301 - �3123 -01- 225.2 Sead � $1,065 - 101 - 431]2 -01- Z25.3 Slack Dirt 51,065 101 - 43132 -OS- 230.0 HquSpmeat aepair Yatszial■ SO SO SO $968 101 - 53122 -01- 230.1 Qit[iag Bdgas $966 101 - 43122 -01- 310.0 taatinq Sazvicu SO SO §1,000 t1,000 101 - 43122 -01- 310.1 Yoad lailurai, Deaaity 51,000 101 - �3122 -01- 384.0 Aefusa Diaposal 5360 53.395 52.600 52.600 101 - 43121 -01- 38{.1 Sazardous xa�ta Disposal $2,000 1D1 - 43132 -01- 384.2 Aoadaida Garbage 5600 101 - 43123 -01- fiS.D OGher 8quip�at Raatal SO SO 51,000 51,000 101 - 43123 -01- 415.1 6r�der §500 101 - 43122 -OS- 415.3 ltiscallaaaoua 8quipmeat 5500 101 - 43142 -01- 439.0 Other�i�eallaa�wu Chargas SO 50 SO =0 101 - 43127 -01- 439.1 SO ""--""-""""""""""------""""---""--' p��$ T�'� 526,740 515,961 532,278 557,951 557,951 � D��T�T�'uS =36,740 515,964 532,278 557,951 557,951 _ """"'...�...................................""'.. ICE CONTROL - SNOW REMOVAL Statement of Work This budget provides for ice and snow removal for ail City streets, parking lots and bike paths. It also includes rental for trucks and equipment to remove and haul snow from the downtown areas. Salt prices in 1993 were $28.00 per ton. In 1994 salt prices will be 530.00 per ton, a �2.00 per ton increase. A 3% increase does not allow the City to maintain its present level of service. Paga Oae 1994 80DGST wORRS8EET5 IC8 4 SNOIQ RDSOVAL - 43125 - December�2, 1993 1993 1994 08J8CT 199� 1991 1992 I�DOYTBD DBTAZL YROPOSED Puad accouat N Obi t Descriptioa � ACTOAL ACTpAL HODCBT � NMOVNT BIIDGET Co�eats "'__"____'__'___'_____"""'________'__'_'_"'______'____"____."_______."'________""____________"________""__"_"""'________ 101 - 43135 -01- 216.0 Ch�ical a Ch�ical Product■ 511,7]0 59.419 58.520 $11,5]0 � . 101 - 43125 -01- 216.1 Salt(Approx 400 Tone) $11,520 101 - 43135 -01- 134.0 StreeG xaiateaaaee Nnterials 51,494 $1,047 51,130 $5,940 101 - 43125 -01- 32�.1 Saad $2,130 101 - 43115 -01- 224.2 Yatarial■ for Co� Caatar 53.810 1YanaLer prom Co�mity Caater 101 -�41125 -01- 230.0 8quip�eat IIepair Matarials SO 5253 5�.131 � � 52.131 101 - 53135 -01- 230.1 Plov Sdget 51,065 � 301 - 43125 -01- 230.2 Sandnr 5533 101 - 43125 -01- 230.3 Hydraulics 5533 � � 101 - 43125 -OS- f15.0 Othnr 8quipmeat Aeatal $1,889 5354 54,133 54.132 � 101 - 43125 -01- 415.1 1Yuek Aeatal 53.067 101 - i3125 -01- 415.2 Gzader Nith Ning Aeatal 51,065 . 101 - 43125 -01- 439.0 Othar Yisesllaaaou� Chazgns 534 SO 5500 5500 101 - 43125 -01- 439.1 IIaanticipated Costs 5500 ---"""-""---""""-'-----"""""""'--'-"" PAGB TOTHLS . $15.136 . 511.073 517.413 54�.223 52f.223� . DBP71YTl�iT TOT7ILS $15,136 511,072 517,413 S1d.223 524.Z23 ....................."'............."""'�""'..... 4 STREET LIGHTING/SIRENS Statement of Work This budget provides for electric utilities for street lights, sirens and maintenance of the existing lights and sirens. We have added over 50 lights to the system in 1992 and 1993 which we must provide the electricity for and pay for the maintenance. Electricity costs are expected to increase in 1994. The City presently owns and is totally responsible for the maintenance of approximately 75 lights in the residential areas and the downtown area. Staff is investigating tne possibiiity or N.S.P. taking over the residentiaf area lignts so that the City can get out of the maintenance of those lights. The proposed 3% increase will not allow the City to maintain the present level of service. Page Ona 1994 HQDGET NORICSBEETS S2RE8T LIGHTIHG/SIRENS - 43160 - � December 2, 1993 1993 1994 OSJECT 1994 1991 1992 ADOPTED DBTAZL PAOPOSSD Puad 7lccouat M Obj � Descriptioa ACTp11I, ACT01�L SDDGBT AriOIINT HIIDG&T � Comment� "'__""""___'___""'__"_""""_______"___"____'_____'__'__'__'__""____"'_____»'______"'____""__"____"__"__"'_"______' 101 - 43160 -01- 227.0 IIt131ty System 1Qsint Suppllea SO SO 51,065 $1,065 101 - 43160 -01- 227.1 Bulb IIeylacement 51,065 101 - 13160 -01- 381.0 8leetrle IItilitias 542,540 550,3]0 � 551,546 551,546 101 - /3160 -01- 381.1 Yoathly CLsrges 551,546 301 - 43160 -01- 403.0 Coatractad A 4 Y-Other Impsvm 5602 SO 50 SO 101 - �3160 -01- <03.1 SO 101 - 43160 -01- 409.0 Other Coatracted Repalr E ]laia $2,460 $6,681 511,183 513,113 101 - 43160 -01- 409.1 Aepairs-ScatGnred Locatioas 56,390 101 - 43160 -01- 409.7 Aeloute 2 Lights 52.663 101 - 43160 -OS- 409.3 Yiscallanaous Aepair� 54.060 101 - 43160 -01- 439.0 OtLer Yitcallaamous C1�az�gee 50 SO 5500 5500 101 - �3160 -01- 439.1 IIaaaticipatad CosG � � =500 . "'-"""'-""----""'---""'-'-'-""""'--""'- p�$ T�Tus 545,602 557,003 564,294 566,334 566,]24 . . D��T�T T�Tus . . SS5,602 557,002 564,494 566,324 566,224 - ..."".........�..........�..""�"....."""'..�.... SIGNAL LIGHTS AND SIGNS Statement of Work The budget provides for electrical utilities, sign repair and replacement and bulb and lens replacement. Today regulatory signs cost approximately 5150 each for a single post sign. Sign costs are increasing faster than the rate of inflation. We can only replace one additional sign with this budget increase, without a rate increase for electricity. The proposed 3% increase will not allow the City to maintain the present level of service. Peqa Oaa 199� SIIDGET 1VOR1CS8EETS � SIQIAL LZGHTS 4 SIQIS - �;170 - Decembar 2, 1993 1993 199� OBJBCT 1994 � 1991 1992 I�DOPTBD DSTAIL PAOPOSSD Pund )�ceouat A Obj ♦ De�crlptioa ACTOAL I�CTpL7, BODGBT A160OtiT SIIDCSi . C�aat■ '_""""""""_'__"'__'_""'____"'_"____""____""__""'_"'___""_'____""'___."'_'_'_"'____""___'____.'_"__""'____'__ 101 - 43170 -01- 226.0 Siga Aepair Naterials 57.778 54.091 53.195 53,405 101 - 43170 -01- 226.1 31ga Inveatory i Aeplacemnt 52.3�0 101 - 43170 -01- 226.2 Straat ID Sigas 51,065 iDl - 47170 -01- 327.0 IItility Systm ltaint Suppllns SO SO 5533 5533 101 - 41170 -01- 227.1 eulbs, Lanias, Sigas, etc. 5533 101 m 43170 -01- 439.0 OCLar Italataaaaca Suypliaa 51,140 SO SO =0 101 - 43170 -01- 339.1 SO 101 - f31�0 -01- 181.0 Blactric IItilities 5�.147 5�.651 52.663 52.663 101 - 43170 -01- 381.1 Yoathly CLargn� 52,663 101 - 43170 -OS- 409.0 Othar CoatracGed Repair i 1[sin SO SO 5500 5500 101 - 43170 -01- 409.1 Du� io Auto Accidaati 5500 101 -�43170 -01- 439.0 Ot3ar Yi�calleaeous Chargas SO SO . 5100 $100 101 - 43170 -01- 439.1 IIaaaticipaGad Costi §100 "--""--""'-""'--"""'-'-""""-----"""--' p�$ T�TN'S 55,516 56,7�2 §6,991 57,201 57.201 � D��T� T�Tus 55,516 56,762 $6,991 57.201 57.201 . """"........."..".'........"""".............. 1994 PARKS AND RECREATION OPERATING BUDGET STATEMENT OF WORK "The purpose of the Rosemount Park System is to provide in as cost effective manner as possible, a comprehensive, balanced, weil maintained system of parks, natural open spaces, trails and leisure orientated activities/programs for city residents to use and enjoy." There are three areas of accounts that my staff and f refer to within the Parks and Recreation Department. They are "Recreational" (leisure and athletics), Parks Maintenance, and General Department". This breakdown is true for both the general operating accounts as well as the CIP accounts. I. /A. RECREATlON (LEISURE AND ATHLETIC SERVICES� PROGRAMMING: This account area includes the materials, equipment, and staffing required to provide a variety of quality programs to our community. The materia(s and equipment in this department area differ from the park aspects. The difference centers around the "(ife" expectancy of the item. ie: short life expectancy: bases for ball fields, nets for goals, etc. would be in this area versus longer term life expectancy: backstops, goals, play equipment, etc. being in the parks section. Due to the staffing requirements of the department many hours of over time have been required. An increase in the demand for staff will be added to this due to the programming that we are being called upon to complete at the new community center. The following section identifies the staffing changes requested in the recreational area. l. /B. REGREATION (LEtSURE AND ATHLETIC S�RVICES) STAFFING Staffing changes for 1994 include the employment of a full time programmer for • • � � � athletic services and a second part time secretary at 33 hours per week. The oiher change requested is that the hours of the present part time secretary or 24 hours per week be changed to 33 hours per week. The Programmer for Athletic Services will be responsible for the athletic programming that is added due to the community center functions as well as take over the majority of all other athletic programming within our department. Additional secretariai services are needed at this time. The need wili increase for those services with the community ce��ter programming that we will be taking on in 1994. For that reason the hours of the present part time secretary would be increased from 24 hour per week to that of 33 hours per week and an additional part time secretary for 33 hours per week would be included in the department's staffing. Programming and department operation in 1993 require many hours of over time by staff inembers. With the identified staffing in the 1994 budget the present programming would be available to the residents as well as coordinated leisure and athletic programming within the community center. This would also allow for less over time required of the present staff members. Staff of the department are not identified specifically for the community center or for non community center functions. Their role is to work together for the programming of the over all city recreation areas. 11. PARKS MAINTENANCE This account area is designated towards the upkeep and maintenance of the park facilities. In 1993 basic maintenance was able to be done with the funding available. Additional generaf upgrades are not able to be completed in areas such as Shannon Park with the present budget and staff. Working with the Tree Trust did help us in our maintenance efforts this season. Over the past years the addition of park facilities, fields, play equipment, trails, roadways to be mowed, etc. have caused a strain on staff work loads. Staff have been able to keep up in most areas. Work with trees in the nursery and in the parks requires additional time. Work to maintain the areas around the play equipment also demands more of our time. The '1994 budget reflects our intent to work within the guidelines of a 3% increase limit. There is no request for an additional full time employee at this time, however, an additional part time staff inember is included in the present budget draft for 1994. fll. GENERAL DEPARTMENT This area of the Parks and Re.cr�ation.Department includes over alt accounts that dea! with both parks and recreational aspects. Funds for seminars, advertising , physicals, etc. are a part of this section. • • ,� . . • - • . .' One increase in this section of $10,000 for 1993 is a result of dollars coming in from the account that was used in another department for the newspaper. Our department had stopped producing brochures when we used the newspaper for promotions. Now that the newspaper is no longer part of city operations, some of that funding was put back into the Parks and Recreation accounts for brochures. Another area where an increase is identified is the salaries for the Parks and Recreation Committee. It has increased from 53,500 to S 10,000. This increase is due to the increased number of ineetings. We had been paying for oniy the general monthly meeting. With the payment now scheduled for all meetings at 535.00 each this increase is needed in funding. Paga Oaa 1994 HUDCET YIORICSHEETS � PARS 4 R8C DSP]�RTUENY - 45100 - . Decembez 1, 1993 1993 1994 OHJSCf 1994 1991 1992 ADOYTED DSTAIL PROPOS� Puad Account � Obj t Dascriptioa AClVAL ACtpAy gppGgT utppNT gpDGgy Co�aats __"____"'_"'_""___""_'____"""___""____""'____""___""_____"'_'___""'_______"'_"____"'_'_____.__'__"'_'_"""____' 101 - 45100 101.0 Salazies a Bnnefits 5304,396 53Y6,1{7 5388,901 5393,720 ]�11 Salary Coati Iacluaiva o! 101 - 45100 -02- 101.0 D. Sechtold, P L R Direetor 563,360 Salary, Tauee, PSSG a Benelits 101 - 45100 -03- 101.0 A. Cook, Parks Supnsvisor 556,712 101 - 45100 -04- 101.0 AsslstaaG P i A Dlraeto! 537.596 101 - 45100 -OS- 301.0 L. Cordaa, p 4 A Progra�ar 578,331 101 - 45100 -06- 101.0 K. Mlllmaa, P 4 A Programmr SZ7.351 � 101 - 45100 -07- 103.0 Secretary 1�ida (P/T) $17,593 101 - 45100 -08- 103.0 Y 4 A Prograaer (P/T) 510,243 50� o! Salary Yaid by Aav-Prod 101 - 45100 -20- 103.0 §0 101 - 45100 -21- 103.0 SO 101 - 45100 -10- 101.0 C. Dahaka, Yaiat I 533.096 101 - 45100 -11- 101.0 Y. Jooatea, YaiaL ZI S3E,605 101 - 45100 -12- 501.0 S. Straa, Yalat IZZ $42,973 101 - 1510U -13- 101.0 J. ioslovski, Naint ZZ 537.960 301 - 45100 103.0 Pull-Tima Overtima 56,934 59,945 56,164 $6,685 101 - 45100 -OS- 102.1 L. Cordas 5521 101 - 45100 -06- 102.1 1t. Killsaa 5521 101 - 45100 -10- 101.1 C. Dahaka 51,151 SO1 - i5100 -11- 102.1 Y. Joostea 51,458 101 - 45100 -12- 102.1 S. Strua � � 51,566 � 101 - 45100 -13- 103.1 J, Zoslaraki � 51,46! 101 - 45100 103.0 Pazt-Tlma Salarias 4 S�aelitt 564,802 101 - 45100 -63- 303.1 Racrutioa Leadez� $7,730 56,553 59,000 $9.000 � 101 - 45100 -94- 103.1 Max�aiag Honsa)�ttaadaats 53.E89 54,739 58.400 59,000 101 - 45100 -96- 103.1 Pas1u iatasa t0 53.665 SO SO � 101 - 45100 -97- 103.1 G�aaral Clerical Se,Ol7 511,019 SO $0 101 - 45100 -98- 103.1 Parka Yaiataaaaca 513,322 515,395 516,500 524,000 101 - 45100 -9i- 10].1 Com Caat�r 1[aiatanaae� SD SO SO 512.803 Traasler lram Ca�uaity Center 101 - 15100 -99- 103.1 P 4 p C�i�sioa 1lembezs 51,195 51,398 53.500 510,000 101 - 45100 -OS- 205.0 Draitiag Suppli�� 53.122 51,349 5750 51,000 101 - 45100 -01- 205.1 Geaaral Draftiag 5500 101 - 45100 -01- 205.2 Pilm, Devnlopiag � Lamiatag 5500 101 - �5100 -OS- 207.0 2Yaiaiag c Inetzuctai Suppliea 57d0 5407 50 SO 101 - 45100 -OS- 207.1 SO 101 - 15300 -OS- 208.0 xiscellnneoui Supplies $0 516,550 50 $0 101 - 45100 -01- ]08.1 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 209.0 Other OLtice Supplies SO 5177 50 $0 101 - 45100 -01- 309.1 SO 101 - 45100 -01- 213.0 liotor Fuela 59 50 SO $0 101 - 45100 -01- 212.1 SO . 101 - 45100 -01- 215.0 Shop Yaterlal• $17,191 54.687� $8,000 . 58,000 101 - 45100 -OS- 215.1 Saad, Sod, aGc. , � $1,500 � � 101 - �5100 -01- 215.3 Aad Roek, Saad, araval, atc 55,000 101 - �5100 -01- 415.3 Y1aC 8quip�aat 4 Suppliai §500 • • , 101 - 45100 -01- 216.0 Che�ieal i Cbmical Products SO 5z.836 511,500 $11,500 ' 101 - 45100 -01- 216.1 8arMeidas(6�a'1 Pazk II�a) � 53.000 301 - 45100 -01- Y16.3 Part111zer $7,000 101 - 45100 -01- 216.3 8erbicidas(Carroll'• Nood�) 51,500 101 - 45100 -01- 219.0 Othaz Operatinq Supyliai §3,065 5=.605 5750 52.000 101 - 45100 -01- 219.1 Lrti p Cralts Suppliei 51,750 101 - 45100 -01- 219.2 SrusLes, Brooms, ete. $350 """'---"""---"""""--'-""""""""""-- p� T�'ug 5369,176 5406,46] $453,065 548T,707 5487,707 � Paga ltivo 1994 SIIDGET WORICSHESiS FAR1C i AEC D&PART►gNT - 45100 - Dacember 2, 1993 1993 1994 OHJECT 1994 � 1991 1992 ADOPTSD DBTAIL PROPOSED Fvad Accouat � Obj � Dascriptioa ACTQAL ACIVAL BIIDGET ufOIINT HDDGET Co�enti ""'""_"'__'__"___"'___"""""____'______"___.'__""___"'_"__""_____""_'____""_____"'____"____""'__"'_'_"____"""' 101 - 45100 -01- 211.0 Squipmeat Pnrta 513,288 57,465 53,500 $4,500 101 - 45100 -01- 211.1 Peaee Aepair(Noa-Laadacaye) $500 101 - 45100 -01-� Z21.2 Lightlag Aeyairi 5500 101 - 45100 -01- 231.3 Irrig Aeyair(Noa-Contraet) � 52.000 101 - 45100 -01- 221.4 Yise/S�lit R.ail, eee. 51,500 101 - 45100 -01- 222.0 Tlres 5398 SO SO SO 101 - 45100 -01- 3Z2.1 � SO 301 - 45100 -01- 2]3.0 Huildiag Aepair Supplies 57,844 56,403 S�.�SO $3,250 � 301 - 45300 -01- 23;.1 Paint, Hzuahes, Aollera,etc 51,250 101 - �5100 -01- 223.2 Shiaglws, Boards, ate. 51,000 101 - 45100 -01- 123,3 Yiscallaaaous $1,000 101 - 45100 -01- Y25.0 I.aadscapiag yaterials $14,869 55,623 57.000 53.500 101 - 45100 -01- 325.1 Trees, Shruba, Sod, nGc. � 51,500 � 101 - 4510Q -01- 225.3 Tlmbers, peaea, ete. $2,000 101 - 45100 -OS- 215.3 Paviag c Saalcoatiag(Parks) 50 101 - i5100 -OS- 226.0 Sign Rapair Itaterials 53.922 SO SO SO 101 - 45100 -01- 226.1 Sp 101 - 45100 -01- 329.0 Othes Yaiateaaaca Supplier 514 53,738 53.000 53.500 101 - 45100 -01- 229.1 Nata, Polas,, Sases, ete. 53.500 101 - 45100 -01- 229.3 Yiseallaaaous 51,000 101 - �5100 -01- 241.0 Small Yools 55,486 56,516 51,000 51,500 101 - �5100 -01- 241.1 Haaert, Kreachai, etc, $500 101 - 45100 -01- 241.2 Sars, Draga, ete.(Largar) 51,000 � 101 - 45100 -01- 302.0 I�rchitaCts' Yaes SO SO 52.000 $2.000 101 - 45100 -01- 302.1 Laadscap�1lrchit�et Nozk 53.000 101 - 45100 -01- 303.0 Sagiaaezlag Peu $2.250� 5164 51,000 51,000 101 - 45100 -01- 303.1 Various Park Mork 51,000 101 - 45100 -01- 304.0 Lagal Tau 5212 $0 SO SO 101 - �5100 -01- 30�,1 $0 101 - �5100 -01- 305.0 kadical i DaaCal Paes $17� $2ST 5300 5300 101 - 45100 -01- 305.1 �ploymeat Physicals 5300 101 - �5100 -OS- 315.0 Speeial Programe $3,578 55,672 56,650 $7.650 101 - 45100 -01- 315.1 Sunday Speeials 51,500 101 - 45100 -01- 315.1 Lepzechaun Days $100 101 - 45100 -01- 315.3 8a12oveea 5500 101 - �5100 -01- 315.1 Cround Pouaders(Ruaaing) 5400 101 - 45100 -01- 315.5 Nature Programs/Arboz, ete. 5500 101 - �5100 -01- 315.6 Puypet Programs � 5650 101 - 45100 -01- 315.7 Special Bvants(Z-1taa, ate) 5500 101 - 45100 -01- 315.8 Adoyt - A - Park Programs 52,000 � � . 101 - 45100 -01- 315.9 Hiscallaawus Programs 51,500 101 - �5100 -01- 319.0 Other Proies�ioaal Snrvices $3,323 $75 SO SO 101 - 45100 -01- 319.1 EO 301 - 45100 -01- 323,0 RaCio IIaits 51,348 $748 $500 $500 � ' 101 - 45100 -01• 323.1 Callular Phoas 8ills g500 "'-"""'--""'--""""""--'----"""""""'- P�� T�Tus 556,734 336,754 $I7,200 5�7.700 537,700 Page Thrae 1994 SIIDCST WORICSHEETS PhR1C 4 REC DEphATMEl7T - 45100 - December 2, 1993 1993 1994 OBJSCT 1994 1991 1992 aDOPTED DETJIIL PROPOSBD lund Account ti Obj t Deicriytioa ACPQ)�L- aCTQAL EIIDGET AXOIIl7T sUDGST Co�ents """'____""'_"_'»"'___'_"""_____'_""____"____""___'__"'____________"______'_""_____'__""'____"'____".___""_____'_ 101 - 15100 -01- 331.0 Travel mcpeasn � $132 591 5350 5350 101 - 45100 -01- 331.1 Semiaar� c Morkshop■ $1]5 101 - 15100 -01- 331.3 Geaazal ltiscallaaaoue $225 � 101 - 45100 -01- 341.0 Smploymaat Mvertlsing 50 51,564 $1,000 51,000 101 - �5100 -01- 341.1 6aaaral Smploymeat Ms =1,000 101 - �5100 -01- 349.0 OGhnr l�dvnrtising $5,903 s4zs 5�.20o Sis,2oo 101 - 45100 -01- 319.1 Hrochures 4 faper 511,000 � 101 - 45100 -01- 349.2 Copy 4 Duplicatiaq 5500 101 - 45100 -01- 349.3 Diaplay Boarda, e�e(SOaR) 5200 101 - �5100 -01- 349.4 Sanaers 5300 101 - 45100 -01- 349.5 Kiseallaa�ous Advertisiag � 5200 � � 101 - 45100 -01- 381.0 Hlaetric Vtilitia� 59,457 57.954 516,000 516,000 101 - 45100 -01- 381.1 Skatiag Yiaks $6,000 101 - 45100 -01- 381.2 Soltball Pialds 56,000 101 - 45100 -01- 381.3 Zrrigatioa . 53,500 101 - 45100 -01- 381.4 1[isenllaaaov 5500 101 - 45100 -01- 383.0 Gas IItllitias S62 S85 SO =0 301 - �5100 -01- 383.1 50 101 - 45100 -01- 38l.0 Aeivae Disposal � , .SO $170 SO SO 101 - 45300 -01- 3l4.1 SO 101 - 45100 -01- 393.0 P.C. 8ardrare PurcLases 51,058 SO SO 50 101 - 45100 -01- 393.1 � SO � 301 - 45100 -01- 409.0 Othes Coatracted IIapair E Yala §4,156 55,696 $f,000 $4,000 101 - 45100 -01- 409.1 Irrigntloa Rapair 51,500 101 - 45100 -01- 409.2 Ylaetriul Aepair 52.000 101 - 45100 -01- 409.3 Yiscallaaaous $500 � 101 - 45100 -01- 415.0 OtLar Equipwat Aaatal 55,462 56,617 514,000 512,500 101 - 45100 -01- 415.1 Portabia ?oileti 57.000 101 - 45100 -01- 415.2 St. Joha'■ - iiny iots SO Moved to C�uaity Center 101 - 45300 -01- 415.3 8Qulp�at, lfachiaas, ate. 52.500 101 - 45100 -01- 415.4 8ruah 8og(Carroll■ Moods) S].060 101 - 45100 -01- 415.5 wood ChipperlCarrolls Mood) 51,000 101 - 45100 -01- �J3,0 Dues i Subeeriptiona 5361 5737 51,050 $1,050 101 - �5100 -01- 433.1 1S�bnrahiya $650 101 - 45100 -01- 433.2 Dues 5400 101 - 45100 -OS- 435.0 Sooks 4 Pamphleta 5535 $194 $350 5850 101 - 45100 -01- 435.1 Aeczestioa 5350 101 - 45100 -OS- 435.2 Pazka 5500 101 - 45100 -01- 437.0 Coafsraacas i Semiaara 5899 57.305 $1,700 51,700 . . 301 - 45300 -01- 437,1 S�nara p Norkshoys 51,000 � 101 - �5100 -01- 437.2 Stai!/Parka�Co�. xeatiags � • � ' 5300 101 - 45100 -01- 437.3 3chool L 1liitioa 5400 _ , 101 - 45100 -01- 439.0 Othar ltiscalleaaous Chargas 5172 51,481 51,000 $1,295 . 301 - 45100 -01- �39.1 Dnaaticipatad Costi � ` $1,295 -""-""""""'-"""""""'-"-""""""'-'- P110E TOTAb3 528.289 527.317 5�1,650 S50,9�5 550,945 NON-ASVB79'8 PAODIICZN6 D8P71A17ffiiT TOTLLS 5454,189 Sd70,533 5521,915 5566,352 5566,352 ....�............'.�...........�'��.................... Page Poui � . 1994 BIIDGBT IiOR1CSHfiETS PAR1C 4 R8C DEPAR17�iT - �5100 - Dacembar 3, 1993 . 1993 1994 OBJECP 199� 1991 1992 11DOPTED DETAIL PAOPOSED luad Accouat • Obj ♦ Deecriptioa aC7o11L ACTOAI. BaDGBS ]�SOONT BIIDCBT Co�ents _"""""""__"__'_""____'_'_"'_______"___'__"_____'_""___""'_'______"_________""_________"'______"___"____"________'_ . 5101,000 563,100 101 - 45100 -L1- Softball 520,44] 531,030 554,000 101 - 45100 -81- Volleyball $8,015 59,038 SO �oved to C�uaity Cnater 101 - 45100 -l4- Tanais 51,592 5826 52.000 301 - 45100 -l5- Tiay Tots $13,857 58,887 SO koved to Ca�uaity Ceater � 101 - 45100 -86- Paa Poma . 53.836 52.701 SO Hoved to C�uaity Ceater 101 - �5100 -E7- Piald Tripi � 55,713 52.724 . SO 1[oved to C�uaity Ceater 101 - 45100 -l6- Bro�ball 51,902 51,968 $2,100 101 - 45100 -89- Skating Lessoas $320 5474 SO 1Soved to Co�uaity Ceatnr 101 - 45100 -90- Tzaek i Pield 5116 $1,354 $3,000 101 - 45100 -91- Soccar � 5163 $0 $3,000 � 101 - �5100 -92- Adult Daskelball SO $177 SO llovad to Co�uaity Cmtar 101 - �5100 -93- OtLer Programs $1,349 5488 50 1[ovad to Co�uaity Ceater -"-'--"'----""'---'-'-"""----"""""""-"" RSV�7Q8 PAODIICINC DBPAAT1f�i'P TOTALg 555,305 559,663 SiC1,000 563,100 563,10U � GD.Atm TOTI�L OF ALL pAASS D%PI�R27�IT3 $509,494 5530,196 5622,915 5629,452 $629,45] "..'....�...'.�..'....'���........���............�.... ASV�TQE PAODIICI6G DSP1lZL3 ON POLLOIfZNC PAGES Pege Piva � - 199� BIIDCET NORICSHEHTS . PAA1C 4 R8C D%PARTlIliN'P - 45100 - December 2, 1993 1993 1994 OSJBCT 1994 � 1991 1992 ]�DOY18D DE2AIL YAOPOSSD Fuad Acco�nt { Obj { Descriytioa rCTOaL ACi'o]�.L 8IID68T A710IINT BIIDC82 Co�eat■ ""'___"___"___"'__'__"___"'______________"___"___""'___""'______""'_____.""'_______"""______""___"'__"_____'_____' 101 - I5100 -81- 103.0 Part-TSme Salarins $2.�61 53,503 58.000 $10,000 101 - 45100 -81- 103.1 � $10,000 101 - 45100 -81- 121.0 P8E11 NitIIholding 5114 5102 5300 5300 101 - 45100 -81- 121.1 $300 101 - 45100 -81- 122,0 YIG MStLholding 5177 $140 $350 5350 101 - 45100 -61- 122.1 5350 101 - 45100 -81- 1]5.0 Xadicue MStLholdiag 517 547 S50 S50 101 - 45100 -81- 1]5.1 550 301 - 45100 -B1- 219.0 Opazatiag 9uyp11e� $6,568 $11,789 512,000 $12,000 101 - 45100 -81- 319.1 512,000 � S01 - 45100 -81- 311.0 OLiiciatiag Faas 58.833 S1],901 517,000 517,000 101 - 45300 -81- 311.1 $17,000 101 - 45100 -81- 319.0 Othnr Profe�sioaal Snrvicas 52.274 $7.548 56,000 $6,000 101 - 45100 -81- 319.1 56,000 101 - 45100 -81- �09.0 Other Contracted Rapair 4 1(aia SO SO SO 58,000 101 - 45100 -81- 409.1 � g8,000 Md'1 IIenovatioaa to Fielda 101 - �5100 -81- 415.0 Othar Yquipmeat Reatal SO SO 5200 $300 301 - 45100 -81- �15.1 g200 101 - 45100 -81- 439,0 OtLer Yiscellanaous Chargea 50 SO 5100 5100 101 - 45100 -81- �39.1 $100 � 101 - �5100 -82- 103.0 Part-Tima Salarias 51,055 51,501 53.850 SO 101 - {5100 -8]- 103.1 $0 ]Sovnd to Co�uaity Ceater 101 - 45100 -82- 131.0 PffitA MithLoldiaq 544 543 5150 SO 101 - 15100 -E2- 121.1 SO Itoved to Co�uaity Cmter 101 - 15100 -62- 132,0 PZG Kithholdiag $76 560 $225 . $0 101 - �5100 -62- 11].1 SO xoved to C�uaity Ceatnr 101 - {5100 -82- 125.0 Yadicaz� Mithholdlaq S7 520 S75 SO . SO1 - 45100 -83- 125.1 SO Hoved to Ca�uaity Ceater 101 - �5100 -82- 219.0 Oyaratiag Suyylia• 51,619 51,693 52.250 50 101 - 45100 -62- 219.1 $0 Noved to Co�uaity Cmtar 101 - 45100 -83- 311.0 Ofliciatlag Fene 53,916 54.609 57.700 SO 101 - ♦5100 -l2- 311.1 SO )Ioved to C�uaity Ceater 101 - 45100 -B]- ;19.0 Other Profeaaioaal Sezvieea 51,294 51,110 51,750 SO 101 - 45100 -82- 319.1 SO Moved to Co�uaity Ceatez 101 - 45100 -84- 103.0 Part-Time Salariea $903 5763 51,500 51,500 101 - 45100 -84- 103.1 51,500 101 - 45300 -84- 122.0 PIG i/ithholdiag $38 50 5100 $100 101 - 45100 -84- 122.1 5100 101 - 45100 -84- 125.0 Medicare Mlthholdiag 513 $10 5100 5100 . 101 - 45100 -84- 125.1 � 5100 , 101 - �5100 -64- 219.0 OparaGlag Suppliai � 'S638 � q53 $300 5300 . 101 - 45100 -84- 219.1 - • $300 • P�$ T�T� 530,049 540,893 562,000 556,000 $56,000 ' Page Six 1994 BIIDCET NORICSHEETS PAR1C 4 REC DBP11RT1�NT - 45100 - Decembnr 2, 1993 1993 199� OSJECT 1994 � 1991 1992 ]�DOPTED D%TAIL PROPOS� � tvad AccouaG t Obj • DescriyGioa ACTQIIL aCTQ7y BIIDCET AKOVNT BIIDGST Co�aata "__"_____'_'___"______"_____"___'__.'_"___'_'___"___.______"_____"'____"'_____"_'___'____"___"__"'___"_____' 101 - 45100 -l5- 103.0 Part-Time Salarins 59,510 56,496 511,000 $0 101 - 65100 -85- 103.1 50 Moved to Co�uaity Caater 101 - 45100 -85- 121.0 P� KStLholdiag 5132 SO 5200 - SO 101 - �5100 -d5- 131.1 @0 lcovad to Co�uaity C�ntar - � SO1 - 4510� -65- 122.0 1IG NSthDcldiag � 5458 SS 5600 SO 101 - 45100 -85- 122.1 � $0 �toved to Co�uaity Caater 101 - 45100 -85- 125.0 Hedicare Mithholdiag $108 586 5200 50 101 - �5100 -85- 1]5 1 SO � Hoved to Co�uaity Ceater 101 - 45100 -85- 219.0 Operating Supplias 51,930 $564 52.200 SO 101 - 45100 -85- 219.1 $0 Xooed to Ca�uaity Cantar 101 - 45100 -85- 339,0 Other Tranrycrtatioa Charga• 5180 52]0 5350 SO 101 - 45100 -85- 339.1 SO xooed to Ca�aaity C�ater 101 - 44100 -85- 415.0 Other pquipment AmCal 55�0 51,516 51,600 SO � 301 - 45100 -85- 115.1 §0 . Xoved Go Co�uaity Ceater 1C1 - 45100 -85- 439.0 Othar Hiseallaaaow Charges SO SO S50 , SO , 101 - �5100 -85- 439.1 SO ltoved to Ca�uaity CaaGer � 101 - 45100 -86- 103.0 Part-Tiae Salaria� 51,567 51,600 $2,]50 $0 101 - 45100 -86- 103.1 SO Yovad to Co�uaiiy Ceatar 101 - 45100 -86- 122.0 PIG Mithholding 558 SO 5100 $0 101 - 45100 -86- 122.1 ' � � SO Xoved bo Co�uaity Cmter 101 - 45100 -86- 125.0 Yedicare XiiLholdinq 523 520 S50 SO 101 - 45100 -86- 125.1 SO xooed to Ca�uaity Cmter 101 - 65100 -86- 219.0 Operating Supplias 51,187 $1,080 51,550 $0 101 - 45100 -86- 219.1 SO �oved to Co�uaity Ceater 101 - �5100 -86- 339.0 Other 2raaryortatioa Charges SO SO 5150 SO 101 - 45100 -86- 339.1 SO �oved to Co�uaity Ceater 101 - 45100 -87- 219.0 Other ODaratiag Supplias 51,949 SO SO SO 101 - 45100 -87- 219.1 §0 Hoved to Co�vaity Ceater 301 - 45100 -87- 3;9,p p�y� n�yortstioa Charges 53,763 5�.722 57.000 $0 101 - 45100 -87- 339.1 SO Yoved Go Co�uaity Cmtaz 101 - 45100 -88- 219.0 Operatiag 8upplina 5296 5�31 5100 5100 101 - 45100 -88- 219.1 5100 101 - i5100 -88- 311.0 Oflicintiag Peas 5630 $735 51,000 51,000 101 - 45100 -88- 311.1 51,000 101 - �5100 -88- 319.0 Other Pzofesaional Serviees 5976 51,012 51,000 $1,000 101 - 45100 -88- 319.1 51,000 101 - 45100 -89- 103.0 Part-Time Salaries 5315 5468 5450 SO 101 - 45100 -89- 103.1 $0 Moved to Co�uaity Ceater 101 - 45100 -89- 122.0 PICA Nithholding SO SO ;25 SO � � - 101 - 45100�-89- 123,1 � � SO Bovad to Co�uaity Ceater 101 - �5100 -l9- 125.0 Nedicar� lfithLolding SS 56 525 SO 101 - 45100 -89- 125.1 SO Yovad to Co�vaity Centar 101 - 45100 -89- 219.0 Oparatiag Suppliss SO SO 5100 pp 301 - 45100 -89- 219.1 SO Yovad Lo Co�ualGy CmYnr ' . """'--""--""-""'--"""'-"""""""""" p�$ TOTu'g 523.636 $16,?51 530,000 52.100 52.100 � Pege Sevaa � 1994 SIIDCET NORICSBEETS PAR1C 4 RHC DSP7�RTl�NT - �5100 - Dacembar ], 1993 1991 1994 oBJBCT 1944 1991 1992 ADOPTSD DBTAZL PROPOSED Fvad Lecouat x Obj � De�criptioa ACTU�I. ]�CTQl1L BIIDC8T I�MOVNT BIIDGBT Co�eat■ ""_""_"""_"'___""__"'__"'""""'_'_""___'______"__'____""'_'_'___'_"'_____""'_______'_"""___'____"'__"'_______'___ 101 - 45100 -90- 219.0 Oper�[lag Suyylias 5116 51,354 5=.500 52,500 � 101 - 45100 -90- 219.1 52.500 101 - 45100 -90- �39.0 Othar Ylscallaaaoua CLarges $0 $0 5500 5500 101 - 45100 -90- �39.1 $500 101 - 45100 -91- 319.0 Op�rating Supylias 5163 $0 5150 5150 101 - 45100 -91- 219.1 � 5150 101 - 45100 -91- 311.0 Otfiaiatiag Feas $0 SO 51,850 51,850 301 - 45100 -91- 311.1 51,850 101 - 45100 -91- 319.0 Oparatiag Suqplia■ SO 5177 51,000 SO 101 - �5100 -92- 319.1 s0 Yoved to Co�uaity Ceater 101 - 45100 -93- 319.0 Op.aratiag Supplies-Other Yrog 51,230 5486 $2.700 SO 101 - �5100 -93- 219.1 � SO xoved to Ca�oalty Caatez 101 - 45100 -93- 322.0 Postaga Co�t� 5119 �$0 5225 SO � 101 - 45100 -93- 333.1 $0 ]ioveC to Cc�uaity Ceater . 101 - 45100 -93- 415.0 Othar 8quipmeat Aeatal SO 50 575 SO 101 - 45100 -93- �15.1 SO Yoved to Ca�uaity Ceater "'---""--""---""""""""-"'--"'---"""" � p� T�Tus 51,6]8 ;2,018 59,000 55,000 55,000 Y•8VD108 PAODQCIIP6 TOT7ILS 555,305 559,663 $101,000 $63,100 563,100 ...�................................................... Pege Ona 1994 HIIDGET NORICSHEETS INSIIRl.NCB - 49740 - Dacember 2, 1993 1993 1994 OSJECT 199� 1991 1992 ADOPTED DBTAIL PROPOS� Fuad J�ccouat i Obj y Description ACTO)S aCTaAL BIIDGET ]USODNT BIIDCHT Co�eaG """_____"_"'___'__"'_"__""'___""""""_'___"'_________'___'_____"________""'____'____'_"'____"____"""__""""'___' 101 - �92�0 -01- 365.0 Nor�an�• Ca�p Za�uraaee 570,315 582,624 570.000 590,000 101 - �9]40 -01- 365.1 Aaaual Premt� � 590,000 11k Incrensa of 1991 Actual 101 - 49740 -01- 369.0 Other Zasurance 575,422 578,374 588.000 598,000 � SO1 - 49260 -01- 369.1 Geaaral Liability a Luto 598,000 12t Incrusa ot 1993 Sudgat """'--'---"-"--"-"---""""-------"""'----- F11GY TOT]�LS 5145,737 $160,9�7 5158,000 Siea,000 S18l,000 � D��T�T TaTus 5145,737 5160,947 5158,000 5188,000 5188,000 � """"��""""��'.......'�'...........��'.�......'� Paya Ona 1994 BIIDCST WORISSHBESS OT88R IISES (TIUl7SP8R5) - 49300 . D�cembar 4, 1993 . 1993 1994 08JHCT 199� 1991 1992 11DOPTSD DETAZL PROPOSBD Puad Aceouat � Obj t Description ACTUAL ACTQA7, BIIDCBT JJIODNT HIIDCET Co�aats """'__""_""____""'_""__"'__"'____""___"'___"'___"______.__"'__""__'__"____"'_'__""___"____'____'___."___"'_'__ 101 - �9300 -01- 710.0 1Yansiera SO 5� SO $123,188 101 - 49300 -01- 710.1 To Co�uaity Center � 570,000 Por Operatioa of Programa 101 - 49300 -01- 710.2 To C�uaity Ceatnr $26,000 Por Subsidy oL Hldg Opera[iona 101 - 49300 -01- 710.3 To Co�uaity Center 515,000 Por Riagntte Tousaameat S01 - 49300 -01- �10.4 To Co�uaity Caatar F12,188 Lois o! NaC'1 Cuard Cleaning 101 - 49300 -01- 710.5 ' SO "'--"'--""'-"""---"""'--"'-'--"'---"'--'-- p� T�u'g SO SO $0 5123,1l8 $133,188 D��� �u'g s0 SO SO 5113,180 5123,188 ......."'.�.....�..........�......�........"""'.... � SPEAK OUT TOMORROW S�l�'��I YOU CAN REACH MINNESOTA GOV.ARNE I ARTHUR CAPLAN DISPU'CFS THE CLAIM THAT 1,'�,/I�i CARLSON AT(612)296•J391,ROOM 130,STATE NEW TECHNOLOGY IS THE VILLAIN FOR THE T CAPI'fOL,ST.PAUL,MINN.SSI55. SKYROCKETING COST OF HEALTH CARE. rcent for Two Harbors and 85 eccent ,„ �, -� - , ,�,,� STEVEN DORNFELD � p �� �- ' or Easc crana Fo�x�. Compar�son of:locai spendmg vs. needs � Needless to say, this new statistical � �� �.��t - �.�� � � �- ��� ��. -w-� yardstick is likely to be about as wel- The Govemo�'s Commission on Refortn and'E�ciencydetermined how much Study's results let you see how come among local officials as Ross Perot each qommuniry should be spending for basic seniices,and compared tfiat at a Whlte House dinner. with what each commuinry actuaUy is spend(ng.'fhis chart,lists the ° Roger Peterson,director of legislative percentage of spending that is above or below each community's basic needs L'1�' 'p�� ' ' ♦� affairs for the Association of Metropoli- as determined by CORE. � �� � W �'p�nd�g SlU` ,C� up ' tan Municipalittes,complaios that mem- .�r���� . �,-:.�>� =� ,,,. , 1 bers of CORE set out "to find a way to cut state aid to ctties as much as they - ' . . . � ' f you live in Fal- them with a preview of what their 1994 could" and then devised a system to con Heights `� property taxes could be. By the end of achieve that goal. ; St Paul 23%1 15% 28% 59% 11% -4% 64% Lake Elmo or Vad December, all local governments must But John Brandl,a University of Min- , Minneapolis 39 28 34 0 56 81 115 nais Heights, you conduct public hearings on their proposed nesota public affairs professor and a for- Duluth 24 9 12 101 l0 75 98 owe your local 1 budgets and approve their property tax mer DFL state senator who served on the �� �:•-� • ��� —�-,�s . � , elected officials a --%, levies for next year. commission,belleves it is"as good a job +I i i '� � � ; vote of thanks. In ifs study,CORE analyzed the spend- as has ever been done"to measure local ���"������ �� bb , .,:�,-:..,, . `: ' They appear to be ing of 181 Minnesota cities with popnla- service needs. � �Afton �1 �� -62 � -86 �� 73 -96 -37� -20 demonstrating effi- tions of 2,500 or more during the year In the past, comparisons of local .�Anoka 22 -19 33 -25 12 -24 169 ciency and CC-. ASSOCIATE 1990,the most recent for which complete spending typicaAy have been done on a ���Apple Valley 39 -5 27 18 24 -10 298 straint in providing EDITORIAL PAGE data was available. per-capita basis,with no attention to oth- _:?{qrden HIBs -28 -47 -57 20 -21 -33 74 ; basic services. E°iroR Using a combination of factors that er factors that affect the cost of polIce Bioommgton 30 69 11 5 2 24 90 But if yoa live in affect the cost and demand for services, and fire protection, street maintenance �gur�srilfe ,.'m 17 18 12 217 ' S 'N'24 w�� � ; South St. Paul, Apple Valley or Rose- �e study determined every community's and other services. ��g�Grove 9 � 53 `; 12 197 13 �17- =22= � In�those commuo ties,local afficials a e basic spending needs for each of five � T'hieCOR heceaaalgsis�toa det rmine ��ga� '„ ;`�?13�` ` ' 29 ��x s' 12 , 2$ ' �3 -81"-- esseutial services: streets, police, fire, e9 Y ,"F�irmont ,��� � 4 17 x�� 22 �� 4 � 41 ��-��15 - ,�<4"� : spending substantially more than what Parks and recreation,and general admtn- what the percentages mean. For exam- t` ; may be necessary to meet basie needs. y��ation.A basie spending level also was ple, is Community X wa§ting money by r �:�Fa�con Heights- �9 , ,; -�45 ;`-61 ,_��� 36 �'�,=46-,, =28 "� �13��; �� ; These conclusions are drawn from a determined for"other"expenditures that exceeding its basic spending need on �e Farmington ii 59 -12 -27 7 35 --82 � . � new study by the governor's Commission did not fall into these five categories. street maintenance? Or is it simply re- " Forest Lake 0 -38 -1 -25 -48 -52 250 on Reform and Efficiency (CORE), However, the study excluded certain sponding to local demands for services? �: Hastings ii 47 -8 99 -23 4 0 which spent nearly two Services that are not offered by all cities, One obvious conclusion, however, is Irnrer Grove Hts. 20 20 3 192 -25 54 97 WNATYears analyzing local or services provided primarily on a self- �at the 35 Minnesota cities with full- � Lake Eimo -47 -60 -82 127 -79 2 3 spending and service supporting basis. These include ambu- time fire departments are paying t6e Lakewile '� 18 23 �27 �138 �.14 r 50 . =73 " " IT needs. T6e study is ez- lance service, economic development,. price. . �ttle Canada ; 18 Z6 �,, 52 .� >192 =42 -39- - =54 ' 1 pected to be published' and housing and redevelopment. For example,South St.Pau1:=with 18 4 Mahtomedi 24 � 9 '�"� 76 2 -29 -4 -31,� �� � later this month. � ��� CORE then examined each communi- �� full-time firefighters to serve a suburban � s °"� �� �qg ;�ZO �;3': -41= Maplevrood � 15 �+ 91 7 , The ultimate product�. ��y�s actual 1990 spending,and compared � community of 20,000 — is spending 480 Mentlota Hts ;'�� 14 ��` �b8�,�r�, 27 "„ �� 47 ��`;�20 `-6 ' :248 ` of the commission's ef- jt with their basic service needs. percent more for fire protection than °; Mounds View A' -15 -2� -17 3 5 -14 32. -89 * * forts will be a proposal The results indicate that St. Paul city what CORE judges to be its basic need. ,;`y New eri ton -7 12 -31 -7 -1 -1 -7 for a new, needs-based government may be less wasteful than W�t St. Paul and Burnville,two Dakota ,�'; North Oaks -59 -96 -27 114 0 -s31 65 formula for distributing some taxpayers have suspected. St. County neighbors,also have full-time fire state aid to clties. In the past, aid has paal's total spending exceeded its basic departments — and they also shoot off " North St.Paul -35 -19 -20 -10 -4 -64 -90 been handed out largely on the basis of oeeds by 23 percent.This compares with CORE's spending charts. � Oakdale 12 24 16 30 -60 9 135 � past spending, encouraging even greater 3B percent for Minneapolis, 50 percent In contrast, Bloomington — Minneso- •�Rosemount �� 39 � ': 77 ; -8 ' 13 �:30 �� 137 �-54 �� spending rather than holding down local for Eveleth,53 ercent for Red Win ,75 �'g third largest city with a po ulaGon Rosewlle w ' B � 158 . 29 -4 '--8 -43 . -77 � property taxes. � P g of 86,000 — manages to prov�de fire " �SL Paul Park ' 14 9 �� 1U ,� 65 r-43 ��:=3 =48 `� ' More immediately,however,the com- protection with an all-volunteer depart- „Shorewew ' : 8 � T8 58 88 �130 =20 =88" ' mission's study will provide Minnesota � ment. And its spending is within 5 per- South SL�aul,�� 49 �;� a 84 � 56 ��4R0 `=11 ��-�-7 . �:22= taxpayers with a new valuable tool for To learn more cent of what CORE judges to be the � SUltwater -6 7 i141 -& �� 90 -44 -23 -17 judging whether their elected officials ■ The CORE report on local community's basic need. ,j�Vadnais Heights -38 -31 -62 li �7 -43 3 are being prudent with their use of prop- spending is expected to be issued The CORE study also suggests that :West St.Paul 12 48 -2 327 -13 -32 -25 erty tax revenues and other resources. by the end.of November. For more Ramsey County suburbs that contract ��itr.BearLake -24 -17 -8 -65 -69 22 -79 As a draft of the CORE study puts it, Information, contact the commis- with the county sheriff's department for �; ' "Minnesota tax a ers are demandin sion at 612 296-7041. police rotection a ar to be etlin a a Woudbury 0 -5 ' .0 47 -11 13 -9 P Y B ( ) P PPQ B B �,.xt.D.n.�-. ,m�- ,,.�. �,... ,...r.•,„s,,.,,,,,,,...�--.,.�..,.�a n more accountability from local officials ■The Minnesota Taxpayers As- good deal. Arden Hllls, Little Canada, ,Source covernors comm+ssion on Refom and Emaency ;,,; ;�� >. ` .�.;-� for how tax dollars are spent. Account- sociation has published a 41-page North Oaks, Shoreview and Vadnais ability,however,requires that citizens be guide to local property taxes. The Aeights all are spending far less ff12C PIONEER PRE55 GRAPHIC able to ask questions about and evaluate price is $3. for more informatfon, what CORE defines as their basic need dale.All told,Falcon Heights is spending �ut she says the CORE comparisons city spending practices.To evaluate their contact the MTA at (612) for police services. 39 percent less than what CORE defines allow taapayers to ask, "Are we,or are city,Minnesota taxpayers need accurate 224-7477. Indeed, communities that look for as its bastc need for city services. we not, getting more for what we are and understandable infotmation about ■The Citizens League produces ways to contract for or share services - spending?And is the`more'worth it?" how their city's spending compares to an annual comparison of property with other governmental units appear to Jane be�ege, a stafe Department of that of other cities." taxes in 95 metro area communi- be reaping the rewards. Administration analyst who worked on To encourage and applaud state, county anG The CORE study is an effort to fill this ties, and the 27 Iargest outstate For example,the Ramsey County sub- the study, acknowledges that there may municipal eftorts to revitalize govemment,mak- void,and the timing couldn't be better. cities. 7he price for non-members urb of Falcon Heights purchases police be very logical explanations for why ing it more emcienc and more resaonsi�e co Within the next two weeks,Minnesota is $20. To order, contact the protection from Roseville,buys snow re- some communities are spending more citizens' neeas, is one tne 1993 "What ic homeowners will be receiving their annu- league at(6(2)338-0791. moval service from Ramsey Couhty,and than what CORE has defined as its basic Takes"initiatives of the Pioneer Press ECitorial al"Truth in Taxation"notices,providing sells fire �nd rescue service to Lauder- needs. eoard. . . . � ' - . � � � � . . �-- ..... � f � NATION �U8INESS., ` " "` " ��'' :EXiPRE89i � ,�;.:. ��; r� .F� , : ; . EXPRESS � INDIX �., :::a. ♦ i � � ♦ ♦ � a;. � ,' F '' � .:�' r � ` � . ' " � ' � REDUCING MosnY c�ouoY � COURT,; �; PATENT :�w' �;�'' , �� ;;< � ; .-, . A�� cw,NCE oF sNow. ° , RULING' �: .PROBLEM ;}�� � ,` � r, ,� � THE RISK" �,�� t+i�H iN uPP�sos. � , ,.. .... . . . ,. 1 ,�,'�', . r��'�.; � '� , ' �1 LAW IN UPPER TEENS. r^ The govemment ' MulUmedia �� ! i��. � �, �✓ ' "� , `EaUngto reduce CLASSIFlED................ iF �o {'acted reckiessl � flrms are u seE �� � � o `` � your risk of CROSSWORD .8D,4F O Y 4-�~ p �;�� 'ln case a ainst, �: ,� ebout breadth':' +,� � . e& �"��S"�r j cancer isn't ; BUSINESS..SE OBITUARIES �e ��� � , g � r� r d� "x. � DEAR ABBY 1D TV/RADIO 30D DemJanJuk.2A ., F �; of a petent.�lE � _ � o Ik elways easy. iD� MOVIES....8D WEATHER ,.8E ti , .y, , ,, , , r 5 ; k. � �� � � . . - a....,;`;:'}I,�'"'} ��, r� � �i r ta` bt' MINNESOTASFIRSTNEWSPAPER '�r , ., _ . . .., . . i � . ii�;�: � � ��� '1��+ '" � : ,r> r� �' �� c#x��;�:i ��a H ;r i '�' � � ,... �_� ;� . s��., ; f, �� •� i � r�� � �,��. � NOVEMBER 18, 1993. ,y �� ''� ���' �'� ;� ' tr3 � �,; , . ;: F*� METRO�F�NAL r :�� fr� ,�� :trt ��,"r� �'" _: . �,�,' - . VOLUME 145, NUMBER 205; t ; � � " � �•�:+, r j„ ;;'��:; 6 SECT[ONS,56 PAGES e 25¢ � _ � , ;? ' i ,< <-K�r`. , �� � � � . , � � A SECTION � . � 7;f1�(t . 1 � .�. r i6. ���, k� ��4 � {�� v!: � t . . . , . �. , . as�� �,i 95� 7 fi' `.,u �; ���fi. i��,v �i't ��l 1�` - lr t� { Lc . t . i . . .. . ..��� �� �1..�� i,�- � �+ �� � ��� f {�'�1 � ' ' �'4 �����h�'u .t��f�;yrr {�� :�`r�r'11�.�;���,� �i���lN:r ��� ��i�f � 1 .� . . . � . . � ,J- 1�. .l„ .a� .F.tl A' ,.i ��r n ■ � , �:., � 1 � . a �`e ��. � e 1993 SNnI PmA Pbnex Pnu(Nat�weat PuWiutbnt uk.) , . . .�9;1 i Fi .�.'1 t� °.}�v.�d`�� �i Ij4' I � i i;�lr i�t�i�tiV's1 Te (k'ia� 51�rr�it��k j,�� �4�t �. 1 . ' ' 1. � t -�:I ��� „ � i , f� � _� ! `� "a�tT � ' 1 t�! �',! - � . , . . �a f i(.� !. 'l r hY't 4 � � G� ��i ta� � � TAX LINE ;'�.�, s�. ' �.�`� �� � t "• „ PonPce�ed about ��ilO K�v �.:Coun =�.-94��ta�x .��,lncre�es le� stee ro .n ax..7 ,x,� p Cia���E1YP�0Ol6M � a� ,�� �ili �.�. r.�e .�i �: ..,} �u "'X �� i� � �a���}1 epw� �F} i;, .�. ..�.._,.. � .. . , Pres�Prop�rly .. '-���.' 1� ' , •; � � 1 a:'� ,,;; -w,l �i r��,� ��i�.;}} 7"� ; i. . ����� , � �� . ; �� Tax Hot Line. �t �Iade ndent Scbool District 197 servin Meadota Hel hta and F r:about=178;=152 of that comes from the school increase. - Call Cttylln�at 'BILL fiARDNER sraFF wFtrrER + ��? � ' 645-6060.Ask , 4��i West St;Paul,fs proposlng a 20 percent inceease in ita s6are of Ip West St. Paul, the proposed city ta: increase is 3.78 for Category � '''`�'''"���"'`�"'' '`' �'' ' : ;' 4,�.�e'i property,.ta: primarlly;because"some large companles tn ' percent and bringa the total tax increase to i2.l9 percent. A 2222 and follow �roposed 1994 property tarincreases in Dakota County`are $��e;,dlstrict,;ine�uding^Njorttiwesf`Airltnes and,Unlsys, have , ¢100,000 home !a West St. Paul would see a total increase of geaerally fairly 9mall compared to increases of as much as SO r�,;received tax abatements,Resideptlal tazpayers have to make =178;=152 of that comes from the school Inerease. the instructlons. percent that gave many Sk P,aul homeowners a nasty surprlse i1;up the difference i�>�,?,�{r,4+r;,, ;}; q J: , , ` �" �.� •; In South St.Paul,the sttuation ls reversed,wlth a 24 percent See the Editorial ¢�rlier this week`,i,�:;����.� ;, �!s;� , ;,�`,:�k: . �� � 3 ;�,,Mendota Heights haa tha'largeat proposed total ta:lncrease ��•reduction in the school dlstricYs proposed tax. That decrease Page on l0A for The worst news came in Mendota Aelghts and West St.Paul, � =!;12.61'percent,=:of the count�y'a;il ciUes,desptte an increase •�',overshadows the amall couaty lncrease and the city taz increase datatl�. �: . Wbere large increases for schools pash total propertyt taz�in j,of less than half aperceat for.the,clty's share of the ta:.For a creases above 12 percen�' �,;i;t �,,�r ! +, �,•i , t�� ',; r =100 000 home in eM ndota He�ghts�tI18 PCOPOS@d tAX IDCTC8S8 L9 TAXES CONTINUED ON TA► � ,:�. iS��+ �.: 4 S � {�a.�� �`s .� r � 1 !�7 i �{i� �::� � � . � ��1 ��.p�{h �� �1( s y � � � .. ,G � � ���:i � '� 1 a i i�� ;7 �:�;) i��i° 1 a`� .�:5�� � .��i �Cr t� 9 1'E 4R't �, i �5 , , ,v ti��� r� ,���'s ,��'� �i � ";� �s.,,�»' r .t .����"i.��lyt�sl�p ,� r .. i,r�� ' " � ; ! ,< t { ,� a.�� ,� � , ,, , , �Mom ��lea�ds � ��� �.�4� F :�,,� � , � ,� k�: ���,��� � .f� �����,�����.,.�., � ���. � ,�� � p 1 ,1 t ; k��i �l ry� �� .� . . �� , � ouLs�er.{�k..�ay�, i,yr� qo��bes � : for r�ussing� `9i 1��1{i��;y if: �5F �C:.�a�t"�i�?{7�?, : ! :;�i 4 C} � ��='7�� � tf^i�` � ��a�� �`tYf� �'''�,,�fi°,`��F'`��.�y�i����N} r i td h �a� :r� �al��� S'A ��';_ ����.�SL ��ls ��� n1 Y. ''�`d� � ' ' C�linton scores � -.r •11"t ,� �# . . k . tee11 S� re�l�l, '�: �x:� ,�� � � nia�or victory on � 3�� »., .y' �'- .trade a reement no � new- leads� }s���} g ,,,,.t ,,.'ji: ,: ti, t '- y ;-DAVID E.ROSENBAUM r+Ew romc nMes � ■ Police'searcfi expands ; , ;, ��, WASHINOTON � into neighboring states � ' Presldent Cllnton scored one of the • TIM NELSON STAFF WPoTER � �r. . DIgg2S� . tI'IIIRIptIS ot his presidency Wedaesday nlght when the House oi Rep- resentatives voted to approve the North The fnmilles of two young Eden Prat- , Amertcen Free Trade Agreemenk . .. . , . . . �,-�:� *'� . . . . .. . . � '�� � T6., . . ... ... . . .... . .. . .. . . . . .. .... ..... .., . . nn�/ ..��,7���it....,tll r.,i.,non n��.i�. . . _J,;J,_..y,y..�.:.�.�,��•��--�++- i r-�--r�+f�!��..r. w ' . . � ��'� � .�7` �-!� �1 %-.) r r ��ti tii,�:. +J �1. � ;c'11XiJ� � �4 w,.. � . �`r �. °�-X4 t .t i'� `, � + � �� I ` � ° �' � ' ,.�, � �.� f � , � i ��r �� . r 61�1 1 r '. ., �,. �:. �,R . . � '' , ��. :� � •' 9 �i a i l, � - i �i}L � .',� r ' � (: � At � � s.�. ��j a. �'�# - . �' , . �. : . "THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 1�;�1993 i�;1�;kt`",'!4�C,'w� .`.,' ' 4.�,: . .y,`�. "-5 '" ��SAINT PAUL PIONEER PRESS •• ' . $, , ,. ,,�p � ,,, ,. - . ;, . _ a yt,��fljjyt�� "kf..aGl � '. ..�.^ .',.... �,,.. ;-', .;..... .� 4 �� � ��� .; �' � I 1 '' -- • . ,. :.r._• �.."6 �. .(��(� �I j /� � '- } 4��r��U�l f Y r�" .��7�7�.DanOLB \I�u µ i�� t 1i�1 b t :�t.) -i,� � , ti ^^ ;, , , nty proposed property taxes�` �$ , ;� �; ; . � RQlll.� �� T/�ES v c r1.x.a �i � t R , � > _ .. �� .6 . ,Ilt�� ��F t.tt� v �YA�rt�# � rf ....�.. . � �l :�.. !� 0; ti ,'� �"` l� ' � � ' i�, ��" . . �."� ?; ,.;`?�,� ''.�r``�°��'.� � ' ' y ' , :,, '.$90,000 house s;;� ,y,.$160,000 house�: � ' ;$200,000 house;' • Pefcent ,��;COtVTIt�UEDFR01vJ1A,�;w �,'�,f:,�:�,A;�;� '�:�G ;or.,townshl ' , '':;1993 J' 1994= � yi993�# ' ,�-�1994� a� �1993 �.�`�•1994�� +' �change; • . �4 't ,.�;�� �,,; p `' � .���'' , « ,."', , 1n T ' `T. � � -���; G' le lLalle' " .'$1 243.30' $1 268.24;'�$2 624:?4�'�$2;677.40 ry $3,775.94r��$3,851.70 � `'�, 2.0196' 111 ��.J . V0� �' �of�8:6�percent to"'give:South St:{*,r ,�Wp Y , 4 �, , - ���,Paul residents an;�ll;p.e,rce�t�de;'�'�� :'Bumsvilie : ;� . ,+ `�,:. ,•�$1,299.01�;,$1,38324 ;$2;742.34,�;$2,920.18:�$3,945 12 ,�$4,200.96 ��P;��6.48���,,, . .�``crea'se�,inE their`overall„proposed�, ..Eagan�r. �: : �'$1,197.15. $1;243 00;`;$2,527.31 �;$2,624;12;`$3,635 78�ti�$3,775.05 ,t �3.8396;, ! Y � : Farmington* $1,406.61 :$1,375.91 $2,969:49 ,;$2,904.72�',.$4,271 90 '•,$4,178.72 ,� -2.1896, ASSOCIATED PRESS 1994,property tases; ��;.� � ,.�� � ` � : , , ,. , � , ,:, � , ',: �: � HasUngs ;'' � ,$1,392.52 $1,319.32; $2,939.75 ,;$2 785.23;'$4,229 12 ;$4,006.82 , ;-5.26%" � rReNro. ,�,� A ,.�100;000 home in South St:.�� ;;�nver.Gro*e,Helghts* : �'$1,380:39 `$1,250.94 � $2,915.13 ;,$2,640.86a;$4,19225��,$3,799.11�a':�T 9.3896 Political consultant Ed R �Paul:would have`a°'�190°aecrease{3 �L�keville ,.;s- �� � �$1,262.89,�$1,301 87`;;$2,666.14.,.,$2,748.38,`$3,835 52,;�$3,953.81 � ,;3.0896' . will appear today�before a ; . ln'"'ro rt" taxes";des ite''a�,' 30� ` MendotaHelghts � �$1;186.24� $1,33464�.�,$2,504.29;,;.$2,817.57,,:$3,80266 �,$4,053.3b �,1t2.51% : ur investi atin char es P Pe ,Y,:, p ., ; ' J Y g g B :�increase m 'cit "taxes,and�'a`;9�� •Rosemount= ,, ,� ':$1.298.80 �.:$1,350 79::' $2,741.91;•,$2,851'66;�:$3,944 50 ;,$4;102:39 r 4'�� ' GOP aid to su ress black 'increase in'county taxes ;,,; �� t'�� :�St�Paul � 1,�;$1,433.07.t$1,272 86;:$3,025.37 ',$2,687.07>R��$4,352 29 ;;$3�,�.� .A :1,2.�4996 in the governor s election, so �, ,,.y , �,�,� West SL Paul „$1,204.52, $1,354 92' $2,54289� $2,860 40'� $3,658 19 $ 1 i , '�The �§Ghool d�stTict s' share is�,�, f; , � t�; , , ,- � ;-, , ,r�it,.�,. , , ;; � , � told the.Associated Press. _t#y ,;�� i�.,ra . � >.- ,,,+�. �.,.�: ..M, .; „�;r,,,, .i;: :��:; , �:r,,? , ;:: , ,;.;t:rr,��,}� :' ,:� .; , ;'1The embattled GOP stra . ,. � 'generally more than half of'a resi... , g �� g was to testify as part of the i *i'ax Incrnases resulUn irom school refierendums In November were t)ot included In Uiese proposed tau chan es. dent's�p��uperty'tax�bill,°;,while they, 3 , �,;;:,f� �..- , � �,, i�h;., ,..�Y �, .��r��: � '.�:;. � �: ,, �:•��. . ., al probe of Rollins' claim count �and ;clty?'make up;most.of� �" � Note. If a homeowner's property has been`assessed at a higher value for 1994,property taxes will be higher than the:.; ♦ -y♦ �j ,;,�,� ,;;,�� , � , , , , � black ministers .and Demo; 'l�,';F�� }.S.lp�ij::i4�r�yej,�);r��a�?}. '`r���'�t1�8SES�listed here. '7.-;r .t x`iy tiu ���� ,�a 'f }i i 2 i 11 C v y:. 1 j � i � � 4�i . 6bP. r�6 ��. ft�� i 4�� '�-�'� r..'4" :.�� -5 ;n..�.. � ., r��;�e��� .O.z '�7 i1 ��t �.";'¢K �RP'' ��% 1a '�� e T�4i ' '� ��.' � �-.4� � �� f� f„?.1. �' � . ..�.. .: ,. s r.s��, '�Sourr:e: Dakota County auditor , i,,. ,r �.� � �: N ,, �:��. �� � ''^ ' ` 'f` , f � :'t '� ; j�j � a� workers were paid not to ei T6e.�ounty has;held its�ta$.in-,,,, ,.,ar s,,,,; �,,_, �, �,`�.,,i *., � ;��x, ;;,;�� ', 4�.0 ��K, ,:�,�, J,�, ;�,� :��•:: a 1 , � , ,�,�. . , :age blacks to vote for Demo. � Gov. Jim Florio. Rollins lat� �crease to about,2.8''percenE; whxle,,}�Fµ �-:s < <:,; � ��, } � ;+,R �.i': r"=n+�; ,, ���: ,; .,r,,,� �t �.,,,•; ,��� . �,� ,<, thell,citiesshow,changes;Tanging;��218,:�p e�rcent�inFarmin�ton (does`''-i;,�The al8tmillion�`9Choo1''referen=', �;total increa§e .to,about:�60 �on a, ,tracted and apologized fo� #roin�a•;slight decrease<1a,.,,Apple� '' ot,:-�include�� school'��referendum°';�flum�;passed�in;Farmirigton Is�ex=� �`<�100,0,00;home '.:'�, �' ',n:r� �� statement. '. Valley to a 12.29 percent,,increase��assed.�this month),�-5.26 rcent,,�'� cted�.rto'ralse total ro ert taz=� f;y,;In,�$astin 5 `a�'16��. �rcent`de- '�� A spokesrnan for U.S. Att , in Hastings:�Eight<of th�:ll cities��}�� � ��es;on,a`,;140 p p Y �?'s � � �'� Michael Chertoff could n� � � � �z•-�� �� n;Iiastings;;-9.3$percent'in Inver'.�. . , ,000;liome.'about`;75%'.},creas� in'school;taxe� results in a, have`increases of less,thaa_5 �ers�;,Gr e-He1 hts;i: does�not':�include.r�,In�Inver,[Grove`,.I�etgtits;`;the ;1.51 �;.5;percent.decrea'se ln i:overali tax-, :reached . for comment. B �:i�Z�. ii;� a s�,� � ,3;��1k . t�t' � :Qv rr ,. . g � �� , 1 cent �� ,� . ��' ,,N, p, ,�Y�}Y,,,�"M,��.school:;;referendum�'passed ';:this�r��4mlllion',school referendum; is�ex;� !es::This decrease was a reward for; source close to:Rollins in Wa; s<>Other-chan es�in� ro sed}total��7;-month);;3.08:'percent�in' I:akeville ;':pected„to:raise:total„property tax=},,;last'year;;,however,'when pecullar- •ton and an attorney in N� +ro rt ,tase,s a're 2 Ol�rcent�iri"��(does;not�,include',school;"referen-`�r`.es;ori��a'.a100 000!home'about a77;��;:�ities ln':the state:fiscal disparities- •said Rollins will testify this � A le:��:Valley, .�6.48�; percent�s in��?.dum��passed'thls month);'and ,4.00 ��>In Lakevllle�he�2'.3 milllon refer"' ;,law resUlted.;in a ,41��percent`in- ing before a federal grand j� pp "`�3r` rcent in,;Rosemount , �., . _,,;;; epdum is ,expecfed to bring;�the,� `crease in school taxes Newaxk. � _ Burnsyil�e,.3.83.percent,�,'�agan,.;,, pe , , , , i t, J�. i. '.',:.t �.q .ir�. ,� r J, �a 1..� d r.Y,lyy�:l �� h � !3: �+h4" I� 'r ii,.j �::� t�i .�i :k � i . .. { �. '.C.? 5 t �Sp:.r� (�.n14'���,�„ty.:k� .,���.: :E� � ;�{i �.I�:,t 3Sl }� ..a � ���i't'�J �• ,i�:�.�I S,�°.rl�1 k �3:i�, t . � . . { t�••i 1 � 1 ..�� e.u r. .t� ���r ., . ,. .:.i.l. .,e} �. Fe,#;•'if� rl ..be. r+r, �.� i ,I, i� 1�.: ' f ���� ��4�rr �i �i' ). ��i�j• �r, -��11 ' l� y .�1�' 1 � ty { '��i��:)�, t R<� 4�.;�L'C 1 01,�� 1i i J�l.�t R 6� .tt 1�I�t.,;"�� � . � . , � a,� r,�li'�i �it��. 'f«:e x� a �3{.;: r �+�.c,l,i l t � , 7�': + �1. �,.'[ r� 11 � �,M� , � . t f f a �f,��x �G ��r� � 1.E {a�,y( / 1� ��p }. � � y��t 'wr� .d.J �L , t �.. i :�i'S z +-�;S ra �aaf��ir � �����.�:�1L��a.'..�"uy, �� tl:, ty� t�l ,���k �±;p � ��.�Irr3 �4�.:�is.r y.��Y Y�� 7 r. � . :.,a•r.�r�t+ . o- { r. , rw� y ' .: � �`rs � .f� a ��.r, th�'r���; :il�� � 1 y' � �n .f � s���f ¢r t�� 1����i�,� �ti�^ /_ t �q '{ �.!,����M�d1iy t�� ���:Y�:f� i� i��d'+Y Yt n ,+ , F �2i i� K. ,` . ��„ ,.1 ;n.'�1!� �l.a �« J r y' � �`.�; � i � .S �,,� JSI i t+�.. t ,fY �;� tf. J . - � � � .�.: ='t'f.1 I. ��, �.�,. ;ti•kakil���' �,�� .. l�'4�% ilr i {���1' . �1 .�,�i.'����l� ' 1 r�jl .��,, �y ��� ��,� �,. r� ..: . a i� tJ� ,'It�lt�l �� �. ���' rr� �� �� q��,�lL� ��; §�t' �g(j. wittV`'�`�i�tlr ��� . � �. x,t�L M� '���Y' ��' ' ��'! ' � �� `x�����e 2fr.lr��i:f��"ia`�u.�.�.. ;{:, �. '$;�� =4��.' ?'�� �, � � 7 � )�' � ''A3� t. + � f' 1 y �i � � ���� k� ���' �a(J�;r:'1 ����'�,F, � C�4� �, ,� ���(�ih. }IJ'i(7ti 5 �tti:;.>+n•:.'t-., � �i�'t 3 .iY,'��qi- . ` ... t �i.,t,. S .-r.� t �,�t. 3'iwf.,� : �.k _ r . � 4. � t �. . � . . �.�. � ' i��, �i� trils\� ja I�i'��#i�,.r �+iJ�3��..�. r''�' ...�� �ti.y/. •� � �:, n�. , s � ' , • ' . . '�� �x, y ) ivyy` v �` a;1"�Mi�i a1�art ,�v �,`� ��� �'f': f g x� � ' , � � �,�• �r �_''" r�i'!�4 �;; � ,i. p.. ';. ». :i:. a�` � . , � i '� �. ;: . ,`,£ ��� �,;: ` i i:. ' , r a �_ •rkA�r�;� Ki�l�fi�', , + '�.. �. � ,.` �. �, z a�` ,�� z � , )�. , �,t � .J: r Yt_.t,v ' : �3�.A '� 'A ��� �.�,L'�� � �'�: � . .'� .:' . . 1'4 , , r. ` ' � . �� . � �. � . . . . � .. , ... . � . . . ... � ... .. . �,�� ,' � ,.�;, �, � .,; „�= c � � ; �.��: ,k'� �;.. � g � z Z e � �, , . , >.�..r :;, .�a.,...: ,� ��a�.;� i, �;h� . ;�,3 t. � t;� �rr,x��„