HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. Continuation of Assessment Hearing, Chippendale Avenue Improvements, City Project #191 F e � t CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETWG DATE: October 21 , 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Continuation of Assessment Hearing, AGENDA SECTION: Chippendale Avenue Improvements, City Project #191 Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO. City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Sept 21 Executive APPR VED BY: Summary, Assessment Roll, Objections � * � This agenda item is a continuation of the Assessment Hearing for City Project #191, Chippendale Avenue Improvements. This project, which you have been provided much information on in the past, was campleted in 1991 . The publie hearing was held on May 18, 1993 and was continued until appraisals were completed which would estimate the benefits of the public improvement. Those appraisal summaries and assessments are summarized on the September 21, 1993 Executive Summary. The three property owners had previously objected to the assessment and a copy of that objection is included in your attachments. The Assessment Roll as submitted to you is as calculated previously. The Council may decide to modify the Assessment Roll at this time. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTIQN TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL, CHIPPENDALE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #191. ` COUNCIL ACTION: 3 � __.._' �, h.� ' CITY OF RUSk�OIINT / � " EXECUTIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION ,// ���" � " � � CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 21, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Declare Cost/Set Public Hearing AGENDA SECTION: Chippendale Avenue Improvements, Prj . 191 Consent PREPARED BY; Bud Osmundson AGEND ��� �'•� f� �% �� � City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director T� ' 1� ATTACffi�'rS: April 6 & 20 Executive Summaries, APP VED . Resolution, Pub. Not. , Mail List, Assess Roll � On May 18, 1993 a Public Hearing was held to consider the assessments for Project No. 191. The Public Hearing was continued to a later date while appraisals were completed which would estima.te the benefits of the public improvement. We have received the appraisals which were completed by Racine Appraisals and a copy of the 3 are in your packet. The following table summarizes the findings of the appraisals: P.I.D. Number Assessment Previously Appraisal Estimated Considered Benefits 34-03210-020-70 $33, 645 $9, OOd 34-03110-010-80 $145, 796 $150, 000 34-03110-011-90 � $3 ,416 $3 , 000 Tota . , The appraiser felt that the sanitary sewer installed on the project was of no benefit to the parcels . We are recommending to continue the public hearing for this project on October 19 , 1993 . The three property owners previously had objected to the assessments and a copy of that objection is included in your attachments. At that time, Council may decide on the assessments . We are sending out the same information in regards to assessment calculations as was previously noticed to the property owners . Council can then determine if a change in the assessments is appropriate. RECO2+Q+2ENDEA .�.C'�ZON: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION C.ALLING FQR THE CONTINUATIC7�'�''�'fF THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT, CHIPPENDALE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT �191. COIINCIL ACTION: 11 In the Matter of the Objection to the Assessments of; Edward B. MeMenomy, Jr. and Katherine L. McMenomy, Louis Geronime, and �IPpE�p�,E ApEN'�g IMpROVEMENTS Thomas Geronime (City Project No. 191) Pursuant to Minn. Stat. 429.061, and thereby a reservation of all. rights of appeal pursuant to Minn. Stat. 429 .�81, the undersigned proparty owners formally object to the assessment of September 29, 1992 as excessive and inconsistent for the following reasons: I. . As the Supreme Court of Minnesota stated in the 1977 case of Continental Sales and E i ment Co. v. Town of Stuntz, 257 N.W.2nd 546, the only factor to be considered in determining the amount of the assessment is the "increase in the fair: market value" of. the affected property. On September 29 , 1992, the' City of Rose;nount assessed the property of Edward B. McMenomy, Jr. and Katherine L. McMenomy, Louis Geronime and Thomas Geronime in the amount of One Hundred Eighty Two Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Seven and no/100ths Dollars ($182, 857 .00) . = The purpose of this assessment was to cover the improvements for Chippendale Avenue (City Project No. 191) . However, the city' s own prior statements show that this eurrent assessment is excessive. IZ two prior notices of assessment for this same project, the costs of the assessment were estimated at One Hundred Sixteen Thousand ($116, 000.00) and One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($130,000.00) respectively. Both of these assessments included the following proposed improvements: "Sanitary sewers, water mains, storm sewers, aggregate bases, select granu3ar, burrow modified, bituminous surfacing, concrete curbing and gutter, and lighting unit" , (see attached copy of Public Notice of � Proposed Improvements) . Now that the project is complete, the on2y improvements which the city claims to have performed, and therefore the only improvements which the current assessment can be based on are the sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer and street improvements. There is no shot�zing that these impravements increased the fair market value of the McMeno�y and Geron�me properties by One Hundred Eighty Two Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Seven Dollars ($182,857.00) and accordingly, the current assessments are excessive and inconsistent with the eity' s earlier assessments. II. The September 29, 1992 assessment is also improper because it does not comply with Minn. Stat. §429.061 which requires that ali notices of � assessment shall state "the general nature. of. the improvement" . Such an admission renders the September 29 , 1992 assessment invalid. Based upon the foregoing and reserving all rights, objections, and arguments relating the amount of the current assessment, and all earlier assessments, the undersigned, on behalf of the above-named praperty owners, respectively objects to the current assessments as excessive, inconsistent, improper, and invalid. . Dated: _ , ,. . �� , � � , ���-� d ��— J^ .t-I�'fl/. �J, �/: .j.�rV;�u� l � • Edward B, McMenomy, Jr. � i` ,r L1Y�_`.,ir�s��l.--' 15872 Chippendale Avenue ; �-_c� � 1 � •�!� Rosemount, MN 55068 �c�..- . -7 � �i / / �:c.;,:.'�/� � ..J` �!"'�•:: '.'�--( Louis Geromine Thomas Geromine Box 262 3567 160th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 L4 � SHELl.EY A ENGES�THER` �qTAFtY PUBL1Cr-�7RJNESOiA DAK07A CAUNTY r o 2o q�- � ��,���t�9� �!/' �• 'i�"�l G � Michael C. McCann Dakota Central Offices McMenomy, Hansen & McCann � 14450 South Robert Trail Rasemount, MN 55068 � Attorney I.D. No. 184512 (612) 423-1155 As represented by: John Burns, Jr. and Michael C. McCann of McMenomy, Hansen & McCann �14450 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 AFFtDAYIT OF FUBL}CATtON . STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS Counfy of Dakota ) • . UeL�iC�t� !�� ppq��o�R� �o�� .+y'��j 1�fMtkol,tt��Ytkut� r1ANCY 1, GUS7AfSOht,bel dvt :r.ors+ on aati+ �ors Ii+ot iha �an wtbori:ed agsnt ond , S'T�ti-f AkC U11tJt'Y t ^4 1 � � ' ;,, , "trtt Htotttf�tl:i i}»:� emplore+04 tF+e publi:her oi tf���nwspaper known as Dokota Counrr T,ibvne,oed kos Futl kno+�{edge ;-y'u �a�,-�°s,�'�'�`toi(bt.ei�' ° �'�'�''�kott�loUkti f.�e►tN � of tM ixta rrF�lch ora stoted betow: ,`�F 1�N�StH t�li MOi t►ett�'n 1.. •'}C6(iFF.p�S(�fttf}�tii!!S l�l!f ECSf�ibf6! ea�+.�a�u,�a�s ar x��,��e�u�� A.k:f tRftS,IY,'AMtlt,•1f,'INo;lt�lhd (A)T}�newspvper bes cornplied wiN+otl 04 Ffi�eequireme�t:tonsN�vtin9 quotefiea4ion os e�(egd mbuKl ql NtU�lt 14hitlf Umt tlse�R+(p - �cbt�eiy'ti�tAfa rtld M�lld 6ldc�dt-(a tt�� new:poper,os prorided br Minnaoto Statvte 33T A.02,331 A.07 ond oti+er oppticobk tow:,cs vmended. y lhi� �b�f thE Ybb 1�1t!FMt�11bf(ls�"t . � nllt}d tlSel�lde!� � ` �o u.F�:�n•�sAMr�� $e � � L..e� a..Q-- •`� �o6U.F.'�tl1+��'WJIT'ERJ�p�r. 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TTTtE:Ssvetory ro i:i+.r Subscribed and twont tv beFore on tf+is 1Z�i.�ld_dary of �1`G�,19� � . Nvtary PvMk MVM� `,_.. CARC}�.J.HA����� �: ,,,, txfil,�t'!PtJecsc— �AKOTA COUNT`f '�' . .�._..�.._G--�,oo�.a.�c�s CITY Of ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993 - A RESOLUTfON ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL CHIPPENDALE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 191 WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly given as required by law, the City Council has met, heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for Chippendale Avenue Improvements, Project No. 191, and has amended such proposed assessment as it' deems just. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City af Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: (1) Such proposed assessment, in the amount of S 182,857.00, a copy of which is in Clerk's File 1993-36 is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract ofJand therein is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement. (2) Such assessments shall be as follows: a. The assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of said installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 1993, callectible with such taxes during the year 1994. b. To the first installment shall be added interest at the rate of 8.6768% per annum on the entire principal amount of the assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31 of the year in which such installment is payable. To each subsequent installment, when due there shall be added interest for one year at said rate on the unpaid principal amount of the assessment. c. The owner of any property so assessed may at any time prior to the certification of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the principal amount of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, excep# that no interest shall be charged ifi the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the date hereof; and such property owner may at any time prior to November 15 of any year pay to the County Auditor the entire principal amount of the assessment remaining due with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which said payment 'rs made. (3► The City Clerk shall forthwith transrnit a certi#ied dupticate copy of this assessment roll to the County Auditor to be extended on the tax list of the County. Resolution 1993- ADQPTED this 21 st day of October, 1993. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City C1erk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Votedagainst: 2 � � � � . � _ �,___,_-�..�-_ _ _.,_ , . _ , �� �� ,�--__ � � ._ U� ��J�� �'�� � '��`� �_�,`�% �� ' — -- , - �_ �� �� � � �r ��� � � �.. � � ; . . t �1 ,, ; � . /'i/r � _ �, � ' �� ` - , , 9.��rI/j;� �I ''�''��! ..�n,�, - ,, , � . 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LEGEND RESIDE�TT'IAL PLA►�vNED � Woodland Areas Wetlands with 50-foot Buffer Zone A DEVELOPMENT �� Slopes over 20% Grade with more — - �+ than 20 chan e in elevation � Trail Connection - JaIIU1i'y, 1�3 - 9 �� Hoisin gton Koe gler Group Inc. � Buffer Yard � Road Connection 7300 M2tfO Blvd. • s�.,�te 52s Comprehensive Guide Plan ��, Minneapolis,MN 55439 • (612)835-9960 (�/�/� � Land Use/Environmental � Planning/Design v��e ZWV T�'''1 MUSA Phasing Boundary