HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Discussion of Assessments - Project 235, 145th Street Reconstruction i�� o osevv�oun� PHONE (612)4234411 2875-145th Streiq West,Rosemount.Minnesota MAYOR FAX (672)42&52p3 Mailing Address: Edward B.MeMenomy P.O.Box 510,fiosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Af�davit of Posted Hearing Notice �em�'�R�r�tg Harry wilicox REZONING pETITION — 1�� j1�jC. j�EN$ION PLAN & Z'RUST oennis wippermann ADMINISTFiATOR Stephan Jilk STATE OF 11�OTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) SS CrrY oF ROSE�ouNr ) Susan M. Walsh, being first duly swom, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On August 20, 1993, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, and deposited in the LTnited Sta.tes Post Office, Rosemount, Minnesota., a copy of the attached notice of a Public FIearing far consideratian of a rezoning of property as requested by AVR Inc. Pension Plan & Trust to permit . locating an auto-related business on the site addressed as 14760 South Robert Trail, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and' the places so addressed. Dated this 19th day of August, 1993. Susan M. Wa1 . City Clerk . City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this �3r� day of , 1993. _ , . CINDY [30RNIDEN '—' NOTARY PU9LSC—MINNESOTA o�y public DAKOTH COUNTY ` Nly Comm.E�ires Aup.25.1995 Y � �ver���ing`s �oming �(Jl,�i �J�osemounl�� � CHARLES NOVAK ARCHITECT NATL CITY BANK OF MPLS OLGA A STRESE 14750 S ROBERT TR P O BOX E1919 4063 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT I�T 55068 MINNEAPOLIS IwII�T 55480 ROSEMOUNT NIl�T 55068 CMC REAL EST CORP FLUEGEL ELEVATOR INC 547 JACKSON BLVD W JOHN � MARGIE RYAN P O BOX 4 P O BOX 6205 3465 143RD ST W � ROSEMOUNT I+�Il�T 55068 CHICAGO IL 60606-6205 ROSEMOUNT NII�T 55068 DAVID LAWSON DAVID MCRINLEY RONALD/MARGERY PANRRATZ 14785 S ROBERT TR 14805 S ROBERT TR 14810 CAMBRIAN AV ROSEMOUNT bIl�T 5 5 0 6 8 ROSEMOUNT l�T 5 5 0 6 8 ROSEMOUNT MN 5 5 0 6 8 RQNALD/DEBORAH RUSSTLL BERNARD/ALICL MIIRPSY \ MARY A FLFNtING 14804 CAI�RIAN AV 14790 CAD�RIAN AV 14780 CAMBRIAN AV ROSEMOIINT �1' 5 5 0 6 8 R4SEMOUNT I�T 5 5 0 6 8 R05EMOtTNT a+Il�T 5 5 0 6 8 RICHARD & ANNA KLATT RLVIN / J[TLIE RUZNIA DAVID / CAR,OL HARPTELL 14770 CAMBRIAN AV 14760 CAMBRIAN AV 14750 CAMBRIAN AV ROSIIKOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT NIl�T 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 HELEN C STRESE ' ROSL M ERVASTI ROBIN R KOWALKFs RAMONA A KRAFT 14740 CAMBRIAN AV 14730 CAMBRIAN AV 14720 CAMBRIAN AV ROSEMOUNT I�T 55068 ROSEMOUNT i�T 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 AVR PENSION PLAN TRSTE 6801 W 150TH ST APPLE VALLEY MN 55124 . i�� o osevtzouv�.� PHONE (612)42&4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,MinnesoW MAYOR FAX (612j 423-5203 MaiNng Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemoant,Minnesota 5506&0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Public Notice Sh�'e K'a�" James(Redj SWats , Harry Wil�ox Q� �+,, Dennis Wippermann REZONING PETITION - AVR INC. PENSION PLAN CX. 11CUST ADMINISTRATOR l't/� u7�UTK n�BER�'iRA//• Stephan,iiik TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNt NoTTCE Is HExEBy G�v�x, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 7, 1993 in xhe Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public input and comments on a proposed rezoning of property from G2 Community Commercial to C-4 General Commercial. The rezoning request pertai.ns to property located at 14760 South Robert Trail and legally described as follows: Tha.t portion of Lot 62, in Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, Rosemount, in the Southeast Quarter (SEi/) of Section 29, Township 115, Range 19, described as follows to wit: Beginning at an iron 33 feet east of a point on the quarter line between the Southwest Quarter (SW�/a) and Southeast Quarter (SEi/a) 1,340.20 feet south of the stone placed for the center af Section 29, Township 115, Range 19, thence east 122.14 feet to the C.M.St. P. & P. RR west property . line, thence southwest along said west property line 151.91 feet, thence west 98.19 feet, thence north 150.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing .38 acres, more or less, according to the plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for Dakota County, Minnesota. AVR Inc. Pension Plan & Trust is requesting this hearing for consideration of their rezoning petition to rezone the above described property to accommodate a proposal to locate an auto-related business on the subject site. The property is currently used as a multi-tenant retaiUoffice building. Persons wishing to comment an this rezoni.ng petition are invited to attend the meeting on 1'uesdav. September 7 1993 at 8•00 p m. Written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the Ciry of Rosemount Planning Department. � Dated this 19th day of August, 1993. r / , � S M. Wal , City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota. , ) � �ver���ing s �oming �UG� �osem.oun��� , � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE S1JN.Q+SARY FOR ACTTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE; Septeinber 7, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Discussion of Assessments AGENDA 5ECTION: City Project #235 Oid Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA .�� }�. � � City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director ��i��i TT ATTACHI�iENTS: Memos, Letters, APP Appraisal Summary, Assessment Roll The discussion on the attached memo explains the reasoning for modifying the pending assessments for this project. Also, attached is a letter, v�hich was received Friday, September 3 , 1993 , from Mary Hynes, 3405 145th Street West, regarding �he proposed assessments. Staff recommends that Council come to a conelusion regarding a flat rate or amount for assessments for multiple and single family homes. This should include streets and utilities. zt appears as though the appraised benefits for commercial property is less than what is calculated per the policy thereby supporting the policy calculations f or that Cype of zoning. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO MODIFY THE PEND3NG ASSESSMENTS FOR CITY PROJECT NO. 2�5 AS PER MEMO TO CITY COUNCTL FROM CITY ENGINEER OSNNNDSON DATED AUGUST 19, 1993 . COIINCIL ACTION: 6 MEMO TO: MAYOR McMENOMY COUNCIL MEMBERS: KLASSEN STAATS WILLCOX WIPPERMANN FROM: BUD OSMUNDSON, CITY ENGlNEER DATE: SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 RE: DISCUSSION OF ASSESSMENTS 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION CITY PROJECT #235 The public hearing was held for this project on April 20, 1993 and the project was ordered with . the pending assessments calculafied per the Assessment Policy. However, the Council asked that we have another informational or discussion meeting when appraisals for benefits were received by the City for properties along Chili Avenue. We now have the appraisals which were provided to you with a memo last week. A letter was sent to the property owners of assessable property for this project and a copy of both of these letters are attached. The benefits per the appraisals were somewhat different than aur Asses�ment Policy calculations. For the sing4e family residential homes the street only appraised benefits are SZ,000 compared to the Assessment Policy calculations of $3,228. The commercial and multiple family home appraised benefits are 58,�00 for each apartment building and $10,000 for the Tom Thumb Center compare�! to the Assessment Policy calculations of 513,358 for the two apartment buildings and 56,679 fur the Tom Thumb Center. The street benefits for the singFe family hames can be modified samewhat because the appraised benefits incfuded new curb & gutter for all the properties when in fact tMe � improvement project anly includes the inst-aiiation of curb & gutter on the east side of Chili on the - new portion through the Carroll Farm. Therefore, the appraised benefits couid be modified by subtracting out the cost of fihe concrete curb & gutter. The appraised benefits would then be approximately 51 ,614 for the R-1 homes where curb & gutter was nat replaced. I`ve spoken to many ather cities such as South St. Paul, Shakopee and Eagan and their street assessment per single family home is approximately $2,000 per lot. Shakopee assesses 25% of the street costs while Eagan assesses a flat 52,000 per lot, while South St. Paul assesses 531 .00 per foot this year. All of these average out to approximately $2,000 per fot. You wiil notice that the house at 3405 145th Street West (Hynes} would also be assessed for watermain lateral, water service, sanitary sewer lateral and sanitary sewer service per the Assessment Policy. However, the most recent appraisai does not give any benefit for those facilities. Again these three other cities have variaus methods of assessing or not assessing these utilities. South St. Paul and Eagan do not assess for replacement costs whatsoever for sewer and water laterals. Shakopee does not assess for the lateral but daes assess for the service to the property line. The storm drain is not assessed in Eagan or Shakopee, but the catch basins and leads are considered part of the street costs in South St. Paul which is simiiar to our Assessment Policy. The assessments for water, sanitary sewer and services is a whole other question. If none of the cost is assessed a preeedent is set #or future reconstruction projects which will mean that more of the costs of reconstruction projects has to come from the General Revenue Taxes or Capitat Improvement Program funding. Staff feels that a portion af the eost af the sewer and water replacements should be assessed. This amount may be only the amount of the service or just a flat rate. Staff recommends that we revise the Assessment Roll to rnatch the revisions as discussed in the previous memo to the Council. The "poGcy calcuiated" assessments and "appraisal benefit" assessments for the single family homes and the commercial and multiple famity homes'are listed on the attached Assessment Roll. .__, . _ .�. , _ CITY OF ROSEIVIOUNT PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL/MAILiNG LIST Project Name : 145th Street Reconstruction Project No. : 235 Assessment Hearing Date . Assessment Due Before . Assessment Term tYear) . Unit Designation • l.ot/Acre/Foot Cost per Unit ' Pxce1 ID Numbw AbMeviated Section,Townsfiip& Site Addroes Ownor Actusl Zoning Sanitary Sanitary Watermain Watermain Straet Pdicy g Appraiaal' �9� R��a Fronc Sewor Sawor 4atmal Service Asseagmant Tofai .: Benafiss Deacription footege i.ateral Swica Assassment Asaaasmant 563.801FF,R-7 Assesement 3ueat Asssssment Aesessment 516.10/F.F. 47,182A0/sa 869.3�/FF;C•1 ��Y 114.001P:F. AT19.33/as ��'3 34-03010-012-50 SE%.,Sec30, 3810 /45th St W Rosamount Community 440 R-3 50.00 $0.00 80.00 S0.00 813,358.25 513,358.25 S8,000 T116N,R19W Housing 34-030 7 0-01 6-80 SE Y.,Sec 30, 145th St W Carroil,Ricbard& 460.91 R-3 ' $0.00 $0.00 S759.92 S1,182.00 520,037.38 20,037_38 S8,000 T715N.R19W Emmett 34-03010-OY4-88 SE Y.,Sec 30, 145th St W Shimota,Richard& 30 R-3 50.00 S0.00 50.00 S0.00 $0.00 50.00 -0- Tt 15N,R19W Joyce A. 34-03010-010•91 SE`/.,Sac 3Q 3710 145th St W Shimota,Richard& 384.5 R3 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 S13,358.25 S13,358.25 58,000 T1 t5N,R19W Joyce A. 34-03010-070-90 Tom Thumb SE Y.,Sec 3Q 145th St W Tom Thumb Food 189.44 C-1 50.00 S0.00 S0.00 S0.00 $6,879.13 S6,679.13 10,000 food Merket T715N,Ri9W Market Inc 34-03010-010-85 SuperAmerica SE Y.,Sac 30, 145th St W Kelley,Vernon R. 294.5fi C-1 50.00 50.00 S0.00 50.00 $6,679.13 S6,679.13 10,000 Ti 45N,R19W 34-03010-070-20 NE Y.,Sec 30, 3535 145th St W Finnegan,Patrick F.& 90A2 R-i 5302.40 S719.33 S0.00 50.00 33,228.00 54,249.73 S2,000 Tt 15N.R19W Mary R. � 34-49200-160-Oi Lt6,Blk 7, NW Y.,Sec 29, � 145th St W . .Hynes,Mary E. 66� R-1 � S249.48 5719.33 3626.93 ' $1,182.00 � 33,228.00 58,005.74 54,000 Motz Add. T115N,R19W 34-62853-010•Oi Lt8,Blk t, SW Y.,Sec 29, . � 3450 145th St W RiegerL.Regina R. � 204.03 R-t S0.00 � 50.00 .. S0.00 � . SO.dO 33,228.00 53,228.00 S2,000 Rah�'s 4th Ti 15N,R19W Rahn 34-16400-020-00 OuNot A, NW Y.,Sec 29, 145th St W Cerroll,Donal&Mary 297.99 R-1 S0.00 S0.00 50.00 SO.00 S9,684.00 S9,684.00 52,000 CarroNton T1 ibN,R79W 34-49 200-1 50-01 .� Lti5,Blk4, NW Y.,�Sac 29, 3400 144th�St W �� Giet,Kenneth& 165 R-t � 80.00 50.00 � 90.00 � 50:00 53,228.00 S3,228.00 $2,000 � Motz Add. T115N,R19W Margaret Sheet 1 of ? CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL/MAILING LIST Project Name : 145th Street Reconstruction Project No. : 235 Assessment Hearing Date • Assessment Due Before • . Assessment Term (Year) • Unit Designation • Lot/Acre/Foot Cost per Unit • _ avwa�p� • � � Watermain��� Wate�main Strest , P��Y �; � � Actua) 2oni�g Sanitxy Saoitary � �� Behefits � � Owner . 3�w&. Sewe1' Latarel � Sarvice Asseasmant To�l � . Parcd ID Number � Abbrevieted � �Section,Township& Sits Address . FroM � �- ��� Range p��ge Leteral Service Aasessment Aesesament 353.li0lFF:R-1 Assessmont Description Assecsment Asssasment 576.10/F.F. 51.182.00/ea 869.&7�/Fa G1 31A.00/F.F. 5719:331se NW Y.,Sec 29, 3405 144th St W Millard 172.5 R-1 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 53.225.00 S3.228.00 1.614' 34-49200-100-02 Lt tO.Blk 2, Motz Add. T115N,R19W 3400 Upper 1A3rd Skille 112.5 R-i S0.00 5�.00 50.00 50.00 53,22$.00 33.228.00 1,614• 34-49201•100-dt Lt 10.BIk1. �NW Y..Sec 29. St� . . . . . . �&14• Motz 2nd Tt ifiN.R19W S0.00 S0.00 S3,228.00 83,228.00 1, � � � � � � 112.5 R-i 50.00 � � S0.00 . . NW y,,Sec 29, 3405 Upper 143rd Feueretein 34-4920 7-t00-02 Lt 10,BIk2, T�i5N,R19W S�W 614' Motz 2nd� . � S0.00� 50.0� 33,228.00 $3.228.00 7, . � . . � � � 112.5 R-i � 50.00 50.00 NW�'/.,Sec 29. � 3400 143rd St W Carlon � . � � 34-49202-100-01 Lt 10,Blki. - . . � . . � Motz 3rd T115N,R19W . S0.00 53,228.00 S3,228.00 1,614' � � � R_� . 50.00 � 50.00 S0.00 34-49202-t00-02 .Lt 10,Blk 2, NW Y.,Sec 29, � 3405 143rd�St W ToddMew Owner 112•5 . . � . Moa 3rd T115N,Rl9W Heeseh NOTE: THE APPRAISED BENEFITS WERE REDUCED BY THE COST OP THE CURB&GUTTER Shcet ?_ of 2 i�� o osemouvc� PHONE (672)a23-4411 2875•1a5th Street West.Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (812}4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 570.Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sbeila Klasssn Jamas(Re�Staats Au uSt 27 1993 "a`"ws�`°" 9 , �e��is wr,Per,,,,�� ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Residents & Property Owners Effected by Project #235 Re: Appraisals for Benefits from Irnp�-ovements for City Project #235 145th Street/Chili Avenue Recanstruction City ofi Rosemount, Minnesota Dear Residents & Property Owners: At the September 7 City Council meeting, which wiif begin at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, the appraisals and possible changes in the pending assessments for the referenced project will be discussed. Please plan on attending that meeting to give your input to the City Council. ' We have received the appraisals which were completed by Racine Appraisers, lnc,for _ _ the benefits from the improvements which are currently being constructed under City Project #235. The attached table is a summary of the properties which were appraised for these benefits. Also included in the tabte are the benefits wfiici� are calculated using the Assessment Policy. All of these pending assessments (isted are onfy for street improvements. Some properties may have other assessments sueh as waterrnain lateral, water service, sanitary sewer lateral and sanitary sewer service. ' These are not shawn in the table and at this point are to remain the same as originalfy - calculated using the Assessment Poiicy. At the September 7 City Council meeting, the City Council may decide to change the pending assessments per the appraised benefits or keep them the same as the Assessment Policy calculations show. Please call me at 322-2025 i# you have any further questions prior to that meeting. Sincerely, !�� -�'l -�t...�'-��_. �t-��sG Bud Osmundson, P.E. � . City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director cc: Mayor & City Counci( Stephan Jilk, City Administrator Ron Wasmund, Pubiic Works Director �vert���tr�gs �omtng `(JG� �JLosemouriF�� APPRAtSAL SUMMARY , Singte Family Residential STREET ONLY ADDRESS APPRAISED STREET ASSESSMENT BENEFiTS POlICY BENEFITS 3400 143rd Street West $2,000 $3,228 3405 144th Street West $2,000 $3,22$ 3400 144th Street West 52,000 $3,22$ : 34D5 145th Street West _ $4,OQ0 $3,228: , Commercial & Multiple Family STREET STREET ONLY ASSESSMENT ADDRESS DESCRlPTION APPRAISED POLCCY BENEFITS BENEFITS 14537 Dadd Blvd Tom Thumb Center 510,000 $6,679 3710 145th Street Rosemount Court Apartments 58,000 513,35$ 3810 145th Street Rosemount Green Apartments 5$,000 513,35$ MEMt� TO. MAYOR McMENt1MY COUNCIL MEMBERS: KLASSEN STAATS WILLCOX WtPPERMANN FROM: BUD OSMUNDSON, CITY ENGINEER DATE: AUGUST 19, 1993 _ _ __ _ __u..�_, _�.__.... RE: APPRAISALS FOR BENEFfTS FROM IMPRCIVEMENTS CITY PROJECT NO. 235 145TH STREET/CHILI AVENUElCHIPPENDALE AVENUf RECONSTRUCTION Attached are four (4) appraisal bookiets, completed by Racine Appraisers, for the referenced project. One 'rncludes four separate appraisals for benefits from improvements to single family residential homes along Chili Avenue. The remaining three are the Tom Thumb Commercial Center at 14537 Dodd Boulsvard; the � Rosemount Court Apartments at 3710 145th Street; and, the Rosemount Green Apartments at 3810 145th Street. The following table summarizes the appraised and Assessment Policy benefits for street improvements for the single family homes: _ STREET ONLY : ADDRESS AP?�RAISED STREET ASSESSMENT BENEFITS POLICY BENEFtTS 3400 143rd Street West S2 000 S3 228 3405 144th Street West $2 000 53 228 3400 144th Street West 5 2,000 S 3,228 *3405 145th Street West $4,000 53,228 � This property will also be assessed for watermain lateral, water service, sanitary sewer latera! and sanitary sewer service. You will note in the appraisal that the appraised benefits include new concrete curb and gutter. However, the concrete curb and gutter is nat being replaced on the east side of Chili Avenue north of 144th Street, but is south of 144th Street. The adjusted benefit to `the homes appraised by subtracting out the projectprice (56.44 x 60' _ 5386) of concrete curb & gutter to the appropriate properties is as follows: Address � Revised Street Appraised Senefits 3400 143rd Street West S� 614 3405 144th Street West �1 614 3400 144th Street West 52 000 3405 145th Street West $4,000 These revised benefit amounts would be consistent with the concepts in the City's Assessment Policy in that payment is made for individual improvementslreplacements such as concrete curb & gutter, bituminous streets, etc. Appraisal Mema City Project #235 Staff recammends that these revised appraised benefit amounts be adopted as revised preliminary assessments for the properties which meet the Assessment Policy criteria of accessing the improved street. Benefits per the appraisals and the Assessment Policy for the three (3? commercial/multiple residentia( are summarized in the following table: - STREET STREET ONLY ACTUAL ASSESSMENT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION APPRAISED FRONT POLICY BENEFITS FOOTAGE BENEFITS 14537Dodd Blvd Tom Thumb 510,000 190 56,679 Center 3710 145th Rosemount Court 58,000 414.5 513,358 Street A artments 3810 145th Rosemount Green 58,000 440 513,358 Street Apartments Staff recommends that the City assess the �awest of either the appraisal or the Assessment Pa(icy caiculation. The reasons are as folfows: 1 . If the City has to go to court on any appeal, the Court will probably lean toward the appraisal figure if and when it is brought out as evidence. 2. The lower figure on the Tom Thumb site should probably be used because this property will be assessed again for future Dodd Boulevard improvemsnts, and attorney fees defending the appraised benefit amount could surpass the 53,300 difference in no time. The entire proposed revised assessment ro{I will be sent out with the packet for the September 7, 1993 meeting. Please bring these appraisals to that meeting as copies will not be completed with the packet. 2 Ssptember 1, 1993 To Mayor McMenomy and the City Council: I am sorry that my health does not permit me to attend the council meeting, and mY son, who usually represents me, is away on assignment for his company. I would like to respectfully submit my rejection of the assess-�nent on my property which was disclosed to me in a letter received on August 28th. I have lived in Rosemount for thirty-two years, and during that ti.me, I was assessed for wi.dening and re-enforcing Chili Avenue so that school traffic would be better served. I willingly paid the assessment, although I could iil-afford it being a c�idow with two children to educate. Just a few years ago the last installment was paid. This new assessment, I can not accept. � If the ald Chili needed to be reconstructed, I would again try to pay a reasonable assessment. But the city is not reconstructing my end of Chiii Ave. They are abandoning it and are re-locating to crhat appears to be an extension of Chippendale Ave. This new street does not abut or enhance my property in any way. On the contrary, I will have a greatly extended driveway which will have to be abandoned much of the winter because I could not afford the cost of snow-plowing. I can ne�.ther see this street from t�y house nor can my home he seen from the street. The abandoned Chili Ave. , which will remain city property, can be a nuisance to adjoining praperty owners. I am sure the city will see � . ' that it is nicely sc�dded, but what happens later cancerns :me. I would like to say that the city engin�er has been exceedingly kind and helpful, and we commend him for his devotion to his duty. I am sure our Honorable Mayor and Council will understand why I cannot, in good conscience, accept this assesstnent. Respectfully submitted, ��� °'�'y �.�z.�.� r�� x��s 3405 ki. 145th St. Rosemount, MN