HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. AVR Inc. Pension Plan and Trust Rezoning Petition , , . z�� o osemoun� PHONE (612)423-44t 1 2875-145th Stre+�West,Rosemount.Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Addresx Edward 8.McMtnomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068•0510 COUNCILMEMBERS • • • Sheila Kiassen Affidavit of Posted Hearing Notice �am��R�rs�� Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann REZONING PETITION – AVR INC. PENSION PLAN & TRUST ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk STATE OF 11�OTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) SS CrrY oF Ros�ouivr ) Susan M. Wa1sh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On August 20, 1993, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Iiall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Mi.nnesota, and deposited in the United Staxes Post Office, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a Public Hearing for consideraxion of a rezoning of property as requested by AVR Inc. Pension Plan & Trust to pernut locating an auto-related business on the site addressed as 14760 South Robert Trail, � enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons : listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. Dated this 19th day of August, 1993. Susan M. Wal � City Clerk � City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this � da.y of_ , 1993. _ , . CIP10Y [30RNIDEN '—' NOTARY PUBLtC—MINNfSOTA O� PUUIIC DAKOTk COUMY `� My Comm.E�ires Aug.25.1995 ti " �ver���ing's �omtng �(/��i �osemoun��� � _ ___ __ _ __ . _ __ _ AFFFDAVIT OF PUB�ICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS County of Dakota ) PUBLiC�::NOTICE��` -:" �=--�zo�c�mwN:�vR nrc.'�= :�: � �6:�re►won n�t rnusr. � � , '.,� �aao sourN Ror�r n�n.����:' � " �TO WH4M Tt 1►�AY COISCERN �u�€� - NANCY 1. GUSTAPSON,being duly swan, on oath says thot she is cn authorised agent and NOTi(� IS HEREBY;GIVEN; the;Cfty Oouo�1�ffie Cft3'of Rasemounc will hold a employee of the publisher of the newspaper known as Dokoto CourMy Tribune,and has full knowledge P�ichesrinB�1ltesdaY�September7,1995 'i°the Gwoc�7 Chambers af the CitY Hall,se75 of the facts which are stated below: 1�Sth S�'eet West,begipning at 8 00 p.m.or as soo0 thereafter as possibte. � , .,�;�_: " �P�TP��this.heaiciug ffi to reoetve �1°�t����°n a�'Op0°� (A)The newspaper has complied with oll of tFie requiremerMs constituting quolificotion as o I I ��Pi'oP�Y from G8 Coman�mily � ;'������T� newspoper,as provided by Minnesota Statute 331 A.02,331 A.07 and other applicable Imvs,as amended. �ed at 1478o South Rcbert 7Ya�� ��deacn'bed as follows � ..*�a �z�_-�, , � `=:Tlmt portion af Lot 6B,in`AwLtoe's_Stib- ��, ��-divisian No_1;Ro�empmt,in tbe Southaat �B)T�Pn� ��=Warter<SE'k)of Sec4an�,Toavns6iP iLS. .=�`�RanHB�19.des�a�ibed as follows to wit�8e- � �Binning at an iron 33 fcet east af a poiqt o0 �� me'9uartp"line between:the Southwest _���' (SW�/a)��and--Southeast�>Qusrter `;� (SLMla)1�40.20 feet south ot t6e stoce piao- � � -ed for tbe center of Sectim 89,TuwnshiP 1i5. • . ltauge i9, thence east 122.i4 feet to the , C.M.St:P.&�. RR west pt�ty,lioe, ' theac�southwestaloogaaidw�tpmperty which is ottoched was cuf froen the columns of said newspoper,and wos prirMed ond pubiished once lioe`151.91 feet,'thenCe west 96.19 fcet, t6�ce nor?h 150.00 feet tu the point af be- ' B�H,contaaLi�ning:ssacres,ma�earleas, ��. ��J.W M.RL-pI�$���♦��� ��{���{ . � gSYlIIle VP WPP�tf��}w�. :. ��'•RINY�Wc�illltce��YF��${R��fR . c. Deeds:within,and ifor<I3akota'Co�tY, Minnesota. _ , ��,�;._. � AVR Inc.Pensioa Plan&Tru,tt is requeaE- is ing'this.:heaiing f�co�iderabaa�their first pubiished on Thursdoy,the ��day of � �.�-�`�— �B P�tion fo rezoce the above descri� , ed pcoperty to aaommodate a pra�posat to � lomte an a�o�acea b�in�on me sut,jecc G'3 :���P���,tYce�uaedasamulti- 19 , ond wcs therecher printed and pubiished on every Thursduy to ond including Persons wis6iog to comment on this reaon- iog petiti�are imited to attend fhe meeting �Tw+dof�,s�ve.�b«7.t993aB:o0P.w.Writ- Thursdoy,the dayof ,19 tm comments will aLso be accepted prior W —� �II1����'P��f�°���" and p'inted below is a copy of the lower ease oiphobet from A to Z,both inclusive,which is hereb menffi and inqwries to the G�ty of Rosemaunt Y p���rtII1eD�' . � aeknowled ed cs bein the size ond kind of pu DaCed thls 19th day of Aug�t,1893.::.. . 9 9 type used in the composition and biieation of the notice: a S�sen AL Wa1Sh,Ctty Clerk - aIH•di•fRldjkimnu�x�rvtu���c��z t(Sty of Rosemounk nc�� �{ • � � � ����k1 I�kotA Cowrt.y.;��Mmneaota� ,y.,.v" . � � . . . . . `9�82 i ;`+ � "'=.": /� ' BY: ///�� � � �`�r,-C- . TITLE:Secretory isher Subscribed and sworn to before me on this `�� day of �,14 �� . r . C_--4�'" Notary Publie ;� CAROL d.HAVERL,AND ;; �`�� �4"' I�iARYPUBLiC-�A �y = D14KOTA COUNTY }�=kB�C My com�ion E�raa D�3.19� : d City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Council Meeting Date: September 7, 1993 Agenda Item: AVR Inc. Pension PZan & Trust Agenda Section: Rezoning Petition PUBLIC HEARING Prepared By: Lisa Freese Agen a��.1Yt # � Director of Planning Attachments: Rezoning Petition, PC Review; Approved By: Hearing Notice; Mailing List. AVR Inc. Pension Plan & Trust, owner of the building located at 14760 South Robert Trail, has petitioned the City to rezone the property from C-2, Community Commercial to C-4 General Commercial . The intended use would be for automotive repair and related uses such as auto sales and equipment rental. The applicant has stated that if rezoned, Repairs, Inc. will move frorn its eurrent location to this property. The building located on the property is current used as a multi-tenant retail/office building. The petitioner' s representative indicated to the PYanning Cammission that those existing uses will be displaced if rezoned. The Planning Commission reviewed this rezoning petition and voted to recommend denial of the rezoning based on several findings. The Commission felt the building, as currently zoned, can be reasonably used and if rezoned it would be rendered nonconforming for parking and setbacks . The Commission e�cpressed concerned that the site could not accommodate outdoor storage of equipment and parking of • vehicles for sale or lease. Overriding the �physical concerns of the site, the Planning Commission felt that this type of use did not meet the long range plans or "vision" for the downtown. Their conclusions are supported by the recommendations of the Downtown Scoping Committee that were presented to the City Council on August 18 . �L Reco�ended Action: Motion to Deny the AVR Inc. Pension Plan & Trust Rezoning Petition based on the following findings: 1) the present zoning corresponds with the current utilization of the building, 2) rezoning would render the building nonconforming with regard to setbacks and parking; 3) the site is not conducive to outdoor auto repair or sales and equipment rental; and 4) the rezoning would not be consistent with current planning efforts and initiatives. City Council Actionc 09/07193.003 � i No: Date: City of Rosemount ' � REZONING PETtT(ON Appiicant: A� INC. PENSION PI,AN & TRUST Phone: 432-7132 Address: 6801 �West 150th Street - Apple Valley, MN 55124 STATUS OF APPUCANT: X Owner Buyer Lessse OTHER: LOCATION: �ot Block , Acidition see attached 'E�shibit A � Street Address: 14760 So. Robert Trail Rosemount MN S 068 � : Metes & 3ounds Description Attached: Sunrey or P{ot Plan Attached: Afiected SecUon(s): Present Zoning: �-3 Proposed Zoning: c-4 RcASJN FOR R�QUES7: 1. To restore �?r�vious zonina t.hat was iu�aroperly changed. 2 3. - AVR INC. �PENSION 'PLAN TRUST � Signature of Applicant: /_-� /�.--���.,z-;_ -� Applicarion received by: Sfev� J�t lL Data: ��2�/q Z Fee: �,30 0. o� How Paid: Date: Planning Commission Action: „_._. . . z�� o osemoun� PHONE {612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesqta MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address; Edward B.MCMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068•0510 COUNCILMEMBERS TO: Planning Comrnission sne�'a K'a�^ James(Re�Staats Harry Wilkwx F'ROM: Lisa Freese, Director of Planning oe�,;s w;�n„a„� DATE: August 6, 1993 A�s►epna��koa SUSJ: August 10, 1993 Regular Meeting Reviews Agenda Item i1 ATTACHT�fENT'S: Petition, Zoning Ordinance Excerpts, Site Map, Location Map. 11. AVR INC. PENSION PLAN & TRUST: REZONIIr'G PETITION 14760 South Robert Trail NATURE OF REOUEST AVR Inc. Pension Plan & Trust, owner of the building located at 14760 South Robert Trail, has petitioned the City to rezoned the property from C-2, Community Commercial to C-4 General Commercial. The petition does not state the specific reason for the request, but the Planning Department was contacted'by an auto dealer currently iocated at the Repairs, Inc facility. This dealer inquired about reiocating his business to the subject property and the property oumed by . Dave Lawson on the west side of South Robert Trail. No specific information regardin� the proposed business and how the site will be utilized to accommodate the business were submitted with the petition. The building is currently operated as a multi-tenant retaiUoffice buildina. Based on a site inspection of the property it appears that the uses consist of a video storeftannin� salon, a vacuum clea.ner sales office and shop, possibly an upholstery workshop and a coupie of service office spaees. The areas in front and on the north side of the buildin� are surfaced with asphalt. The area on the east and the south side of the building are not surfaced. According to the Dakota County Assessor's records the buildin� was constructed in 1966 as an automobile garage. In 1975 it was converted from a garage to office and storage uses. The Assessor's records indicate that since that time, it has been used €or retail, office and storage use. - The Taxation records at Dakota County list National City Bank of Minneapolis as the contract for deed purchaser of the building. The purchase was recorded in February 1991. The fee holder of the property is listed as Ray and Audrey Rother. The Zoning Ordinance requires that all petitions be submitted by the property owner. Prior to any action on the rezonin� petition, the applicant should provide documentation acceptable to the City Attorney clarifyin� the ownership and/or standing that they have to hring forth the petition. Planning staff contacted the applicant's office and requesteci more information regarding the cl�cation of ownership, the property's cunent uses and proposed changes. )� // B:10&-10-93.011 ' �ver�l�ing s �omtng �Ut,�i �osemount�� P����ofa � t e Planning Commission Meeting Reviews AVR Rezoning Petition August 10, 1993 HISTORY O�' THE ZONING ORDINANCE: The petitioner's stated reason for the rezoning is to correct an alleged enor that occurred when the new zoning ordinance was adopted in 1989. Under the old zoning ordinance auto related uses were not expressly permitted in the G2 zoning district. The intent of the district did not imply that auto related uses aze appropriate. It is the Planning Department's understanding that the Ordinance clarifications with the new zoning ordinance in 1989 was intended to clear up this issues. It is important to note that this building was purchased by the current owner in 1991 nearly two years after tius ordinance was enacted. The owners, if they adequately researched the property prior to purchase, should have been aware of the permitted uses under the zoning ordinance. Prior to 1989, the G2 zoning district did not specifically regulate auto related uses (repair � shops and sales facilities)/ When the present zoning ordinance was adopted, there was an effort to clarify the ordinance by modifying the language of the C-2 district to expressly prohibit auto related types of uses. The G2 is specifically designed to deal with much of the older commercial development because setbacks and parking requirements are relaxed. A new zoning district, C-3 Highway Service Commercial, was also added at that time. The C- 3 district is des'igned as a highly specialized district that provides auto related services to passing motorists. This district is to be located in highly visible areas. There are scattered C-3 sites in the downtown and along County Road 42. An example of an appropriate application of this district would be an auto service center like the one on County Road 42 and Galaxy in �Apple Valley The C-4 district is the most intense commercial district and it is designed to accommodate suburban type of development with increased setbacks and parking intended to be accommodated on-site. SLTRROUNDING CONDITIONS: The property in question is located in the downtown commercial area. The area to the north and on the west side of Trunk Highway 3 is zoned G2, Community Commercial and designated as Commercial in the Camprehensive Plan. Existing uses to the north consist of an office building in the f�rst lot to the north and Fluegel Elevator two lots to the north. East of the site -is the Soo Line Railroad right-of-way and CMC Heartland Partners proposed residential development. South is the Strese Oil property. The building is cunently used as an auto repair facility and the Strese's iee making business is on the northwestern comer of the property. This property is zoned C-3 Highway Commercial. On the unmeciiate west side of Trunk Highway 3, the property awned by Dave Lawson is zoned G2. The site contains three nonconforming uses: Pro-Tune, �Dave's Auto Body and Mr. Lawson's auto dealership. The auto body shop and sales lot are considered legal nonconforming. Zn 1991, the City Council allowed Pro-Tune to locate on this property. The Council decided that this was not an exgansion of a nonconforming use. This decision B:\Q8-10-93.011 Page 2 of 4 ' ` Planning Commission Meeting Reviews AVR Rezoning Petition August 10, 1993 overturned a Planning Commission decision of an administrative appeal. The Planning Commission had supported the Planning staff decision that the establishment of Pro-Tune constituted an expansion of a nonconforming use as defined by the zoning ordinance. Master Transmission is located south of Mr. Lawson's property. In 1992, this property was rezoned to C-4, General Commercial in order to allow an addition to the building. The Planning Commission and City Council discussed this item on several occasions prior to taking fmal action. The City Council decided that the property should be rezoned because the use e�sted at the time of the clarification in the ordinance. As a result the ordinance change rendered an existing auto related business a nonconforming use. EVALUATION OF THE REOUEST: Use of Building The building, while originally constructed as an auto garage, has been converted to other uses for over 20 years. It i�as been demonstrated that the property can be utilized for the uses permitted under the G2 district. If the property is not rezoned the property owner will still be able to use the property for a number of reasonable uses. Setbacks In the C-2 district there are no setback requirements for the building ar surface parking. If the property is rezoned, the use of the site would be severely restricted by setbacks: FRONT SIDE REAR BiJILDING 3�' 1�' 14' ' SURFACE PARKING 20' 10' 10" The attached map identifies the restrictions placed upon the property under the C-4 zoning. The building encroaches into the rear setback and rezoning would render it nonconforming with regard to setbaeks. The on-site parking is presently accommodated by perpendicular parking along the north and west sides of the building. These parking areas would be nonconforming under the C-4 setback requirements and would need to be eliminated or greatly reduced. Parking In the C-4 district parking is intended to be provided"on-site. The building is approximately 8,000 square feet. Under the parking requirements at full occupancy between 30 and 50 spaces would be required. Only about 10 parking spaces consistent with the C-4 district can be provided on the property. If the property is utilized for outdoor vehicle sales or equipment rental, all displayed or stored vehicles must also meet the setback requirements and cannot encroach into required parking. Consistencv with Plans Tt�e recently adopted camprehensive plan designates this area as commercial and suggests that such uses may be appropriate if the site can accommodate it adequately. In this particular B:\08-1d-93'.Ol l Page 3 af 4 , Planning Commission Meeting Reviews AVR Rezoning Petition August 10, 1993 instance the site is not capable of being ordinance consistent. The policies in the Comprehensive Plan are attached for your review. A downtown scoping committee has worked for the past year to develop a more detailed blueprint for the downtown. On August 18, they will present their report to the City Council and Pianning Commission. It is Planning Staff understanding that one of the recommendations of their report will be to discourage the development of additional auto related uses north of 42. RECONnv�rm� ACTTorr• After reviewing this request, Planning staff feels that many fmdings support recommending denial of the rezoning petition such as 1) the present zoning corresponds with the current utilization of the building; 2) rezoning would render the building nonconforming with regard to setbacks and parking; and 3) the site is not conducive to outdoor auto sales. If the Planning Commission concurs with the Planning Staff analysis, it would be appropriate to recommend that the City Council proceed to set a public hearing and make a recommendation of denial to the Council. This information provided by the petition, however, is quite sketchy and the Commission may feel more comfortable tabling action at this time. It would be my recommendation that you request that the applicant provide documentation of ownership, more detail about any proposed uses and specif'ics regarding the cunent use of the building (tenants, business type, size of building, size of lat, etc.}. B:108-10-93.OZ1 Page 4 of 4 � . � �f l � td � �O P s � �1 � � v � �� � � S rlloU � i . S'� � ° � �'�� y '��o c � �/' / ( ' v 1 � � / . / � . . � .. .. �,�. � � � � 6 � . .� /-� � . r ,� / ; � � r� �L�``'�/%� �j � � � � T . HASE BRACRETT COMPANY 1-6-92 .. .:..>:::.:>.;;,:,: � < ,:::;;::r;:.:>�, ,.: , , .. . . . . ,,::: : . ... ; �. , < • f.� s:: � ,;�,,,;.,,<,,,., NEIGABORHOOD DESCRIPTION Boundaries: .........N. :Dodd Blvd, E: County Road 73, S: City border, W: Shannon Pkwy Neighborhood Built Up .... 7 5 96 Cutrent Vacancy......... 5 S� Locauon . ........❑ Rurat � Suburb ❑ Utban L,snd Use: Single Family 5 0%Oltice 5:K MuluFamily 5 96 Developmeat 3'rend ....❑ Up � Stabie ❑ Down Industrial 5`X+ Reiaii `Xr Vacant 2 rj 96 COIRiII ���+ Value Trend ,,,......❑ Up � Steble ❑ Down Ex Gd Av Fr Pr Vacancy Tce� .......❑ Up � Suble ❑ Down Maintenance/Condition ................ ❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ Populauon Tcend ......� UP ❑ Stable � Down property Compaability .................. ❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ Employment..........❑ Up � Suble ❑ Down APPea!/Appeannce ................... ❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ Qunge in L.snd Use: ptotection/Advetse InQuences ,........ .. ❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ ❑ Uniikely (� Likety ❑ Taking Piaec DevelopmcntPotential ... ............... ❑ . ❑ ,� ❑ ❑ From Vacant To Residential Rcntal Dcmand ........ .. ..... . . ...... ❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ Ren�al Rate Range(ExeluJc Extromes): Transponation/Access .... ...... ...... ❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ From S_ 'rJ. �Q/SF To S $ . ��1SF Police/F'ice Protection .......... . ...... ❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ Age Range(Exclude Extremes): UnderSupply Bataneed OverSupply From 5 �rS To 60 yY'S Singlc Family ............. ❑ � ❑ MultiFamity...... ...... ... ❑ � ❑ Utilitics Milea OCCice................... ❑ . � ❑ � Water [`�Gas Distance-CHD ...... ..2 4 M RcWil ...... ........... .. ❑ � ❑ � Scwer �Tetcphone Distance-Fcccway .. ... .4 1Ttl Industrial ,., ... . . ... ..... ❑ � ❑ � Elcetric [�Storm Drain Distancc-Publie Tcans .. .1 Iill Ncighboring Propeny Use: R@ta11. t0 north and west, railroad tracks to east, auto service station to south. . Anatysis/Commencs: The subj ect is located j ust south of the maj or downtown intersection of Rosemount. The properties in the immediate area consist of ' retail, small office, service stations, etc. The buildings in this area are ' older, but adequately maintained. The newer commercial buildings are located approximately 1/2 mile southwest of the downtown area. I The businesses appear to be surviving, however the newer buildings to the southwest and the major malls in Apple Valley have cut into the businesses ilocated in this area. The smaller, convenience type businesses appear to be � doing the best and will continue to do so in this area. There is a good deal of new construction in the Rosemount area, which also should help these properties. : .:.:::.�:.::<::� .....,...... :;:, .:.. . ;. <:>::»::::::::>::::::: . . _..�.: .:_ .:»::>?::»:::::::;::: ;:;�;::...;:;:..�.: ; ` ENT..,AND..:TAXES :::.:.: � ' ;� ' : .... . .��... � ZONING,,:,ASSE.SSM Curn:nt Zonin� B—COIilIil�x'ClEll. L�:gally CunCunning Yca (XJ No[ Zoning Change: Likely❑ Not Likely[X) To Uses AllOwed with Cutrent or Likely Zoning COTt1TIl@Y'C131 Or' r8S1C�221t1a1. Assessment Ycar 19 91 APN� 3 4 O 3 7 O O O 2 O 6 2 Tax Rate Ycar Tnxcs Towt ..... ..... ...... . S 2 6 5 f 7 0 0 Toia1 .. ... .. 0. 0 4 4 2 0 cuccenc ..........19 91 s 11, ?4 4 Anaiysis/Comments: I17 light of our final estimate of value, the current assessment appears high and should be appealed. Your appraiser has estimated a tax expense of $6650 based on a proposed assessed :value of $133, 000. uc,��srrAo .,,•e,onun..f.,ci..�,,.�.,.....� .. . ,. ...., .,, ne(:r' 1 M�) . � .. . . CHASE BRAGKETT COMPANY 1-6-92 � :...�.:.:..•...::� _ �......::.:,:.:.;::::;.::::��;:. ...::::;:.:.... . . ::- .......v::v.v�.n.�....... Y..v.....:.... ..f:v..}i:�v.A�:{:::iii:u:: ':yn;.j�,-(.::iri:n � ' � ...i:::::.�:y.�.:r.. ... .......:t..............n. nn.Y:: ......v....::::::::::.::.::.3::::.,......... . � ' . ..�.% � .... {.,,_y +A�M . 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Silc S`�ze'..... 16,5 0 0 S F Envimncnental Problema Obsecved or Known To Appcaiser .Yea � No � Site Dimensiom ..... 15 0 X 12 0 X 15 0 X 10 0 Stract Frontage . 15 0� Ex GJ Av Fr Pr TYPe Pub Pvt Topo�raphy: Acceu ...........❑ � ❑ ❑ ❑ Street ,,...... Asphalt � ❑ Level � Mod Slape ❑ StcepSiopc ❑ Stceet Frontage ,.,,❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ Curb 8c Guasn . None ❑ ❑ AtGcade (�J AboveGrade ❑ BelowGcade ❑' Shape ...........❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ Lighting.. .. � ❑ Ycs No Funcuon/Uulity .....❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ Eicctric .. ... � ❑ Corncr L.ot ............. ..� � Visibility..........❑ ❑ � ' ❑ ❑ Gas.......... Natural � ❑ Undecgmund Utifities ...........❑ � Landscaping .......❑ ❑ ❑ � ❑ Waur ........ � ❑ Railroad Acceu ..............❑ � Dninsge........ .❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ Sewer . ..... � ❑ Eaithquake Zone ..... .......Q (� Adcquacy of Utilities ❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ Storm%Drain�,, � ❑ F►ood Zn Cd $ ❑ � Tra�c Pattem,,,,,.❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ Sidewalka ..... COI]C�2't2 � � Map� 2 7 0113 0005 Da�e �,97$ Easements NOTle Observed �ro��h,�� � None Observed Analysis/Comments: T$� subject is a west facing generally level site. The lot has good exposure to Robert; Trail, which is a main traffic street for the area. There are approximately 12 parking spaces in a blacktop lot in front of the building. Abutting the property to the east is the Milwaukee Rai.lroad praperty and tracks. Behind the subject building is an old oil tank, which may have some adverse influences environmentally and economically. uc�nxsruso OTS APPROVED FORM MAY NOT BE ALTERFD PAG E 2.000 :HASE BRACKETT COMPANY 1-6-92 ` ._ {{ IMPROVEMENT6. DESCRIPTION �k� f ' ;. ,: '� :. :... . . , , .- .. < :: ._...... ,,. . ., . ... ...:..... . .. ;::.. .: ,. : . -�. ..... � � .i Property Typc Reta i 1 coRs�ti�uo�Ty�� M1SOIlr l BuilJingi 1. M Storiet 1 , Bui�ding Fioor Gross SF 'Net SF Use Type . Net Rentable SF Use 96 ; 1 1 8� 2 8 0 8� 2 8 0 Ottice ................... x��;t ................... 6, 006 72,5 wanhw,se ............... 2, 2 7 4 2 7 5 � Manufacwnng ............. � i Distribuqon ...... . ...... ' Total 8� 2 8 0 8�2 8 0 Research/Development. ..... � •Usabte Acca ❑ Rrnuble Area � i Ycar Buitt,....., , . 19 E E Building ERcicncy Ratio 10�. �xi Parking Yca No Indusirinl Oniy ECCective Age ..... . 1,8 Economic LiCe ........... 5 0 On Site ................ � ❑ M OverHead Doon Remaining Economie Life .................... ........ 3 2 Adequacy . .......... � ❑ Floor Height F'f Rcpairs Needed Covered ,,,,,,, ,,,,, ❑ � Ceiling Hei�ht F'f Parking Garagc . ....... ❑ � Column Sp�cing Paved ................. � ❑ Ff x FF CostofRcpairs ,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,s N A Numberof5 aces ,,.... � P 1,2 RailRond Spur Floor Ana Ratio 5�. 2% Ground Covcragc Ralio 2 .0% Spaccs/1000 SFBA ...... 1.4 Ycs ❑ No ❑ Building Deacription ImprovemcntRaung . . FoUna�<ion ... ...:., . Concrete nlock � c� n� Fr Pr Framc . . ...... .. . . .. Masonry ar��i i a���s���� .........❑ ❑ � ❑ 0 Floo�/Covcr .. , . , , , ,, Carpet, Vlllyl F1oorPtan/Design ,., ,,,,,,,❑ ❑ ❑ [� ❑ c�<<�ng ........ . . .... Dropped Consttuction Quality . .........❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ Extcrior Waits ,, , , ,,., StLiCCO� concrete block Exurior Condition .,...... ...❑ ❑ �] � ❑ Intcrior Panitions ,,,. ,, Sj1eetrOC}C Interior Condiuon .,.,.., ,,,,,❑ ❑ � ❑ ❑ R�cco��r ... . , ., . Assumed P1tC�1 and Gravel Roocco��r, . ,. . ... ....❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ Plumbing .... . .. .. ... COppEY' Plumbing ... .. . . .. . ......❑ � � ❑ Q Heating ....... ..... . 3—FHA Heating ... . . . .... ...❑ ❑ � ❑ 0 .. .. . . Aic Conditioning . . .. ... Centra 1, Air Conditioning ..... ... . ....❑ ❑ � ❑ C,1 Electrieal .... ... . . .... 4 0� AfiP Etectrieal .--. .. .... . .......❑ ❑ � ❑ Q' Elcvatocs . ..... ...... NOI�E3 Eleva[ocs ..... . . . ... .. .. .❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Parking . .... . .. . .. . . 12 Sp3CeS Par}:ing Area ..... ...... ...Q ❑ Q ❑ � insulation ,.. ... .... .. Assumed adequate Insula[ion ... .. .. .. .. . ....❑ Q Q ❑ [j Sprinklers ..,. ... ..... NOI1e Sprinklcr........... ...... ..❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Roof Suppoct .,, , ,, ,,. Mgta 1 beams and deckin ��aua in g p s . . .. ..... .......O ❑ � O D ❑ � ❑ ❑ D O O � ❑ ❑ a�natysis/Comments: The subject is a small strip mall type retail center. The mall is currentiy divided into 7 separate units. The lessee and the space occupied are: n i Best Video 1300 sq. ft. MSI Insurance 384 sq, ft. �� L �� N � � � � AA Assoc. 944 sq. ft. � ' Valu-K-Vac 1024 sq.ft. � � e ��t � � � Pets & Groom 1071 s q.ft. y Printer (Vacant) 638 sq.ft. �� �, �� S ��� ` �,--, Upholstery � 1020 sq.ft. � Hallway 288 sq. ft. J� j� � Vacant areas 1611_sq_ft. / � �,(J(,(� rnv� � i/P --- L.? � n/�'�/�f � 8280 sq.ft. ` �� �l'/� _ The first five tenants are active and using the sp�e. The printer has UCtARdP7/90 � O'E'S.APPROVGD fORM MAYNO'f t1f:ALTGHED � PAGE Z.010 � CIiASE BRACKETT COMPANY 1-6-92 � vac4+ted, and was using a back space area with no street frontage. The uph��:-lstery business has vacated, but still is using the space for storage. This is good rentable space, as it has street frontage. The vacant areas incl.ude back areas (see building layout) , which are currently not rented and ha�'� very little desirablility due to no street frontage and minimal finishing. � ; f .........:.....::::...:....: .... >, .:.;;.:>::.:::.: :......�:.::.:.:.::: � ,?- .;.,-.:�::.>.:�.-::::::::.�::..>::<,_ ::::.,:.;-:.... .. ....... .... ,.,................. ,.,..... _.. .,.: .::..:s:::>:::; . z ...: .......... .;:.:..::<:,..�.�:.::::,.:.:........... ....::.,,,>.:.>�. <.. ,.. .....:,. , .... �, �.. ,...r.,... .......�.:;::.>.,.::.>;;:.,.::... ...,::.. ..:....:...... ..,.�::..,:,.,::..�..,....,.......,,..:::::,...,...:::,:..>::.::.:::...:. :.:-�::::.:..,... .. .:.�.............�.�:..�::.:�.::....., ...:..�...:::•::•::.+r.•:s...........t...............:.....:::..:..Y:.:.:....................._.......,........,. ..t........ ...r...._....._....:._:::::::•::.:::.;:;...;:; ............... r.. ........................................,...,.. �,:••:.:::s::,:............•::.::�•::::,::,-:............... ..,.......:.....,:,..,,L,r.,:.:•,,:�:•:•:•:.�::+.:::::,:::r;::::c-�:::::.n•.�..:::::::.::.:..:::> . . .:.........:..... /._... ................._... .. .o...,,...........,.........................,... ..r... . :•:+r.•: .o.:::::.,._-••. ::,•,.n<;.;,..::..:.;x:::,:.:-::::,•.:..;;;^:^;•::.>•?.:;.:�. .;:::.::.:..:.:..:�}.�::,ri. .. ,..�� -:... ...: ' �:..��:-.•.,.;.,...:..r...:.:............:........::::::::.:�.,_;.:.::.�.:::r•.::»:.:���:..::•::<:':;{:�!�:;. ::..f.;�..::::.•r:+::......� >::si:.`•::i�::i �`i:�r�i::;;;�z;=:;;::;;��:>:�:;:::;i;::..::::�r:i'::%.:i�:�::2�:::�:::i?:::;'x;{=;:i: ..v...:;;.�.::...�.:.:::....:...:.:•:::::::::..::.:±�.::.�.>:._.:.....:.:....�......:..r.n..r. .`:.; .:..::...:::....:::.:.:::.�•.�::::.:;.:•:.:'.:>•....... ....:.::v...::::::y. ::: ;:'.: :...• ::.:.:..y:.::+t..y.::•::;s ............... ........... ......;... .:.::x:<ai?:5::.>•;::3•: ' :::, ..' ._:,. .:•:.:.tv."•:;:':'r±•:'•... . .. .�iIGHES .. D... ...:..,...::....:....:.::::::.:.:::::::::::.::>::::.::::..: :..,.....,.:...::-:,.,....>.. ...::.::::.:.::::::::.::.-� .T. AN BEST.<.:.IISE:�.:._....:...r.:..:.,...,.:::,:::::::::::::.:.�,.:. .,,.:.. ,.. ............. ............. .......::::.;:.::.>.�:::.::::. ...... ,.,...... . . ..:.,::..,.::..,.>:f::::................... ................:.............:. ......... ..... :.::�:. ..�:::::,,.:::::..:.,:.>:;:.>;�.,;.,;.:.r:::;:.;,.::,::::<.;:.::>:.::::::�:.;;:.;;,..�................. ...... . ..... ...:........,............ -...... .........,..............._.......r..:rr:�:::.;��;;::::.:;:`-a?,ror :.�:. ,..... 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Highest and Best Use(As Curtently Impmve�: .................Current tiS E Analysis/Commrnts: It is our opinion that the highest and best use is for commercial retail based on the greatest return to the land, and what is legally allowable. ucuxsr�r�o OTS APPROVID FORM MAY NOT BE ALTERED PAGE 2.OZ0 . �.u�r— ra� wr.0 � �i lyn i � �i i r �hr+n i ccu�i uv r�x Nu. s9U4b5y t', U� �� APPLE V/1LLEY RED-C-MIX REAL ESTATE ,� " 14760 S4UTH RQBERT TRAIL RENTER RENT/MONTH � - � ROSEMOUNT AA $500.00 BEST VlDEO 815.00 MSI tNSURANCE �,�p.pp • ROYAL B[ACKTOPPlNG . • 2pp.pp ROSEMOUNT FLOOR COVERtNG 120.t)o _ mEaMax a�o.00 �2,2as.00 PROPERTY TAX- 1993 , $7,317.74 • �TT A That portion of Lot Sixty-two (62), in Audit+or's Subdivision No. t, Ros�mouni. in t#�e Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section Twenty-nine (29), Township One hundred fiftesn (115�. Rang.e Ninetesn {19}, descnbed as foitows, to wit: Beginning at an iron 33 #�t east of a point ort tt�e quartef Gne betwe�the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) and Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) 134020 fesi So� of ths stone plac�d for the c�nter of Section 29, Township 1�5, Range 19, thenc� East 122.14 fe�t to the C.M.SL P. & P. RFt west property line, thence southwest along said West.property line 15i.91 fest, thenc�West 98•i9 fesi, thenc� North 150.00 feet to the point�f begi�ning, cantaining .3;3 acres, more or less, accordnng to the PEai thefeof now on file and of record in ii�v o�ce of the ��g;ster of Dee�s writhin 3r� for Dakata Coisrr:y, M-nnesota SECTION 6.10 C-2 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT A. Puruose And Intent This DisVicE correlates only with Downtovrn Rosemount which is iaEended to serve the entire city. The downtown area is intended to be a diversified commercial ceater which affers the full range of comparisoa goods, sales and servic�s, cul[ural and avic, entertainment, fmancial and offices and public uses. Because the downtown is an area of relativel}� higher intensiry development and consists of"buildings and uses whicl� pre-date zoning regulations, the Ciry is intended to play a role in the pro��ision of parking and related public uapravemencs. ' Thus, normal yazd, parking aad lot re uiremen�s do not a 1 u7thin this District. 4 PP Y ; B. t ses Permitted Bv ' R�ht _ _ L Acceccorv Ao3rCmentS. � _ _ _ ? Professional and Business Offiees. . . _ 3. A.tl Retail Goods and Sen�ce Es[abli�hments conducred within structures but exctuding automabile and eouipm�nt sales, sen�ces and repair estabiuhmen�s; truckstops; dri�•e- taru restauranu; ��soiine and fuel sales; czr w•ashes; and commercial outdoor recreatian2l uses. - 4. Custom Manufacturin no[ to exceed a gross floor area of 2,Od0 square feet «zth at least 1/li of said space to be used for retail sales and display purposes. 5. Outdoor Di��lav of Merchandice for direct sale, rental or lease pro�ided said merc�andise consists only of finished prqducu and not disassembled merchandise paru or junl:; excegt tha[ neu� products Khich are customariIy sald unassembled 2nd are in[e�dea for consumer purcba5e and assembly are p�rmitzed to be displayed. 6. ��ic�eo Arcades subject to the follo�inc restricuo�: • a. �ny arcade u�th fifteen (1�) or more macnines shall have an adul[ supenisor on dut�� during atl hours of operation. b. \o arcade st�all be ope;zted �-it�.in �00 feet of a school, church or residence unless it is an inteeral part of a shoppin� center and does not have an eatrance except fro:n ��thin the shopping eenter. C. t�cN� Permitted B•� PLiD Commercial developments irn•oltin� multiple parcels, suuctures or uses shall be required to use the PUD procedure. Refer to Secuon 12 for PliD requirements. � SECTIO;�' 6.11 C-3 HIGKV4'AY SERVICE COM:�'IERCL�L DISTRICT A. Purno�e And Intent Thi.s is a highly specialized district which is located in hieh vehicular traffic zones with hig.� visibility. It is primarily intended to satisfy the needs of passing mo[orisu. B. tTses Permitted Bv Rizht . 1. Automobile Eouipment Sales and Repair Shaos including transmission, body, paint, muffler, en2ine, glass, battery and tire sa}es and services. 2. Eatine Estab�ishments including t:uckstops and dri��e-ups. 3. Hotels and Motels aad accessor}' L'SES. 4. Car Wasnes incluc�ing dric=e-thru and con��eyor t}�pes subject to the special restrictions estab:ished for Self-Sen�ce Gasoane Sta:ions in the C-1 DistricG Refer to Sectioa 69 B1. 5. Full-Service Gasoline and Fue] Stations subject to Che special restrictions established for Se1f-Service Stations in the C-1 District� Refcr to Section 69 B1. j 6. Outdoor Di,�plav of Merchandise subject to the special restrictions estabiished for thc � C-2 District. Refer to Section 6.10 B�. ,� 7. Recreation, Commercial-Outdoor pro��ided all improvemeats conform to setbacl; requirements for principal buildings in the district and no faciliues aze closer than fifty (50) feet to an "R' District boundanj. . C. Uses Permitted Bv PUD Commercial developmenu int*ol�ing muluple parcels, struc[ures or uses shall be required to use the PUD procedure: Refer to Secuon 1? for PUD requiremeats. SEC?ION 6.L C--� GEKERAL COM:�i£RCIAL DiSTRICT � A. Purnose :4nd Intent This district is intended�to accommodate a broad rznQe of retail eoods and ser�nces which sen•e thc enure cammuain: Though not exclusi��el��; businesses i.^ this district are relativel�� freestandinc and tend to occup}� indepe�dent buildine sites. T'ney depend on eo�d accessibilin•, high �isibilin� and relau�•eh� lar¢e ��olumes of vaffic and are therefore iound along major streets. _ . B.- I�ses Permitted B•. Ri�ht � 1. Accessor� Apartments. � 2. A�iculturaJ Im�Iement Sales and $enices. 3. Aut�-robile Eouinment Sales and Renair Shoos. 4. Avtomabi)c and RV Sale�. Senice and Rent21.. � . �. Business Scnools. , • 6. Bucine« Scr�ices and Revairs incluoing office supplies and equipmenL , ---i 7. ('lubc 2nd L.od�s-Pri��ate. S. Commercial Recreation-Indoor: bo�•ling alle}rs, pool halls, racquetball and ter.rus cour[s and zoller rin�:s. 9. Cornmunicationc Senices includin� radio and TV broadcastin� stations and studios but excludin� to���ers. 10. Constructi�?n '�42teri2ls Sales includin� lumber ��ards and building supply stores. 11. Da�� Care Centers �urser� and ?�lontessori Schools. 1?. �at�rc Zad Drinkinn Establishmen:s including dri��e-ups and taverns. ' li. Entertainment Facilities: ni¢ht clubs, theaters, motiie [heaters. 14. Financial Institutions and Eanks. � ]S. Food and Bevera¢e Re[ail Sales. 16. Funeral Homes and Mortuaries. 17. Health Ca�e Facilities: hospitals, nursing homes and extended care faciliues. 18. Healrh S�ac and Reducing Salons. � 19. Home FurnishinQs Stores. 2A. Hotels and Motels. 21. Laundr�� E5[aolishm?nts. � 2? Offices. Busines� and Frofessional. ?3, Prinu��and Duplicatin3 Shops. ?�. Re�air Sen�ces including bicycles, furniture, appliances, shoes, etc. 25. Wholesale Businessec and Supplv Centers: 2b. Animal Sa1es and Services including pet hospitals, get shops, kennels and veterinary clinics provided they have no outdoor runs. 2?. �',asoline Stations and Car Washes including drive-thru and conveyor types, subject to the special restrictions escablished �or [he G1 District» Refer to Scc[ion b.9 $1. - 28:-Commercial Rrcreation-(3utdoor subject to the speciai restrictions forthe C-3 Disu-ic�� R�fer to Sectioa 6.11 B7. 29. Outdoor Displa•� of Merchandise subjec[ to [he follo�ing restrictions: a. The sale is conducted by the oK�ncr or lesscc of the premises or with his on c�r ��ritten permission, b. The sale is no lon2er iu durauon than hvo ('_) da}•s, ' c. The �oods are those customarily sold ��ithin that structure in ihe C-: District, and d. Tne mercbandise and ��ehiele do not occup�� the reonued parl:ing zrea of the priacipal use. �0. i7ideo Arcades subjec[ to the followinc: a. An�r areade ��.zth fifteen (17 or �o:e machinzs shall ha�-e an adult supenisor on - [�:e premises during 211 hours of operauon. - b. ;vo�arcade shall be oaerated �ithin �00 feet of a school, church or residence. C. t�ses Perzzitted b�� PliD Commercial deaelopments invohing muluple p2rcel.s, structures or uses shall be reouired_ to use tbe PUD 'procedure. Refer to Section 12 for PUD . requiremeLu. . SECTIO\ 6.L3 IP I?�DLSTRIAL PARF� DISTRICT �.. Purn�se And Intent Ti:is dis:rict is intended to accom�sod2te ne���, modera, hiEn perfo:�rnce, licht iadus�ial uses u•h:cn are planned as a unit and include Zn internal . circula[ion sti�stem. This district is located «�thin the ML'SA and is intended to be served b��' the public uulit}� systems. lises shall be conducted completel�� w�thin structures exce�ted as pro��ded fo: herein. E. ticec Permitted B�' F2:ts ht 1. Buciness and Professional Offices. 2. Manufacturin�,. Custarn. �. ManufacturinQ. «'arehousi�Q 1�'hples2li�� Distribuiion Processin� Packa in� , A�sembh�. Comxoundin�,and Acces�on• t�ses. 4. Machine and Repair Chops. �. Television�and Radio Scudiq,�. 6. TestinQ and Research Labc�ratories. � '7. Outdoor Storage of materials,supplies and finisbed or semi-finished praducu provided such storage shall be completely screened from �iew fro� public sueeu and adjacent properues by a u�z11 or fence. ' 8. Suh�ort Co�mercizl t1se� pro��ided they are located �7thin the same structure as the principal use, aEc� are incidental to the principal use, and do not have an enuance e::,:;nt from �ltlun [he priacipal buildin�. C. Uses Permirted Be PUD Industrial Developmenu iavoh�ing multiple parcels, structures or uses shall be required to use tne PLD procedure. ;•''re � .. iu►d mublk La�x� witGin the mubik � ' emrudo��w rmuuau eaeaedlnr !�diiect wk.teutxi.ot kwe 10 the ul• YYrd. Bulk. U��bk Oyen Sbrce. Lot La -� utluu. utuLlbboJ /u the lulc�l Uu�rlc�wwwnet ut u�cr rhall lx rwr�d Cuw�rv�e.6cnx���r w�N!lyoJu•r{�1°�. I10111t N:tfti rI/YR IK M[I b:i('L Y IIAItI111U1N .;,��vtrlw�uf Mi�u�wu k'uUut{un(:uuuvl w1UJn a con�plrlrly enckwed VulMlnC Pu►4�r. Lo�dlnt. PcrCorni+u�ce Sun- of SO leet frwn xil pivVenr t4��.Such •'rA�ency(MPCA1 ro[ul�tiuns Us�ed be• wltNn the C� G2, C•3 and I-PAK dnrd�xndGewualAs�ula�lons. cetba�k s1u�L Ix prvviJed with a dcn►o � k�w whicl� :�re hcreLr incuryur�tcd by Illstrlctr. Merchandlse which I�offar• Sutd. S.� Sk. � ��f R'�"+"'^"�' �'�����inrtfun oC plant mr�arirl� u��d icfecauce: ed[ur cale,rental or krse as dercAbed• t«An�c►�«JGw�«G^.�?►"'��" eanh mounda to form a butTnr to ad• fl APC-1 Eodsctonc (Jniltadonc Fcom �hereatort mar Ge dlsptarea beyond the u.Minlmum clte ci2n:5 acres. julnlny,pro��e[ty and streeu.Plunc fur Fuei•BurninY Equlpment coafines o[n bulldlnY!n anr Commer• b.Afaxlm�m den►lty: 4 �nita pec ;rox� ccrcenlnt and landscapin�chrll be rp• Uced Fur ludirect llexdnQ clal AictdcL ycro. p[uved br thn Pl+u�nin¢ Cummlcxiun. AE'C-5 Restriction o[ Emisdon oC SECTION 4.AG.-A�icul[urd Diucict c.Mudmum hclYht o[Dulldlnis: 3 swr• d.Yubtle uUlldes:Alt mobpe bome parks Pudcutate Mauer fmm in- Subd.4.11wrp ' lea ■halY be servlced by a publie water and duztdai Processes In iddldou �o tbe�objective� presc�ibed d Minlmum usnble open sp�ce requlzed: sewer�rc�em.All utWtle� �ba11•be�^• � APG�lncineraton ' Lf Beet3m 1. Ob}ectives,.the AGAyicul• 2.000 W nue i�°�Pt��� stalled underQcound. . � d.S.�ek�. Smoke s6ail nc+t be amlu+d cutal distxic[ !� luluded in the sonln[ e.Mu�t be urvlced by pubt�c sanftary Sul,d.8.4.3 D«Fv�R�M+�»��+ Crom rny wume with opulq R ter otdlnance to achleve the tollowln� pur sewer• a M+u�imum de+��c�t7 oC devefopment: 5 quency exceedtny tlmltadon ln'14PCA �p�a: SECTION 6. RM Muld•Faad1Y tt�dden- �µp���t acre(Y+wa acret belnp re�ulaUon APC-11 RestcictSon d Lsda- a.To prevent premature uxbut devebp• tial D►st�i�u the�oial number of acres ln tl�e Parce� sion o[V4lble ASr Coatamlciaou, ehe' meni ot cenam land.whlch evenmaUr 6ubd.6.1►r.Pe+� indudin=all tn+��ior=tmu nnd open laeett sevtslon ot whlch 1s hereby� � p� appcoprfate for urban uaes. In addiW� to tbe obJ�ve� pcescciDed space� incorponted by x(eroncs. All open. until tbe inscalladon o[draiaate worka. tn 6eeUon 1. ObSactivec. tbe RM mu1U- b,Off-ateeet pukinY:A minlmum of l K burdaL 1s pcoh►blted oc must be eon• atmu,uNlSUes and community tacW- [aaJ1r ��a��a� diauieu are included �paees per moblle lwme shall be provid• dueted !n conformance wfth MPCA tles and und! tbe demand ezlw for ���'_°�^°'�e tO��ve tbe fol- ��udveo[on-stxsetparklnlL re�ulatbn APC-8 Open Burnln� Rr weh devebpment bw1aL P��Po'«' c.Setback:A mlc�mum oC IS(eee from atl atricdona,tlie laee�t revtcloo o[wLlch hTo pernslt tAe conduct and perpetw. a.To re�erve apqoP�ia►e17 ixuad+re°' Interbc P�PSrt1 u^ec and P�ivate fsherebYlncorporatedbYreterenca don of cutala a�icuitura! P�W� tor[amU7 Urini in a varieq'oE t7P« �tree�s. e.W.r. No acUvltr or operatlon ahall on t�land in tbe V W aQe of d�+ellin�s at a ieason+ble�se ot ,�.Yaric sueeu:Faeh home c1�aU have di- esuse at any Ume the tiltchuYe of toxlc, c To ensure adequate Uiht,alr,and prS• pop��y�on 8encitla consiuent vilth ��ss to a park sveet wh►ch shall noxious or odorous matter beyond vacr tor each dwelLnq udt,and w pco- w�+rd ua�d� o[pubUc Lealth and be pared w a minimum widih o[30! cLe Umiu o[the tmmedlate sfte wheee Ie yde adequate cepuaHen between �afetr. feet wbcce on-aveet parkln`Is pendti•; is located in such concenentloK ac dweliL�`s aad fad!leiea tor housfn[ 6.To eneoura4e a+ maar u poaslbk ot ���side on17r.M'bere no onaveet. ce to be detrimental to or endansu t�e ���, . the dea�irable characterjatic� oi the p�oe {� pecmltted and where "na pubtic 1rc�►th.welCace comfan ot safr Subd.4.2�«,win�d Uws w+YkdamiiT rtsldeo[la!dixtr�ct whik • w�=�i►r�ue posted.a.miwfmum ty ur c�use i��ury tu p�u{knr ur buct- �x A�p�iculwre. 71ClYYLOt7 and [eL•ted DCcmitUn[NQ�er PoP����on deocittes. ��t �rSdih ot 44 fect ►h�Jl be pC�- - ness. �a, �To ensure idequate liyht,a�.➢���'. mttted. t.G�o...Clare,wh•.iher direct or refiect- b.Commerclal`zcenbouses and em nuz• �dopen apace toreuh dwelllnY unl� �,Std�watka: A 30-lnch-w►de coa�« ed. such as lrom spot liYbts or hiY,h serlea. dTo pmride aD�a f� K�-��c wa2k ihall be R'o�ded irom the en- tempernure p�ocessea. and n dif• c'['be raldnY or keepin[o[Uvestocic and tactLtfea needed to cromPkment �r- �� o[ each dome w al1 tequlred tercn[in�ed Crom Qenera! Wumtoa- towl(poul�ry.abeep.hoia.cattk.etc) � Rsldendal area+ and cpace FO[ KCVICCIiGILUtt1�t�ltPail�. [ion, shal! not be visible beYond t6e and dafry[arminQ on 20 or mo�e accec. �LL[ucions that require a recfdentlal f.BulldinY 6e1`ht: No buildinL��ez. Ilmltc of the immedlate dte[rom whfch Kennek,bonea and turbearin�anfmalc envlmnmen� eeed 20 feei 1n heteb� icoA�tna�rs. oaIIveotmore�ceea. �.'ro m1�1mlze et+mc eon�e�Wn rnd to ¢pu� x�acion and open ipate; s.We�tea.Al!wUd.waste maieAal,debdi, d.Seand� for the s�le ot a�fculcural avold the ovedoadtnY o! ucllfUe� br � mopu� lwm� park+ �6�1 peov3de refuse or sarba�e shall be kept withln a producu pmvlded srtd p�oduus are at PR�entlnt Ux ronaaucdan of bulidlnCs �ya�e mRjdon and open spacc � completely•mclosed bulldinQ or proper• kast in part ralsed on tbe pnmises. � of exceuive sfze!n ralacfon[o ehe Irnd �u `v�thln[T�e park oC not less tha�+ !y cont�lned fn a cbsed comainec a Home occupaelona. around chem. 15%of the[aal�oss acrea;e thercln. deslened for such purpoce. All liqufd t.PubUc and quaal•pubilc f�d!!tla and f.To provide neces+ar�' =P+tt tor otf- �e Plannfn[�m�sston shalt recom- wactes rnntalnln�any orYaNe or wulc services requlied by the rnldent or ���P"�nz of auwmobties- ' �d a���ndl whe�her ihe land w matter sh•rll be discharyed etthcr inw workin` populatloe (aud IncludinQ '-TO P��� ��enUal peoperties fmm �used sGall be dedicated to t!x public a pub►1c saNtary sewer or teeated tn a parlu,recreacian aad open ap�ce ucec �K. Wumt�ation, undehtitness• or ntatned in the ownership of ehe mo mannet_Prcccribed by the State and �d io�[���). odora.dust,dlrt.amokc.NbraUon.heat, b!!e home Park. County Healeh Departmen�Thp race of Y.Sinple famlly detuhed and two[amilY Y�+�'� +�+� aher objeccfoaabk influ• h Storage: All boatc, trailen and vehi tiquid wasic dicchatye inw the Villa�e dwcllfne� and acceawrp swceures ences. cles other chan aueomobU�s shaU b� canitary uweraQe ryseem shall noc u- oa parcels oE not kcs than 245 acce:. Subd.62�ww�itt�d U�.a parked in an uea speciFically appru� eeed 200 Qallonc pei:iie acre per hour h Minine cubject to i6e requiremenu of a.Ateached dwellinf unSts and acces• � �d adequaeely aer�med tor tha Getween the hours ot 9 A.M.snd noen. &eecion 16. eorY suvcturu by plst[inB or Ptaancd p��se. All other stocage shall xcu. Subd. 3:62 TutsA�..f. The owM� or Subd.4.3R.qJndCowdtrio.s � . Z1ni�DeV�bpmen� � within a buildi�ng-or within a contalne. operaeor of anr permltced ure shall be re• �A31 uses shall comply with the reCula- b.Two-famlly dweltings. ticslSned sprcifica!►y for thnt pucpose. quired eo show compllance with the perv cions prescribed in SecUon 3.Site,Yard, �•Mo6ile 2wme parica by Plannrd Unit SECflON 7.Commerciai Disencts focmance nu�duds set forth abova ln Bulk,Usable Open Spue,Lot CoreraQc, Derelopmene. Subd.'I.1 ry.yo�• cues whece complianer eanna be demon• Screecilng and landscapine, ParYln& �public Ynd quacl-pubUc Cacllioes and �n addition w che objectives pmcrib� cirated w t6e caUs[action ot the VWaYe LoadinY, Pertormance Standards and urvices rcquired br the mldent or � ��on l. ObjecUves, che eommerci: Coune!!or wheee reasonable doube eadsu. General R�rulaUonc. M'orktna poputation � districa are included In the zoninY�fl�'� the Councft may require t6e owoer oropen- S£CTION 5.R-1 Sln�le Famlly Reddm- �-Ho�a�'�uona nance io achieve che toilowine Pu�es: tor` to have 1mesUYauons or cau made tia!District f.NucsinY and boardlnY�are homes. y To provide �dequyte space to me� by an lndependenl testtne orY�sauon. Subd.S.)Trrpo.•s. � � Subd.6.3RpwwdCow6r:ew+•Formuidple �e needs of�modcrn commercfal d� Cwtc of cuch investi;ationc or tuts sLall !n addiefon co t6e objecuvei preseribed �ustny other than mobile home parles. vebpmene. indudin� otf-xireet pu: be paid by the owt�er or operator. !n all in Sect3on 1. Objectiveq, t6e R•1, sinpJr �� u�es shall campir wSth the rtsula- jaY y�d tntek loadinf aceas. cases thc use muct comply wieh requue- fun!!y cesldendal discricu are included in �n+PR'���°��On 3.SUc.Yard, h To mtniwize crafE'ic con�est3on and : mentc of S�aie and Coun�y Health Depan- [he xonin¢ordinance eo achieve ebe tolbw- Bulk,U:abk Open Space,toe Co�eraf�. avoid the overbadin4 ot uc[liues by pr menu and the Minnesoia Pollutlon Control !ng purpwec . � � ScreeninC ++�d Landuapine, Parkin¢.. vendnQ tt�e cons�xucdon of bnUdines� AYtOCY. i.TO RitCV! appropriately located areas ��nY, Performuu� Staodudc and excessive rize in relatlon to t6e amou� � SubA.3.6.3 Tata-ViYoq• � for daele-famlly Iiv1nC at nasonabk �p«�ReYuladons. ot land amund ehem. . nou The ptocedure above stated chsll�t pre- populatioo denattiea eoncls�ent wi�h b.Publie suileary uwer aervice musi be �To proteet commnr�ial�propertiec Fro elude lhe VillaYe trum makine any cesu cound uwdudc of p�bLe bealth and P�o�dedforallmulUpleuNtt noicc, odor, du�t, dir4 smoke, vibr � and invecti�ations ii finds appropriate to -�saferywlthianitarYseweis. S��•6-4��4���10'f'For mobUe uon, heat, glare, traffie, Ctrc, expl determine cumpliantt with these perfor• 'b.To easun�adrquate IIrhl,�ir,pAvacy. �me parlca.' . eion,buziuuatume�.und oiher haxard: mance��andxrd►. ' andopenapacefxeachd.veWns., blobile hoeaec and mobile home parSct Subd. 7.1.1 Sp«lo��ww�.*ef Gl N�:S �Subd.3.7 OvrsiM Srorop.oId Di.olors c.To mldmtu eraftic conTe�ifou and to hare special chuacteristics whlch xe- b��������� i Or�aW.Sewoy�It•1 w.d R-M.In Disaicu avotd tne ovecioadln` o[ udLcfu b� 9"� futl cooskleutlon of tbetr lxa�on- y To provfde for nelghborhood rei. p a1 neeAa,tbely dte Layout aod desi;n,thef{ A•1 and R-M, outdoor ctoraYe of ma- prevendngtbemasuve[ionotbutidinLs and service uses that sme the d: demand u�wn communter servfees and their tedate, suppliec,junk and equfpmrnt o[excesslve stze in retarion to the land to-day nxds of tht nelYhborlx ` ahall not be permitted except Eor rec- arouad them. tt1a���P a+�effaet upon susroundinf mfdenu and to provlde for th� uses of land.Because ot these characteris- reation vrl�ictes, aucomobile� and d.7'o pcotect tesldendal pmpe:tles fmm usd in convenient and appropri- trucks of not muce than tLree-quar 'p�k. itluminaUon. unslQhtll�xs:.l ti�,�bO�°���t�o�y��� IocaUonc. . . h WIe Loine parka fn ihe V111ase of Rosemount �er ton eapacity. Atl sueh materialc, �� dJs� dln, imote, ribratlon, - b.To pcnnit devebpment oC neiLht � cu lies,�juuk and uipment aot w on1Y.by Pl�nned Unit Derebpment peoce- PP c4 hcat. Ylare. a+rd other d+)ectSooabk hood choppinC centers of a sfxe and � exeep�ed ch�U be►�oced wlihln a eom- ����y, duees in aeeordance�rfth the followlnY de- � ��pPP�p�ate locydona chown an'. pietdy enctosed buUdinQ. In ebe R-M Subd.5.2��+�ir+.l V.+� ��e� �d jaatlona! nandardr in addluon Gulde P►aa. District a sp�ci[ic arex or areu shall to the requirements of tbe Mlnnewea Suu a.Sin`ie-funilr and cwo fami►r icssd�a• Subd. 7.1.2 Sy«to� ►.vyo... oF e•2 C� be ce[uside for the stocagr of mna• ual dweWnY��d����'1'��'n"ra Heale6 Depaccment: tion veluclec. Subd.&4.1 h.w�itt�1 Uw �7��'"""��� . by plattSnY or planned udt derebp-� a Mobile Lomet +nd wcs necee+arily �a-To p�ovide recail and sei'vice u b.0etsid. Staop� C•1, G2. C•3. 1-►RK, menc. �./ {-GEM. All maierialc, �upplie:, 6.Sine�e-familr ciuseer and rttached ��C°t°� iO a n'°bU°b°me pur but cbat�erve the whok communiiy and fi��lshed or �end•Finiched producu excludin;the sale of moWk homca• eer to �be wkwle ranQe o[ toonc : . ex►idcncec by Pl:u�ned Unit Dcvebp- Subd.6.4351e.R.�.�r+...��+ icrrlces required by tbe rcaldent i and nquiymcnt, except tur trucka nr mcne. � � � � �� � � cessuy w ihe operatlon of the prindpal c.Public and quaa!•public taciUtiea and L 1��mum alzer40 acxea. ulation. uce,sLall be storcd within a completely i��,�tts required by ehe tteident popu- b.Sitp locadon: 7'be peuposed slie sh�11 b-To pernilt devebp�r.ene of eown cen enclu►eJ Luildinr��Di►tric�s Gl;'G2, �u� ha�e at kaat ooe pmpeny litx abut• of a eiu rnd�n thaaPprupria�e Mxat� C-3,and 1•PN}:Ynd wiihln�1�n cont�nH d Home occuyatlma t�+Y upO° 'm°,j°r rL°i°"E1�'=e stceet, . �hown on the Guidc Pian � Gl k of screaunY :� required by Subd.3.3 , aa defioed by,tht Compreh�sdve Gulde Subd. 7.1.3 S�.e1.1 1+RF»�� !n tbe I-CEN District, Subd.5.3 R+wi.a Ge�d�'°"' nlan . vs�Swvic.Ce�...rc�d a-� �+*�< <b� COmP�� �� � ��� a.To ucve the needs of the h7ghway c.0iarloy� Merchandise not on display laeionc prescribed in Ssalon 3- Site, c.Slte yard dlasenalons: A11 bu[1din;#. _ 3 _ , .. _..� ���c .uu.nuu�q��•, aud W w duUyt . tiulwL 7.Y.:1 Gi N{pAre�:Cbw�wwcW Db- (:uvup�Kc.&•utini�rK uuJ I..u�J►cuplu�. �ud Lu�J�cuplt�R�u��•�fwma�w•e Na�ul.ud► . �'�.•W c�IrblbL a�q�mp�ale kK:rllww y{op� t�icr� !'rrklu�;. t•uxllur. Pcrf�ruwucc Stam r�kl furll�In Ihlr wJmaik•c. �n:fur ruec�a uud Id�;hw•rr� fur hirh• n.AuWnwbUe cur wrch r�tuLUchnume. dartirLnd(:curr�INc�ul•uUun�t. wrY xnd uutunu�iir-relrt�d rrtull 5u1x1.11.3/roc./r.r und ►rrvMa u1�bUrhnicnu in {a•y. Y�wline �uQ aulo�noLlie secvlce st�• SECf10N)U.YS Pl:m Study Uutrict Tt�n fulluwio� prucrdur�l ynJ f�dunna• tfuns, drive•In rectrurrnts, mo�elr, Subd.10.1►wps� tiouat raqulrcnu:n�� st�ull Ix (ulluwvd fur iiw�s whieh will uut evuce undue arC• hotelc und urrx ►itnitar y�id recrs• In �dditlun W !he ub'ectivrY � .��lc cunrestlw�. 1 W'nccriixrd Piunned U�d�tkvelupmew nquecix. . I�."Ib�ynutl�NevvG�pn��•�U u(Id I�wu r���. �ry Ihercto. � :,. .. in Scctfun l:Ub}rcUvcc,thc 1'S Ylan SludY a nowwin' Co�w,Ma►low end SNH R��i�r: K Y Sulxl.�.•l i AM CawwMet�l Dbteler� � 1)►�irlri bduviuJ�yl in�bc i.uwu�:��rdlin�ori• � � �virr rculcn lu IIK�n���nA��ilulu NK•�quu� a.1'uLhc uuJ yuu�l puliUc fnrlllllc■ uud !u urdar��r, � Applk•aul►I�.dl rnavl wltb tlu•i'lann{u�;�. rLuwuw�theCufJePtai�. ►crvlce�irY�ulrcJLyiherc�ldcul.wurk. +�. 1'cvrlde Cur d�c �ew �ru clu�rlpcu- t"�/tO°!�►luu �.rlur �u t6r �Hr�ti�n��lun Su1Kl.7.Y►wm{n�UNi E" n' uC plwa Io n:l:uu hl�Imcut.'(7�r1'i.nr Sulxl. 7.2.1 C-1 Ing:mdclwppiny�xipuludun. _�: tiuu o( �nu�n•ri{rr uuouxcd. uuxrli�vl nlnKCuhwd►►fuuwtllcrt�luu�clln•�t�i� ���w1 Coww»r4c�1 L.CCIICfi1I Ylid(JfuCBYCI011YI UCIICGL � VC RIlYI'UfN(/[illl•d III lI1C VIIIJ��I•. Ylill'lil'Y UP III►IOlOill Wllil IIK�A11U�N'14 . a`� Sulxl.7.3 R��„ir.d Cowditbn� b. Pemilt un intermediate cl:uxiffutlon, i The sale of Qoodt and anry����conduct• a.Ali wrn c6aL com I with re ula• without hrnclre t:utdr PIpR Tk�ercnftcr the ed taatly wlthin stmetures and InNud- tbns P 1 ¢ Prejudice, for pmpertles la PtxnNne Commicsion mar retec the 1nE (but not Itmited �o) food. dni¢s, Yard, H 1{c, U able O MUon 3. Slte, areu ot siQniCicanUr c4an¢tn�condi• aPP�cant to the ViUaee Pla+uilnt Cen• cbthlnQ and 6ardware ctore�,o(Fceo, Covera e, �n Space, Lot uonc, (cuch aa, but not llmlted to, sultants to tevlew matedaia te 1x prc. benu�y and barber sho Y ��Y°°d��duapine, hlYhwnr relocaUon,afrpon expansWn sented and todiscusc the plan proposaJ, , pa,nursery and Parltiny, Loadin�, pGdormance Stan- or revfsloo,open space or other metro- 'f'he Consultant ahail suYpest altera- Montecaot! achools, eetf.�ervlce kun- duds and Cenernl ReYu(atlons, polltan pollcr peopoaals7,or wbett new dries and simtlu neirhborhood-type h Acceptable. aPproved san! tiom as nececsary and authorixt prr commerclalYaciLdea__ . _ servicF mua be pmvided to aU occupled tl ns may be nas«�ons or reyula= pataUon of Concept Ylan and suppor- Subd. T.22 C•2 Goww,�,,,hr �e,,,,,,.,�{� suvctures and usei. c. Encouraye and pmuwte filth standard� Uve tnformatlon, Applleant shall pro- a'�„ �.ZoNnr request wW be cony}dered only o[d�e planninx.a�chliecwce and lux!- �e twenry(20)oopies of oomp►ece set L Al! retait sdea dlreccly eo uxrs o! Qn the baais oC Piaaned Unit Develop seape de►t�n thac wlll ueate an en- b. of matedals in bookkCform. ' ieoda and xrvlces rnnducted wlchln ment except whece the KZpnlne��c��- y(co�mmt whlchls ottractive and moct ��t � � ��� ���f°'" stn�etures, except hl�hway servfce UL�us!o an eadsUn�corqroerda!dis• compltmM �: AppUcant :hali prepate traph�¢ uses aa hereln deRee�►. ��� �a+y w exlsUn[ and pro- and written materlal as Colbwc !n P�d P«P��devebpm�nt booklel lorm: 4 Slee and use area rnnditlon�: SuEd.30.2 he,�iee.�Us.s l. Pro pert7r descdptfon and acseagc, Z�t d►�Mct �,y.+.,M.,� µo��Z� a. Uses,�eructures or dens lawfullr oc• ldenttfieatlon ot owner and devebper. Gl(NdYhboriwod) . � � � � .. . ."cupylnY a�tfte lmmedtatelY P�r to 2, E�daUnY eondiUo�u, .mttro cdstiun- Nelpbborkwod Certter . � 1 acre . � 3 acres . � Ehe clascl0cation af PS�pistrSct shai! ahiq.surroundinY P�'oP�R1 owoeiship, not become non-conCormfnY uses,and retatlonchlp �o Cuide Plan, existint G2(CommunityJ • the eztendon, ali�ration or enluye- }�use,uans Town Cencer ment o!suvctures and taciii�3e� IO[ �Ri�n•�O1Lnt,utili. _ - 3 ncrci T1jA . t{es,eta Ylll:ege Center 25 acres NfA °���B uses may be permitted br ihe 3_ Natural teawres, watv, topouaphy, Vi!laEe Couneil upon applica[ion and wils, vexecation. ete and tbelr im- C3(HiYhway) •20,OOOc.f. N/A °O���OD� plicatlons, if any, tor devdopmenc SEC7'lON B.Industrinl pfitri�q b. New use:wtil na!x permitted tn the q, �ncept P1an cho.vtn=land use ueas, Sabd.8.l rrers� PS DisMct without a reclasstficacion land u�e lneenstqes.rcrca[es.numben !n addltlon ro the obJective� ��crlb�d r6���on and wtt6out adverw affcct �owmeotheedlreAce. of uNu, pcopo�ed ��rc��yUon, open In 6�ctlon 1. onotheruse�. Subd.]0.31t�frdGwiFti«� �pa�� �nubn and derebpment OhJeativ�s. tb� tndustrfal Bubd.8.4�ww.let�i{}� a All us��ahatl complr wtrh rc`ulaqon� dl�tricti an lnciud�d�ta th� unlnj ordl• slr¢nf, nance a achlav�t}�e followtpY pur}wsea: � Marfufactucln�, watahousln�, whols- P�*�crlb�d ►n B�cUon 3. 81ta. Y�nl. b, Wrlu�n Intormatlon d�scAbinY pro� a. The pmrfslons of ehii sec�on�hall y� sale, dlsuibuUoa. Proceuln Bulk, U�abls Oyen&p�te.Lot Cover- t,pa�k�Y, et posed land use and tand use ob)eccivea, adminictered aad'enforcedln a manner �P'�s�blinY,oompoundL�Y,o�'[�ce, ae�•���^¢end 1-andacaptnY,Fark- tDe type and chuaceer of bui{dinYx, to clearly suppon ob'ectivu of tLe Yll• �ad accessory us��(�xce u+¢. ��d+n;.Performanee Scandards J pe junk yuds). me[hod� of provldinY utillUec, etc laYe, eommuntcr or;anizatlons and CO�u�w'lthin suuctuirc excep�!n '��nersJ Resula[ions. c A.cie.: Applieant shall aUow a mint- 4vfc Qrouq��o 1o�ate ladu�uia!deve4 �'CEht where uses may Inciude � � ApplicaUons tor PS Disuiu clasd- p per- . mum o(two(2).weeys(cr��at'j Rvlew opment fn the Vtllaye of Rosemoun� �r'��edouu3deston�a t3caUon conslderaUon muu tndude and the��at(�bi���ake no morc th4n � b.�To resetve aPProP�telr locsted areyj h Related ar suPPQNnQ rnmmerclai seleuttwen[r•Ctve(25)acm. � - fo�r.(4)weeks to revlaw the Concept � �for lnduciciaJ Lnd.rclated-acdvi[iec.. uus located�!n tl�e samt�buildinE�ax c�T� ordinance clauifyin; ProP�RY � . Plan and cuPpoNve lnfarmatJon prior d So praeet areu a ��Rrindple use. io t6e PS DiYvict chall sUpulaiE the to cubmiscion to the Planniny Com- ppropriate for in- c. PubBc or quui-public f�citittes and k�r�h oC ome and che purpose tor eafd . dustrial u.et from intsuxion by inhar•� �� � miuion. The Piannint�Comrttfssion��� monious uses. ��'icec mquired by th�w.o��n dassifieauon, but in no cue, shall chall revicw the information and re• lauoa ��'O�� t�be moro than one(I)rcu,at the end commend n d- 'To protecc residendal and commen ot whfch tSme the PProva1 of che Concept � . � cial pcopettjes and to prwect nuisanre- d Sanitary landtttts. � . Propeny xhall be re• Pl:an. revi.ion or reapplicauon, or � . . free,- nomhuudous indusuial �K: Subd.&.3 Apwe.���� ��assified to PS or nvened to iu torm• deninl of the Concept Ptan from noise.pdor.insect nuisance,dusi, 1 A� �cce �hall comply wll6 the reeu• er zoniny clusilSc�tion. d. Fiwdnys: In approving du Conecpt dirt, smokn, vlbr�uon, heat and eo�d, �atiunc prcscribed iu Secuon 3. Siie, d. Propeny placed [n the PS Dicuict p��,ih� p��Nne Gommission muct klare,wck and rall tratCtc,and ocber Y+�d� Bu1{c, Usable Open Spue, t,ot at the tlme of rnactment of this ordi_ find ac follows and furward Its Tind- objeeeionable fnlluences,and fmm tlre, Coverapc,Screenine and(,s�dKso��y nantt shxll•rt the ayme[ime be claul- lnec to the Villa;e Council: � . . e�cpbsion, no�doux tumcs, �radfatfon� � pu�e• L'O�O�• PO����n Stan- fied in one o(tbe other zones as se[ 1.The plan provides sufficien[�usablc . and other haz:udn incidental w cer- dards and Geaeral Ae ulauona fonh tn Secuons 4 thmuYh IO inclusive C hereof. °P�°�D��C and evidence�a subsiantial t:unindustriulusnc. b. Accr{xable, approred �any�uy sewu prcservauon of naturaJ Cea�urec w e. Tu provide u secvice must be v Subd.l0A twieiet�on wasrant the prantfn� oC vatiartcee ppununldes for cerrrin P� lded co accommo- a, A 6cuuon tur amendment to du:f!' cypes of lndustria! planu ' concem daie cenciure:. PP Y thrv Pl�nncd Unit Developmene. trate !n muwally beneficlal nlaUon• c. ZO�n�nquescs wil!pe aoncidered onir Property PS may be inivaced by the Vi!- 2�� pl� �mplier with the intmt stups to each other. on the basit of a comprehmxive dr ���0 CO°���' P�'���nY Commisalon, ej tht Comptthensive Guide Plan, C. To prov}dc adequate space to maet the �ebpment plan for the entire ama or br pcuttun oC Yffected pcopenr own- 3, 7�}�� p�po�d deve►opment w!!1 not nreds oC modem Industria! devebp- tO��ned and cpeeitic pjyns for inl- ��' be detrimental to cursounding pro. �. ment,ineludiny ofGstreet pazklne sind °7� st�vecurec and cyte devebpmrn� b. Applicauon for clusifieadon o( am � p�nfec. . . ecuck badin areac and 1•rndcca in d. Site and uu area coneUtfone � nexed or-attached piopetves sha11 br 4. The ptan k morr creptive and will Y p e' initlated by Q�e VttlaQe wichin 30 days �.�To pmvjdc sufCirient open ►pace a• �Zo.iwy Ati.t�e,,,. �. � µy,q,,,�„� ajterannexationorattachmene. p�O'�dO = �«er living, working,..oc round industrirl s�rucwres to protect Disr.ict . Zew;.y,4,�a 1K5�„ 5ECClON I1.PUD Planned Unit Devel- �hoppit�Q eavironment�han idposcible [hem Crom the hatazd o[[�r� and to under strict ordirtance requiremenu. minimize U�e..impact of.inductriai �'PRK lOaetec• 30,OOOsq.tt �➢mewtProcedure � e. ►rlGe H�oriwy •Genc.K f{o,,:'['he.�Vt6 . � pl:uuc mt nearbyuces, i�EN ?S aeru� SuLd.17.1►wMa� � . taYe Counetl chall.eonduet n pubtie� •5 acre� _ ��.�p����d Udt Devebpment(P.U.D.) � � h.To mtnlmisr iratt'ic conrec[ion and to 'Ualestcootieutwstoaaexi�tinQ1D'uuitts. bearin; !n accordance with Sutxlivi- avoid tbe overbadlne oC ut11lUes by provision is applicabie w all uus and dic- don 152 Section 15 of tht:ordfoance preventlne the eonuruetlon of bulld• SECTION 9.PUB puDlfe or Quac!•Public ���� �'d L optional e�ceept wbere specl. a� may rhrr haviny reviewed ttu fnes ot exeeccive cize in rclatfon to District n��r rro"j� by�f°�nanee,!ts pur Concept Plan aod heud pubtie com•- che amount uC tand s�ound them. Subd.9.1►.rPos� PoK !s us allow vutaUoa fmm the ordi• ment,nject the Concept Plan,request Sutd. �8.1.1 SP.ciei pr nance provisim�s In ordet to: � � revlsion�or reapplicadon,yppruve thc � r�e+•� e! 1-tRK L.- In additiun to.tbe objee�vea�prescribed r. Eni,�uuraYe ms+re creative desi n !n d"'��"t a'�'� � in SecUon 3. Ob}ectives, the pUB Public � r Co�cept Plan and incorywrate the Gwik• a.Tu ecwblirh und m:Jnt:ain hi�h ctxr�� or Quaal Pubtie Dlsuiet!a lnetudrd(n the �ne dnrrlupmcnt of land lat alonL with ihe cvndi�bnr uf nµ dards oC sfte plannine. uchheceure, zoninQ ordlnance to � Yn,motn varfety In the phraleat dnvnl- piyvs�l into it�e w�iin� urdinince :w P��de a procedure for opment pauern of the V[lla¢a an amendment thercw,yaid Coneept and {andscape deetyn that wt11 create �e arderly e:ubifs6weat of publ�c faclll- an envimnment aivactive to the moct tie�, ex ansbn ot ebeir e G Create larper e:panFes of usable open ptan becominQ the reYutation for the discrfmiaatln;Industries and cr�¢;�reb c6an e in ehe use o(laoda own�buo�, or epace and presetve untque natura!tea• yite thereatter. Q y Qovern-� wrec. L Flwot Dn and developmrnt eseablishmenu uek• menca] aYmciu and For tLe fdenritica�ton �^'M� ��- �+��y: Ap- !nY sltec Sn tAe Metmpollean arel of dralnaQe wars and f7ood lains,and uycf• d p��e IIi1�provide a more desira6le pyeant ehall prcpare a Flnnl Ikvebp. b.To provlde rnd insure the concinWry Wbllelnsdwtionaluue, p 9 �n��9��n� ��' WO11d � P�s�bk mmt Plan for that pan of[he clta to of locrUoa: for lnduscries ihat can Subd.9.2 twsretrl Ur« under•suict ordtnance requlrements. p�ni�ed and sha!! e. Eccablish a confideoce becween the dm PKF'r°Y�aphlc nperate on cmall cites wit6 mir�tmum a. Perrmlteed usei indude all publie and veloper, the Y�IIaYe and the recldenu °!1d W�«°n ma�erial aa foUows in mutual aQverse impact auaei-public uus,bu!ldinQz.draina e booklet form(20 copiec): Y of Ro�emount Wat fi imposeSble wfeh � Subd. &1.2 Sy�cid►�yo��of l�GEN GM. wayt aaQ tloodpia[iu appioved br the � tradiUonal zontel pr,ocedum. 1. �Y� dacrlpUans.o( all pan.ets to Villa;e CouocLL Subd.11.2 be rezoned. «al I.dnstrie!Disrrict Subd.9.3 Apain/Cew6tb�a ��d Cowdirions 2 Zania;ciasaifScatlons zequected. a.To pmvide locacioni N•bere f»du�uties a A11 uses s6a1!eom wlth ihe re u. 1A 11O cace chall Planned Unit Dev�lop� 3, ���kd cite ptan showing all dimen- that destre larYer aites and out:ide tacioa� �r e °u°� � consuucd to permlt a varta[fon slons,structures,puking and ctreeu, seor � Pnscdbed ln Sec�on 3. Siie, tn tbe ian(�ar�, Kwer, gcoup usable o n a¢e can o ratc wich mintmum Yud, Bulk, Ucable O n S ace, Lot � utllities. common open spaces and Pe P space, ma�dmum lot coveraYe, screenlny �a�g. . _ 4 _ . ; ..,;,�. « : . •� � • i� :. ;i , �i. ; ,.....� .,. �..l ; �� �; ; t� .:� i; ; ,. ► , � .�:�;.;: , . . _.. .. � .i �.,�....�. .r� .,..• : � ; .. ,: . . �,� � ... , . ,"} ,. . , . :,-��•.�.,, , ' , . ;� .s � .�,.. ....;�..'..,.�3' ;� ; �i � ; � . ;� :. .�. � ;�,:�;�► t� r �_ , �� � �;,, �t ,i. :;;� ' :��- . . � . ! . . . ! � , f . t� . •� • � ! 2 t � �''� '•.,. , . • : �' ,t .� ! � r ' ' •F! �t �.s..� ..... �..; ;r �, � -•• ''' .f�. ;. t � :Z} !` � -�� ?j..j ��. ' '.; � •; �� �.. �. ` ! _ ,..,... ��.... ... .. .. ... r. �1• �, � • .,',.•....::^�..; . f j ' �„� � i.. ) � • '.. ► . � : . ' ! ' .�ti � f.••• ••. •�. � � i , � ( iI � 1! ,• ,'! � •i• t. � � : �. .; �i . � � •� ••. r +..�,�• ' .. . �r . •.�4��� •�..�.: i� r1 .. •w�. •• ;a.� ... .. J �•"`' .w• .. ....... 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''�',� .•� � : � , , . , � � , •'y � ' � 1 . � .�.,• ,,:.t,�,• � ,. �,. �:, � i ; • 1 , .�, �:i� :i�.. . � . .��;'i;�•,...,• •.Y•:.1••�•.Y-.•.Y• Y �•.•x• Y•;•••.;c . ..� ....� ,,.� 3 ,.�..;,.. ....,.,..y.... t • . .. .._.�. .. .».. � � • . ....�i ., ... , . .. ........ . .. ..�• �• +�� ��. .7'�1:lJ .r.�l('.f•� + l :�.i .Tf '. •� '. 'J :..!-.1. +� �. '' • . . .. . . .� . .. ...�..�r.. •�'�.��i:.�Ri�v�n � �� �� . . . , . . � . .. . ( � � � �. � ' ,� , . � . . � i•��. •'1'� �� � •• ' .• � � ' ,� .` � � , � f � i '� ` ►,� � �• _. ' ' � , ., ., � � 1 �••,, 70 '�.;,. ��, i •�. 1 '. ,,, � .,,�. .�.,�. ; ��� : � .L�I'• �� .,. N ,� , ; ,: . � �; • , , � t � •��.' � , �``-. � ,�.', � , �. , � ,, , � , ••� � ............ _... 4� � . � � �' 1�,•�.�.. � � . � ( . ��' . . ' � � i . � . . + 12. Mary A. Fleming 34-47400-200-00 14780 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 13, Richard W. & Anna T. Klatt 34-47400-210-00 14770 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 14. Kevin I. & Julie A. Kuznia 34-47400-220-00 14760 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 15. David R. & Carol M. �Iarwell 34-47400-230-00 14750 Cambrian Avenue - Rosemount, MN 55068 16. Helen C. Strese 34-4740Q-240-00 Rose M. Ervasti 14740 Cambrian Avenue - Rosemount, MN 55068 17. Robin K. Kowalke 34-47400-250-00 1473� Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 18. Ramona A. Kraft 34-47400-260-Q0 14720 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 19. AVR Inc. Pension Plan & Truste PETITIONER 6801 West 150th Street APPIe Valley, MN 55124