HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Rich Valley Golf Course Rezoning Petition and Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 1r , . _ � � � . � i�� o � � osevrioun� � � � � PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR fAX (612)423-5203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510.Rosemount,Minnesota 5506&0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Red}�Staats Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice oe n sr W p lpermann RAI'1VIUND RAHN - RICH VALLEY GOLF COURSE - 3855 145Z'x STx�ET EAs�p�h��k�p REZONING PETITION STATE 4F MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) SS , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Susan M. Wa1sh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On August 20, 1993, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Off'ice, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a Public Hearing for consideraxion of a rezoning of property identified as Rich Valley Golf Course from AG Agriculture to PUB Public/Quasi-Public, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. . There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. S an M. W City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota . Subscribed and sworn to before me this �`-��day of , :t�' 1993. � a o ' y , CI�tDY DORNiDEN �����r �s -�F � N�7TARY PUBLIG—�NtlIyNESOT � �;.,,�.. DAiCOTA t�Ut�iTY �0 Ptib11C aiy Comm.�iires Aug.25.1 ffi ��V"PNh+Y's . . . . �ver��hing s �omzng �� �osemoun��� � .. , . RICH VALLEY GOLF COURSE: R.Ezox�tvG PETtTtoN S��MB�rt 7 1993 MAILING ��IST 1• Koch Refining Co. P.O. Box 2256 34-0240Q-015-85 Wichita, KS 67201 34-01900-010-57 34-0190Q-010-62 2• Koch Refining Co. P.O. Box 64.596 � St. Paul, MN 55164 � — i ; �, Lawrence H. Sowles [ Sowles Properties Ltd. 34-02500-011-02 ' 34-02500-012-02 � 28�� �ryant Avenue South � Minneapolis, MN 55408 4• Vemon & Roxanne Napper 3405 145th Street East 34-02500-01p-06 Rosemount MN , 55068 5. Chicago & NW Trans. Ca One NW Center 34-01900-010-SO 165 Canal Street North �Chicago, II, 60606 6• Pine Bend Development Co. Melvin G. Asdeford 34-01900-011-75 1200 Highway 13 West 34-03000-010-01 Bumsville, 1VIN 55337 � 34-030O0-010-19 7. USPCI, Inc. 515 Greens Road West 34-01900-012-75 Houston, TX 77067-4531 8. USPCI, Inc. 14450 South Robert Traii Rosemount, MN 55068 9• Metropolitan Waste Control Commission 230 Sth Streef East 34-01900-010-86 _ St. Paul, MN 55101-162b � 10. Mazlin & Joann Rechtzigel - 14727 Clayton Avenue East 34-030Q0-p13-35 Rosemount, MN 55068 34'030pQ-010-90 34-02500-010-75 11. Solberg Construction Co. 13245 Clayton Avenue 34-03000-010-40 Rosemount, MN 55068 12. Hans J. Abrahamsen 1700 Bellows 34-03000-010-50 St. Paul, MN 55118 3805 _ __ ,. } •��,..7' p+�,Co�su�ton�zp��,�,T� .. . . .. ......,n.,,,,,,r,,,s,,,,�„K„p�,* . . . City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Council Meeting Date: Segtember 7, 1993 Agenda Item: Rich Valley Golf Course Agenda Section: Rezoning Petitian & Zoning PUBLIC HEARING Ordinance Text Amendment. Prepared By: Lisa J. Freese Agenda Director of Planner •� � ��� � Attachments: Proposed Ordinance Appro d By• Amendment, P.C. Review & Minutes; Hearing Notiee; Mailing List; Location Map; � As a result of a variance pe�ition, the Planning ommiss' initiated a rezoning petition to rezone the Rich Valley olf Course from Agriculture (AG} to Public/Quasi-Public (P) along with a text _ amendment to remedy the Rich Valley golf course' s current nonconforming status. The property is zoned Agricultural and golf courses are not a permitted used in this zoning district. Mr. Raymond Rahn, owner of Rich Valley Golf Coux'se, requested a variance to agriculture accessory building standards to -build a 5, 400 square foot storage building. The Planning Commission action as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments denied the variance request because it did not meet the required findings. The Commissian strongly believes that the rezoning is the appropriate approach to take because it would eliminate th'e noncanforming s�atus on the property and enable Mr. Rahn to construct the desired size of . , accessory building. The related text amendment establishes golf courses as a permitted use in the P Public/Quasi-Public District and set standards for building aesthetics consistent with the current standards in commercial districts . The Planning Commission recommended approval of this amendment at their regular meeting on August 24, 1993 . The Planning Commission denied Mr. Rahn' s variance application and he has filed an appeal to the City Council �f that decision. It is also scheduled for a public hearing on this agenda. The Council ma.y wish to discuss both items simultaneously. Recommended Action: A MOTION to adopt Ordinance B-30 rezoning the Rich Valley Golf Course to Public/Quasz-Public from Agriculture and establishing golf courses as a permitted use in the P Public District . City Council Actior�.: 09/07/93.001 ,....., City of Rosemount Qrdinance No. B-30 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF RQSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE THE CTTY COUNCII. OF THE CI'TY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ORDAIlVS AS FOLLOWS: SECTIo1v I. Section 6.16, Subsection B, P P�7BLIC A1ND I1vSTTTt1TIo1vAI. D�S�CT af Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows. B. Uses Permitted By Right � 1. Ail public and institutional uses, facilities and structures. 2. Golf eourses that are open to the general public SECTION II. Section 7.2, Subsection A.2 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: 2. Commercial and Public Districts (C-1, C-2, C-3 & P) In Commercial and Public Districts ali buildings with exteriar finish or curtain wall panels of fuushetl steel, aluminum or fiberglass shall be required to be faced with brick, decoratiue bloek wood, stone, architectural concrete cast in place or precast conerete panels on one hundred {100) percent wall surfaces abutting a public right-of-way, residential uses or public areas. The required wall surface treatment on the remaining walls may allow a maximum of fifty (SQ)percent af the metal of f berglass wall to remain exposed if it is coordinated into the architectural design. Any metal fuush used in the building shall be a minimum of twenty- six (26) gauge steel. SECTION III. Ordinance No. B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended to rezone from AG Agriculture to PUB PubliclQuasi-Public the fotlowing described property located within the City of Rosemount, Minnesota to-wit: The East Half of the Northwest Quarter (E'/2 of NW'la) along with the West Ha1f of the Northeast Quarter (W112 of NE'/a) of Section 34, Township 115, Range 18. SECTION IV. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled, Zoning Map of the City of Rosemoicnt shali not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's affice for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinanee and all of th� notation references and other information,shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Ordinance. o�a#B- Page 1 of 1 . , i�� a osemoun� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street Wesl,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 570,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS TO: Pianning Commission s''�''a"'�SB" James(Re�Staats Harry Wilkox F''ROM: Richard Pearsan, Assistant Planner oe���s w�p��,a�� ADMINISTRATOR DATE: August 20, 1993 sfePna��ak. SuB,T: August 24, 1�93 Regular Meeting Reviews AGENDA ITEM 4B. ATTACHIv1ENfs: iVone 4C. ORDINAI�'CE T`EXT Ari�ND1��NT: Golf�'ourses to become a perrnitted use in the Public/Quasi-Public (PUB) District with Development Stundurds BACKGROUIr�D On August 10, 1993, the Planning Commission denied the variance request of Raymond Rahn to exceed accessory building standards in the Agriculture District. The Planning Commission as a result, initiated a rezoning af the property to Public / Quasi-Public and develop star�dards to relieve the golf course of its non-conforming use status. � To that end, the following amendments are recommended; SECTION 6.16 P Public and Institutional District B. Uses Permitted By Right 1. All public and institutional uses, facilities and structures. 2. Golf Courses that are open to the general public. SECTION fi.2 5UPPLFIV�NTARY REGULATIONS A. Building Type and Construction 2. Commercial Districts (C-1, C-2, G3, C-4) and E�er��l-�es-in Public and Institutional Districts. In Commercial D�s�ts and c�ae�cia�ses-�-t�ie Public and Institutional Districts all buildings with exterior finish or curtain wall panels of:finished stee�, aluminum or fiberglass shall be required ta be faced with brick, decorative block, wood, stone, architectural concrete cast in place or pre-cast concrete panels on one hundred (100)percent of wall surfaces abutting a pubiic right-of-way, residential uses or public areas. The required wall surface treatment on the remaining walls may allow a maximum of fifty (50) percent of the meta.l or fiberglass wall to remain exposed if it is caordinated inta the architectural design. Any metai fu�ish used in the building shall be a minunurn of twenty-six (26) gauge steel. �ver���tng's �omtveg �� �osemoun��� � � August 24, 1993 Regular Meeting Reviews A�enda Item 4b. Page 2 RECOMIVIENDATION MOTION to recommend that the City Council adopt the Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments for Golf Courses in the Public and Institutianal District. - .41JD - MOTION to recommend that the City Council set a public hearing to hear testunony regarding the proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 21, 1993 or as soor, as possible thereafter. • � Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes August 10, 1993 Page Three Mr. Pearson also noted that the 1,600 foot long driveway is not built to City standards for a rural local street. City maintenance is not provided as this is considered a private drive and that upgrading the driveway to City standards wouid be costly and would have to be assessed to the property owners. In 19$7 an Agreement was signed by adjacent praperty owners to share the cost of improvements, grading, plowing, mowing, and general maintenance of the "commonly used road.° The easement, as well as the maintenance agreement, have been recorded at the __ County and_the_City attorney_has confumed that the easement is a permanent record for each - - -- property it traverses. However, since the topographic information submitted for review by the City Engineer is not adequate to determine with any certainty whether ar not the proposed house and septic system are safe from flooding Planning staff recomrnends denial of the variance petition. Mr. Terry Gabbert was in attendance and stated thaC he is willing to work with the City and the Planning Commission. He advised that he vvill put in a proper culvert to handle the storm water flow and a relocation of his proposed house and septic system is�viable. He further stated his belief that the problems regarding the septic system and patential flooding can be circumvented with proper grading and a drainage plan to handle excessive water flow. There were no other persons in the audience for comment. Chairperson Busho closed the public hearing at 6:35 p.m. and opened the discussion ta the Board of Appeals and Adjustments. � � � The Board expressed their concerns regarding the Ciry's responsibzlity to pravide proper safety to public should the existing private access easement agreement fail to be unplemented or enforceable. The Board also concuned with Planning staff that without additional professional comrnent and recommendation regarding adequate methods for the prevention of potential flooding Qf the lot that gublic health and safety issues may be jeopardized. MOTION by Baago to table action on the variance petition submitteci by Terry and Diane Gabbert for property located at 14993 Fisher Avenue (P.LD. No. 34-03300-010-10) until the following is submitted for review and recommendation: 1) an updaterl version of the ' maintenance Agreement far the driveway is executed by the property owners and recorded at the County; 2) relocation of the septic system to reduce the chance of failure related to flooding; 3) recommendation by a qualified professional hydrologist or engineer hired by the applieant to study the watershed effect on the property 'in order to determine what measures should be taken to protect the residential use from potential flood events; 4) findings of the required study be completed with the construction of the home and septic system; and 5) submittal of a "hold harmless" document to be considered by. the City which protects the City from future liability. Second by Busho. Ayes: Busho, Baago, Ingram. Nays: 0. Chairperson Busho opened the Public Hearing at 6:40 p.m. to hear public comment on a variance petition submitted by Raymond E. Rahn. The recording seczetary had in her possession Affidavits of Publication and Maiied and Posted Hearing Notice. • � Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes August 10, 1993 Page Four Mr. Raymond E. Rahn, owner of Rich Valley Golf Course, has petitionetl the City for a variance to allow the construction of a 5,400 square foot pole barn on his praperty located . northwest of the golf course. __ _ __ --- __ __ _ _ . Assistant Planner Rick Pearson advised that Mr. Rahn's property is in the AG Agriculture District and the golf course is considered a legal nonconforming use. The 135' x 40' structure is intended to replace an existing 1,125-square-foot shed and will provide storage for maintenance equipment for the golf course. Currently four accessory buildings totalling approximately 7,9Q0 square feet are currently located on the property. 'The Zoning Ordinance limits total aggregate total square footage of detached accessory structures for nonagricultural uses in the AG Agriculture Districts east of Akron Avenue to a maximum of 2,400 square feet. The ultimate aggregate total square footage will total approximately 12,200 square feet. This represents about 9,800 square feet over the square footage allowed by ordinance. Planning staff recommends denial of the variance petition because it would allow for an expansion of a nonconforming use which is in violation of Section 13 Nonconforming Uses of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance and the request does not meet the findings necessary for the granting of a variance as defined in Seetion 15.2 Findings of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. Mr: Rahn was in attendance and clarified the necessity for the additional square footage which _ will provide protected starage for all his landscaping equipment which is used for maintenance -- of the golf course. When questioned, Mr. Rahn stated he was not operating an excavation business and the equipment was neither used or rented far off-site use. Mr. Rahn advised that the additional square footage will also provide security for his equipment as well as enhancement of the site by removing all outside storage of equipment. There were no other camments from the audience, Chairperson Busho closed the public hearing at 7:05 p.rn. and opened xhe subject to Board discussion. The Board of Appeals and Adjustments discussed the option of rezoning this parcel to PUB Public stating this may be a more appropriate way to aecommodate the petitioner and would create fewer future complications that may open up the AG Agriculture District to a multiplicity of nonagricultural uses. MOTION by Busho to deny the variance petition submitted by Mr. Raymond E. Rahn to aceessory structure standards in Section 7.2 of Ordinanee B =�City of Rosemaunt Zoning Ordinance for his property located at 3855 145th Street East because the petition does not me�t the required findings as stated in Section 15.2 G of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. Second by Baa.go. Ayes: Baago, Busho. Nays; Ingram. Motion passed. MOTION by Busho directing Planning sta.ff to initiate the proceedings for a Rezoning Petition to rezone the property located at 3855 145th Street East from AG Agriculture to PB , . _ . _. _ _. __ _Public Notice __ , REZONING PETITION RAYMOND RAHN - RICH VALLEY GOLF CDlIRSE - 3$SS 145TH STREET EAST TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: _ . _ NO�'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a Public Hearing to consider the item listeti below on Tuesday, September 7, 1993 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginnuig at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. The public hearing listed below pertains to property located a� 3855 145th Street East, legally described as follows: The East Half of the Northwest Quarter (E'h of NW'/a) along with the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W'h of NE'/4) of Section 30, Township 115, Range 18. The purlaose of tlus hearing is to consider a rezoning petition uutiated by the City of Rosemount Planning Commission for the rezoning of the above described property from AG Agriculture to PUB Publie/Quasi-Public and to amend the iext of Ordinance B - City . . of Rosemdunt Zaning Ordinance that would allow for public golf courses in the PUB � _ - - Public/Quasi-Public District. Persons wishing to speak on this rezoning recommendation and text amendment are invited to attend the meeting on Zti�day, September 7, 1993 at S:OO u.m• Written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the City of Rosemount Planning Department. Dated this 19th day of August, 1993_ Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota � ` RICH VALLEY GOLF COURSE• REZONIlVG PETITION �SEPTEMBER 7. 1993) MAILING LIST 1. Koch Refining Co. 34-02400-015-85 P.O. Box 2256 34-01900-010-57 Wichita, KS 6?201 34-01900-010-62 2. Koch Refining Co. P.O. Box 64596 St. Paul, NIN 55164 3. Lawrence H. Sowles 34-02500-011-02 Sowles Praperties Ltd. 34-02500-012-02 2817 Bryant Avenue South _ _ Minneapolis, MN 55408 4. Vernon & Roxanne Napper 34-02500-010-06 3�05 145th Street East � - Rosemount, MN 55068 5. Clucago & NW Trans. Co. � 34-01900-010-50 One NW Center 165 Canal Street North Chicago, IL 60606 6. Pine Bend Deuelopment Co. 34-01900-011-75 Melvin G. Astleford 34-03000-010-01 1200 Highway 13 West � . 34-03000-010-19 . Burnsville, MN 55337 7. USPCI, Inc. 34-01900-012-75 515 Greens Road West Houston, TX 7706'�-453 i 8. USPCI, Inc. 14450 South Robert Trail Rasernount, MN 55068 9. Metropolitan Waste Control Commission 34-Q1900-010-86 230 Sth Street East St. Paul, MN 55101-i626 10. Marlin & Joann Rechtzigel 34-030Q0-013-35 14727 Clayton Avenue East 34-03000-410-90 Rosemount, MN 55068 34-42500-010-75 11. Solberg Construction Co. 34-03000-010-40 - 13245 Clayton Avenue Rasemount, MN 55068 � 12. Hans J. Abrahamsen 34-03000-010-50 1700 Bellows St. Paul, MN 55118-3805 ' ' ` 13.. Frank & Betty Knoll 34-03000-012-75 4322 145th Street East Rosemount, MN 55068 14. John A. Reese 34-0300Q-013-75 12205 Parkwood Place Burnsville, MN 55337 15. Raymond J. Ostertag 34-03000-014-75 4230 145th Street East Rosemount, MN 5506$ ' 16. Raymond & Rosella Rahn 34-030Q0-010-09 3$55 145th Street East 34-03000-010-25 Rosemount, MN 55068 34-03000-010-30 -\1 . :�. c , \��\� C ��\ . � '4 . : i � . FP'S..-� . ,. Yyi . : �� .� t �. � �..i, +' ,:'"Z� i .:� ✓ .� ��� ` -••-'--""-- - � + � � �`'�""f�Ti . <:a, f �"''L..�".,'ak�'� 4�..`�. 7 7 �t �l . i i� i . ��%f/,',. � ,- . "`�.a; r }-�,c'c�y p.< �.�,.. t�� � �� . � . . 2 ; � . �. . .t . ; � . Lf .� .r. �o,,,.i, i - "w "'�.�� YtSa .,r. �.�Y � i� '�. ` 1+. � '� � � i `i� . �'". 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LEGEND . . : R-1 SINGLE FAMIIT RESIDENTIAL ' C•1 CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL AG A6RICULNRE R-lA SIN6lE FAMIL7 RESIDENTIAL C-Z COMMUNiTT COMMERCIAI AGP A6fliCUl7URE PRESERVE R-2 SiNG1.E FAMILY ATTACHED C•3 HI6HWAY SERYICE COMMERCIAL FW FLOODWAY R-3 MULTIPLE FAMtIY RESIDENTIAL G-4 GENERAL COMMERGIAL WM WASTE MANAGEMENT R-4 MULTIPLE FAMtLY RESIDENTIAL PB PUBLIC I QUASI-PUBUC � MISSISSIPPI RIVER CRITlCAL QREA RR RUfiAI RESIDENTIAL 16 GENERAL INDUSTRIAI L� i-a���l'l�''H OF RL RESIDENTIAL LOW DEN51'lY IP INDUSTRIAL PARK y�,Jr? �Q�"'lES"�'� • 1Tl�dZ-!P�1�1 C�E+ � City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B-30 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING URDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNr ZONING ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTTON I. Section 6:16, Subsection B, P P[�sL�C �m I�vSTT�oN�, DIs�cT of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: B. Uses Permitted By Right 1. All public and institutional uses, facilities and structures. 2. Golf courses that are open to the general public. SECTION II. SeCtion .2, SubseCtion A.2 S PLEMENTARY REGULATIONS of Ordinance B - City of Rosemou Zoning Ordina e is amended to read as follows: 2. Commercial and Public Distrr (C-1, -2, C-3 & P) In Commercial and Public Districts all buildings with t 'or finish or curtain wall panels of finished steel, aluminum or fibergl s all be required to be faced with brick, decora.tive block wood, stone, ar 'tectu concrete cast in place or precast concrete panels on one hundr (100) percen surfaces abutting a public right-of-way, residential use or public areas. The uired wall surface treatment on the remainin walls may allow a ma�mu f fifty (50)percent of the metal of fiberglass all to remain exposed if it is coord into the architectural design. y metal finish used in the building shall be a minunum of twenty-s� (26) gauge steeL SECTION III. Ordinance No. B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended to rezone from AG Agriculture to PUB Public/Quasi-Public the following described property located within the City of Rosemount, Minnesota to-wit: The East Ha1f oF the Northwest Quarter (El/2 of NWl/a) along with the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W'h of NEl/a) of Section 30, Township 115, Range 18. SECTTON IV. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled, Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Ordinance. ora#s-so Page 1 of 2 � SECTTON V. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this 7th day of September, 1993. C1TY OF ROSEMOUNT � __ — . . Mc nomy, Mayor A�sr: � Sus . Wals City erk Published in the Dakota County Tribune this day of , 1993. Ord#B-30 Page 2 of 2 �